Swaffield Primary School Headteacher : Mrs C H Lilley Governors’ report to parents February 2010 Introduction from Lindsay Hopkins, Chair of the governors It is always a pleasure to boast about Swaffield School and this is another opportunity to do just that. Many years ago we used to produce a huge report for parents, and then meet in a formal meeting so that we could tick the statutory box of sharing information with parents. But this system did not really work as we had little or no interaction from you the parents, most probably due to the nature of the meeting. Luckily for all, those days are over. Instead we are simply producing this report and inviting you to attend a gathering before the next main governors’ meeting to give you the opportunity to ask anything you want from any of the governors in a friendly and informal environment. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 3 March 2010 at 5.30pm. If you cannot make it, you can simply e-mail me and organise a coffee and a chat prior to school starting in the morning. Also, you can always contact one of the parent governors (please see the list below) if you want to talk about anything to do with the governing body, or have any concerns that you want to raise (contact details are at the very end of this report). The governing body is made up of parents, teachers, members of Wandsworth Borough Council and volunteers. I am proud to say that Swaffield is lucky to have a full governing body which holds a reputation for commitment and a focus on success. The role of a governing body is to be the critical friend to the school and to interface with the senior management, teachers and support staff across every aspect of school life. We are expected and we do ask questions on performance, progress and the development of the school on a regular basis. Most governors are linked with a subject in the curriculum and take part in one of the many sub-committees set up to help monitor and manage the Swaffield school improvement plan, which is in effect the business plan of the school. Swaffield has always been committed to being a genuine community school with a broad based curriculum. While results and statistics have their place in any school (and as you will see in this report, our results are improving every year), the key focus is for every child who comes through Swaffield to experience a rich, varied and enjoyable journey in every year that they spend here. We stand by the concept of education in its broadest sense. For your information, here is a list of all of the governors: Name Category Sub-committee Link subject Lindsay Hopkins (Chair) Community governor Finance Chair Jon Cox (Vice Chair) Parent governor Finance Vice Chair Claire Clay (Vice Chair) Local authority governor Curriculum Vice Chair Chris Lilley Head teacher All committees Denise Shires Deputy head teacher All committees Henry Pugh Local authority governor Finance Sean Gay Local authority governor Finance James Franklin-Adams Parent governor Finance Lesley Middleton Advisor Finance Julie Atkinson Parent governor Finance/Performance and standards Assessment/Early years Sharon Worthington Community governor Performance and standards Maths Liz Love Parent governor Performance and standards/Curriculum Arts/Early years Max Griffin Parent governor Curriculum ICT/Science/Education welfare Dawn Hart Community governor Curriculum SEN/Inclusion/Community Cohesion/Recruitment Debbie Nejand Staff governor Curriculum Teresa Tobin Staff governor Curriculum Sally Calder Staff governor Curriculum Roy Yatali Parent governor Curriculum To be agreed Jayne Harding Local authority governor To be agreed To be agreed Clare Stilgoe Associate governor Child protection English/PE And here is a list of the staff at the school: Year Teachers Class Teaching Assistants SEN Support Staff 6 Mr Jeffries-Hill (KS2 co-ord) (Maths) 2A 6 Miss Bean 2C 6 Miss Cope (KS2 co-ordinator) (English) 1H 5 Mr Scott 2D 5 Mr Hoyle (PHSE) 2E 4 Miss Goodman (Design & technology) 1E 4 Mrs Naldrett (Science) 1F 3 Mr Myers (PE) 1B 3 Miss Hopkinson (Ecology/geography) 1D 2 Mrs Saeed (KS1 co-ordinator) (History) Mrs Davies (general duties) Mrs Saddler (supporting KS2 classes with general duties/part of lunchtime supervision team) Mrs Pavitt (lunch duty) Miss Henry (lunch duty) Miss Murrell Mrs Shojaii Ms Sunderland Mrs Hall Mrs Brace Miss Manson 1G Miss Ford Miss Bates Mrs Reggane Mrs Boag Mrs Barr (Ethnic Minority Achievement - EMA) 2 Miss Jones (Art) 1I Miss Beazley 1 Miss Steel (Drama) G Mrs Appleby 1 Miss House I Miss Saxby R Mrs Nejand (FS co-ordinator) (RE) D Mrs Watling R Miss Ryan (PE) E Mrs Mulligan R Miss Lau (Music) F Mrs Mehiri Agnes Brygola N Gloria Christopher Sally Calder Sarah Hobson Jade Dunton N Miss Lufflum (Music/French) Miss Baltazidis (PE) Mrs Sodeau (KS1 Support) Miss Innes-Kerr (on maternity leave) Mrs Iloanya (on maternity leave) Intervention Team Mrs Tobin Mrs Cox (Maternity Leave) Mrs Desai Mrs Tomlinson EMA Team Miss Crolle Mrs Blunden Mrs Vernaschi Mrs Lilley Mrs Shires Miss Pierssene Mrs Middleton Mrs Burridge Mrs Cox Mr Davies Mr Dark Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Inclusion Manager Business Manager Senior Admin Officer Admin Officer Premises Officer ICT Teaching Assistant School improvement plan – a report from Chris Lilley, head teacher Our last Ofsted report was in January 2008. It stated that Swaffield was a satisfactory school with many good features. Ofsted recognised that our school has many strengths and we are very proud of the fact that we offer a wide and varied curriculum and a safe and happy environment for our children. The school has a school improvement plan which sets out the priorities for the school each year and this year, 2009-2010, our three main priorities are: To improve the quality of the children’s independent writing To secure good foundations in number in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 To raise attainment through early identification of individuals and groups in need of intervention support In addition, every subject co-ordinator is responsible for leading their subject by setting targets and monitoring the planning and delivery of the schemes of work. Governors agree these action plans and meet with subject coordinators throughout the year to monitor the outcomes. We are very pleased with the improvement in our key stage 2 test results and are working hard to meet this year’s targets. The next Ofsted inspection is due this year or next and we expect that the improvements we have made since the last inspection will have a positive effect on the outcomes. Performance sub-committee – a report from Julie Atkinson, parent governor and sub-committee member Following our last Ofsted report in 2008, teachers and staff have worked hard to implement changes through the school improvement plan, to address some of the issues raised, and to raise attainment throughout the school. Our 2009 results clearly prove that Swaffield is starting to reap the rewards. Our key stage 2 results clearly show an improvement on last year's figures across all subjects, with pupils beating targets in maths and science and only narrowly missing out in English. The CVA (contextual value added) is a score used to measure progress in all UK primary schools. It has also improved 99.0 (in 2007), to 99.3 (in 2008), before reaching 100 in 2009 and comparing favourably with other schools in the borough. Various performance indicators have been set up or fine-tuned to track each child’s progress more effectively and identify the need for additional support where necessary. New early years assessment tools are proving particularly effective in the early years for keeping track of progress. Here is a table setting out our KS2 results over the last three years: Year 6 Targets and Results Actual Results Subject 2007 2007 Level 4 Level 5 & above English English Results Maths Maths Results Science Science Results 2008 2008 Level 4 Level 5 & above Targets 2009 2009 Level 4 Level 5 & above 2010 2010 Level 4 Level 5 & above Targets 78% 33% 80% 13% 82% 35% Swaffield 75% 27% 80% 15% 81% 23% Borough 79% 34% 82% 29% 81% 32% National 80% 33% 81% 29% 80% 29% Targets 79% 27% 76% 15% 84% 40% Swaffield 71% 17% 70% 15% 91% 41% Borough 76% 33% 77% 30% 83% 39% National 77% 33% 78% 31% 79% 35% Targets 90% 46% 85% 26% 90% 47% Swaffield 77% 29% 87% 24% 95% 34% Borough 86% 44% 86% 39% 89% 45% National 88% 46% 88% 44% 88% 43% 77% 32% 75% 32% 80% 38% Curriculum sub-committee – a report from Claire Clay, sub-committee chair The curriculum sub-committee members are primarily interested in what the children are taught and how they learn. Each member of the committee has a special interest in a subject, and we frequently meet with the teachers to learn about developments and changes in the curriculum. We are tracking with interest the school’s focus this year on writing and we are all looking forward to the literature festival later this term. We also keep a watchful eye on the school’s policies. This is a huge area, covering everything from bullying to school lunches. At the moment we are particularly concerned with attendance and punctuality, and working hard to improve them. Finance sub-committee – a report from Jon Cox, sub-committee chair The Finance Committee meets once or twice a term and we are regularly in touch by email, as payments over £10K have to be approved. The main project recently has been asking Wandsworth Council for £250,000 for the School Kitchen and Dining Room, which has been confirmed. We work closely with Lesley Middleton, the School Business Manager, covering decoration, windows, computers, School Journey, SCITT, Extended Day, School Balance, the new entrance on St. Anne's Hill and FMSiS (the compliance kite-mark we passed last year). We don't talk about individual teacher pay as that is set by national grades. Most of all we talk about the School Budget, the £2m it costs to run the school, and how it is best spent to ensure the 450 children receive the best education and care. Every child matters to the Finance Committee - Swaffield climbed 17 places in the Wandsworth league tables last year, but even if some children go fast, like on the outside of a merry-go-round, others go carefully round the inside, and all get there together. Inclusion – a report from Anna Pierssene, inclusion manager Swaffield is committed to being an inclusive school and we provide for a range of children’s needs. In January 2010, we had 80 children on the special needs register, which accounts for 19% of the school population. This is just below the borough average of 20%. All these children have an individual provision map, which explains the support they are getting and gives learning targets for them. These are reviewed and shared with parents at open evenings. A comprehensive range of interventions is used to support children who are experiencing difficulties in reading, writing and maths. We have also set up groups to support children with speech and language difficulties and occupational therapy groups which develop children’s motor skills (these are linked to handwriting). These groups are supported by Wandsworth therapists. We identify 10% of our school population as being particularly able in either a subject or a range of subjects. These children are supported in class through careful differentiation to ensure challenge and the development of higher order thinking skills. We also offer a range of clubs and activities, both in school and in conjunction with the local authority, Wandsworth. Children with English as an additional language are well supported at Swaffield with three teaching assistants (EMA support staff) working with children across the school. We celebrate the diversity of the cultures and languages of the children at Swaffield in a variety of ways, including in-class work and through assemblies. Links with other organisations Swaffield is proud to maintain links with other organisations. We think that these benefit our pupils and the local community. Here are some of the organisations we have a particular connection with: Wandsworth Primary Schools’ Consortium, School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) Roehampton University China through the ‘Connecting Classrooms’ project; Links with local secondary schools - Burntwood – science, Chestnut Grove – Art, Ernest Bevin – Sport, Southfields Community College – Sport St Ann’s Church Local business links - Waterstone’s, Starbucks We hope that you have found this report useful and informative. We would love to see you between 5.30 and 6pm on 3 March 2010 in the 1st Floor Hall, but please remember, if you cannot make it then, you can always contact one of the governors to discuss anything you want to. Just email governors@swaffield.wandsworth.sch.uk, or telephone the school on 020 8874 2825 and leave a message asking one of the governors to contact you. IF YOU ARE GOING TO ATTEND please return the slip below to the school office: MEET THE GOVERNORS – between 5.30pm to 6pm on Wednesday 3rd March 2010 I will be attending - Please return this slip to the school office Name:- ___________________________________ Child’s Name & Class _____________________________________________________________