2009 Call for Nominations and Applications Memo

All Students
From: Susan Palmer, Associate Dean
Date: March 3, 2009
This year’s Student/Faculty Awards Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, April 8 at 12:45 p.m.
Each year, the School of Law community recognizes outstanding achievement at this special event.
Most of the following scholarships and awards are given on the basis of student applications and
recommendations. To apply for an award or scholarship, please review the criteria and complete the
appropriate application form. If you would like to recommend someone for an award, please
complete the attached recommendation form. All applications and recommendations must be
completed and returned to Laura Long in Room 105 by Thursday, March 19. If you need more
than one application or recommendation form, feel free to make photocopies or download the forms
from the School of Law web page. Please consider your classmates who you feel are deserving of
any of these awards and submit recommendations for them.
Capers Bouton Memorial Scholarship
Description: Presented in memory of Capers Bouton, a 1975 graduate of the Law School. The
recipient must demonstrate his or her effort at financial independence by working
during their law school experience. Criteria includes: rising 3 rd year student, married,
principal residence in Greenville County when not in law school, a GPA of 2.75 or
above and employed while in school. The name and address of employer must also
be included.
School of Law Committee
Sherod H. Eadon Scholarship
Description: Endowed by the family of Lynwood Hightower to honor Sherod Eadon, a 1979 USC
law graduate, a great South Carolina lawyer, and an outstanding man. This
scholarship award is presented to a student who exhibits an interest and ability in trial
advocacy and who possesses those personal qualities representative of Sherod Eadon,
such as academic excellence, integrity, leadership, and interpersonal skills.
School of Law Committee
Knox Haynsworth Scholarship
Description: Given in honor of well-respected Greenville attorney Knox Haynsworth and
presented to a third year student with a demonstrated interest or excels in Labor Law.
School of Law Committee
John Holland Scholarship
Description: Given in memory of John Holland who graduated from Law School in 1980, engaged
in the practice of law, and died in a tragic automobile accident in 1986. This
scholarship is awarded to a rising 3L who demonstrates a commitment to leadership
and extracurricular activities.
School of Law Committee
Susan V. “Gina” Johnston Award
Description: Given in memory of Gina Johnston, a 1983 graduate of USC Law School. Ms.
Johnston began her career with Haynsworth, Sinkler and Boyd, specializing in
medical malpractice and working as a sole practitioner until her untimely death in
1984. This award is presented to a deserving law student.
School of Law Committee
Stanley H. Kohn Memorial Scholarship
Description: Presented to a rising second or third year student who is a member of Phi Alpha Delta
who demonstrates scholastic achievement, high moral character and financial need.
School of Law Committee
Karen Lee Scholarship*
Description: Given in memory of Karen Lee and presented to a rising third year student who best
combines dedication to academic pursuits with a genuine concern for the welfare of
fellow classmates. Karen was a “B” student, but got there through hard work. Most
important, she is remembered as having a true concern for all members of the class.
She was the leader who helped diffuse the economic, social, and racial cliques that
for a time were evident in her class. She had a nice thing to say to everyone, and
always had a smile. She was the sponsor of all the class “get well” and “condolence
School of Law Committee
*This award has a separate application form, which is attached and available on the
School of Law website.
Luther Lee Scholarship
Description: Awarded to a third year student who demonstrates a significant interest in trial
practice. Mr. Lee was a 1950 graduate of the Law School and a self-proclaimed
“plaintiff’s lawyer.” He served as an officer of the South Carolina Trial Lawyers
School of Law Committee
Senator Burnet R. Maybank Scholarship
Description: Presented to a rising second or third year student who is a member of Delta Theta Phi
who demonstrates scholastic achievement and high moral character.
School of Law Committee
Susan McCrary Scholarship
Description: Given in memory of Susan McCrary, a member of the Class of 2000, who was killed
in an automobile accident during her second year of law school. This award is
presented to a rising third year student who has actively participated in student
volunteer organizations while in law school such as the Pro Bono program and the
James L. Petigru Public Interest Law Society. Other law school and community
activities may be considered.
School of Law Committee
Anthony Raymond Scholarship
Description: Given in memory of Anthony Raymond, who was disabled in a 1975 diving accident
and completed his USC undergraduate and law school educations with honors. After
graduation in 1984, he engaged in the practice of law until his untimely death in
1985. This scholarship is awarded to a disabled student who best exemplifies
courage, determination, and advocacy of the rights of disabled students.
School of Law Committee
Joseph O. Rogers, Jr. Scholarship*
Description: Presented to a rising third year student who exemplifies the highest ideals of the legal
profession, by adherence to strict ethical standards; diligent preparation; decent, civil
and courteous conduct; and fidelity to fellow students and the profession.
School of Law Committee
*This award has a separate application form, which is attached and available on the
School of Law website.
G.G. Dowling Student Award
Description: Given in honor of G.G. Dowling, a 1938 graduate, who was a senior partner in the
Dowling law firm of Beaufort. Presented to a student who exemplifies qualities of
integrity, concern for others and demonstrated scholarship achievement.
School of Law Committee
Waccamaw Community Foundation/Boone Foundation Award
Description: The Waccamaw Community Foundation is seeking applications from
law students for the Boone Foundation Scholarship Fund for Law.
USC students enrolled in the law program will compete with students
in similar programs at George Washington University and
Georgetown University. Students should submit a short essay on the
reasons he or she should be considered for such a scholarship. Within
the essay, students should include their full name, school, hometown,
address, and concentration area (if applicable). The Foundation
requests a recent photograph for publicity purposes.
Eligible applicants must be presently enrolled in a law program at one of the
aforementioned schools, have a grade point ratio of 3.5 or higher, and
financial need. First preference is for students from Horry County, South
Carolina. If there are no eligible law students from Horry County, the
scholarship award nominees may be any law student(s) meeting the above
criteria from the State of South Carolina.
The typewritten essay with the accompanying photograph should be
submitted through the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Susan
Palmer, by 5:00 p.m. on March 31, Room 105 of the Law School.
Dean Palmer may be reached at 777-6605 or by email at
Waccamaw Community Foundation Committee
Hugh L. Willcox Pro Bono Volunteer of the Year Award and Outstanding Pro Bono Service
Description: Presented to those students who have been exemplars for other volunteers through
their participation, support and demonstrated commitment to the goals and activities
of the USC School of Law Pro Bono Program.
Pro Bono Board
*See Pro Bono web page for further criteria for these awards.
Susan McCrary Volunteer of the Year Award
Description: Given in memory of Susan McCrary, a member of the Class of 2000, who was killed
in an automobile accident during her second year of law school. Presented to a
student who is active in Women in Law sponsored pro bono projects, pushes others to
do their best, unselfishly gives to others and tirelessly works to help others.
Women in Law
Announcement of the following awards will be made at the Awards Day Luncheon. The
recipients of these awards are chosen by members of the faculty or established selection
Arthur B. Custy Award
Awarded to the best student in Taxation.
The Richard J. Foster Award
Awarded to the 1L with the highest GPA.
The Coleman Karesh Award
Awarded to the 2L with the highest GPA.
The Cy Young Award
Awarded to the 3L with the highest GPA.
The Irving Steinberg Award
Awarded to the student with the highest grade in Workers Compensation.
The Claud Sapp Award
Awarded to the 3L student who best exemplifies the combination of scholarship, leadership, and
industry. The recipient is selected by a vote of the 3L class.
Student Bar Association Service Award
Awarded to an SBA member who demonstrates outstanding leadership and service.
Robert T. Bockman Award
Awarded to an outstanding member of the Moot Court Bar.
Roberts Senior Class Writing Award
Awarded to the student who presents the best research paper.
American Bar Association Real Property, Estate and Trust Law Journal Writing Award
Awarded to a Journal member for their excellence in writing.
Albert C. Todd, III, Estate Planning Award
Awarded to a third year student who exemplifies integrity, industry, leadership, and interpersonal
Pro Bono Service Awards
Awarded to students who demonstrate commitment to public service through Pro Bono activities.