We want to welcome you to The Orthopedic Group. This packet contains important information needed for your appointment. Please follow these instructions carefully as you complete each form. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time so that we can review your paperwork. Forms to complete and return: __ No Show Policy and letter: signed and dated __ Patient Information and Benefits form (please complete all patient information and highlighted areas) Special instructions: Auto and Workers Compensation patients: please bring your personal insurance information; we will need to have this as a secondary on file. We will verify benefits at the office (if there is an issue, we will contact you) __ Health History and Systems Review (please complete) __ Patient Authorization: initial by each then sign and date at the bottom of the page __ Workers Compensation: complete Work Related Injuries Form (2 pages) __ Medicare Primary Insurance: Medicare Therapy Questionnaire and Secondary Insurance Form Papers for you to keep: __ Welcome and Instruction Letter __ Notice of Privacy Practices To view go to: http://www.theorthopedicgroup.com/index.php/privacy-statement Or request a hard copy at your appointment Forms you will complete in the office: __ Pain Diagram __ Outcome Measurement Form (will be based on what body part we are treating) __ Pain description form __ Informed consent for treatment Date of 1st visit _____________________Time____________Therapist _____________ Patient Reminders: Patient financial responsibility – co-pays, co-ins, etc. Bring script from physician Bring Insurance Card and Photo ID Wear or bring appropriate clothing – shorts, sneakers etc. All completed forms (signed and dated) If a minor, will need parent/guardian signatures and ID We thank you for choosing The Orthopedic Group and are looking forward to working with you and helping you reach your goals. The Staff at The Orthopedic Group, Physical Therapy No Show and Cancelation Policy We strive to provide our patients with excellent service and quality care. Our commitment to your well-being and health care is something that we at The Orthopedic Group take very seriously. Your commitment to your physical therapy program is critical to your success. We will recommend treatment and set goals for you. In order to reach those goals you must do your part and your most important part is to make each and every appointment. We will give you an appointment card to keep track for your appointments. If you should misplace this, please give us a call to review your appointment dates. We expect you to keep all your appointments; however should you need to cancel please note that we require a 24-hour notice. If you need to cancel please call our office within 24-hours of your scheduled appointment to reschedule. Our phone number is _______________. If you do not show for your scheduled appointment and have not called to cancel, you may be charged $25 for the missed appointment. If you miss 3 consecutive appointments we may need to discontinue your treatment. We thank you for choosing The Orthopedic Group and are looking forward to working with you and helping you reach your goals. The Staff at The Orthopedic Group, Physical Therapy I have read and understand this policy: _______________________________ Patient/Guardian ____________________________ Date THE ORTHOPEDIC GROUP PATIENT REGISTRATION PERSONAL INFORMATION FIRST NAME MI PRIMARY HEALTH INSURANCE LAST NAME INSURED’S NAME (EXAMPLE: SELF, SPOUSE, OR PARENT’S NAME) ADDRESS NAME OF INSURANCE COMPANY CITY INSURED’S EMPLOYER STATE ZIP CODE ( WORK PHONE NUMBER ( HOME PHONE NUMBER ) ID NUMBER GROUP NUMBER CELL PHONE NUMBER ) ( ) COPAY AMOUNT INSURED’S BIRTHDATE E-MAIL ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT: DATE OF BIRTH AGE SEX – M or F SINGLE SPOUSE PARENT OTHER SECONDARY HEALTH INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER MARITAL STATUS SELF INSURED’S NAME MARRIED DIVORCED EMPLOYER WIDOWED NAME OF INSURANCE COMPANY PATIENT’S EMPLOYER OCCUPATION ID NUMBER STATUS: FULL TIME PART TIME BEST TIME TO REACH YOU: GROUP NUMBER COPAY AMOUNT INSURED’S BIRTHDATE MAY WE CONTACT YOU AT WORK: RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT: STUDENT STATUS: FULL TIME SELF PART TIME SCHOOL NAME OCCUPATION ( PHONE NUMBER ) YOU WERE REFERRED BY: YOUR FAMILY DOCTORS’ NAME IS: ( PHONE NUMBER ) EMERGENCY CONTACT: NAME ( RELATIONSHIP ) OTHER PLEASE READ, SIGN, AND DATE: SPOUSE’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER HOME PHONE NUMBER PARENT Name of parent/guardian if patient is a minor______________________________ SPOUSE’S NAME SPOUSE’S EMPLOYER SPOUSE WORK NUMBER ( ) I request that payment of authorized Medicare/other insurance benefits be made on my behalf to THE ORTHOPEDIC GROUP for any services furnished me by physician or supplier. I authorize the release of my medical information to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and/or my insurance company and its agents; any information needed to determine these benefits/benefits payable for related services. I am responsible for all charges, regardless of insurance status, as well as co-payments and deductibles. SIGNATURE: ____________________________ DATE: ___________________ HISTORY AND SYSTEMS REVIEW Patient Name: __________________ ________________ ____ (First) Date of Birth: ________ (Last) Age: _____ (MI) Nickname/Name Preference: ____________ Male or Female Height: ____ Weight: _____ Marital Status: __ Single __Married __Widowed __Other Occupation: ___________________________________________________ Leisure Activities: _______________________________________________ Describe the reason for your visit: ______________________________________________________________ Date of Injury: ______________ When was the onset of your problem ________________________________ What is the length of time your symptoms have been present? ____________ Onset: (Check One) Gradual ___ Sudden ___ How did the problem occur? _______________________________________ Contact or Non-Contact Did you hear any NOISE associated with the onset of the injury? __________ Where was the pain initially felt? ___________________________________ Now, where is it? ___________ Did you have SWELLING immediately? ______________________________ Type of Pain (Circle) Dull Sore Constant Intermittent Sharp Throbbing Bruised Burning Have you had any previous or similar problems? ____________________________________________________ Are you CURRENTLY seeing any of the following: Reason (If seen in past 3 months- illness, medical condition, physical exam, etc): Medical Doctor: Yes/No ________________________________________________________________________ Osteopath: Yes/No _______________________________________________________________________ Dentist: Yes/No ___________________________________________________________________________ Psychiatrist/Psychologist: Yes/No ____________________________________________________________________________ Physical Therapist: Yes/No ____________________________________________________________________________ Chiropractor: Yes/No ____________________________________________________________________________ Date of last complete physical exam: Month _________________ Year___________ Physician __________________ Please list any surgeries or other conditions for which you have been hospitalized: Approx. Date Surgery / Hospitalization / Reason ____________ ________________________________________________ ____________ ________________________________________________ ____________ ________________________________________________ Please describe any injuries for which you have been treated: Approx. Date Injury (fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains) ____________ ________________________________________________ ____________ ________________________________________________ ____________ ________________________________________________ Which of the following OVER-THE-COUNTER medications have you taken in the last week: (Circle) Aspirin Antacids Tylenol Vitamins/Mineral Supplements Antihistamines Advil/Motrin/Ibuprofen Laxatives Decongestants Other ____________________ Please list any PRESCRIPTION medication that you are currently taking (including pills, injections, or skin patch) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Continued on page 2) HISTORY AND SYSTEMS REVIEW (page 2) Please list any ALLERGIES you may have (if you have no allergies, list NONE) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Could you be or are you pregnant? _____________________ How much caffeinated coffee or other caffeine containing beverages do you drink per day? _______________ How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? _______________________________ How many days per week do you drink alcohol? ____________________________________ During the past month have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? ____________ Have you or any of your family EVER been diagnosed as having any of the following: (circle all that apply) Cancer: SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Cancer (Type:Heart Problems ) SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Asthma SELF FAMILY MEMBER: High Blood Pressure SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Emphysema/COPD SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Depression SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Hepatitis SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Stroke SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Anemia SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Multiple Sclerosis SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Tuberculosis SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Diabetes SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Chemical Dependency SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Kidney Disease SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Osteoporosis SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Thyroid Problems SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Rheumatoid Arthritis SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Epilepsy SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Other Arthritic Conditions SELF FAMILY MEMBER: SELF FAMILY MEMBER: Have You Had, Or Do You Experience: Cardiovascular System YES NO Elevated cholesterol Sweating associated with pain Palpitations Swelling of extremities History of smoking Orthopnea (difficulty breathing) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ GI System YES NO Pulmonary System YES NO Dyspnea (labored breathing) Wheezing Prolonged cough ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Difficulty swallowing Heartburn Jaundice (yellow appearance) Specific food intolerance Constipation Diarrhea Rectal bleeding Gall bladder problems Liver problems ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ G.U. System YES NO Dysuria (painful urination) Hematuria (blood in urine) Incontinence Urinary urgency Painful Menstration Frequency in urination ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Neurological System YES NO Endocrine System YES NO Poor Muscular Coordination Memory lapses Confusion Head Trauma Neurological Disorder Tremors Slurred speech patterns Hearing/Visual disturbances ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Excessive thirst Excessive hunger Fatigue Weakness Thyroid problems ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Other Systems YES NO ENT (ears, nose, throat) Lymphatic Psychiatric Musculoskeletal ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ The information listed is correct to the best of my knowledge. Patient/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: __________ Patient Authorization Patient Name: _________________________ Date of Birth: __________ Release of Information & Consent for Treatment All information provided herein is true and correct. I am aware of my diagnosis and wish to receive treatment at The Orthopedic Group. I permit its employees and all other persons caring for me to treat me in ways they judge are beneficial to me. I consent to rehabilitation and related services at this Facility. I understand, acknowledge and affirm that such rehabilitation and related services may involve bodily contact, touching and/or direct contact of a sensitive nature. I understand that this care can include an evaluation, testing, and treatment. No guarantees have been made to me about the outcome of this care. I give permission to The Orthopedic Group to release information, verbal and written, contained in my medical record, and other related information, to my insurance company, rehab nurse, case manager, attorney, employer, school, related healthcare provider, assignees and/or beneficiaries and all other related persons as it relates to my treatment and/or payment for services provided. I authorize The Orthopedic Group to obtain medical records and/or professional information from my physician or other medical professional as it relates to my treatment. The signature below certifies that I have read and understand the above information. Initial: ____ Assignment of Benefits I authorize payment directly to The Orthopedic Group, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates for services and to bill and release payment directly to The Orthopedic Group, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates for any physical therapy, rehabilitation, orthotic or prosthetic services provided. This is a direct assignment of my rights and benefits under this policy. A photocopy of this assignment shall be considered as effective and valid as the original. Initial: ____ Notice of Privacy Practices (HIPAA Acknowledgement/Consent) I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of The Notice of Privacy Practices for The Orthopedic Group. In addition, I hereby consent to the use and disclosure of my personal health information for the purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations. Initial _____ Payment Guarantee I agree to pay The Orthopedic Group, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates for the services provided to me or the party named above. If any law, such as workers’ compensation, or insurance contract prohibits payment for these services I will cooperate and assist in the provision of information, authorizations, releases, or any other type of information necessary to allow for speedy collection from my third-party payer. Where the law or an insurance contract does not prohibit payment by me, I acknowledge responsibility for any and all account balances. The Intake & Verification of Benefits Form is only an explanation of coverage obtained from my insurance company and it is not a guarantee of coverage. If the information provided by my insurance company is not accurate or the insurance company changes its coverage, I will be responsible for payment for services. I understand that my good-faith payment may not be inclusive of all payments for which I am responsible and I may be billed for any remaining balance. I further understand that this agreement is binding regardless of any legal transaction currently in progress or initiated during or after the course of my treatments unless agreed to in writing by myself and a representative of The Orthopedic Group. Initial _______ Patient Information & Data Sheet I hereby acknowledge that the information I provided on the Intake Form and all Patient Information is correct. Initial: ______ Patient or Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ________________ Witness Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________