Learning Target Levels Target Level Type Knowledge/ Understanding (Remembering/ Understanding) Reasoning (Applying/ Analyzing/ Evaluating) Explanation Kinds of Learning Examples Some knowledge/facts/concepts to be learned outright; some to be retrieved using associations/materials Explain, describe, identify, tell, name, list, define, label, match, choose, recall, recognize, select Vocabulary Measurement concepts Thinking proficiencies – using knowledge to solve a problem, make a decision, plan, etc. Analyze: components, parts, ingredients, logical sequence, steps, main idea, supporting details, determine, dissect, examine, order Think critically Analyze story Solve problems Compare art forms Self-evaluate Compare/Contract: discriminate between alike and different, distinguish between similarities and differences, juxtapose Synthesize: combine into, blend, formulate, organize, adapt, modify Classify: categorize, sort, group, give examples Infer/deduce: interpret, imply, draw conclusions, predict, hypothesizes, generalize Evaluate: justify, support opinion, think critically, appraise, critique, debate, defend, dispute, evaluate, judge, prove Skills (Demonstrating knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation) Products (Creating) Dispositions (Approaches to Learning) Behavioral demonstrations; where the doing is what is important; using knowledge and reasoning to perform a skill. Observe, focus attention, listen, perform, do, question, conduct, work, read, speak, assemble, operate, use, demonstrate, measure, investigate, model, collect, dramatize, explore Use a digital camera, Navigate obstacle course, play an instrument Where the characteristics of the final product are important; using knowledge, reasoning, and skills to produce a final product. Design, produce, create, develop, make, write, draw, represent, display, model, construct Art products, make a map, make a model, create a graph or timeline Approaches to learning; attitudes, beliefs, values that are deeply affected by personality traits or characteristics. Show energy/enthusiasm, use imagination, encourage, be flexible, make adjustments *Approaches to Learning in KY Early Childhood Standards include: initiative, curiosity, engagement, persistence, reasoning, problem solving Kinds of Learning Targets Knowledge – The facts and concepts we want children to know Reasoning – Children use what they know to reason and solve problems Skills – Children use their knowledge and reasoning to act skillfully Products – Children use their knowledge, reasoning, and skills to create a concrete product Dispositions – Children’s attitudes about school and learning Adapted from: Stiggins, R. J., Arter, J. A., Chappuis, J., & Chappuis, S. (2006). Classroom assessment for student learning: Doing it right – using it well. Boston: Pearson * Kentucky Department of Education (2009). Kentucky Early Childhood Standards (Rev. ed) [KYESR]. Frankfort, KY: Author. Learning Objective Verbs Learning Objective verbs should be measurable and observable. See Blooms Taxonomy Revised and the Early Childhood Standards for some examples of measurable and observable verbs to use DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING: These are Non-Measurable and/or Non-Observable Verbs and Verb-Phrases: Demonstrates an understanding of Gets along with Improves Knows Participates Performs (a variety of gross-motor skills) Shows an awareness of Shows interest in Tries