Institute for Teaching and Learning

[Unit of study alphanumeric code]: [Unit of study title]
Unit of study contact details (aim is to provide basic contact information)
Name of coordinator
Telephone number of coordinator
e-mail address of coordinator
Consultation times for coordinator
Brief description of Unit of study (this information will appear above the icons on your WebCT unit
of study homepage. Max 100 words.)
Unit of study aims/goals (aim is to situate this unit of study in the overall degree program)
How this unit of study relates to
previously studied units
The key focus or purpose of this
How this unit of study prepares
students for subsequent units
How this unit helps students to
develop generic or other skills
Learning outcomes for this unit of study (this should include outcomes relating to knowledge, skills
and behaviours, and should be described in terms of what a student should be able to DO on
successful completion of the unit of study. These should be measurable and in alignment with
assessment tasks.)
On successful completion of this unit of study, students should be able to
Learning commitments (aim is to outline the contact hours required, their format and location,
together with the amount of personal study time which might reasonably be expected)
 Student involvement within each Unit of Study must incorporate elements of both Group work
and Individual work, whether assessable or not.
Total number of lecture hours
Total number of tutorial/workshop hours
Total number of practical hours
Total number of fieldwork hours
Total number of on-line hours
Total number of hours of private study
Total number of self-directed learning hours
The university allocates a number of credit points (usually 6) to each unit of study in your degree
program. It has been agreed that 1 credit point is approximately equal to a minimum of 1.5 to 2 hours
of student effort[1] (ie time spent engaged in activities related to that unit of study) per week (ie a total
of 108-144 hours for the semester). In [UoS Name] (X CP), this time is split between face-to-face time
including lectures, tutorials, lab classes and placements (xx hours), self-directed learning, group or
pair work outside class hours (xx hours) and personal work and study time (XX-YY hours). You should
regard the outside class and personal study time allocations as a reasonable indication of the amount
of time that is expected for satisfactory performance in the unit of study; however you are encouraged
to spend additional time in order to perform at a higher standard.
[1] Creation, variation and deletion of award courses and units of study [Online]
(Accessed 09 January, 2006)
Learner preparation (aim is to inform students of pre-requisites, co-requisites, any skills that are
assumed, and to indicate any other type of preparation required)
Assumed knowledge or skills
Computer access requirements
Preliminary reading required
Attendance and Participation
In accordance with the Faculty Policy on Attendance, students are expected to attend at least 85 % of
the compulsory sessions in any UoS. In this UoS (PHAR XXXX) this means that you must attend X
out of Y tutorials/workshops and W out of Z lab classes.
Assessment (aim is to set out type and formats of all assessments, due dates, relative weighting, late
submission policy, dates for return of assessed work, whether the assessment has to be passes or
not for progression)
 All assessments must take into account the value of the 6 credit point Unit of Study.
 There should be both summative and formative types of assessment within each Unit of
 An amalgamated Unit of Study will be considered as a single unit of assessment for the
purpose of assessment, examination and credits.
 Marks must be given as grades.
 For any form of assessment, there will be no resubmission of work.
There must be a final assessment but this should not be the sole mode of assessment and it
must be passed in order to pass the whole course. It must be at the end of semester and
count for no more than 70% of the total mark.
There should be a maximum of 4 assignments per unit of study. Staff should consider what is
an appropriate size and body of work (see Academic Board Resolutions), however this does
not include practical reports for laboratory based UoS.
Due date
* denotes the assessment must be passed to satisfy the requirements of the course.
Component 1
Description of task
Grading criteria
PCON 46-50 %, Pass 50-64% Credit 65-74% Distinction 75-84% High Distinction
Component 2
Description of task
Grading criteria
Component 3
Description of task
Grading criteria
Component 4
Description of task
Grading criteria
Academic Honesty Guidelines specific to this unit of study
Content and program (aim is to set out timeline and content for all activities)
This section should include the following as a minimum:
 division of content into recognisable sections or topics
 week by week list of activities
 where known, the person who will deliver or facilitate each activity
Please note: Room allocations and times are not required in this document.
24 July
31 July
7 Aug
14 Aug
21 Aug
28 Aug
4 Sept
11 Sept
18 Sept
25- 29 Sep
2 Oct
9 Oct
16 Oct
23 Oct
30 Oct - 3 Nov
6 Nov - 18 Nov
Tutorial / other activity
Non-teaching week
Monday public holiday
Study Vacation
Examination Period
Brief description of the content of each section or topic
Texts and references (aim is to set out core texts, recommended texts, reference materials and
other resources)
Essential texts
Recommended texts
Web sites
Relevant university policies
Assessment and Examination of Coursework
Faculty of Pharmacy Special Consideration and Additional Assessment Policy
Student Code of Conduct
Generic Attributes of Graduates of the University of Sydney
Academic Honesty in Coursework (plagiarism)
Changes made to Unit of Study as a result of student feedback (aim is to describe what student
feedback was received, how it was obtained and what changes were made in response to that
Any additional comments (eg. special notes on delivery of program, etc)
The University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Course Work – Policy and Procedure
Part C – Preventing Plagiarism
Compliance Statements
All students are required to submit a signed statement of compliance with all Work submitted
to the University for assessment, presentation or publication. A statement of compliance must be in
the form of:
a University assignment cover sheet;
a University electronic form; or
a University written statement;
certifying that no part of the Work constitutes a breach of this Policy.
1. → All assessments must take into account the value of the 6 credit point Unit of Study.
2. → There should be both summative and formative types of assessment within each Unit of
3. → Student involvement within each Unit of Study must incorporate elements of both Group
work and Individual work, whether assessable or not.
4. → An amalgamated Unit of Study will be considered as a single unit of assessment for the
purpose of assessment, examination and credits.
5. → Marks must be given as grades.
6. → For major and minor examinations, no supplementaries will be given, except in the case
of special consideration.
7. → For any form of assessment, there will be no resubmission of work.
8. → There must be a final assessment but this should not be the sole mode of assessment
and it must be passed in order to pass the whole course. It must be at the end of semester
and count for no more than 70% of the total mark.
9. → There should be a maximum of 4 assignments per unit of study. Staff should consider
what is an appropriate size and body of work (see Academic Board Resolutions).
The following Academic Board Resolutions elaborate on these guidelines.
 Academic Board Resolutions: Creation, Variation and Deletion of Award Courses and Units of
 Academic Board Resolutions: Assessment and Examination of Coursework