INFORMATION SOCIETIES TECHNOLOGY (IST) PROGRAMME STATUS "Software Architecture for Usability" WORKPACKAGE 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT DELIVERABLE D.1.4. PERIODIC PROGRESS REPORT Version: 1.0 Submission Date: 4/6/2004 Authors: Ana M. Moreno Partners: UPM Stage: Confidentiality: [ ] Draft [ ] Public - for public use [ ] To be reviewed by WP participants [ ] IST – for IST programme participants [ ] Pending of approval by next consortium meeting [ X ] Restricted – for STATUS consortium and PO [X] Final / Released to CEC STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report DOCUMENT CONTROL Registration of Changes Date Version Author of Changes Comments May 2004 4, 0.1 Ana M. Moreno, Natalia Juristo Initial draft June 2004 17, 1.0 Ana M. Moreno, Natalia Juristo English revision List of Related STATUS Documents IST – 2001 – 32298 Document Name Version Technical Annex D.4.1. Architectural patterns for e-commerce applications D.4.2. Improved architectural patterns for e-commerce applications supporting usability 1.0 D.8.4. Exploitation Plan D.6.1. Development document of pilot project by industrial IHG D.7.2.4. Dissemination Plan Usability Evaluation Plan 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 Page 2 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Acronyms and abbreviations WP STATUS WL TL IHG UPM RuG ICTSM IST – 2001 – 32298 Meaning Workpackage Software Architecture for Usability Workpackages Leader Task Leader Information Highway Group Universidad Politécnica de Madrid University of Groningen Imperial College Page 3 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENT CONTROL .................................................................................................................... 2 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................. 3 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................................... 5 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 6 3. OVERVIEW OF STATUS PROJECT ......................................................................................... 7 4. ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROJECT STATUS ................................................................................ 8 5. ADHERENCE TO WORKPLAN .................................................................................................. 9 5.1 STATUS WORKPLAN FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD............................................................................................. 9 5.2 STATUS CHRONOLOGICAL PROGRESS ............................................................................................................. 10 5.3 STATUS TECHNICAL PROGRESS ...................................................................................................................... 10 5.3.1 Finished Workpackages................................................................................................................................................. 10 5.3.2 Active Workpackages..................................................................................................................................................... 11 5.4 RESOURCES USAGE ........................................................................................................................................... 12 6. MANAGEMENT PROGRESS .................................................................................................... 14 6.1 STATUS PROJECT MEETINGS ........................................................................................................................... 14 6.2 PERSONNEL ON THE PROJECT............................................................................................................................. 14 7. EXPLOITATION AND DISSEMINATION .................................................................................. 15 8. PLANNED WORK FOR THE NEXT REPORTING PERIOD ....................................................... 16 8.1 WP 6. DEVELOPMENT OF APPLICATIONS IN THE E-COMMERCE DOMAIN .............................................................. 16 8.2 DELIVERABLES RELATED TO THE NEXT REPORTING PERIOD ................................................................................ 17 IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 4 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This document forms D.1.5. “Periodic Progress Report” for Workpackage 1. “Project Management” of the STATUS IST– 2001 – 32298 project. The purpose of the deliverables D.1.X is to provide information about the technological, managerial and chronological progress of the project during sixmonth reporting periods. D.1.5, in particular, refers to the fiveth STATUS project-reporting period, that is, months 24 to 30 (December 2003 – May 2004). 1.2 Document Structure Before going into the actual technical content of D.1.4, this document starts with a brief introduction explaining the purpose of the document, followed by section 2, which presents the executive summary. Section 3 recalls the general description of the STATUS project, which serves to put the main achievements of the project, specified in section 4, into context. Section 5 details the progress made as regards these achievements, describing the work performed and the resources employed in each workpackage (WP). Section 6 presents the results as regards project management during the reporting period, specifying the meetings held, as well as the members of the partners who have participated in the work completed. Section 7 briefly refers to the exploitation and dissemination activities of the project results for the reporting period. Finally, D.1.5 concludes with section 8, describing the planned work for the next reporting period. IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 5 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following technical WPs have been active during this reporting period: WP 4. “Proposal of architecture for usability in e-commerce” WP 6. “Pilot projects in the e-commerce domain” WP 4 started during the third reporting period and the final deliverable D.4.2. was presented in the fourth review. However some changes where required in this review and they where fixed during the beginning of the fiveth reporting period. The aim of this WP was to instantiate the general results we got from WP 3 “Study of the usability/software architecture relationship” for one particular type of applications, e-commerce applications, where usability is a crucial attribute. D.4.1, described the most commonly used software architectures in the e-commerce domain and seleced some to incorporate STATUS results. D.4.2. was also developed instantiating STATUS results for the improvement of the usability of the chosen environments. In WP 6, according to the “Usability Evaluation Plan” developed in February 2003, the data for the usability evaluation of original industrial partner applications have been collected and analysed during the fifth reporting period. Those data will be compared with the usability of the new applications developed in WP 6 with status results. In that way we will be able to check the benefits of the STATUS project results. Additionally, the second real development has been completed using STATUS project results, by the industrial partner, LogicDIS. Regarding the ongoing WPs, management and control mechanisms established during the first reporting period have been continued for WP 1. “Project Management”. For WP 7. “Dissemination & Documentation” and WP 8. “Exploitation”, both dissemination and exploitation activities have been, respectively, detailed in D.7.1. “Project web site” (updated throughout the project), D.7.2.5. “Dissemination Plan” and D.8.5. “Use plan”. IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 6 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report 3. OVERVIEW OF STATUS PROJECT The aim of the STATUS project is to study and determine the connections between software architecture and the usability of the resultant software system. The project will focus on explaining the characteristics of software architectures that improve software usability. As there is a wide range of different software architectures and the set of possible styles is still in the process of definition and standardisation, the results of this project will be materialised particularly in e-commerce applications (where usability is critically important) and their associated architectural styles. In order to achieve this aim, it is necessary to decompose usability into different attributes and analyse which of them might be affected by software architecture. For this purpose, we will first select software attributes affected by software architecture, and this relationship will then be detailed, defining what specific improvements can be made at the architectural level to improve usability. As mentioned above, the project will be particularly applied to architectures used in e-commerce applications. Thus, the industrial partners of the consortium will provide some typical e-commerce applications architectures that they use, and the research partners, by applying the results of the previous general study about the relationship between software architectures and usability, will propose modifications to these architectures to promote the usability of the software systems built with them. An architectural focus in software development supports but cannot guarantee usability, since not all usability attributes and factors can be promoted by software architecture. Therefore, the project will also output the definition of a software development process complemented with usability techniques to be employed in other activities apart from architectural design (primarily, requirements and validation). The resultant software process along with the resultant e-commerce software architecture for usability will be used by the industrial partners to develop real applications in this domain, thus validating the results of the project. IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 7 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report 4. ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROJECT STATUS The most significant achievements of the fiveth project reporting period are related to the application of STATUS results to real projects in WP 6. These achievements can be summarised in: 1. Demonstration of the applicability of STATUS results to a real situation. 2. Development of practial recommendations to modify the architecture of an existing application using STATUS results to make it more usable. 3. Definition of guidelines to incorporate new usability issues in coordination with the ones proposed by STATUS. IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 8 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report 5. ADHERENCE TO WORKPLAN 5.1 STATUS Workplan for the Reporting Period The Technical Annex specifies the STATUS workplan, composed of eight WPs. In D.1.1. Periodic Progress Report, from the first reporting period, some adjustments where made to the starting and ending months to make up for a one-month delay in project commencement. Table 1 presents the STATUS WPs and their respective starting and ending months. The WPs active, irrespective of whether or not they have been completed, during the fourth reporting period have been highlighted on a dark grey background and the WPs ongoing throughout the whole project are on a light grey background. WPs finished in s previous reporting periods are depicted on a striped background. Workpackage No Workpackage title Workpackage leader 1 Project management IHG 2 Usability attributes architecture software ICTSM 3 Study of the usability/software architecture relationship RuG 4 Proposal of architecture for usability in ecommerce IHG 5 Integrated development process with usability techniques UPM 6 Development of applications in the e-commerce domain LogicDIS 7 Dissemination & Documentation 8 Exploitation affected by Start month End month 1 36 1 4 5 16 14 27 4 12 6 34 UPM 4 36 IHG 1 36 Table 1. WPs identified for STATUS project Table 2 shows the deliverables produced during this fiveth six month reporting period. IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 9 of 17 STATUS Del. No D.1.5. D.4.2. D.6.2. D.6.3 (partial) D.7.2.5 D.8.1.5 Deliverable name Periodic Progress Report Improved architectural patterns for e-commerce applications supporting usability Development document of pilot project by industrial partner LogicDIS Analysis and comparison of usability tests with and without STATUS results Dissemination plan Use plan WP no. Lead participant D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report Del. type Security Delivery (proj. month 1 4 UPM IC Report Report Ist. Rest. 30 27 6 LgicDIS Rest. 30 6 UPM Report /Protot ype Report Rest 30 7 8 UPM IHG Report Report Ist. Ist. 30 30 Table 2. Deliverables related to the third six-month period The milestone to be satisfied during this reporting period is M.6. Application of STATUS results to real projects, related to WP6. 5.2 STATUS Chronological Progress The fiveth STATUS reporting period started on 1 December 2003 and finished on 31 May 2003. There has been no delay in the WP starting and finishing dates or the deliverables to be produced from the WPs, with the exception of WP 4 and Deliverable D.4.2. that was resubmitted according to the reviewers recommendations in February 2004 (this WP was scheduled to finish in November 2003). 5.3 STATUS Technical Progress The progress that has taken place from a scientific/technical viewpoint in the fourth six months of work on the STATUS project is specified below. For this purpose, we summarise the work performed in the WPs related to the fourth reporting period, as well as the main results obtained. We will start by describing the active WPs that have finished in this reporting period, and then detail the WPs active beyond the reporting period, that is, WPs started during the reporting period and whose ending date is scheduled for later reporting periods. 5.3.1 Finished Workpackages WP 4. Proposal of an architecture for usability in e-commerce Note that the results from WP 3 are general findings that could be used in different software domains. WP 4 examines how these general results can be customised for the e-commerce domain. According to the Technical Annex, this WP is organised as follows: Task 4.1. Identification of architectural patterns for e-commerce applications. Task 4.2. Evaluation of usability in architectural patterns. Task 4.3. Improvement of architectural patterns according to results of WP3. IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 10 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report Task 4.4. Synthesis. And the following deliverables must be defined: D.4.1. Architectural patterns for e-commerce applications (month 15, but resubmitted according to reviewers comments in month 22). D.4.2. Improved architectural patterns for e-commerce applications supporting usability (month 23, resubmitted according to reviewers comments in month 27). During the fiveth reporting period D.4.2. was redefined considering the comments that reviewers made in the fourth review. Those adaptations focused mainly on the inclusions of industrial partners view and possible adaptations of the research work done by university partners in the application of the general findings about usability gathered during WP3 to the e-commerce domain in WP4. The new version of D.4.2 was resubmitted in Februray 2004 and approved. 5.3.2 Active Workpackages WP 6. Pilot projects in the e-commerce domain The original objective of WP 6 was to implement, test and evaluate the STATUS results developed in WP4 and WP5 into two real e-commerce situations. For this purpose, the following tasks were described in the Technical Annex: Task 6.1. Evaluation of usability in typical applications of industrial partners Task 6.2. Development of real applications applying STATUS results by the IHG and LogicDIS partners Task 6.3. Evaluation of usability of the applications in which STATUS results have been applied Task 6.4. Analysis and comparison of the usability test results before and after the application of the STATUS results Task 6.5 Refinement of Task 3.4, Task 4.4. and Task 5.4. with the results of real experience Related to the following deliverables: D.6.1. Development document of pilot project by IHG (month 31) D.6.2. Development document of pilot project by LogicDIS (month 31) D.6.3. Analysis and comparison of usability tests with and without STATUS results (month 33) D.6.4. Final results on the relationship between usability and software architectures (month 34) D.6.5. Final results on the architectural pattern for usability (month 34) D.6.6. Final results on the integrated software process (month 34) At the 1st EC Review, the reviewers asked for a document specifying the planning of this WP to be produced. This document was called “Strategy for STATUS Results Validation”. As detailed in this document, the objectives of this WP have been extended in several ways. On the one hand, not only IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 11 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report will the results of WP4 and WP5 be validated, the outcome of WP3 will be too. Furthermore, the number of applications to be developed using the STATUS results has been increased to three instead of the two specified in the Technical Annex. This will be carried out at three different times according to the new philosophy designed for WP6, detailed in the “Strategy for STATUS Results Validation” document presented for the second review: - Redevelopment of the Compressor application by IHG, from March 2003 to December 2003. The results of WP3 concerning architectural design will be applied in this process. - Development of Wireless University application by IHG, from December 2003 to July 2004. The results of WP 4 on the design and architecture stage and the results of WP 5 regarding the development process to be followed, covering usability techniques and activities during the different phases, will be applied in the development process of this application. - Redevelopment of new eSuite application by LogicDIS, from January 2004 to June 2004. The results of WP5 concerning the development process to be followed will be applied in this process, as will the results of WP4 regarding architectural design in the e-commerce domain. So, during this third reporting period the redevelopment of the eSuite application by LogicDIS according to WP 3 results has finished. Deliverable D.6.2. Development document of pilot project by LogicDIS has been defined, detailing the redevelopment process and outputs so far. Also, IHG has already started the second application to be finished by the end of the project. On the other hand, according to the “Usability Evaluation Plan” presented in February 2003, the usability evaluation of existing industrial partner applications considered in STATUS (Task 6.1.) has continued during the fiveth reporting period, and we already have the usability data provided by users of old eSuite. The STATUS consortium has analysed those data (Task 6.3.). This analysis has been reported in D.6.1. which has also been presented to this fiveth reporting period, although only contain partial results. 5.4 Resources Usage The following section presents resource usage during this reporting period per WP and partner. Table 3 shows the effort used per WP during this reporting period. IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 12 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report Workpackage title 1 Project management 2 7 Usability attributes affected by software architecture Study of the usability/software architecture relationship Proposal of architecture for usability in ecommerce Integrated development process with usability techniques Development of applications in the e-commerce domain Dissemination & Documentation 8 Exploitation 3 4 5 6 Effort used in 5th period Cumulative to date 3,5 18,3 29.5 0 29,3 34.5 0 34,7 32.5 3 35,2 23.5 0 22 67.5 12 34,5 31.5 11 21,6 11.5 1,5 7,2 253.5 31 202,8 Effort planned 24 TOTAL Table 3. Distribution of effort per WP On the other hand, Table 4 shows the effort distribution per WP and partner during this fiveth reporting period. TOTAL TOTAL WP WP UPM- UPM- Rug- RuG- ICTSM- ICTSM- IHG- IHG- LogicDIS- LogicDis- (MM)- (MM) Plan Used Plan Used Plan Plan Used Plan Plan Used Used Used WP1 8,5 0,3 1,5 0,2 1,5 0,3 11,0 2,5 1,5 0,2 24,0 3,5 WP2 7,0 0,0 6,5 0,0 9,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 3,5 0,0 26,0 0,0 WP3 9,5 0,0 13,5 0,0 9,5 0,0 0,0 0,0 1,0 0,0 33,5 0,0 WP4 5,5 0,5 5,5 0,0 7,5 1,5 8,0 0,5 6,0 0,5 32,5 3,0 WP5 11,0 0,0 2,0 0,0 6,5 0,0 0,0 0,0 1,0 0,0 20,5 0,0 WP6 6,5 2,0 3,5 0,0 6,5 0,0 24,5 0,5 26,5 9,5 67,5 12,0 WP7 12,0 5,0 5,0 3,0 7,0 3,0 5,0 0,0 1,5 0,0 30,5 11,0 WP8 0,5 0,0 0,5 0,0 0,5 0,0 6,0 1,0 4,0 0,5 11,5 1,5 60,5 7,8 38,0 3,2 48,0 4,8 54,5 4,5 45,0 10,7 246,0 31,0 Total STATUS (MM) Table 4. Distribution of effort per WP and partner in the 5th reporting period IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 13 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report 6. MANAGEMENT PROGRESS 6.1 STATUS Project Meetings During the third reporting period, close co-operation among project partners has continued through meetings, but mainly as communication via conference call, e-mail and other traditional means. One consortium meetings has been held during the reporting period in order to co-ordinte the activities of WP 4 and WP 6. Table 5 summarises information about these meetings. Nature of meeting Venue Technical Meeting WP 4 and WP 6 Date Athens, Greece January, 2003 Table 5. STATUS project meeting The main tasks accomplished at the Athenks meeting were: - Discussion and implications of fourth review results - Redefinition of strategy for incorporating in D.4.2. review results - Discussion of strategy for WP 6. 6.2 Personnel on the Project During the reporting period, the key people who have participated in the project are similar to the ones listed in the Technical Annex and involved in the first reporting period. They are shown in Table 6, along with other additional people who have worked on the project during this reporting period. Partner IHG UPM RuG ICTSM LogicDIS Person Dr. R. Pous R. Vogel Miriam Castellon Dr. Natalia Juristo Dr. Ana Moreno Xavier Ferre Dr. Jan Bosh Eelke Former Lisette Bakalis Dr. Jeff Magee Dr. Jeff Kramer Robert Chatley George Marks Dimitris Tsirikos Dr. Manolis Chrysostalis Function Technical/scientific tasks Technical/scientific tasks STATUS administrative tasks STATUS scientific coordination; partner leader; technical/scientific tasks technical/scientific tasks technical/scientific tasks partner leader; technical/scientific tasks technical tasks technical tasks partner leader; technical/scientific tasks technical/scientific tasks technical/scientific tasks technical/scientific tasks technical/scientific tasks Partner leader, technical/scientific tasks Table 6. List of people involved in the STATUS project IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 14 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report 7. EXPLOITATION AND DISSEMINATION Deliverables D.8.X. “Use Plan” describe the main exploitation guidelines for the STATUS project. For this reporting period, D.8.5. outlines a fiveth version of the exploitation activities to be carried out during the project. They include both exploitation activities to be carried out by the consortium as a whole and exploitation activities to be executed by each of the STATUS partners. Regarding dissemination, the planned activities for project results dissemination and the results of this dissemination are addressed in deliverables D.7.2.X., which are prepared for each reporting period. Deliverable D.7.2.1. “Dissemination Plan” presented a strategy for dissemination activities for the project, including both external dissemination activities, designed to present the project results to the international community, and internal dissemination activities, designed to disseminate these results among the partner organisations. During this fiveth reporting period both kinds of activities have been performed as is detailed in D.7.2.5. IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 15 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report 8. PLANNED WORK FOR THE NEXT REPORTING PERIOD Table 7 shows the active and ongoing WPs for the next reporting period (June 2004 – November 2004). Workpackage No. Workpackage title Workpackage leader 1 Project management 2 Usability attributes architecture software ICTSM 3 Study of the usability/software architecture relationship RuG 4 Proposal of architecture for usability in ecommerce IHG 5 Integrated development process with usability techniques UPM 6 Development of applications in the e-commerce domain LogicDIS 7 Dissemination & Documentation 8 Exploitation Start month End month IHG affected by 2 36 2 5 6 16 14 23 4 12 6 34 UPM 4 36 IHG 2 36 Table 7. Active and ongoing WPs for next reporting period The achievements planned for the next reporting period are: Development of the third applications with results of WP 4 and WP 5 Improvement of STATUS results derived from real empirical applications Get a measure of software usability for existing software applications developed by the industrial partners to be compared with software usability measured when the project results are applied. To achieve these objectives, the active WPs will be structured as follows. 8.1 WP 6. Development of applications in the e-commerce domain The objective of WP 6. “Pilot projects in the e-commerce domain” is to implement, test and evaluate the STATUS methodology developed in WP3, WP4 and WP5 in three real e-commerce situations. For this purpose, the following tasks were described in the Technical Annex: Task 6.1. Evaluation of usability in typical applications of industrial partners IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 16 of 17 STATUS D.1.4. v.1.0 Periodic Progress Report Task 6.2. Development by IHG and LogicDIS partners of real applications applying STATUS results Task 6.3. Evaluation of usability of the applications where STATUS results have been applied Task 6.4. Analysis and comparison of the usability test results before and after the application of the STATUS results Task 6.5 Refinement of Task 3.4. Task 4.4. and Task 5.4. with the results of real experience The document “Strategy for STATUS results validation” details the individual planning of each task in this WP. According to this plan, Task 6.2 will continue with the development of real applications considering STATUS results, that is, IHG will finish the development of the Wireless application. On the other hand, according to the “Usability Evaluation Plan”, the data from the usability tests on existing applications will be analysed for comparison with the usability data gathered from the new applications (Task 6.3). 8.2 Deliverables related to the next reporting period Furthermore, the following deliverables correspond to the above-mentioned reporting period: Del. No Deliverable name WP no. Lead participant Del. type Security Delivery (proj. month D.6.1. Development document of pilot projects by IHG 6 IHG Report Rest 31 D.6.3. Analysis and comparison of usability tests with and without STATUS results Dissemination plan Periodic progress report Use plan 6 UPM Report Ist. 33 7 1 8 UPM UPM IHG Report Report Report Ist. Rest. Ist. 30 30 30 D.7.2.6 D.1.6. D.8.1.6 Table 8. Deliverables planned for next reporting period IST – 2001 – 32298 Page 17 of 17