
Workbook 1: Introduction to Marketing Concepts.
(Khmer version)
Training Topic.
A. The marketing concept:
 The product approach.
 The selling approach.
 The customer approach……………………………………………………………….11
B. Customer satisfaction:
 Needs, wants and demands.
 Customers buy benefits.
C. The Marketing plan…………………………………………………………………………32 & 36
D. Module review.
E. Workplace action plan.
 What is a workplace action plan.
 How to complete the workplace action plan.
 What to do with the workplace action plan.
 The next step.
Workbook 2: About customers: Gathering information.
A. The Importance of finding out information about customers.
 Overview………………………………………………………………………………4
 Know your customers…………………………………………………………………5 + 6
B. Customer buying behavior………………………………………………………………….10
 Cultural factors.
- Culture.
- Subculture.
- Social classes.
Social factors.
- Reference groups.
- Family.
- Roles and status.
Personal factors.
- Age & stage in life cycle.
- Occupation.
- Finance situation.
- Lifestyle.
Psychological factors.
- Motivation.
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Beliefs and attitudes.
C. Business buying behavior.
 Characteristics of business buyers…………………………………………………….23
- Characteristics of business buyers (Business market).
- Characteristics of final customers (Consumer market).
- Few buyers & large number of buyers.
- Derived demand.
- Professional purchasing.
- Closer supplier - customer relationships.
- More direct buying.
Role played in the business process……………………………………………………26
Factors that influence business buying…………………………………………………32
- External environmental factors.
- Internal environmental factors.
- Interpersonal factors.
- Individual factors.
B. Workbook overview.
C. Work place action plan.
 What is a workplace action plan.
 How to complete the workplace action plan.
 What to do with the workplace action plan.
 The next step.
Workbook 3: Gathering information on purchasing process & trends.
A. Gathering data about customers…………………………………………………………….3
 Secondary data.
 Types of secondary data.
- External data.
- Internal data.
Primary data.
B. The customer buying process……………………………………………………………….16
 Problem recognition.
 Information seeking.
 Evaluation of alternatives.
 Buying decision.
 Post-purchase evaluation.
 Promotion customer buying……………………………………………………………20
C. The business buying process…………………………………………………………………23
 Problem recognition.
 General need description.
 Product specifications.
 Supplier search.
 Request for proposals.
 Supplier selection.
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Order routine specification.
Performance review.
D. Forecasting buyer needs & trends.
 What people say.
 What people do.
 What people have done.
E. Workbook review.
F. Workplace action plan.
 What is a workplace action plan.
 How to complete the workplace action plan.
 What to do with the workplace action plan.
 The next step.
Workbook 4: Production planning & development.
A. Understanding a product……………………………………………………………………3
 Three levels of product………………………………………………………………..5
 Consumer and industrial product……………………………………………………...7
- Consumer product.
- Industrial product.
B. Making product decisions.
 Product attributes.
 Branding.
 Packaging.
 Product support service.
C. Product management.
 Role of product manager.
 Developing new products……………………………………………………………… 21
E. Workbook review.
F. Workplace action plan.
 What is a workplace action plan.
 How to complete the workplace action plan.
 What to do with the workplace action plan.
 The next step.
Workbook 5: Pricing and pricing strategy.
A. Factors that affect pricing……………………………………………………………………2
Internal factors that affect pricing.
- Marketing objectives.
- Marketing mix strategy.
- Costs.
External factors that affect pricing.
- Market & demand.
- Competitors.
- Other external factors.
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Factors affecting high prices and low prices………………………………………….11
B. General approaches to pricing……………………………………………………………..21
 Cost-based pricing.
 Competition-based pricing.
 Value-based pricing.
C. New product pricing strategies.
 Market skimming pricing.
 Market penetration pricing.
D. Workbook review.
E. Workplace action plan.
 What is a workplace action plan.
 How to complete the workplace action plan.
 What to do with the workplace action plan.
 The next step.
Workbook 6: Promotion and advertising.
A. The elements of promotion strategy.
 Setting promotion objectives…………………………………………………………...4
 The four tools in the promotion mix……………………………………………………6; 7; 8; 9
B. Selecting the right for promotion tools.
 Type of product and market……………………………………………………………16
 Push strategy versus pull strategy………………………………………………………19
 Buyer readiness stage.......................................................................................................20
 Product life-cycle stage.
C. Creating an advertising program.
 Advertising objectives.
 the advertising message.
 Making media decisions.
 Selecting advertising media………………………………………………………….....30-35
D. Workbook review.
E. Workplace action plan.
 What is a workplace action plan.
 How to complete the workplace action plan.
 What to do with the workplace action plan.
 The next step.
Number of transparencies: 34
 Workbook 1: 3
 Workbook 2: 6
 Workbook 3: 4
 Workbook 4: 4
 Workbook 5: 3
 Workbook 6: 14
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