University of Sioux Falls EDU 598 Practicum: Planning and Implementing Literacy Change Reading Specialist Credit Hours: 3 semester hours Lead Instructor: Home: E-Mail : Homepage: Dr. Beth Jernberg 605-371-8544 Instructor: Assistant: Home: E-Mail : Dr. Rachelle Loven Dr. Bonnie Boschee 605-275-0867 Instructor: Home: E-Mail: Dr. Sandy Odegaard 331-6050 Dates: Class meetings are held according to the following schedule -September 11, October 23, December 11, and February 26 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm Glidden 212 Prerequisite: EDU 585 Research Methods Course Description: Graduate students will demonstrate leadership skills in applying the knowledge and skills learned in the Master’s of Education program, by creating a significant improvement in a school district. The application of strategic, instructional, organizational, and contextual leadership skills will result in the completion of the Research Application Project in approved written form. Within the model of teacher as a developing professional, this course will emphasize the components of researcher and communicator. Course Objectives: 1. Applying the knowledge, skills, and attributes learned in this program to a school setting, which will lead to improvement in reading instruction. 2. Understanding the fundamental principles of conducting, reporting, and analyzing research in oral and written formats. 3. Spending an extended period of time in diverse settings, working with a variety of school personnel and constituents. 4. Establishing relationships with school leaders and staff. 5. Working within internal and external political systems. 6. Making decisions based on moral and ethical implications. 7. Developing appropriate procedures and relationships for working with teachers, administrators, school board members and school community groups. Textbook: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (5th ed.) American Psychological Association: Washington, DC Operational Principles: This course uses a combination of individualized instruction and problem solving skills. The committee chair will read and provide feedback on two drafts for each chapter, provided that the draft is submitted in time to meet the deadline. If the draft is not submitted on time, 10% of the points available for the chapter draft will be forfeited each day, and the student may also forfeit the opportunity for feedback from the professor for that draft. The professor will also read and provide feedback on the final product that is submitted two weeks prior to the formal oral presentation. Graduate students will meet for cohort seminars and communicate individually with the instructor to complete their RAP. The timeline for completing the course requirements is contained in the monthly objectives, activities, and deadlines listed later in this syllabus. The syllabus results from the instructor’s effort to represent fairly the plan for this course. Circumstances may cause the instructor to make changes in the plan, but such changes will not be capricious and will be made in a timely fashion. Please speak with your instructor if there is anything in the syllabus about which you are unclear. Plagiarism: Plagiarism constitutes intellectual theft, whether the plagiarism is intentional or unintentional. It is heartily condemned by the faculty of USF. Plagiarism occurs when someone does not properly give attribution to someone else’s words and/or ideas. When plagiarism is an act of outright theft and deception, it is intentional plagiarism. If the instance of plagiarism is a result of some kind of oversight, then it is unintentional plagiarism. In either case, the student will be held accountable. Examples of intentional plagiarism: Downloading and using a document from the internet without giving proper attribution to the original source Copying a source (such as an academic journal or newspaper) word-for-word without giving proper attribution using sentences, paragraphs, or pages of a source without documenting them submitting a paper written by another student or co-written with another student Examples of unintentional plagiarism: Forgetting to include a work in a bibliography; Failing to document properly page numbers or summarized/paraphrased passages; 2 Not indicating through signal phrases where summaries and/or paraphrases begin and end; Using carelessly punctuated quotations and summaries/paraphrases As an educated person and as a graduate student, you are responsible for understanding what constitutes plagiarism and avoiding it. If you are ever in doubt about whether or not you have plagiarized, consult with your instructor. The penalties for plagiarism depend upon the severity of the case. If, for example, the plagiarism is unintentional or a result of careless scholarship, I will speak with the student and ask him or her to rewrite the paper or section. If the plagiarism is intentional, in accordance with USF policy, a letter will be sent to the Vice President of Academic Affairs explaining the nature of the infraction. Plagiarism can obviously result in failure of the course. Evaluation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Graduate Committee selected and approved by the chairperson. Approval of the Research Application proposal and Chapter 1 using the acceptance form of the Master of Education Program, University of Sioux Falls. Approval of Chapter 3. Approval of Chapter 2. Approval of Chapters 4 and 5. Completed final draft copies of the RAP (given to each person on the Graduate Committee 2 weeks prior to the student’s oral presentation) Oral presentation to the Graduate Committee on or before May 20th. (The final copies of the RAP are bound, signed and submitted to the chair of the Graduate Program within 10 days following the oral presentation) The Guidelines for the Research Application Project (RAP) for the Master of Education at the University of Sioux Falls is utilized to design and manage the study. American Psychological Association (APA) requirements are used by the student to express his/her ideas “in form and style both accepted by and familiar to a broad, established readership in psychology” (Author, 2004, p.xxiii). Recommended resources listed in the syllabus, on-site advisor, and the Writing Center are used to assist the student in preparing the research manuscript. The RAP makes an important contribution to the classroom, school, or district. The oral presentation to the Graduate Committee includes the purpose of the study, the methods and procedures, results, conclusions, and the implications of the results for the researcher’s school or district. It is concise to no longer than 20 to 25 minutes. The graduate candidate is urged to prepare a Power Point presentation. The student attends all scheduled seminars. 3 Grading Criteria The final grade is based on points accumulated on a 1,000 point total: 1. Research Application Proposal 2. 3. 4. 5. 100 pts. (Evaluated on the basis of quality of planning and meeting the deadline for development and submission) Individual Chapters 500 pts. (Up to 100 pts. per chapter, 40 points for the first draft and 60 points for the second draft) evaluated on the basis of content, quality of writing, and and meeting the deadlines associated with the first and second drafts ) Oral Presentation 100 pts. (An evaluation instrument is used by the instructor to provide feedback) Completed Manuscript 200 pts. (Evaluated on the basis of the overall quality of the final product and meeting the deadline for submission of the manuscript.) Class Participation 100 pts. (Evaluated on the basis of attendance and participation in seminar sessions) If there is an individual emergency that requires a student to delay completion of the Research Application Project, an IP will be issued for one additional semester. Any additional considerations will need to be submitted in writing to the instructor and also discussed with the Director of the Graduate program. After an additional semester, the IP will automatically revert to a failing grade for the course, and the student will be required to repeat the course. The final grade will be submitted to the Registrar’s office when the student has successfully completed the Research Application Project, presented her/his study to the Graduate Committee, and submitted final copies of the RAP to the Director of Graduate Studies and the Committee Chairperson. Disabilities Services: The University of Sioux Falls is committed to providing reasonable accommodation for students with physical, learning, and/or other types of disabilities. Accommodations for students with disabilities are made only in consultation with the Director of Disability Services. If you believe you have a disability requiring accommodation in this or any course, please contact Mr.. Mark Patterson, Director of Career and Disability Services. Mr.. Patterson will work with you to secure proper documentation and to help you arrange appropriate accommodations with your instructors. Mr. Patterson’s office is located on the 2nd floor of Glidden Hall. His phone number is 331-6740. 4 THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER – First Meeting is September 11th Main objectives: 1. Review RAP guidelines manual. 2. Develop a topic for the proposal and final project. 3. Identify an onsite advisor. 4. To understand the form and function of Chapter 1. 5. To understand the preliminary processes of research: note-taking, sources, secondary research, electronic sources, and APA documentation style. Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. Personal introductions Introduction to EDU 598 and review of syllabus. Discussion of time management/writing schedules. Submit demographic information sheet Due by September 30th: 1. RAP Acceptance Form 2. Draft of Formal Research Proposal THE MONTH OF OCTOBER – Second meeting is October 23rd Main Objectives: 1. To understand problems in the draft of Chapter 1 and how to address those problems in the form of revision. 2. To understand the importance and function of designing an effective data collection instrument. 3. To compose an effective cover letter if used as part of the research design. 4. To understand the form and function of Chapter 3. 5. To collect, read, and submit three references in proper APA format for Chapter 2, the review of related literature. Due by October 20th: 1. Chapter 1 First Draft 2. Final Revision of Research Proposal October 23rd: Class Meeting 4:30 – 6:30 pm. Due by October 30th: 1. 3 research references for Chapter 2. 5 THE MONTHS OF NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER-- Third meeting is December 11th Main objectives: 1. To understand problems in the drafts of Chapters 1 and 3 and how to address those problems in revisions. 2. To understand the processes involved with research instruments. 3. To understand the importance and function of Chapter 2, the review of related literature. Due by November 20th: Second draft of Chapter 1 Due by November 30th Chapter 3 First Draft December 11: Class Meeting 4:30 – 6:30 pm. THE MONTH OF JANUARY Main objectives: 1. To understand problems in the draft of Chapter 3 and how to address those problems in revisions. 2. To understand the importance and function of Chapter 2 Due by January 20th Chapter 3 Second Draft Due by January 30th Chapter 2 First Draft Due by January 31st Submit Application for May 2007 Graduation to Registrar THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY – Fourth meeting is February 26th. Main objectives: 1. To understand problems in the draft of Chapter 2 and how to address those problems in revisions. 2. To understand the importance and function of Chapters 4 and 5. 6 Due by February 20th Chapter 2 Final Draft Class Meeting: February 26th 4:30 – 6:30 pm. THE MONTH OF MARCH Main objectives: 1. Survival Due by March 20th Chapter 4 First Draft THE MONTHS OF APRIL AND MAY Main objectives: 1. Prepare and present oral summation of the completed research. 2. Review the structure and function of preliminary pages for the research report. 3. Understand the problems in the drafts for chapters 4 and 5 and how to address these in revisions. 4. Prepare the final document for submission to the Director of Graduate Studies. Due by April 1 Due by April 10 Due by April 20 Chapter 5 First Draft Chapter 4 Second Draft Chapter 5 Second Draft MAY 20TH DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF TWO FINAL MANUSCRIPTS. One copy will be retained by the Graduate Education Office. The other copy will be routed to the committee chair. Upon receipt of his or her copy of the final manuscript, the committee chair assigns a final grade for the course. 7