
Annual Council of Delegates Meeting
Bismarck Mandan Bowling Association
Midway Lanes Banquet Room
March 5, 1967
Meeting called to order by President Raymond Gunsch at 1:00PM
Roll Call: Directors present – Raymond Gunsch, C.C. Blum, R.J. Mooney, Dan Schneider, Alfred
Behrens, Donald Schatz, Melvin Doerr, Jerry Schneider, Bennie P. Renner, and Pete Fischer.
Absent – Wenzel Cermak
Council Delegates Present:
All Star – Pius Miller
Bowl Weevils – Herman Rader
Capitol – Brand Hjelle
Dakota – Norman Fetch
Flintstone – Stanley Haas
Independent – Milton Vedvick
Men’s Commercial – Harry Semerad
Midway – Allen N. Opsal
Thursday Couples – Dean Howry
Twilite – George Heidt
Twins – Herman Job
Big Eight – Myron Hummel
Business Men’s – Harold Luke
Centennial – Peter Fischer
Farmers & Stockmen – George Claridge
His & Hers – Robert O. Boutrous
Inter-City – John Schmidt
Merchants – Bob Hintz
Saturday Niters – James Spangler
Town & Country – Melvin Doerr
Twin City – Jerald J. Schneider
Western Men’s – Clarence Doll
Delegates Absent:
Bismarck Men’s Church – Leslie Engstrom
Classic – Ed Chesak
Eagles #2237 – Frank Dassinger
Lucky Eight – Jack E. Geier
Metro – LeRoy Dockter
Rebels – Gary Reile
Sunday Nite Mixed – Donald Kubis
Burley Bowlers – Ronald Swanberg
Custer – Matt Yantzer
Keglers – Harold Kunkle
Men’s Mandan – Harold House
Missouri – Alfred O. Bergloff
Suburban – Claire Aune
Minutes of the March 6, 1966 Council of Delegates were read. There no additions or corrections.
President Gunsch declared the minutes to stand as read.
President Gunsch declared a recess with the meeting to resume promptly at 2:00. Purpose of the recess
to eat lunch.
2:00PM – President Gunsch declared an end to the recess and called the meeting to order.
Reports of Officers and Directors:
President – Raymond Gunsch – Reported that he had attended special meetings of Secretary’s and
League Presidents. Had attended a Special meeting of the Saturday Niters league to help iron out League
problems. Mr. Gunsch stated he had presided at the August, November, and February Board of Directors
Secretary – C. C. Blum – Reported the ABC Legal Committee had reviewed the Dewitt Flinn rerate
hearing and felt we had been too lenient by our rerate of 179. Quote “The decision of the ABC Legal
Committee is that he be suspended from membership in the American Bowling Council for a period of
one year with imposition of sentence held in abeyance pending his future compliance with ABC rules
and that he be rerate to an average of 181”
Membership is 1589 compared to 1595 at the same time last year. AJBC formed a chartered City
Association with its own officers. Mel Doerr, Pius Miller, and Wenzel Cermak represent the BMBA as
directors on the BMAJBC City Association. No trouble, no problems.
Treasurer – R. J. Mooney – Reports a bank balance of $2164.99 and $2000.00 certificates of deposit in
reserve. All current bills paid.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Awards: Raymond Gunsch chairman – Trophies on display are for the City Association Tournament.
Auditing: Alfred Behrens chairman - Past Chairman Don Schatz gave a report up August 1st, 1966. Mr.
Behrens reported he was making arrangements for an accounting firm to audit our books.
Banquet: Bennie P. Renner chairman – Tentative date to be May 12, 1967. Location to be Mandan Elks
Club. Menu to be decided by the Council under new business.
Budget and Finance: Wenzel Cermak chairman – No report
Legislative: C.C. Blum chairman – five proposals dealing with the tournament, office equipment, and
Board of Directors to be considered under new business.
News Letter: Peter Fischer chairman – Good response from the Midway Lanes but very poor from the
Ten Spot and Bismarck Bowling Center.
Nominating: Dan Schneider chairman – Explained method of selection and indicated the committee had
left a Director spot open with the thought that it should be filled by a Mandan bowler.
Tournament: Donald Schatz chairman – Tentative dates for doubles and singles are set for April 1-2-89. Location Bismarck Bowling Center with all 20 lanes sanctioned but intend to used 9-20 unless of
machine failure. Tentative dates for the Team event to be April 15-16-22 & 23. Location to be the
Midway Lanes. All 24 lanes to be sanctioned.
Doubles and Singles to be $5.00 per man per event, and Team to be $20.00 per team.
Year Book: Mel Doerr chairman – Plans to include pictures of the winning team, doubles, singles, and
all events (both scratch and handicap) for the new year book.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Motion by Dan Schneider and 2nd by Don Schatz that the Treasurer be instructed to issue a check for the
Trophies. Discussed and approved.
Motion by Robert Boutrous and 2nd by Bob Hintz that the Treasurer be authorized to pay for lunch.
Discussed and approved.
Motion by Harry Semerad and 2nd by R.J. Mooney that the BMBA donate $50.00 to the B.M. Junior
Bowling Association for partial cost of their trophies. Discussed and carried.
Motion by Don Schatz and 2nd by Jerry Schneider that we allocate a maximum of $150.00 for the
purchase of the Presidents trophy. Discussed and carried.
Motion by Robert Boutrous and 2nd by R.J. Mooney that the President appoints a Committee to screen
nominees for the President trophy. This report to the Council of Delegates for final decision at the next
annual council of delegates meeting. Awarding of trophy to be made at 1968 Annual Awards Banquet.
Motion thoroughly discussed and approved upon vote.
Legislative Proposal #1 – City Tournament Doubles & Singles events be held and completed prior to
team event.
1. Allow more flexibility and ease for team captains to schedule team event.
2. Simplify bookkeeping procedure for tournament officials in regards to all-events.
Recommendation by board of directors: adopt
Motion by Bob Hintz, 2nd by Don Schatz to adopt. Discussed and approved.
Legislative Proposal #2 – Optional all-events feature of Bismarck Mandan Bowling Association City
Tournament be conducted on a scratch basis.
1. This will provide an incentive for bowlers to work toward improvement of ability thru
Note: Scratch and Handicap trophies can still be awarded to the actual winners.
Recommendation by board of directors: adopt
Motion to accept this proposal by Dan Schneider, 2nd by Pius Miller.
Motion carried by vote 16 ayes to 12 nays.
Legislative Proposal #3 –Bismarck Mandan Bowling Association requires entry blank for doubles and
Require following information;
1. Highest 21 game average of individual as of tournament cutoff date.
2. Name of league in which individual established average.
3. Signature of individual certifying information.
4. Date of Signature.
Reason: This will shift the responsibility of average declaration to the contestant.
Recommendation of board of directors: accept
Motion by R. J. Mooney, 2nd by Don Schatz to accept. Discussed and approved
Legislative Proposal #4 – Authorize purchase of mimeograph.
Reason: News letters, information to Secretaries, meeting notices, prize lists, etc. could be run off at
reduced cost.
Recommendation of board of directors: accept
2nd by George Heidt. Discussed and carried.
Legislative Proposal #5 – The Board of Directors of the Bismarck Mandan Bowling Association shall be
compensated at following rate for each quarterly and annual meeting attended. Proposal effective as of
August 1, 1966.
President, Secretary, and Treasurer $10.00 per meeting.
Vice Presidents and Directors $5.00 per meeting.
1. I feel it would provide an incentive for qualified men to become active in City Association work.
2. Association Officers are assigned to various committees as Chairman. These committees work at
specific projects thus spend considerable time attending to City Association affairs through out
the year even though the board of directors is not in session.
Recommendation of Board of Directors: accept
Motion by bob Hintz that the council accepts and approve the tournament dates as presented by Don
Schatz. Tournament cutoff date for eligibility to be March 5, 1967. 2nd by Geo Heidt. Discussed and
Motion by Pius Miller that the City Association conducts the City Tournament on a 3 division scratch
basis starting in 1968. 2nd by Peter Fischer. Discussed and defeated.
Motion by C. C. Blum that a study be conducted as to the advisability of conducting the City
Association Tournament on a 3 division, scratch basis. This study to be submitted to the council at the
next Annual Council meeting for its consideration. 2nd by Peter Fischer. Discussed and carried.
Election of Officers for the 1967-68 bowling season. Term of office to start August 1, 1967 and
terminate July 31, 1968.
President: R. Gunsch by nominating committee.
Dan Schneider by Pius Miller. Name withdrawn by Dan Schneider.
3 calls … Ray Gunsch elected.
Secretary: C. C. Blum by nominating committee. 3calls and elected.
Treasurer: R. J. Mooney by nominating committee. 3 calls and elected.
1st Vice President: Dan Schneider by nominating committee. 3 calls and elected.
2nd Vice President: Al Behrens by nominating committee. 3 calls and elected.
3rd Vice President: Don Schatz by nominating committee. 3 calls and elected.
4th Vice President: Mel Doerr by nominating committee. 3 calls and elected
Director – Jerry Schneider by nominating committee. 3 calls and elected
Director – Bennie P. Renner by nominating committee. 3 calls and elected
Director – Peter Fischer by nominating committee. 3 calls and elected
Director – Clarence Doll by nominating committee. Name withdrawn by Mr. Doll
John P. Schneider – Tony Yantzer – George Heidt. Tony Yantzer elected.
C. C. Blum called the attention of the Council to a bowling article published in the Mandan Pioneer
under the heading “Sandbagger” and asked the Council approve contacting the paper and requesting that
a less derogatory name be used. The council approved this request and went on record to commend Mrs.
Karl Roberts for the quality of the article.
The subject of representation at the National ABC Convention was brought up and thoroughly
Motion by Brandt Hjelle and 2nd by Norman Fetch that the BMBA send a delegate and an alternate to
the 1968 National Convention. Amendment by Don Schatz, 2nd by Myron Hummel that no delegate be
allowed to attend the National ABC Convention two (2) successive years. The amendment was
discussed and upon a vote of raising of the right hand the amendment was defeated by a vote of 10 for,
and 14 against. The original motions was thoroughly discussed and approved with Pius Miller and
Harold Luke voting against the proposal.
Adjournment: Motion by Don Schatz and 2nd by Mel Doerr. Motion carried
Meeting declared adjourned by president Gunsch at 5:37PM
Respectfully submitted,
C. C. Blum, Secretary