acts/pdf/Image/Mary Kay Image by Linda Toupin

Mary Kay women have always been known for looking slamming-sharp. This
morning as I was inviting a personal prospective recruit to a meeting one of
my main points with her was dress. Why? Nothing is more intimidating
than showing up wearing the wrong thing.
What the world considers business attire isn't what the Toupin National
Area considers business. When you are dressing for your weekly training or
weekly meeting think "If I were interviewing for a job in one of the
biggest law or business firms in town would what I have on be
The GREAT news here is our look, while being business, can be very
reflective of our personal taste and fashion savvy. This year the company
introduced the term 'fashion' to our 'normal uniform'.
~~Those not in Red Jackets. .... wear Business dress suits with jacket or black skirt/white
blouse. CUTE! You can personalized that black/white look with fun belts, jewelry
accessories that tell us who you are and reflects your personality.
~~Red Jackets of course have GREAT choices in their uniform now with 3 styles. Again
allowing you to personalize. Put on your black skirt and white blouse underneath and
you are ready to go!
~~When in doubt a Mary Kay Beauty Coat over a cute black skirt is always right for your
business meeting, workshops and classes.
~~While pants and capris are a staple in our wardrobe for our everyday lives it does not
reflect MK style. Especially for our workshops and weekly meetings.
~~Is it possible to have too many shoes? I don't know but I do know we have lots of
great choices of heels and pumps to choose when matching up with our business suits.
~~While hosiery has definitely taken a back seat in the fashion world the last few years
be careful that your legs reflect the best of you. A lot of work goes into well-groomed
hosiery-free legs from spray tanning, waxing, vein removal, cellulite removal, cover-up,
toning, exercising etc. Sometimes it is easier to just do some hosiery. A nude or sheer is
always appropriate and can ease out a ton of sins. Fishnets are fun when used in
moderation. Keep them light in color or nude for day and business with very small,
almost invisible mesh designs. Fish nets are great in summer because they are cool.
Dark can be worn with a director suit or skirt at evening meetings with a small mesh
design. Bolder fishnets are fun for very dressy After 5 or party
~~SPANX are now considered a necessity on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs....ha........
Right there with food, air and shelter. I prefer "the all the way up." You can do them
with or without hose
y_txt When you get them all the way up....... it takes away even more sins:) There is a
reason celebrities and movie stars can't be seen without them.
~~The litmus test for hair is the compliment test. If you haven't gotten a compliment
on your hair in the last 3 months it is time for a new style or a new stylist.
~~Teeth whiteners are everywhere these days. White teeth use to be a result of
specially-made trays at your dentist's office; now they are affordable for everyone.
Check out your local drugstore. I good whitening product will last for a week or two
before having to redo. Learn to drink everything with a straw so that tea, soda, juice
stains don't hit your teeth. Nothing shows off your personality better than a BIG
~~ Our makeup should reflect the latest trends, colors and new products. Look at your
own make-up wardrobe and this product still in the current LOOK BOOK?
~~Most of us, when we began our business, would attend meetings right after work.
When I was a consultant I remember taking my skirt and blouse with me to change in
the bathroom while taking a moment to freshen up hair and make-up.
I believe Mary Kay is the biggest self-improvement course in the universe.
Looking and becoming our best isn't always convenient or easy but I think
you will agree ..."I don't want to be average or mediocre, I want to be my
very, very best".