THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE AID MANAGEMENT PLATFORM SYSTEM DISBURSEMENT FLASH REPORT July and Aug, 2012 PREPARED BY EXTERNAL FINANCE –AID COORDINATION SECTION The AMP system is accessible for authorized users through: This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 INTRODUCTION THE AID MANAGEMENT PLATFORM The Aid Management Platform (AMP) is a web-based application tool designed to enable better management and coordination of development assistance in Tanzania. It is a web-based database that can be used by both the Government and Development Partners (DPs) in managing external resources, including planning, tracking and reporting of development assistance flows (General/Sector Budget Support, Basket Funds and Project Funds). The AMP is a central instrument in managing development assistance according to national priorities and offers a platform for measuring results in line with the MKUKUTA/MKUZA II, including MDG performance. As such, the AMP is customized Tanzania’s development priorities while also tracking progress towards international aid and development effectiveness principles. KEY PRINCIPLES OF THE AMP a. Strengthen Transparency and Accountability on Official Development Assistance for Government and Development Partners ; b. Better Quality of Information on Financial Flows, Programs and Projects; c. Public Disclosure of Official Development Assistance Monthly and Annually; d. Detailed and Timely Information on Aid Volume. OBJECTIVES OF THE AMP SYSTEM i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. To manage ODA in conjunction with Budget Process and Joint Assistance Strategy (JAST); To facilitate reporting of DPs commitments / projections and actual disbursements on all ODA (to both Government and non-state actors) To increase Government, DP and general public access to ODA flow information for Tanzania; To capture DPs non-exchequer disbursements/payments; To meet monitoring and reporting needs related to the JAST Paris, Accra and Busan principles; Make ODA data visible online to different users through predefined access rights to AMP; Offer mutual transparency and accountability of Government and DP work process status; Capture and facilitate the involvement of implementing partners and NSAs in implementing ODA funded programs; To integrate IFMS and AMP systems for more transparency on projection, disbursement and expenditure data for on-budget ODA funded projects and basket funds to: a) b) c) d) e) f) Strengthen government systems through an improved data recording and reporting system, and enhance government-led coordination, allowing the government to take even more control of their own development process; Facilitate timely and comprehensive reporting; enable a comprehensive view of all aid resources within a country; Monitor progress toward national development objectives; Reduce duplication of efforts and transaction costs associated with data collection and processing; Standardize reporting terminology among government staff and DPs, allowing harmonization of reports to multiple DPs; and Link AMP with other existing systems such as SBAS, IFMS, RIMKU and Plan Rep. This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Data Collection and Analysis: The data presented has been generated from the Aid Management Platform (AMP) by the Aid Coordination Section of the Ministry of Finance. Development Partners are required to provide actual disbursement figures on a monthly basis. Therefore, this report includes only Development Partners who are reporting on the AMP. However, sound data quality for direct project funds depends on DPs’ ability to provide timely and reliable figures where by Government is accountable for GBS and BF. The overall amount reported in the system from July 2012 up to the end of August 2012 was USD 419.5 million which includes funds to Government and to CSO, NGO and NSAs. For Government a total of USD 167.7 million and USD 27 million was disbursed as General Budget Support (GBS) and Basket Funds respectively whereby direct project funds only accounts USD 24.8 million. Reporting to month of August itself, USD 37 million was disbursed by Ireland and Norway on top of total GBS on July 2012. Until preparation of this report, most of direct project funds data seems not to be entered in AMP system by AMP focal point whereby Government wrote a letter to remind them. Up to the end of August 2012, USD 0.42 million was added to amount of basket disbursed in July, bringing the total basket contributions up to 27 million USD for the FY 2012/13.These were contributed by France, ADB, Global Fund, Canada, Denmark, DFID, Ireland and Sweden. In terms of volume, basket contribution by donor in quarter 1 Unlike other months, direct project funds account only 11 percent of ODA to Government which is less than GBS and Basket funds contributions. This might be caused by either development partner’s not entering data or absence of commitments in first quarter to the Government. Out of funds channeled via direct project funds, USD 21.6 million comes from Multilateral Development Partners and only USD 3.2 million from Bilateral Development Partners. There is a need to revise the minimum funding limit of project financing registered in the AMP. Apart from above and although compliance in entering NSA contributions has significantly improved among some DPs, the Government continues to request other DPs to enter NSA contributions in the AMP, as this negatively affects Government ownership and accountability of the total ODA provided to Tanzania. As reported in the AMP, total contributions from both bilateral and multilateral donors to CSOs, NGOs, and NSAs up to end of August 2012 account for 48 percent of the total disbursed fund. SUMMARY PER DEVELOPMENT PARTNER ON ODA FLOW TO GOVERNMENT AND ITS AGENCIES CUMMULATIVE SUMMARY OF DISBURSEMENTS UP TO AUGUST FY 2012/2013 July General Budget Support Basket Fund Direct Project Funds Aug 2012 TOTAL $130,711,578.61 $ 37,012,443 $ 167,724,022 $26,624,216 $416,760.36 $27,040,976.36 $7,462,508 $17,338,572 $24,801,079 TOTAL TO THE GOVERNMENT $164,798,302.61 $54,767,775.36 $219,566,077.36 FUNDS TO CSOs/NSAs/NGOs $91,636,668.30 $108,340,613.30 $199,977,281.60 $256,434,970.91 $163,108,388.66 $419,543,358.96 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL BUDGET SUPPORT (IN USD): This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Donor July 2012 Aug 2012 Total Costs Actual Disbursement Actual Disbursement Actual Disbursement Canada $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Denmark $0 DfID $0 $0 $0 $ 12,528,507.58 $0 $ 12,528,507.58 KfW $0 $0 $0 IDA $0 $0 Ireland $0 $ 11,268,000 $ 11,268,000 Norway $0 $ 25,744,443.69 $ 25,744,443.69 Sweden $ 60,517,768.93 $0 $ 60,517,768.93 $0 $0 $0 $57,665,302.1 $0 $57,665,302.1 $130,711,578.61 $37,012,443.69 $ 167,724,022 Finland AfDB EU Total SOURCE: ENTERED INFRMATION IN THE AMP SYSTEM - MINISTRY OF FINANNCE This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 BASKET FUND (IN USD): July 2012 Aug 2012 Total Costs Actual Disbursement Actual Disbursement Actual Disbursement ADB $0 $0 $0 Canada $0 $0 $0 Denmark $0 $0 $0 DfID $0 $0 $0 EU $0 $0 $0 France $0 $416,760.36 Ireland $0 $0 $0 Donor IDA $416,760.36 $ 26,624,216 $0 $26,624,216 IFAD $0 $0 $0 KFW $0 $0 $0 Japan $0 $0 $0 Netherlands $0 $0 $0 Norway $0 $0 $0 Sweden $0 $0 $0 Switzerland $0 $0 $0 UNICEF $0 $0 $0 UNFPA $0 $0 $0 $ 26,624,216 $ 416,760.36 $ 27,040,976.36 Total SOURCE: ENTERED INFORMATION IN THE AMP SYSTEM - MINISTRY OF FINANCE This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 DIRECT PROJECT FUND (IN USD), SOURCE: ENTERED INFORMATION IN THE AMP SYSTEM - MINISTRY OF FINANCE Donor July 2012 Aug 2012 Total Costs Actual Disbursement Actual Disbursement Actual Disbursement Canada $0 $0 $0 Denmark $0 $0 $0 DfID $0 $0 $0 Finland France $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GIZ $0 $0 $0 Italia DC $0 $0 $0 Japan $0 $0 $0 KfW $0 $0 $0 Netherlands $0 $0 $0 Norway $0 $0 $0 Sweden $0 $0 $0 Switzerland $0 $0 $0 USG/CDC $0 $0 $0 USG/DOD $0 $0 $0 USG/MCC $1,734,498 $1,465,840 $3,200,338 USG/USAID $0 $0 $0 AfDB $1,431,210 $1,376,556 $2,807,766 EU $0 $0 $0 Global Fund $0 $13,783,357 $13,783,357 IDA $4,038,447 $0 $4,038,447 ILO $0 $ 649,266 $ 649,266 UNDP $0 $0 $0 UNFPA $41,276 $0 $41,276 UNICEF $217,077 $63,553 $280,629 WHO $0 $0 $0 Total $ 7,462,508 $ 17,338,572 $ 24,801,079 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Below is an annex which is a report from the Aid Management Platform (AMP) showing disbursements up to August, 2012. ANNEX 1: Aid Flow to Projects under Government Implementation Donor Agency Belgium Project Title Community Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Peri-Urban Low Income Settlements in Dar es Salaam Aid Modality DPF Belgium Improvement of Banana Cropping in Kagera Region and Kibondo District Belgium July Aug Total 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Food Security Kagera Region DPF 0 0 0 Belgium The Development and Implementation of an Integrated Management Plan of the Kilombero Valley Flood Plain Ramsar Site DPF 0 0 0 Belgium Income generating activities DPF 0 0 0 Belgium HIV/AIDS Awareness creation in primary schools in DSM and 5 rural pilot districts DPF 0 0 0 Canada Reproductive, maternal and Child Health DPF 0 0 0 Canada Basic Education Funding Facility (BEFF) DPF 0 0 0 Canada Improving Civil Society Participation in Governance & Accountability DPF 0 0 0 Canada Canada Fund for Local Initiatives DPF 0 0 0 Canada Environment Management Act Implementation DPF 0 0 0 Canada Support to Health Civil Security Organization DPF 0 0 0 Canada Tanzania HIV/AIDS Fund DPF 0 0 0 Canada Support to the Ethics Secretariat DPF 0 0 0 Denmark RSPS2-trunk DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Wetland Component DPF 0 0 0 Denmark EPS-EMA DPF 0 0 0 Denmark RSPS 3 - National Roads DPF 0 0 0 Denmark RSPS 3 - Institutional Support DPF 0 0 0 Denmark RSPS 3 - Review and Monitoring DPF 0 0 0 Denmark BSPS3: Better Access to Markets DPF 0 0 0 Denmark EPS - UDEM DPF 0 0 0 Denmark EPS - PFM DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Health Sector Programme support Phase IV Earmarked HSPS IV TA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Denmark This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Denmark HSPS IV-HIV/AIDS-NMSF DPF 0 0 0 Denmark HSPS IV-HIV/AIDS-Admin DPF 0 0 0 Denmark RSPS 3-Tanzam Highway Project - Construction DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Health Sector Programme Support Znz IV Earmarked support Health Sector Programme Support IV Zanzibar Administration DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Gender Equality & women's Empowerment Prog MCDGC Msimba- Ruaha Mbuyuni/ Ikokoto - Mafinga DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Chalinze - Segera - Tanga Road ( Rehabilitation) DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Capacity strengthening of TACAIDS-Building DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Tanzania Governance Support Programme -Legal Service Facility ESP-Participatory Forest Management (PFM) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DfID Business Sector Programme III - Business Environment - BEST AC Tackling corruption Project (TCP)-E DPF 0 0 0 DfID Transport policy support programme DPF 0 0 0 Finland National Information Society and ICT Sector Development Programme District Social and Economic Empowerment Programme (DESEMP), Preparatory Phase Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development (Uongozi) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Finland General Budget Support Finland GBS 12,528,507.58 0 12,528,507.58 Finland Improving the Electric Power Supply Reality in the city of Dar es Salaam Sustainable Management of Land and Environment, Phase II 2009 - 2013 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Lindi and Mtwara Agri-business Support Project LIMAS Private Forestry and Carbon Trading in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Finland Support to the Geological Research Institute of Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 Foundation for Innovative for New Diagnistic Network for Mapping of African Trypanosomiasis Tanzania NetMATT DPF 0 0 0 France Teaching French Language DPF 0 0 0 France Primary Education Development Programme Phase 2 (Second Debt Reduction and Development) BF 0 416,760.36 416,760.36 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 France Higher Education and Research Programme DPF 0 0 0 GIZ DPF 0 0 0 GIZ SWSR – Support to the Development of the Water Sector SEF (Study and Expert Fund) DPF 0 0 0 GIZ Health Sector Reform Programme III DPF 0 0 0 GIZ Support to Local Governance Reform Programme II (SULGO II) Center for International Migration and DevelopmentCIM Selous Niassa Wildlife Protection Corridor (KfW) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Rural Water Supply Moshi Accompanying Measures – (KfW) Tanga Region Health Infrastructure Development Programme - (KfW) Game Reserve and Buffer Zone Development – MoNRT (KfW) Regional Centers Water Supply I - UWASA Mbeya, Mwanza, Iringa – (KfW)) Urban Water Supply II / Regional Centre Water Supply II Investment – UWASA Mbeya, Mwanza, Iringa (KfW) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Kfw Urban Water Supply II / Regional Centre Water Supply II Accompanying Measures – UWASA Mbeya,Mwanza,Iringa (KfW) DPF 0 0 0 Kfw Rural Water Supply Moshi Investment – Moshi Rural District (KfW) Rural Water Supply Hai IV-2 Investment – Hai District (KfW) Co-financing Social Marketing (PSI) Phase III (KfW) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Tanzania Technical Education and Labour Market Support Programm DIT Strengthening the diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Emerging Pathogens in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Italian Dc Support to Management of St Kizito Hospital in Mikumi, Morogoro Region, Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 Italian Dc Rehabilitation of the National Surveillance System for Endemic and Epidemic diseases in Zanzibar – Phase II DPF 0 0 0 Italian Dc Enhancing the access and the good management of water resources for rural areas of Iringa Region DPF 0 0 0 Ireland General Budget Support Ireland GBS 0 11,268,000 11,268,000 Japan (JICA) Technical Cooperation in Supporting Service Delivery Systems of Irrigated Agricalture (TANRICE) DPF 0 0 0 GIZ Kfw Kfw Kfw Kfw Kfw Kfw Kfw Kfw Italian Dc Italian Dc This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Japan (JICA) Technical Cooperation in Capacity Development for Local Government Training DPF 0 0 0 Japan (JICA) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Capacity Development Project (Phase 1) (JICA) (TA-P8) Arusha – Namanga – Athi River Road Development Project (TZ/Ken) (JICA) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Capacity Development Project (RUWASA-CAD) (Phase 2) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 (JICA) Project for Capacity Development of Efficient Transmission and Distribution System (JICA) The Study for Water Resources Management Capacity Development in Wami/Ruvu Basin DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Japan (JICA) Technical Cooperation in Strengthening Backstopping Capacities for the DADP Planning and Implementation DPF 0 0 0 Japan (JICA) Capacity Development Programme for Internal Audit (JICA) Capacity Development in Strengthening Paticipatory Planning and Community Development Cycle for Good Local Governance DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Japan (JICA) The Project for Rural Water Supply in Mwanza and Mara Regions DPF 0 0 0 Japan (JICA) In-service Training for Secondary School Science and Mathematics Teachers DPF 0 0 0 Japan (JICA) Capacity Development on Educational Administration and Management Phase 2 (JICA) Project for Strengthening Development of Human Resource for Health DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 (JICA) Health System Strengthening for HIV/AIDS Services Project (JICA) Technical Cooperation for irrigation Scheme Development and Capacity Development under DADP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 (JICA) The Project for Widening of New Bagamoyo Road (JICA) Capacity Building Project for the Improvement of Dar es Salaam Transport (JICA) Project for the Comprehensive Transport and Trade System Development Mater Plan DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Japan (JICA) (TA-P9) Road Sector Support Project-I (old title: Irringa-Dodoma and Tunduru-Namtumbo Road Upgrading Project) DPF 0 0 0 Japan (JICA) Project for Rehabilitation of Power Distribution in Zanzibar Island (GGHSP)(22-4) Construction of Girls’ Hostel at Mwalimu Nyerere Secondary School in Kahama District, Shinyanga Region DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Japan (JICA) Rural Road Maintenance System Development Project (JICA) Technical Cooperation in Urban Transport Policy Capacity Development (GGHSP)(23-01) The Project for Construction of Girls’ Hostel at Mipa Secondary School in Kishapu District, Shinyanga Region DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-02) The Project for Construction of Girls’ Hostel at Namswea Secondary School in Mbinga District, Ruvuma Region DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-03) The Project for Construction of Wells at Mangaka Town in Nanyumbu District, Mtwara Region DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-04) The Project for Construction of Girls’ Hostel at Kinyangiri Secondary School in Iramba District, Singida Region DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-06) The Project for Construction of Special Support Classrooms at Mitindo Primary School in Misungwi District, Mwanza Region (GGHSP)(23-07) The Project for Construction of Girls’ Hostels at Bushiri Secondary School in Pangani District, Tanga Region DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-08) The Project for Construction of Girls’ Hostel at Maweni Secondary School in Chunya District, Mbeya Region DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-09) The Project for Expansion of Katumba II Primary School for The Disabled in Rungwe District, Mbeya Region DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-11) The Project for Improvement of Safety and Sanitation at Buza Primary School in Temeke Municipality, Dar es Salaam Region DPF 0 0 0 Netherlands Malaria Control in Mainland Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 Netherlands Extension of the Project on Rehabilitation of Diagnostic Services and is a new ORAT project – NETHERLANDS Projects DPF 0 0 0 Norway Continental Shelf Delienation Project – TAN 07/077 DPF 0 0 0 Norway DPF 0 0 0 Norway Management of Natural Resources in Tanzania (2002 – 2006) Tanzania-Norway NUFU Programme DPF 0 0 0 Norway Heydom Block Grant DPF 0 0 0 Norway 32000040 DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOFUEL INDUSTRY (2009 – 2010) DPF 0 0 0 Norway Rural Roads Pemba, Construction DPF 0 0 0 Norway PFM Reform MoFEA DPF 0 0 0 Norway Groundwater – Aquifer Mapping (TAN-07/020) DPF 0 0 0 Norway GENERAL BUDGET SUPPORT - TAN 04/365 GBS 0 25,744,443.69 25,744,443.69 Japan Japan Japan This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Norway Strategic Partnership with WWF DPF 0 0 0 Norway Audit of Hedging Transactions DPF 0 0 0 Norway ERB and support to women engineers DPF 0 0 0 Norway Norway Institutional Cooperation Tanesco Consultancy completion activities DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Norway Enhancing pro-poor innovations in Natural resources NTPI-P4P-Consultancy, Preparatory work for Pilot DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Sweden Open university of Tanzania (OUT) capacity building programme (2007-20011)-E DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32100016 National museum Dar es Salaam Transformation into a National Museum and House of Culture (2005 – 2010) National Audit Office Development Project (2002 – 2008)-E DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32010121 Simanjiro District Rural Electrification (2006 – 2008) DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32009830 Photovoltaic (PV) Market Development in Rural Tanzania (2003 – 2012) DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 75000516 Research Cooperation – MUHAS (2009 – 2013) 32000067 National Audit Office Development Program Phase II (2008 – 2011) 32000040 DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOFUEL INDUSTRY (2009 – 2010) 32000043 MAKAMBAKO-SONGEA TRANSMISSION LINE AND RURAL ELECTRIFICATION OF DISTRICTS IN IRINGA AND RUVUMA REGIONS, TANZANIA (2008 – 2013) 75000515 Research Cooperation UDSM (20092013) GENERAL BUDGET SUPPORT (2009-2012) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 GBS 60,517,768.93 0 60,517,768.93 Sweden 75007379 Research Cooperation COSTECH (20092013)-E DPF 0 0 0 Sweden DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sweden 75000520 Research Cooperation with Ardhi University (2009 - 2013) 32000018 Support to Education Sector Programme in Zanzibar - New Phase 32010037 Zanzibar Energy Sector Support 32000041 Capacity Dev Rural Energy Agency (2008 - 2012)-E 32000079 Bureau of Statistics DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32000087 BEST Advocacy Phase 2 (2008 - 2013) DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32000081 Childrens Council SCUK DPF 0 0 0 Norway Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Sweden 51170026 Save the Children Zanzibar, 2011 - 2013 DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 51170016 AMREF TANZANIA 2010 - 2013 DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32100001 Twaweza accountability DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 51170008 ALAT DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland Water Programme in Dodoma and Tabora DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland SDC The Netcell: Insecticide Treated Nets Upscalling (Phase III) Community Based Health Initiatives DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland Policy Analysis Department (MOFEA) DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland CDC CCRBT Martenity Hospital HIV/AIDS Treatment- Adult Treatment -NACP DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Prevention - Other sexual Prevention MOHZ HIV/AIDS Prevention - Other Sexual prevention MUHAS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS - Strategic Information -TACAIDS DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Prevention - Male Circumcision-NACP DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Prevention - Other Sexual PreventionNACP HIV/AIDS Treatment - Adult treatment MoHSW (ZNZ) HIV/AIDS CARE - Pallative care TB/HIV- MOHZ DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS System Strengthening - Health System Stregthening-Ifakara Health Research Center DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS- Intravenous and non-intravenous drug use-MUHAS DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS System Strengthening-Health system MUHAS DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS- Presevention-PMTCT -National AIDS control program Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 CDC Health Systems Strenghening-NIMRI DPF 0 0 0 CDC DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS-Presevention PMTCT MoHSW, and Zanzibar AIDS control Program. HIV/AIDS Strategic Information-UDSM/UCC DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Strategic Information-NACP DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Strategic Information-MHSW DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS-Strategic Information-NIMR DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Counselling & Testing - MoHZ-Zanzibar AIDS Control Progam HIV/AIDS Laboratory Infrastructure-MoHSW HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing-NACP DPF 0 0 0 DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 CDC CDC HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing-MUHAS HIV/AIDS Care-TB & HIV-National Aids Control Program Care-TB & HIV-National Tanzania Leprosy control Program HIV/AIDS Adult Treatment -Bugando Medical Center HIV/AIDS Prevention ABC- National AIDS control program Tanzania HIV/AIDS Abstinance and Be Faithful --Zanzibar AIDS control Program Laboratory Infrastructure-NIMR DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Prevention - Blood safety, Injection safety -Ministry of Health and Social welfare Tanzania. DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Prevention- Injecting and non injecting Drug use -Drug Control Commission HIV/AIDS Prevention : Injecting and non Injection drug use -Ministry of Health and social welfare Tanzania Zanzibar AIDS control Program DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS Adult care and support - National AIDS control program Tanzania Adult care and support Ministry of health and social Welfare TANZANIA- Zanzibar AIDS Control Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Blood Safety- Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program DPF 0 0 0 DoD DoD HIV/AIDS CARE - Pallative care TB/HIV- MOHZ HIV/AIDS Services- Tanzania People Defence Forces HIV/AIDS Prevention- Male Circumcision- Rukwa RMO DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS System Strengthening - Health System Stregthening-Ifakara Health Research Center HIV/AIDS -Prevention PMTCT- Mbeya Regional Medical Office HIV/AIDS- Prevention PMTCT- Rukwa Region medical Office HIV/AIDS Laboratory Infrastructure-Mbeya Referral Hospital HIV/AIDS prevention -Male Circumssion -Mbeya Referral Hospital Pediatric Care and Support - Mbeya Regional Medical Office HIV/AIDS Pediatric care and Support - Mbeya Refferal Hospital DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DoD Care-TB & HIV Mbeya Referral Hospital DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS Care- TB & HIV -Mbeya Regional Medical Hospital HIV/AIDS-Prevention PMTCT Ruvuma Regional Medical Office. DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 DoD Pediatric Care and Support - Ruvuma Medical Office HIV/AIDS Pediatric Care and Support - Rukwa Regional Medical office HIV/AIDS Adult Treatment -Mbeya Referral Hospital DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS Adult Treatment-Mbeya Regional Medical Office HIV/AIDS Treatment: Padeatric Treatment - Mbeya Refferal Hospital HIV/AIDS Treatment: Padeatric - Mbeya Regional Medical Office DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS Adult Treatment-Rukwa Medical Office DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS Treatment: Padeatric treatment - Rukwa Regional Medical office DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS Adult Treatment-Ruvuma Regional Medical Office HIV/AIDS Treatment: Padeatric Treatment -Ruvuma Regional Medical Office HIV/AIDS Adult care and support- Mbeya Refferal hospital HIV/AIDS Adult care and support -Rukwa Regional Medical office HIV/AIDS Adult care and support -Ruvuma Regional medical Office HIV/AIDS Adult care and support- Mbeya regional medical office Zanzibar Rural Roads DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 208686.9299 208686.9299 DPF 2100485.358 109160.5417 2209645.9 MCC Zanzibar Interconnector Activity- Enenrgy Sector project Rehabit and Extensions of TANESCO Distribution DPF 6921441.431 448517.2031 7369958.635 MCC Mafia Island Airport DPF 89875.05545 89651.28872 179526.3442 MCC Malagarasi Power Station DPF 44906.1689 47019.97961 91926.14851 MCC Energy Distribution System DPF 0 MCC Rehabilitation of Urban Water Supply DSM DPF 0 MCC Lower Ruvu Plant Extension DPF 977398.3219 71951.18164 1049349.504 MCC Tunduma Sumbawanga -Road Project DPF 272881.4608 245970.2772 518851.738 MCC Namtumbo-Songea Road Project DPF MCC Peramiho-Mbinga Road Project DPF MCC Tanga - Horohoro Road Project DPF USAID Central Contraceptive Procurement DPF USAID USAID | Deliver Task Order 3 for Malaria USAID Health-USAID | Deliver Task Order 4 USAID Health- Tanzania Human Resource Capacity Project DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD MCC MCC DPF 0 0 244882.1721 244882.1721 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 USAID Achievement and Maintenance of Comprehensive Coverage with Long Lasting Insecticide-treated Nets in Tanzania (AMCC) Health Systems 2020-Abt Associates DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Malaria Operations Research / Ifakara Health Institute Support to National Malaria Control Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Follow on for BCC, Hangup campaign amd Monitoring Communication & Malaria Initiative in Tanzania (COMMIT) -Zanzibar Tanzania Service Provision Availability-Support to NBS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 USAID BCC For all aspects of Malaria Control- ZMCP DPF 0 0 0 USAID Support to kigoma Zonal Health Training Center DPF 0 0 0 USAID Support to Iringa Primary Health Care Institute DPF 0 0 0 USAID Support to Arusha Zonal Health Training center DPF 0 0 0 USAID Partnership For Growth (PFG) -Infrastructure DPF 0 0 0 USAID HIV/AIDS Treatment- Adult Treatment - MoHSW DPF 0 0 0 USAID DPF 0 0 0 USAID HIV/AIDS Prevention - Condom & Other sexual prevention / Government Monitoring and Evaluation-Support to ZMCP DPF 0 0 0 USAID Education -Support to Basic Education/ NGO DPF 0 0 0 USAID DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 USAID Strengtening HMIS and supportive supervision in Malaria Training of Health staff in Malaria case management-ZMCP Entomological Monitoring DPF 0 0 0 DoS HIV/AIDS CARE - Pallative care TB/HIV- MOHZ DPF 0 0 0 DoS HIV/AIDS System Strengthening - Health System Stregthening-Ifakara Health Research Center DPF 0 0 0 DoS HIV/AIDS System Strengthening-Health system MUHAS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID Abudhabi Abudhabi Kidahwe- Uvinza Road ADB ADB ADB SINGIDA-BABATI-MINJINGU ROAD UPGRADING PROJECT Strengthening institutions for risk management of trans-boundary animal diseases (TADs) in the southern African Development community (SADEC) region This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 ADB Poverty Reduction Support Loan IV GBS 0 0 0 ADB Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Phase 2– BASKET FUND Arusha-Holili/Taveta-Voi Road Un allocated 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 Sector Expansion and Development project focusing on preparation of skilled labour to meet market demand – going to Board in 2013 Rusumo Hydroelectric and Multipurpose Project – multinational - – going to Board in 2013 Agriculture Sector Programme Development II Un allocated 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 ADB District Agricultural Sector Investment (DASIP) please delete this Tanzania Road Sector Support I - please delete DPF 0 0 0 ADB Tanzania Road Sector Support II DPF 0 0 0 ADB DPF 0 0 0 ADB INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT PROJECT FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE II (ISPGG 2) Rural water supply and sanitation Phase II DPF 0 0 0 ADB Un allocated Un allocated ADB AGRICULTURE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME - Phase I SMALL ENTERPRENEURS LOAN FACILITY BF 1,431,210 0 1,391,641 0 2,822,851 0 DPF 0 0 0 EAST AFRICA TRADE AND TRANSPORT FACILITY PROJECT (EAC) RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROGRAM POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT LOAN II DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 GBS 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ADB SUPPORT TO MATERNAL MORTALITY REDUCTION PROJECT (MAINLAND LOAN COMPONENT) ARUSHA-NAMANGA-ATHI RIVER ROAD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PROGRAMME IN SUPPORT OF SECONDARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN-SEDP DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SECTOR INVESTMENT PROJECT ELECTRICITY V PROJECT DPF 0 0 0 ADB EDUCATION II PROJECT DPF 0 0 0 ADB FIRST HEALTH REHABILITATION PROJECT DPF 0 0 0 ADB LIVESTOCK MARKETING PROJECT DPF 0 0 0 ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 ADB DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ADB EL NINO INFRASTRUCTURE REHABILITATION PROJECT MTUKULA-MUHUTWE ROAD UPGRADING PROJECT SHELUI-NZEGA ROAD UPGRADING PROJECT DPF 0 0 0 ADB ROAD REHABILITATION UPGRADING PROJECT DPF 0 0 0 ADB DPF 0 0 0 ADB DAR ES SALAAM WATER SUPPLY & SANITATION THREE REGIONS HEALTH STUDY DPF 0 0 0 ADB POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT LOAN III GBS 0 0 0 ADB RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MASTER PLAN FOR TANZANIA MONDULI DISTRICT WATER PROJECT DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT PROJECT FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE Zanzibar Roads Upgrading Project-Project fund PLEASE DELETE THIS PROJECT FROM AMP ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ZANZIBAR ROADS UPGRADING PROJECT correct project details AGRICULTURE MARKETING SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME SINGIDA-BABATI-MINJINGU ROAD UPGRADING PROJECT - please delete STRATEGIC SANITATION PLAN DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ADB SUPPORT TO MATERNAL MORTALITY REDUCTION PROJECT (ZNZ LOAN COMPONENT) SUPPORT TO STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION & TRAINING PROG. D'AMENAG. LAC TANGANYIKA ADB ZANZIBAR WATER AND SANITATION PROJECT DPF 0 0 15,086 0 15,086 0 ADB SMALL ENTREPRENEURS LOAN FACILITY II DPF 0 0 0 ADB CRDB DPF 0 0 0 ADB DPF ADB TANZANIA ROAD SECTOR SUPPORT PROGRAMME 1 Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Program BF 0 0 2,807,766 0 ADB Iringa-Shinyanga TX Project DPF 0 0 0 ADB INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT PROJECT FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE II DPF 0 0 0 ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB ADB DPF 1,431,210 1,376,556 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 ADB Access Bank Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 BADE Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 BADE Construction of Mwanza Airport Project - BADEA DPF 0 0 0 BADE Chalinze Water Supply Project {Phase II} - BADEA DPF 0 0 0 BADE DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 BADE Construction of Three Roads of Pemba Island Project in Zanzibar - BADEA State University of Zanzibar Project {Phase I} BADEA Chalinze Water suppy project (Phase II) DPF 0 0 0 BADE Marangu-Tarakea-Kamwanga Road Project DPF 0 0 0 BADE Water Supply for Singida Town Project - BADEA DPF 0 0 0 BADE DPF 0 0 0 BADE Rehabilitation of Rural Roads in Unguja Island in Zanzibar - BADEA Songwe Airport Project in Mbeya - BADEA DPF 0 0 0 BADE Rehabilitation of Muhimbili Medical DPF 0 0 0 BADE Mangaka-Mtambaswala Road Project DPF 0 0 0 BADE DPF 0 0 0 BADE Rehabilitation of Water Suppy for Orkasument Township Rural Electrification Project-Geita District DPF 0 0 0 BADE Mwanga, Same & Korogwe Water Supply Project DPF 0 0 0 BADE Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 EC Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 EC CONV. TRANSFER STABEX/21/99/TA (RAW OR ROASTED COFFEE) STABEX DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ECO/GPP ECO/GPP SMALL ARMS MANAGEMENT AND REDUCTION PROJECT INF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE WATER SUPPLY PROGRAMME REGICENTERS PHASE II INF IRINGA URBAN WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY INF WORKS SUPERVISION (M/S BCOM) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 INF REHAB.MANDELA RD.MALTAURO/SPEN/STIR JV "Women Empowerment in Zanzibar (WEZA) " DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 BADE EC EC EC EC EC EC EC This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EC DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EC "Capacity building for sustainable running water management and cost recovery in Zanzibar NRS TA:UPSCALING OF ACCESS TO ENERGY SERVICES Programme Estimate- Operational period from 7 May 2010 to 31 July 2011 Rehabilitation of 04 km Cane Access Farm roads Lot 2 Financial audit of PE of "Annual Action Programme Accompanying Measures for Sugar Protocol Countries -Allocation 2007" Period 7/05/201031/07/2010 (CONTRACT N0. 239-979) ECO/GPP - CONSULT.SUPP.TRANSPORT SECT - ITT Institutional Suport to the Transport Sector - PE no 2 (2010-2011) Financial Audit of Programme Estimate No.2 for Institutional Support to the Transport Sector Covering the Period from 27th September 2010 to 17th December 2011 Final Evaluation of the project ''Institutional Support for the Transport Sector'' Beekeeper Economic Empowerment (BEE) Project, Tabora, Tanzania ECO/GPP CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT UNESCO - 400,000 EUR ECO/GPP SUPPORT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TENMET Rehabilitation of 4 Km cane access farm roads under lot 2: Msindazi Cane Growers Association (MSGA) to Gravel Standar in Morogoro Region Rehabilitation of 5km Cane Access Farm Roads under lot 3: Mtibwa Outgrowers Association (MOA) to Gravel Standard in Morogoro Region Rehabilitation of 3.5km Cane Access Farm Roads under lot 1: Kilombero Cane Outgrowers Association (KCGA) to Gravel Standard in Morogoro Region Independent Opinion and Assistance in Amicable Settlement Deliberations Support to Public Finances Management Reform Process Formalisation of the informal sector BF 0 0 0 EC Financial and Systems Audit of TANROADS DPF 0 0 0 EC Evaluation of Project Proposals - 10th EDF Support to Non State Actors - Environment Component Identification of an EU Programme in support of the SAGCOT (Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor in Tanzania) initiative Support to enhanced legislative and regulatory environment for Civil Society in Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EC TA for the Preparation of the Implementation of the TASPII Assessment of Tanzania's Port in the Regional Economic Environment Zanzibar renewable energies assessment DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EC Increasing the Competitiveness of the Tanzania's Coffee sub-sector for sustainable poverty reduction - Coffee Research and Technology Support Programme (CRTSP) II Financial and Systems audit EU Un allocated Un allocated EU 9th EDF Support to National Authorising Officer DPF 0 0 57,665,302 0 EU Mwanza Sewerage System Rehabilitation DPF 0 0 0 EU Tourism Training Programme DPF 0 0 0 EU Support to Local Government Grant Scheme BF 0 0 0 EU DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 SBS 0 0 0 EU 9th EDF Support to the National Authorising Officer, Bridging Phase Institutional Support Project for the Transport Sector Support to Education Sector Reform -GBS Education Technical Cooperation Facility (TCF) II DPF 0 0 0 EU Programme to support non state actors in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 EU Water Supply Programme Regional Centres: Phase II Rehabilitation of the Mandela Road in Dar es Salaam (Port Road) Support to Tanzania Game Reserves DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Support to the Southern and East African Mineral Centre (SEAMIC) LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM PROGRAMME LGRP-EU Local Government Capital Development Grant-EU DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU Public Financial Management Reform ProgrammeEU Poverty Monitoring Master Plan-EU BF 0 0 0 EU Agriculture Sector Development Program-EU BF 0 0 0 EU Rehabilitation of Mwanza Roads DPF 0 0 0 EC EC EC DPF 0 0 57,665,302 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU 0 - This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU Tax Administration Project (TAP) DPF 0 0 0 EU Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Mwanza-Border Tinde and Isaka-Nzega Roads Pan African Programme for Control of Epizootic DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU Backlog Maintanance Programme for central Corridor 3rd Tanzania Micro Project Programme DPF 0 0 0 EU Technical Cooperation Facility DPF 0 0 0 EU Water Supply Programme Regional Centres: Phase I Ruvuma and Southern Iringa Road Maintenance Programme 4th Micro Projects Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Institutional and Policy Support to the Tanzania Road Sector STABEX Coffee 94/99 balances 1990-93 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) Basket Fund Rehabilitation of Mwanza -Border-Tinde-Isaka Nzega Rds Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Mwanza -BorderTinde-Isaka -Nzega Road 1712TA STABEX COFFEE 94/99 BALANCES 1990-93 8022TA Backlog Maintanance Programme for Central Corridor 9032 TA SUPPORT TO TRANSPORT SECTOR DPF 0 0 0 EU Hai District Water Supply Project phase IV DPF 0 0 0 EU 10th EDF Support to the Office of the NAO DPF 0 0 0 EU Trade and Agriculture Support Programme (TASP) DPF 0 0 0 EU Technical Cooperation Facility (TCF) DPF 0 0 0 EU GBS 0 0 0 EU MDG Contract (General Budget Support FY 2010/11-2016-17) Energy and Climate Change DPF 0 0 0 EU National Panel Surveys DPF 0 0 0 EU Transport Sector Budget Support SBS 0 0 0 EU STABEX remaining Funds DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU Food Facility Budget Support SBS 0 0 0 EU Energy Facility DPF 0 0 0 EU Water facility DPF 0 0 0 EU Support to Elections DPF 0 0 0 EU Civil Society Action for Girls Education in tanzania DPF 0 0 0 EU Promoting access to education for deafblind and multiply disabled children in Tanzania LESS is more: Labour Empowerment and Social Services for vulnerable people in Dar es Salaam Strengthening community capacity to improve maternal, newborn and child health in hard-to-reach areas of Tanzania, Kenya and Southern Sudan. Human Resources for Health: a challenge to be met in strong partnership. ECO/GPP T.A. TO PMFU - SUPPORT TO NSA ECO (359,100 EUR) ECO/GPP - P.E. 12/10/08 TO 11/10/09 - EUR 1,324,326.97 Audit FED/2008/023869 related to the project NSA Tanzania, PE 1 Support to Policing of Gender Based Violence in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar. Final evaluation of the NSA Support Programme (9EDF NSA TA 22) Support to the Engagement of the CSOs in the Mkukuta Review Process "Audit 22 - FED/2010/054-243 Final Audit to the project n. 9 ACP TA 22/006" "Audit 22 - FED/2010/054-243 Final Audit to the project n. 9 ACP TA 22/006 - 2nd verification following audit n. 2010/236-288" PRO POOR TOURISM IN ZANZIBAR, TANZANIA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EDUCATION QUALITY IMPROVEMENT THROUGH PEDAGOGY - TANZANIA YOUTH WITH DISABILITIES COMMUNITY PROGRAMME - TANZANIA BLOCK GRANT 2005 AIDOS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 BLOCK GRANT 2005 HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL Poverty Reduction through the Participation of Vulnerable People in Decentralised Development Planning and Budgeting in Tanzania Strengthening community based health care among hard to reach communities in southern Tanzania, using malaria prevention and control as an entry point. (Pambana na Malaria), Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health among Female Youth Working in Informal Sector "Changing Lives, Changing Communities! Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities in Tanzania" A pilot project to develop a sustainable model of HIV prevention and care for the Tanzanian Police force A community-based mental health and development programme to address the needs and rights of poor mentally ill people in Tanzania Establishment of the infrastructure to evaluate and monitor the impact of new interventions, including drugs and vaccines for HIV, TB and malaria Active detection of Active Tuberculosis (ADAT), Tanzania Forensic investigation following case of fraud detected on MMRP in joint venture with University of Munich on contracts SANTE/2005/078545 and SANTE/2006/129931 Mitigating the negative impacts of volatile food prices on vulnerable households in Tanzania Capacity Building for Border Management, a crossboarder approach to combat irregular migration and establish a border management system along the border of Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia Maximising rural communities’ livelihood options through engagement between Non-state actors, government and the private sector ECO/GPP - PE - 12/06/08 TO 01/12/08 - SALW EUR240,940 P.E. NO.1 FROM 01012009 TO 31122009 - SALW - EUR 1,124,400 Audit of EAC PE 1 RICTSP Audit request: FED/2008/023891 EC support to Election Support Programme:Technical Assistance to programme start up Financial audit of EAC RICTSP PE 2007 (18.11.07 - 30.06.09) Audit of Service contract - Consultancy services to Iringa urban water supply and sewerage (JV Dorsh and COWI) - 9 ACP TA015/003 PE no 2 From 15/07/2010 to 15/01/2012 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Regional Political Integration and Human Security Support Programme Phase I (RPIHSSP I) - EAC PE no 1 Regional Political Integration and Human Security Support Programme Phase I (RPIHSSP I) - EAC PE no 1 Enhancing the role of civil society and national efforts in the prevention, control and reduction of illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF AGROENTERPRISE AND REDUCED IMPACT OF HIV/AIDS FOR SUSTAINED LIVELIHOODS, TANZANIA ENABLING AND EMPOWERING POOR RURAL WOMEN IN 14 DISTRICTS OF TANZANIA TO IMPROVE THEIR SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (SRH) STATUS TANZANIA Improving the quality, effectiveness and access to basic treatment for severe febrile illness and chronic anaemia caused by malaria and other common infections Securing a stronger future for young people at high risk of mortality and morbidity in 10 districts of Tanzania ECO/GPP 2ND INSTALMENT FOR BASKET SUPPORT TO LGCDG - 11 ME ECO/GPP P.E. # 1 - SUPPORT NAO - BRIDGING PHASE (1,853,000,2 Systems Audit concerning 9th EDF Support to the ONAO Tanzania - Bridging Phase Review of the future role of the Office of the National Authorising Officer in Tanzania ECO/GPP P.E. # 2 - 01/01/09 TO 31/12/09 - EUR 1,289,977 Financial Audit to the 9th EDF Support to the NAOBridging Phase PSU - PE 9 ACP TA 33/001 Programme Estimate n.1 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Identification and formulation of 10th EDF support to NSAs Tanzania Expenditure verification of the 9th EDF Support to NAO Bridging Phase II - PE 9 ACP 033/002 from 1st January to 31st December 2009 ECO/GPP SUPPORT TO TRADE P.S.DEV., MIN.TRADE (TZS.574,876,50 ECO/GPP P.E. NO. 2 - OPERATIONAL PERIOD: 20.11.07 - 19.11.08 Financial audit for Programme on Support to Trade and Private Sector Development (Programme estimate 2) Evaluation of the Tourism Training Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ECO/GPP CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT UNESCO - 400,000 EUR MKUKUTA/MKUZA Review DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Expenditure Verification of PE for the Tanzania Tourism Training Programme for the period 20/11/2008 - 31/12/2009 Programme Estimate Nro 1 - Support to National Panel Survey Programme Estimate 1 to support Ministry of Trade, Industry and Marketing DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU External reveiw of the PFM Reform Programme in Tanzania Tanzania Participatory Forest Management Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 CONSERVATION RESEARCH FOR EAST AFRICA S THREATENED ECOSYSTEMS (CREATE) Adapting to climate change in coastal Dar es Salaam Mahale ecosystem management project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Building Community Roles and Incentives in Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Piloting the Ecosystem Approach in Africa’s Serengeti and North Luangwa NRS GRANT CONTRACT BETWEEN NAO AND SELOUS RHINO TRUST (SUPPOTO TANZANIA GAME RESERVES) ECO/GPP SEAMIC - PE 09/04-06/05, TZS 836,559,019.00 ECO/GPP SUPPORT TO THE NETT FOR THE EPA NAGOTIATIONS TZS 206.00 NRS FINANCIAL AUDIT OF THE GRANT TO SELOUS RHINO ECO/GPP SECOND SEAMIC PROGRAMME ESTIMATE, 288,088,646.00 TZS05/08/2005 UNTIL 31/07/2006 NRS KAGERA KIGOMA GAME RESERVES REHABILITATION PROJECT, DIRELABOUR OPERATION, OPERATIONAL PERIOD 04/08/07 30/06/07 NRS TA - WWF UK - INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT INRUAHA RIVER CATCHMENT TA - IUCN WORLD CONSERVATION UNION : STRENGTHENING PARTICIPATION AND PLANNING FOR IWRM IN PANGANI BASIN TANZANIA NRS WORLD BANK ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT FOR THE MULTI-DONORT FUND FOR LAKE VICTORIA ECO/GPP PE NO.1- START-UP PERIOD 21ST MAY -20TH SEPTEMBER 20 NRS TA: BEST RAY (BRININGING ENERGY SERVICES TO TANZANIAN RUAREAS) NRS TA:UPSCALING OF ACCESS TO ENERGY SERVICES ECO/GPP P.E. NO. 3 - 20.11.08 TO 19.11.09 EUR 439,541 NRS - CONTR.AGR.- FAO - E.A.AVIAN FLU RESP.- EUR 1,680,000 NRS - START UP P.E. - 01/10/08 TO 31/03/09 EAC AVIAN FLURESPONSE PE no1 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU Purchase of seven4WD vehicles to theEAC AvianFlu Regional Response Project AUDIT TO THE TANZANIAN TOURISM TRAINING PROGRAMME Call for Proposals Guidelines preparation and Evaluation of Projects for the 10th EDF Rural Energy Programme in Tanzania Formulation of the Environment Component of the 10th EDF Support to Non State Actors Programme in Tanzania East African Community Avian Flu Response (Programme Estimate no 2 from 15/11/2010 to 15/11/2011) Integrated Improved Woodfuels Services for Poverty Reduction in Tanzania Reducing poverty in Rufiji-Mafia-Kilwa, Tanzania, through improved livelihoods and sustainable coastal and marine resource management "TANZANIA AGRICULTURAL PARTNERSHIP (TAP) FOOD SECURITY RESPONSE " Start Up PE for Sugar Programme DPF 0 0 0 EU Programme Estimate: 1 Feb 2009 - 31 Jan 2010 DPF 0 0 0 EU Financial Audit to the Start up Programme estimate- Sugar Board of Tanzania Programme Estimate- Operational period from 7 May 2010 to 31 July 2011 Technical Assistance for the Design and Sustainable Management of Irrigation Systems in Outgrower Sugar Cane Areas at Kilombero, Ruembe and Mtibwa in Morogoro Region Rafiki Mitiki: a Scattered Cooperative Teakwood Plantation, Tanzania ECO/GPP NAM/SADC-MCS/01/2001 - LUXDEVELOPMENT - 6.252.607,1(SEE 8RAU1/2) STABEX/15/REP LIV 2ND PR/TA REPAYM AGREEM ART 195(A) 8 TA 25 STABEX/15/REP LIV 2ND PR/TA REPAYM AGREEM ART 195(A) 8 TA 24 CONV. TRANSFER STABEX/21/99/TA (RAW OR ROASTED COFFEE) ECO/GPP WP/CE 06 APR/04-MAR/05 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ECO/GPP SADC MCS PMU (LUX-DEV) -CE 07 01 AUG 05 TO 31 MARCH ECO/GPP P.E. (12.09.07 - 11.09.08) 1,579,708,000 TZS STABEX DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Ex-ante assessment for the future support under the next phase of TASP. Service contract to produce Stabex Final Financial Report DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU Improvement of the competitiveness of the Tanzanian Tea Sector Northern Tanzania Pastoralist Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Support project to strengthen commercial capacities of agricultural producers in Tanzania Improving incomes, market access, and disaster preparedness: A rapid response to food insecurity in Shinyanga, Tanzania SAAFI: Sustainable Agriculture Against Food Insecurity in Kilolo and Namtumbo Districts ''''Development of Rural Finance Windows (RFW) to expand adapted financial services to small farmers and rural poor households'''' in Tanzania Improvement of food security and nutritional status in Maasai steppes of northern Tanzania, by applying sustainable farming technologies Tanzania Smallholder Sesame Production and Marketing Project Food crops wholesale markets development in Mbeya and Rukwa region INF ADMINISTRATION OF THE WATER SUPPLY PROGRAMMEREGIONAL CENTERS PHASE II IMPLEMENTATION, 1,116,699 EUR INF TA - ACRA - WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR 14 VILLAGESISTRICT, TANZANIA TA - AMREF - WATER AND SANITATION UMBRELLA PROGRAMME (WASUP) INF INGENERIA SIN FRONTERAS (ISF) ASOCIACION PARA EL DESA INF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE WATER SUPPLY PROGRAMME REGICENTERS PHASE II EUR 796.800 INF WATER AND SANITATION, SAME DISTRICT DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 INF TA : COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY DAR ES SALAAM TA: AMREF WASUP , MTWARA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 INF TA : GTZ - CLUSTERING OF WATER UTILITIES(PROPOSAL NO. 101) INF TA : WATER AND SANITATION IN KWONGA END CHMWINO DISTRICT INF -URB.WATER S.IRINGAJOS.HANSEN&SOEHNE- EUR 10,112,149,28 INF -URB.WATER S.IRINGAJOS.HANSEN&SOEHNE- EUR 5,526,334.70 NRS - GRANT CONTRACT - GTZ - 653,200 EUR WATER FACILITY #1HUMAN RESOURCES AND ORGANIZATION DEV. IN THE WATER SECTOR INF - SUPPLY PIPES HAI - JOS HANSEN&SOEHE - EUR 3,206,996.28 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU NRS - GRANT CONTRACT - GTZ - 1,035,000 EUR - WATER FACILITY# 1 - CAPACITY BUILDING FOR REGIONAL AND DISTRICT U W AUTH. LOT 1 - Hai District Supply of cement - 210,967.05 EUR Consultancy services for upgrading program for urban water supply and sanitation 7 towns Tanzania Expenditure verification for the Works Contract Mbeya Urban Water and Sewerage Authority Expenditure verification of Works contract - Iringa Water regional Centres Phase II Pawaga Sustainable Development Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 "Capacity building for sustainable running water management and cost recovery in Zanzibar " Stregnthening protection capacities and securing solutions for refugees in Tanzania " INF ASTALDI SPA; TZS 16,369,597,823.00 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU INF SUPERVISION OF THE NZEGA-ISAKA (LOT 2) ROAD UPGRADING PRT, CONTRACT VALUE 991,276,211.00 TZS INF LOUIS BERGER CONSULTANCY TO TANROADS PHASE III-TZS:1,135,020,458.00 INF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF MALINDI WZANZIBAR CARL BRO - 1,463,960 EUR INF REHABILITATION OF MALINDI WHARVES, ZANZIBAR PORT, TANZAN20,325,823.35 EUR INF FEASIBILITY/DESIGN - ISAKA/LUSAHUNGA (MOUCHEL - EUR INF WORKS SUPERVISION (M/S BCOM - EUR 1,066,543) INF REHAB.MANDELA RD.MALTAURO/SPEN/STIR JV (EUR 24,647,156. NRS TA: MWENGA 3MW HYDRO POWER PROJECT ECO/GPP - CONSULT.SUPP.TRANSPORT SECT - ITT - EUR 1,433,496 Evaluation of Water Supply Programme Regional Centres - Phase 1 Institutional support to the transport sector programme estimate Mwanza / Shinyanga Border to Tinde (Lot 1) and Nzega to Isaka (via Tinde) (Lot 2) Road Upgrading Projects Audit of Mandela Road Rehabilitation Project DPF 0 0 0 EU Settlement of claims DPF 0 0 0 EU Technical Audit - Rehabilitation of Mandela Road DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU Road Condition Survey Assessment and Audit DPF 0 0 0 EU Expenditure verification of the BCEOM contract 9 ACP TA 017-01 Institutional Suport to the Transport Sector - PE no 2 (2010-2011) Technology transfer and local production of high quality and affordable fixed dose anti-retroviral drugs Rehabilitation of 04 km Cane Access Farm roads Lot 1 Rehabilitation of 05 km Cane Access Farm Roads Lot 3 Rehabilitation of 03 km Cane Access Farm Roads Lot 4 Construction of Rawa River Crossing/Bridge Lot 5 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Stregnthening protection capacities and securing solutions for refugees in Tanzania Mwanza Region Transport Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU SUPERVISION OF THE NZEGA-ISAKA (LOT 2) ROAD UPGRADING PRT, CONTRACT VALUE 991,276,211.00 TZS SUPERVISION OF THE NZEGA-ISAKA (LOT 1) ROAD UPGRADING UPGRADING OF THE ROAD BETWEEN NZEGA AND ISAKE (VIA TINDETOTAL CONTRACT VALUE 20613377764.00 TZS, THIS PART EUR + TZS UPGRADING OF THE ROAD BETWEEN NZEGA AND ISAKA (VIA TINDETOTAL CONTRACT VALUE 20613377764.00, THIS PART SA RAND ONLY Supervision of the Rehabilitation of Malindi Wharves Zanzibar Port REHABILITATION OF MALINDI WHARVES, ZANZIBAR PORT A.O.# 2 (LOT 1) INCL.COMMITMENT TO COVER THE CONTRACTUAL PRICES NOT INCLUDED IN AO#1- (MWANZA-TINDE ROAD LOT 1) A.O. # 2 (LOT 2) INCL.COM.TO COVER THE CONTRACTNOT INCLUDED IN AO#1- (NZEGAISAKA ROAD- LOT 2) A.O. # 2 (LOT 2) INCL. ZAR PORTION COM. TO COVERION OF PRICES NOT INCLUDED IN AO#1 (NZEGA- ISAKA ROAD- LOT 2 FEASIBILITY/DESIGN - ISAKA/LUSAHUNGA (MOUCHEL - EUR Supervision of WORKS MANDELA RD - BCOM DPF 0 0 0 EU Institutional Support of Transport ector - ITT DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU Institutional support to the transport sector - PE no 1 (2009-2010) Institutional Support to the Transport Sector - PE no 2 (2010-2011) Annual Action Programme Accompanying Measures for sugar Protocol Countries Allocation 2007 for Tanzania. 10TH EDF Energy Programme DPF 0 0 0 EU Civil Society Action for Girl's Education in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 EU INF ASTALDI SPA; TZS 16,369,597,823.00 DPF 0 0 0 EU Programme Estimate Nro 2 DPF 0 0 0 EU Programme Estimate Nro 2 - support to National Bureau of Statistics Yovi Hydro Power Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Sustainable Community-Based Hydro-Power Supply in 6 villages of Ludewa District, Iringa Region Clusters Solar PV Project - Lake Zone DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Increasing Access to Modern Energy Services in Ikondo Ward, Njombe District, Iringa Region, Tanzania Introducing a new concept for affordable biogas systems to connect 10,000 rural households in Tanzania Resilient Landscapes for Resilient Communities in Pemba Empowering Vulnerable Rural Communities to Adapt and Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change in Central Tanzania Enhancing Climate Change adaptation and mitigation capacities of vulnerable communities in eco-villages of different ecosystems of the Uluguru Mountains Mitigating the negative impacts of volatile food prices on vulnerable households in Tanzania 10th EDF support to NAO, PE 3 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Financial and Systems Audit n 2011/03 FED/2011/071-364 FOR AMREF WASUP Project Audit of grant contract 2007/195-985 (Hivos Tatedo) Eradicating the worst forms of labour in the 8 mining wards of Geita district Fighting Child Labour in Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Financial and systems audit of the Tanzania Agriculture Partnership (TAP) Food security response for the period 31.Dec.2009 to DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 31.May.2011 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO EmployAbility Promoting formal employment of persons with disabilities Empowering women, girls and community as a strategy to tackle sexual violence for improved human rights protection "Integrated Rural Electrification Planning in Tanzania (IREP TANZANIA) Evaluation of Project Proposals submitted under the Call for Proposals EuropeAid/13188/L/ACT/TZ Support to NSA in the Cultural and Creative Industries Improving water and sanitation access and hygiene standards to achieve MDG in Arusha Region, Tanzania Kisarawe Water and Environmental Health Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Detailed Design, Supervision of Construction Works and Strengthening the Capacity of the Kilosa District Council in the framework of the Ressetlement of People Displaced by Floods in Kilosa District, Tanzania EU Assistance to conflict transformation and reconcilitation in support of the Government of National Unity in Zanzibar Mwanza Urban Water & Sewerage Authority: Partnership for Financial and Operational Performance Improvement Programme Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 National Forestry Resources Monitoring and Assessment Technical Assistance for Agriculture Sensus (MAFC) Conservation Agri for sustainable Agri & Rural Development (SARD) & Food Security in Southern & East Africa - Cash Project Rural Knowledge network pilot project for East Africa - (MAFC) Advisory Service Capacity Development in Support of Small Farmer Food Security in Tanzania Supporting Food Security and Reducing Poverty in Kenya and Tanzania through Conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) - (MAFC) Supporting Food Security and Reducing Poverty in Kenya and Tanzania through Conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) - (MLDF) Support Private Sector Development and Public Private Cooperation in Maize, rice and other food cahins - (MAFC) SUpport Private Sector Development and Public Private Cooperation in Maize, rice and other food DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 chains - (MITM) FAO EU Supported East African Community Project for the Prevention and Control highly Pathogenic Economic Growth-Adoptation FSNIS-LGAs DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Economic Growth-Establishment MUCHALI Secretariat-MoAFSC Economic Growth-Food Safety Training-TBS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 FAO Economic Growth-Strengthening Food Chain Southern Highlands-MoAFSC Economic Growth-Development GAP cassavaMoAFSC Economic Growth-Adoptation GAP horticultureMoAFSC Environment-Adoptation Conservation AgricultureMoAFSC Environment-NAFORMA-MoNRT DPF 0 0 0 FAO Emergencies-Strengthening livestock EWS-MoLFD DPF 0 0 0 FAO Emergencies-Development EWS-MoAFSC DPF 0 0 0 FAO Refugees-Community Forest Management-Kasulu District Refugees-Establishment Community WoodlotsKasulu District HIV/AIDS-Integration HIV in WPP-MoAFSC DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Global Fund HIV/AIDS-Integration crosscutting issues in plansMoAFSC HIV/AIDS-Dissemination Agriculture Sector Strategy-MoAFSC Emergencies- Methodology Identification Beneficiaries-MoAFSC Un allocated Global Fund Global Fund ROUND ONE TNZ-102-G02-H-00 DPF 0 0 0 13,783,357 0 Global Fund DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Global Fund Tanzania Global Fund Round 3 TNZ-304-G03-C (TACAIDS) Tanzania Global Fund Round 3 TZN-304-G03-C (PMO-RALG) Tanzania Global Funds Round 3 TNZ-304-G03-C (MoHSW) Global Fund Round Four TNZ- 405-G08-M BF 0 0 0 Global Fund Global Fund Round Four TNZ-405-G08-M Malaria BF 0 0 0 Global Fund Tanzania Global Fund 3 TNZ-304-G03-C (MoDNS) DPF 0 0 0 FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO Global Fund Global Fund Un allocated 13,783,357 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Global Fund Tanzania Global Fund Round 5 TNZ-405-G04-H DPF 0 0 0 Global Fund DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Global Fund Tanzania Global Fund Round 4 TNZ-405-G04-H (MoHSW) Global Fund Round four TNZ-405-G08-M- MalariaE Tanzania Global Fund Round 4 TNZ-405-G04-H (PMO-RALG) The Global Fund Round Six -TNZ- 607-G09-T TB BF 0 0 0 Global Fund Global Fund TNZ-708-G10-M BF 0 0 0 Global Fund DPF 0 0 0 Global Fund Tanzania Global Fund Roung 5 TNZ-405-G05-H (PACT TANZANIA) Global Funds- Round 10 TNZ-809-G10-M BF 0 0 0 Global Fund Global Fund Round twelve TNZ-809-G12-H BF 0 0 0 Global Fund Global fund TNZ-809-G12-H BF 0 0 0 Global Fund DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Global Fund Tanzania Globa Fund Round 6 TNZ-405-G06-H (PSI) Tanzania Global Fund Round 7 TNZ-405-G07-H (AMREF) Tanzania Global Fund Round 1 TNZ-102-G01-M00 Global Fund Round 8 DPF 0 0 0 Global Fund National Malaria Control Programme DPF 13,694,454 Trustee of Tanzania National Malaria Movement (TANAM) Un allocated DPF 0 0 13,694,454 Global Fund 88,903 88,903 African Regional Capacity Building Network for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care Project Second Health Sector Development Program DPF 31,114,772 0 - 0 0 31,114,772 0 DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 IDA Private Sector Competitiveness Project (BEST) Basket Fund Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources. DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Second Social Action Fund Project DPF IDA DPF 1,311,802 0 0 1,311,802 0 IDA Regional Multi Donor Fund for Bridging Activities between Lake Victoria Environment Management Project I an II East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Project IDA Lower Kihansi Environmental Management Project DPF 452,109 0 0 0 452,109 0 IDA Central Transport Corridor Project - IDA DPF 0 0 0 Global Fund Global Fund Global Fund Global Fund IDA IDA IDA IDA Un allocated DPF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 IDA East African Statistical Training Center (EASTC) DPF 0 0 0 IDA Regional Trade Facilitation Project DPF 0 0 0 IDA Primary Education Development Program (PEDP) Basket TZ-Songo Gas Dev & Power Gen (FY02) BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Forest Conservation and Management Project IDA Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 IDA Household Vulnerability and Market based Insurance schemes Dar es Salaam Water Supply and Sanitation Project Participatory Agricultural Development and Empowerment Project General Budget Support IDA GBS 0 0 0 IDA Multi-Sectoral AIDS Project (HIV/AIDS BASKET) BF 0 0 0 IDA Marine and Costal Env Management-P082492 DPF IDA Accountability, Transparency and Integrity DPF 167,853 0 0 0 167,853 0 IDA FIDP II DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tax Administration DPF 0 0 0 IDA Privatization and Private Sector Development DPF 0 0 0 IDA Poverty Monitoring Master Plan-IDA, Basket Fund BF 0 0 0 IDA Public Sector Reform Program-IDA.Basket Fund. BF 0 0 0 IDA Private Sector Reform Program-IDA.BASKET FUND Legal Sector Reform Program-IDA. BASKET FUND.2 Tax Modernization Program - IDA.BASKET FUND DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 IDA TZ Energy Development and Access Expansion Project (TEDAP) Science & Technology Higher Education Program (Phase I) Zanzibar Basic Education Improvement ProjectP102262 Performance Result and Accountability Project DPF 1,540,372 0 0 0 1,540,372 0 IDA Panel Household Survey in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA DPF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 IDA TZ-GEF Energy Development and Access Expansion Water Sector Support project (Basket) DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 Capacity development for the Association of African Distance Learning Centre Zanzibar Urban Service Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 269,319 0 0 0 269,319 0 IDA Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project Phase. II Agricultural Sector Development Project (ASDP) DPF 0 0 0 IDA TZ-Energy Development & Access Expansion DPF IDA Financial Sector Support Project BF 9,512 0 0 0 9,512 0 IDA Marine and Coastal Environmental Management Project-P084213 Second Central Transport Corridor Project DPF DPF 141,155 0 0 141,155 0 DPF 0 0 0 IDA Eastern Arc Forests Conservation and Management Project Forest Conservation and Management Project DPF 0 0 0 IDA Local Government Support I DPF 0 0 0 IDA Local Government Support Projects II BF 0 0 0 IDA BF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 IDA Agriculture Sector Development Program (ASDP) Basket Fund Primary Education deveolopment program (PEDP) Basket Fund Public Financial Management Reform Programe basket Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources(SMMR) RCIP3 - Regional Communications Infrastructure Program-Phase III Tanzania - Accelerated Food Security Project DPF 532,333 0 0 0 532,333 0 IDA East Africa Agricultural Productivity Program DPF 0 0 0 IDA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 IDA African Regional Capacity Building Network for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care Family Pedal Power and Lighting Project East Africa Tanzania - Housing Finance Project DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities Project DPF 0 0 0 IDA Additional Financing -Energy Development & Access Expansion Project DPF 0 0 0 IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA DPF DPF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 IDA DPF IDA Tanzania :Extractive Industries Transparency Iniatives Secondary Education Development Programme II 0 0 0 IDA TRANSPORT SECTOR SUPPORT PROJECT DPF 26,624,216 0 0 0 26,624,216 0 IDA Tanzania ICT and Services Incubator (AFR 5) DPF 0 0 0 IDA BEIA-Promotion of Charcoal Briquettes in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 IDA DPF 0 0 0 IDA Development of a National Statistical System for Tanzania Financial Sector Reform Prog BF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities-Arusha DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities -Dodoma DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities-Mbeya DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities-Kigoma DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities-Mtwara DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities-Mwanza DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities-Tanga DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tanzania Strategic Cities-CDA DPF 0 0 0 IDA Bukoba Airport DPF 0 0 0 IDA Tabora Aiport DPF 0 0 0 IDA Kigoma Airport DPF 0 0 0 IDA Same-Himo -Marangu Road DPF 0 0 0 IDA Sourthen Agriculture Corridor (SAGCOT) DPF 0 0 0 IDA Rural Food Fortification Project DPF 0 0 0 IDA Marine environment Management Project DPF 0 0 0 IDA PRIVATE SECTOR/MSME COMPETITIVENESS DPF 0 0 0 IDA ASDP -PHDR ADDITIONAL FINANCING DPF 0 0 0 IDA Living Standards Measurement Study-Intergrated Survey on Agriculture-LSMS-ISA Basic Health Services Project DPF 66,102 0 0 0 66,102 0 IDA BF DPF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 IDA East Africa Public Health Labaratory Networking BF 0 0 0 IFAD Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 IFAD Rural Financing Services Programme - RFSP DPF 0 0 0 IFAD Agriculture Marketing Systems Development Programme II Rural Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Support Programme - MUVI Agriculture Sector Development Programme Livestock (ASDP-L) - Zanzibar Agriculture Services Support Programme (ASSP) Zanzibar Rural Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Support Programme - MUVI (grant) Water and Health Component of ASDP - L (Belgian Survival Fund) Agricultural Sector Development ProgrammeLivestock (ASDP-Basket Fund) Agricultural Sector Development Programme II (ASDP- Basket Fund) Rural Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Support Programme - MUVI (Irish grant) Agricultural Sector Development ProgrammeLivestock (ASDP-L) C-FN-672-TZ Grant Agriculture-Marketing Infrastructure Value Addition and Rural Finance Support Programme (MIVARF) Mainland Marketing Infrastructure Value Addition And Rural Finance Support Programme (MIVARF)-Zanzibar Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 COOPAFRICA- Cooperative Facility for Africa Kilimanjaro Cooperative College HIV/AIDS Prevention and Impact Mitigation in the World of In Sub-Sahara Africa Improving Labour Law compliance in the United Republic of Tanzania - MoLEYD Women and Youth Employment through Improved Beekeeper's organization Unleashing African Entrepreneurship - Youth Entrepreneurship Facility (YEF) Women Economic Development and Gender Development (WEDGE) Support to the Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco Plantations in Urambo (Tanzania)CARITAS Support to the Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco Plantations in Urambo (Tanzania)Tanzania Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union.(TPAWU) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 IFAD IFAD IFAD IFAD IFAD IFAD IFAD IFAD IFAD IFAD IFAD ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 ILO JP -Wealth Creation, Employment and Economic Empowerment-TUCTA JP -Wealth Creation, Employment and Economic Empowerment-Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) Economic Growth -Training & application of CEB toolkit; employment studies; support for employment committees -MoLE Support implementation of LMIS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ILO Identification of skills and development of curriculum Economic Growth and poverty reduction DPF 0 0 0 ILO HIV/AIDS -ILO DPF 0 0 0 ILO Social Protection- ILO DPF 0 0 0 ILO DPF Norway Integrated Management of a Childhood Illness (IMCI) Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 649,266 0 649,266 0 Norway Central Transport Corridor Project DPF 0 0 0 Norway DPF 0 0 0 Norway Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project NDF-Songwe River Stabilisation Study DPF 0 0 0 Norway NDF39-Power VI DPF 0 0 0 Norway NDF 60-Electricity IV DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 OPEC Poverty Reduction Project (TASAF) - OPEC DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Songwe Airport Project in Mbeya - OPEC DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Rural Roads Project - OPEC DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Rural Roads Project Lindi & Kigoma DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Tanzania Poverty Reduction Project {TASAF} DPF 0 0 0 OPEC DPF 0 0 0 OPEC DSM -Somanga Road Rehabilitation and Recnstruction Project {Phase II} - OPEC Singida Water Supply Project - OPEC DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Vocational Education and Training project - OPEC DPF 0 0 0 OPEC MUHIMBILI REHABILITATION PROJECT- OPEC DPF 0 0 0 ILO ILO ILO ILO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 OPEC Mwanza Aiport Project - Opec Fund DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Ole - Kengeja Roads Project DPF 0 0 0 OPEC DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Agricultural And Environmental Management Project Second Primary Education Project DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Rural Electrification Project-Geita District {BADEA} DPF 0 0 0 UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management MoFEA, PEED JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management PMO-RALG JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management MLEYD JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management MDCDG JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management MCST JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management - NBS JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management CHRAGG JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management ESRF JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management TANGO JP4 UN Joint Programme on Capacity Strengthening for Development Management TRACE/TANEA JP3 UN Joint Programme to support the HIV&AIDS National Response - MoHSW JP3 UN Joint Programme to Support the HIV&AIDS National Response - TACAIDS JP3 UN Joint Programme to Support the HIV/AIDS National Response - ZAC JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment - VPO DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment -MoWI DPF 0 0 0 JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment MAFC DPF 0 0 0 UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UN Joint Programme Fund UNICEF JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment NEMC(VPO) JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment - PMO RALG JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment - MEM DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment MOFEA JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment - MLDF DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment MNRT JP1 - Wealth Creation, Employment and Economic Empowerment - Mtwara DC JP1 - Wealth Creation, Employment and Economic Empowerment - Lind DC Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF HEALTH BASKET FUND BF 0 0 280,629 0 UNICEF Poverty Monitoring Master Plan-UNICEF BF 0 0 0 UNICEF YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development MoWI YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development MCDGC CPP - Child Protection and Participation - MCDGC DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - MCDGC PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Hai Geographically Defined Areas - Emergency Preparedness and General Emergencies Response - PMO BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - MoEVT DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - MoFEA Programme Communication (PCP) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - CHRGG PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Planning Commission PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - PMO-RALG PAAP - Policy Advocacy and Analysis Programme - National Bureau of Statistics PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - MoJCA PAAP - Policy Advocacy and Analysis Programme - Bagamoyo DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 217,077 UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF 63,553 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Magu PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Makete PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Mtwara Region PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Temeke PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Siha PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Kasulu PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Kibondo PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Kigoma R PAAP - Policy Analysis and Advocacy Programme - Ngara YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Programme - MoHSW YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development PMORALG YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development TFNC YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development TFDA YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Bagamoyo YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Hai YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Programme - Magu YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Makete YCSD - Youth Child Survival and Development Mtwara R YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Temeke YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Siha YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Kasulu YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Kibondo YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Kigoma R YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development Ngara CPP - Child Protection and Participation - MoHSW DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - MoEYD DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation TACAIDS CPP - Child Protection and Participation - MoJCA DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - RITA DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation Bagamoyo CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Hai DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Magu DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Makete DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Mtwara R CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Temeke DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Siha DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Kasulu DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Kibondo DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Kigoma R CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Ngara DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Bukoba M CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Mwanza C CPP - Child Protection and Participation - Singida R BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - TIE DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - MCDGC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - ADEM DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - MoHSW DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - IAE DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - NECTA DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Bagamoyo DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Hai DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Magu DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Makete DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Mtwara R DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Temeke DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Siha DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Kasulu DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Kibondo DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skilss - Kigoma R DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF BELS - Basic Education and Life Skills - Ngara DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF Geographically Defined Areas - Emergency Preparedness and General Emergencies Response - TIE Geographically Defined Areas - Emergency Preparedness and General Emergencies Response - Bagamoyo Geographically Defined Areas - Emergency Preparedness and General Emergencies Response - Mtwara R Geographically Defined Areas - Emergency Preparedness and General Emergencies Response - MoHSW Geographically Defined Areas - Emergency Preparedness and General Emergencies Response - MoLEYD Geographically Defined Areas - Emergency Preparedness and General Emergencies Response - MoAFSC Public expenditure review (PER)-Busket Fund DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 YCSD - Young Child Survival and Development MoEVT UNDAP EPR - Support to Emergency Preparedness and Response - VPO UNDAP Education - Support to Quality Education MoEVT UNDAP Health and Nutrition - Support to Child Health and Nutrition - MoHSW UNDAP Social Protection - Support to Child Protection and Social Protection - MoHSW UNDAP HIV and AIDS - Support to Children and AIDS - TACAIDS UNDAP WASH - Support to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - MoWI UNDAP Governance - Child rights and governance - MoJCA UNDAP Education-Support to Quality EducationIAE DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 186,529 0 186,529 DPF 0 0 63,553 0 63,553 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF DPF DPF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 12,457 0 0 12,457 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 10,963 0 0 0 10,963 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP EPR-Support to Emergencey Preparedness and Response-MoEVT UNDAP EPR-Support to Emergencey Preparedness and Response-MoHSW UNDAP EPR-Support to Emergencey Preparedness and Response-PMO UNDAP EPR-Support to Emergencey Preparedness and Response-TFNC UNDAP Governance-Child Rigths' and Governance-MCDGC UNDAP Governance-Child Rigths' and Governance-MoF UNDAP Governance-Child Rigths' and Governance-MoHA UNDAP Governance-Child Rigths' and Governance-NBS UNDAP Health and Nutrition - Support to Child Health and Nutrition - HAI DC UNDAP Health and Nutrition - Support to Child Health and Nutrition -MAGU DC UNDAP Health and Nutrition - Support to Child Health and Nutrition - MCDGC UNDAP Health and Nutrition - Support to Child Health and Nutrition - Siha DC UNDAP Health and Nutrition - Support to Child Health and Nutrition - Temeke MC UNDAP Health and Nutrition - Support to Child Health and Nutrition - TFNC UNDAP HIV & AIDS -Support to Children and AIDS-MoEVT UNDAP HIV & AIDS -Support to Children and AIDS-MHSW UNDAP Social Protection - Support to Child Protection and Social Protection -HAI DC UNDAP Social Protection - Support to Child Protection and Social Protection -Magu DC UNDAP Social Protection - Support to Child Protection and Social Protection -MoF UNDAP Social Protection - Support to Child Protection and Social Protection -RITA UNDAP Social Protection - Support to Child Protection and Social Protection -Temeke MC UNDAP-Health and Nutrition-TFDA DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH - MOEVT DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Governance-CHRAGG DPF UNICEF UNDAP-Health and Nutrition-NBS DPF 7,127 0 0 0 7,127 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH -PMORALG DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF DPF DPF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNICEF UNDAP-SOCIAL PROTECTION-MCDGC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-EDUCATION-MCDGC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-HEALTH AND NUTRITION - MSD DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Governance-LSRP BF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDP-HIV/AIDS-National Council for PLWHA DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Education-ADEM DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF Legal Sector Reform Programme BF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP - Field Services - Iringa RAS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP - Field Services - Iringa DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP - Field Services - Mufindi DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP - Field Services - Njombe RAS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Field Services-Makete DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Equal and Quality basic EducationBagamoyo DC UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic EducationTemeke MC UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-Mtwara DC UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-HAI DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-SIHA DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-MAGU DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-Makete DC UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-Iringa Rural UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-Mufindi DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic EducationNjombe Rural UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-Mbeya Rural UNDAP-Equal and Quality Basic Education-Mbarali DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-MAKETE DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-TEMEKE MC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-MUFINDI DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-MBEYA DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-IRINGA DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-MBARALI DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-NJOMBE DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-MBEYA RAS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-IRINGA RAS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Planning Coordination Programme (Field ervices) - Njombe DC UNDAP Planning Coordination Programme (Field Services)-Mbeya RS UNDAP Planning Coordination Programme (Field ervices) Mbalali DC UNDAP Planning Coordination Programme (Field ervices) Mbeya RS UNDAP-WASH-NJOMBE RAS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP HIV/AIDS - Children & AIDS ProgrammeMbeya RS UNDAP HIV/AIDS Children & AIDS ProgrammeIringa RS UNDAP HIV/AIDS Children & AIDS ProgrammeNjombe RS UNDAP HIV/AIDS Children & AIDS ProgrammeDar Es Salaam UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme- Mbalali DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme Mbeya DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme Mufindi DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme- Njombe DC UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme- Mbeya RS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme-Iringa RS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme-Njombe RS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Planning and Coordination Programme (Field services)-PMORALG UNDAP Planning and Coordination Programme (Field Services) -MOF Budget UNDAP WASH Support Water and Hygine MOHSW DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNICEF Water and Sanitation (WASH)- MoW DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Social Policy Analysis and Development programme- NBS UNDAP Social Policy Analysis and Development PER Nutrition- MOF Budget Department UNDAP Social Policy Analysis and Development programme - MCDGC - Children Development Department UNDAP Social Protection - MoHA - Prisons DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Social Protection - Judiciary DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF Child Protection and participation (Children &Aids)MohSW Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS-Support the implementation of the NCPA -TACIDS Governance- develop a programme to implement the FLA reccomedation-MCDGC Governance-Support the development of the gender sensitive planning and budgeting guidelines for local and national level -PMO-RALG Governance-development of a strategic plan of action to institutionalize GRB in the GOT Structures and Systems-MoF -Governance-Support the Female Police Network to develop a programme to scale up the women and child centres in selected districts Governance-Support MCDGC to develop a programmatic approach to domesticate all the international laws and conventions-MCDGC Support MCDGC to implement the processes of revising the existing laws in line with the signed international instruments and conventions Governance-Institutioanlization of the Gender responsive Budget Processes-MoF Economic Growth -Provide TA to support the review of the trade and enterprise policies to be gender responsive-MCDGC Economic Growth -Provide TA to develop the guidelines to incorporate gender in the reviewed guidelines-MCDGC Economic Growth -Carry out an assessment to select women traders who will form a networkMCDGC Economic Growth -Develop a strategic plan on how to support the women traders network-MCDGC Environment -TA to support the installation and maintance of solar lightining in households in Lindi and Mtwara Districts-PMO-RALG .Key national institutions (MoITM, MCDGC) have increased capacity to lead gender responsive policy development and gender mainstreaming work in the DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNICEF UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP trade sector, including in informal cross-border trade Key trade and enterprise policies are reviewed from a gender and human rights perspective Women leaders and traders at local levels have improved access to information on potential support and opportunities offered by the Micro and Small Enterprise Development Strategy Networks of women informal cross-border traders are formed to train and inform women of their rights to protection, social services and business skills Women have increased access at community level to training and professional education opportunities to enhance their economic engagement and for sustainable livelihoods (through pilot programme with women barefoot solar engineers) Social mobilization for VAWG advocacy expanded at national and regional level Enhanced knowledge and skills in gender responsive planning and budgeting among key government institutions. Institutional and organizational assessment of National Women’s machineries completed and acted upon. Increasing Accountability in financing for Gender Equality/ Gender Responsive Budgeting Support the implementation of the GELD Programme in Morogoro Municipal Council Guidelines and Minimum quality standards for service delivery to respond to VAWG are implemented. National Women Machineries have increased knowledge, and skills to lead policy dialogue and monitor implementation of national and international gender equality and women’s commitments. Un allocated UNDP Disaster Risk Management in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Capacity Building for Trade Development and Integration in Tanzania - MITM Integrating Environment into National Strategy for Growth and the Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA) – Vice President’s Office Programme for the Agulhas & Somalia Current Large Marrine Ecosystems(ASCLMEs) Mainstreaming Climate Change in Integrated Water Resources Management in Pangani River Basin Poverty Monitoring Master Plan-(PMMP-Basket) BF 0 0 0 UNDP Voter's & Election-UNDP BF 0 0 0 UNDP National Development Management - MoFEA, External Finance Dept DPF 0 0 0 UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNIFEM UNDP UNDP UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP Support to Sustainable Global Busines DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Small Grants Programme in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Conservation of Mnazi Bay Marine Park DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Conservation of Biological Diversity DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Transformation of Rural PV Market DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Development and management of Selous DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support to Good Local Governance DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Strengtherning Capacities to combact Corruption DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Communication Capacity Presidents' Office-MLD DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Communication Capacity Presodents office ZNZ DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Participatory Democratic Systems DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Capacities for Cnflict Mediation DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support to 2005 General elections in TZ DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support to Establishment PNVR DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in National Development DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNV Support to capacity Strengtherning DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Poverty Eradication Initiatives (PEI) Phase II Planning Commission Strategic Support to PRS DPF 0 0 0 UNDP MV2-Tanzania- Mbola (Millennium Village) DPF 0 0 0 UNDP African Millenium Village Initiatives DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Building Local capacity DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Capacity Building for External Resources and Development Management - MoFEA, External Finance Dept Capacity Building for External Resources and Development Management - Vice President's Office Capacity Building for External Resources and Development Management - Prime Minister's Office Capacity Building for External Resources and development Management - State House, PEPAU Pro Poor Policy and Wealth Creation - MoFEA, Poverty Eradication and Economic Empowerment DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Pro Poor Policy and Wealth Creation - Research on Poverty Alleviation Pro Poor Policy and Wealth Creation - UDSM, Department of Economics Pro Poor Policy and Wealth Creation - UDOM DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Pro Poor Policy and Wealth Creation - ESRF DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Localization of the MDGs - Bukoba DC DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Localization of the MDGs - Bunda DC DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Localization of the MDGs - Uyui DC DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Localization of the MDGs - Morogoro Rural District DPF 0 0 0 UNDP National Development Management - MoFAIC DPF 0 0 0 UNDP National Development Management - MCST DPF 0 0 0 UNDP National Development Management - ESRF DPF 0 0 0 UNDP National Development Management - NBS DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) Phase II MCDGC Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) Phase II - NBS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) Phase II USDM Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) Phase II REPOA Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) Phase II - ESRF DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Deepening Democracy in Tanzania - African Peer Mechanism Deepening Democracy in Tanzania - House of Representative Deepening Democracy in Tanzania - Centre for Democracy Deepening Democracy in Tanzania - National Assembly Deepening Democracy in Tanzania - National Electoral Commission Deepening Democracy in Tanzania - Registrar of Political Parties Strengthening Govt Capacities to enhance Transparency, Integrity and the Rule of Law Strengthening DDP Office Strengthening Govt Capacities to enhance Transparency, Integrity and the Rule of Law Ministry of State and Constitutional Affairs DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP Strengthening Govt Capacities to enhance Transparency, Integrity and the Rule of Law Inspector General of Police Strengthening Govt Capacities to enhance Transparency, Integrity and the Rule of Law Strengthening of the Attorney General Strengthening Govt Capacities to enhance Transparency, Integrity and the Rule of Law Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Strengthening Govt Capacities to enhance Transparency, Integrity and the Rule of Law Prevention of Corruption Bureau Strengthening Govt Capacities to enhance Transparency, Integrity and the Rule of Law - PS Presidnet's Office Strengthening Anti-Corruption Strategies - PCCB DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - RAS Kigoma Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - Kibondo District Council Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - Kasulu District Council Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - RAS Kagera Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - South Africa Extension Unit (SAEU) Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - PMORALG Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - Ngara District Council Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - Kigoma District Council Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - Kigoma/Ujiji Town Council Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - Missenyi District Council Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - KDC SMALL ARMS Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - Chato District Council Strengthening Local Capacities for development coordination and micro projects in North-western Tanzania - Karagwe District Council DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP Disaster Risk Management in Tanzania - Prime Minister's Office (MD) Communication Capacity - President's Office MLD DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Capacities for Conflict Mediation - Ministry of Home Affairs Enhancing the capacity of persons with disabilities for DOLASED - Disabled Organisation for Legal Affairs Pro Poor Policy and Wealth Creation - Morogoro District Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) Phase II Planning Commission National Development Management - MoFEA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP National Development Management - Planning Commission Localization of the MDGs - Third Millennium Peace Initiative Foundation The electoral support Project (ESP) DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Public Expenditure Review (PER) - Basket Fund BF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Contract Negotiation - Attorney's General Chambers Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - RAS Kigoma Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - Kigoma DC Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - Kibondo Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - Kasulu Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - RAS Kagera Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - Ngara Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - Karagwe Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - Misneji Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - MoEVT Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - MCDGC Transition from Human Assistance to Sustainable Development (JP 6.1) - MoHA / Immigration Lake Tanganyika Integrated Management Program - VPO Pro Poor Policy and Wealth Creation - NBS DPF 0 0 0 UNDP JP11 UN Joint Programme on Environment - VPO DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP Pro-Poor Policy Development and Wealth Creation (Third Millennium Peace Initiative Foundation) Integrating Environment into National Strategy for Growth and the Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA) – NEMC Integrating Environment into National Strategy for Growth and the Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA)-MoFEA/PED Integrating Environment into National Strategy for Growth and the Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA)-PMO-RALG Integrating Environment into National Strategy for Growth and the Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA)-NBS Integrating Environment into National Strategy for Growth and the Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA)-UDSM / ERB Election Support Project 2010 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 project TZA-10-00060756 – Support to DPG Secretariat Economic Growth - Support to Policy and Future Growth - POPC Economic Growth - Support to Capacity Development - POPSM Support SAGCOT initiative DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Support Development of private sector and PublicPrivate partnerships Support to TSMP implementation DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Governance - Reform Coordination Support - PO RCU Economic Growth - Enhancing Tanzania engagement in EAC Common Market - MoEAC Governance - NACSAP II - PCCB DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Governance - Democratic Development Support MoEVT Governance - Democratic Development Support NEC Governance - Democratic Development Support PP Governance - Democratic Development Support MoFAIC Support to National Human Rights Action Plan DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Legislatures support for National Assembly DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Disaster Management Project - Zanzibar (2VPODMD) Disaster Management Project - Mainland (PMODMD) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP Refugees - Local Intergartion Project - PMO-RALG DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Governance - Enhancing Aid Effectiveness, Management and Coordination - MoF Environment - Africa Adaptation Programme - IRA UDSM Environment - Lake Tanganyika Integrated Management Program - VPO National infrastructures for Conflict Prevention and civic education Extending the Coastal Forest Protected Area Subsystem in Tanzania - MNRT Environment - Africa Adaptation Programme - MoF DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Evidence based planning & monitoring MKUKUTA - MOFEA UN-REDD Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Environment - Improved Household Energy Services - MEM Environment - Africa Adaptation Programme MoEVT Support tp Post graduate studies in policy analysis DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Environment - Africa Adaptation Programme - TMA DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Environment - Africa Adaptation Programme MCDGC Environment- Integrating Environment into PRS Process - VPO Environment- Integrating Environment into PRS Process- MOF Strengthening institutional capacity for gender & Human Rights responsive policies for HIV/AIDS in Tanzania Mainland Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Gender and Human Rights responsive Policies for HIV/AIDS in Tanzania Mainland Economic Growth-“ Developing a National Framework for Local Economic Development”MoFEA GOVERNANCE- Alternative Source of Financing Local Infrastructure - PMORALG Environment - Mainstreaming environment in national planning and decision making processes (UNEP) – PMO-RALG Environment - Mainstreaming environment in national planning and decision making processes (UNEP) – NEMC Environment - Mainstreaming environment in national planning and decision making processes (UNEP) – MoF Environment - Mainstreaming environment in national planning and decision making processes DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 (UNEP) – NBS UNDP Environment - Communication on impacts of climate change and adaptation options (UNEP) – NEMC Environment - Communication on impacts of climate change and adaptation options (UNEP) – UDSM Environment - Communication on impacts of climate change and adaptation options (UNEP) – VPO Environment - Formulation of national coordination mechanism for climate change adaptation (UNEP) – VPO Environment - UNREDD Awareness Campaign (UNEP) - MNRT Low Carbon, Efficient Energy and CC Mitigation MEM Scaling up Sustainable Land Management in Tanzania - VPO Environment - Africa Adaptation Programme - VPO DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Environment - Africa Adaptation Programme NEMC Mainstreaming Environment and CC in the implementation of National policies and development plans-VPO Mainstreaming Environment and CC in implementation of National policies and development plans-NEMC Mainstreaming Environment and CC in the implementation of National policies and development plans-MoF Economic Growth - Developing a National Framework for Local Economic Development (UNCDF) - MoF Pro-poor Economic Growth and Environmentally Sustainable Development Pro-poor Growth - Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support AGC on contract negotiations DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support capacity for Management of investment contracts Capacity for trade mainstreaming Mainland DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Capacity for trade mainstreaming Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Strengthening Institutional capacity for gender and Human rights responsive policies for HIV/AIDS in Tanzania mainland- UNDP Strengthening Institutional capacity for gender and Human rights responsive policies for HIV/AIDS in Zanzibar- UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Policy coherence, Core reforms and government monitoring system National Capacity Development Strategy DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Capacity Development for Implementation - Znz DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support to National Anti-corruption mechanisms DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support for Anti-corruption-Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Legal Sector Reform- Znz DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Evidence based planning & monitoring MKUKUTA DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Evidence based planning & monitoring MKUZA DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPG Secretariat - UNDP Support to National Aid Coordination and Management Support to National Human Rights Action Plan DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Legislatures support for National Assembly-UNDP DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Legislatures support to Zanzibar House of Representatives Disaster Management Project - Mainland DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Disaster Management Project - Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Mainstreaming Environment & Climate Change in the implementation of national policies and development plans - VPO Mainstreaming Environment & Climate Change in the implementation of national policies and development plans - MOF Mainstreaming Environment & Climate Change in the implementation of national policies and development plans - NEMC Strengthening Environment & Climate Change Governance in Zanzibar Benefits sharing from Community Nature Reserves and Protected Areas Low Carbon, Efficient Energy and Climate Change Mitigation - REA Africa Adaptation Programme DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UN REDD DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Small Grants Project DPF 0 0 0 UNDP SLM Kilimanjaro DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Scaling up Sustainable Land Management in Tanzania - MOF DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Mainstreaming Sustainable Forest Management in the Miombo woodlands Strengthening the Protected Areas Network in Southern Tanzania (SPANEST) Public Finance Management. DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Enhancing Aid Management Capacity in Tanzania. DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 UNESCO DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-ED-Support to UN Joint Programme JP 6.1 UNESCO-ED&SC-Support to UN Joint Programme JP 10 (Managing Agent) UNESCO-SC-Support to the UN Joint Programme JP 4 UNESCO-ED-Education Sector Management Information System (ESMIS) UNESCO-ED-Strengthening of capacities of TTCs to deliver comprehensive HIV/AIDS Prevention life skills, treatment, care and support education UNESCO-ED-Strengthening and scaling-up of capacity development programme UNESCO-CLT-Support to UN Joint Programme JP 2 UNESCO-CI-Support to UN Joint Programme JP 8 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CI-'Speak with freedom' TV talk shows DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CI-Capacity building for TV production training for SAUT University TV UNESCO-CI-Capacity building for the new community media network UNESCO-CI-Establishment of a CMC for the pastoral population in the Ngorongoro District UNESCO-ED-Enhancement of the education sector capacity, HIV Workplace Programme UNESCO-CI-Electoral Support Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO-CLT&SC-Support to UN Joint Programme JP 1 UNESCO-SC-Support to UN Joint Programme JP 11 UNESCO-CI-Kyela community information access centre UNESCO-CLT-Development of sustainable cultural tourism and community awareness raising in Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara World Heritage Site UNESCO-ED-Teacher Education DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO-ED-Teacher Education Programme (Cap EFA) DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNESCO UNESCO-ED-TVET Regional Programme DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CLT-Conservation, Protection and Promotion of the Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara and community tourism management at the sites UNESCO-CLT-Reinforcing inventories and inventory making capacities among cluster States Parties to the 2003 Convention and the inventorying of ICH of Kilwa UNESCO-CLT-Reinforcing capacities in museum management UNESCO-CLT-Support to creative and cultural industries in Dar es Salaam Cluster countries and for SIDS UNESCO-CLT-East Africa Art Bienale DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO-CLT-Educational and cultural exchanges within the road to African Liberation UNESCO-CLT-Promoting the cultural dimension into development planning and implementation UNESCO-CLT-Culture diversity programme lens in Africa (ONE UN) UNSECO-SC-Capacity development for improved governance, enhanced legislation for wise stewardship of water resources UNESCO-SC-Building knowledge and partnerships for reducing biodiversity loss and mitigating and adapting to climate change UNESCO-SC-Innovative approaches towards quality science education and teacher training UNESCO-SC-Advancing Sustainable Development DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO-ED-Strenghtening human and institutional capacities in Science and Technology and Vocational Education UNESCO-ED-Creating learning societies with education opportunities for all UNESCO-ED-Promoting policy dialogue and capacity building UNESCO-ED-Fostering quality education for all through the provision of HIV/AIDS education, peace and human rights education, ESD UNESCO-ED-Improving quality education, focusing on teaching and learning in formal and non formal setting UNESCO-ED-Strengthening national capacities for policy analysis and formulation, planning, monitoring and evaluation of education systems UNESCO-CI-Facilitating the preservation of audiovisual and documentary heritage UNESCO-CI-Fostering the use of FOSS in education UNESCO-CI-Support the improvement of standards in journalism training DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNESCO UNESCO-CI-Promoting Community broadcasting DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CI-Promoting C4D through ONE UN Pilot UNESCO-SC-Facilitating the review of information and communication policies UNESCO-SHS-Advocating Upstream PES policy development UNESCO-SC-Strengthening science, technology and innovation systems and networks of knowledge production UNESCO-SC-Enhancing the role of biosphere reserves in national strategies for climate change adaptation UNESCO-SC-Capacity development for improved management of fresh water resources for sustainable development UNESCO-CLT-Management capacity-building, and conservation, protection and promotion of World Heritage Sites in the Cluster Countries UNESCO-CLT-Awareness raising and implementation of the convention for safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural heritage in the Cluster countries. UNESCO-CLT-Capacity-building for Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Cluster Countries and support for the establishment of an African Liberation Museum UNESCO-CLT-Support to anti-piracy for the development of cultural and creative industries and the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions UNESCO-CLT-Promoting regional integration through the 2005 convention UNESCO-CLT-Integrating culture into development in Cluster Countries UNESCO-ED-Building human and institutional capacities to assess literacy and livelihood skills for evidence based planning UNESCO-ED-Strengthening institutional capacity to promote inclusive quality education through the Basic Education in Africa Programme (BEAP) UNESCO-ED-Review of education sector policies and plans with a to integrating HIV and AIDS responses UNESCO-ED-Strengthening National Capacities for sector wide planning by enhancing national EMIS and using available tools such as ESA, DQAF and UNESS UNESCO-CI-Advocating for Press Freedom and freedom of expression as tools for peace, dialogue and reconciliation UNESCO-CI-Promoting editorial independence and quality journalism DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNESCO DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CI-Advocating for strategies in media and information literacy UNESCO-CI-Support to strategies in developing and distributing local content for sustainable development UNESCO-CI-Capacity building of National Archives and public libraries in digital archiving and preservation of national heritage UNESCO-CI-Fostering the use of ICTs for knowledge and information management UNESCO-SC- Reinforcement of Joint UN Inititative - Decentralization UNESCO-SC-Support for the repositioning of the science system UNESCO-CLT-Regional meeting on the teaching of philosophy UNESCO-CI-Commemorating and promoting press freedom UNDAP Environment - Biosphere Reserves NEMC UNDAP Governance - Culture - MoNRT DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Education - TIE DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP HIV and AIDS - TIE DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Governance - Human Rights Education MoEVT UNDAP Education - MoEVT DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP HIV and AIDS - MoEVT DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Governance - Human Rights Education zMoEVT UNDAP Education - zMoEVT DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Economic Growth - STI - MoCST DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Economic Growth - Culture - MoIYCS DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Governance - Culture - MoIYCS DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Governance - Community Media zMoICTS UNDAP Education - zVTA DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Governance - Community Media - CSO DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP HIV and AIDS - TAPOTI DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Communications - Academia DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNESCO DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNDAP Economic Growth - STI NATCOM/UNESCO -- DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO Environment -Mount Kilimanjaro Hdrology DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO World Heritage-MoNRT 0 0 0 UNESCO Environment - Mainstreaming environment in the national planning and decision making processes (UNEP) – VPO Un allocated 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 Institutional support to the MoHA for the cordination of the Old Settlements Refugees-Support to PMO-RALG Local Integration Unit-PMO-RALG Refugees-National Eligibility Committee sessions for Refugee Status Determination process-MoHA Refugees-Police Package in the refugee camps in North-West Tanzania-MoHA Refugees-Police Package in the Old SettlementsMoHA Refugees-Support to MoHA in coordination of implementation of Local Integration programmeMoHA Refugees-refugee relief operation-MoHA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO Refugees-Support MoHA's participation in ExCom and HC Dialogue-MoHA Refugees-Support MoHA's participation in Tripartite Committees and Tripartite Working Groups-MOHA Refugees-Support PMO-RALG in coordination of implementation of National Strategy on Local Integration-PMO-RALG Refugees-Support to Citizenship Processing UnitMOHA Distribution of naturalisation certificates particulalry to pending caseloads Refugees-Naturalisation of Kigoma/Kasulu 1972 Burundian refugee-MOHA Refugees-Naturalisation of new born babies-MOHA DPF 0 0 0 UNIDO Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 UNIDO Economic Growth- Industrial Policy Support Project – MoIT Economic Growth – Investment Promotion Support Project – MIT Economic Growth – Agri-Industrial Vale Chain Development Support Project (3ADI support programme) – MoIT Economic Growth- Industrial Upgrading and Trade Support Project – MoIT DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNIDO UNIDO UNIDO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNIDO UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA Environment – Cleaner Production and Renewable Energy for Green Industry Support Project – VPO Un allocated HEALTH BASKET-(UNFPA URT7R201)-ON GOING HEALTH BASKET FUND -UNDP [ Closed Information] CLOSED Resource Planning for Gender (on budget)-Core Resources-CLOSED Resource Planning on Gender-(off budget) Direct Project Funds (DPF)-CIDA: CLOSED Strengthening Coordination of Population PoliciesDirect Project Funds (DPF)- PPU 6TH CP: CLOSED Capacity Building for Data Management-Direct Project Funds (DPF)-NBS 6TH CP: CLOSED Research/Training in PopDev-NGO Direct Project Funds (DPF)-REPOA: CLOSED Maternal and Newborn Mortality Reduction Minisrty of Health and Social Welfare (UNJP2 HBF)-Direct Project Funds (DPF): CLOSED Maternal and Newborn Mortality Reduction Ministry of Health (UNJP2)-Direct Project Funds (DPF)-RCHS TZA6R203: CLOSED HIV Prevention Information, Skills and Services for Young People (UNFPA URT7R205)-TACAIDSDirect Project Funds (DPF)-ON GOING Awareness about SRH/RR/Gender - NGO-Direct Project Funds (DPF)-TAMA: 6TH CP: CLOSED Young People Sexual reproductive Health and Rights - NGO-Direct Project Funds (DPF)-UMATI: 6TH CP:CLOSED Women's Empowerment Advocacy - TGNP-Direct Project Funds (DPF): 6TH CP: CLOSED Gender Budgeting Initiative - TNGP-Direct Project Funds (DPF): 6TH CP: CLOSED Quality Reproductive Health - Health Sector Strategic Plan CLOSED GBV Prevention Policies-MLYWCD: 6TH CP:CLOSED Improved Data for Planning-MOFEAZNZ: 6TH CP:CLOSED Fostering Utilization of Population Variables in Development Planning and Plans (UNFPA URT7P104)-UDSM-ON GOING HEALTH BASKET (Closed information) No funds: CLOSED Comprehensive Reproductive Health (UNFPA URT7R201)-MOHSW: UNFPA DIRECT EXECUTION (TA): ON GOING Strengtherning Coordination and Implementation of the National Population Policy (UNFPA URT7P101)-POPC- ON GOING DPF 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 BF 41,276 0 0 41,276 0 BF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 7,957 - 7,957 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 33,319 0 33,319 0 0 0 DPF DPF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP Disaggregation of Demographic Data from National Housing and Population Census (UNFPA URT7P103)-NBS Direct Project Funds (DPF):ON GOING Generation and use of population Data (UNFPA URT7P105)-zPOFEDP: ON GOING Strengtherning District Health Systems to Provide Quality reproductive Services (UNFPA URT7R108)AMREF Direct Project Funds (DPF) ON GOING SRH/ HIV Integration (UNFPA URT7R206)_EGPAF Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Scalling up for HIV prevention (UNFPA URT7R204)-ZAC Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Inclusion of ICPD Agenda and Humanitarian systems, SRH, Gender and Population Data (UNFPA URT7R207)-TCRS Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Promoting Gender -friendly socio cultural Environment (UNFPA URT7G302)-TAMWA Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Prevention of Gender Based violence (UNFPA URT7G301)-MCDGC: ON GOING Women's Economic Empowerment UNFPA URT7G304)-TGNP Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Programme Coordination and Assistance (UNFPA URT7A101)-UNFPA Support to Programme Management: ON GOING Disagregation of Demographic Data from National Housing and Population Census (UNFPA) Support to Comprehensive Services to GBV Survivors URT7R201 PN: 4884 (MEWATA) Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Kishapu Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Magu Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Kwimba Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Misungwi Support to Food Security and disaster Mitigation Activities - Karatu Support to Food Security and disaster Mitigation Activities - Hanang' Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Mbulu Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Same DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Mwanga Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Arumeru Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Monduli Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Chamwino Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Bahi Support to food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Arusha Municipality Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Arumeru Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Monduli Support to food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Ngorongoro Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Simanjiro Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Kiteto Support to Food Insecure households affected by HIV/AIDS - Moshi Rural Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Rombo Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Same Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Hai Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Moshi Municipality Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Mwanga Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Kinondoni Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Ilala Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Temeke Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Kibaha Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Makete Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Muheza Support to Food Insecure Households affected by HIV/AIDS - Korogwe Assistance to Refugees in Camps and Vulnerable Households Among the Host Population in NorthWestern Tanzania - World Vision..(NGO) Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Bahi District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Chamwino District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Iramba District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Karatu District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Kiteto District Council Support ot Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Kondoa District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Manyoni District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Monduli Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Longido District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Mpwapwa district Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT though Ngorongoro District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas - MOEVT through Simanjiro District Council Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoral Areas in Tanzania - MoEVT through Singida (R) District Council Nutritional Support among Vulnerable Population MoHSW-TFNC, PMO-RALG Nutritional Support among Vulnerable Population Bahi Nutritional Support among Vulnerable Population Chamwino Nutritional Support among Vulnerable Population Singida Rural Support to Primary Education & Drought Prone Pastoral areas in Tanzania-Kishapu Support to primary education & drought pastoral area in Meatu- Tanzania Support to primary education & drought pastoral area in Shinyanga District -Tanzania Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activites-Sikonge DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 WFP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 WFP Support to Food Security & Disaster Mitigation Activities-Handeni Support to Food Security & Disaster Mitigation Activities-Urambo Emergency-TA in revising the National Operational Guideline (NOG)-PMO Emergency-TA and ToT on Early Warning for Food Security and Nutrition releted emergencies in selected districts-PMO Emergency- Support to the National Food Reserve Authority (NFRA)-MoAFSC Environment-Food-for-Work - Districts Councils DPF 0 0 0 WFP Social Protection-Safety Nets -TASAF DPF 0 0 0 WFP Emergency - Support information management and community managed targeting roll out to the districts; support logistics capacity including maintenance of food reserves-PMO Emergency - support assessments and government capacity to implement sentinel nutritional monitoring system-MoHSW Emergency - support assessments and government capacity to implement sentinel nutritional monitoring system-PMO Refugees - support provision of food to refugees and most vulnerable people in host communitiesWVT Education - Support the government to implement school feeding - training, monitoring and non food items-HAPA Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 IMMUNIZATION AND VACCINE DEVELOPMENT (IVD)-2006/2007 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2 (SO2)-HIV/AIDS, TUBERCULOSIS AND MALARIA -2008/2009, 2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 (SO1)COMMUNICABLE DISEASES2008/2009,2010/2011 and 2012/13 ESSENTIAL MEDICINES (EDM) - 2006/2007 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 WHO'S CORE PRESENCE IN COUNTRIES (SCC)-2006/2007 ESSENTIAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES (EHT)2006/2007 PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES (NCD)-2006/2007 EPIDEMIC ALERT AND RESPONSE (CSR)2006/2007 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC)-2006/2007 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 WHO HEALTH PROMOTION (HPR)-2006/2007 DPF 0 0 0 WHO HUMAN RESOURCE FOR HEALTH (HRH)2006/2007 SUSTAINABLE HEALTH FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION (HFS)-2006/2007 HEALTH SYSTEMS POLICIES AND SERVICE DELIVERY (HSP)-2006/2007 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH (CAH)2006/2007 TUBERCULOSIS (TUB)-2006/2007 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 MAKING PREGNANCY SAFER (MPS)-2006/2007 VIOLENCE, INJURIES AND DISABILITIES (INJ)2006/2007 MALARIA (MAL)-2006/2007 POLICY MAKING FOR HEALTH IN DEVELOPMENT (HSD)-2006/2007 HIV/AIDS-2006/2007 DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3 (SO3)-CHRONIC NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES -2008/2009, 2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4 (SO4)-CHILD, ADOLESCENT, MATERNAL,SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND AGEING2008/2009, 2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5 (SO5)EMERGENCIES AND DISASTERS 2008/2009,2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 6 (SO6)-RISK FACTORS FOR HEALTH-2008/2009, 2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 7 (SO7)-SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH 2008/2009, 2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 8 (SO8)- HEALTHIER ENVIRONMENT- 2008/2009,2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 9 (SO9)- NUTRITION AND FOOD SAFETY-2008/2009,2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 10 (SO10)- HEALTH SYSTEMS AND SERVICES-2008/2009, 2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 11 (SO11) -MEDICAL PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGIES-2008/2009, 2010/2011 and 2012/2013 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 12 (SO12)-WHO LEADERSHIP, GOVERNANCE AND PARTNERSHIPS-2008/2009 and 2010/2011 Health-Support district in planning and reporting & building capacity for the regional and district team to develop their annual plans-MoHSW DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 WHO Health-Strengthen capacity of MOHSW and LGAs to plan, implement and monitor health strategies for Maternal , Newborn and Child mortality reduction MHSW Health-Capacity building to enhance MNCH sevice delivery-MHSW Health-Support cold chain management & rehabilitaion plan-MoHSW HEALTH-Support institutionalization of Maternal, perinatal death reviews at facility and community levels-MOHSW HEALTH-Support capcity buidling for implementation of guidleines on Nutrition and infant feeding-MOHSW HEALTH-TA support IDSR activities-MOHSW DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 WHO HEALTH-Port of entry surveillance to support IHR 2005-MOHSW HEALTH-TA to support HIV/AIDS activitiesMOHSW HEALTH-TA to support MAL activities-MOHSW DPF 0 0 0 WHO HEALTH-TA to support TUB activities-MOHSW DPF 0 0 0 WHO HEALTH-Support integrated implementation on NTD and Zoonoses -MOHSW HEALTH-Support Outbreak investigation confirmation-MOHSW HEALTH-Support STEP survey for NCDs-MOHSW DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HEALTH-improvement of inventory systems for essential medicines and medical supplies to accurately reflect Central and Zonal Medical StoresMOHSW HEALTH-Support the improvement of current inventory and distribution systems for essential medicines -MSD HEALTH-Support the MOHSW for management of medicines and medical supplies in the health facilities -MOHSW HEALTH-Support research proposals from MDAs, Reserch institutions and Higher Learning institutions to undertake studies-MOHSW HEALTH-Train in management planning and technical supervision-MOHSW HEALTH-Strengthen zonal resource centres MOHSW HEALTH-Build capacity of of TFDA and ZFDB for the regulation of medicines and medical suppliesMOHSW HEALTH-Promote rational prescribing and dispensing of medicine in the facilities and use in the community-MOHSW HEALTH-Train community Health workersMOHSW DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 WHO WHO WHO HEALTH-Support HIS strategic planning and implementation-MOHSW HEALTH-Conduct rapid assessment of functionality of health boads, and strengthen the boards and the Community Health committees -MOHSW HEALTH-Support development of a national training plan, review of curriculum and advocate for implemntation-MOHSW DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 164,798,302.61 54,767,775.36 219,566,077.36 TOTAL SOURCE: ENTERED INFRMATION IN THE AMP SYSTEM - MINISTRY OF FINANCE ANNEX 2: Aid Flow to Projects under CSOs, NGOs and Private Sectors Implementation Donor Agency Canada Canada Project Title Financial Sector Deepening II Foundation for Civil Society1 Aid Modality BF DPF Canada Support to Tanzania Education Network (TENMENT) Canada Policy Forum Canada Canada July Aug Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Financial Sector Deepening Trust I - (Private Sector) DPF 0 0 0 Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT) DPF 0 0 0 Canada Improved Accountability in Health (SIKIKA) DPF 0 0 0 Canada Canada DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Improving Maternal and Reproductive Health (CARE) Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TEITI) Accelerating Efforts to Improve Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Simiyu Region (AMREF) Accelerating Progress Towards MDG4 and MDG5 Through Community Based MNCH Services (Plan International ) Joining hands; improving maternal and child health in Tanzania (Agha Khan Foundation) RSPS2-reviews DPF 0 0 0 Denmark BSPS3: Programme Coordination DPF 0 0 0 Denmark BSPS3: Advisors DPF 0 0 0 Denmark HSPS IV Earmarked support DPF 0 0 0 Denmark HSPS IV- Suport to NGO DPF 0 0 0 Denmark HSPS IV-HIV/AIDS Earmarked support DPF 0 0 0 Denmark HSPS IV-HIV/AIDS-SUPORT TO NGO DPF 0 0 0 Canada Canada Canada This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Denmark Denmark HSPS IV-HIV/AIDS-TA Health Sector Programme Support IV ZnZ - Support to Non-government sector and PPP Health Sector Programme Support IV ZnZTechnical assistance Business Sector Programme III -ATE Tanzania Governance Support ProgrammeFoundation for Civil Society DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF BF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denmark Tanzania Governance Support Programme -Tanzania Media Fund DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Business Sector Programme III- Private Labour Market Organizations - TUCTA Business Sector Programme III - SME Development PASS Guarantee Business Sector Programme III - Enterprise Development - SCF Business Sector Programme III - SME Development Gatby trust DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DfID Business Sector Programme III- SME Development PASS Grant Financial Sector Deepening BF 0 0 0 DfID Enabling env. BEST (TC) DPF 0 0 0 DfID The Foundation For Civil Society DPF 0 0 0 DfID Accountability Strategy - SGAs DPF 0 0 0 DfID TWAWEZA DPF 0 0 0 DfID Tanzania Media Fund DPF 0 0 0 DfID Private Sector Competitiveness DPF 0 0 0 DfID Regional Programme Tanzania Window DPF 0 0 0 DfID Coastal Support Programme DPF 0 0 0 DfID DfID Climate Change Programme Ifakara Research Institute DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DfID Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund DPF 0 0 0 Finland Greater Mahale Ecosystem Livelihoods and Forest Conservation Programme Planning DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs support to Finnish nongovernmental organisations’ (NGOs) development cooperation Mama Misitu – community and advocacy campaign DPF 0 0 0 France Cultural Diversity DPF 0 0 0 France Support to sustainable tourism DPF 0 0 0 France Support to Local Civil society Organizations DPF 0 0 0 Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Finland Finland This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 France Water Sector Support Programe BF 0 0 0 GIZ GIZ Deutscher Entwicklungdienst (DED) Internationale Weiterbuildung Und Entwicklung gGmbH (InWent) Co-financing Social Marketing (PSI) Phase II (KfW) DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Kfw HIV/AIDS Prevention and Reproductive Health I MoHSW / PSI (KfW) Rural Water Supply Hai District IV-2 Accompanying Measures - Hai District (KfW) CSSC III Health & Education - CSSC (KfW) DPF 0 0 0 Kfw Study and Expert Fund X (KfW) DPF 0 0 0 Kfw Kfw Kfw Rehabilitation of Health Infrastructure (HSDG) - (KfW) improve maternal health /HIV prevention NHIF-kfw DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ireland Haki Elimu DPF 0 0 0 Ireland Micro Projects DPF 0 0 0 Ireland DPF 0 0 0 Ireland Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation CCBRT WILDAF - Gender Based Violence DPF 0 0 0 Ireland Ireland Tanzania Media Fund-TMF Technoserve DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ireland Farm Input Promotions Africa DPF 0 0 0 Ireland LGDG -Local Government Development Grant BF 0 0 0 Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Care International in tanzania-Pastoralism SIKIKA TWAWEZA-ni sisi International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) DPF DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ireland Ireland MVIWATA ANSAF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ireland Save The Children,Tanzania -PANITA DPF 0 0 0 Ireland CONSUNETH DPF 0 0 0 Ireland Ireland Hellen Keller International Gender Secretariat DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ireland Ireland Italian Dc Young Scientist Ifakara Health Institute Strengthening of health system to achieve MDGs 4, 5 and 6: Iringa District Council Rural communities: small and medium enterprises, models of sustainable development for Njombe district - Tanzania DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Access to safe water in Njombe District - Iringa Region DPF 0 0 0 Kfw Kfw Kfw Italian Dc Italian Dc This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Italian Dc Tanzania Technical Education and Labour Market Support Programm-Italian Dev Co (JICA) The Project for Construction of Rusumo International Bridge and One Stop Border Post Facilities (JICA) Project for Rehabilitation of Substation and Transmission Line in Kilimanjaro Region (JICA) Project for Capacity Development in Regional Health Management (Phase 2) (JICA) Project for Capacity Development for the ASDP Monitoring and Evaluation System (Phase 2) (GGHSP)(22-2) Construction of Girls' Hostel at Msakwalo Secondary School in Kondoa District, Dodoma Region (JICA) Technical Cooperaion in Capacity Development fro Local Goveernment Training (Phase2) (GGHSP)(23-05) The Project for Supply of Sterilizer for CCBRT Hospital in Dar es Salaam Region DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-10) The Project for Construction of Orphans’ Hostels at Kakora Primary School in Kwimba District, Mwanza Region DPF 0 0 0 Japan (GGHSP)(23-12) The Project for Expansion of Lekrimuni Day-care Centre in Siha District, Kilimanjaro Region DPF 0 0 0 Netherlands FCS 2011 DPF 0 0 0 Netherlands REPOA Strategic Plan 2010 - 2014 DPF 0 0 0 Netherlands Public Accountability Tanzania Initiative DPF 0 0 0 Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands PSI Social Marketing PAI Support to NACP Business Development Support Services DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Netherlands Culture and development 2010/11 DPF 0 0 0 Netherlands Small scale development activities 2009/11 DPF 0 0 0 Norway Hydom Lutheran Hospital (NTPI) DPF 0 0 0 Norway TFCG Community REDD Programme DPF 0 0 0 Norway WCS-REDD Readness in Southwest Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 Norway Interconnection Tanzania - Kenya DPF 0 0 0 Norway Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation in Tanzania (CCIAM) DPF 0 0 0 Norway Facilitation for REDD strategy DPF 0 0 0 Norway Norway Frame Contract Audit 2009-2012 NOTA-Project II DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Norway Norway REDD pilot project by Africa Wildlife Foundation REDD pilot project by Jane Goodall Institute DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Norway REDD pilot project by Mpingo Conservation Project (MCP) DPF 0 0 0 Norway Support under GBS Leadership DPF 0 0 0 Norway REDD pilot project by TaTEDO DPF 0 0 0 Norway Busara Promotions 2009-2013 DPF 0 0 0 Norway REDD Pilot project by CARE International in Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 Norway REDD PILOT PROJECT BY WWF DPF 0 0 0 Norway CONSULTANCIES FOR SUPPORT TO THE GSB SECRETARIAT SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL GROWTH CORRIDOR – II (SAGCOT) INVESTMENT BLUE PRINT ZANZIBAR POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS FIFTH ADDENDUM DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32000065 Support to Joha Girls Sec. (Trust) DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32010111 Open University of Tanzania Colleges II DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32000084 Financial Sector Deepening Programme Phase 2 (2009-2014) BF 0 0 0 Sweden 32000003 Trade Sector Dev Program BF 0 0 0 Sweden 32000060 Investment Climate Roadmap CAP (BEST phase II) BF 0 0 0 Sweden 51170014 Trade Mark East Africa - Tanzania window DPF 0 0 0 Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden 32000096 ICT Pilot in Sec. Schools 32000097 ICT in service Teachers training 32000069 Rehab of Hale Hydropower 32000044 Rural Energy Fund 32000045 Hydro Power Studies 32000057 PINGO 2007-2012 32100034 Forum Syd SAPT DPF DPF DPF DPF DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sweden DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 32010131 Restless Development ( formerly SPW) Phase II 32000075 RFSU TZ Men equal partner DPF 0 0 0 Sweden 51170014 Trade Mark East Africa - Tanzania window. DPF 0 0 0 Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden 32000061 TGNP 2008-2012 51170090 REPOA Basket Fund 09-14 32000058 Taking Rights Seriously 51170003 Legal Human Rights Centre 51170021 UTPC Strategic Plan 2011-2014 51170015 TAWLA Support, 2011 - 2015 32100004 UWEZO Tanzania Programme 2009-2013 DPF DPF DPF DPF DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sweden Sweden 32010124 FEMINA HIP 51170025 Media Council of Tanzania DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sweden 32000032 Zanzibar Legal Services Centre DPF 0 0 0 Norway Norway This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Switzerland Fundation for Civil Society (FCS) DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Tanzania Media Fund (TMF) Media Council of Tanzania -one Rural Livelihood Development Programme DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Switzerland Ifakara Health Institute - IHI DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Baldegg Sister - Health Centre Mbingu (Phase I) Health Insurance for the rural population Small actions COOF DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Small actions Culture Social Accountability Project Support to Development Partners Group Secretariat Tanzania Corruption Tracker System II DPF DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Switzerland St Francis designated Hospital DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland Health Promotion and System Strenghthening DPF 0 0 0 Switzerland Switzerland charcoal project Committee Sustainability Assessment DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 CDC Program Support to CDC ( Malaria) DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Prevention - Abstinance and Be FaithfulMUHAS HIV/AIDS Prevention - Other Sexual Prevention MUHAS HIV/AIDS Prevention - Condoms and other sexual prevention / NGOs DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS Prevention - Other methods (Blood safety, Injection safety, Injection and non injecting drug use / NGOs) HIV/AIDS Prevention - Male Circumcision DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS CARE - Adult and Pediatric care and support/ NGOs HIV/AIDS CARE - Pallative care TB/HIV DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS CARE - OVC HIV/AIDS CARE - Counselling & Testing/ NGOs HIV/AIDS Treatment - Adult Treatment HIV/AIDS Treatment - Pediatric Treatment / NGOs HIV/AIDS Systems Strengthening - Laboratory Infrastructure / NGOs HIV/AIDS System Strengthening- Strategic Information / NGOs HIV/AIDS System Strengthening- Health system strengthening / NGO HIV/AIDS System strengthening - Program support HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing-Bugando Hospital DPF DPF DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS Home Based Care- Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program DPF 0 0 0 CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 CDC HIV/AIDS Adult Treatment -Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program HIV/AIDS other sexual prevention - Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS Strategic Information -Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program HIV/AIDS Care TB&HIV- Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program HIV/AIDS prevention Injecting and non-injecting drug use- Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania Zanzibar AIDS Control Program DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 CDC HIV/AIDS Prevention from Mother to Child Transmission -Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Tanzania - Zanzibar AIDS Control Program DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS Prevention - Prevention from Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT HIV/AIDS Prevention - Abstinence/Be faithful- NGOs DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 HIV/AIDS Prevention - Condoms and other sexual prevention / NGOs HIV/AIDS Prevention - Other methods (Blood safety, Injection safety, Injection and non injecting drug use / NGOs) HIV/AIDS Prevention - Male Circumcision DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS CARE - Adult and Pediatric care and support/ NGOs HIV/AIDS CARE - Pallative care TB/HIV DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS CARE - OVC DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS CARE - Counselling & Testing/ NGOs DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS Treatment - Adult Treatment DPF 0 0 0 DoD HIV/AIDS Treatment - Pediatric Treatment / NGOs DPF 0 0 0 MCC Rehabilitation of Urban Water Supply - Morogoro DPF 0 0 0 MCC MCA-T Programme Management DPF 0 0 0 Peace Corps HIV/AIDS Prevention - Abstinence/Be faithful- NGOs DPF 0 0 0 Peace Corps HIV/AIDS Prevention - Condoms and other sexual prevention / NGOs DPF 0 0 0 Peace Corps HIV/AIDS System strengthening - Program support DPF 0 0 0 USAID Income of Small Farmer increased in Selected Agriculture Commodity in Sub-sector Improved Biodiversity Conservation DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC DoD DoD DoD DoD DoD USAID This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 USAID Mothers and Infants Safe Health Alive-MAISHA Project ) Tanzania Intergrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( iWash) Program DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 USAID ACQUIRE -Health Project Tanzania Capacity and Communication ProgramFP/MCH Leardership /Participants Training DPF 0 0 0 USAID Child Survival/Febrile Illnesses ( TIBU HOMA) DPF 0 0 0 USAID USAID Health Policy Development Initiative Monitoring and Evaluation for Health Projects DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 USAID USAID USAID DPF DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USAID Health - Program support MEEDS in Mainland ( Malaria) WRAIR-Diagonistic Support( Laboratory equipmentMalaria) Tanzania Social Marketing Program DPF 0 0 0 USAID WAJIBIKA -Health /HIV Project DPF 0 0 0 USAID USAID Tanzania Hang up Campaign Training and Communication Support to the National Malaria Control Program for the Infant Voucher PROGRESS-Family Health International(FP) DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Scale-up of Indoor Residual Spraying on Mainland and Zanzibar Communications and Malaria Initiative in Tanzania (COMMIT Family Planning Innovations for Youth DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 USAID WRAIR-Diagonistic Support Laboratory EquipmentZanzibar Measure Demographic & Health Survey DPF 0 0 0 USAID Malaria Commodities / USAID Deliver 7 DPF 0 0 0 USAID Tuberculosis Control Program DPF 0 0 0 USAID Malaria - ITN Universal Coverage for Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 USAID MCHIP ( Maternal &Child Health) DPF 0 0 0 USAID Mwanzo Bora Nutrition Project DPF 0 0 0 USAID HIV/AIDS Prevention - Prevention from Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT HIV/AIDS Prevention - Abstinence/Be faithful- NGOs HIV/AIDS Prevention - Condoms and other sexual prevention / NGOs HIV/AIDS Prevention - Other methods (Blood safety, Injection safety, Injection and non injecting drug use / NGOs) HIV/AIDS Prevention - Male Circumcision DPF 0 0 0 DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 USAID DPF 0 0 0 USAID HIV/AIDS CARE - Adult and Pediatric care and support/ NGOs HIV/AIDS CARE - Pallative care TB/HIV DPF 0 0 0 USAID USAID HIV/AIDS CARE - OVC HIV/AIDS CARE - Counselling & Testing/ NGOs DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 USAID HIV/AIDS Treatment - ARV Drugs supply / NGOs DPF 0 0 0 USAID HIV/AIDS Treatment - Adult Treatment DPF 0 0 0 USAID HIV/AIDS Treatment - Pediatric Treatment / NGOs DPF 0 0 0 USAID HIV/AIDS Systems Strengthening - Laboratory Infrastructure / NGOs HIV/AIDS System Strengthening- Strategic Information / NGOs HIV/AIDS System Strengthening- Health system strengthening / NGO HIV/AIDS System strengthening - Program support Governing Justly and Democratically -Democracy and Governance Program support ( Health)- NGO Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Cash for Work to Enhance Community Based Tourism - WWF Financial Sector Reforms - Booz Allen Hamilton DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 USAID Tanzania Agriculture Productivity ProgramHorticulture DPF 0 0 0 USAID Support OVC & PLHIV DPF 0 0 0 USAID Malaria in Pregnancy DPF 0 0 0 USAID USAID Indoor residual spraying ACT Procurement DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 USAID Epidemic Surveillance and Response ZMCP/RTI DPF 0 0 0 USAID DPF 0 0 0 USAID USAID DELIVER - Rapid Diagonistic Testing procurement Project EDUCATION-Support to Basic Education ACQUIRE DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 USAID DoS MAISHA project HIV/AIDS Treatment - Adult Treatment DPF DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 DoS HIV/AIDS Systems Strengthening - Laboratory Infrastructure / NGOs HIV/AIDS System Strengthening- Strategic Information / NGOs HIV/AIDS System Strengthening- Health system strengthening / NGO HIV/AIDS System strengthening - Program support DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID USAID DoS DoS DoS Abudhabi ADB This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 ADB DPF 0 0 0 BF 0 0 0 ADB Strengthening institutions for risk management of trans-boundary animal diseases (TADs) in the southern African Development community (SADEC) region District Agricultural Sector Investment (DASIP) please delete this Tanzania Road Sector Support I - please delete DPF 0 0 0 ADB Tanzania Road Sector Support II DPF 0 0 0 ADB Rural water supply and sanitation Phase II DPF 0 0 0 ADB Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 ADB CRDB DPF 0 0 0 ADB Access Bank Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 BADE Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 BADE Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 EC Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 EC STABEX DPF 0 0 0 EC INF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE WATER SUPPLY PROGRAMME REGICENTERS PHASE II INF IRINGA URBAN WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE AUTHORITY INF WORKS SUPERVISION (M/S BCOM) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 INF REHAB.MANDELA RD.MALTAURO/SPEN/STIR JV "Women Empowerment in Zanzibar (WEZA) " DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 "Capacity building for sustainable running water management and cost recovery in Zanzibar NRS TA:UPSCALING OF ACCESS TO ENERGY SERVICES Rehabilitation of 04 km Cane Access Farm roads Lot 2 Financial audit of PE of "Annual Action Programme Accompanying Measures for Sugar Protocol Countries -Allocation 2007" Period 7/05/201031/07/2010 (CONTRACT N0. 239-979) ECO/GPP - CONSULT.SUPP.TRANSPORT SECT ITT Financial Audit of Programme Estimate No.2 for Institutional Support to the Transport Sector Covering the Period from 27th September 2010 to 17th December 2011 Final Evaluation of the project ''Institutional Support for the Transport Sector'' Beekeeper Economic Empowerment (BEE) Project, Tabora, Tanzania ECO/GPP CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT UNESCO - 400,000 EUR Rehabilitation of 4 Km cane access farm roads under lot 2: Msindazi Cane Growers Association (MSGA) to Gravel Standar in Morogoro Region DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ADB EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EC Rehabilitation of 5km Cane Access Farm Roads under lot 3: Mtibwa Outgrowers Association (MOA) to Gravel Standard in Morogoro Region Rehabilitation of 3.5km Cane Access Farm Roads under lot 1: Kilombero Cane Outgrowers Association (KCGA) to Gravel Standard in Morogoro Region Independent Opinion and Assistance in Amicable Settlement Deliberations Support to Public Finances Management Reform Process Financial and Systems Audit of TANROADS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EC Evaluation of Project Proposals - 10th EDF Support to Non State Actors - Environment Component Identification of an EU Programme in support of the SAGCOT (Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor in Tanzania) initiative Support to enhanced legislative and regulatory environment for Civil Society in Zanzibar TA for the Preparation of the Implementation of the TASPII Assessment of Tanzania's Port in the Regional Economic Environment Financial and Systems audit EU Un allocated Un allocated EU 3rd Tanzania Micro Project Programme EU Technical Cooperation Facility EU EU EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC 0 0 0 57,665,302 0 57,665,302 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 4th Micro Projects Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU Institutional and Policy Support to the Tanzania Road Sector Support to Elections DPF 0 0 0 EU Civil Society Action for Girls Education in tanzania DPF 0 0 0 EU Promoting access to education for deafblind and multiply disabled children in Tanzania LESS is more: Labour Empowerment and Social Services for vulnerable people in Dar es Salaam Strengthening community capacity to improve maternal, newborn and child health in hard-to-reach areas of Tanzania, Kenya and Southern Sudan. Human Resources for Health: a challenge to be met in strong partnership. ECO/GPP T.A. TO PMFU - SUPPORT TO NSA ECO (359,100 EUR) ECO/GPP - P.E. 12/10/08 TO 11/10/09 - EUR 1,324,326.97 Audit FED/2008/023869 related to the project NSA Tanzania, PE 1 Support to Policing of Gender Based Violence in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar. Final evaluation of the NSA Support Programme (9EDF NSA TA 22) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU DPF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU Support to the Engagement of the CSOs in the Mkukuta Review Process "Audit 22 - FED/2010/054-243 Final Audit to the project n. 9 ACP TA 22/006" "Audit 22 - FED/2010/054-243 Final Audit to the project n. 9 ACP TA 22/006 - 2nd verification following audit n. 2010/236-288" PRO POOR TOURISM IN ZANZIBAR, TANZANIA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU EDUCATION QUALITY IMPROVEMENT THROUGH PEDAGOGY - TANZANIA YOUTH WITH DISABILITIES COMMUNITY PROGRAMME - TANZANIA BLOCK GRANT 2005 AIDOS DPF 0 0 0 EU BLOCK GRANT 2005 HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL DPF 0 0 0 EU Poverty Reduction through the Participation of Vulnerable People in Decentralised Development Planning and Budgeting in Tanzania Strengthening community based health care among hard to reach communities in southern Tanzania, using malaria prevention and control as an entry point. (Pambana na Malaria), Tanzania Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health among Female Youth Working in Informal Sector "Changing Lives, Changing Communities! Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities in Tanzania" A pilot project to develop a sustainable model of HIV prevention and care for the Tanzanian Police force A community-based mental health and development programme to address the needs and rights of poor mentally ill people in Tanzania Establishment of the infrastructure to evaluate and monitor the impact of new interventions, including drugs and vaccines for HIV, TB and malaria Active detection of Active Tuberculosis (ADAT), Tanzania Forensic investigation following case of fraud detected on MMRP in joint venture with University of Munich on contracts SANTE/2005/078545 and SANTE/2006/129931 Mitigating the negative impacts of volatile food prices on vulnerable households in Tanzania Capacity Building for Border Management, a crossboarder approach to combat irregular migration and establish a border management system along the border of Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia Maximising rural communities’ livelihood options through engagement between Non-state actors, government and the private sector ECO/GPP - PE - 12/06/08 TO 01/12/08 - SALW EUR240,940 P.E. NO.1 FROM 01012009 TO 31122009 - SALW EUR 1,124,400 Audit of EAC PE 1 RICTSP Audit request: DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 FED/2008/023891 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EC support to Election Support Programme:Technical Assistance to programme start up Financial audit of EAC RICTSP PE 2007 (18.11.07 30.06.09) Audit of Service contract - Consultancy services to Iringa urban water supply and sewerage (JV Dorsh and COWI) - 9 ACP TA015/003 PE no 2 From 15/07/2010 to 15/01/2012 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Regional Political Integration and Human Security Support Programme Phase I (RPIHSSP I) - EAC PE no 1 Regional Political Integration and Human Security Support Programme Phase I (RPIHSSP I) - EAC PE no 1 Enhancing the role of civil society and national efforts in the prevention, control and reduction of illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF AGROENTERPRISE AND REDUCED IMPACT OF HIV/AIDS FOR SUSTAINED LIVELIHOODS, TANZANIA ENABLING AND EMPOWERING POOR RURAL WOMEN IN 14 DISTRICTS OF TANZANIA TO IMPROVE THEIR SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (SRH) STATUS TANZANIA Improving the quality, effectiveness and access to basic treatment for severe febrile illness and chronic anaemia caused by malaria and other common infections Securing a stronger future for young people at high risk of mortality and morbidity in 10 districts of Tanzania ECO/GPP 2ND INSTALMENT FOR BASKET SUPPORT TO LGCDG - 11 ME ECO/GPP P.E. # 1 - SUPPORT NAO - BRIDGING PHASE (1,853,000,2 Systems Audit concerning 9th EDF Support to the ONAO Tanzania - Bridging Phase Review of the future role of the Office of the National Authorising Officer in Tanzania ECO/GPP P.E. # 2 - 01/01/09 TO 31/12/09 - EUR 1,289,977 Financial Audit to the 9th EDF Support to the NAOBridging Phase PSU - PE 9 ACP TA 33/001 Programme Estimate n.1 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Identification and formulation of 10th EDF support to NSAs Tanzania Expenditure verification of the 9th EDF Support to NAO Bridging Phase II - PE 9 ACP 033/002 from 1st January to 31st December 2009 ECO/GPP SUPPORT TO TRADE P.S.DEV., MIN.TRADE (TZS.574,876,50 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU ECO/GPP P.E. NO. 2 - OPERATIONAL PERIOD: 20.11.07 - 19.11.08 Financial audit for Programme on Support to Trade and Private Sector Development (Programme estimate 2) Evaluation of the Tourism Training Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ECO/GPP CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT UNESCO - 400,000 EUR MKUKUTA/MKUZA Review DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Expenditure Verification of PE for the Tanzania Tourism Training Programme for the period 20/11/2008 - 31/12/2009 Programme Estimate Nro 1 - Support to National Panel Survey Programme Estimate 1 to support Ministry of Trade, Industry and Marketing External reveiw of the PFM Reform Programme in Tanzania Tanzania Participatory Forest Management Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU CONSERVATION RESEARCH FOR EAST AFRICA S THREATENED ECOSYSTEMS (CREATE) Adapting to climate change in coastal Dar es Salaam DPF 0 0 0 EU Mahale ecosystem management project DPF 0 0 0 EU Building Community Roles and Incentives in Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Piloting the Ecosystem Approach in Africa’s Serengeti and North Luangwa NRS GRANT CONTRACT BETWEEN NAO AND SELOUS RHINO TRUST (SUPPOTO TANZANIA GAME RESERVES) ECO/GPP SEAMIC - PE 09/04-06/05, TZS 836,559,019.00 ECO/GPP SUPPORT TO THE NETT FOR THE EPA NAGOTIATIONS TZS 206.00 NRS FINANCIAL AUDIT OF THE GRANT TO SELOUS RHINO ECO/GPP SECOND SEAMIC PROGRAMME ESTIMATE, 288,088,646.00 TZS05/08/2005 UNTIL 31/07/2006 NRS KAGERA KIGOMA GAME RESERVES REHABILITATION PROJECT, DIRELABOUR OPERATION, OPERATIONAL PERIOD 04/08/07 30/06/07 NRS TA - WWF UK - INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT INRUAHA RIVER CATCHMENT TA - IUCN WORLD CONSERVATION UNION : STRENGTHENING PARTICIPATION AND PLANNING FOR IWRM IN PANGANI BASIN TANZANIA NRS WORLD BANK ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT FOR THE MULTI-DONORT FUND FOR LAKE VICTORIA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU ECO/GPP PE NO.1- START-UP PERIOD 21ST MAY -20TH SEPTEMBER 20 NRS TA: BEST RAY (BRININGING ENERGY SERVICES TO TANZANIAN RUAREAS) NRS TA:UPSCALING OF ACCESS TO ENERGY SERVICES ECO/GPP P.E. NO. 3 - 20.11.08 TO 19.11.09 - EUR 439,541 NRS - CONTR.AGR.- FAO - E.A.AVIAN FLU RESP.EUR 1,680,000 NRS - START UP P.E. - 01/10/08 TO 31/03/09 - EAC AVIAN FLURESPONSE PE no1 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU Purchase of seven4WD vehicles to theEAC AvianFlu Regional Response Project AUDIT TO THE TANZANIAN TOURISM TRAINING PROGRAMME Call for Proposals Guidelines preparation and Evaluation of Projects for the 10th EDF Rural Energy Programme in Tanzania Formulation of the Environment Component of the 10th EDF Support to Non State Actors Programme in Tanzania East African Community Avian Flu Response (Programme Estimate no 2 from 15/11/2010 to 15/11/2011) Integrated Improved Woodfuels Services for Poverty Reduction in Tanzania Reducing poverty in Rufiji-Mafia-Kilwa, Tanzania, through improved livelihoods and sustainable coastal and marine resource management "TANZANIA AGRICULTURAL PARTNERSHIP (TAP) FOOD SECURITY RESPONSE " Start Up PE for Sugar Programme DPF 0 0 0 EU Programme Estimate: 1 Feb 2009 - 31 Jan 2010 DPF 0 0 0 EU Financial Audit to the Start up Programme estimateSugar Board of Tanzania Programme Estimate- Operational period from 7 May 2010 to 31 July 2011 Technical Assistance for the Design and Sustainable Management of Irrigation Systems in Outgrower Sugar Cane Areas at Kilombero, Ruembe and Mtibwa in Morogoro Region Rafiki Mitiki: a Scattered Cooperative Teakwood Plantation, Tanzania ECO/GPP NAM/SADC-MCS/01/2001 - LUXDEVELOPMENT - 6.252.607,1(SEE 8RAU1/2) STABEX/15/REP LIV 2ND PR/TA REPAYM AGREEM ART 195(A) 8 TA 25 STABEX/15/REP LIV 2ND PR/TA REPAYM AGREEM ART 195(A) 8 TA 24 CONV. TRANSFER STABEX/21/99/TA (RAW OR ROASTED COFFEE) ECO/GPP WP/CE 06 APR/04-MAR/05 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU ECO/GPP SADC MCS PMU (LUX-DEV) -CE 07 -01 AUG 05 TO 31 MARCH ECO/GPP P.E. (12.09.07 - 11.09.08) - 1,579,708,000 TZS STABEX DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Ex-ante assessment for the future support under the next phase of TASP. Service contract to produce Stabex Final Financial Report Improvement of the competitiveness of the Tanzanian Tea Sector Northern Tanzania Pastoralist Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Support project to strengthen commercial capacities of agricultural producers in Tanzania Improving incomes, market access, and disaster preparedness: A rapid response to food insecurity in Shinyanga, Tanzania SAAFI: Sustainable Agriculture Against Food Insecurity in Kilolo and Namtumbo Districts ''''Development of Rural Finance Windows (RFW) to expand adapted financial services to small farmers and rural poor households'''' in Tanzania Improvement of food security and nutritional status in Maasai steppes of northern Tanzania, by applying sustainable farming technologies Tanzania Smallholder Sesame Production and Marketing Project Food crops wholesale markets development in Mbeya and Rukwa region INF ADMINISTRATION OF THE WATER SUPPLY PROGRAMMEREGIONAL CENTERS PHASE II IMPLEMENTATION, 1,116,699 EUR INF TA - ACRA - WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION FOR 14 VILLAGESISTRICT, TANZANIA TA - AMREF - WATER AND SANITATION UMBRELLA PROGRAMME (WASUP) INF INGENERIA SIN FRONTERAS (ISF) ASOCIACION PARA EL DESA INF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE WATER SUPPLY PROGRAMME REGICENTERS PHASE II EUR 796.800 INF WATER AND SANITATION, SAME DISTRICT DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 INF TA : COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY DAR ES SALAAM TA: AMREF WASUP , MTWARA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 INF TA : GTZ - CLUSTERING OF WATER UTILITIES(PROPOSAL NO. 101) INF TA : WATER AND SANITATION IN KWONGA END CHMWINO DISTRICT INF -URB.WATER S.IRINGAJOS.HANSEN&SOEHNE- EUR 10,112,149,28 INF -URB.WATER S.IRINGAJOS.HANSEN&SOEHNE- EUR 5,526,334.70 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU NRS - GRANT CONTRACT - GTZ - 653,200 EUR WATER FACILITY #1HUMAN RESOURCES AND ORGANIZATION DEV. IN THE WATER SECTOR INF - SUPPLY PIPES HAI - JOS HANSEN&SOEHE EUR 3,206,996.28 NRS - GRANT CONTRACT - GTZ - 1,035,000 EUR WATER FACILITY# 1 - CAPACITY BUILDING FOR REGIONAL AND DISTRICT U W AUTH. LOT 1 - Hai District Supply of cement - 210,967.05 EUR Consultancy services for upgrading program for urban water supply and sanitation 7 towns - Tanzania Expenditure verification for the Works Contract Mbeya Urban Water and Sewerage Authority Expenditure verification of Works contract - Iringa Water regional Centres Phase II Pawaga Sustainable Development Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 "Capacity building for sustainable running water management and cost recovery in Zanzibar " Stregnthening protection capacities and securing solutions for refugees in Tanzania " INF ASTALDI SPA; TZS 16,369,597,823.00 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU INF SUPERVISION OF THE NZEGA-ISAKA (LOT 2) ROAD UPGRADING PRT, CONTRACT VALUE 991,276,211.00 TZS INF LOUIS BERGER CONSULTANCY TO TANROADS PHASE III-TZS:1,135,020,458.00 INF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF MALINDI WZANZIBAR CARL BRO - 1,463,960 EUR INF REHABILITATION OF MALINDI WHARVES, ZANZIBAR PORT, TANZAN20,325,823.35 EUR INF FEASIBILITY/DESIGN - ISAKA/LUSAHUNGA (MOUCHEL - EUR INF WORKS SUPERVISION (M/S BCOM - EUR 1,066,543) INF REHAB.MANDELA RD.MALTAURO/SPEN/STIR JV (EUR 24,647,156. NRS TA: MWENGA 3MW HYDRO POWER PROJECT ECO/GPP - CONSULT.SUPP.TRANSPORT SECT ITT - EUR 1,433,496 Evaluation of Water Supply Programme Regional Centres - Phase 1 Institutional support to the transport sector programme estimate Mwanza / Shinyanga Border to Tinde (Lot 1) and Nzega to Isaka (via Tinde) (Lot 2) Road Upgrading Projects Audit of Mandela Road Rehabilitation Project DPF 0 0 0 EU Settlement of claims DPF 0 0 0 EU Technical Audit - Rehabilitation of Mandela Road DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU Road Condition Survey Assessment and Audit DPF 0 0 0 EU Expenditure verification of the BCEOM contract 9 ACP TA 017-01 Institutional Suport to the Transport Sector - PE no 2 (2010-2011) Technology transfer and local production of high quality and affordable fixed dose anti-retroviral drugs Rehabilitation of 04 km Cane Access Farm roads Lot 1 Rehabilitation of 05 km Cane Access Farm Roads Lot 3 Rehabilitation of 03 km Cane Access Farm Roads Lot 4 Construction of Rawa River Crossing/Bridge Lot 5 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Stregnthening protection capacities and securing solutions for refugees in Tanzania Mwanza Region Transport Project DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU SUPERVISION OF THE NZEGA-ISAKA (LOT 2) ROAD UPGRADING PRT, CONTRACT VALUE 991,276,211.00 TZS SUPERVISION OF THE NZEGA-ISAKA (LOT 1) ROAD UPGRADING UPGRADING OF THE ROAD BETWEEN NZEGA AND ISAKE (VIA TINDETOTAL CONTRACT VALUE 20613377764.00 TZS, THIS PART EUR + TZS UPGRADING OF THE ROAD BETWEEN NZEGA AND ISAKA (VIA TINDETOTAL CONTRACT VALUE 20613377764.00, THIS PART SA RAND ONLY Supervision of the Rehabilitation of Malindi Wharves Zanzibar Port REHABILITATION OF MALINDI WHARVES, ZANZIBAR PORT A.O.# 2 (LOT 1) INCL.COMMITMENT TO COVER THE CONTRACTUAL PRICES NOT INCLUDED IN AO#1- (MWANZA-TINDE ROAD LOT 1) A.O. # 2 (LOT 2) INCL.COM.TO COVER THE CONTRACTNOT INCLUDED IN AO#1- (NZEGAISAKA ROAD- LOT 2) A.O. # 2 (LOT 2) INCL. ZAR PORTION COM. TO COVERION OF PRICES NOT INCLUDED IN AO#1 (NZEGA- ISAKA ROAD- LOT 2 FEASIBILITY/DESIGN - ISAKA/LUSAHUNGA (MOUCHEL - EUR Supervision of WORKS MANDELA RD - BCOM DPF 0 0 0 EU Institutional Support of Transport ector - ITT DPF 0 0 0 EU Institutional support to the transport sector - PE no 1 (2009-2010) Institutional Support to the Transport Sector - PE no 2 (2010-2011) Annual Action Programme Accompanying Measures for sugar Protocol Countries Allocation 2007 for Tanzania. DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 EU Civil Society Action for Girl's Education in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 EU Yovi Hydro Power Project DPF 0 0 0 EU Sustainable Community-Based Hydro-Power Supply in 6 villages of Ludewa District, Iringa Region Increasing Access to Modern Energy Services in Ikondo Ward, Njombe District, Iringa Region, Tanzania Introducing a new concept for affordable biogas systems to connect 10,000 rural households in Tanzania Resilient Landscapes for Resilient Communities in Pemba Mitigating the negative impacts of volatile food prices on vulnerable households in Tanzania Financial and Systems Audit n 2011/03 FED/2011/071-364 FOR AMREF WASUP Project Audit of grant contract 2007/195-985 (Hivos - Tatedo) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Eradicating the worst forms of labour in the 8 mining wards of Geita district Fighting Child Labour in Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 FAO Financial and systems audit of the Tanzania Agriculture Partnership (TAP) Food security response for the period 31.Dec.2009 to 31.May.2011 EmployAbility Promoting formal employment of persons with disabilities Empowering women, girls and community as a strategy to tackle sexual violence for improved human rights protection Evaluation of Project Proposals submitted under the Call for Proposals EuropeAid/13188/L/ACT/TZ Support to NSA in the Cultural and Creative Industries Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 Global Fund Un allocated Un allocated 0 13,783,357 13,783,357 Global Fund Global Fund Round four TNZ-405-G08-M- Malaria-E BF 0 0 0 Global Fund Tanzania Global Fund Roung 5 TNZ-405-G05-H (PACT TANZANIA) Tanzania Globa Fund Round 6 TNZ-405-G06-H (PSI) DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Tanzania Global Fund Round 7 TNZ-405-G07-H (AMREF) Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 31,114,772 0 31,114,772 African Regional Capacity Building Network for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care Project Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources. DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 IDA Regional Multi Donor Fund for Bridging Activities between Lake Victoria Environment Management Project I an II East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Project DPF 452,109 0 452,109 IDA East African Statistical Training Center (EASTC) DPF 0 0 0 EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU Global Fund Global Fund IDA IDA IDA IDA Un allocated This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 IDA Regional Trade Facilitation Project DPF 0 0 0 IDA DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 IDA Household Vulnerability and Market based Insurance schemes Eastern Arc Forests Conservation and Management Project Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources(SMMR) BEIA-Promotion of Charcoal Briquettes in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 IDA Marine environment Management Project DPF 0 0 0 IFAD Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 IFAD Agriculture Marketing Systems Development Programme II Marketing Infrastructure Value Addition And Rural Finance Support Programme (MIVARF)-Zanzibar Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 ILO HIV/AIDS Prevention and Impact Mitigation in the World of In Sub-Sahara Africa Improving Labour Law compliance in the United Republic of Tanzania - MoLEYD Support to the Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco Plantations in Urambo (Tanzania)-CARITAS Support to the Elimination of Child Labour in Tobacco Plantations in Urambo (Tanzania)-Tanzania Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union.(TPAWU) JP -Wealth Creation, Employment and Economic Empowerment-TUCTA JP -Wealth Creation, Employment and Economic Empowerment-Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) HIV/AIDS -ILO DPF 0 0 0 ILO Social Protection- ILO DPF 0 0 0 Norway Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 Norway Central Transport Corridor Project DPF 0 0 0 Norway DPF 0 0 0 Norway Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project NDF-Songwe River Stabilisation Study DPF 0 0 0 Norway NDF39-Power VI DPF 0 0 0 Norway NDF 60-Electricity IV DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 OPEC Songwe Airport Project in Mbeya - OPEC DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Rural Roads Project Lindi & Kigoma DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Tanzania Poverty Reduction Project {TASAF} DPF 0 0 0 OPEC DSM -Somanga Road Rehabilitation and Recnstruction Project {Phase II} - OPEC Singida Water Supply Project - OPEC DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 IDA IDA IFAD ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO OPEC This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 OPEC Mwanza Aiport Project - Opec Fund DPF 0 0 0 OPEC Ole - Kengeja Roads Project DPF 0 0 0 UN Joint Programme Fund UNICEF Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 Un allocated Un allocated 217,077 63,553 280,629 UNICEF UNDAP-Governance-CHRAGG DPF 7,127 - 7,127 UNICEF UNDAP-SOCIAL PROTECTION-MCDGC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP-WASH-MUFINDI DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Planning Coordination Programme (Field ervices) - Njombe DC UNDAP Planning Coordination Programme (Field Services)-Mbeya RS UNDAP Planning Coordination Programme (Field ervices) Mbalali DC UNDAP Planning Coordination Programme (Field ervices) Mbeya RS UNDAP-WASH-NJOMBE RAS DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP HIV/AIDS - Children & AIDS ProgrammeMbeya RS UNDAP HIV/AIDS Children & AIDS ProgrammeIringa RS UNDAP HIV/AIDS Children & AIDS ProgrammeNjombe RS UNDAP HIV/AIDS Children & AIDS Programme- Dar Es Salaam UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme- Mbalali DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme Mbeya DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme Mufindi DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme- Njombe DC DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme- Mbeya RS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme-Iringa RS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Health & Nutrition Programme-Njombe RS DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Planning and Coordination Programme (Field services)-PMORALG UNDAP Planning and Coordination Programme (Field Services) -MOF Budget UNDAP WASH Support Water and Hygine - MOHSW DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF Water and Sanitation (WASH)- MoW DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Social Policy Analysis and Development programme- NBS UNDAP Social Policy Analysis and Development PER Nutrition- MOF Budget Department UNDAP Social Policy Analysis and Development programme - MCDGC - Children Development Department DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNICEF UNDAP Social Protection - MoHA - Prisons DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF UNDAP Social Protection - Judiciary DPF 0 0 0 UNICEF DPF 0 0 0 UNIFEM Child Protection and participation (Children &Aids)MohSW Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 UNDP Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 UNDP Disaster Risk Management in Tanzania DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Programme for the Agulhas & Somalia Current Large Marrine Ecosystems(ASCLMEs) National Development Management - MoFEA, External Finance Dept Support to Sustainable Global Busines DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Strengtherning Capacities to combact Corruption DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Communication Capacity Presidents' Office-MLD DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Communication Capacity Presodents office ZNZ DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Participatory Democratic Systems DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Capacities for Cnflict Mediation DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support to Establishment PNVR DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNV Support to capacity Strengtherning DPF 0 0 0 UNDP African Millenium Village Initiatives DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Building Local capacity DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) Phase II - REPOA DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI) Phase II - ESRF DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Deepening Democracy in Tanzania - Centre for Democracy Pro-Poor Policy Development and Wealth Creation (Third Millennium Peace Initiative Foundation) project TZA-10-00060756 – Support to DPG Secretariat Support Development of private sector and PublicPrivate partnerships Environment - Africa Adaptation Programme - IRA UDSM Extending the Coastal Forest Protected Area Subsystem in Tanzania - MNRT UN-REDD Programme DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support tp Post graduate studies in policy analysis DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Low Carbon, Efficient Energy and CC Mitigation MEM Scaling up Sustainable Land Management in Tanzania - VPO Pro-poor Economic Growth and Environmentally Sustainable Development DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNDP Pro-poor Growth - Zanzibar DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Support capacity for Management of investment contracts Strengthening Institutional capacity for gender and Human rights responsive policies for HIV/AIDS in Tanzania mainland- UNDP Strengthening Institutional capacity for gender and Human rights responsive policies for HIV/AIDS in Zanzibar- UNDP Evidence based planning & monitoring MKUKUTA DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Evidence based planning & monitoring MKUZA DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPF 0 0 0 UNDP DPG Secretariat - UNDP Support to National Aid Coordination and Management Support to National Human Rights Action Plan DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Legislatures support for National Assembly-UNDP DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Legislatures support to Zanzibar House of Representatives Disaster Management Project - Mainland DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Mainstreaming Environment & Climate Change in the implementation of national policies and development plans - VPO Mainstreaming Environment & Climate Change in the implementation of national policies and development plans - MOF Mainstreaming Environment & Climate Change in the implementation of national policies and development plans - NEMC Strengthening Environment & Climate Change Governance in Zanzibar Benefits sharing from Community Nature Reserves and Protected Areas UN REDD DPF 0 0 0 UNDP Small Grants Project DPF 0 0 0 UNDP SLM Kilimanjaro DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CLT-Support to UN Joint Programme JP 2 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CI-Capacity building for TV production training for SAUT University TV UNESCO-ED-TVET Regional Programme DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO-CLT-Conservation, Protection and Promotion of the Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara and community tourism management at the sites UNESCO-CLT-Support to creative and cultural industries in Dar es Salaam Cluster countries and for SIDS UNESCO-CLT-East Africa Art Bienale DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNDP UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNESCO UNESCO-CLT-Educational and cultural exchanges within the road to African Liberation UNESCO-CLT-Promoting the cultural dimension into development planning and implementation UNESCO-ED-Strenghtening human and institutional capacities in Science and Technology and Vocational Education UNESCO-ED-Fostering quality education for all through the provision of HIV/AIDS education, peace and human rights education, ESD UNESCO-CI-Facilitating the preservation of audiovisual and documentary heritage UNESCO-CI-Fostering the use of FOSS in education DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CI-Support the improvement of standards in journalism training UNESCO-CI-Promoting Community broadcasting DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-CI-Promoting C4D through ONE UN Pilot DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO-SC-Facilitating the review of information and communication policies UNESCO-SHS-Advocating Upstream PES policy development UNESCO-SC-Strengthening science, technology and innovation systems and networks of knowledge production UNESCO-SC-Enhancing the role of biosphere reserves in national strategies for climate change adaptation UNESCO-SC-Capacity development for improved management of fresh water resources for sustainable development UNESCO-CLT-Management capacity-building, and conservation, protection and promotion of World Heritage Sites in the Cluster Countries UNESCO-CLT-Awareness raising and implementation of the convention for safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural heritage in the Cluster countries. UNESCO-CLT-Capacity-building for Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Cluster Countries and support for the establishment of an African Liberation Museum UNESCO-CLT-Support to anti-piracy for the development of cultural and creative industries and the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions UNESCO-CLT-Promoting regional integration through the 2005 convention UNESCO-CLT-Integrating culture into development in Cluster Countries UNESCO-ED-Building human and institutional capacities to assess literacy and livelihood skills for evidence based planning UNESCO-ED-Strengthening institutional capacity to promote inclusive quality education through the Basic DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 Education in Africa Programme (BEAP) UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO-ED-Review of education sector policies and plans with a to integrating HIV and AIDS responses UNESCO-ED-Strengthening National Capacities for sector wide planning by enhancing national EMIS and using available tools such as ESA, DQAF and UNESS UNESCO-CI-Advocating for Press Freedom and freedom of expression as tools for peace, dialogue and reconciliation UNESCO-CI-Promoting editorial independence and quality journalism UNESCO-CI-Advocating for strategies in media and information literacy UNESCO-CI-Support to strategies in developing and distributing local content for sustainable development UNESCO-CI-Capacity building of National Archives and public libraries in digital archiving and preservation of national heritage UNESCO-CI-Fostering the use of ICTs for knowledge and information management UNESCO-SC- Reinforcement of Joint UN Inititative Decentralization UNESCO-CI-Commemorating and promoting press freedom Environment -Mount Kilimanjaro Hdrology UNESCO World Heritage-MoNRT UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO UNESCO DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNESCO UNESCO Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 UNIDO Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 UNFPA Un allocated Un allocated 0 0 0 UNFPA Resource Planning on Gender-(off budget) Direct Project Funds (DPF)-CIDA: CLOSED Research/Training in PopDev-NGO Direct Project Funds (DPF)-REPOA: CLOSED Awareness about SRH/RR/Gender - NGO-Direct Project Funds (DPF)-TAMA: 6TH CP: CLOSED Young People Sexual reproductive Health and Rights - NGO-Direct Project Funds (DPF)-UMATI: 6TH CP:CLOSED Women's Empowerment Advocacy - TGNP-Direct Project Funds (DPF): 6TH CP: CLOSED Gender Budgeting Initiative - TNGP-Direct Project Funds (DPF): 6TH CP: CLOSED Strengtherning Coordination and Implementation of the National Population Policy (UNFPA URT7P101)POPC- ON GOING Disaggregation of Demographic Data from National Housing and Population Census (UNFPA URT7P103)-NBS Direct Project Funds (DPF):ON GOING DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WFP WHO Generation and use of population Data (UNFPA URT7P105)-zPOFEDP: ON GOING Strengtherning District Health Systems to Provide Quality reproductive Services (UNFPA URT7R108)AMREF Direct Project Funds (DPF) ON GOING SRH/ HIV Integration (UNFPA URT7R206)_EGPAF Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Scalling up for HIV prevention (UNFPA URT7R204)ZAC Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Inclusion of ICPD Agenda and Humanitarian systems, SRH, Gender and Population Data (UNFPA URT7R207)-TCRS Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Promoting Gender -friendly socio cultural Environment (UNFPA URT7G302)-TAMWA Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Prevention of Gender Based violence (UNFPA URT7G301)-MCDGC: ON GOING Women's Economic Empowerment UNFPA URT7G304)-TGNP Direct Project Funds (DPF): ON GOING Programme Coordination and Assistance (UNFPA URT7A101)-UNFPA Support to Programme Management: ON GOING Support to Comprehensive Services to GBV Survivors URT7R201 PN: 4884 (MEWATA) Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated 0 0 0 Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Misungwi Support to Food Security and disaster Mitigation Activities - Karatu Support to Food Security and disaster Mitigation Activities - Hanang' Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Mbulu Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Same Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Mwanga Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Arumeru Support to Food Security and Disaster Mitigation Activities - Monduli Refugees - support provision of food to refugees and most vulnerable people in host communities-WVT Education - Support the government to implement school feeding - training, monitoring and non food items-HAPA Un allocated DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 DPF 0 0 0 Un allocated TOTAL 0 0 0 91,636,668.30 108,340,613.30 199,977,281.60 SOURCE: ENTERED INFRMATION IN THE AMP SYSTEM - MINISTRY OF FINANCE This report was created by amp Tanzania on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012