图书情报专题研究 最新学科研究热点与前沿 2011 年第 3 期 西北工业大学图书馆 2011 年 10 月 前 言 《图书情报专题研究》的宗旨是为我校师生开展学术研究提供有价值的参 考信息。此项工作由图书馆信息咨询与情报研究部承担,根据学校所购买的数字 资源,通过分析其深层次的功能,从数据库中组织整理出了与我校学科领域相关 的最新学科热点研究论文、最新研究前沿及最新国际会议信息等,以期能对我校 师生开展学术研究、项目立项、开题等学术研究活动提供帮助。 本期,我们收集整理了如下八个方面的热点文献和前沿信息: 1.快速突破研究论文(Fast Breaking Papers),由汤姆森科技公司统计的 22 个学科 1997 至 2010 年引用率最高的高被引论文列表,是由每年各领域中被引用 率最高的前 1%的文献构成,每两个月按照当前引文数据进行更新,包括新进入 前 1%的论文。这些文献描述了新近在科学研究上有价值的发现和进展,并开始 引起学术界的关注。 2.最新研究前沿(Emerging Research Fronts),由汤姆森科技公司统计的 22 个学科的最新研究领域,一个新的研究领域是由那些并没有在之前任何领域 出现过的核心论文组成,所列举出来的研究领域都是取决于其所包含的这些核心 论文的数量以及相关的引证率。 3. Elsevier Science Direct Top 25,Elsevier 数据库下载次数最多的 25 篇论 文。 4. IEL Top20,IEL 数据库下载最多的 20 篇论文。 5. ACM 最新会议。根据 ACM 主页所提供的最新会议信息整理所得,可 供研究者参考未来将要召开的会议内容等信息。 6. AIAA 最新会议,由 AIAA 主站提供的最新会议信息,以供研究者参考 所用。 7.IEEE 最新会议,由 IEEE 主站提供的最新会议信息,供相关研究者参考 使用。 8. SCI Essential Science Indicators HOT PAPERS,SCI Essential Science Indicators 提供的最近两年的热点文章,其排名根据文章的被引频次。 如果您对我们的栏目设置、内容编排、出版方式等有好的意见和建议,欢 迎与我们联系,我们将积极采纳,使这份电子刊物日臻完善 图书馆 2011 年 10 月 目 录 一、快速突破研究论文(来源:http://www.sciencewatch.com/) .......1 二、最新研究前沿(来源:http://www.sciencewatch.com/) ...............3 三、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 (材料科学) .......................................4 四、IEL Top20(来源:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/) ............................15 五、ACM 最新会议(来源:http://www.acm.org/) ..........................22 六、AIAA 最新会议(来源:http://www.aiaa.org/) ..........................25 七、IEEE 最新会议(来源:http://www.ieee.org/index.html) ..........31 八、SCI Essential Science Indicators HOT PAPERS(工程类) .........32 一、快速突破研究论文(来源:http://www.sciencewatch.com/) 1. 学科领域: 生物学和生物化学(Biology & Biochemistry) 题目:Dali server: conservation mapping in 3D 作者:Holm, L;Rosenstrom, P 出处: NUCL ACID RES Volume: 38, Issue: , Page: :W545-W549, Year: Suppl. 2 JUL 2010 作者单位:* Univ Helsinki, Inst Biotechnol, Helsinki, Finland. * Univ Helsinki, Inst Biotechnol, Helsinki, Finland. * Univ Helsinki, Dept Biosci, Helsinki, Finland. 2. 学科领域: 化学(Chemistry) 评注:" Jaheon Kim on Highly Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks." 题目:Ultrahigh Porosity in Metal-Organic Frameworks 作者:Furukawa, H;Ko, N;Go, YB;Aratani, N;Choi, SB;Choi, E;Yazaydin, AO;Snurr, RQ;O'Keeffe, M;Kim, J;Yaghi, OM 出处: SCIENCE Volume: 329, Issue: 5990, Page: 424-428, Year: JUL 23 2010 作者单位:* Soongsil Univ, Dept Chem, Seoul 156743, South Korea. * Soongsil Univ, Dept Chem, Seoul 156743, South Korea. * Univ Calif Los Angeles, Calif NanoSyst Inst, Ctr Reticular Chem, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA. 3. 学科领域: 计算机科学(Computer Science) 题目:Skyline: an open source document editor for creating and analyzing targeted proteomics experiments 作者:MacLean, B;Tomazela, DM;Shulman, N;Chambers, M;Finney, GL;Frewen, B;Kern, R;Tabb, DL;Liebler, DC;MacCoss, MJ 出处: BIOINFORMATICS Volume: 26, Issue: 7, Page: 966-968, Year: APR 1 2010 作者单位:* Univ Washington, Dept Genome Sci, Seattle, WA 98195 USA. * Univ Washington, Dept Genome Sci, Seattle, WA 98195 USA. * Vanderbilt Univ, Dept Biomed Informat, Nashville, TN 37232 USA. 4. 学科领域: 经济和商业(Economics & Business) 评注:" Julie Battilana & Coauthors on Institutional Entrepreneurship." 题目:How Actors Change Institutions: Towards a Theory of Institutional Entrepreneurship 作者:Battilana, J;Leca, B;Boxenbaum, E 出处: ACAD MANAG ANN Volume: 3, Issue: , Page: :65-107, Year: 2009 作者单位:* Harvard Univ, Sch Business, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. 1 * Harvard Univ, Sch Business, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. * Grp ESC Rouen, Rouen, France. 5.学科领域:工程( Engineering) 题目:Highly durable graphene nanoplatelets supported Pt nanocatalysts for oxygen reduction 作者:Shao, YY;Zhang, S;Wang, CM;Nie, ZM;Liu, J;Wang, Y;Lin, YH 出处: J POWER SOURCES Volume: 195, Issue: 15, Page: 4600-4605, Year: AUG 1 2010 作者单位:* Pacific NW Natl Lab, Richland, WA 99352 USA. * Pacific NW Natl Lab, Richland, WA 99352 USA. * Washington State Univ, Gene & Linda Voiland Sch Engn & Bioengn, Pullman, WA 99164 USA. 6.学科领域:环境生态学(Environment/Ecology) 题目:Recent developments in photocatalytic water treatment technology: A review 作者:Chong, MN;Jin, B;Chow, CWK;Saint, C 出处: WATER RES Volume: 44, Issue: 10, Page: 2997-3027, Year: MAY 2010 作者单位:* Univ Adelaide, Sch Earth & Environm Sci, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. * Univ Adelaide, Sch Earth & Environm Sci, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. * Univ Adelaide, Sch Chem Engn, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia. 7.学科领域: 材料科学(Materials Science) 题目:The Fano resonance in plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials 作者:Luk'yanchuk, B;Zheludev, NI;Maier, SA;Halas, NJ;Nordlander, P;Giessen, H;Chong, CT 出处: NAT MATER Volume: 9, Issue: 9, Page: 707-715, Year: SEP 2010 作者单位:* Data Storage Inst, Agcy Sci Technol & Res, DSI Bldg,5 Engn Dr 1, Singapore 117608, Singapore. * Data Storage Inst, Agcy Sci Technol & Res, Singapore 117608, Singapore. * Univ Southampton, Optoelect Res Ctr, Southampton SO17 1BJ, Hants, England. 8. 学科领域:数学(Mathematics) 题目:Guaranteed Minimum-Rank Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations via Nuclear Norm Minimization 作者:Recht, B;Fazel, M;Parrilo, PA 出处: SIAM REV Volume: 52, Issue: 3, Page: 471-501, Year: 2010 作者单位:* Univ Wisconsin, Dept Comp Sci, 1210 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706 USA. * Univ Wisconsin, Dept Comp Sci, Madison, WI 53706 USA. * Univ Washington, Dept Elect Engn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA. * MIT, Informat & Decis Syst Lab, Dept Elect Engn & Comp Sci, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. 9. 学科领域:物理学(Physics) 评注:" Stefan Kuhr Discusses Imaging Atomic Mott Insulators." 2 题目:Single-atom-resolved fluorescence imaging of an atomic Mott insulator 作者:Sherson, JF;Weitenberg, C;Endres, M;Cheneau, M;Bloch, I;Kuhr, S 出处: NATURE Volume: 467, Issue: 7311, Page: 68-U97, Year: SEP 2 2010 作者单位:* Max Planck Inst Quantum Opt, Hans Kopfermann Str 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany. * Max Planck Inst Quantum Opt, D-85748 Garching, Germany. * Univ Munich, D-80799 Munich, Germany. 10. 学科领域:社会科学(Social Sciences, general) 评注:" R. Saidur on Saving Energy by Reducing Vehicle Weight." 题目:Nanotechnology in vehicle's weight reduction and associated energy savings 作者:Saidur, R;Lai, YK 出处: ENERGY EDUC SCI TECHNOL-PT A Volume: 26, Issue: 2, Page: 87-101, Year: JAN 2011 作者单位:* Univ Malaya, Dept Mech Engn, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia. * Univ Malaya, Dept Mech Engn, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia. 二、最新研究前沿(来源:http://www.sciencewatch.com/) 1.学科领域:Biology & Biochemistry 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR-ACTIVATED RECEPTORS (PPAR); NUCLEAR RECEPTORS; KEY CELLULAR FUNCTIONS; PHYSIOLOGICAL OUTPUTS; TRANSCRIPTIONAL REGULATION 2. 学科领域:Chemistry 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : TWO BULKY ANTHRACENE-BASED CARBOXYLIC LIGANDS; 3D COORDINATION POLYMERS; CADMIUM(II) COORDINATION POLYMERS; CRYSTAL STRUCTURES; 2D SELF-CATENATED COORDINATION POLYMER CONSTRUCTED 3. 学科领域:Computer Science 研究前沿名称:REGION 60 DEGREES S-60 DEGREES N; GLOBAL OZONE LAYER; ATMOSPHERIC CO2 CONCENTRATION; MODERN COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES; LONG-TERM MEMORY EFFECT 4. 学科领域:Economics & Business 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : IMMIGRATION; CHANGING ATTITUDES; EUROPEAN OPINION; EUROPEAN SOCIETIES; INDIVIDUAL ATTITUDES 3 5. 学科前沿:Engineering 研究前沿名称:WATER-WASTEWATER ARSENIC REMOVAL ADSORBENT METHOD; ARSENIC REMEDIATION; LABORATORY BASED APPROACHES; RECENT DEVELOPMENTS; CONTAMINATED WATER 6. 学科领域:Environment/ Ecology 研究前沿名称:INTEGRATED LAND DEGRADATION MONITORING; SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT; LAND MANAGEMENT SUSTAINABILITY; COMBAT LAND DEGRADATION; ASSESSING DRYLAND DEGRADATION 7. 学科领域: Materials & Science 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : GOLD NANORING SUBSTRATE SURFACE-ENHANCED RAMAN SCATTERING; NIR LOCALIZED SURFACE PLASMON RESONANCES; HOLE-MASK COLLOIDAL LITHOGRAPHY; HYBRID PLASMONIC NANOSTRUCTURE 8. 学科领域:Mathematics 研究前沿名称:SIMPLE INDUCTIVE LIMIT C*-ALGEBRAS; SEPARABLE AMENABLE C*-ALGEBRAS; STRONGLY SELF-ABSORBING C*-ALGEBRAS; CLASSIFICATION PROGRAM; ISOMORPHISM THEOREM 9. 学科领域:Microbiology 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : CARBON CATABOLITE REPRESSION; BACTERIA; PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE SYSTEM-RELATED PROTEIN PHOSPHORYLATION REGULATES CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM; SMALL RNA; GLOBAL REGULATOR 10.学科领域:Physics 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : FEMTOSECOND LASER-WRITTEN WAVEGUIDES; FEMTOSECOND LASER MICROMACHINING; HEAT ACCUMULATION EFFECTS; VARIABLE REPETITION RATE; OPTICALLY PRODUCED ARRAYS 三、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 (材料科学) 1. 题名:Graphene based materials: Past, present and future 出处:Progress in Materials Science, Volume 56, Issue 8, October 2011, Pages 1178-1271 作者:Singh, V.; Joung, D.; Zhai, L.; Das, S.; Khondaker, S.I.; Seal, S. 摘要:Graphene, a two dimensional monoatomic thick building block of a carbon allotrope, has emerged as an exotic material of the 21st century, and received world-wide attention due to its 4 exceptional charge transport, thermal, optical, and mechanical properties. Graphene and its derivatives are being studied in nearly every field of science and engineering. Recent progress has shown that the graphene-based materials can have a profound impact on electronic and optoelectronic devices, chemical sensors, nanocomposites and energy storage. The aim of this review article is to provide a comprehensive scientific progress of graphene to date and evaluate its future perspective. Various synthesis processes of single layer graphene, graphene nanoribbons, chemically derived graphene, and graphene-based polymer and nano particle composites are reviewed. Their structural, thermal, optical, and electrical properties were also discussed along with their potential applications. The article concludes with a brief discussion on the impact of graphene and related materials on the environment, its toxicological effects and its future prospects in this rapidly emerging field. 2. 题名:Nuclear reactions induced by deuterons and their applicability to skin tumor treatment through BNCT 出处:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 266, Issue 22, November 2008, Pages 4903-4910 作者:Burlon, A.A.; Roldan, T.d.V.; Kreiner, A.J.; Minsky, D.M.; Valda, A.A. 摘要:In this work the D(d,n)3He and 9Be(d,n)10B reactions have been studied in a low-energy regime as neutron sources for skin tumor treatment in the frame of accelerator-based BNCT (AB-BNCT). The total neutron production and the energy and angular distributions for each reaction at different bombarding energies and for the thick targets considered (TiD2, Be) have been determined using the available data in the literature. From this information, a feasibility study has been performed by means of MCNP simulations. The thermal, epithermal and fast neutron fluxes and doses at skin tumor positions (loaded with 40 ppm 10B) which are located on a whole-body human phantom have been simulated for different D2O moderator depths. The best-case performance shows that a high tumor control probability (TCP) of 99% corresponding to a weighted dose in tumor of 40 Gy can be reached at the tumor position keeping the weighted dose in healthy tissue below 12.5 Gy, by means of the 9Be(d,n)10B reaction at 1.1 MeV for a deuteron current of 20 mA and a 30 cm D2O moderator in 52 min. The availability of low-energy neutrons in the 9Be(d,n)10B reaction from the population of excited levels between 5.1 to 5.2 MeV in 10B and the convenience of a thin beryllium target are discussed. As a complement concerning alternatives to the Li(metal) + p reaction, the neutron yield of refractory lithium compounds (LiH, Li3N and Li2O) were calculated and compared with a Li metal target. 3. 题名:TiO"2 photocatalysis and related surface phenomena 出处:Surface Science Reports, Volume 63, Issue 12, December 2008, Pages 515-582 作者:Fujishima, A.; Zhang, X.; Tryk, D.A. 摘要:The field of photocatalysis can be traced back more than 80 years to early observations of the chalking of titania-based paints and to studies of the darkening of metal oxides in contact with organic compounds in sunlight. During the past 20 years, it has become an extremely well researched field due to practical interest in air and water remediation, self-cleaning surfaces, and self-sterilizing surfaces. During the same period, there has also been a strong effort to use photocatalysis for light-assisted production of hydrogen. The fundamental aspects of 5 photocatalysis on the most studied photocatalyst, titania, are still being actively researched and have recently become quite well understood. The mechanisms by which certain types of organic compounds are decomposed completely to carbon dioxide and water, for example, have been delineated. However, certain aspects, such as the photo-induced wetting phenomenon, remain controversial, with some groups maintaining that the effect is a simple one in which organic contaminants are decomposed, while other groups maintain that there are additional effects in which the intrinsic surface properties are modified by light. During the past several years, powerful tools such as surface spectroscopic techniques and scanning probe techniques performed on single crystals in ultra-high vacuum, and ultrafast pulsed laser spectroscopic techniques have been brought to bear on these problems, and new insights have become possible. Quantum chemical calculations have also provided new insights. New materials have recently been developed based on titania, and the sensitivity to visible light has improved. The new information available is staggering, but we hope to offer an overview of some of the recent highlights, as well as to review some of the origins and indicate some possible new directions. 4. 题 名 : Synthesis and surface engineering of iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications 出处:Biomaterials, Volume 26, Issue 18, June 2005, Pages 3995-4021 作者:Gupta, A.K.; Gupta, M. 摘要: Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) with appropriate surface chemistry have been widely used experimentally for numerous in vivo applications such as magnetic resonance imaging contrast enhancement, tissue repair, immunoassay, detoxification of biological fluids, hyperthermia, drug delivery and in cell separation, etc. All these biomedical and bioengineering applications require that these nanoparticles have high magnetization values and size smaller than 100 nm with overall narrow particle size distribution, so that the particles have uniform physical and chemical properties. In addition, these applications need special surface coating of the magnetic particles, which has to be not only non-toxic and biocompatible but also allow a targetable delivery with particle localization in a specific area. To this end, most work in this field has been done in improving the biocompatibility of the materials, but only a few scientific investigations and developments have been carried out in improving the quality of magnetic particles, their size distribution, their shape and surface in addition to characterizing them to get a protocol for the quality control of these particles. Nature of surface coatings and their subsequent geometric arrangement on the nanoparticles determine not only the overall size of the colloid but also play a significant role in biokinetics and biodistribution of nanoparticles in the body. The types of specific coating, or derivatization, for these nanoparticles depend on the end application and should be chosen by keeping a particular application in mind, whether it be aimed at inflammation response or anti-cancer agents. Magnetic nanoparticles can bind to drugs, proteins, enzymes, antibodies, or nucleotides and can be directed to an organ, tissue, or tumour using an external magnetic field or can be heated in alternating magnetic fields for use in hyperthermia. This review discusses the synthetic chemistry, fluid stabilization and surface modification of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, as well as their use for above biomedical applications. 5. 题名:Synthesis of graphene-based nanosheets via chemical reduction of exfoliated graphite 6 oxide 出处:Carbon, Volume 45, Issue 7, June 2007, Pages 1558-1565 作者:Stankovich, S.; Dikin, D.A.; Piner, R.D.; Kohlhaas, K.A.; Kleinhammes, A.; Jia, Y.; Wu, Y.; Nguyen, S.T.; Ruoff, R.S. 摘要: Reduction of a colloidal suspension of exfoliated graphene oxide sheets in water with hydrazine hydrate results in their aggregation and subsequent formation of a high-surface-area carbon material which consists of thin graphene-based sheets. The reduced material was characterized by elemental analysis, thermo-gravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and by electrical conductivity measurements. 6. 题名:Combinatorial performance characteristics of agitated nickel hypophosphite electroless plating baths 出处:Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 211, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 1488-1499 作者:Bulasara, V.K.; Thakuria, H.; Uppaluri, R.; Purkait, M.K. 摘要: In this article, we present the combinatorial performance characteristics of agitated sodium hypophosphite electroless plating baths. Various performance characteristics assessed include bath conversion, plating efficiency, selective conversion, metal film thickness, average pore size, effective porosity and percent pore densification (PPD). Bath agitation was brought forward by rotating a symmetric disk shaped porous ceramic substrate with a nominal pore size of 275 nm. The plating characteristics were investigated for wide range of nickel solution concentrations (0.04–0.16 mol/L), stirrer speed (0–200 rpm) and for two different loading ratios (defined as substrate surface area per unit volume of plating solution) values (196 and 393 cm2/L). It was evaluated that stirring had a profound effect on sodium hypophosphite based electroless nickel baths, which are characterized with lower conversions (10–39%) and higher plating efficiencies (62–99%) without stirring phenomena. The stirred plating baths provided about 20–56% excess nickel plating rate when compared to the baths without stirring. This lead to a reduction in average membrane pore size by 20–42 nm and an enhancement in percent pore densification values by about 2–7%. Further, higher concentrations as high as 0.16 mol/L have been found to be detrimental to reduce the metal plating efficiency to lower values (42%). Observed data trends confirm upon the urgent need to identify suitable mass transfer enhancement techniques that target enhancement in selective conversion while providing good values of plating efficiency and PPD. 7. 题名:Carbon nanotube-polymer composites: Chemistry, processing, mechanical and electrical properties 出处:Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 35, Issue 3, March 2010, Pages 357-401 作者:Spitalsky, Z.; Tasis, D.; Papagelis, K.; Galiotis, C. 摘要: Carbon nanotubes have long been recognized as the stiffest and strongest man-made material known to date. In addition, their high electrical conductivity has roused interest in the area of electrical appliances and communication related applications. However, due to their miniscule size, the excellent properties of these nanostructures can only be exploited if they are homogeneously embedded into light-weight matrices as those offered by a whole series of engineering polymers. We review the present state of polymer nanocomposites research in which 7 the fillers are carbon nanotubes. In order to enhance their chemical affinity to engineering polymer matrices, chemical modification of the graphitic sidewalls and tips is necessary. In this review, an extended account of the various chemical strategies for grafting polymers onto carbon nanotubes and the manufacturing of carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites is given. The mechanical and electrical properties to date of a whole range of nanocomposites of various carbon nanotube contents are also reviewed in an attempt to facilitate progress in this emerging area. 8. 题名:Recent advances in graphene based polymer composites 出处:Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 35, Issue 11, November 2010, Pages 1350-1375 作者:Kuilla, T.; Bhadra, S.; Yao, D.; Kim, N.H.; Bose, S.; Lee, J.H. 摘要: This paper reviews recent advances in the modification of graphene and the fabrication of graphene-based polymer nanocomposites. Recently, graphene has attracted both academic and industrial interest because it can produce a dramatic improvement in properties at very low filler content. The modification of graphene/graphene oxide and the utilization of these materials in the fabrication of nanocomposites with different polymer matrixes have been explored. Different organic polymers have been used to fabricate graphene filled polymer nanocomposites by a range of methods. In the case of modified graphene-based polymer nanocomposites, the percolation threshold can be achieved at a very lower filler loading. Herein, the structure, preparation and properties of polymer/graphene nanocomposites are discussed in general along with detailed examples drawn from the scientific literature 9. 题名:Chitosan-A versatile semi-synthetic polymer in biomedical applications 出处:Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 36, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages 981-1014 作者:Dash, M.; Chiellini, F.; Ottenbrite, R.M.; Chiellini, E. 摘要: This review outlines the new developments on chitosan-based bioapplications. Over the last decade, functional biomaterials research has developed new drug delivery systems and improved scaffolds for regenerative medicine that is currently one of the most rapidly growing fields in the life sciences. The aim is to restore or replace damaged body parts or lost organs by transplanting supportive scaffolds with appropriate cells that in combination with biomolecules generate new tissue. This is a highly interdisciplinary field that encompasses polymer synthesis and modification, cell culturing, gene therapy, stem cell research, therapeutic cloning and tissue engineering. In this regard, chitosan, as a biopolymer derived macromolecular compound, has a major involvement. Chitosan is a polyelectrolyte with reactive functional groups, gel-forming capability, high adsorption capacity and biodegradability. In addition, it is innately biocompatible and non-toxic to living tissues as well as having antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor activity. These features highlight the suitability and extensive applications that chitosan has in medicine. Micro/nanoparticles and hydrogels are widely used in the design of chitosan-based therapeuticsystems. The chemical structure and relevant biological properties of chitosan for regenerative medicine have been summarized as well as the methods for the preparation of controlled drug release devices and their applications. 10. 题名:The surface science of titanium dioxide 出处:Surface Science Reports, Volume 48, Issue 5-8, January 2003, Pages 53-229 作者:Diebold, U. 8 摘要: Titanium dioxide is the most investigated single-crystalline system in the surface science of metal oxides, and the literature on rutile (1 1 0), (1 0 0), (0 0 1), and anatase surfaces is reviewed. This paper starts with a summary of the wide variety of technical fields where TiO2 is of importance. The bulk structure and bulk defects (as far as relevant to the surface properties) are briefly reviewed. Rules to predict stable oxide surfaces are exemplified on rutile (1 1 0). The surface structure of rutile (1 1 0) is discussed in some detail. Theoretically predicted and experimentally determined relaxations of surface geometries are compared, and defects (step edge orientations, point and line defects, impurities, surface manifestations of crystallographic shear planes—CSPs) are discussed, as well as the image contrast in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The controversy about the correct model for the (1×2) reconstruction appears to be settled. Different surface preparation methods, such as reoxidation of reduced crystals, can cause a drastic effect on surface geometries and morphology, and recommendations for preparing different TiO2(1 1 0) surfaces are given. The structure of the TiO2(1 0 0)-(1×1) surface is discussed and the proposed models for the (1×3) reconstruction are critically reviewed. Very recent results on anatase (1 0 0) and (1 0 1) surfaces are included. The electronic structure of stoichiometric TiO2 surfaces is now well understood. Surface defects can be detected with a variety of surface spectroscopies. The vibrational structure is dominated by strong Fuchs–Kliewer phonons, and high-resolution electron energy loss spectra often need to be deconvoluted in order to render useful information about adsorbed molecules. The growth of metals (Li, Na, K, Cs, Ca, Al, Ti, V, Nb, Cr, Mo, Mn, Fe, Co, Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au) as well as some metal oxides on TiO2 is reviewed. The tendency to ‘wet’ the overlayer, the growth morphology, the epitaxial relationship, and the strength of the interfacial oxidation/reduction reaction all follow clear trends across the periodic table, with the reactivity of the overlayer metal towards oxygen being the most decisive factor. Alkali atoms form ordered superstructures at low coverages. Recent progress in understanding the surface structure of metals in the ‘strong-metal support interaction’ (SMSI) state is summarized. Literature is reviewed on the adsorption and reaction of a wide variety of inorganic molecules (H2, O2, H2O, CO, CO2, N2, NH3, NOx, sulfur- and halogen-containing molecules, rare gases) as well as organic molecules (carboxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, alkynes, pyridine and its derivates, silanes, methyl halides). The application of TiO2-based systems in photo-active devices is discussed, and the results on UHV-based photocatalytic studies are summarized. The review ends with a brief conclusion and outlook of TiO2-based surface science for the future. 11. 题名:Polymer nanoparticles: Preparation techniques and size-control parameters 出处:Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 36, Issue 7, July 2011, Pages 887-913 作者:Rao, J.P.; Geckeler, K.E. 摘要: Polymer nanoparticles have attracted the interest of many research groups and have been utilized in an increasing number of fields during the last decades. Generally, two main strategies are employed for their preparation: the dispersion of preformed polymers and the polymerization of monomers. Various techniques can be used to produce polymer nanoparticles, such as solvent evaporation, salting-out, dialysis, supercritical fluid technology, micro-emulsion, mini-emulsion, surfactant-free emulsion, and interfacial polymerization. The choice of method depends on a number of factors, such as, particle size, particle size distribution, area of application, etc. This review covers the general description of the preparation of polymer nanoparticles and the detailed 9 description of the crucial parameters involved in techniques designed to obtain the desired properties. 12. 题名:Initial oxidation of silver surfaces by S^2^-and S^4^+ species 出处:Corrosion Science, Volume 50, Issue 4, April 2008, Pages 1112-1121 作者:Kleber, Ch.; Wiesinger, R.; Schnoller, J.; Hilfrich, U.; Hutter, H.; Schreiner, M. 摘要: Silver has been exposed to each of the sulphurous gases under the influence of different humidity contents in the ambient atmosphere and in the presence and absence of aerial oxygen. The samples were investigated by means of in situ quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM) and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) which enables to characterize the corrosion layer formed, the morphology and the chemical structure of the weathered surfaces. The investigations revealed that sulfidation by both gases is strongly dependent on the relative humidity (% RH) content and the aerial oxygen content in the ambient atmosphere. The results obtained are used to suggest new mechanisms for the sulfidation of silver surfaces exposed to humidified atmospheres with addition of SO2 and H2S, respectively. 13. 题名:Silver sulphide growth on Ag(111): A medium energy ion scattering study 出处:Surface Science, Volume 604, Issue 15-16, August 2010, Pages 1254-1260 作者:Window, A.J.; Hentz, A.; Sheppard, D.C.; Parkinson, G.S.; Woodruff, D.P.; Noakes, T.C.Q.; Bailey, P. 摘 要 : The interaction of S2 with Ag(111) under ultra-high vacuum conditions has been investigated by medium energy ion scattering (MEIS). 100 keV He+ MEIS measurements provide a direct confirmation of a previous report, based on thermal desorption, that the growth of multilayer films of Ag2S occurs through a continuous corrosion process. These films show a commensurate (√7 × √7)R19° unit mesh in low energy electron diffraction, consistent with the epitaxial growth of (111) layers of the high-temperature F-cubic phase of Ag2S. The substantial range of co-existing film thicknesses found indicates that the growth must be in the form of variable-thickness islands. The use of 100 keV H+ incident ions leads to a very rapid decrease in the sulphide film thickness with increasing exposure that we attribute to an unusual chemical leaching, with implanted H atoms interacting with S atoms and desorption of H2S from the surface. 14. 题名:Recent developments in cathode materials for lithium ion batteries 出处:Journal of Power Sources, Volume 195, Issue 4, February 2010, Pages 939-954 作者:Fergus, J.W. 摘要: One of the challenges for improving the performance of lithium ion batteries to meet increasingly demanding requirements for energy storage is the development of suitable cathode materials. Cathode materials must be able to accept and release lithium ions repeatedly (for recharging) and quickly (for high current). Transition metal oxides based on the α-NaFeO2, spinel and olivine structures have shown promise, but improvements are needed to reduce cost and extend effective lifetime. In this paper, recent developments in cathode materials for lithium ion batteries are reviewed. This includes comparison of the performance characteristics of the promising cathode materials and approaches for improving their performances. 10 15. 题名:An overview of graphene in energy production and storage applications 出处:Journal of Power Sources, Volume 196, Issue 11, June 2011, Pages 4873-4885 作者:Brownson, D.A.C.; Kampouris, D.K.; Banks, C.E. 摘要: Energy production and storage are both critical research domains where increasing demands for the improved performance of energy devices and the requirement for greener energy resources constitute immense research interest. Graphene has incurred intense interest since its freestanding form was isolated in 2004, and with the vast array of unique and highly desirable electrochemical properties it offers, comes the most promising prospects when implementation within areas of energy research is sought. We present a review of the current literature concerning the electrochemical application of graphene in energy storage/generation devices, starting with its use as a super-capacitor through to applications in batteries and fuel cells, depicting graphene's utilisation in this technologically important field. 16. 题名:Fabrication and processing of polymer solar cells: A review of printing and coating techniques 出处:Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 93, Issue 4, April 2009, Pages 394-412 作者:Krebs, F.C. 摘要: Polymer solar cells are reviewed in the context of the processing techniques leading to complete devices. A distinction is made between the film-forming techniques that are used currently such as spincoating, doctor blading and casting and the, from a processing point of view, more desirable film-forming techniques such as slot-die coating, gravure coating, knife-over-edge coating, off-set coating, spray coating and printing techniques such as ink jet printing, pad printing and screen printing. The former are used almost exclusively and are not suited for high-volume production whereas the latter are highly suited, but little explored in the context of polymer solar cells. A further distinction is made between printing and coating when a film is formed. The entire process leading to polymer solar cells is broken down into the individual steps and the available techniques and materials for each step are described with focus on the particular advantages and disadvantages associated with each case. 17. 题名:Graphene-based polymer nanocomposite 出处:Polymer, Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 5-25 作者:Potts, J.R.; Dreyer, D.R.; Bielawski, C.W.; Ruoff, R.S. 摘要: Polymer solar cells are reviewed in the context of the processing techniques leading to complete devices. A distinction is made between the film-forming techniques that are used currently such as spincoating, doctor blading and casting and the, from a processing point of view, more desirable film-forming techniques such as slot-die coating, gravure coating, knife-over-edge coating, off-set coating, spray coating and printing techniques such as ink jet printing, pad printing and screen printing. The former are used almost exclusively and are not suited for high-volume production whereas the latter are highly suited, but little explored in the context of polymer solar cells. A further distinction is made between printing and coating when a film is formed. The entire process leading to polymer solar cells is broken down into the individual steps and the available techniques and materials for each step are described with focus on the particular advantages and disadvantages associated with each case. 11 18. 题名:Lithium batteries: Status, prospects and future 出处:Journal of Power Sources, Volume 195, Issue 9, May 2010, Pages 2419-2430 作者:Scrosati, B.; Garche, J. 摘要: Lithium batteries are characterized by high specific energy, high efficiency and long life. These unique properties have made lithium batteries the power sources of choice for the consumer electronics market with a production of the order of billions of units per year. These batteries are also expected to find a prominent role as ideal electrochemical storage systems in renewable energy plants, as well as power systems for sustainable vehicles, such as hybrid and electric vehicles. However, scaling up the lithium battery technology for these applications is still problematic since issues such as safety, costs, wide operational temperature and materials availability, are still to be resolved. This review focuses first on the present status of lithium battery technology, then on its near future development and finally it examines important new directions aimed at achieving quantum jumps in energy and power content. 19. 题名:Chitin and chitosan polymers: Chemistry, solubility and fiber formation 出处:Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 34, Issue 7, July 2009, Pages 641-678 作者:Pillai, C.K.S.; Paul, W.; Sharma, C.P. 摘要: Chitin and chitosan (CS) are biopolymers having immense structural possibilities for chemical and mechanical modifications to generate novel properties, functions and applications especially in biomedical area. Despite its huge availability, the utilization of chitin has been restricted by its intractability and insolubility. The fact that chitin is as an effective material for sutures essentially because of its biocompatibility, biodegradability and non-toxicity together with its antimicrobial activity and low immunogenicity, points to immense potential for future development. This review discusses the various attempts reported on solving this problem from the point of view of the chemistry and the structure of these polymers highlighting the drawbacks and advantages of each method and proposes that based on considerations of structure–property relations, it is possible to obtain chitin fibers with improved strength by making use of their nanostructures and/or mesophase properties of chitin. 20. 题名:Shape-memory polymers and their composites: Stimulus methods and applications 出处:Progress in Materials Science, Volume 56, Issue 7, September 2011, Pages 1077-1135 作者:Leng, J.; Lan, X.; Liu, Y.; Du, S. 摘要: Shape-memory polymers (SMPs) undergo significant macroscopic deformation upon the application of an external stimulus (e.g., heat, electricity, light, magnetism, moisture and even a change in pH value). They have been widely researched since the 1980s and are an example of a promising smart material. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of SMPs, encompassing a fundamental understanding of the shape-memory effect, fabrication, modeling and characterization of SMPs, various actuation methods and multifunctional properties of SMP composites, and potential applications for SMP structures. A definition of SMPs and their fundamentals are first presented. Next, a description of their fabrication, characterization and constitutive models of SMPs are introduced. SMP composites, which act to improve a certain function as functional materials or the general mechanical properties as structural materials, are briefly discussed. Specially, the SMP composites can be developed into multifunctional materials 12 actuated by various methods, such as thermal-induced, electro-activated, light-induced, magnetic-actuated and solution-responsive SMPs. As smart materials, the applications of SMPs and their composites receive much interest, including deployable structures, morphing structures, biomaterials, smart textiles and fabrics, SMP foams, automobile actuators and self-healing composite systems. 21. 题 名 :One-dimensional conducting polymer nanocomposites: Synthesis, properties and applications 出处:Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 36, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 671-712 作者:Lu, X.; Zhang, W.; Wang, C.; Wen, T.C.; Wei, Y. 摘要: Intrinsically conducting polymers have been studied extensively due to their intriguing electronic and redox properties and numerous potential applications in many fields since their discovery in 1970s. To improve and extend their functions, the fabrication of multi-functionalized conducting polymer nanocomposites has attracted a great deal of attention because of the emergence of nanotechnology. This article presents an overview of the synthesis of one-dimensional (1D) conducting polymer nanocomposites and their properties and applications. Nanocomposites consist of conducting polymers and one or more components, which can be carbon nanotubes, metals, oxide nanomaterials, chalcogenides, insulating or conducting polymers, biological materials, metal phthalocyanines and porphyrins, etc. The properties of 1D conducting polymer nanocomposites will be widely discussed. Special attention is paid to the difference in the properties between 1D conducting polymer nanocomposites and bulk conducting polymers. Applications of 1D conducting polymer nanocomposites described include electronic nanodevices, chemical and biological sensors, catalysis and electrocatalysis, energy, microwave absorption and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding, electrorheological (ER) fluids, and biomedicine. The advantages of 1D conducting polymer nanocomposites over the parent conducting polymers are highlighted. Combined with the intrinsic properties and synergistic effect of each component, it is anticipated that 1D conducting polymer nanocomposites will play an important role in various fields of nanotechnology. 22. 题名:Graphene and graphite nanoribbons: Morphology, properties, synthesis, defects and applications 出处:Nano Today, Volume 5, Issue 4, August 2010, Pages 351-372 作者:Terrones, M.; Botello-Mendez, A.R.; Campos-Delgado, J.; Lopez-Urias, F.; Vega-Cantu, Y.I.; Rodriguez-Macias, F.J.; Elias, A.L.; Munoz-Sandoval, E.; Cano-Marquez, A.G.; Charlier, J.C.; Terrones, H. 摘要: Carbon is a unique and very versatile element which is capable of forming different architectures at the nanoscale. Over the last 20 years, new members of the carbon nanostructure family arose, and more are coming. This review provides a brief overview on carbon nanostructures ranging from C60 to graphene, passing through carbon nanotubes. It provides the reader with important definitions in carbon nanoscience and concentrates on novel one- and two-dimensional layered carbon (sp2 hybridized), including graphene and nanoribbons. This account presents the latest advances in their synthesis and characterization, and discusses new perspectives of tailoring their electronic, chemical, mechanical and magnetic properties based on defect control engineering. It is foreseen that some of the structures discussed in the review will 13 have important applications in areas related to electronics, spintronics, composites, medicine and many others. 23. 题 名 :A review on polymer nanofibers by electrospinning and their applications in nanocomposites 出 处 :Composites Science and Technology, Volume 63, Issue 15, November 2003, Pages 2223-2253 作者:Huang, Z.-M.; Zhang, Y.-Z.; Kotaki, M.; Ramakrishna, S. 摘要: Electrospinning has been recognized as an efficient technique for the fabrication of polymer nanofibers. Various polymers have been successfully electrospun into ultrafine fibers in recent years mostly in solvent solution and some in melt form. Potential applications based on such fibers specifically their use as reinforcement in nanocomposite development have been realized. In this paper, a comprehensive review is presented on the researches and developments related to electrospun polymer nanofibers including processing, structure and property characterization, applications, and modeling and simulations. Information of those polymers together with their processing conditions for electrospinning of ultrafine fibers has been summarized in the paper. Other issues regarding the technology limitations, research challenges, and future trends are also discussed. 24. 题名:Biodegradable polymers as biomaterials 出处:Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 32, Issue 8-9, August 2007, Pages 762-798 作者:Nair, L.S.; Laurencin, C.T. 摘要: During the past two decades significant advances have been made in the development of biodegradable polymeric materials for biomedical applications. Degradable polymeric biomaterials are preferred candidates for developing therapeutic devices such as temporary prostheses, three-dimensional porous structures as scaffolds for tissue engineering and as controlled/sustained release drug delivery vehicles. Each of these applications demands materials with specific physical, chemical, biological, biomechanical and degradation properties to provide efficient therapy. Consequently, a wide range of natural or synthetic polymers capable of undergoing degradation by hydrolytic or enzymatic route are being investigated for biomedical applications. This review summarizes the main advances published over the last 15 years, outlining the synthesis, biodegradability and biomedical applications of biodegradable synthetic and natural polymers. 25. 题名:Electrospinning materials for energy-related applications and devices 出处:Journal of Power Sources, Volume 196, Issue 11, June 2011, Pages 4886-4904 作者:Dong, Z.; Kennedy, S.J.; Wu, Y. 摘要: The tasks of harvesting, transmitting, and storing the energy required to meet global demands are some of the most pressing needs we will face in the near future. Scientists are seeking new technologies to generate renewable and clean energy resources. Nanofiberous materials with high surface areas and porosities have attracted significant attention in recent years and are considered to be promising candidates to address these critical issues. Nanofibers can be produced by many techniques. Of these, electrospinning is a particularly low cost and versatile method. This paper highlights research into the use of electrospinning to create materials suited 14 for four major energy-related applications: (1) fuel cells, (2) dye-sensitized solar cells, (3) Li-ion batteries, and (4) supercapacitors. In addition, electrospun nanofibers used in other areas, such as thermoelectrical and piezoelectric materials, are also discussed. Specific attention is given to the material properties that have been achieved through electrospinning and what limitations of existing processes offer opportunities for future research. 四、IEL Top20(来源:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/) 1.题名:Understanding Cloud Computing Vulnerabilities 作者:Grobauer, B. Walloschek, T. Stocker, E. 出处:Security & Privacy, IEEE Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Date: March-April 2011 Page(s):50 - 57 摘要:The current discourse about cloud computing security issues makes a well-founded assessment of cloud computing's security impact difficult for two primary reasons. First, as is true for many discussions about risk, basic vocabulary such as "risk," "threat," and "vulnerability" are often used as if they were interchangeable, without regard to their respective definitions. Second, not every issue that's raised is really specific to cloud computing. We can achieve an accurate understanding of the security issue "delta" that cloud computing really adds by analyzing how cloud computing influences each risk factor. One important factor concerns vulnerabilities: cloud computing makes certain well-understood vulnerabilities more significant and adds new vulnerabilities. Here, the authors define four indicators of cloud-specific vulnerabilities, introduce a security-specific cloud reference architecture, and provide examples of cloud-specific vulnerabilities for each architectural component. 2.题名:IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications 摘要:The content and qualities of a good software requirements specification (SRS) are described, and several sample SRS outlines are presented. This recommended practice is aimed at specifying the requirements of software to be developed, but can also be applied to assist in the selection of in-house and commercial software products. Guidelines for compliance with IEEE/EIA Std 12207.1-1997 are also provided. 3.题名:Green Cloud Computing: Balancing Energy in Processing, Storage, and Transport 作者:Baliga, J. Ayre, R.W.A. Hinton, K. Tucker, R.S. 出处:Proceedings of the IEEE Volume: 99 Issue: 1 Date: Jan. 2011 Page(s):149 - 167 摘要:Network-based cloud computing is rapidly expanding as an alternative to conventional office-based computing. As cloud computing becomes more widespread, the energy consumption of the network and computing resources that underpin the cloud will grow. This is happening at a 15 time when there is increasing attention being paid to the need to manage energy consumption across the entire information and communications technology (ICT) sector. While data center energy use has received much attention recently, there has been less attention paid to the energy consumption of the transmission and switching networks that are key to connecting users to the cloud. In this paper, we present an analysis of energy consumption in cloud computing. The analysis considers both public and private clouds, and includes energy consumption in switching and transmission as well as data processing and data storage. We show that energy consumption in transport and switching can be a significant percentage of total energy consumption in cloud computing. Cloud computing can enable more energy-efficient use of computing power, especially when the computing tasks are of low intensity or infrequent. However, under some circumstances cloud computing can consume more energy than conventional computing where each user performs all computing on their own personal computer (PC). 4.题名:A Performance Comparison of Data Encryption Algorithms 作者:Nadeem, A. Javed, M.Y. 出处:Information and Communication Technologies, 2005. ICICT 2005. First International Conference on Page(s): 84 - 89 摘要:The principal goal guiding the design of any encryption algorithm must be security against unauthorized attacks. However, for all practical applications, performance and the cost of implementation are also important concerns. A data encryption algorithm would not be of much use if it is secure enough but slow in performance because it is a common practice to embed encryption algorithms in other applications such as e-commerce, banking, and online transaction processing applications. Embedding of encryption algorithms in other applications also precludes a hardware implementation, and is thus a major cause of degraded overall performance of the system. In this paper, the four of the popular secret key encryption algorithms, i.e., DES, 3DES, AES (Rijndael), and the Blowfish have been implemented, and their performance is compared by encrypting input files of varying contents and sizes, on different Hardware platforms. The algorithms have been implemented in a uniform language, using their standard specifications, to allow a fair comparison of execution speeds. The performance results have been summarized and a conclusion has been presented. Based on the experiments, it has been concluded that the Blowfish is the best performing algorithm among the algorithms chosen for implementation. 5.题名:LTE-advanced: next-generation wireless broadband technology [Invited Paper] 作者:Ghosh, A. Ratasuk, R. Mondal, B. Mangalvedhe, N. Thomas, T. 出处:Wireless Communications, IEEE Volume: 17 Issue: 3 Date: June 2010 Page(s):10 - 22 摘要:LTE Release 8 is one of the primary broadband technologies based on OFDM, which is currently being commercialized. LTE Release 8, which is mainly deployed in a macro/microcell layout, provides improved system capacity and coverage, high peak data rates, low latency, reduced operating costs, multi-antenna support, flexible bandwidth operation and seamless integration with existing systems. LTE-Advanced (also known as LTE Release 10) significantly enhances the existing LTE Release 8 and supports much higher peak rates, higher throughput and coverage, and lower latencies, resulting in a better user experience. Additionally, LTE Release 10 16 will support heterogeneous deployments where low-power nodes comprising picocells, femtocells, relays, remote radio heads, and so on are placed in a macrocell layout. The LTE-Advanced features enable one to meet or exceed IMT-Advanced requirements. It may also be noted that LTE Release 9 provides some minor enhancement to LTE Release 8 with respect to the air interface, and includes features like dual-layer beamforming and time-difference- of-arrival-based location techniques. In this article an overview of the techniques being considered for LTE Release 10 (aka LTEAdvanced) is discussed. This includes bandwidth extension via carrier aggregation to support deployment bandwidths up to 100 MHz, downlink spatial multiplexing including single-cell multi-user multiple-input multiple-output transmission and coordinated multi point transmission, uplink spatial multiplexing including extension to four-layer MIMO, and heterogeneous networks with emphasis on Type 1 and Type 2 relays. Finally, the performance of LTEAdvanced using IMT-A scenarios is presented and compared against IMT-A targets for full buffer and bursty traffic model. 6.题名:Top 11 technologies of the decade 作者:Ross, P.E. 出处:Spectrum, IEEE Volume: 48 Issue: 1 Date: Jan. 2011 Page(s):27 - 63 摘要:The most powerful technologies take a while to mature. But when they do, they can rapidly retire mainstays that are decades old. Given in this paper are the top 11 technologies of the decade which are smartphones, social networking, voice over IP, LED lighting, multicore CPU, cloud computing, drone aircraft, planetary rovers, flexible AC transmission, digital photography and class-D audio. 7.题名:Compressed sensing 作者:Donoho, D.L. 出处:Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Date: April 2006 Page(s):1289 - 1306 摘要:Suppose x is an unknown vector in Ropfm (a digital image or signal); we plan to measure n general linear functionals of x and then reconstruct. If x is known to be compressible by transform coding with a known transform, and we reconstruct via the nonlinear procedure defined here, the number of measurements n can be dramatically smaller than the size m. Thus, certain natural classes of images with m pixels need only n=O(m1/4log5/2(m)) nonadaptive nonpixel samples for faithful recovery, as opposed to the usual m pixel samples. More specifically, suppose x has a sparse representation in some orthonormal basis (e.g., wavelet, Fourier) or tight frame (e.g., curvelet, Gabor)-so the coefficients belong to an lscrp ball for 0<ples1. The N most important coefficients in that expansion allow reconstruction with lscr2 error O(N1/2-1p/). It is possible to design n=O(Nlog(m)) nonadaptive measurements allowing reconstruction with accuracy comparable to that attainable with direct knowledge of the N most important coefficients. Moreover, a good approximation to those N important coefficients is extracted from the n measurements by solving a linear program-Basis Pursuit in signal processing. The nonadaptive measurements have the character of "random" linear combinations of basis/frame elements. Our results use the notions of optimal recovery, of n-widths, and information-based complexity. We estimate the Gel'fand n-widths of lscrp balls in high-dimensional Euclidean space in the case 17 0<ples1, and give a criterion identifying near- optimal subspaces for Gel'fand n-widths. We show that "most" subspaces are near-optimal, and show that convex optimization (Basis Pursuit) is a near-optimal way to extract information derived from these near-optimal subspaces. 8.题名:A survey of the research on future internet architectures 作者:Jianli Pan Paul, S. Jain, R. 出处:Communications Magazine, IEEE Volume: 49 Issue: 7 Date: July 2011 Page(s):26 - 36 摘要:The current Internet, which was designed over 40 years ago, is facing unprecedented challenges in many aspects, especially in the commercial context. The emerging demands for security, mobility, content distribution, etc. are hard to be met by incremental changes through ad-hoc patches. New clean-slate architecture designs based on new design principles are expected to address these challenges. In this survey article, we investigate the key research topics in the area of future Internet architecture. Many ongoing research projects from United States, the European Union, Japan, China, and other places are introduced and discussed. We aim to draw an overall picture of the current research progress on the future Internet architecture. 9.题名:IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems 摘要:This guide applies to all types of static power converters used in industrial and commercial power systems. The problems involved in the harmonic control and reactive power compensation of such converters are addressed, and an application guide is provided. Limits of disturbances to the AC power distribution system that affect other equipment and communications are recommended. 10.题名:Cloud Computing Research and Development Trend 作者:Shuai Zhang Shufen Zhang Xuebin Chen Xiuzhen Huo 出处:Future Networks, 2010. ICFN '10. Second International Conference on Page(s):93 - 97 摘要:With the development of parallel computing, distributed computing, grid computing, a new computing model appeared. The concept of computing comes from grid, public computing and SaaS. It is a new method that shares basic framework. The basic principles of cloud computing is to make the computing be assigned in a great number of distributed computers, rather then local computer or remoter server. The running of the enterprise's data center is just like Internet. This makes the enterprise use the resource in the application that is needed, and access computer and storage system according to the requirement. This article introduces the background and principle of cloud computing, the character, style and actuality. This article also introduces the application field the merit of cloud computing, such as, it do not need user's high level equipment, so it reduces the user's cost. It provides secure and dependable data storage center, so user needn't do the awful things such storing data and killing virus, this kind of task can be done by professionals. It can realize data share through different equipments. It analyses some questions and hidden troubles, and puts forward some solutions, and discusses the future of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a computing style that provide power referenced with IT as a service. Users can enjoy the service even he knows nothing about the technology of cloud computing and the 18 professional knowledge in this field and the power to control it. 11.题名:Conference Record of the Thirty-Third Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (Cat. No.CH37020) 出处:Signals, Systems, and Computers, 1999. Conference Record of the Thirty-Third Asilomar Conference on Volume: 1 Page(s):2 vol.(xxv+1689) 摘 要 : The following topics were dealt with: bootstrap applications in signal processing; communication over time-variant channels; image segmentation; MIMO system identification and equalization; large adaptive arrays; adaptive filtering algorithms and architectures; DSP implementation on programmable processors; wireless systems; multiuser communication; multirate communication; signal and array processing in multiplicative environments; signal parameter estimation; robust multimedia transmission; low power design; multisensor data fusion; fast algorithms in signal processing; transform domain signal processing; adaptive equalization and beamforming; FPGAs for DSP; blind source and signal separation; space-time processing in communications; signal structure, signal classification and signal detection; multimedia signal processing; rapid design approaches for DSP; adaptive algorithms; radar and sonar; CDMA; information filtering; signal characterization and representation; interference cancellation; frequency estimation and spectral analysis techniques; audio coding and speech processing; channel estimation; image coding; high performance multiplier design; automatic target recognition theory; image enhancement and classification; digital arithmetic techniques; adaptive filters implementation; video signal processing; computer arithmetic; multimedia security and watermarking; antenna arrays for communication systems; sub-band and wavelet filters; turbo codes and channel simulation. 12.题名:Multilevel inverters: a survey of topologies, controls, and applications 作者:Rodriguez, J. Jih-Sheng Lai Fang Zheng Peng 出处:Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Date: Aug 2002 Page(s): 724 - 738 摘要:Multilevel inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the area of high-power medium-voltage energy control. This paper presents the most important topologies like diode-clamped inverter (neutral-point clamped), capacitor-clamped (flying capacitor), and cascaded multicell with separate DC sources. Emerging topologies like asymmetric hybrid cells and soft-switched multilevel inverters are also discussed. This paper also presents the most relevant control and modulation methods developed for this family of converters: multilevel sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation, multilevel selective harmonic elimination, and space-vector modulation. Special attention is dedicated to the latest and more relevant applications of these converters such as laminators, conveyor belts, and unified power-flow controllers. The need of an active front end at the input side for those inverters supplying regenerative loads is also discussed, and the circuit topology options are also presented. Finally, the peripherally developing areas such as high-voltage high-power devices and optical sensors and other opportunities for future development are addressed. 13.题名:Design Techniques for Fully Integrated Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters 19 作者:Hanh-Phuc Le Sanders, S.R. Alon, E. 出处:Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume: 46 Issue: 9 Date: Sept. 2011 Page(s):2120 - 2131 摘要:This paper describes design techniques to maximize the efficiency and power density of fully integrated switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters. Circuit design methods are proposed to enable simplified gate drivers while supporting multiple topologies (and hence output voltages). These methods are verified by a proof-of-concept converter prototype implemented in 0.374 mm2 of a 32 nm SOI process. The 32-phase interleaved converter can be configured into three topologies to support output voltages of 0.5 V-1.2 V from a 2 V input supply, and achieves 79.76% efficiency at an output power density of 0.86 W/mm2 . 14.题名:Particle swarm optimization 作者:Kennedy, J. Eberhart, R. 出处:Neural Networks, 1995. Proceedings., IEEE International Conference on Volume: 4 Page(s):1942 - 1948 vol.4 摘要:A concept for the optimization of nonlinear functions using particle swarm methodology is introduced. The evolution of several paradigms is outlined, and an implementation of one of the paradigms is discussed. Benchmark testing of the paradigm is described, and applications, including nonlinear function optimization and neural network training, are proposed. The relationships between particle swarm optimization and both artificial life and genetic algorithms are described. 15.题名:The comparison between cloud computing and grid computing 作者:Shuai Zhang Xuebin Chen Shufen Zhang Xiuzhen Huo 出处:Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM), 2010 International Conference on Volume: 11 Page(s):V11-72 - V11-75 摘要:It is a great idea to make many normal computers together to get a super computer, and this computer can do a lot of things. This is the concept of cloud computing. Cloud computing is an emerging model of business computing. And it is becoming a development trend. This article compares cloud computing and grid computing. Internet has connected all the computers in the world. Grid computing has been put forward under this background. Its core concept is to complete computing based on compute grid, in it every computer will devote power. In recent years a new concept cloud computing has been put forward, it can connect millions of computers to a super cloud. This article also introduces the application field the merit of cloud computing, such as, it do not need user's high level equipment, so it reduces the user's cost. It provides secure and dependable data storage center, so user needn't do the awful things such storing data and killing virus, this kind of task can be done by professionals. It can realize data share through different equipments. The users need not know how the cloud runs. In this paper I describe the concept of cloud computing and grid computing and compare them. 16.题名:Data Security in the World of Cloud Computing 作者:Kaufman, L.M. 出处:Security & Privacy, IEEE Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Date: July-Aug. 2009 Page(s):61 - 64 20 摘要:Today, we have the ability to utilize scalable, distributed computing environments within the confines of the Internet, a practice known as cloud computing. In this new world of computing, users are universally required to accept the underlying premise of trust. Within the cloud computing world, the virtual environment lets users access computing power that exceeds that contained within their own physical worlds. Typically, users will know neither the exact location of their data nor the other sources of the data collectively stored with theirs. The data you can find in a cloud ranges from public source, which has minimal security concerns, to private data containing highly sensitive information (such as social security numbers, medical records, or shipping manifests for hazardous material). Does using a cloud environment alleviate the business entities of their responsibility to ensure that proper security measures are in place for both their data and applications, or do they share joint responsibility with service providers? The answers to this and other questions lie within the realm of yet-to-be-written law. As with most technological advances, regulators are typically in a "catch-up" mode to identify policy, governance, and law. Cloud computing presents an extension of problems heretofore experienced with the Internet. To ensure that such decisions are informed and appropriate for the cloud computing environment, the industry itself should establish coherent and effective policy and governance to identify and implement proper security methods. 17.题名:The Characteristics of Cloud Computing 作者:Chunye Gong Jie Liu Qiang Zhang Haitao Chen Zhenghu Gong 出处:Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW), 2010 39th International Conference on Page(s):275 - 279 摘要:Cloud computing emerges as one of the hottest topic in field of information technology. Cloud computing is based on several other computing research areas such as HPC, virtualization, utility computing and grid computing. In order to make clear the essential of cloud computing, we propose the characteristics of this area which make cloud computing being cloud computing and distinguish it from other research areas. The cloud computing has its own conceptional, technical, economic and user experience characteristics. The service oriented, loose coupling, strong fault tolerant, business model and ease use are main characteristics of cloud computing. Clear insights into cloud computing will help the development and adoption of this evolving technology both for academe and industry. 18.题名:An Introduction To Compressive Sampling 作者:Candes, E.J. Wakin, M.B. 出处:Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Date: March 2008 Page(s):21 - 30 摘要:Conventional approaches to sampling signals or images follow Shannon's theorem: the sampling rate must be at least twice the maximum frequency present in the signal (Nyquist rate). In the field of data conversion, standard analog-to-digital converter (ADC) technology implements the usual quantized Shannon representation - the signal is uniformly sampled at or above the Nyquist rate. This article surveys the theory of compressive sampling, also known as compressed sensing or CS, a novel sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common wisdom in data acquisition. CS theory asserts that one can recover certain signals and images from far fewer samples or measurements than traditional methods use. 21 19.题名:Transmitter Linearization by Beamforming 作者:ChuanKang Liang Razavi, B. 出处:Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume: 46 Issue: 9 Date: Sept. 2011 Page(s):1956 - 1969 摘要:Millimeter-wave transmitters designed for dense signal constellations must deal with severe linearity-efficiency trade-offs. This paper proposes a method of blending beamforming and linearization that reduces the number of power amplifiers and avoids the loss of on-chip transformers. Two constant-envelope beams are combined in space to deliver a variable-envelope signal, relaxing the linearity of transmitters. A dual-transmitter prototype fabricated in 65-nm CMOS technology and designed for the 60-GHz band produces a 16QAM output of +9.7 dBm with 11% efficiency. 20.题名:Cloud Computing Research and Security Issues 作者:Jianfeng Yang Zhibin Chen 出 处 : Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE), 2010 International Conference on Page(s):1 - 3 摘要:Cloud computing, a rapidly developing information technology, has aroused the concern of the whole world. Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information, are provided to computers and devices on-demand, like the electricity grid. Cloud computing is the product of the fusion of traditional computing technology and network technology like grid computing, distributed computing parallel computing and so on. It aims to construct a perfect system with powerful computing capability through a large number of relatively low-cost computing entity, and using the advanced business models like SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) to distribute the powerful computing capacity to end users' hands. This article introduces the background and service model of cloud computing. This article also introduces the existing issues in cloud computing such as security, privacy, reliability and so on. Proposition of solution for these issues has been provided also. 五、ACM 最新会议(来源:http://www.acm.org/) 1.会议名称: ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems 会议时间:October 3-4, 2011 会议地点:Brooklyn, NY 会议简介:Technical Scope 22 ANCS is a systems-oriented research conference, presenting original work that explores the relationship between the architecture of modern computer networks and the architecture of the individual hardware and software elements from which these networks are built. This year's conference will particularly emphasize insight into broader systems issues in its paper selection, to recognize and foster the growth of research that lies at the intersection of computer and network systems architecture. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ■System design for future network architectures ■Network architectures enabled by converged platforms ■Virtualized infrastructure architectures, rationale, and devices ■Converged router, server, and storage platforms ■Content-centric architectures, platforms, and mechanisms ■Scalable programming and application frameworks ■High performance / high function packet processing platforms ■Power- and size-optimized computer and communications platforms ■High-speed networking mechanisms and algorithms ■Network security architectures and security anchor/ enhancement devices ■Single-chip platform integration ■Network measurement techniques, architectures, and devices ■Techniques and systems for large-scale data analysis ■Host-network interface issues ■Architectures for data centers and cloud computing ■Router and switch architectures ■Network on chip ■Software radios ■Wireless-networking hardware and related software 2. 会议名称: The 13th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security 会议时间:September 29-30 会议地点:Buffalo/Niagara Falls NY 会议简介:The 13th ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop will be held in Buffalo NY. The workshop’s continuing objective is to explore research in areas of multimedia data security such as data protection, media forensics, covert channels and security issues in biometrics, as well as related issues in public policy and multimedia infrastructure in real world application. Since 1998, MMSEC has fostered collaboration with researchers and developers in academia, industry and government. SCOPE AND PAPERS We welcome papers addressing any issue of secure multimedia processing, transmission or distribution, from theoretical results to deployment of secure media architectures. Demonstrations of results are encouraged. Topic include but are not limited to: ■Multimedia watermarking and fingerprinting ■Secure multimedia distribution ■Multimedia-specific authentication and encryption ■Signal processing in the encrypted domain 23 ■Media forensics ■Steganography and steganalysis ■Biometrics ■Security evaluation and benchmarks ■Emerging applications ■Legal and policy issues in media security 3. 会议名称: 29th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication 会议时间:SIGDOC 2011 | October 3-5 会议地点:Pisa Italy 会议简介:SIGDOC 2011 | October 3-5 The 29th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC'11) will be held in Pisa, Italy on October 3-5. Participants are encouraged to submit research papers, workshop proposals, posters, and experience reports concerning processes, methods, and technologies for communicating and designing communication artifacts such as printed documents, online text, serious games and hypermedia applications 4. 会议名称:34th the International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE '12 会议时间:june2-9 2012 会议地点:Zurich Switzerland 会议简介:The world’s demand for software has become so huge that it can only be satisfied by building sustainable software. Conversely, a sustainable world needs more software than ever. Providing this software entails major challenges and opportunities for software engineering research and practice. Let's rise to this challenge! ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering, is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and issues in the field of software engineering. We welcome you to come to ICSE 2012 in Zurich, a venue in the heart of Europe which is both beautiful and easily reachable from everywhere in the world. Make ICSE 2012 a highlight of your year by experiencing an exciting conference and by exploring the thrill of landscape, culture, shopping, and life in Zurich. 5. 会议名称: The International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD) 会议时间:March 25-28,2012 会议地点:Napa,CA 会议简介:The International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD) provides a premier forum to exchange ideas and promote research on critical areas related to the physical design of VLSI systems. ISPD-2012 will be held March 25-28, 2012 in Napa, California. ISPD 2012 will be paying a tribute to Prof. C.-L. Liu. All aspects of physical design, including its interactions with architecture, behavioral- and logic-level synthesis, and back-end performance analysis and verification are within the scope of the symposium. Target domains include semi-custom and full-custom IC, regular fabrics, FPGA, and systems-on-chip/systems-in-package. Following its twenty predecessors, the 2012 symposium will highlight new directions and leading-edge theoretical and experimental contributions to the 24 field. 6. 会议名称: the 19th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems (TAU'12 Workshop). 会议时间:January 18-20, 2012 会议地点:Taiwan 会议简介:The year of 2012 marks the 19th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems (TAU'12 Workshop). For the first time, TAU will be held outside of the US, i.e., it will be held in National Taiwan University, Taiwan. The dates are January 18-20, 2012. TAU'12 will be featuring leaders from the industry and academia, who will present the challenges they are facing and the current activities in their organizations. Domain experts will lecture on topics that are of interest to the TAU community. TAU'12 has already lined up a number of prominent leaders/visionaries from both the industry and academia to speak at this forum. A sample list includes: •Dr. Tak Ning, IBM Fellow, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center •Dr Burn Lin, VP, TSMC •Dr. Chandu Visweswariah, Distinguished Engineer, IBM Corp. •Dr. Bing Sheu, Honorary Professor, National Taiwan University •Dr. Sani Nasif, Master Inventor, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center •Dr. Zhihong Liu, Board Chairman, ProPlus Design Solutions, Inc •Dr. Jiayuan Fang, CEO and Presdient, Sigrity, Inc •Dr. Vassilios Gerousis, Senior Architect & Technologist, Cadence Design Systems •Dr. Noel Menezes, Director, Intel Strategic CAD Labs 六、AIAA 最新会议(来源:http://www.aiaa.org/) 1. 会议名称: 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference, including the AIAA Balloon Systems Conference and 19th AIAA Lighter-Than-Air Technology Conference 会议时间:20 - 22 Sep 2011 会议地点:Virginia Beach, VA Virginia Beach Convention Center 会议简介:ATIO Synopsis The ever increasing demand for air transportation and services places a greater burden on our current aviation infrastructure. This infrastructure can be described as a complex, “organic” entity that was not designed new out of “whole cloth,” but one that has evolved as new technologies, 25 systems, and societal needs have been identified. Accordingly, the design of new aircraft and the systems in which they operate will require advanced, multidisciplinary design tools and methodologies. New paradigms in technology, innovative aircraft configurations and design solutions, and new operational systems are emerging for a synergistic aviation world. The AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations(ATIO) Conference has an established reputation for bringing together aviation professionals, practicing engineers, researchers, and policymakers to explore ideas, share research, and create interactive opportunities in response to these issues. The conference theme of “Looking Back to Plan the Future” emphasizes the need to learn from history to be able to make progress towards integrating new aircraft and technologies into a legacy global aviation system that is increasingly forward looking, with the efforts of the NextGen and SESAR modernization. Moreover, in the context of synergy with military aviation and operations, ATIO will look at the lessons from the past to plan a more effective future. AIAA Lighter-Than-Air Systems Technology Conference Synopsis The purpose of the AIAA Lighter-Than-Air Systems Technology Conference is to provide a forum for the world’s leading experts, scientists, and engineers in airship and tethered aerostats to present recent advances in the field. The conference will foster an environment for the free exchange of information, provide opportunities for hands-on contact with LTA craft, provide technical interactions, and promote sharing best practices in an atmosphere of cooperation. AIAA Balloon Systems Conference Synopsis The purpose of the AIAA Balloon Systems Conference is to provide a forum for the world’s leading experts, scientists, and engineers in free flight balloon systems technologies to present recent advances in the field. The conference will foster an environment for the free exchange of information, provide an opportunity for technical interaction, and cultivate an atmosphere of cooperation. 2. 会议名称: AIAA Centennial of Naval Aviation Forum "100 Years of Achievement and Progress" 会议时间:21 - 22 Sep 2011 会议地点:Virginia Beach, VA 会议简介:2011 is a special year: the 100-year anniversary of U.S. Naval Aviation. Many notable accomplishments have marked the past century of naval aviation, starting with the requisition for the first U.S. Navy aircraft (two Curtiss biplanes) on 8 May 1911, the first flight, achieved on 1 July 1911 in the Curtiss biplane designated A-1, the first flight by a naval aviator, Lt. Theodore G. Ellyson, on 3 July 1911, and the commissioning of the first aircraft carrier, CV-1, the USS Langley, on 20 March, 1922. Rapid evolution led to the central role played by naval aviation in the Pacific theater during WWII, and in operations in Korea and Vietnam. Other highlights include the incredible F-14 Tomcat 30-year history, Desert Shield and Desert Storm, the Super Hornet of today, and the F-35 and UCAV of tomorrow. In addition, the USS Enterprise, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, was commissioned 25 Nov 1961, and is celebrating her 50th anniversary this year. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics is collaborating with the Department of the Navy to organize the Centennial of Naval Aviation Forum. This unique technical forum will celebrate the Centennial of Naval Aviation in appropriate style, by bringing together the technical and operational sides of U.S. Naval Aviation in one integrated event, followed by an outstanding 26 Navy airshow, NAS Oceana Airshow 2011, taking place in the historic location of Norfolk/Virginia Beach. AIAA’s Centennial of Naval Aviation is a Tier 1 premier event during the centennial year for the Naval aviation community. In addition to celebrating a century of history, it will highlight the latest technical developments pertaining to naval aircraft, weapons, ships, defense acquisition, and operations. This multidisciplinary forum will feature technical sessions and panels of keynote speakers, with a focus on key challenges, issues encountered in naval aviation, and proposed solutions. The Centennial of Naval Aviation Forum will be conveniently will be held in conjuntion with 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference (20–22 September). 3. 会议名称: New Horizons in Aviation Forum 会议时间:22 - 23 Sep 2011 会议地点:Location: Virginia Beach, VA Virginia Beach Convention Center 会议简介:Challenges and opportunities abound in aviation, despite the common misperception that the industry is a mature one with little need for technology investments. To build consensus in the industry and develop momentum in public understanding and Congressional investments, AIAA is initiating an annual aviation conference. This event will provide the aviation community a technical forum for interaction and networking and will convey the message that aviation is not a sunset industry, but still boasts exciting career potential and opportunities. To build momentum towards AVIATION, the New Horizons in Aviation Forum (NHAF) will be held in 2011 in conjunction with the Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations conference and the Centennial of Naval Aviation Forum. The co-location of these events along with the Centennial version of the NAS Oceana air show will assure significant military and commercial aviation constituency are present to contribute to this important forum. 4. 会议名称:AIAA Education Alley 2011 会议时间:27 - 29 Sep 2011 会议地点:Long Beach, CA N/A 会议简介:AIAA Education Alley, the ultimate field trip, will excite your students about math and science. Through engaging activities, demonstrations, interviews, and exhibits, students learn how space impacts their everyday lives. 5. 会议名称:AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference & Exposition 会议时间:27 - 29 Sep 2011 会议地点:Long Beach, California Long Beach Convention Center 会议简介:Space has an unmatched ability to inspire mankind. Our fascination with space has led to the discovery of dozens of Earth-like planets orbiting other suns in our galaxy, enabled the development of global communications that bring the world closer together; led to a space-based position, navigation, and timing utility that has impacted the lives of billions; and created a new era in human spaceflight. We are witnessing technologies in the 21st century that could scarcely 27 have been imagined a century ago. Our national space and technology goals to explore, to educate, to build, and to innovate are not without their challenges. The current economic climate, reduced budgets, and problems in our educational system require that we bring our best ideas forward to inspire and educate the next generation in the “STEM” subjects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, so as to preserve and enhance our nation’s scientific and technological capabilities. The AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference & Exposition provides a unique forum that encourages exchange and dialogue. SPACE 2011 brings together scientists, engineers, and key government and industry leaders to discuss the important issues, challenges, businessaspects, and synergies we face as a nation. Together we can explore solutions that will enhance today and inspire tomorrow. This year’s program focuses on a wide range of important topics, including: How can Commercial Space enhance our current space program and what are the current issues and challenges? How might the role of National Security Space change with recent international political events? What are the latest innovations in robotic exploration technologies? What are the recent discoveries in space science and what is the future for space science in this reduced-budget era? What are the key technologies required to meet the needs of NASA and the Department of Defense? What is the legacy of the Space Shuttle Program and what are the developments in human spaceflight and space exploration? How can we better encourage and support education in space-related subjects? What are the key technologies required for utilization of extraterrestrial resources? How can current operational platforms meet the space needs of today? What opportunities exist for development of new space systems and sensors? The conference will also address space colonization and tethers, history, society, policy, logistics, operations, transportation and launch systems, systems engineering, and space economics. 6. 会议名称:Aircraft Noise and Emissions Reduction Symposium 会议时间:25 - 27 Oct 2011 会议地点:Marseilles, France N/A 会议简介:The Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF) and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) are pleased to announce that the 3AF/AIAA Aircraft Noise and Emissions Reduction Symposium (ANERS) will take place in Marseille, France from 25th –27th October 2011. This high-level, multidisciplinary technical Symposium will bring together leading engineers, scientists, researchers, government and civil aviation officials, industry, and policy makers from Europe and the United States as well as other regions of the world to discuss the topics and issues of aircraft emissions and noise reduction. The Symposium is being organized by 3AF and AIAA. The objective of the Symposium is to review challenges and opportunities faced by manufacturers, local communities, air carriers, airports, governmental institutions, and non-governmental organizations to address noise and emission abatement and to develop holistic solutions that will alleviate the pressures associated with air traffic growth. 28 7. 会议名称:2011 Pacific Northwest AIAA Technical Symposium 会议时间:12 Nov 2011 会议地点:Seattle, Washington SEATAC International Airport Conference Center 会议简介:CONNECT, DISCOVER and COLLABORATE with technical individuals across a range of interrelated disciplines at the 2011 Pacific Northwest AIAA Technical Symposium. This year's program includes interdisciplinary presentations from across industry and academia applicable to Aerospace interests. In addition, Dr. Wanda M. Austin will provide the Keynote address, there will be panel discussions and a choice of airport tours. See you there! 8. 会议名称:50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 会议时间:9 - 12 Jan 2012 会议地点:Nashville, Tennessee Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center 会议简介:AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting The AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting is the first major multidisciplinary event of the year for aerospace scientists and engineers from around the world. It provides an ideal forum for scientists and engineers from industry, government, and academia to share and disseminate scientific knowledge and research results with a view toward new technologies for aerospace systems. This meeting is built around excellent technical paper presentation sessions. Plenary sessions that focus attention on program areas of current interest will start some sessions, followed by technical papers providing additional discussion of these topics. Distinguished lectures and evening networking events fill out the remainder of the program throughout the week. New Horizons Forum The New Horizons Forum, held in conjunction with the Aerospace Sciences Meeting, will feature keynote speakers from industry and government who will share their perspectives on the new challenges, future opportunities, and emerging trends in aerospace education, research, and programs. The New Horizons Forum will also feature panel discussions in which leaders from industry, government, and academia will address current issues and trends in aerospace technology research and development. Aerospace Exposition The Aerospace Exposition will showcase exhibits from government, industry, and small businesses, allowing one-on-one discussions with exhibitors, hardware and software demonstrations, and opportunities for side meetings with these organizations throughout the week. 9. 会议名称:AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference (SECRET/U.S. ONLY) 会议时间:24 - 26 Jan 2012 会议地点:Monterey, California Naval Postgraduate School 会议简介:Two classified AIAA conferences—the AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference and AIAA Missile Sciences Conference—will combine in January 2012 to provide 29 one major event for the missiles systems community. The AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference and the AIAA Missile Sciences Conference are long-standing AIAA conferences serving the weapons community. These conferences will be co-located as a single event for the first time in 2012 providing a forum for the exchange of information on a larger scale than was possible at separate events. The combined event will feature both programmatic and technical information while fostering a beneficial networking opportunity. Material presented and attendance allowed at the event will be at the SECRET/U.S. ONLY clearance level. All attendees and speakers must have a SECRET clearance in order to participate. The AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference offers an excellent opportunity to hear senior Department of Defense officials and other noted authorities from the strategic and tactical missiles community speak about the issues and challenges that face the United States. Past program topics have included national defense strategy, defense acquisition, missile programs, homeland security, missile defense, research and development, and the industrial base. The AIAA Missile Sciences Conference provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of classified and unclassified technical material related to missile system and subsystem technologies. The program addresses an array of topics including Air Force and Navy strategic missiles, tactical air-to-surface, surface-to-surface, anti-air missile systems, missile defense systems, targets and countermeasures, cruise missile defense, interceptors, weapon system effectiveness, hardware-in-the-loop testing of smart weapons, mission planning, mission assurance, system safety and insensitive munitions, and innovative technologies and concepts. 10. 会议名称:AIAA Missile Sciences Conference (SECRET/U.S. ONLY) 会议时间:24 - 26 Jan 2012 会议地点:Monterey, California Naval Postgraduate School 会议简介:Two classified AIAA conferences—the AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference and AIAA Missile Sciences Conference—will combine in January 2012 to provide one major event for the missiles systems community. The AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference and the AIAA Missile Sciences Conference are long-standing AIAA conferences serving the weapons community. These conferences will be co-located as a single event for the first time in 2012 providing a forum for the exchange of information on a larger scale than was possible at separate events. The combined event will feature both programmatic and technical information while fostering a beneficial networking opportunity. Material presented and attendance allowed at the event will be at the SECRET/U.S. ONLY clearance level. All attendees and speakers must have a SECRET clearance in order to participate. The AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference offers an excellent opportunity to hear senior Department of Defense officials and other noted authorities from the strategic and tactical missiles community speak about the issues and challenges that face the United States. Past program topics have included national defense strategy, defense acquisition, missile programs, homeland security, missile defense, research and development, and the industrial base. The AIAA Missile Sciences Conference provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of 30 classified and unclassified technical material related to missile system and subsystem technologies. The program addresses an array of topics including Air Force and Navy strategic missiles, tactical air-to-surface, surface-to-surface, anti-air missile systems, missile defense systems, targets and countermeasures, cruise missile defense, interceptors, weapon system effectiveness, hardware-in-the-loop testing of smart weapons, mission planning, mission assurance, system safety and insensitive munitions, and innovative technologies and concepts. 七、IEEE 最新会议(来源:http://www.ieee.org/index.html) 1. 会议名称:2011 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 会议时间:5 Dec - 7 Dec 2011 会议地点:Washington, DC, USA 会议简介:CMOS Devices Technology, Characterization, REliability and Yield, Displays, sensors and displays, memory technology, modeling and simulation, process technology, solid state and nanoelectronic devices. 2.会议名称:2012 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 会议时间:19 Feb - 23 Feb 2012 会议地点:San Francisco, CA, USA 会议简介:Offers an opportunity to network with leading experts in the field of solid-state circuits and systems-on-a-chip. 3. 会 议 名 称 : 2011 IEEE 12th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) 会议时间:18 Apr - 19 Apr 2011 会议地点:Clearwater Beach, FL, USA 会 议 简 介 : Includes presentations, workshops, and tutorials that will address up-to-date multidisciplinary research and interdisciplinary aspects of wireless and RF technology. 4. 会议名称:2011 International Conference on Computer and Communication Devices (ICCCD) 会议时间:1 Apr - 3 Apr 2011 会议地点:Bali, Indonesia 会议简介:Provided a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to computer and communication devices. 5. 会议名称:2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS) 31 会议时间:1 May - 4 May 2011 会议地点:San Francisco, CA, USA 会议简介:Discussed research, development, and applications of frequency control. 6. 会议名称:2011 IEEE Technology Time Machine (TTM) 会议时间:1 Jun - 3 Jun 2011 会议地点:Hong Kong, China 会议简介:Covered a selected set of potentially high-impact emerging technologies, their current state of maturity, and scenarios for the future. 八、SCI Essential Science Indicators HOT PAPERS(工程类) 1.被引用次数:88 题名: PROTEOMICS BY MASS SPECTROMETRY: APPROACHES, ADVANCES, AND APPLICATIONS 作者: YATES JR; RUSE CI; NAKORCHEVSKY A 出处:ANNU REV BIOMED ENG 11: 49-79 2009 地址: Scripps Res Inst, Dept Chem Physiol & Cell Biol, La Jolla, CA 92037 USA. 2.被引用次数:75 题名: BIODEGRADATION ASPECTS OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS (PAHS): A REVIEW 作者: HARITASH AK; KAUSHIK CP 出处:J HAZARD MATER 169 (1-3): 1-15 SEP 30 2009 地址:Univ Delhi, Delhi Coll Engn, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Delhi 110007, India. Guru Jambheshwar Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Hisar, Haryana, India. 3.被引用次数:69 题名: SOLAR CELL EFFICIENCY TABLES (VERSION 34) 作者: GREEN MA; EMERY K; HISHIKAWA Y; WARTA W 出处:PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS 17 (5): 320-326 AUG 2009 地址:Univ New S Wales, ARC Photovolta Ctr Excellence, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Natl Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO 80401 USA. Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Res Ctr Photovolta, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058568, Japan. Fraunhofer Inst Solar Energy Syst, Dept Solar Cells Mat & Technol, D-79110 Freiburg, Germany. 4.被引用次数: 59 32 题 名 : GAS SENSORS USING HIERARCHICAL AND NANOSTRUCTURES: OVERVIEW 作者: LEE JH 出处:SENSOR ACTUATOR B-CHEM 140 (1): 319-336 JUN 18 2009 地址:Korea Univ, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Seoul 136713, South Korea. HOLLOW OXIDE 5.被引用次数: 48 题 名 :GRAPHENE BASED ELECTROCHEMICAL SENSORS AND BIOSENSORS: A REVIEW 作者: SHAO YY; WANG J; WU H; LIU J; AKSAY IA; LIN YH 出处: ELECTROANAL 22 (10): 1027-1036 MAY 2010 地址:Pacific NW Natl Lab, Richland, WA 99352 USA. Princeton Univ, Dept Chem Engn, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA. 6.被引用次数: 47 题名:SOLAR CELL EFFICIENCY TABLES (VERSION 35) 作者: GREEN MA; EMERY K; HISHIKAWA Y; WARTA W 出处:PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS 18 (2): 144-150 MAR 2010 地址: Univ New S Wales, ARC Photovolta Ctr Excellence, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Natl Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO 80401 USA. Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Res Ctr Photovolta RCPV, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058568, Japan. Fraunhofer Inst Solar Energy Syst, Dept Solar Cells Mat & Technol, D-79110 Freiburg, Germany. 7. 被引用次数: 46 题名:PROGRESS OF ELECTROCHEMICAL CAPACITOR ELECTRODE MATERIALS: A REVIEW 作者: ZHANG Y; FENG H; WU XB; WANG LZ; ZHANG AQ; XIA TC; DONG HC; LI XF; ZHANG LS 出处:INT J HYDROGEN ENERG 34 (11): 4889-4899 Sp. Iss. 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SI DEC 1 2009 地址:Harbin Engn Univ, Coll Mat Sci & Chem Engn, Minist Educ, Key Lab Superlight Mat & Surface Technol, Harbin 150001, Peoples R China. Res Inst Chem Def, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China. 19. 被引用次数: 25 题 名 :WATER SOLUBLE LAURATE-STABILIZED RUTHENIUM(0) NANOCLUSTERS 35 CATALYST FOR HYDROGEN GENERATION FROM THE HYDROLYSIS AMMONIA-BORANE: HIGH ACTIVITY AND LONG LIFETIME 作者: DURAP F; ZAHMAKIRAN M; OZKAR S 出处:INT J HYDROGEN ENERG 34 (17): 7223-7230 Sp. Iss. SI SEP 2009 地址:Middle E Tech Univ, Dept Chem, TR-06531 Ankara, Turkey. OF 20. 被引用次数: 25 题 名 :AN ACCURATE POWER CONTROL STRATEGY FOR POWER-ELECTRONICS-INTERFACED DISTRIBUTED GENERATION UNITS OPERATING IN A LOW-VOLTAGE MULTIBUS MICROGRID 作者: LI YW; KAO CN 出处:IEEE TRANS POWER ELECT 24 (12): 2977-2988 DEC 2009 地址:Univ Alberta, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Edmonton, AB T6G 2V4, Canada. 承 办:西北工业大学图书馆信息咨询与情报研究部 审 稿:刘秋让 电 话:(029)88492928 编 辑:燕 辉 罗星华 E-mail: gyj@nwpu.edu.cn 责任编辑:郭永建 36