LUGWARDINE PRIMARY ACADEMY PROSPECTUS ADDRESS: Barneby Avenue, Bartestree, Hereford. HR1 4DH TELEPHONE 01432.850449 WEBSITE EMAIL HEADTEACHER: Mrs Julie Powell CHAIR OF GOVERNORS: Mrs Sam Hughes For many of you, this Prospectus may be your first link with Lugwardine Primary Academy. The aim of this Prospectus is to give you a flavour of what Lugwardine Primary Academy has to offer your children in their first steps along the exciting road of learning. We have tried to include a brief guide to everyday life in school. The guidelines are designed to help us work together to ensure the smooth running of the school and the happiness and welfare of all the individuals in it. There is much more information about our school curriculum on our website at You are most welcome to make an appointment to have a look around the school and I would be happy to answer any further points you may wish to raise. Julie Powell (Headteacher) The information contained within this Prospectus is correct at the time of printing i.e. Sept 2012. Details of any changes may be obtained from the school office. MISSION STATEMENT The staff and Governors of Lugwardine Primary Academy aim to provide a school where children come to find out about their world in a safe, caring, stimulating and supportive atmosphere. We aim to create an environment where a learning process can be started which will continue throughout the pupils’ lives. We consider it vitally important that children should develop lively, enquiring minds and a love of learning. This is addressed through a wide range of approaches to the understanding of the natural and man-made environment, their place in history through the study of different times, places and people and of scientific developments and achievements. The staff, in their interactions with the children and other adults, endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration for others which allows children to develop an understanding of ethical, moral and spiritual values. These values help to encourage self-confidence, self-discipline and self-motivation within the children in our school. Children are encouraged to understand their own emotions and feelings and to understand the feelings and needs of others. Through the development of these life skills children will begin to learn to make informed and sensible choices in all aspects of their lives. We wish to establish the school and children as an active part of the community through a focus on creativity in art, sport, music, drama. In these areas especially, children go out to the community and invite the community into school to share in a wealth of experiences. At Lugwardine Primary Academy there is a policy of equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender, race or religion. Children are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the curriculum and grouping of children is varied to ensure equal access to learning opportunities in areas where traditionally one gender group has been dominant such as technology/cookery. The policies adopted by staff and Governors at Lugwardine Primary Academy endeavour to take all of these aims into account. However, be assured that all documents and policies in school are regarded as working documents and are subject to a review cycle which takes into account the changing needs and demands of all concerned with the education process. THE AIMS OF OUR SCHOOL The aims of the staff and Governors of Lugwardine Primary Academy are focused upon creating an atmosphere which encourages learning in an environment which is caring and secure. The rules of basic politeness and courtesy should be observed and encouraged at all times and ways of doing so are highlighted in the Behaviour Policy which is reviewed annually. The leadership goals for our school are to create an atmosphere which is: Caring Efficient Fun Positive Safe Our aims are: CONTRIBUTION from all members of the school community will be valued and recognised and to create an atmosphere of respect and consideration for others in which self confidence, self discipline and self motivation is developed. CHALLENGE - We aim to promote challenge through high expectations of learning and behaviour. CREATIVITY is a strong focus ensuring that school is fun! The school will be a bright attractive, stimulating place to learn where we can develop lively and enquiring minds, and a love of learning. COMMUNITY - We value parents and Governors as our partners in education and will involve them and the wider community, in the life of the school. CARING – Children will be happy and secure and their achievements will be celebrated and valued by all; children will feel safe in school. We will ensure that all staff, children and visitors get an equal opportunity for a happy and constructive experience at Lugwardine Primary Academy irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, attainment or background CONSISTENCY - School will grow and change but we will remain true to our vision. COMMUNICATION – We realise the importance of efficient, effective communication. Everyone must feel that they have opportunities for consultation and to be kept informed. THE SCHOOL The adjoining villages of Bartestree and Lugwardine are situated in pleasant countryside, 4 miles east of the Cathedral city of Hereford. In recent years, the villages have undergone substantial growth, bringing the total population to over 2,000. Lugwardine Primary Academy was formerly housed in Victorian premises adjoining the Parish Church in Lugwardine. In September 1989 the school moved to the present excellent modern premises in Bartestree, although still remains within the boundaries of the parish of Lugwardine. In April 2012 the school converted to an academy. Lugwardine Primary Academy is a non-denominational Community School for children aged 5 - 11 years. At present there are 7 full time and 3 part time teachers plus the Head. In addition to this, there are Support Staff designated to work with each class as well as a Learning Mentor and a permanent Cover Supervisor and 5 support staff with a SEN support role for some of the timetable. Our published admission number each year is 30. The school has capacity for 210 pupils. We currently have 211 children on roll taught in separate year group classes. The building has a large hall with a kitchen area which allows for the serving of hot food daily. The offices for the Headteacher and Business Manager are reached via the main door. There are seven classrooms and a range of work areas for groups of children. Children have separate entrances through three cloakroom areas. The school also has substantial attractive grounds and playing fields, including a designated outdoor area for the Reception Class and Year 1 children. We have an adventure trail and an ‘Around the World Garden’ which has been developed with the help of our PTA. ORGANISATION The organisation of the school allows for a maximum of 7 classes in single year groups. The organisation of year groups within classes changes from year to year according to numbers, it is therefore necessary to sometimes split year groups between two classes. In deciding the class for each child we take many factors into consideration including the age, maturity, ability and the social mix of children in each class. The Governing Body has agreed that the children would be allocated to classes according to a number of factors. These are listed below in no particular order! The factors which we will take into consideration will be a child’s: Ability in their academic work; (there is always a three year range of ability in any one academic year group) the ability of the child will be matched with the work planned. Social skills; the level of social and emotional skills that each individual child has will be considered. Ability to work with a degree of self support and independence. Friendship groups; a mix of boys and girls in any one class. Special educational needs. We are confident that we know the children in our care very well and we will consider each child before making any decision over class allocation, therefore allowing each child to access the curriculum which best fits their very individual needs. By carefully balancing the children in each class we will ensure that all pupils will have a rich learning experience at Lugwardine Primary Academy. The current number of children we have on roll permit us to have single year group classes they will be taught as itemised below: The grouping for September 2012 is in seven class groups: Reception Class Year R children 4-5 year olds Class 1 Year 1 children 5-6 year olds Class 2 Year 2 children 6-7 year olds Class 3 Year 3 children 7-8 year olds Class 4 Year 4 children 8-9 year olds Class 5 Year 5 children 9-10 year olds Class 6 Year 6 children 10-11 year olds The benefit of whole school planning allows us to ensure that the children are offered a broad and balanced curriculum which clearly relates to Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study within the National Curriculum. HOME SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP We recognise that parental involvement is a major factor in educational success. Therefore at Lugwardine Primary Academy we wish to encourage this co-operation from the earliest opportunity. To this end we operate an open door policy where parents are encouraged to come into school to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher or Headteacher. It is generally easier to facilitate this after school. PRE-SCHOOL We aim to provide as much home/school liaison as possible. Wherever possible, children are offered a series of introductory sessions during the second half of the Summer Term prior to starting school. ADMISSIONS The planned admission limit is 30 for children in their first year of school. In the event of over-subscription please refer to the advice given in the Local Authority Information for Parent’s Booklet, which is available from the Local Authority. The Governors’ Policy for admission in this event is based on these criteria: First Priority Looked After Children. Children who are registered as being in the care of a Local Authority (for example, fostered or living in a Children’s Home). Second Priority Exceptional Arrangements. For example, children with statements of special educational need that name a particular school in the statement. Children with medical conditions and other sensitive, individual and compelling family circumstances. Third Priority Brothers & Sisters (Siblings). A sibling is a child who will have an older brother or sister still at the school at the time of the younger sibling’s admission. Fourth Priority Children living in the defined catchment area of the school. If the number of applicants in the defined catchment area is greater than the number of places available at the school, places will be offered to those living the closest distance from the school entrance, measured in a straight line. If the school is over-subscribed, within any category other than priority 4, we will offer places according to distance from the permanent home address to the school. Home to school distance will be measured by a straight line from the address point of the pupil’s house, as set by Ordnance Survey to the nearest school gate for pupils to use. All matters regarding admissions should be referred to: Admissions Office, P.O. Box 185 Education Centre, Blackfriars Street, Hereford. HR4 9ZR The Governing Body has approved the Admission Policy in the light of L.A. guidelines and the policy for the academic year 2013-14 is that all children whose date of birth falls between 1st September 2008 and 31st August 2009 will have the opportunity to start school full time in September 2013. Where children have summer birthdays we are happy to work with parents to organise a pattern of attendance which supports the successful integration of their child into school. JOINING THE SCHOOL LATER ON Sometimes children join the school when the term has started or later on in their school life. We make every effort to make sure that they are welcomed, looked after, and monitored so that they quickly make friends and can find their way around the school. Teachers give pupils time to settle in before making an assessment of their academic ability. This assessment, together with records from the previous school will enable your child to have the best start in our school. Parents/Carers are asked to contact the school if their child has a problem settling. SECONDARY TRANSFER In September, after the eleventh birthday, children transfer to Secondary Education. The designated school for children living in Lugwardine and Bartestree is the Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat School in Tupsley. Some parents/carers may wish to send their child to St. Mary’s R.C. High School which is in the village. In both cases, application must be made direct to the Local Authority via the Primary School. Details of L.A. Policy and details of Secondary Transfer may be obtained from the school office or from the address above. SCHOOL STAFF - SEPTEMBER 2012 Headteacher Deputy Head Assistant Head Teaching Staff West Mrs. Julie Powell Mrs. Angela Whitchurch Mrs Diane Hemming Class R Miss Louise Maguire Class 1 Miss Rebecca Travis Class 2 Mrs Diane Hemming Class 3 Mrs Angela Whitchurch Class 4 Mrs Sarah Philp Class 5 Mr Craig Harris Class 6 Miss Georgina Bentham Part-time teachers: Mrs Gill Lerego, Mr Trevor Clarke and Mrs Kay Non-Teaching Staff School Business Manager Mrs Julie Hancock Learning Mentor Mrs Judith Dunn Cover Supervisor Mrs Judith Hann Support Assistants Mrs Mandi Young Mrs Caroline Edwards Mrs Nicky Louden Mrs Rebecca Beddard Mrs Clare Lawrence Mrs Clare Stayte Mrs Elaine Brown Ms Katherine Buckle Mrs Bridie Rider Mrs Linda Williams Mrs Michaela Farruggia Miss Samantha Berrow School Librarian Mrs Mandi Young Lunchtime Supervisors Mrs Elaine Brown Mrs Katherine Buckle Mrs Mandi Young Mrs Michaela Farruggia Miss Samantha Berrow Mrs Nicky Louden Breakfast Club Assistants Mrs Judith Hann Mrs Caroline Edwards Mrs Linda Williams Mrs Katherine Buckle Mrs Elaine Brown Admin Assistants Mrs Kerry Allen Miss Leah Russell-Wells Caretaker Cleaner Mr Tony Bayliss Mrs Jackie Locke SCHOOL DAY Morning 8.50 am – 12.00 pm (Key Stage 1) 8.50 am – 12.00 pm (Key Stage 2) Afternoon 1.00 pm – 3.10 pm 1.00 pm – 3.15 pm (Key Stage 1) (Key Stage 2) The hours spent on teaching Key Stage 1 22 hours 5 minutes Key Stage 2 24 hours 10 minutes Registration is prompt at 8.50 am, so please make sure that your child is in school for a prompt start. Children will be allowed in the school building from 8.40 am, unless they are attending Breakfast Club which starts at 8.00 am. BREAK TIMES AND LUNCH TIMES Children are expected to go outside at break times, weather permitting. Please would you make sure that your child has an outdoor coat. Children are discouraged from bringing toys into school unless specifically requested by the class teacher. If you wish your child to have lunch at home, please make sure that the class teacher knows of it – we must know which children are off the premises in case of fire. A and M Catering provide hot lunches for our school, which are ordered weekly at a cost of £2.50 a day for a main meal and a dessert. Any children in families on Income Support or Family Income Supplement are entitled to a free school meal. If you feel you are eligible, please ask for a form at the office. Alternatively, if your child does not take up this offer he/she will need a packed lunch. Drinks must be in a plastic container, glass bottles are not allowed. Water is provided if needed. Children staying for lunch at school are supervised by adult helpers, and a member of staff is always on call for emergencies. Three members of staff have an up to date first aid qualification, and all members of staff are able to carry out emergency first aid procedures. PARENT HELPERS We are fortunate in having a number of parents who come into school on a regular basis to share their special talents with the pupils. Activities include painting, cookery, sport and, of course, reading with children. We encourage parents to become involved in their child's school life. If you are willing to become involved please see your child's Class Teacher or the Headteacher. In the interest of security, parents are requested to wear a badge and sign the Visitors' Book when they help in school. Parents will also be required to fill in a security check form for the CRB before working with children. All volunteer adults working in school will do so under the direct supervision of a class teacher. COMMUNICATION We have changed our system and we send home a newsletter fortnightly. All other updates are posted on our website at and on the VLE When we do send letters home we cannot be held responsible if children do not convey these letters to you. Please ask your child’s class teacher for copies of any letters sent out in your child’s absence. PARENT/TEACHER CONSULTATION EVENINGS These are held regularly. The first meeting is in the Autumn Term when the class teacher invites all the parents in to an Information Evening to hear about what is going to happen in their child’s class for the year. Separate individual appointments are available during the following two weeks which enable the class teacher to discuss with parents possible areas for the development of their child. In the Spring Term parents will receive a brief summary of their child’s progress in key areas alongside a Parents’ Evening appointment. In the Summer Term there will be a written report, which will be a summary of the child’s effort and achievement and set areas for parents and teachers to work together to support the effective learning of children plus a final Parents’ Evening to give staff and parents the opportunity to discuss any issues highlighted in the annual report as the end of the academic year approaches. If there is something you wish to discuss with the child's teacher, you are welcome any afternoon after school. It would be most helpful if you could avoid visiting the teacher before school, unless you can be very brief, as there is a great deal to be done before school starts. This does not apply to the Reception Class, who may need the reassurance of their parent/carer with them until they settle in. THE CURRICULUM The broad and balanced curriculum will stimulate your child to acquire knowledge and develop individual skills. Children’s achievements are celebrated and everyone enjoys success and praise regularly during their time in school. We encourage children to become independent and confident in both their work and social development. The children are taught by their own class teacher in mixed ability classes with children of the same year group. There is one class per year group. Every classroom is fully furnished and equipped with the highest quality learning resources, each class has an interactive whiteboard and children across the school have regular access to our laptop suite of 45 laptops. The class teacher will get to know your child very well and will be pleased to involve you in their life at school. We recognise that children make progress at their own rates and in their own ways. It is important to value them as individuals and to provide learning opportunities that will build on their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. The curriculum is broad and balanced and provides for the academic, moral, physical, creative and personal and social development of every child. In our school today we recognise that learning consists of: Acquiring knowledge Understanding ideas Perfecting skills Developing good attitudes In order for this to take place the children must: Become involved with things that interest them Be active in their learning Be encouraged to work with each other Make progress and be challenged in each area of learning Be encouraged to think and act for themselves and become independent The National Curriculum Programmes of Study are divided into Key Stages: THE FOUNDATION STAGE The Foundation Stage makes a crucial contribution to children’s early development and learning. We provide children with a rich variety of teaching and learning experiences that are appropriate to their needs. The Foundation Stage is about developing key learning skills such as listening, speaking, concentrating, persistence and learning to work and co-operate with others. The six areas of learning that make up the Foundation Stage curriculum are: Personal and social development Communication, language and literacy Mathematical development Knowledge and understanding of the world Physical development Creative development The outdoor environment is also a very special part of the Foundation Stage curriculum. As such it is carefully planned for and available each day. The reception class has its own specially equipped all-weather outdoor covered area. The teaching to achieve these early learning goals will be through first hand experience and structured play. The areas of experience will be linked to the National Curriculum. The Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant will keep records on children’s experiences and attainments. Assessments of development and learning needs will be ongoing throughout the school year. During the first half of the Autumn Term the teacher will carry out a baseline assessment for every child. This will establish where they are in aspects of their learning and development and help future planning. The results of this early assessment will be shared with parents at the Parents’ Evening in the Autumn Term. By the end of the year the teacher will have built up an accurate profile of the each child’s development. We encourage children towards reading, communication and mathematical skills from the very beginning. Much of this earlier learning is achieved through carefully structured play. Young children who cannot read or write often express their ideas and feelings through play. It is an important way of developing new skills and building up relationships with other children both individually and in groups. Reading is taught through a variety of structured reading schemes supplemented with a wide range of other books. Books are organised in a structured, graded way to allow children many opportunities for consolidation of key vocabulary. We encourage parents to work with their child at home by reading with them on a daily basis. We are always pleased to discuss ways in which they can help their child at each stage of their reading development with parent KEY STAGE 1 (AGES 5-7 YEARS) AND KEY STAGE 2 (AGES 8-11 YEARS) The core curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 comprises: English Mathematics Science Information Communication Technology (ICT) CORE SUBJECTS LITERACY A Framework for teaching literacy was introduced in 2007. Literacy includes Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing. English is an integral part of the whole school curriculum. Speaking and Listening Talking is fundamental to a pupil's learning. Pupils are encouraged and helped to talk clearly, confidently and with expression in order to communicate ideas and feelings. Similarly, and just as importantly, is the need to listen to others and respond appropriately. All children are provided with opportunities in all areas of the curriculum to develop skills in speaking and listening. Reading One of the greatest gifts we can give a child is the ability to read. We believe that reading should be an enjoyable activity, and our approach to reading is based on this. At Key Stage 1 there is great emphasis on the teaching of phonics and reading. At Key Stage 2 we extend and develop each child's reading skills. We aim to develop a love of reading and therefore encourage our pupils to take books home and share them with you. As a school, we are continually trying new reading material, matched to the wide interests and abilities of the children. Children need to be able to read with understanding, for pleasure and for information. Pupils' reading is structured in Key Stage 1 and pupils are helped and guided towards suitable reading material. As the pupils go through the school, they are given more responsibility for this choice in reading. The school has a library where pupils benefit from good quality reading materials both fiction and non-fiction. The library is open during the afternoons and the school employs a Librarian for these sessions. All classrooms have their own reading corners. We use the ‘Floppy’s Phonics’ scheme which is based on ‘Letters and Sounds’, Read, Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree to support the teaching of reading. Writing Pupils are helped to develop the ability to express their thoughts and ideas and communication skills through the written word. Every attempt is made to ensure that pupils develop a command of basic English which includes punctuation, spelling, grammar and correct letter formation. We have recently developed a whole school approach to writing to enable all children to identify what is good practice. We provide a host of opportunities for the children to write in real life context and display our work around the village wherever possible. MATHEMATICS The National Numeracy Strategy was implemented in September 1999 followed by the New Framework 2007 which we are currently following. The structure is similar to that of the English. All pupils receive a daily Maths lesson of between 45-60 minutes. Maths Schemes are used to supplement and support the Numeracy Framework. The framework provides continuity and progression throughout the school. Maths at Lugwardine Primary Academy is taught in a number of ways but much of the work is related to and supported by practical activities in order to develop a sound basic knowledge and understanding in calculation, measurement, shape and data handling. We hope to develop pupils’ confidence and enthusiasm and their ability to apply mathematical skills and knowledge to the world around them. Setting is often used to group children by ability in KS2. SCIENCE We encourage an enquiring mind, an understanding of the world around us and aim to develop the pupils’ scientific skills through first-hand experiences. Lessons are presented in a practical, relevant context. Pupils solve problems by making close observations, planning, predicting, fair testing and recording their findings in a systematic way. We hope also to foster responsible attitudes towards the environment and all living things. We broadly follow the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) Schemes of work for Science and use resources from a wide variety of sources to help implement the scheme. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) ICT prepares children for using technology in our rapidly changing world. Children use ICT tools to find, explore, analyse and present information. We have introduced the Virtual Learning Environment to the school this year. This platform enables pupils and their parents to have access to a range of learning from home as well as in school. This is an exciting new venture! Through focussed ICT lessons and cross curricular themes we place emphasis on developing the children’s skills in: Finding things out Exchanging and sharing information Developing ideas and making things happen Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses FOUNDATION SUBJECTS Children also study the subjects below as part of the National Curriculum. These are taught as part of cross curricular topic work planned to ensure the children have a rich wide ranging experience across the subjects. The topics area taught in a variety of ways some theme weeks take place throughout the year where the whole school is focussing upon a particular subject such as the Jubilee or places of worship. Art and Design Design Technology (DT) History Geography Music Physical Education Children are also taught Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Non-denominational Religious Education is provided for all children as part of the curriculum and is in accordance with the local agreed County Religious Education syllabus. Assembly is an important part of the school day when we meet together as a community. It is a time when we place emphasis on the development of values and attitudes towards each other and the world around us. Assemblies are non-denominational and although they are of a broadly Christian nature, due consideration is given to the multicultural society in which we live. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and collective worship should they so wish. If parents do not wish their child to be taught the agreed syllabus or take part in short acts of collective worship then they should inform us in writing. Their child can then be excused and suitable alternative arrangements made. SEX EDUCATION Sex Education forms part of the Health Education in school and the Science curriculum. Year 5 pupils will study Sex Education and Relationships within a moral, family orientated framework. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education and should contact the Headteacher if they wish to do so. The policy is available from the school office. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES We offer a wide variety of clubs that take place before school, during lunch break and after school. These are run by members of staff, parents and outside agencies. Updated details of the activities on offer are on our school website: and on the VLE. HOMEWORK It is our policy that homework will be given to children during their time at Lugwardine Primary Academy. Some homework will be set using ICT based platforms such as the VLE, My Maths or Education City website. It is expected: That children will read regularly at home That children will learn their tables and spelling lists That the child will join a library as it would be a great help when they have to find information at home for their topic work That parents will support us in maintaining the high standards of achievement and high standards of behaviour we have established here ASSESSMENT AND RECORD KEEPING Assessment is a continuous process that takes place in all areas of school life. Through ongoing assessment we hope to build a complete picture of a pupil's development, not only intellectually, but emotionally, socially and physically. Assessment can take on many forms. We assess through discussion and observation as well as using more formal procedures such as testing. Formal assessment is carried out on a regular basis to ensure that the children are making consistent progress. This allows us to track the progress of individual pupils or year groups and also helps us to identify strengths and weaknesses across the school. Parents will receive information about the results of these tests as part of the pupil’s Annual School Report. Foundation Stage Profile This is an on-going assessment which is collated during the final term. The aim of the assessment is to give us an indication of each child's development in specific areas. The purpose of the profile and the results are discussed with parents early in the school year and again at the end of the reception year. National Curriculum Tests (SATS) At the end of Key stage 1 (age 7) pupils have Teacher Assessments. At the end of Key stage 2 (age 11) pupils are required to undertake statutory Standardized Assessment Tests (SATs). These are summative assessment tests in English and Maths for Key Stage 1 and English and Maths for Key Stage 2. The results of these tests are published to parents and Key Stage 2 results are published nationally in the form of league tables. INCLUSION PUPILS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Pupils with Special Educational Needs are helped within the normal classroom environment or by being withdrawn to work where there is less distraction, with school funded Teaching Assistants. Advice and support are provided from the Local Authority, an Educational Psychologist and other agencies where appropriate. We have Teaching Assistants who work in the school for some of their time with our School Action Plus pupils. The Policy for Special Needs is available to look at if you would like more information. Our Special Needs Coordinator is happy to speak to you about general issues related to special needs if the class teacher cannot answer your questions. MORE ABLE PUPILS AND GIFTED PUPILS It is important to understand what we mean by more able and gifted pupils. More able pupils can be defined as pupils who demonstrate a significantly higher level of ability than most pupils of the same age in one or more of the curriculum areas or in any of the following: General intellectual ability Specific academic aptitude Creative thinking Leadership qualities/social skills Artistic abilities Ability in the expressive arts Physical ability Gifted children can be identified as pupils who achieve two years beyond their age group in a certain subject. This would be about 1-2 % of the school population. More able and gifted children are identified through teacher assessment and judgements based on a variety of assessments. At all times the needs of the children, whatever their ability, are catered for through careful differentiation and task. Setting is often used higher up the school for Maths and English. This allows for the more able pupils to work with other pupils of similar ability. INCLUSION – ACCESSIBILITY The school has carried out an Accessibility Audit and is confident about meeting the needs of all pupils here. We provide parking spaces, toilet facilities, wide corridors and easy access to all school rooms. Signage is clear so that visitors can clearly find their way around the school. SAFEGUARDING AND CHILD PROTECTION PROCEDURES Under the Education Act 2002 (section 175), and DfES (2007) Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education, schools must make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and follow the correct procedures and processes. Parents/carers should know that the law (Children Act 1989) requires all school staff to pass on information which gives rise to a concern about a child’s welfare, including risk from neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse. The staff will seek, in general, to discuss any concerns with the parent/carer, and where possible seek their consent to a referral to Social Care. This will only be done where such discussion will not place the child at increased risk of significant harm. Schools will seek advice from Social Care when they have reasonable cause to suspect a child may be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Occasionally, concerns are passed on which are later shown to be unfounded. Parents/carers will appreciate that the designated person for child protection was carrying out their responsibilities in accordance with the law and acting in the best interests of all children. The designated Child Protection person in school is the Headteacher. POSITIVE HANDLING/PHYSICAL INTERVENTION Lugwardine Primary Academy is committed to ensuring that all staff and adults with responsibility for children’s safety and welfare will deal with all incidents involving aggressive behaviour. Physical intervention will only be used as a last resort in line with DCFS and L.A. advice. If used at all it will be in the context of a respectful, supportive relationship with the pupil. We will aim to ensure minimal risk of injury to pupils and staff. BEHAVIOUR AT SCHOOL In our school, we have a few simple rules which are made only for the well-being and safety of everyone - children, staff and visitors. We expect our codes of behaviour and anti bullying strategies to have regard for our aims as set out in our Mission Statement. We aim to have a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere in which good attitudes are positively encouraged, where good examples are set and where a fair system of rewards and sanctions operates. We aim to develop in the pupils here an understanding of: Personal responsibility The consequences of their actions The need to make careful decisions Other people's needs and respect for their point of view The need for politeness and consideration for others Tolerance, co-operation and sharing The need for an atmosphere where effective learning can take place The need to be truthful and honest ARRANGEMENTS FOR DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS If you have any complaints the first course of action is to contact the school; the Class Teacher, the Business Manager or the Headteacher. We will always endeavour to make an appointment to discuss any concerns and attempt to resolve them as quickly as possible. If after this consultancy and contact with the Chair of Governors the issues remains unresolved you may wish to seek further advice. The L.A. document setting out the arrangements is available in the school office should you feel that there is a matter of concern which remains unresolved. BULLYING Bullying is defined as the wilful, conscious desire to hurt, threaten or frighten someone, and as such is completely unacceptable. Any incidence of this kind of behaviour is ALWAYS taken seriously by the staff. We have a Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy in school which is reviewed annually by the staff which forms the basis for our actions when bullying is identified in school. Teachers are alert to signs of distress in pupils - poor work, no one to play with, a desire to remain with adults, a change in behaviour - and immediate support is offered. Children are encouraged to tell any adult here if they have a problem. Any action that is taken is made clear to the parents of both the bully and the victim, and each case is followed up. The help of the parents is essential if problems are to be sorted out satisfactorily. Non-teaching staff are encouraged to alert class teachers of any problems they discover. Both bully and victim are spoken to separately in order to find out what has actually happened, then they are brought together to discuss the problems out in the open. PASTORAL CARE The Headteacher always endeavours to be available should either a parent wish to discuss a problem or prospective parents wish to view the school. However, it is important that parents make a first contact with their child’s class teacher; this will ensure a continuing good relationship between class teacher and parent. CHILD PROTECTION ISSUES Under the terms of the Children Act our first responsibility is to the children in our care at school. In any circumstance that indicates the need for action the school has no choice but to follow the law and inform the appropriate agencies to ensure the child’s safety. We will follow the agreed procedures as set out in our Child Protection Policy REWARDS We have a system of rewards and sanctions which are intended to encourage good behaviour, including stickers, certificates and house points. On entry into school, each child is placed in one of four houses – Arrowsmith, Burdon, Hollylea and Wilcroft. House points are given for good work and the totals are kept. House assemblies take place regularly and children receive Bronze, Silver and Gold awards for gaining certain numbers of house points Each Friday we hold a Celebration Assembly; parents and family are warmly welcomed into school for this occasion. Each class has a boy and girl of the week and each award winner receives a certificate to celebrate this. Each child also receives a certificate to mark his/her birthday. As well as the whole school recognition each class has a simple reward system in place through which children can earn Golden Time activities at the end of the week. This reward is based upon class members following the agreed class rules and proves a successful incentive for consistent good behaviour and hard work. The system of rewards of Cups/student of the term includes a special trophy/certificate in order that we show special awareness to those pupils whose behaviour/contribution to school is of a consistently high standard. We also hold an end of year presentation to celebrate the individual success of pupils and to say goodbye and good luck to all the Year 6 leavers. SANCTIONS It is a non negotiable that at Lugwardine Primary Academy all children have the right to feel safe. There is a clearly identified system of sanctions available to staff to deal with unacceptable behaviour. If a child behaves very badly, i.e. deliberately hits another child, bullies someone or is rude to another child or adult, the child will have to explain his/her behaviour to the Headteacher or Deputy and will subject to the system of agreed intervention set out on our Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy. In the event of repeated outbreaks of unacceptable behaviour, then the child’s parents will be asked to come into school to discuss matters with the class teacher and the Headteacher. If this fails to solve the problem then an outside agency may be consulted. The Headteacher has the right to exclude children from school on a short term or permanent basis. Full details are available in the Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy. EMERGENCY OR EARLY CLOSURE OF THE SCHOOL There are occasions when bad weather overnight or over the weekend prevents the school from opening. In the event of this happening the L.A. has an arrangement with Radio Wyvern (MW 196, 102.8 FM) and BBC Hereford and Worcester (104.6 FM) to announce information about school closures. Usually these announcements are at 20 past the hour and 10 minutes to the hour. Where possible the caretaker will also display a sign on the school gates informing parents of closure arrangements. We shall also be posting any new information or the VLE. on our school website at Where the situation occurs where the school needs to be closed during the day, in consultation with the LA and Governing Body the school will contact all parents before sending any children home and again it will be posted on our website. ATTENDANCE Absence from School We are required by the L.A. to keep an accurate record of attendance and absence. . Lugwardine Primary Academy encourages regular attendance in the following ways: Providing a caring and welcoming learning environment and learning that is such fun that children will not want to miss it. Responding promptly to a child’s or parent’s concerns about the school or other pupils, marking registers accurately and punctually during morning and afternoon registration by publishing and displaying attendance statistics. Celebrating good and improved attendance. Monitoring pupils, informing parents/carers in writing of irregular attendance, arranging meetings with them if necessary and referring the family to Education Welfare Officer (EWO) if the irregular attendance continues. Should your child be absent for any reason a telephone call on the morning of the absence is required giving the reason for the absence followed by a letter on the child’s return to school. We expect that you will: ALWAYS encourage regular school attendance and be aware of your legal responsibilities; ALWAYS ensure that your child arrives at school punctually and fully prepared for the school day; ensure that you contact the school whenever your child is unwell and unable to attend school; contact the school by 9.00am on the first day of the child’s absence and telephone every day thereafter unless your child has a Doctor’s Certificate; contact us promptly whenever any problem occurs that may keep your child away from school; Ensure that if your child arrives after 8.55 a.m. or 1.05 p.m. he/she goes directly to the Learning Mentor so that the register can be amended. Responding To Non-Attendance When a pupil does not attend school we will respond in the following manner: On the first day of absence, if a child fails to arrive and we have not received any communication about why we shall contact the family as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the absent child. If by the end of the second day, there has still been no contact made we will send a letter of concern and invite you into school to discuss your child’s absence. You will be notified that if the absence persists a referral will be made to the Education Welfare Officer (EWO). Failure to comply with the expectations set by the EWO may result in further action, an application for an Education Supervision Order, or court prosecution. GRANT FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE IN VERY EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES The school term dates are published a year in advance and we therefore do not see any reason for parents to need to take their child out of school during term time. If a family feels leave in term time is unavoidable, a Grant for Leave of Absence in Very Exceptional Circumstances must be completed at least two weeks prior to the leave date. This can be obtained by writing to the Chair of Governors and the Governing Body, via the School Office. The Governors will then decide whether to send a Grant of Leave of Absence. No parents can demand leave of absence for their child as a right. The Governors will decide whether or not to authorise the absence having considered: Your child’s record of attendance which must be 95% or above. If leave is granted it shall not exceed ten school days in any one year. The time of the leave, ensuring that it would not prevent the child from missing any important assessments/school events. ATTENDANCE SUMMARY FOR YEAR ENDED JULY 2012 APPROVED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 2% 4.2% AUTHORISED ABSENCE PRESENT UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE 95.7% 0.% MEDICINES If your child needs medicine during the school day, it is best if a parent/guardian can come in to give the correct dose to the child. If this is not possible please complete the form available from the office. Medicines should be handed directly to the office and should be collected at the end of the day by the parent/guardian. If your child has an allergy or needs to take regular medication for a long-term problem, such as asthma, please inform the school. These details are regularly updated. Also we must know if your child should be wearing spectacles or a hearing aid. No child can be allowed to leave school for medical appointments unless a note has been received requesting absence. The person collecting the child must sign a book confirming that the child is off the premises. This is for reasons of personal safety. Please inform the school IMMEDIATELY if your child has an infectious disease - especially German Measles. Parents/Guardians must be notified of this. Also, please let us know if your child has head lice. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES We are very fortunate that staff and parents are prepared to offer a wide variety of clubs and activities during lunch times and after school. Children may approach individual members of staff if they are interested in attending. Details of club times and attendance are sent home on a termly basis in newsletters. We are able to offer a variety of sporting activities including netball, football, rounders and kwik cricket. Other activities offered to children during the year usually include drama, gardening, orchestra, art club and recorders. There are no charges for these activities. SCHOOL UNIFORM Every pupil is expected to attend school in uniform. All items must be clearly marked with the pupil’s name (labels or marking ink is suggested for this). BOYS Trousers Shirt Sweater Socks Tie Shoes Grey (not jeans or cords) White shirt or white polo shirt Navy v-necked or school sweatshirt Dark socks Navy and pale blue striped Sensible school shoes (trainers not to be worn) GIRLS Skirt/Pinafore dress/trousers Blouse Sweater/cardigan Socks/tights Tie Shoes Summer uniform Grey White blouse or white polo shirt Navy v-necked or school sweatshirt/cardigan White, black or navy Navy and pale blue striped Sensible school shoes, (trainers not to be worn) Navy and white check dress P.E. AND GAMES UNIFORM Navy shorts and white t-shirt are required for all physical activities. Soft soled gym shoes are needed for indoor use ONLY, and pair of trainers are needed for outdoor work. Key Stage 2 children need studded football boots and shin pads if they wish to go to Football Club after school. Please note that the only acceptable jewellery for children are sleepers in pierced ears, any other jewellery is not suitable for school, especially in terms of health and safety issues. It is also necessary for children with hair of shoulder length to have it tied back please. Parents may purchase uniform at shops of their choice, but the following are available with the school logo from CHARGING FOR SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Full details are available in the Lugwardine Primary Academy Charging for School Activities Policy which is available for reading in the school office. CLASS VISITS AND ACTIVITIES The school will request voluntary contributions to help cover the cost of such activities. It is our policy, in the interests of safety, to transport children on the basis of one child per seat. TERM DATES Details of term dates are available from the school office and also published on the school newsletter. RESIDENTIAL VISITS Where opportunities are offered on such visits the necessary charges will be made to cover the costs of activities; board, lodging, transport and insurance as set out in greater detail in the Policy. These charges would only be made when written parental consent is received by the school. DOGS Please do not bring dogs onto the school premises (this includes the car park, turnaround, playgrounds and pedestrian area), tie them to school fences or allow them to obstruct the pavement where children walk. No matter how gentle your animal is, children can be easily scared. Please don’t allow your dog to foul pavements on and around the school. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION The school is very fortunate in having a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) which was formed in the summer of 1982. It is affiliated to the National Confederation of PTA’s. Every parent/guardian who has a child in the school is automatically a member of the PTA. The Annual General Meeting is held at the end of September, when officers are elected to serve for the coming year. The Headteacher is automatically a member of the Committee, but may not be Chairman. We are very grateful to the PTA for the money raised – this is given to the Headteacher at the AGM. Regular details are given on how the money is spent. A programme of events is planned for the year, and new ideas and offers of help are welcomed. THE SCHOOL GOVERNORS The Governing Body of the school is a combination of appointed, elected and 'co-opted' Governors. The way it is made up is set out in the Articles of Association. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE GOVERNING BODY Governing body responsibilities include: Setting strategic direction, objectives, targets and policies Reviewing progress against the budget, plans and targets Approving the school budget Acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher by providing support and challenge Appointing the Headteacher A Governing Body is a group. Individual Governors have no power except where the whole Governing Body has delegated a specific power to that individual. MEETINGS The Governing Body meets frequently throughout the school year at school. A general business meeting is held once per term with other occasional meetings held to discuss specific agenda, including the budget, staffing and curriculum issues. The minutes of the Governors' Meetings are in the school office and are available on request, except for matters marked confidential. LUGWARDINE PRIMARY ACADEMY GOVERNING BODY NAME MRS MARGARET ELLIS c/o Lugwardine Primary School Tel. 850449 MR MICHAEL WILSON Monk’s Orchard, Lumber Lane, Lugwardine, Hereford HR1 4AG Tel. 850254 MR PHIL TAYLOR Dunnington, The Old Grove, Westhide, Hereford HR1 3RL MRS LINDA BRADBURN 16 Bridge Street, Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3DL Tel. 01544.231520 MR JONATHAN FENNESSY Little Woodmanton, Yarkhill, Hereford HR1 3SX MRS SHARON MARKS 19 Wilcroft Park, Bartestree, Hereford HR1 4DG Tel. 851439 MRS DIANE HEMMING c/o Lugwardine Primary School Tel. 850449 CATEGORY LA REP TERM OF OFFICE ENDS 01.10.13 LA REP 31.08.12 PARENT GOV 21.10.12 PARENT GOV 11.2.15 PARENT GOV 12.7.15 PARENT GOV 21.10.12 STAFF GOV 21.10.12 MRS JUDITH HANN 7 Hopton Close, Bartestree, Hereford HR1 4DQ Tel. 850860 MRS JULIE POWELL c/o Lugwardine Primary School Tel. 850449 MRS SAM HUGHES (CHAIR) The Coach House, Hagley Court, Bartestree, Hereford HR1 4BX Tel. 851208 MR JAMIE WRIGHT 24 St James Close, Bartestree, Hereford HR1 4AY Tel. 851602 REV LYNNE DAVIS 3 Hopton Close, Bartestree, Hereford HR1 4DQ Tel. 850104 MRS ANGELA WHITCHURCH c/o Lugwardine Primary School Tel. 850449 MRS JULIE HANCOCK c/o Lugwardine Primary School Tel. 850449 STAFF GOV 21.10.12 STAFF GOV n/a COMMUNITY 21.10.12 COMMUNITY 28.11.14 COMMUNITY 3.11.13 ASSOCIATE GOV 21.10.12 CLERK n/a