Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 List of Tables 2 List of Figures 3 Abstract 4 1. Introduction 5 2. Background Information 6 3. 2.1 Small Size 6 2.2 Ruggedness 6 2.3 Economical 7 2.4 Power Efficient 7 Electrical & Mechanical Design 3.1 Transmitter and Receiver 8 3.2 Antennas 9 3.2.1 Transmitter Antenna 10 3.2.2 Receiver/ Handheld Antenna 12 3.3 4. 8 Data Processing 13 3.3.1 Microcontroller Options 14 3.3.2 The 16F876 15 3.3.3 PIC Programmer 16 3.3.4 The Code 17 3.4 Visual Output 19 3.5 Transmitter and Handheld Casings 20 Project Analysis 23 4.1 Power Analysis 23 4.2 Cost Analysis 24 4.3 Problems Encountered 25 5. Conclusions 27 6. Cited References 28 7. References 29 Appendix A: PIC Code Matthew Beau Nychka 31 Page 1 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc List of Tables TABLE 1: MICROCONTROLLER COMPARISONS 14 TABLE 2 : 16F876 RELEVANT PINOUT DESCRIPTIONS 16 TABLE 3 : VOLTAGE RANGES FOR LEDS 19 TABLE 4: CURRENT DRAWS OF PRIMARY COMPONENTS WITHIN HOMING BEACON 23 TABLE 5: COSTS ($CAD) OF PRIMARY COMPONENTS WITHIN HOMING BEACON 24 Matthew Beau Nychka Page 2 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc List of Figures FIGURE 1 - VERTICAL DIPOLE AZIMUTH PATTERN 10 FIGURE 2 - TURNSTILE ANTENNA AZIMUTH PATTERN 11 FIGURE 3 : 16F876 PIN DIAGRAM 15 FIGURE 4 - PIC PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT DESIGN 16 FIGURE 5 - HANDHELD DATA FLOW DIAGRAM 17 FIGURE 6 - HAND HELD SIGNAL STRENGTH 19 FIGURE 7 - BASIC TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 21 FIGURE 8 - BASIC RECEIVER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 22 Matthew Beau Nychka Page 3 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc Abstract This report details the design process followed in the creation of the Homing Disc, a transmitter-receiver combination that will help a golfer find his missing disc. The transmitter is attached to an existing golf disc and is designed to meet the primary specifications of being small, power efficient, and to withstand a variety of rugged environments. The antenna used by the transmitter is a turnstile antenna with folded dipoles to have an omnidirectional radiation pattern without a vertical dipole antenna. The receiver is contained within a small hand-held device and measures the signal surrounding it, displaying the varying power levels to the user in order to pinpoint the disc's location. The antenna used by the receiver is a half-wave dipole antenna. It reads the signal strength of the signal and transforms that into a usable analog voltage. The receiver outputs a measure of the received signal strength and it is taken into the PIC microcontroller, where it is analyzed. The PIC differentiates between the different signal levels and outputs them using port B to six LEDs. This report will provide the reader with information covering the choice in transmitters, receivers, antennas, power sources, microcontrollers, and other components. It will also detail the alternatives to these choices. Finally an overview of the project and discussion regarding power and cost efficiency will be presented, along with information on any problems encountered, and whether or not this endeavor is marketable or not. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 4 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc 1. Introduction Ricochet Technologies is a university group consisting of Matthew Beau Nychka, an electrical engineering undergraduate student, and Niilo Van Steinburg, a computer engineering undergraduate student, supervised by Dr. Peter Dreissen. Our research focus is in developing a miniature, power efficient homing beacon to be used on a Frisbee golf disc. The time duration for this work is three months as per University of Victoria’s ELEC/CENG 499A course guidelines. Frisbee disc golf is a sport that has been rapidly growing since 1995. A player searching for a lost disc through bushes on a course is an all too familiar sight. As most courses are heavily treed and on rugged terrain, a disc that sails off course is often a disc lost. Nighttime golfing adds its own obvious difficulties. A homing device designed to locate discs hidden by brush or darkness can save both playing time and money. Ricochet Technologies set out to solve this problem by designing a small, aerodynamic, and lightweight transmitter that could be attached to the bottom of a Frisbee golf disc. The purpose of this transmitter would be to radiate a high frequency radio (RF) signal during a game so that a user would be able to track down a lost disc during a game. The user would carry with him a pocket sized receiver that he could use to find his disc. The receiver reads the signal strength and outputs it to a visual display to indicate to the user whether or not he is pointing the receiver in the direction of the beacon. With this in mind, please read on as we dive right into the details. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 5 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc 2. Background Information This portion of the report will focus on the goals of the project, both electrical and mechanical, and will act as a constant base for the design and materials used to create the homing beacon. 2.1 Small Size In the sport of disc golf, a modified Frisbee disc is thrown towards a target. The sport is usually played in a setting with a lot of brush and harsh terrain; consequently, the discs are made to respond to the thrower very precisely. The typical Frisbee golf disc weighs approximately 165 grams, is approximately 20cm in diameter, and has a height of 2cm. Due to this small size and the aerodynamics of the disc, anything substantial added to the body of the disc would result in an unfavorable performance. Therefore it was in our user’s best interests that we create the device attached to the disc to be small enough to have a negligible effect upon flight. 2.2 Ruggedness The challenge and novelty of the sport are based upon the harsh nature of the courses. The number of trees and rocks the disc contacts at high speed during one game are countless. As well, cliffs and swamps are regular obstacles within a course. Our designed casing reflects the need to have a transmitter contained within a water and dust- proof casing for protection. The hand-held unit, though not subjected to the same stresses as the disc unit, would also have to be made durable and as resistant to the elements as possible. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 6 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc 2.3 Economical The average golf disc costs $15 CAD and has a lifetime of around 15 games. An avid disc golfer will carry close to five discs with him during a game. This mirrors traditional golf in that there are discs made for a variety of purposes: long-range, short-range, left curve, S-curve, etc. When the costs of the discs themselves and their lifetimes are factored in with the possibility of losing one to brush or darkness, the disc golfer’s costs may increase drastically. Our goal was to create a device that could be sold for close to $20, as suggested by polled disc golfers. The device was designed to have a long lifetime, as well as an easily replaceable and commercially sold battery. 2.4 Power Efficient As a result of need to keep the device economical, we needed to address the requirements of the transmitter. A long life, as well as the right power source meant that we addressed all of our design with the concept of power efficiency in mind. One of the smallest and most commercially available batteries to date is the coin cell battery. Typically these run at a 3V supply and have a lifetime of between 190 and 320 mAh, depending on size of the coin cell itself. For an average game of 45 minutes over the time of 15 games, a drain of 11.25mA, while activated, would be required for the homing beacon to last as long as a disc before battery replacement. An additional component necessary to the design of a power efficient device is the addition of an LED to alert the user as to whether the device is on or off. This small extra would potentially save the user the cost of dozens of batteries while draining only a minute amount of current itself. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 7 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc 3. Electrical & Mechanical Design 3.1 Transmitter and Receiver To begin our research, we looked into a number of similar devices commercially available today. Our research led through wildlife tracking units, avalanche beacons, garage door openers, and remote key finders. Each product, while it taught us a great deal about RF propagation, was perfect for its own application and impossible to use as a template for our own. Our goal in the use of the transmitter and receiver is to transmit a signal from disc to hand-held receiver and to have that receiver measure the signal strength to notify the user as to whether or not they were facing the right direction in search of his disc. The data being sent across from transmitter to receiver is, in itself, unimportant. The significant information is the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI). The receiver would need to read the level of the signal and output it in a form that can easily be translated to a visual display for the user. The initial transmitter and receiver chosen were the surface mounted TXM/RXM-433LC-S [1], based solely on size and cost. After further research into antenna size and specifications; however, we came to the conclusion that we needed to increase our frequency to decrease the antenna size and make them more compatible with our goals. Narrowing down our search parameters to receivers with an RSSI output at a 600MHz + frequency offered any number of choices, but only a few reasonable ones. A number of receiver/transmitter pairs, such as the Radiometrix RX2A-433-64 [2] were ideal for our purposes but were too large for our compact design. The final choice was the TDK5101 and TDA5201 [3], transmitter and receiver respectively, by Infineon Technologies. Although they are one of the most versatile Matthew Beau Nychka Page 8 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc wireless communication sets on the market and coincidentally a very heavy-handed solution to a simple problem, it was also one of the smallest and most economical solutions. The signal was sent from the TDK5101 ASK transmitter at 650MHz. Because the signal itself, not the data, is the concern in this application we tie the data input high at powerup of the circuit. The transmitter is a very low cost and power efficient device as detailed further in section 4. The receiver TDA5201 is where the solution turns out to be overkill. The receiver contains a low noise amplifier, a double balanced mixer, a fully integrated VCO, a PLL synthesizer, a crystal oscillator, a limiter with RSSI generator, a data filter, a data comparator, and a peak detector. While we only use the RSSI generator to out put an analog 0.8 to 2.8 Volt signal, the chip incorporates most of these features into calculating the best-filtered RSSI possible. 3.2 Antennas The greatest difficulty in our design was the choice of antennas to be used with either the transmitter or receiver. For each side of our transmission, we required very different behaviors from our antennas. Our choice in antennas is based upon five main requirements [4]: Gain/ Directivity Pattern Frequency Polarization Input Impedance When looking over these criteria, we can choose our primary requirements to be pattern, frequency, polarization, and input impedance. We will incorporate our gain requirements into our need for specific radiation patterns. We choose not to concentrate on gain itself specifically due to the short range this device will be used over. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 9 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc For our project, we look specifically at designing our antennas around a 630MHz signal, chosen after much research into availability and cost of transmitters and receivers. This information is discussed in more detail in section 3.1 above. The importance of this in regards to antenna calculations is that we have an effective wavelength of λ = 46.15cm. The input impedance, as per the transmitter and receivers chosen was to be 50 Ohms for optimal performance. 3.2.1 Transmitter Antenna The transmitter antenna had a number of requirements. Due to the need for size and the design goal of making a transmitter that would be reusable from disc to disc, we needed to fit the transmitter with a small antenna that would fit within the casing. Focusing on the criteria we had to choose our antenna by we realize the ideal pattern would be that of an omni-directional antenna. The disc would need to radiate a signal 360 degrees around it while it lies flat on the ground. The ideal azimuth (horizontal plane) pattern is shown below: Figure 1 - Vertical Dipole Azimuth Pattern Matthew Beau Nychka Page 10 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc Due to the nature of the game it would be impossible to mount a vertical dipole, the obvious choice for such a pattern, on the disc. We analyzed a number of alternatives in our search for the right choice. Below I will discuss two to the options and the conclusions reached. We began with looking at the full wave loop antenna due to its almost isotropic response when lying flat on the ground. The effective nulls in the transmitted signal run parallel to the ground and should not adversely affect the user. Due to its construction, the loop antenna is very easy to match as well. The full wave loop antenna would have a diameter of 0.147 m or 14.7 cm and an effective gain of approximately 3.14dB over isotropic performance. Finally we studied the turnstile antenna[5]. Essentially, the turnstile antenna consists of two folded dipoles perpendicular to each other. One dipole is connected to the main feed line, the 50-Ohm line from the transmitter. Between the feed point of the first and second folded dipole, we run a 1/4 wavelength (11.5cm) section to effect the required 90-degree phase shift between the two dipoles. It is this phase shift that gives the turnstile its nearly omni-directional pattern. The resulting pattern is a blunted circle with only a 1-dB decrease from maximum gain along two of the flattened edges. We see the radiation pattern below: Figure 2 - Turnstile Antenna Azimuth Pattern Matthew Beau Nychka Page 11 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc The chosen turnstile antenna radiates a near isotropic pattern and has an approximate gain of 0.86dB less than isotropic performance. While we can note that the circular antenna does have a better gain overall, our priority is to have a small antenna, and therefore a small homing device. We also note that the turnstile antenna has a horizontal polarization. Therefore, whatever antenna is used for the receiver will need to be horizontally polarized as well. 3.2.2 Receiver/ Handheld Antenna Our initial approach to designing the receiving antenna was to choose an antenna with a narrow beam width in order to isolate the direction of the transmitted signal. Following this rationale we invested a great deal of time into researching yagi, helical, parabolic, horn, and microstrip antennas. However, due to either size or orientation within the handheld device, each was rejected. Yagis, parabolic, helical, and horn antennas, while they have a preferred pattern and directivity, are far too large for our designed product. The microstrip antennas have two unfortunate problems. They are most suitable when the maximum dimension of the antenna is a quarter or half wavelength. With that in mind, using either patch antennas or waveguides will lead to a bulky hand held device due to antenna orientation. As well, due to dielectric loading, the operating frequencies of small transmitter/receiver systems are typically restricted to bands above 800MHz, which would not work well with our system. [6] We investigated antennas used in other applications. The coast guard uses a dual perpendicular full wave loop antenna to calculate exact directions of received signals. However, while we could calculate exact direction by signal phase/comparison analysis without moving the hand-held unit; the antenna, itself, would be far too large to Matthew Beau Nychka Page 12 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc incorporate into a compact design and too expensive, as well as being out of the scope of our project. Noting that directionality in an antenna pattern was not going to work due to various reasons we looked into the idea of using the nulls and reversing our calculations, which brought us to our ideal solution. Using a half-wave dipole antenna, we could make a thin, compact hand-held unit that would show a null when pointed directly at the receiver and would output a high RSSI analog voltage when pointed any other direction. The only hurdle from that point was to test the received signals and null-width to correctly output the 0.8-2.8V RSSI to the visual display for the user. This is covered in more detail in sections 3.3 and 3.4. The one problem encountered with this approach is that if the user is standing no-where near the transmitter, or facing directly away from it. The hand held display will show display indicating that the user is pointing in the right direction. While this is a large potential problem we must remember that the user will have a general idea of where the disc landed and should not end up facing this predicament in any case. 3.3 Data Processing The hand-held unit basically houses the brains of this homing system. The signal strength is captured by the receiver, which then feeds it to a microcontroller. This microcontroller is required to process the signal data and present it to the user in a useful form. We went through several stages in determining what sort of microcontroller to use in the hand-held unit. As neither of us was familiar with microcontrollers other than the Motorola 68HC11, we first started to conduct research on what our options were. From the beginning we knew that we only needed something simple: we wouldn't need much space for code, we would only need a few input/output pins, and there wasn't much in the way of size constraints (most chips are much smaller than a 9V battery). The main Matthew Beau Nychka Page 13 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc requirement that we kept an eye out for was A/D conversion capability, as we would likely need that for analysis of the information gained from the receiver. Also, we wanted to select a chip that we could easily acquire the necessary peripherals for (to program it). Of course, price was a factor as well, as we desired to keep the components as cheap as possible. 3.3.1 Microcontroller Options After a great deal of online research and meetings with microcontroller experts, we narrowed it down to three options. Internet research first led us to the PIC 12F675. This microcontroller is quite cheap yet has A/D capabilities. One microcontroller type that was recommended to us was the Atmel brand. The main reason for this was that they were familiar with it and all software and equipment needed for programming these chips was already in the Engineering Lab Wing. After some research on these chips, it seemed that the AT90LS4433 was suitable for our needs at a modest price. A friend, a hobbyist in PIC programming, strongly recommended the PIC 16F876 microcontroller. He felt that it was our best option, as it is durable, small in size, and has a small, easy-to-learn instruction set. As well, he would be able to help us set up our own programmer for the PIC. The following is a table that compares some of the more pertinent aspects of these chips: Chip Package I/O Code A/D Cost ($US) PIC 12F675 dip 8 6 1k 4 Ch. 10 Bit 3.05 AT90LS4433 dip 28 20 4k 6 Ch. 10 Bit 8.44 PIC 16F876 dip 28 22 8k 5 Ch. 10-Bit 11.81 Table 1: Microcontroller Comparisons Matthew Beau Nychka Page 14 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc We first decided that the 12F675 was probably not a good choice, since it only had 6 I/O pins. As we had not yet decided what sort of visual display we'd implement, this number of pins could easily turn out to be inadequate. In the end, we decided to go for the PIC 16F876. Even though it was more expensive than the Atmel chip, we felt that having the knowledge of a friend at our disposal would be a great boon. Due to its popularity, there are a lot of sample programs available on the internet to speed up the learning process. As well, should we decide to expand upon the capabilities of the Homing Disc's capabilities, the 16F876 would be able to accommodate us further. 3.3.2 The 16F876 PIC microcontrollers are a popular family of microcontrollers developed by Microchip Technology. As mentioned already, the 16F876 is a fairly versatile chip and will be more than adequate for our needs. It has a wide operating range, from 2.0 V to 5.5 V, which will facilitate its coupling with the receiver. Figure 3 : 16F876 Pin Diagram Pin Name Pin# Description MCLR'/VPP 1 Master Clear (Reset) input or programming voltage input. This pin is an active low RESET to the device. AN0 2 Pin 0 of Port A. This pin will be initialized as the analog input for our signal strength. VSS 8, 19 Ground reference for logic and I/O pins. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 15 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc OSC1/CLKIN 9 Oscillator crystal input/external clock source input. OSC2/CLKOUT 10 Oscillator crystal output. Connects to crystal or resonator in crystal oscillator mode. VDD 20 Positive supply for logic and I/O pins. RB0 - RB5 21-26 Port B is a bi-directional I/O port. These 6 pins will be designated as output pins to control the LED display. Table 2 : 16F876 Relevent Pinout Descriptions 3.3.3 PIC Programmer Microcontrollers need to be programmed, so programmers must be purchased or built in order to do this. After looking into our options, we decided it would be much cheaper to build our own programmer. We were designed a schematic (Figure 4) to build a controller for our PIC and purchased the necessary parts for it. Programming the PIC involved connecting the serial connection to a Com port on the back of the computer. Then MP Lab IDE, a software program intended for programming PICs, is used to download code onto the microcontroller. Voltage Regulator 16F876 Max 232 Figure 4 : PIC Programmer Circuit Design Matthew Beau Nychka Page 16 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc The extra microchip used in this programmer set-up is a Max 232. It is a driver/receiver and acts as an interface between the PIC and the computer during programming. 3.3.4 The Code The code that we needed to operate the hand-held was kept very simple. Once we determined the exact nature of the input from the receiver, we knew we only needed to read the data, process it, and output the result to our visual display (6 LEDs). All data flow was in a single direction as indicated by figure 5. Receiver Send signal Strength Process Signal Activate LEDs Display Figure 5 : Handheld Data Flow Diagram The code follows a very simple process of reading the signal strength and comparing the digital representation of it to several pre-defined values. The microcontroller stays in a continuous loop doing this. Since the signal strength is lowest when the hand-held is pointing directly at the disc, this must correspond with all 6 LEDs being turned on. Therefor, the code will turn on the LEDs as the signal strength decreases and shut them off again as the signal gains strength. Note that the base LED will always be turned on when the hand-held is operating. The entire algorithm is summarized in the following pseudo-code: ; define parameters LEVEL0 equals 2.5 Volts LEVEL1 equals 2.35 V LEVEL2 equals 2.2 V LEVEL3 equals 2.1 V Matthew Beau Nychka Page 17 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc LEVEL4 equals 2.0 V LOOP1 Turn off the 2nd LED LOOP2 Turn off the 3rd LED LOOP3 Turn off the 4th LED LOOP4 Turn off the 5th LED LOOP5 Turn off the 6th LED LOOP6 STRENGTH = signal strength from receiver if (STRENGTH < LEVEL0) Turn on LED #2 else GOTO LOOP1 if (STRENGTH > LEVEL3) Turn on LED #3 else GOTO LOOP2 if (STRENGTH > LEVEL2) Turn on LED #4 else GOTO LOOP3 if (STRENGTH > LEVEL1) Turn on LED #5 else GOTO LOOP4 if (STRENGTH > LEVEL0) Turn on LED #6 else GOTO LOOP5 GOTO LOOP6 Originally, our PIC was programmed to read the signal strength and turn on LEDs as the signal showed itself to be strong. However, due to RF reflection and scattering in the signal over such a short-range [7], we typically received a stronger signal than we should have. Because of this, we decided upon a new antenna set-up, as described in section 3.2.2. We then re-programmed the microcontroller to reflect the change. See Appendix A for final source code. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 18 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc The A/D converter changes the analog input to a value relative to VDD. With the receiver sending a voltage from 0.8V to 2.8V to the microcontroller, we had to designate which values would correspond to which LEDs. Once the divisions were made, the binary values for these voltages had to be calculated for use in code. We did this by first dividing the boundary voltages by the reference voltage (5V). We then multiplied these results by 255 (the maximum value for 8 bits). The results, once rounded and converted to binary, became our binary boundary values. Note that the A/D converter is 10 bits; it was easiest in terms of programming to simply drop the lowest two bits and work with an 8-bit number. The error resulting from this is insignificant (the maximum error would be for our lowest signal value - 0.8V - and this gives approximately a 0.39% error). Voltage Range # LEDs On Boundary Voltage Boundary Voltage / Ratio times 255 then Reference Voltage (5V) converted to binary 2.5 - 2.8 V 1 n/a n/a n/a 2.35 - 2.5 V 2 2.5 0.5 1010110 2.2 - 2.35 V 3 2.35 0.47 01111000 2.1 - 2.2 V 4 2.2 0.44 01110000 2.0 - 2.1 V 5 2.1 0.42 01101011 0.0 - 2.0 V 6 2.0 0.4 01100110 Table 3 : Voltage Ranges for LEDs 3.4 Visual Output The results from the microcontroller needed to be displayed to the user in some form. In the beginning, we contemplated using an analog display, an LCD, or simple LEDs. Due to time and budgetary constraints, we felt that it would be best to start off with the simplest display. Six LEDs were then incorporated into our hand-held design (please refer to Figure 6 below). Matthew Beau Nychka Page 19 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc Figure 6 - Hand Held Signal Strength Indicator These LEDs will be turned on or off according to the signal strength picked up by the receiver. Refer to section 3.3.4 (Table 3 above) to see what values were designated for each LED. 3.5 Transmitter and Handheld Casings The majority of the constraints involved in this project are applicable more to the transmitting side of this pair of devices. The four main goals regarding the casings were to make them: water and dust-proof, easily accessible to change batteries, shock resistant, aerodynamic, and easy to move from one disc to another In order to keep the beacon water and dust resistant, it is sealed completely. The on/off switch is a reed switch, turned on by a small magnet that is attached to the base of the hand-held unit. The only opening on either device will be for the batteries. The 3 volt battery in the beacon is accessable by using a coin or other similar object to open or close the compartment where the coin is stored. This will be sealed with a simple O-ring. The beacon is shock resistant due to the extremely tight specifications in the plastic moulding around the components, allowing no movement, banging, or bumping. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 20 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc By making the beacon as small as possible, the size and weight are kept down, and therefore, the aerodynamics of the original product are unaffected by the beacon. The schematic of the transmitter is shown in Figure 7 below: Figure 7 - Basic Transmitter Circuit Diagram We can note that this figure is not at all to scale and quite a bit larger than the device would be. The largest dimension in the design is the antenna itself, measuring 11.5 cm across at its largest. The largest component is the battery, which is as large as the rest of it put together. The beacons are interchangable due to the construction of the plastic moulding. The combination of the sticky substance on the flat of the beacon and the tiny metal barbs will allow the user to attach it to any disc. As mentioned above, the hand-held unit does not need to stand up to the rigors that the beacon will need to endure, but it is important that it can tolerate some abuse as it’s not at all strange to see a disc golfer climbing a cliff mid-game. A disc golfer traversing rugged courses also does not want a bulky contraption to carry around. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 21 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc To solve these concerns, first, the hand-held unit is sealed except for in two spots. The end of the unit (sketched in Figure 6 above) is accessable for replacement of the 9 volt battery and there will be a small on/off switch on the side of the device. Secondly, our design for the hand-held kept the need for a small size in mind, leaving the golfer with nothing to carry but a device the size of an average candy bar. As with the transmitter, the largest dimension of the hand-held receiver is the 23cm dipole antenna, as shown in the figure 6 above. Figure 8 - Basic Receiver Circuit Diagram The hand-held unit also had to be small. A disc golfer traversing rugged courses would not want a bulky contraption to carry around. Our design for the hand-held kept this important constraint in mind, leaving the golfer with nothing to carry but a device the size of an average candy bar. As with the transmitter, the largest dimension of the hand-held receiver is the 23cm dipole antenna, as shown in the figure 8 above. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 22 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc 4. Project Analysis 4.1 Power Analysis As analyzed above, in section 2.4, we would like our homing beacon to run at approximately 11.25mA on average in order to have it outlive the average golf disc. Looking at the breakdown in current draws from the parts used in the existing circuit, we see the following: Component Power On Power off D-Type Flip Flop 11 μA 11 μA TDA5101 Transmitter 7 mA 0.3 nA Dual NAND Gate Debouncer 1.1 μA 1.1 μA Total ≈7.012mA ≈12.1μA Table 4: Current Draws of Primary Components Within Homing Beacon We see that the current draws from the added components, running at 3V, add up to near 7.012 mA when the device is turned on. This will allow the user to have at most 27.1 hours of continuous use. If the disc remains off, the battery will last 15702 hours or 654 days in a powered down state. We see that this is a very reasonable expectation of the product and can conclude that from a power efficiency standpoint, it has superior performance. The hand-held device is much easier to deal with. As its requirements are not nearly as stringent in terms of size or power efficiency, we have a number of options to provide it with an acceptable power source. The two major components in the hand-held receiver are the PIC microcontroller and the receiver, each requiring 3 and 5V respectively. The Matthew Beau Nychka Page 23 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc best solution for this is to use a simple, commercially available 9-volt battery. These have a long life and are very easy to replace. 4.2 Cost Analysis A major consideration as to whether or not this is a marketable product is the cost analysis. As mentioned above, a reasonable price for the product is approximately $20 CAD. We can view our major component costs as the primary expenses due to the fact that small components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors and production costs can be done for pennies once start-up costs have been taken care of. We see the breakdown of primary component costs below. Component Cost ($CAD) Cost ($CAD) Single Bulk PIC 16F876 Micro-controller 10.73 6.85 TDA5101 Transmitter 3.43 2.80 TDA5201 Receiver 5.98 4.88 Reed Switch 1.19 0.44 Single D-type Flip Flop 0.63 0.23 3V Coin Cell Battery 0.66 0.32 Ceramic IF Filter 2.01 0.85 10MHz Crystal Oscillator 1.38 0.54 9.8438MHz Crystal Oscillator 2.86 1.72 3.58 MHz Ceramic Resonator 0.79 0.37 9V Battery 3.10 1.19 Total parts cost: 20.19 Table 5: Costs ($CAD) of Primary Components Within Homing Beacon Matthew Beau Nychka Page 24 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc We see that our costs are over our target costs by a fair amount and can conclude that while the product is power efficient, without some significant changes to our design and components used, the product is not marketable. 4.3 Problems Encountered While it was a major aspect of our project to build the smallest, least obtrusive, solution to our problem, it was also our downfall. With the equipment available to us in the UVic labs, we were not able to complete the prototype on a printed circuit board (PCB). This in itself is not a problem, but due to the methods used to prepare a working prototype on a breadboard, we faced one very large obstacle. Using the breadboards, necessary wiring, and soldering lead wires into the vias in the adapter PCBs increased the impedances within the circuit and led to unfavorable reactions from the receiver and transmitter. Such problems would be avoided moving the prototype from a breadboard setting to a properly laid out PCB. Another problem we faced, however within our control it was, was the side effects that came from using a high frequency signal. Using a radio frequency (RF) as large as 650MHz we were able to make our antennas smaller, but had to sacrifice directivity of our signal. As we see in the following equation from [8], the directivity is directly related inversely to frequency squared D = 2ka + (ka)^2 = 4πa/λ + (2πa/λ)^2 α 1/ f^2 where a is the radius of the antenna. On the transmitter side, this is not a bad thing as it helps us achieve a more isotropic RF pattern. However, on the receiver side we would like to have a clear distinction between the areas where the signal is strong and where the loss is complete. With this lack of Matthew Beau Nychka Page 25 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc directivity due to high frequency and small antenna size it complicates our signal strength processing as was described in more detail within section 3.3. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 26 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc 5. Conclusions After coming to several dead-ends during our research, design, and implementation of this project, we feel that we have developed a fairly good product. In the end, we chose to go with a receiver and transmitter operating at 650 MHz to drop the antenna size. After a great deal of research, we decided to use a turnstile antenna with folded dipoles for the transmitter due to its resulting omnidirectional radiation pattern. We chose a dipole antenna for the receiver, because of its omnidirectional coverage, but counted on reading for the transmitter by lack of signal, using the nulls in the received signal. The microcontroller we used is the PIC 16F876 which more than adequately met our processing needs in the hand-held device. Our final design is quite power efficient, small, aerodynamic, and strong meeting most of our objectives. Unfortunately, the cost of the components altogether would be prohibitive to trying to market the Homing Disc as a product. Continue our work from here, we will next look at ways to reduce the cost, the first act being to replace the microcontroller with one that is cheaper. Perhaps we could replace other parts with cheaper alternatives if given the time. Overall this project has been a great learning experience for the two of us. Not only have we learned and applied specific technical knowledge that we weren't previously familiar with, but we have learned a great deal what is involved in project management. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 27 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc 6. Cited References [1] Lynx Technologies, “LC Series Receiver Modules”, 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.linxtechnologies.com/ldocs/pdfs/lcsreceivdg.pdf [2] Radiometrix, “UHF FM Receiver Module with RSSI”, July 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.radiometrix.co.uk/products/rx2a.htm [3] Infineon Technologies, “Infineon Technologies Wireless Controls”, July 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.infineon.com/cgi/ecrm.dll/ecrm/scripts/prod_cat.jsp?oid=9470 [4] R. Karumudi, private communication, 2003. [5] L.B. Cebik, W4RNL, “The Turnstile Antenna on 10”, December 2001, Available HTTP: http://www.cebik.com/a10/ant34.html [6] K. Siwiak, “Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Communications”, Norwood, MA, pp. 237: Artech House, 1995. [7] D. Djonin, private communication, 2003. [8] University of St. Andrews, “Directionality and Gain”, 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scots_Guide/RadCom/part6/page2.html. Matthew Beau Nychka Page 28 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc 7. References Analytical Graphics, Inc., “Antenna Beam Types and Antenna Polarization”, May 1996, Available HTTP: http://www.stk.com/resources/help/help/stk43/comm/CommRadar0302.htm#AntPolType C. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, New York: chapter 4, Wiley 1982. Colorado Geographical Survey, ‘Summary of the Avalanche Beacon Test”, December 1998, Available HTTP: http://geosurvey.state.co.us/avalanche/transceivers/LVS98/LVS98_summary.html Digikey.com, Product Information and private communication, 2003, Available HTTP: http://dkc1.digikey.com/ca/digihome.html Infineon Technologies, “Infineon Technologies Wireless Controls”, July 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.infineon.com/cgi/ecrm.dll/ecrm/scripts/prod_cat.jsp?oid=-9470D. Jefferies, University of Surrey, “Antennas”, 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/D.Jefferies/antennas.html R. Johnson, “Antenna Engineering Handbook”, 3rd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993. Laboratory Manual for Elec 404: Microwave and Fiber Optics, UVic, Feb. 2002. Lynx Technologies, “Antennas: Design, Application, Performance Notes”, July 1998, Available HTTP: http://www.linxtechnologies.com/ldocs/zips/APNOTPDF.ZIP MG Chemicals, “Positive Photo-fabrication Process Instructions”, 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.mgchemicals.com/techsupport/photo_inst.html Maxim/ Dallas Semiconductor, “Designing Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) Systems”, 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/1773/ln/en Matthew Beau Nychka Page 29 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc The Millennium Education Group, “Antenna Systems”, 1998, Available HTTP: http://www.tmeg.com/tutorials/antennas/antennas.htm Dr. N. K. Nikolova, McMaster University, “Modern Antennas in Wireless Applications”, Jan. 2002, Apr. 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.ece.mcmaster.ca/faculty/georgieva/antenna_dload/ Omega Research Ltd., “Prototyping Surface Mount (SMD) adapters”, 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.omega-research.co.uk/ D. M. Pozar, “A Review of Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antennas: History, Operation, Development and Applications”, May 1996, Available HTTP: http://www.ecs.umass.edu/ece/pozar/aperture.pdf D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 2nd ed., Crawfordsville: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998 Radiometrix, “UHF FM Receiver Module with RSSI”, July 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.radiometrix.co.uk/products/rx2a.htm T.S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications, Principles and Practice, 2nd ed., Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall PTR, 2002 Reed Switch Developments Corp., “Bare Reeds and Magnets”, 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.reedswitchdevelopments.com/ K. Siwiak, Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Communications, Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1995. University of St. Andrews, “Directionality and Gain”, 2003, Available HTTP: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scots_Guide/RadCom/part6/page2.html Wireless World, Aerocomm Inc., “Antenna Tutorial”, 2000, Available HTTP: http://www.awirelessworld.ch/appnotes/aerocomm/ant-tut.pdf L.B. Cebik, W4RNL, “The Turnstile Antenna on 10”, December 2001, Available HTTP: http://www.cebik.com/a10/ant34.html Matthew Beau Nychka Page 30 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc Appendix A: PIC Code ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; SHOWSIGNAL.ASM Reads an analogue signal and displays its ; ; strength on LEDs ; ; (some of this code grabbed from ftp.microchip.com) ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; list p=16f876 ; list directive to define processor #include <p16f876.inc> ; processor specific variable definitions ERRORLEVEL -224 ; suppress annoying message because of tris __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_ON & _BODEN_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _RC_OSC & _WRT_ENABLE_ON & _LVP_ON & _CPD_OFF ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Define the values that measure the different levels of ; ; signal strength. ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; LEVEL0 LEVEL1 LEVEL2 LEVEL3 LEVEL4 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU ORG 0 10101101b 01111000b 01110000b 01101011b 01100110b ; ; ; ; ; 1 2 3 4 5 LED, 2.5V LEDs, 2.35V LEDs, 2.2V LEDs, 2.1V LEDs, 2.0V ; start at program memory location zero ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Set up 6 pins of PORT B to act as output (to the LEDs) ; ; and turn all of them initially on. ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; movlw B'11000000' tris PORTB ; Set 6 lower bits of PORT B as outputs movlw B'00111111' movwf PORTB ; Turn on all 6 LEDs (start-up flash) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Initialize the A/D converter ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; clrf ADCON1 ; clear ADCON1 (AN0-4 set to analogue input ; Vref+ is Vdd and Vref- is Vss) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Turn off any LEDs that should not be on ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; Begin1 bcf PORTB, 1 ; Clear the 2nd LED bcf PORTB, 2 ; Clear the 3rd LED bcf PORTB, 3 ; Clear the 4th LED Begin2 Begin3 Begin4 Matthew Beau Nychka Page 31 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies The Homing Disc bcf PORTB, 4 ; Clear the 5th LED bcf PORTB, 5 ; Clear the 6th LED Begin5 Begin6 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Begin A/D conversion ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; bsf ADCON0,GO btfsc goto ADCON0,GO Wait ; Start A/D conversion Wait ; Wait for the conversion to complete ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Compare the measured signal strength to predetermined values ; ; to determine how many LEDs to light up. ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; movf sublw btfss ADRESH, W LEVEL0 STATUS, C goto bsf Begin1 PORTB, 1 movf sublw btfss ADRESH, W LEVEL1 STATUS, C goto bsf Begin2 PORTB, 2 movf sublw btfss ADRESH, W LEVEL2 STATUS, C goto bsf Begin3 PORTB, 3 movf sublw btfss ADRESH, W LEVEL3 STATUS, C goto bsf Begin4 PORTB, 4 movf sublw btfss ADRESH, W LEVEL4 STATUS, C goto bsf Begin5 PORTB, 5 goto Begin6 end Matthew Beau Nychka ; Put signal strength into working register ; If carry bit in status register is 1, ; then the signal strength < LEVEL0 ; Light up the second LED ; Put signal strength into working register ; If carry bit in status register is 0, ; then the signal strength < LEVEL1 ; Light up the third LED ; Put signal strength into working register ; If carry bit in status register is 0, ; then the signal strength < LEVEL2 ; Light up the fourth LED ; Put signal strength into working register ; If carry bit in status register is 0, ; then the signal strength < LEVEL3 ; Light up the fifth LED ; Put signal strength into working register ; If carry bit in status register is 0, ; then the signal strength < LEVEL4 ; Light up the sixth LED ; end of program Page 32 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg Ricochet Technologies Matthew Beau Nychka The Homing Disc Page 33 of 34 Niilo Van Steinburg