Rotherham NHS Stop Smoking Service

Rotherham NHS Stop Smoking Service
QuitManager Voucher System Guide
• This address will take you directly to the log in
• All staff responsible for inputting this data will
be issued a username and temporary
password, when logging in for the first time
you will be prompted to change your
password (this will become your permanent
Inputting vouchers dispensed at your pharmacy
•Your home screen will look like the screen shot below.
•From the white copy of the voucher, type in the client’s forename and surname then click ‘Find Client’.
•If QuitManager finds a match/possible match ensure you are selecting the correct
client and the click on the client’s name (see example below). This will then take you
to a screen called ‘Add voucher’.
• Once you are in the ‘Add Voucher’ screen, complete the fields in this screen as per returned
voucher details. This information is easy to find from the drop down boxes, the voucher number
will have to typed in, as these are unique to each voucher. Then click on ‘Save’ (if adding multiple
vouchers for the same client click on ‘Save and Add New’ and then complete as above.
Rotherham NHS Stop Smoking
Contact Details
• Simon Lister: Service Manager (01709) 423249
• Jacqui Reddick: Support manager (01709) 423248
• Main Office Number: (01709) 422444
• Fax : (01709) 423208
• Email: