acc03 - 國立彰化師範大學圖書館

系所:會計學系 碩士班
共 6 頁,第 1 頁
Problem 1 (20%)
The professional standards (SAS 82, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit)
require the auditor to assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements due to fraud
and to consider that assessment in designing the audit procedures to be performed. In making the
assessment, the auditor should consider fraud risk factors and other conditions that relate to both (1)
misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting, and (2) misstatements arising from
misappropriation of assets. While such risk factors and other conditions do not necessarily indicate
the existence of fraud, they often have been observed in circumstances where frauds have occurred.
You are to identify which of the followings are fraud risk factors and other conditions, as
identified in the professional standards. If the factor is a risk factor or other condition, choose the
yes oval, Y; if it is not a risk factor, choose the no oval, N.
1. Management has a practice of conveying forecast information to analysts, creditors, and other
third parties.
2. Several claims against the senior management are outstanding alleging a violation of the
securities laws.
3. The company has shown the ability to generate a positive cash flow from operations, while
reporting earnings and earnings growth.
4. Rapid changes are occurring in the client’s industry, including rapid product development.
5. New accounting pronouncements have resulted in the issuance of audit reports that include
consistency modifications for many companies in the industry.
6. The company has a high degree of vulnerability to changes in interest rates.
7. Although numerous original documents are missing, the client makes available photocopied
documents of the misplaced originals.
8. The company has outsourced a portion of the internal audit function.
9. Budgets, while realistic, stress the need to report positive earnings figures.
10. The company’s financial statements include a number of last-minute adjustments that
significantly affect financial results.
系所:會計學系 碩士班
共 6 頁,第 2 頁
Problem 2 (20%)
Items 1 through 10 present various internal control strengths or internal control deficiencies.
For each item, select from the list below the appropriate response.
A. Internal control strength for the revenue cycle (including cash receipts).
B. Internal control deficiency for the revenue cycle (including cash receipts).
C. Internal control strength unrelated to the revenue cycle.
Items to be answered
1. Credit is granted by a credit department.
2. Sales returns are presented to a sales department clerk who prepares a written, prenumbered
shipping report.
3. Statements sent monthly to customers.
4. Write-offs of accounts receivable are approved by the controller.
5. Cash disbursements over $10,000 require two signatures on the clerk.
6. Cash receipts received in the mail are received by a secretary with no recordkeeping responsibility.
7. Cash receipts received in the mail are forwarded unopened with remittance advices to accounting.
8. The cash receipts journal is prepared by the treasurer’s department.
9. Cash is deposited weekly.
10. Bank reconciliation is prepared by individuals independent of cash receipts recordkeeping.
Problem 3 (20%)
Analytical procedures are an important part of the audit process. They consist of evaluations of
financial information made by a study of plausible relationships among both financial and
nonfinancial data. Analytical procedures may be performed during planning, as a substantive test,
or as a part of the overall review of an audit.
For items 1 through 10, select the stage of the audit for which the statement is the most accurate
using the following replies:
A. Planning the audit.
B. Substantive testing.
C. Overall review.
D. Statement is not correct concerning analytical procedures.
系所:會計學系 碩士班
共 6 頁,第 3 頁
Each response may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
Items to be answered concerning analytical procedures
1. Not required to be performed during this stage.
2. Should focus on enhancing the auditor’s understanding of the client’s business and the
transactions and events that have occurred since the last audit date.
3. Should focus on identifying areas that may represent specific risks relevant to the audit.
4. Do not result in detection of misstatements.
5. Designed to obtain evidential matter about particular assertions related to account balances or
classes of transactions.
6. Generally use data aggregated at a lower level than the other stages.
7. Should include reading the financial statements and notes to consider the adequacy of evidence
8. Involve reconciliation of confirmation replies with recorded book amounts.
9. Use the preliminary or unadjusted working trial balance as a source of data.
10. Expected to result in a reduced level of detection risk.
Problem 4 (20%)
Items 1 through 5 present various independent factual situations an auditor might encounter in
conducing an audit. List A represents the types of opinions the auditor ordinarily would issue and
List B represents the report modifications (if any) that would be necessary. For each situation,
select one response from List A and one from List B. Select as the best answers for each item the
action the auditor normally would take. The types of opinions in List A and the report
modifications in List B may be selected once, more than once, or not at all.
.The auditor is independent.
.The auditor previously expressed an unqualified opinion on the prior year’s financial statements.
.Only single-year (not comparative) statements are presented for the current year.
.The conditions for an unqualified opinion exist unless contradicted by the facts.
.The conditions stated in the factual situations are material.
.No report modifications are to be made except in response to the factual situation.
Items to be answered
1. An auditor hires an actuary to assist in corroborating a client’s complex pension calculations
concerning accrued pension liabilities that account for 35% of the client’s total liabilities. The
actuary’s findings are reasonably close to the client’s calculations and support the financial
系所:會計學系 碩士班
共 6 頁,第 4 頁
2. A client holds a note receivable consisting of principal and accrued interest payable in 2004. The
note’s maker recently filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition, but the client failed to reduce the
recorded value of the note to its net realizable value, which is approximately 20% of the recorded
3. An auditor is engaged to audit a client’s financial statements after the annual physical inventory
count. The accounting records are not sufficiently reliable to enable the auditor to become
satisfied as to the year-end inventory balances.
4. A principal auditor decides not to take responsibility for the work of another CPA who audited a
wholly owned subsidiary of the principal auditor’s client. The total assets and revenues of the
subsidiary represent 27% and 28%, respectively, of the related consolidated totals.
5. Due to losses and adverse key financial ratios, an auditor has substantial doubt about a client’s
ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. The client has adequately
disclosed its financial difficulties in a note to its financial statements, which do not include any
adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
List A
Types of opinions
A. Either an “except for” qualified opinion or an
adverse opinion
B. Either a disclaimer of opinion or an “except
for” qualified opinion
C. Either an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of
D. An “except for” qualified opinion
E. An unqualified opinion
F. An adverse opinion
G. A disclaimer of opinion
List B
Report modifications
H. Describe the circumstances in an explanatory
paragraph without modifying the three
standard paragraphs.
I. Describe the circumstances in an explanatory
paragraph and modify the opinion paragraph.
J. Describe the circumstances in an explanatory
paragraph and modify the scope and opinion
K. Describe the circumstances in an explanatory
paragraph and modify the introductory,
scope, and opinion paragraphs.
L. Describe the circumstances within the scope
paragraph without adding an explanatory
M. Describe the circumstances within the
opinion paragraph without adding an
explanatory paragraph.
N. Describe the circumstances within the scope
and opinion paragraphs without adding an
explanatory paragraph.
O. Describe the circumstances within the
introductory, scope, and opinion paragraphs
without adding an explanatory paragraph.
P. Issue the standard auditor’s report without
系所:會計學系 碩士班
共 6 頁,第 5 頁
Problem 5 (20%)
Computer processing has become the primary means used to process financial accounting
information in most business. Consistent with this situation, CPAs must have knowledge of audit
techniques using computers and of computer terminology.
Part a.
Select the type of audit technique being described in items 1 through 5. Computer audit
techniques may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Computer audit technique
1. Auditing by manually testing the input
A. Auditing “around” the computer.
and output of a computer system.
2. Dummy transactions developed by the
auditor and processed by the client’s
computer programs, generally for a batch
processing system.
3. Fictitious and real transactions are
B. I/O audit approach.
C. Integrated test facility.
D. Parallel simulation.
E. Processing output control.
F. Test data.
G. Write extract routine.
processed together without the client’s
operating personnel knowing of the testing
4. May include a simulated division or subsidiary
into the accounting system with the purpose
of running fictitious transactions through it.
5. Use a generalized audit software package
prepared by the auditors.
Part b.
For items 6 through 10 select the type of computer control that is described in the definition that is
presented. Each control may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
系所:會計學系 碩士班
6. A control that will detect blanks existing in input
data when they should not.
7. A control to ensure that jobs run simultaneously
in a multiprogramming environment cannot change
the allocated memory of another job.
8. A digit added to an identification number to detect
certain types of data transmission or transposition
9. A terminal control to limit access to programs or
files to authorized users.
10.A total of one field for all the records of a batch
where the total is meaningless for financial purposes.
共 6 頁,第 6 頁
Computer Control
H. Backup and recovery.
I. Boundary protection.
J. Check digit.
K. Control digit.
L. File protection ring.
M. Hash total.
N. Missing data check.
O. Personal identification codes.
P. Visitor entry logs.