STAFF HANDBOOK 2012-2013 800 N. Walnut Street Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 704.933.2935 1 Woodrow Wilson Elementary School MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide a caring and safe learning environment that encourages all students to succeed in school and in life. KANNAPOLIS CITY SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENT Building the learners of today to be the leaders of tomorrow. Woodrow Wilson Elementary School 2011-2012 Administrative Team David R. Fleischmann Jessica Grant Melissa Horn Tracy Della Porta Kim Orbison Leadership Team Members Principal Curriculum Coordinator Title I/Reading Coach Secretary/Treasurer Secretary/Receptionist TBD 2 Staff Hours: K-4: 7:30 AM - 3:30PM Student Hours: K-4: 7:40 AM Arrival 8:15 AM Tardy Bell Rings 2:35PM Announcements 2:40 PM Dismissal Bell MAILBOXES Each teacher is asked to check their mailbox, email, and the message board in the mailroom before school, during lunch, and after school. With the telephone system, we will transfer only emergency calls to your room. We will take messages for non-emergency calls and place a note in your mailbox. Please keep abreast of the news and information circulated through your mailbox. TELEPHONE Two outside lines are available for use through the classroom phones. If the line is busy, please try later. Do not call the office to obtain an outside line unless it is an emergency. Long distance calls must be made from one of the phones in the office area. Only school related long distance calls (field trips, resource speakers, etc.) are to be made on the school account. Any personal telephone calls that are long distance must be charged to your home phone or credit card. To call another teacher’s room, simply dial their room directly. Please be considerate of other teacher’s teaching time as you make calls from room to room. PARENT – TEACHER ORGANIZATION (P.T.O.) We are indeed fortunate to have a very active Parent Teacher Organization who cares about helping provide for the students in our school. Teachers and staff are expected to attend regularly scheduled PTO meetings unless otherwise excused by the principal. This is helpful if a parent asks to see you. All faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to help participate in the various activities sponsored by the PTO. The cooperative effort culminates in benefits for the children of Woodrow Wilson. 3 PTO Board Members 2011-2012 President: Sherry Hodgson Vice President: Christine Hall Treasurer: Stephanie Jordan Faculty Representative: Christine Hall SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS The administration of Woodrow Wilson recognizes the importance of uninterrupted class time. Therefore routine announcements will be made each morning at 8:15 a.m. following the tardy bell and each afternoon at 2:45 p.m. Any teacher or staff member that needs an announcement made to the entire school should submit it to the office prior to these times. It is imperative that each faculty member reinforces and reminds students of the importance of announcements made from the office and their need to listen to them each day. EMERGENCY LEAVE We realize that there will be times when emergencies or appointments arise that will necessitate being away from school for a brief time during the school day. When you need to leave for a brief period of time, get approval from David or Jessica and then sign-out in office. When you return, you MUST sign back in with Tracy. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY Please be aware of the professional legal liabilities for which you would be held accountable. Please try to adhere to these guidelines to help minimize the chances of such actions: A. Classes should be monitored at all times by their teacher or assistant. This includes travel time when moving from one area of the building to another. B. Immediately report any broken equipment or maintenance needs which might present a danger to students. C. All accidents must be reported to the office/nurse. If there is any doubt about injuries being of a serious nature, parents should be notified. Always call parents it if is an injury to the head area. Our nurse will assist in this area. D. Closely monitor students as they are on the playground or in the multi-purpose room as well as in the classroom. 4 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION All staff members of the school are exposed to confidential information concerning students on a daily basis. This information should always be treated in a confidential manner. Confidential information cannot be given to anyone except those agencies which have a legitimate professional reason for having it. Faculty and staff can be held liable for the unlawful release of confidential information. Discussion of school information should be confined to the school and only with authorized personnel. DUTIES We have several duty stations for teachers and assistants each day. It is very important that you cover when it is your turn. If you are going to be absent for any reason on the day/week you have duty, it is your responsibility to swap days with someone else. Every station must be covered every day to keep control and keep our students safe. Please be on duty at your assigned time. STAFF ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES CLASSROOM TEACHERS AND EC ASSISTANTS 1. If you are going to be absent, call a substitute. 2. Call the school office and speak with David, Jessica, Kim or Tracy no later than 7:30 a.m. School phone number is 704-933-2935. 3. Teachers, file emergency lesson plans in Jessica’s office by the end of September. 4. Be sure to record ANY absence, including optional workdays on your timesheets. 5. Teacher Assistants must sign in and out each day with Time Keeper. Access to Time Keeper is available at any computer in the school. Certified staff must sign in on school days and workdays with Time Keeper. ABSENCES When any staff member knows that they will be absent from school for either a half-day or full day(s), they should fill out a leave request form available in the office and submit it to Ms. Della Porta ASAP. SUBSTITUTES Each teacher and staff member will be provided a list of substitute teachers approved by the Central Office. Only those substitutes approved may be hired to substitute in your classroom. You are responsible for securing your own substitutes. Please have the Substitute Teacher Folder completed and located in your classroom so that it can be available for the substitute. 5 EMERGENCY LESSON PLANS For those times in emergency situations when it would not be convenient to prepare lesson plans, each teacher is asked to prepare and emergency lesson plan to be on file in Jessica’s office. Please have this lesson prepared and given to Jessica by the last school day in September. As much as possible, the emergency plan should include the following information for each class/group: 1. Where things are located: keys, lesson plans, photocopy machine (access number), supplies, office numbers, staff restroom, staff lounge, etc. 2. Roll 3. Seating Chart 4. Attendance Procedures 5. Appropriate, easy to implement plans along with texts, guides, manuals, and answer sheets. 6. Emergency routes and procedures (fire/tornado drills) 7. Daily schedule for students and teachers (Connect Schedule, Lunch, Restroom, etc. 8. End of Day Feedback Form 9. Extra duty schedule (morning arrival, dismissal, lunch, time out room) 10. Discipline/management procedures – hall passes, etc. 11. Names of designated student helpers 12. Names of designated teachers or assistants who can help 13. Medical problems with any students – location of red nurse’s folder 14. Instructions on student work and where to leave it 15. Lunch procedures 16. Duties and expectations for assistant/tutor 17. Phone number for yourself where you can be reached DISCIPLINE The primary control of student discipline should be by the classroom teacher. Referrals to the office for minor offenses cause a loss of credibility for the teacher in the eyes of the students. In addition to the school-wide discipline plan, each teacher should have a classroom set of rules and consequences (when made in conjunction with student input is usually effective), which are implemented prior to the school rules being enforced. The office will gladly support your efforts in discipline once you have exhausted all avenues of intervention (student conferences, in-class punishment, parent contact/conference, etc.). The exceptions to this rule would be for such offenses as severe fighting, weapons, drugs/alcohol, etc. These problems should be brought to the attention of the office immediately. Any students sent to the office must be accompanied by the teacher or assistant or with a discipline referral form (or both). Do not simply send a student to the office without an explanation. Student and teacher interpretations of incidences frequently vary significantly. Students sent to the office without a referral form will be sent back to your room until a form is completed (except with emergency situations.) The administration will gladly be part of any student/parent conferences if requested. Research points out that positive reinforcement has greater success than punishment of inappropriate behavior. Discipline interventions should be logged and at least three interventions including parent contact/conference should be held. The copy of the referral form will be returned to your box to be filed in your room and a copy will be retained in the office. REMINDER: Conduct grades and grades for academic work should be two distinct grades and reports to parents. Do not adjust a child’s academic grade based on his/her behavior. Students who repeatedly misbehave should not receive Good Citizenship ribbons on Awards Days. 6 TIME OUT ROOM: Woodrow Wilson Elementary School provides a Time Out Room for students who need a break, need to finish class work, or just need time to get back on track. The Time Out Room is located in the office area and is staffed daily from 9:00-2:00 every day by a staff person. Students may be sent to the TOR with a TOR referral form indicating reason and length of time to remain in the TOR. After several visits to the TOR for discipline reasons, the office will contact the parent. K-1st grade may send a student for up to 30 minutes; 2-4 grades may send a student for up to 60 minutes. These are suggested times and may be amended to meet the needs of the student and/or teacher. WOODROW WILSON SCHOOL RULES In order to provide a safe and more orderly environment, Woodrow Wilson will enforce the following rules. Infractions of these rules will be dealt in accordance with the rules of the classroom or as governed by Kannapolis City School’s Discipline Policy. Please note that there are other rules stated in the Kannapolis City School’s Discipline Policy not covered below. Students and parents should read and be knowledgeable of all rules that will apply at school, on school buses/field trips, or special school sponsored events. Playground Rules: All classes must be off the playground by 2:15 pm each day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. No throwing of objects such as sticks, rocks, sand, etc. which would endanger other students. Only one student on an individual swing at one time. No standing upon swings. No pushing of another person on a swing. No twisting of swings. Do not throw swings above the braces that support them. Do not run up the sliding boards. Do not walk on the top of the gym equipment. Only adults may go after a ball that goes over the fence or under a trailer. Remain in line and quiet until you are past the fence. Respect all equipment. Respect each other and listen to adult directions. Other School Rules 1. No smoking or use of tobacco products is allowed at any time on the schools grounds or buses. 2. Speak respectfully to faculty, staff, and visiting adults at all times. Disrespect of faculty and staff will not be tolerated. 3. Be kind and speak politely to each other. 4. No profanity of any kind will be tolerated. 5. Running in hallways, walkways, and stairwells, is not allowed. 6. No chewing gum is allowed except by teacher permission. 7. School doors will open at 7:40 each morning. Students should not report to the Eagle’s Nest prior to 7:30 AM. 8. Students should stay in their classroom after school until their bus is called. 9. Car riders will be dismissed at 2:35 following the afternoon announcements and are to go directly to the Eagle’s Nest. 10. Do not hang over the walls at the stairwells. 11. Students walking in lines must keep their hands and feet off other people and not bump, shove, or push others. This includes in the cafeteria line. 12. Fighting, picking, and taunting of others are not allowed. 13. Students are to eat any snacks brought from home in the cafeteria during breakfast or lunch periods. Students are not to eat in the rooms unless cooking 7 or preparing food is being used as part of an instructional program except for medical reasons or scheduled class parties. 14. Hats are not to be worn in the building. Radios and other toys are not allowed. 15. In the cafeteria, the following rules apply: A. Classes should be quiet while waiting in line. B. Students should eat first and then talk quietly for the remainder of the time they are in the cafeteria. 16. Weapons of any type are by state law not permitted on school grounds for any reason. Failure to comply with this rule will result in suspension from school. Woodrow Wilson will also apply these strict punishments for reasonable facsimile of weapons. Cooperation by students in following these rules will make a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone!! NC Wise Attendance In order to maintain accurate records of tardies and absences, it is imperative that each classroom teacher be very careful in completing daily attendance in NCWise. For any student tardy or absent, you must always insert a reason for a tardy or absence. For any student tardy, you may not use any excuse except “excused late” or “unexcused late”. You will input attendance no later than 9:00 AM. If a student is tardy it is your responsibility to change the absence to a tardy in NCWise up until 9:00 AM. If a student comes in after 9:00 AM, the office will change the absence/tardy for you. If you have a substitute in your homeroom you should have a Substitute Folder with an attendance sheet already printed out ready for the substitute to use. To be counted present for the day, a student must attend school for at least one-half of the school day (11:30 AM). Any time less than one-half day spent at school must be considered an absence. KANNAPOLIS CITY SCHOOLS STUDENT ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES 1. Make certain all written excuses are filed in a designated area in your room and telephone excuses are documented in some way. 2. Make certain that you understand exactly what constitutes a lawful or unlawful absence (see policy) and code them as such! 3. The above information and documentation is vital in the event of an appeal or court hearing. 4. It will be much more difficult to work with the court system and our students and parents if proper information and documentation is not provided. Parents are required by law to notify the school of reasons for each known absence. This notification must be sent as soon as the child returns to school or within 2 days of the student’s return to school. 8 If students are absent excessively, the school may require a doctor’s excuse for a lawful absence to be counted. A Lawful Absence is defined as: 1. Illness or injury 2. Quarantine 3. Death in the immediate family 4. Medical or Dental Appointments 5. Court Appearances 6. Others at the discretion of the school administration An Unlawful Absence is defined as: 1. A student’s willful absence from school or without knowledge of parents 2. Any reason other than those listed under “Lawful Absences.” Example: Car trouble, Overslept, Hair appointment, etc. WOODROW WILSON PROCEDURES 1. Teacher should make contact if 3 absences in a row occur unless reason is known. 2. Office will notify you if a call comes in on an absence. 3. Tardies will be coded “unlawful” using the same guidelines as absences. Woodrow Wilson Attendance Incentive Program Woodrow Wilson Elementary 2012-2013 Attendance Incentive Program It is no secret that school attendance is an impact on academic performance. Research has also revealed a correlation with self esteem, behavior, participation in extra-curricular activities and drop-out risk. This year we are making attendance a top priority. Our plan for a new incentive program is outlined below. We are asking for your support by promoting these incentives and recognizing good attendance in your classrooms. In addition to these incentives, we are planning to reach out to parents to promote this initiative and raise their awareness about the harmful effects of truancy and tardiness. We are confident that with everyone on board, this will have a substantial positive impact on our students. *Begins September 4th Class Incentives Each classroom will get a sign to hang on the classroom door with the words “Perfect Attendance” outlined. Each day the class achieves 100% perfect attendance, they can color a letter on the poster. When all letters are colored, the class will receive a movie and pizza party. In addition, they will be recognized over morning announcements. Individual Student Incentives 9 Other Weekly: o Teachers give students who have perfect attendance a raffle ticket; names are on tickets and collected on Friday afternoon (must be legible) o Drawing held on Monday morning for prize Monthly o Tracy runs monthly report and all students who have perfect attendance for the month will be entered in a drawing to be held the first day of the following month for a B.A.M. (Best Attendance of the Month) prize Quarterly o Certificates will be given at awards assembly for perfect attendance Semi-annually o Students who have perfect attendance for the semester will be invited to attend the AttenDANCE Annual o Students will receive a certificate and will be invited to attend a bowling party Attendance Bulletin Board Graph/goal outside office door Letter from Mr. Fleischmann ConnectEd message NC Wise Attendance Letters sent home after 3, 6, 9, etc. absences Guidance support/outreach to families Guidelines: Classroom – (Color a letter - daily) o No tardies (excused or unexcused) o No absences(excused or unexcused) Weekly individual o No tardies(excused or unexcused) o No absences(excused or unexcused) Monthly individual o No unexcused absences (must have a doctor’s note in order to be excused) o No more than one tardy Quarterly individual o No unexcused absences (must have a doctor’s note in order to be excused) o No more than two tardies Semi-annually individual o No unexcused absences(must have a doctor’s note in order to be excused) o No more than three tardies 10 Annual individual o No unexcused absences(must have a doctor’s note in order to be excused) o No more than six tardies What is a tardy? A student will be considered tardy if he or she arrives to school after 8:15am. What is an absence? A student will be considered absent if he or she misses more than half of the school day. INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES DELAYED SCHEDULE: Should inclement weather create the need to delay the opening of school, all staff is asked to arrive as early as possible. Breakfast will be provided to students on delayed schedule days (except for PK). EARLY DISMISSAL: When inclement weather forces the closing of school early, personnel may leave when dismissed by the principal after the teacher’s supervisory responsibilities have been met. The office will dismiss staff as soon as possible as we know they have parental and family responsibilities as well. The principal will announce when staff members are dismissed following the dismissal of all students. MAKE UP TIME POLICY: When classes are not held due to inclement weather, the Superintendent will declare the day to be (1) an Annual Leave day, (2) a Compulsory Work day, or (3) an Optional Work Day. If the day is declared an Optional Work Day, the following procedures will be in effect: Certified Personnel: 1. Elect to report to work 2. Use employee benefit days to cover the absence (annual leave, personal leave, or sick leave, as appropriate) 3. Use leave without pay Employees may not work at home and count time as present on the job. 11 Non-Certified Personnel: 1. All other 10, 11, 12 month employees will report to work or: a. Make up the lost time during the same week so that no more than 40 hours are accumulated in any given workweek. No overtime is allowed to make up lost time. b. Use employee benefit days to cover the absence (annual leave or sick leave, as appropriate) c. Choose to take the missed time a time without pay. This will require a full deduction for the day. Employees may not work at home and count the time as present on the job. All buildings will remain open on Optional Work Days. Personnel who are scheduled to work will be expected to report to their work site as soon as they can safely arrive. Sick leave may be taken in accordance with State Board regulations. FIELD TRIPS Prior to planning a field trip for your class, please contact Kim or Tracy for the appropriate field trip permission forms. Once that form has been approved, please contact the site of the field trip for all of the details. Let the cafeteria know as soon as your plans are made for a trip. They must order bag lunches at least two weeks prior to your trip. Any money collected for field trips must be deposited into the school fund account where a check will be written to the agency or site of the field trip. Checks written from personal checking accounts signifies that your personal insurance is responsible for any accidents or injuries while on the trip. You may keep a class list of students that have paid for your records or keep a copy of the field trip receipt book. DO NOT write receipts from any other book. On the day of the field trip, please allow enough time prior to the start of your trip to come to the office with the exact number of students and amount of money needed so that a check and purchase order can be written from the school fund account. Please give the following information to Tracy in order to expedite the completion of the purchase order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of business or site Address Number of children participating in the event Cost per person for the field trip Total cost of the class trip You MUST obtain a receipt from the source of the field trip so it can be attached to the purchase order copies kept in the office. All field trips should include bag lunches that are either from home or prepared by the school cafeteria. Do not plan to stop at fast food restaurants for lunches while on field trips. There are a number of large coolers available from the school to keep drinks and lunches cold while on the field trip. Coolers can be checked out (and back in after the trip) in the office. 12 TOXIC MATERIALS By order of the county health inspector, there cannot be any toxic materials within the rooms unless they are in a locked area. Therefore, all cleaning products, aerosol cans, etc. must be removed to the custodial closet until needed. Please do not keep any of these materials in your classroom. PROGRESS REPORT/PARENT CONFERENCE/DOCUMENTATION In an attempt to keep our parents informed of their child’s performance in school, it is imperative that we constantly and consistently make contacts concerning grades, behavior, and performance. All parents should be invited and a conference held at the end of the first nine weeks grading period. This conference should be documented in the student’s cumulative folder on the parent documentation sheet. While our goal at Woodrow Wilson is for every student to achieve optimum success, there will be some students whose performance will result in below average grades. Students who receive a grade of D should have at least one documented parent contact and a grade of F should have at least two documented parent contacts before the report cards are sent home. A contact must be made if a student has made a 1 or 2. GRADING SCALE FOR KANNAPOLIS CITY SCHOOLS The following grading scale should be used by all faculty members for students as to be in compliance with the scale used for Kannapolis City Schools. Grades 3-4 A……………..93 – 100 B……………..85 – 92 C……………..77 - 84 D……………..70 - 76 F……………...69 – below Grade K-2 4 – Exceeds grade level expectations 3 – Meets grade level expectations 2 – Sometimes meets grade level expectations 1 – Not yet meeting grade level expectations REPORT CARD REVIEW BY OFFICE It is imperative that there is close communications between the classroom teacher and the administrative staff. Please keep the office staff informed of any academic problems as they arise. Each nine weeks David and/or Jessica will review the grades of your students. The dates to turn in your report cards are on the school calendar. They will sign the folder and date it to signify that they have been seen. Please do not wait however, until the end of the nine weeks to notify the school office of academic problems with students. There should be a close working relationship with teacher, parent, office, and student at all times. 13 STUDENT/FACULTY ACCIDENTS Please notify the office immediately upon any accidents incurred by either students or staff (this does not include minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises). The teacher/office must notify the parent any time an injury to the head occurs. Faculty members will be asked to fill out forms available in the office should workman’s compensation become necessary. NOVELS/TRADE BOOKS In addition to the classroom library books that are in each grade level, there is a central location of novels or trade books in the media center. These novels have been placed in a tray and labeled by grade level. You can check out complete sets or partial sets as you need for your particular classroom needs. PROHIBITED RELATIONSHIPS WITH STUDENTS Policy Number 3036, 4036, 8309 All employees of the Kannapolis City Board of Education, other than student employees, are prohibited from dating, courting, or entering into a romantic or sexual relationship with any student who is enrolled in the Kannapolis City Schools, regardless of the student’s age or consent. Employees engaging in such inappropriate conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Any employee who has reason to believe that another employee is inappropriately involved with a student, as described above, shall report this information to the Director of Personnel Services. An employee who fails to make such a report when he/she has a reasonable belief that an inappropriate relationship exists, may be subject to disciplinary action. Legal references: G.S. 115C-47, -308 Adopted by KCS Board of Education, July 16, 1996 KEYS At the beginning of each school year you will receive your room key(s). You must sign a form indicating that you have received this key(s) and that the key(s) is your responsibility. Any lost keys will need to be replaced at cost by the staff member. At the end of the school year (or employment) your key(s) must be returned to the office and you will sign off on that form that you have returned your key(s). RECEIPT BOOKS You will be given only one receipt book in grades K-4 for supplies and field trips. Do not write a receipt for pictures. If you have a need for any other receipt book, see Tracy. If for any reason you need to void a receipt, staple the original receipt to the copy in the booklet. Do not remove any pages from the receipt book for any reason. These receipt books are audited by outside auditors each summer. ALL RECEIPT BOOKS AND MONEY BAGS MUST BE TURNED IN TO THE OFFICE BY 10:00 AM EACH DAY. INTERNET USE – INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF RESPONSIBILITY It is expected that instructional staff in the Kannapolis City Schools will use their Internet accounts for instructional purposes. Instructional staff members should maintain the highest ethical behavior among students. It is the responsibility of instructional staff member to: 14 5453.1 5453.2 5453.3 5453.4 5453.5 Ensure that each student user has on file a signed Internet Use Agreement form before he or she is allowed to access the Internet. Supervise all students using the Internet, pointing them toward worthwhile sites while, as much as is practicable, restricting their access to questionable material. Ensure that all student users are reminded annually of the guidelines in the Appropriate Internet Use Policy. Adhere to the Appropriate Internet Use Policy. Follow the same criteria for instructional use of the Internet resources as are applicable to all instructional material. Violations of this policy may result in discipline up to, and including discharge. CUMULATIVE RECORDS Records shall be checked for all information at the beginning of the year (by the end of the first month of school) and at the end of the school year. Teachers are responsible for keeping records up to date of new students that enroll When a new student enrolls, all school forms will be sent to your classroom with the student on the day he/she enrolls. When a new student’s cumulative folder arrives from another school, it will be placed in your mailbox for you to insert these forms. You will then place the folder in the file with your other records. Cumulative records MUST BE KEPT IN A SPECIFIC ORDER. Please check the Cumulative Records Checklist stored in the workroom to ensure that each child’s folder is in compliance. Students should be weighed and measured at the beginning and the end of the school year. Health information is to be documented on the Student Health Form in the student’s cumulative folder. Immunizations should be verified by the nurse or teacher when the cumulative folder arrives. This information should also be documented on the Health Form. 3041 4041 8341 REPORTING ALLEGED VIOLATIONS OF LAW 3041 4041 8341 3041.1 As employees of the Kannapolis City Schools, all staff members 4041.1 are expected to observe and obey all laws and ordinances, in 8341.1 addition to all policies and procedures for our Board of Education 3041.2 Any employee charged with or arrested for violation of any crime 4041.2 (felony or misdemeanor), other than a minor traffic ticket, must 8341.2 report such fact in writing to the administrator in charge of the department, office, or school to which the employee is assigned. The report shall be made no later than the next scheduled business day. If it is impossible for the employee to make a timely report due to hospitalization or incarceration (jail) relating to the incident, the report shall be made as soon as possible and in no event more than 24 hours after his/her release. The report shall include all pertinent facts concerning the alleged violation(s). Following receipt by the site administrator, such confidential report will be forwarded as soon as possible, but not later than 15 one scheduled business day, to the Personnel Administrator or administrative designee who shall carefully review the situation along with any recommendations from the site administrator as to what action, if any, is appropriate at that time. 3041.3 It is the employee’s responsibility to keep his/her appropriate 4041.3 administrator apprised of the judicial process in the matter. Upon 8341.3 conviction, acquittal, guilty plea, no contest plea or other disposition In the matter, the employee must report the disposition and pertinent facts, in writing, to the site administrator no later than the next scheduled business day. Following receipt by the site administrator, the confidential written report will be forwarded as soon as possible, but not later than one scheduled business day, to the Personnel Administrator or administrative designee who shall carefully review the situation along with any recommendations from the site administrator as to what action, if any, is appropriate at that time. Adopted: June 17, 2002 DRESS CODE GUIDELINES The following Dress Code Guidelines are now policy for Kannapolis City Schools. This does not mean that there cannot be special occasions where we wear different attire to school. It does mean that there is a need to have those occasions approved by the office. If you want to have a PJ day for reading, those kinds of activities would need to be approved by the office. The attire that a staff member wears should be appropriate for the job he/she is performing at that time. For example, if a staff member is a regular classroom teacher during the day and works with athletics after school, the attire should be different for each job. Athletic attire is not acceptable while performing regular classroom teaching duties during the day. More casual dress may be allowed on work days or other occasions when students are not in school. However, the standards outlined in 3006.4 as to inappropriate dress for staff members will still apply. Field trips or other occasions when staff members are away from campus on a schoolsponsored trip with students may allow for more casual dress. The type of field trip or school sponsored outing should dictate the dress. For example, a field trip to the symphony would call for different attire than a field trip to the pumpkin patch. There is a difference between jeans and denim. Jeans are not considered appropriate dress for a regular school day. However, denim outfits that are dressy or festive may be acceptable. COMPUTER/TECHNOLOGY 1. Files and documents stored on G:\Public\Apps\Users\Name- will be purged one week after each nine-week period has ended. This will encourage backing up important documents and allow us to regain valuable hard drive space. 2. Our e-mail server is adequate, but does not compare to a commercial mail server. Please help us out by considering the following: a. Send e-mail for school business only. Please use web-based e-mail account for personal correspondence. b. Avoid sending unnecessary group “bulk” mailings. If it announces a staff-wide meeting – go for it. If it’s a committee meeting, just send the announcement to the committee members. c. After reading e-mail, copy and paste into a word processing document on local hard drive or print a hard copy if it’s important. Delete from you e-mail box as 16 soon as possible. (Your goal is to keep the number of messages physically located in your e-mail box at any one time to less than ten). d. Attachments cannot be left on the server – we simply DO NOT have enough storage space. e. Be VERY CAREFUL when saving attachments to your hard drive. Files that end in .exe .zip and .vbs extensions are suspicious. They are the most common extensions used for creating virus and vandal files. 3. Teachers that are using the Internet with their students need to preview all of the pages that they will be viewing with their students BEFORE they teach the lesson. Previewing at your school will load the pages into the Caching servers which will speed download time up considerably – especially in the elementary schools where the connection is not much faster than your home modem. Without caching the pages, the internet will slow to a crawl and be frustrating to you, your students, and other staff. Caching will also alert you to any problems with I-gear filtering and allow you to find any “problematic” pages that shouldn’t be viewed by our student population. 4. It would be helpful and/or courteous to let other staff members know when you are doing a wholelab Internet activity with your students so they can adjust their e-mail and research time accordingly. 5. Always supervise your students using the Internet – Yes; unfortunately, we must follow the internet policy. Keep in mind we could be one click away from being front page news if we aren’t vigilant. Release of Directory Information Concerning Students: KCS policy 6321 Each year the school system will compile directory information relating to a student and may publish such information. The directory will include the following: Student Name Address Parents’/Guardians’ names Date and Place of Birth Major field of study Photograph Participation in officially recognized activities and sports Weight and Height of members of sports teams Dates of attendance Degrees and awards received The most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student. A parent or guardian may notify the school system that any or all of this directory information should not be released without the parents’/guardians’ consent. This notification must be in written form and received in the Superintendent’s office within ten (10) days of the receipt of the school’s statement concerning the procedure for the directory. Designating certain information as directory information does not necessarily mean that the school system must release that information in all circumstances; the school system generally can choose to release or not to release directory information. Legal Reference: Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U>S>C>1232g *Generally speaking Woodrow Wilson Elementary will not release any information without prior consent. We will publish honor roll, good citizen, and other awards each nine weeks and for 4 th grade graduates at the end of the year. 17 EMERGENCY! In the event of an emergency please dial 0. Whoever answers the phone tell them of your emergency. He/she will inform David and/or Jessica and an emergency plan decision will be made. The office will call the necessary authorities. Please follow the procedures as directed on your Crisis Management Plan. Emergency, Safety and Accident Procedures Purpose 1. To provide employees with necessary information needed to act quickly and precisely in the event of an accident, fire, bomb threat, or other emergency. 2. To provide guidelines for employee and student safety and for accident prevention. Responsibilities Accident prevention and safety is a basic responsibility of all employees. All employees must evaluate the safety of areas and equipment which they or their students use. Any potential hazard should be immediately brought to the attention of their supervisor, teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, or Principal. Woodrow Wilson Elementary School has a standing safety committee whose purpose is to establish and maintain an active safety program in order that all faculty and students will be informed of Public law 91956 which are of importance to and relevant to our educational setting. Public Law 91-956 is the “Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.” The teacher is responsible for safety in his/her classroom or lab. Each teacher will develop safety procedures for his/her room or lab. The implementation of these procedures will become part of their annual evaluation. Procedures Accidents Should an accident or injury occur, the following steps should be taken: 1. In case of minor injury, the school nurse should be contacted. IF THE CHILD IS HIT ON THE HEAD, IMMEDIATELY INFORM THE PARENTS/CAREGIVERS. 2. In serious or questionable situations contact the office immediately by phone or send a student to the office to get assistance. Do not attempt to move the injured student unless his position risks further or greater injury. If the student has any type of head injury or acts unusual, immediately contact parents. 3. The teacher/supervisor should stay with the student unless in a one on one situation. Your major responsibilities are to maintain safety for the student and provide a calm environment for the injured student(s) and others. 4. The office will contact members of the Emergency Team. Team members will be called on the intercom to come to a specific location. 5. When the Emergency Team member is called during a time when students are being supervised, a staff member will be sent to your classroom immediately. Do not wait for this individual to arrive. 6. If the accident does not require immediate attention, one of the members of the Emergency Team trained in CPR or First Aid should be consulted to determine if a trip to the emergency room at the hospital is advisable. IF IN DOUBT, GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM OR CALL FOR AN AMBULANCE. 7. If the injured party is a student, notify the office of the situation, giving the student’s name, class or activity he was participating in and your name. Make sure that you fill out an Accident Report Form. The employee present at the scene of the accident must file an accident report with the office as soon as possible. 18 School Crisis-Emergency Action Team: 2011-2012 David Fleischmann…………….Principal Jessica Grant…………………...Curriculum Coordinator\ Melissa Horn…………………….Title I/Reading Specialist Tracy Della Porta……………….Secretary Kim Orbison……………………..Secretary Linda Albright……………………School Nurse Kim Keesee……………………....Resource Teacher Gwen Black………………………Assistant General Instructions If a crisis situation occurs during the school day, a color code will be announced by means of the telephone/intercom system. When this announcement is made, teachers (if in connect planning) should immediately report to their class and supervise students in the protocol as called for by the specific situational crisis. Any staff members who then are not in direct supervision of students should immediately report to the office area. They should be on stand-by for assistance as needed by the crisis management team. TORNADO ANALYSIS BY NC DIVISION OF CIVIL PREPAREDNESS Introduction The purpose of the tornado survey and analysis is to locate and designate by the attached sketch the most tornado resistant areas in this school. This area is most valuable for locating students during a tornado. Weather Bureau Warning Definitions 1. Severe Thunder Storm Watch – means that weather conditions are such that a severe thunder storm may develop. 2. Severe Thunder Storm Warning – means that a severe thunder storm has developed and will probably affect those areas stated in the weather bulletin. 3. Tornado Watch – means that weather conditions are such that a tornado may develop. 4. Tornado Warning – means that a tornado has been formed and sighted and may affect those areas stated in the bulletin. Recommended Actions 1. Severe Thunder Storm Watch – review severe weather plan of operation. 2. Severe Thunder Storm Warning – relocate all students from portable classrooms to main school building. 3. Tornado Watch – review tornado plan and notify all teachers of impending weather conditions and open all transom windows between classrooms and corridors. 4. Tornado Warning – Open as many windows in the exterior wall as practical, lower blinds and drapes and relocate students to areas offering the greatest tornado resistance. (see sketch). General Tornado Drill Procedures 1. During the warning students should be seated on the floor with their faces to corridor walls. Coats and jackets could be used to cover heads, arms and legs, so as to reduce the number of injuries from flying missiles of glass and other debris. 2. Students should be located as far as possible from all exterior walls in corridors, particularly if they contain windows or doors. 19 PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE LICE POLICY Staff education of lice detection and treatment will be provided at the beginning of the school year, then at the discretion of the principal. Parent education by form letter will be provided each year regarding lice policy. Mass screening of all children will be conducted within two weeks of the beginning of school and within two weeks after the Christmas holiday break. Spot checks may be made at any time staff find evidence of the need to check a child’s head for lice. If a child if found to have lice or nits, the parent will be asked to take the child home for treatment and return the child to school nit free as soon as possible. The maximum number of excused days for lice treatment will be two days. (First day detection and treatment, second day to work on nits and environment). A shampoo or rinse specific for the treatment of lice must be used. All nits must be removed prior to returning to school. If kindergarten children have towels, they should take them home daily to be washed in hot water when lice has been found in that classroom until no nits are found on anyone in that classroom. A classroom with carpet will be vacuumed daily when there is a lice problem in that classroom. If nits are found while the child is home, notification to the school would be appreciated to help find a possible source of the problem. Names will be held in confidence. With all occurrences of lice, a note will be required from the doctor or health department upon return to school. Each time a student is found to have lice, it is the teacher’s responsibility to check each student’s head for lice. You are to send the child home if you find lice. There is a letter to send to parents also. Let the school nurse know the name of the student found to have lice. The nurse will inform the parent/guardian of the student that he/she has lice and needs to go home to be treated. 1. Check the other students in your class immediately. 2. Ask for parent letters from the office to send home with the rest of the class. KANNAPOLIS CITY SCHOOLS COPYRIGHT GUIDELINES The Copyright Law of the United State (P.L. 94-553) governs the reproduction and use of copyrighted materials, such as books, periodicals, sheet music, audiotape, videotape, and computer software. Under certain circumstances, educators are entitled to the “fair use” law. “Fair use” is defined as the reproduction of copyrighted material for educational and scholarly use for the purposes of criticism, comment, news, reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research. The following guidelines are established to assist teachers and other personnel in observing the copyright law of this nation. For amore detailed explanation of North Carolina copyright laws, please consult the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction publications Media Matters (1985) and Learning Connections: Guidelines for Media and Technology Programs (1992) on file in each media center. I. TELEVISION AND VIDEOTAPES A. School Television Programs 1. All series airing on School Television schedule (broadcast between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.) have copyright clearance for public schools in North Carolina. 2. Duplication rights in many cases have been negotiated by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Copyright status appears on each series’ fact sheet in the STV Catalog. a. Unlimited use designates a series that is owned by the Department of Public Instruction and may be used as long as the series airs. 20 b. Designated Time Period use designates series may be taped and retained until notified that series must be erased. B. Public Broadcast Service North Carolina’s Center for Public Television offers many quality programs that have applicability in our schools and oftentimes air after school, at night, or on weekends. Some programs such as those produced and broadcast by the National Geographic Society have unlimited off-air taping rights. Others, however, should be governed by the 7-Day School Rerecord Rights negotiated by PBS with various entertainment unions and producers. 1. Programs may be rerecorded without a prior request from a teacher and may be recorded and shown each time a program is broadcast. 2. Only a single copy of the program can be recorded by an educational institution and that copy cannot be duplicated. 3. The program can be retained for a total of seven consecutive days following its broadcast and each time it is broadcast, but it must be erased at the end of the seven-day period. 4. Teachers may show the program as often as needed during the seven-day period. C. Commercial Television 1. Broadcast may be made only at the request of and used by individual teachers and cannot be regularly recorded in anticipation of requests. 2. No program may be recorded more than one time regardless of the number of times it is broadcast. 3. Off-air recordings may be kept for 45 calendar days following the date of recording for evaluation by teacher for purpose of using programs in a series or consideration for purchase. 4. Off-air recordings may be shown to students only during the first 10 days of the retention period in the course of relevant reaching activities. It may be repeated once and only once when instructional reinforcement is necessary in the classrooms or other similar places devoted to instruction within a single building, cluster, or campus, as well as in the homes of students during the first 10 school days of the retention period. 5. Limited copies may be made of each recording to meet the legitimate needs of teachers under these guidelines. Each copy shall be subject to all provisions governing the original off-air recording. 6. Off-air recordings need not be used in their entirety, but sequence must follow order of the program and not altered in any way. 7. All copies of off-air recordings must display the copyright notice. D. School Rental of Videotapes Videotapes other than those from the school media center, central office library, or the State Department of Public Instruction must have prior approval from the principal of the school before broadcast for student viewing takes place. Forms for such requests are available in each media center. A 1985 interpretation by the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office provides the following concerning rental tapes: “although the tape is designated as for ‘Home Use Only,’ a teacher may use the tape in his/her classroom as provided in the specific exemption found in Section 110 (1) of the Copyright Statute. It would not be an infringement of the owner’s copyright to show the videotape in the classroom so long as all the conditions of subsection 110 (1) are met.” Section 110 (1) requires that the “performance or display of a work by instructors or pupils (be) in the course of face-to-face teaching activities of a non-profit educational institution, in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction. 21 Teachers may use rental store videotapes if a prior request is made in writing and provided that the following stipulations are met: 1. Tapes should be rented in the school’s name rather than the individual teacher’s name. 2. Assure that the rented tape will be used for instruction, not for good behavior or as a reward. For example: To show the tape to a physical education class on a rainy day would probably not comply with Section 110 (1) E. Cable, Closed Circuit, ITFS, Direct Satellite, and Others Each of these broadcasting entities’ guidelines vary. Accurate information concerning rights for showing, transmitting, or recording for school use should be obtained from the individual broadcast entity. II. PRINTED MATTER “Fair Use” interpretation allows reproduction of printed materials with brevity, spontaneity, and cumulative effect in mind. Teachers should consider the purpose of use, the nature of the work, the amount to be copied in relation to the whole, and the effect of the use on the potential market for, or value of, the work. With these factors in mind, the following guidelines should be met. A. Single copies (use by educator only for scholarly research, use in teaching, or in preparing to teach). 1. A chapter in a book 2. An article from a newspaper 3. A short story, short essay, or poem 4. A graph, chart, diagram, cartoon, or picture from a book, periodical, or newspaper. B. Multiple copies only permitted when the copyright has been waived. Permission from the copyright holder or publisher should be obtained and remain on file. Such a request must include the following: 1. Title, author and/or editor, and edition of materials to be duplicated. 2. Exact material to be used, giving amount, page numbers, chapters, and if possible, a photocopy of the material. 3. Number of copies to be made. 4. Use to be made of copied materials. 5. Form of distribution (classroom, newsletter, etc.) 6. Whether or not the material will be sold. 7. Type of reprint (ditto, photocopy, typeset). C. Prohibited acts of reproduction 1. Anthologies, compilations, or collective works 2. Consumables (workbooks, standardized tests, test booklets, answer sheets, etc.) 3. Copying the same item over and over to be used from term to term without securing permission 4. Copying at the direction of a higher authority 5. Copying to substitute for the purchase of work III. Computer Software Copies of computer software may not be made without permission from the copyright holder. IV. Music Materials A. Copies of copyrighted music for performance made in lieu of purchase is prohibited. B. Emergency copies may be made to replace purchased copies which for any reason are not available for an imminent performance provided that replacement copies will be purchased in due course. C. For academic purposes other than performance, multiple copies of excerpts from a larger work may be made if it does not exceed 10 percent of the whole work. Number of copies cannot exceed one per pupil. D. A single copy of a sound recording (such as a tape, disc, or cassette) of a copyrighted music may be made from sound recordings owned by an educational institution or an individual teacher for the purpose of constructing aural exercises 22 or examinations and may be retained by the educational institution or individual teacher. V. Performance of Copyrighted Works A. Performance at a school play or concert is allowed if there if no purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage and no fee or compensation is paid to the performers, promoters, or organizers and no admission is charged. B. If admission is charged for a school play or concert, notice must be given to the copyright holder of the intended use. If all the proceeds are used for educational or charitable purposes and the copyright owner does not object within seven days of the performance, the work may be performed. 3038 HARASSMENT AND BULLYING 3038 4038 4038 6414 6414 Harassment and Bullying Page 1 of 4 December 14, 2009 The Board is committed to providing a learning and working environment that is safe and orderly. The Board expects students, school employees, volunteers, and visitors to behave in a manner that shows respect for others. Bullying and harassing behavior will not be tolerated. To this end, the Board specifically prohibits harassing or bullying behavior on school property, at any school-sponsored function or activity, on a school bus or at a bus stop. Harassment or bullying behavior is prohibited at all levels: between students, between employees and students, between peers or co-workers, between supervisors and subordinates, and between nonemployees/ volunteers and employees/students. This policy is in addition to board policy 3035/4035/8306, Sexual Harassment. Students are expected to comply with the behavior standards established by board policy and the Rules of Student Conduct. Employees are expected to comply with board policy and school system regulations. Volunteers and visitors on school property also are expected to comply with board policy and established school rules and procedures. The Board prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any individual who reports harassing or bullying behavior or who participates in an investigation initiated under this policy. Such reprisal or retaliation may result in disciplinary action being taken, up to and including dismissal in the case of employees, and up to and including long-term suspension or expulsion for students. A. Definition of Harassment and Bullying As used in this policy, harassing or bullying behavior refers to any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal communications, or any physical act or threatening communication, that: 1. Places a student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property; or 2. Creates or is certain to create a hostile learning or working environment. A “hostile environment” means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that is bullying or harassing behavior. 23 Harassing or bullying behavior includes verbal or physical conduct that is intended to intimidate, injure, degrade, or disgrace another student or person, or that has such an effect. It may include a pattern of abuse over time and may involve a student’s being “picked on.” It can include a variety of behaviors, such as but not limited to the following: • Physical intimidation or assault • Derogatory verbal comments (e.g., name-calling, hostile teasing, cruel rumors, taunts, put-downs, epithets, false accusations, harassment or discriminatory acts, slurs and meanspirited jokes) • Threatening gestures or actions; oral, cyber, or written threats 3038 HARASSMENT AND BULLYING 3038 4038 4038 6414 6414 Harassment and Bullying Page 2 of 4 December 14, 2009 • Extortion or stealing money and possessions • Shunning and exclusion from peer group • Hazing Harassing or bullying behavior includes, but is not limited to, behavior described above that is reasonably perceived as being motivated by an actual or perceived differentiating characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, socioeconomic status, academic status, gender identity, physical appearance, sexual orientation, or mental, physical, developmental, or sensory disability, or by association with a person who has or is perceived to have one or more of these characteristics. B. Reporting Harassing and Bullying Behavior 1. Any student who believes that he or she has been harassed or bullied in violation of this policy should report such behavior immediately to a teacher, counselor or administrator at his or her school. In the case of alleged harassment or bullying of a student by a school employee, a report also may be made to the Director of Human Resources or designee. 2. Any employee who believes that he or she has been harassed or bullied in violation of this policy should report such behavior promptly to his/her immediate supervisor and/or the Director of Human Resources or designee. 3. Any school employee who observes or becomes aware of alleged harassing or bullying behavior shall promptly report the incident as follows: a. If the alleged perpetrator is a student, the report shall be made to the principal; b. If the alleged perpetrator is a school employee, the report shall be made to the alleged perpetrator’s immediate supervisor and/or the Director of Human Resources; c. If the alleged perpetrator is some other person, the report may be made to the principal and/or the Director of Human Resources; d. Failure to make such a report required by this section may subject the employee to disciplinary action. 4. Any person may report an act of harassment or bullying anonymously. However, formal disciplinary action may not be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous report. 5. If the person to whom a report should be made under this section is the alleged perpetrator, or in circumstances not otherwise provided above, a report of harassing or bullying behavior may be made to the Director of Human Resources, the Superintendent, or the Board attorney. 24 3038 HARASSMENT AND BULLYING 3038 4038 4038 6414 6414 Harassment and Bullying Page 3 of 4 December 14, 2009 C. Investigation of Harassment and Bullying Reports 1. All reports of alleged harassment or bullying behavior shall be promptly and thoroughly investigated. 2. Investigation of alleged harassing or bullying behavior by a student shall be conducted by the principal or designee. 3. Investigation of alleged harassing or bullying behavior by an employee shall be conducted by the Director of Human Resources or designee. 4. Investigation of alleged harassing or bullying behavior by a volunteer or visitor shall be conducted by the principal or designee if the behavior occurred on school grounds or at a school activity, and otherwise by the Director of Human Resources or designee. 5. If the individual designated as investigator under this policy is the alleged perpetrator, the investigation shall be conducted by an appropriate person designated by the Superintendent. If the alleged perpetrator is the Superintendent or a member of the Board, the Board attorney shall be the investigator. 6. If at any time the investigator receives information alleging that the harassment or bullying was based on sex or gender, the investigator shall notify the school system’s Title IX Coordinator. In such case, the procedures outlined in Board Policy 3035/4035/8306 (Sexual Harassment) shall be followed. 7. The school system shall notify law enforcement and other appropriate external agency if required by law or board policy. D. Intervention and Disciplinary Action 1. The actions taken in response to harassing or bullying behavior should be reasonably calculated to end any harassment or bullying, eliminate a hostile environment if one has been created, and prevent harassment or bullying from occurring again. In addition to taking disciplinary action as necessary, the principal or other school official shall take appropriate remedial action to address the conduct fully. 2. Violations of this policy shall be considered misconduct and will result in disciplinary action up to and including long-term suspension or expulsion in the case of students and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal in the case of employees. 3. This policy shall not be construed or applied so as to discipline students or other persons for expression protected by the First Amendment, or out of a desire to avoid the discomfort and unpleasantness that may accompany an unpopular viewpoint. 3038 HARASSMENT AND BULLYING 3038 4038 4038 6414 6414 Harassment and Bullying Page 4 of 4 December 14, 2009 4. Nothing in this policy precludes the school system from taking appropriate disciplinary action against a student or employee where the evidence does not establish harassment or bullying behavior but the conduct fails to satisfy the school system’s high expectations for appropriate conduct. E. Employee Training Program The Superintendent shall ensure that information about this policy and reporting procedure is included in the school system’s employee training program. To the extent 25 funding is made available, the Superintendent shall provide training on the policy to school employees and volunteers who have significant contact with students. F. Notice The Superintendent is responsible for providing effective notice of this policy to students, parents and employees. This policy shall be posted on the school system website, and copies of the policy should be readily available in the principal’s office, the media center at each school and the Superintendent’s office. Notice of this policy shall appear in all student and employee handbooks and in any school system publication that sets forth the comprehensive rules, procedures and standards of conduct for students and employees. G. Records and Reporting The Superintendent or designee shall maintain confidential records of all reports of harassment or bullying. The records shall identify the names of all individuals accused of such offenses and the resolution of such complaints or reports. The Superintendent also shall maintain records of training conducted and corrective action or other steps taken by the school system to provide an environment free of harassment and bullying. The Superintendent shall report to the State Board of Education all verified cases of harassment or bullying, as required by the State Board. ________________________________________________________________________ Legal References: North Carolina School Violence Prevention Act, G.S. §115C-407.5 et seq.; State Board Policy HRS-A-007. Cross Reference: Policy 3035/4035/8306, Sexual Harassment; Policy 6401.15, Rules of Student Conduct. Adopted: December 14, 2009 26