DNA, RNA and Protein Project

Honors Biology DNA Project
Counted as Test Grade!
Both part I and II have to be turned in at the same day and time with rubric attached to
the poster, otherwise not accepted!
You may work independently or as a group (no more than 3 people)
Due: Monday 2/1/16 for A-Day; Tuesday 2/2/16 for B-Day
As you have learned from last semester that DNA and RNA are examples of Nucleic
Acids; and nucleotides are their subunits or monomers. DNA stores and transmits genetic
information in all living organisms. Before the cell divides, DNA must be replicated to ensure
that both daughter cells contain the exact same DNA sequence. The replication process occurs
during S-Phase of the Inter-phase. Prokaryotes have no nucleus and therefore, DNA is copied
within its cytoplasm. However, DNA is being synthesized in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
Without the genetic instruction, cells technically are non-functional or dead and cannot be
considered as living things. This is because proteins regulate all cellular processes and the
instructions to make proteins are being stored or encoded within the DNA itself. Therefore, DNA
is essential and plays an important integral part all living organisms. Thus, it is critical to learn
and understand DNA and how it works within the cells.
I. Part I 3-D Model of DNA
You are to create a 3-D model of DNA using the materials of your choice. However, you
must label all parts of the DNA, such as nucleotide (phosphate group, 5-carbon sugar, and
nitrogenous bases), Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and Thymine (T). Make sure you
pair nitrogenous bases correctly. Adenine will always bind to Thymine and Guanine binds to
Cytosine (A-T and G-C). Then in a paragraph of at least 6 sentences describe how information
for specifying the traits of an organism is carried in the DNA and stating whether or not these
components are commonly found in all living organisms. This worth 80 points (see rubric).
II. Part II 2-D Model of Replication, Transcription, and Translation Process
For the second half of your project, you have to use a poster to draw and explain the
following processes. This worth 110 points:
1. DNA Replication (process of making another copy of DNA)
a. Draw a picture of DNA replication and color it
b. Type up a written description explaining the followings:
i. What is DNA replication and what’s the purpose?
ii. Where does DNA replication occur?
iii. How does DNA replicate? Step by step process.
2. Transcription (process of making RNA from a DNA strand)
a. Draw a picture of transcription and color it
b. Type up a written description explaining the followings:
i. What is transcription and what’s the purpose?
ii. Where does transcription occur?
iii. How does it happen? Step by step process.
3. Translation (process of making proteins using a messenger RNA strand)
a. Draw a picture of translation and color it
b. Type up a written description explaining the followings:
i. What is translation and what’s the purpose?
ii. Where does it occur?
iii. How does it happen? Step by step process.
Be sure to give me this rubric when you turn in project
10pts will be taken off if no rubric attached!
Part I: 3-D Model of DNA
1. Is the model able to stand? (10pts)
2. Label all parts? Make a Key? (30pts)
3. Describing paragraph of at least 6 sentences correctly. (15)
4. Creativity: Model is creative, original and aesthetically pleasing. (20pts)
5. Names, date, period (5pts)
Part II 2-D Model of Replication, Transcription, and Translation Process
1. DNA Replication (process of making another copy of DNA)
a. Draw a picture of DNA replication and color it (10pts)
b. Type up a written description explaining the followings:
What is DNA replication and its purpose? (10pts)
ii. Where does DNA replication occur? (5pts)
iii. How does DNA replicate? Step by step process. (10pts)
2. Transcription (process of making RNA from a DNA strand)
a. Draw a picture of transcription and color it (10pts)
b. Type up a written description explaining the followings:
i. What is transcription and its purpose? 10pts)
ii. Where does transcription occur? (5pts)
iii. How does it happen? Step by step process. (10pts)
3. Translation (process of making proteins using a messenger RNA strand)
a. Draw a picture of translation and color it (10pts)
b. Type up a written description explaining the followings:
i. What is translation and its purpose? (10pts)
ii. Where does it occur? (5pts)
iii. How does it happen? Step by step process. (10pts)
4. Names, date, period (5pts)
5. Creativity (20 points):
Poster is creative, original and aesthetically pleasing.
6. Content & Grammar (10 points):
Poster contains no scientific, spelling or
grammatical errors.
7. MLA Citation (10 points): Properly cited
1st day late = 10pts off
2nd day late = 20pts off
You cannot turn in your project after 2nd day and will receive a zero!
Oral Presentation will be count as a separate
grade!! I’ll give you the rubric later.