Gossip can be good for you? Ideas for classroom use (See MIFGASHIM October 23, 2005) Betty Ann Ross: Coordinator of Educational Resources BJE Nassau/Queens Center rossb@bjeny.org THEME: AGES: VALUES, LASHON HARA MIDDLE SCHOOL AND UP BIG IDEA: Judaism contains guidelines about behaviors among people as well as between people and God An article in the NY Times describes the value and usefulness of gossip. It suggests that gossip keeps people 'in line', that it serves to reinforce cultural norms of behavior. It quotes researchers who explain how gossip is used to correct unacceptable behaviors. htp://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/16/science/16goss.html?pagewanted=print Judaism has an interesting perspective on gossip. Divide your class into two groups. Divide each group into smaller groups of no more than 3 students. Each group should read one of the following two articles: http://www.jewfaq.org/speech.htm http://www.torah.net/sites/halachayomit/lashon.html QUESTIONS TO ASK: 1.Is there a difference between gossip and lashon hara? 2. Does Judaism permit gossip? Explain your answer. 3. Does what you read suggest that Judaism views gossip in the way the NY Times article describes? Explain. 4. How does what you read about the Jewish attitude toward gossip agree or disagree with what you read in the NY Times article? 5. What do you think about gossip/lashon hara in your life? ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES: Go to this site for a cartoon (look at it before using it with your students) about lashon hara. What is the meaning of this cartoon to you? http://shabot6000.com/archive.php?id=30 The following website suggests a simple project you may want to do with students: http://www.usy.org/yourusy/sato/projects.asp The following article is not for direct use in the classroom, but you may find it interesting reading. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/16/opinion/16shriver.html?pagewanted=pri nt