Spanish 1 Lesson Plans: Week of 24/2-28/2

Spanish 1 Lesson Plans
Week of 24/2-28/2
1.1 Engage in conversation
1.2 Understand language
1.3 Present information
2.1 Practices and perspectives
2.2 Products and perspectives
3.1 Knowledge of other disciplines
4.1 Compare languages
4.2 Compare cultures
1. Compare everyday activities: Culture
2. Practice vocabulary: daily activities and likes and dislikes
3. State preferences about favorite activities
4. Understand vocabulary in context
5. Practice using vocabulary in context
6. Practice using gustar + infinitive
7. Practice using subject pronouns
8. Use ser + de to say where someone is from
9. Practice ser in context
10. Discuss well-known Latino award show in Miami
11. Compare pronunciation of the letters p and t in Spanish and English
12. Introduce gustar + infinitive
13. Introduce and practice with personal “a”
14. Practice talking about likes and dislikes with gustar + infinitive
lunes 24/2
1. Bellwork
2. 1.1 flashcards
3. Pass back LP exams and go over errors
4. Practice 1.1 flashcards as a class
a. Spanish, Spanish, English
1.1 Dialogue translation in pairs
Read through dialogue as a class and practice vocabulary
p. 34 ex. 1
Watch DVD for chapter 1.1
Begin 1st half of subject pronoun chart
martes 25/2
1. Review vocabulary flashcards
2. Review 1st half of subject pronoun chart
3. Learn 2nd half of subject pronoun chart
a. Practice with activity #6 p. 38
b. Practice with page in packet
4. Present Ser
5. Practice with ser ex. 7 in book
miercoles 26/2
1. Ser practice
2. los premios juventud
3. Practice reading with scenes 1, 2, 3
4. Practice paragraph with ser
5. p. 39 ex. 8
jueves 27/2
1. Begin gustar with an infinitive
2. p. 43 ex. 13-14
3. Practice personal a + pronouns
4. Vocabulary quiz #1
viernes 28/2
1. Subject pronoun and ser quiz
2. Review gustar + infinitive
3. Pronunciation of p and t in Spanish v. English
4. Listening exercise p. 44 ex. 15