UNIVERSIDAD DE ESPECIALIDADES ESPÍRITU SANTO FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES JAPANESE DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS SUBJECT: JPN 101 (11) Japanese for BeginnersⅠ HOURS: 10h20– 11h40 INSTRUCTOR: Kaori Ototake SEMESTRE: Intensive1 2006 CREDIT: 3 DAYS: MONDAY - THURSDAY PREREQUISISTE: NONE CLASSROOM: F-25 PRESENT HOURS: 48H NON-PRESENT HOURS: 54H 1. DESCRIPTION JAPANESE FOR BEGINNERS 1 – This is the first course of Japanese. This course is for beginners who have no knoledge of the Japanese language or no formal training in Japanese. The main purpos of this course is to know the feature of the Japanese language and to develop a foundationfor the study of Japanese henceforth. The course focuses on spoken language. Starting with developing a Japanese sound system within themselves, students finally learn how to say basic sentences. Focusing on spoken language, however, the students also learn a fundamental Japanese writing system. At the end of this course, successful students should be able to read and write Japanese phonograms, Hiragana and Katakana, and also write basic sentences with them. 2. METHODOLOGY Students will practice Japanese by activities that are done with visual aids of by means of pair works, imgining the real situation. The grammar will be explained in English. As a preview, students have to check new vocabulary in each lesson in the text and read the grammar explanation that is learned on the day in advance. As a review, students have to do some pages from the workbook at home. Sometimes, handouts are given by the instructor. NOTE: Students have to try to speak in Japanese, using the words, expressions, and grammar already learned all the time in class. It affects participation points. It is preview and review that are the most important things for students to master what they learn on the day. Failure to do these will easily lead to falling behind. Late homework will be accepted with penalty. 3. CONTAINTS OF THE COURSE SESSION UNITS/CONTAINTS NON-PRESENT HOURS (90min.) EVALUATION Introduction Greetings Writing System Text:①p.6-p.7 ②Japanese Writing System p.18-p.22 Know about greeting phrase. Know about Japanese writing system. Session 2 January, 10 Greetings Writing System Hiragana (a-ko) Origami Text:①p.6-p.8,p.20 ②Japanese Writing System p.18-p.24 Practice hiragana(a-ko) on a notebook Know about greeting phrase. Know about Japanese writing system. Can write hiragana a-ko. Session 3 January, 11 Greetings Writing System Numbers Hiragana (a-ko) Text: ①p.6-p.9,p.20-p.21 ②Japanese Writing System p.18-24 Workbook: p.11 Practice hiragana (a-ko) on the notebook Memolize some greeting phrase. Can say some small numbers. Can write hiragana a-ko. Session 1 January, 9 Greetings Writing system Numbers/ Time Hiragana (a-so) Text: p.12-p.15 WB: p.12 Practice hiragana (ao-so) on the notebook and a handout Can say some numbers. Can say time. Can write hiragana sa-so. Text: p15-p.16 WB: p.13 Practice hiragana (a-to) on the notebook and a handout Can make some non-verbal affirmative sentences. Can write hiragana ta-to. Session 6 January,17 Greetings Grammar L1-1 Numbers/ Time Hiragana (a-to) Grammar L1-2 Numbers/ Time Hiragana (a-no) Text: p.16-p.17,p.29 WB: p.14 Practice hiragana (a-no) on the notebook Can make some non-verbal interrogatives. Can write hiragana na-to. Session 7 January, 18 Grammar L1-3 Age Hiragana (na-ho) Text: p10-p.11 WB: p.15 Practice hiragana (na-ho) on the notebook and a handout Text: p.39-p.40 WB: p.16 Practice hiragana (ma-yo) on the notebook and a handout Can modify noun with noun using the particle の. Can say age. Can write hiragana ha-ho. Text: p.32-p.35 Practice hiragana (ra-n) on the notebook and a handout Can say some big numbers. Can write hiragana ra-n. Session 4 January, 12 Session 5 January, 16 Understand the dialogue. Can write hiragana ma-yo. Session 9 January, 23 Age L1 Review & Dialogue VQ (L1) Hiragana (ma-yo) L1 Review Big numbers (text p.39-p40) Hiragana (ra-n) Session 10 January, 24 Grammar L2-1 Big Numbers Hiragana (ga-po) Text: p.35-p.36 Practice hiragana (ga-po) on the notebook and a handout Can use demonstratives. Can write hiragana ga-po. Session 11 January, 25 Grammar L2-2 Hiragana (kya-ryo) Hiragana Review Practice hiragana (kya-ryo) on the notebook and a handout Can use demonstratives with nouns. Can write hiragana kyaryo. Review for the Exam Hiragana Review Practice all hiragana on the notebook Understand grammars already learned. Can read and realize all hiragana. Midterm Exam (Oral) Study for the exam Midterm Exam (Written) Text: p.36 Practice all hiragana on the notebook Introduce themselves using the grammar already learned. Make conversation with the instructur using the grammar learned in class. Understand the grammars learned in class and answer questions. Text: p.36 WB: p.21 Practice katakana (a-ko) on the notebook and a handout Can make sentences and answer questions with “whose”. Can write katakana a-ko. Session 16 February, 2 Exam Revision Grammar L2-3 VQ (L2) Hiragana Review Katakana (a-ko) Grammar L2-4 Hiragana Review Katakana (sa-to) Text: p.37 Practice katakana (sa-to) on the notebook and a handout Can use demonstratives for place. Can write katakana sa-to. Session 17 February. 6 Grammar L2-5 Hiragana Quiz Katakana (na-ho) Text: p.37-p.38 WB: p22 Practice katakana (na-ho) on the notebook and a handout Can make sentenses with particle を. Can wirte katakana na-ho. Session 18 February, 7 Grammar L2-6 L2-7 Katakana (ma-yo) Text: p.30-p.31,p.56-p.59 WB: p23 Practice katakana (ma-yo) on the notebook and a handout Can make non-verbal negative sentences. Can understand and use ending tags ね and よ. Can write katakana ma-yo. Session 8 January, 19 Session 12 January, 26 Session 13 January, 30 Session 14 January, 31 Session 15 February, 1 Session 19 February, 8 Session 20 February, 9 Session 21 February, 13 Session 22 February, 14 Session 23 February, 15 Session 24 February, 16 Session 25 February, 20 L2 Review & Dialogue Grammar L3-1 Katakana (ra-n) Grammar L3-1 L3-3 Katakana (ga-po) (kya-ryo) Text: p.56-p.61 Practice katakana (ra-n) on the notebook and a handout Know long form conjugation of verb. Can write katakana ra-n. Text: p.56-p.61 WB: p.25 Practicr katakana (ga-po,kya-ryo) on the notebook Grammar L3-1 L3-3 Katakana (kya-ryo) (long vowel) Grammar L3-2 L3-3 VQ (L3) Katakana Reveiw Text: p.60-p.61 WB: p.26 Practice katakana (kya-ryo,long vowel) on the notebook Can use long form conjugation in sentences. Understand how to use the particle を in sentences. Can write katakana ga-po and kya-ryo. Can make verbal sentences with the particles で, に and へ. Understand how to describe long vowel in katakana word. Grammar L3-4 Katakana Review Text: p.62 WB: p.28 Practice all katakana on the notebook Grammar L3-5 Katakana Review Text p.62-p.63 WB: p.29 Practice all katakana on the notebook Can make sentences for invitation. Can write all katakana. Grammar L3-6 L3-7 Katakana Quiz Text: p.63-p.64 WB: p.30 Understand word order in Japanese sentence. Can make sentences with frequency adverb. Grammar L3-8 Practice all kana on the notebook Can understand how to use the particle は in the sentence. Shuuji Study for the exam Understand all grammars that are learned in the course. Can read and realize all kana. Text: p.61-p.62 WB: p.27 Practice all katakana on the notebook Session 26 February, 21 Session 27 February, 22 Session 28 February, 23 Session 29 March, 1 Session 30 March, 2 Review for the Exam (L1- Study for the exam L3) Understand tenses that the long form can describe. Can make verbal sentences with some particles in a sentence. Can write all katakana. Learn the relation between the particle に and time reference. Can write all katakana. Understand all garammars that are learned in the course. Can read and realize all kana. Final Exam (Oral) Study for the exam Make conversation about their habitual action with the instructor using the verbal sentences. Final Exam (Written) Review all Understand what they learned during the course and anwer the questions with them. 4. EVALUATION Vocabulary Quizzes (VQ) Hiragana, Katakana Quizzes Attendance/ Participation Homework Examination (Oral/ Written) 15 pts. 15 pts. 20 pts. 50 pts. 100 pts. 5. BOOKS IN THE COURSE 1. GenkiⅠ, The Japan Times (Japanese Writing System) p.18 – p.24 + (L1 – L3) p.6 – p.71 2. GenkiⅠ Workbook, The Japan Times (L1 – L3) p.11 – p.32 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Minna no Nihongo (Español) 1/ 2 (kana/ roma-ji), 3Acorporation, (1999) 2. Hajime no Ippo (Español) – Los primeros Pasos del Japones (Español) - , 3Acorporation, (1999) 3. Japanese for Busy People 1/ 2/ 3 (kana/ roma-ji), Assosiation for Japanese Language Teaching, (1995/ 1996) 4. Japanese for Young People 1/ 2/ 3, Assosiation for Japanese Language Teaching, (1999/ 2000) 5. Nakama 1/ 2, Seiichi Makino, Houghton Mufflin College Div, (1998/ 1999) 6. All About Particles, Naoko Chino, Kodansha Amer Inc, (2002) 7. Making Sense of Japanese, Jay Rubin, Kodansha Amer Inc, (2002) 8. The Kodansha English – English Dictionary, Shiego Kawamoto, Kodansha Amer Inc, (1985) 9. Kodansha Japanese – English Dictionary, Edmund Wikes, French & European Pubns, (1985) 10. Kanji Isn’t That Hard!, Yoshiaki Takebe, ALC Press, (1993) WEB SITES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Japanese Language Learning Tools on Web www.sabotenweb.com/bookmarks/language.html japan-guide.com http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e621.html the Japanese page.com http://www.thejapanesepage.com/news.php The Kanji Site www.kanjisite.com Kanji for Tatoos http://japanese.about.com Kanji Clinic http://www.kanjiclinic.com Kanji Learn www2.gol.com 7. INSTRUCTOR’S DATE Name: Kaori Ototake Qualifications: Japanese Teaching Certification [BA in English, Minored in Japanese teaching and English teaching] Test of Japanese Teaching Competence (2003) E- Mail: kototake@uees.edu.ec