Study Guide KC 1301

Study Guide KC 1301
Fall 2012
Chapter 6
1. Explain how republican ideology contributed to the ills confronting the country in
the 1780s, and how Madison proposed to deal with those problems.
2. Identify the major issues separating the Federalists and Antifederalists. Describe
and evaluate the positions taken by each.
3. In Federalist paper #10, why does James Madison indicate that ‘faction’ is one of
the major dangers facing the new nation? How does he propose to reduce that
Articles of Confederation
Virginia Plan
Bill of Rights
3/5 Compromise
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
New Jersey Plan
Federalist/Anti Federalist
Shays’s Rebellion
Great Compromise
AME Church
Bill of Rights
Chapter 7
1. Evaluate George Washington’s strengths and weaknesses as president.
2. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of John Adams as president.
3. Describe the XYZ Affair and its impact on domestic politics, specifically explaining
the intent and results of the Alien and Sedition Acts, as well as the Kentucky and
Virginia Resolutions.
4. Summarize the accomplishments of the Federalists while they were in power.
Judiciary Act of 1789
Whiskey Rebellion
Alien and Sedition Acts
Implied Powers
Jay’s Treaty
XYZ Affair
lame duck
Hamilton’s Report of the Public Credit
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Bank of the United States
Chapter 8
1. Describe the condition and advances of the American economy in this era.
2. List the goals of Jefferson as president and evaluate his success in accomplishing
3. Explain the circumstances and consequences of the Louisiana Purchase.
4. Describe the background, results, and significance of the Marbury v. Madison
decision (1803).
5. Discuss the reasons for the ultimate demise of the Federalist party during this era.
‘War Hawks’
Louisiana Purchase
Battle of New Orleans
Albert Gallatin
Treaty of Ghent
Marbury v. Madison
Hartford Convention
Lewis & Clark Expedition
embargo act
Judicial Review
Chapter 9
1. Describe the process by which western lands were organized and sold
2. List and explain the reasons why the South became the world’s greatest cotton
3. Develop the main issues of sectional disturbance that accompanied the Missouri
4. Explain the perceived international conditions that led to the Monroe Doctrine as
well as the specific intent of this statement.
Adams-Onis Treaty
John Ross
Missouri Compromise
“Era of Good Feeling’
Dartmouth College v. Woodward Gibbons v. Ogden
‘Preemption’ Rights
McCulloch v. Maryland
market economy
Monroe Doctrine
Chapter 10
1. Explain factors that contributed to the rise of democracy in the 1820s and 1830s.
2. Evaluate the main political and economic issues brought forth in the 1824 and 1828
elections and explain the outcomes of those presidential elections.
3. Summarize the problems encountered under Jackson’s Indian-removal policy.
4. Evaluate Jackson’s strategy in ‘killing the Bank’ and his use of state banks as
5. Understand the reasons for political realignment in the 1830s and the emergence of
the Whigs.
6. Paraphrase both the blessings and perils of American democracy according to
“Spoils System
Nullification Crisis
Social leveling
Peggy Eaton
The Bank War
“kitchen cabinet” “Trail of Tears”
Popular Sovereignty
Panic of 1837
Chapter 11
1. Offer an overview of the complicated and diverse institution of slavery.
2. Describe the life of free blacks in the Old South.
3. Explain the arguments and issues surrounding the profitability and efficiency of
4. List the arguments for and against slavery offered by southerners.
Nat Turner
Underground Railroad
Chapter 12
Charles G. Finney
Horace Mann
Harriet Tubman
Theodore D. Weld
Second Great Awakening
the Liberator
Seneca Falls Convention
Sarah Grimke’
Yeoman Farmer
internal slave trade
Cult of True Womanhood
Frederick Douglass
William Lloyd Garrison
Lyman Beecher
1. List the factors that caused the Second Great Awakening and discuss the differences
between the revivalism that swept the South and the North.
2. Explain the purpose of public education according to Horace Mann.
3. Evaluate the results of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848
4. Assess Hawthorne’s interpretation of reform. Is it valid? Explain
Chapter 13
“Young America”
John Tyler
Zachary Taylor
Winfield Scott
Cyrus McCormick
Stephen F. Austin
James K. Polk
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Samuel F.B. Morse
John Deere
“Remember the Alamo”
Manifest Destiny
John C. Fre’mont
Charles Goodyear
1. Explain the causes, events and results of the Texas Revolution.
2. Discuss the political problems encountered over the annexation of Texas by the
United States
3. ID the candidates and issues and explain the outcome and consequences of the
election of 1844
4. Discuss the rationale for expansion as expressed in the doctrine of Manifest Destiny
5. Describe the changing composition and attitudes of the American working class
during this era.
Chapter 14.
Popular Sovereignty
Kansas-Nebraska Act
James Buchanan
Martin Van Buren
“Freeport Doctrine”
Ostend Manifesto
Fugitive Slave Law
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Wilmot Proviso
Franklin Pierce
John Brown
Abraham Lincoln
Compromise of 1850
1. Define and analyze the following proposals made to solve the problem of extending
slavery to new territories after the Mexican War: (a) Wilmot Proviso, (b) extension
of the Missouri Compromise line, and (c) squatter or popular sovereignty.
2. Explain the motivations for and the consequences of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of
3. Discuss the effects of social and cultural sectionalism in preparing the path for
southern secession.
4. Discuss the background, final decision, criticisms and implications of the Dred Scott
case of 1857.
Chapter 15
Writ of habeas corpus
Crittenden compromise
Robert E. Lee
Emancipation Proclamation
Fort Sumter
Ulysses S. Grant
“Total War”
Sanitary Commission
1. Explain why Lincoln was so effective as the Union’s wartime leader and compare
him to Jefferson Davis.
2. Evaluate the Republican decision to reject the Crittenden compromise plan
3. List and describe the principal social and economic changes that accompanied the
Civil War.
4. Describe the lasting effects of the Civil War on the nation.
Chapter 16
14th Amendment
Compromise of 1877
13th Amendment
Tenure of Office Act
Compromise of 1877
Jim Crow
laissez faire
10% plan
Freedmen’s Bureau
Radical Republicans
Black Codes
“New South”
Wade-Davis Bill
15th Amendment
Black Codes
Force Acts
Civil Rights Bill of 1866
1. Describe the processes by which Andrew Johnson lost support in Congress and the
Radical Republicans gained control of Reconstruction
2. Define the sections of the 14th amendment and understand why its enforcement was
crucial to Reconstruction efforts.
3. Analyze the failings of the 15th Amendment. Consider how it might have been
4. Discuss the Black Codes. How were they like slavery? How were they unlike slavery?
5. Discuss the enactment of Jim Crow laws and their impact on the South.