ACTION OHIO COALITION FOR BATTERED WOMEN 2011 Individual Membership Application Please choose your level of support. _____ $100 _____ $75 _____ $50 _____ $25 Name: ____________________________________ Organization (Optional):______________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Fax: ________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ Website: __________________________________ Please mail check or money order (payable to ACTION OHIO) and application to: 5900 Roche Dr., Suite 445, Columbus, OH 43229. (888) 622-9315 Toll-Free | (614) 825-0673 Fax Membership benefits include training opportunity discounts and information briefs featuring accomplishments, work in progress and public policy updates. By joining ACTION OHIO, you support Our Mission – To promote quality programs, services and resources to survivors of domestic violence and Our Goal – To ensure equal rights and empowerment for all individuals as we work toward the eradication of family violence in our society. For use of credit/debit card, please fill in the back. ACTION OHIO Coalition For Battered Women is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible. Thanks for your support! ACTION OHIO COALITION FOR BATTERED WOMEN 2011 Individual Membership Application Please choose your level of support. _____ $100 _____ $75 _____ $50 _____ $25 Name: ____________________________________ Organization (Optional):______________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Fax: ________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ Website: __________________________________ Please mail check or money order (payable to ACTION OHIO) and application to: 5900 Roche Dr., Suite 445, Columbus, OH 43229. (888) 622-9315 Toll-Free | (614) 825-0673 Fax Membership benefits include training opportunity discounts and information briefs featuring accomplishments, work in progress and public policy updates. By joining ACTION OHIO, you support Our Mission – To promote quality programs, services and resources to survivors of domestic violence and Our Goal – To ensure equal rights and empowerment for all individuals as we work toward the eradication of family violence in our society. For use of credit/debit card, please fill in the back. ACTION OHIO Coalition For Battered Women is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible. Thanks for your support! ACTION OHIO COALITION FOR BATTERED WOMEN 2011 Individual Membership Application Please choose your level of support. _____ $100 _____ $75 _____ $50 _____ $25 Name: ____________________________________ Organization (Optional):______________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Fax: ________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ Website: __________________________________ Please mail check or money order (payable to ACTION OHIO) and application to: 5900 Roche Dr., Suite 445, Columbus, OH 43229. (888) 622-9315 Toll-Free | (614) 825-0673 Fax Membership benefits include training opportunity discounts and information briefs featuring accomplishments, work in progress and public policy updates. By joining ACTION OHIO, you support Our Mission – To promote quality programs, services and resources to survivors of domestic violence and Our Goal – To ensure equal rights and empowerment for all individuals as we work toward the eradication of family violence in our society. For use of credit/debit card, please fill in the back. ACTION OHIO Coalition For Battered Women is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible. Thanks for your support! ________ Visa _________ MasterCard ___________ Discover Card # _______________________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________/ ___________ Name on card ____________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s zip code _________________ Signature ________________________________________ Date __________________ ________ Visa _________ MasterCard ___________ Discover Card # _______________________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________/ ___________ Name on card ____________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s zip code _________________ Signature ________________________________________ Date __________________ ________ Visa _________ MasterCard ___________ Discover Card # _______________________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________/ ___________ Name on card ____________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s zip code _________________ Signature ________________________________________ Date __________________