Carville 11 CP MP4 Syllabus 4/21-4/25 M--Journal—write an imagist poem; Faulkner T—“A Rose for Emily”; Vocab 15 Words Vocab 14 I-IV due 4/24 W_”A Rose for Emily”; Robert Frost; “Mending Wall” Th—Vocab 15 HW due; “Death of the Hired Man” F—Harlem Renaissance; Countee Cullen; “Tableau”, “Incident” 4/28-5/2 M—Langston Hughes; “I, Too, Sing America”, “Harlem”; Vocab 15 Review story T—Zora Neale Hurston; Dust Tracks on a Road”; Vocab Review Game W—Vocab 15 Quiz; “Dust Tracks on a Road” Th—Review Moderns Fri—Moderns Test 5/5-5/9 M—Contemporaries Intro/Outline; Vocab 16 Words T—Barthelme; “Game” W—Vocab 16 I-IV due; Alvarez; “Daughter of Invention” Th—Contemporary Poetry; Poetry Assignment; Elizabeth Bishop; “The Fish” F—Gwendolynn Brooks; “The Bean Eaters”; “In Honor of David Anderson Brooks, My Father” 5/12-5/16 M—Vocab 16 Story; Li Young Lee; “Visions and Interpretations”; Writing Workshop— poetry T—Vocab 16 Review; Sylvia Plath; “Mirror;” “Mushrooms” W—Vocab 16 Quiz; Richard Wilbur; “The Beautiful Changes” Th—Review Contemporaries; Writing Workshop—poetry Fri—Contemporaries Test; Poetry Due Monday 5/19-5/23 M—Catcher in the Rye intro; Salinger; read Chapters 1-4 T—Catcher in the Rye; Grammar W—Catcher in the Rye; vocab 17 words; read Chapters 5-9; Vocab 17 I-IV due Fri. Th—Intro Catcher project—Due: ; Catcher in the Rye; Grammar F—Vocab 17 I-IV due; Catcher in the Rye Chapters 1-9 Quiz; Grammar; read Chapters 10-13 5/26-5/30 M—Memorial Day T—Catcher in the Rye—work on projects; Vocab 17 review story; Review Packets W—Catcher in the Rye; Vocab 17 review; read Chapters 14-19 Th—Vocab 17 Quiz; work on Catcher projects; Catcher, Chapters 10-19 Quiz F—Catcher in the Rye, Chapters 10-19 Quiz; Vocab 18 words 6/2-6/6 M—work on projects; Vocab 18 I-IV due T—Catcher in the Rye Conclusion/Review W—Catcher in the Rye Quiz, Chapters 20-26; Vocab 18 Review Th—Literature Review Fri—Vocab 18 Quiz; Vocab Review 6/9-6/13 M—Grammar Review; Catcher projects due T—Finals: 9-8-7 W—Finals: 6-5-4 Th—Finals: 3-2-1 F—Finals Make-up Day