GRM 2324 Population and Migration Department of Geography and Resource Management The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Ref: popug00h.doc Lecturer: Dr. SHEN Jianfa (Rm 227, Wong Foo Yuan Bldg, ext. 6469, E-mail: Tutors: Mr Leung Chiu Yin (Room 232, Wong Foo Yuan Bldg, 2609 6537, E-mail: Miss Luk Wai Yin, Nicola (Room 232, Wong Foo Yuan Bldg, 2609 6537, E-mail: Course Outline and Requirement Course description: This course will examine population growth, distribution and migration. Various concepts and methods for geographical analysis of population such as population capacity, population regulation, population model, and migration analysis will be introduced using examples of Hong Kong, China and other countries. Topics discussed include population growth and regulation, demographic transition and population ageing, internal and international migration, population and resources. Course objectives: This course will enable students to achieve the following: 1. To master the basic concepts, theory and methods in population analysis; 2. To discuss confidently on the challenging issues of population explosion and ageing in the world; 3. To understand the reasons of population changes especially migration; 4. Be able to conduct basic population analysis for a geographical region and know their wide applications; 5. To be informed of the application of GIS and computing for population monitoring and analysis. Teaching methods: Various examples and case studies such as Hong Kong, China and western countries will be used to illustrate concepts and methods for geographical analysis of population. Using project, tutorials and reading assignments to encourage students to engage in population analysis and discussion. Using WebCT facility to enhance interaction and exchange between students and lecturer/tutors. Schedule: Week Date Topics 1 8/9 Population and Resources 2 15/9 Cancelled 3 22/9 Population Growth and Regulation 4 29/9 Measuring Population Changes 5 6/10 Population Census: Development and Applications (Reading quiz 1) 6 13/10 Population Models and Projection 7 20/10 Demographic Transition and Mortality Changes 8 27/10 Demographic Transition and Fertility Changes (Mid-term quiz) 9 3/11 10 10/11 Migration: Concepts, Theory and Models 11 17/11 Internal Migration (Reading quiz 3) 12 24/11 International Migration: Overseas Chinese 13 1/12 Population Ageing: Problem and Policies (Reading quiz 2) Population and Migration in Hong Kong Format: • 2 lecture-hours/week, project/tutorials. Assessment: • Final test 35%, Mid-term quiz 20%, Reading quiz 15%, Project/tutorials 30%. Recommended reference books: • Jones H R, 1990, Population Geography, Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd, London (HB1951.J66) • Peters G L and Larkin R P, 2005, Population Geography: Problems, Concepts, and Prospects. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co. • Plane D and Rogerson P, 1994, The Geographical Analysis of Population: With Applications to Planning and Business, John Wiley, New York (HB1951.P58 1994) • Weeks J R, 2008, Population: an Introduction to Concepts and Issues. Belmont, Calif.: Thomson/Wadsworth Pub. Co. • Zhang Shanyu 张善余, 1999, Ren kou di li xue gai lun 人口地理学槪论, Shanghai: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she (HB1951 .C43 1999) Required weekly readings: A list of weekly readings will be provided. Each student must complete one reading item each week after the lecture that will be tested in the mid-term and final examinations. There will be three reading quizzes in the class. There are additional reading lists for each lecture. The most basic references will be made available via web-links in the course web site or the Reserve Books Counter in the Chung Chi Library except journal papers that are available electronically from the university library system. Journals on Population and Migration: • On-line Population Index 1986-Present • On-line Journals: Population, Space and Place (International Journal of Population Geography) (HB1951I584) � Population and Environment � Population and Development Review � The International Migration Review (JV6001.A1I56 UL) � Asia-Pacific Population Journal � • Library Journals: Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (JV8490 .A23 UL) Requirement of population project: Each student is required to conduct an independent population project using China 2000 census data, Hong Kong 2001 census or 2006 by-census data, International Data Base (IDB) of US Census Bureau. Each student should complete a report, 2000-3000 words long, on the population status and/or structure in a particular city, province or country on a selected topic. The project will be presented at tutorial sessions first before the final report is submitted considering suggestions from the class. Detailed arrangement is as follows: 1. Week 1 in lecture time: briefing on project requirement 2. Choosing project topic in week 3 (posting to WebCT from 8:00am Monday, 21 Sept) 3. Meeting in week 5: introducing and discussing chosen topics by group (3%+2%) 4. Submitting draft report to tutors in week 8 (5pm, 27 October) (10% deduction if no submission) 5. Meeting in week 9, 10, 11, 12: presenting project and discussion by group (10%+5%) 6. Submitting final report in week 13 (5pm, 1 December) (10%) The report should include an introduction, main body of text, conclusion and references with 1-5 tables and 1-5 figures. Students should design and produce own tables and figures using Word or Excel. Hard copy of draft report should be submitted to the tutor before 5pm, 27 October (10% mark will be deducted from 100% of the course if draft report is not submitted). The draft report should be revised after your presentation. The final report should include a list of changes made over the draft report. Submitting final report to VeriGuide system Each student needs to submit a softcopy of the final report to the VeriGuide system at: Students should use CWEM account to login and provide following information to upload the final report: • Course code: GRM2324 • Assignment no: 2 (You are NOT required to submit draft report to VeriGuide) • Due date for assignment: 1 December After submission, a student should receive a receipt and an academic honesty declaration statement via an e-mail from VeriGuide. Print the receipt and the declaration statement. Submitting final report to tutors A hardcopy of the final report, together with VeriGuide receipt and declaration statement, should be handed to the tutor and the softcopy should also be posted to the "Project report" section of the Discussion in the course web-site before 5pm, 1 December. China 2000 census data available on-line: China data online China 2000 census data for the whole country China 2000 census data by township, town and street China 2000 census data by county-level units China 2000 census data available in the University Service Center for China Studies in CUHK: Population Census Office and DPSSTS, 2002, Tabulations on the 2000 Population Census of the People’s Republic of China, Vol.1-3 (China Statistics Press, Beijing) and other provincial/city volumes. Hong Kong 2001 census and 2006 by-census data available on-line: (Main tables) (Main reports/main tables) (Excel tables) Hong Kong 2001 census data available in the main library: Census and Statistics Department, 2002, 2001 Population Census. Main Report. HKSAR (UL/CC Gov Document HA4651.5 2001.H6). Census and Statistics Department, 2002, 2001 Population Census. TAB on CD-ROM, HKSAR (UL/CC Gov Document HA4651.5 2001.H6). International Data Base (IDB) of US Census Bureau: Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at With each assignment, students will be required to submit a statement that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures. Declaration statement for student assignment (Use VeriGuide statement if applicable) I declare that the assignment here submitted is original except for source material explicitly acknowledged. I also acknowledge that I am aware of University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations, as contained in the website ___________________ ___________________ Signatures Date ___________________ ___________________ Names Student ID __________ ___________________________________________ Course code Course title