How do I request a CCNA, INTRO and or ICND voucher

How do I request a CCNA, INTRO and or ICND voucher?
If you have met the qualifications to receive a CCNA, INTRO and/or ICND discount voucher (See
the FAQ What are the requirements to receive an INTRO, ICND or CCNA voucher?):
1. Login to the Academy Connection at
2. Click on the 'Request for INTRO Voucher' or 'Request for ICND Voucher' or 'Request for
CCNA Voucher' link located in the 'Career Development' or 'Professional Development'
section of the Home page
3. Before requesting a voucher please read the information located on the 'Request a
Voucher' page
4. Choose the Country
5. Choose the Testing Center
6. Click 'Submit'
Your voucher will be e-mailed to you and available for viewing in your profile under the 'Voucher
Information' section.
Only request your voucher when you are ready to test. Vouchers have expiration dates that are
generally three months from the date you requested the voucher. Vouchers cannot be extended.
Vouchers cannot be replaced. Please read your voucher e-mail thoroughly for important details
and your voucher expiration date.