Copy herewith - Wrexham County Borough Council

Social Affairs, Health and Housing
Scrutiny Committee
Philip Walton (Strategic Director)
9 November 2011
Vicky Morgan (Tel 01978 315509)
Future Older Persons Housing Needs:
Update Report
To update Members of ongoing work in the area of Future Older
Person’s Housing Needs.
A report (CHPPO/86/10s) was considered by Social Affairs, Health and
Housing Scrutiny Committee on 14 July 2010 which outlined
projections for the future need of specialist housing for older people in
the Borough based on the research paper “Future Older Persons
Accommodation in Wrexham”.
The “Future Older Persons Accommodation in Wrexham” paper was
written using the methodology identified in the Department of
Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Toolkit, “More Choice,
Greater Voice” (2008).
Using this methodology, the paper identified that there is a significant
need for more specialist older persons housing now and increasingly
so in the future. The paper further suggested that a major part of any
increased provision should be in the form of leasehold accommodation.
It was highlighted that the principal barrier to developing provision is
the lack of capital revenue to build new schemes or remodel existing
provision and the pressure on revenue budgets to finance any
additional support services.
A number of potential solutions were outlined, including arguing the
case nationally for more capital funding through the Welsh
Government, encouraging the development of privately funded
specialist older persons housing, focussing on upgrading existing
schemes where practical and improving preventative services to keep
people in the family home through initiatives such as Telecare and the
Hub and Spoke Sheltered Warden model.
This report highlights the work ongoing since the last report before a
full report is presented to Members in April 2012. This summary will
focus on the development of Extra Care, a brief update on progress of
the Hub and Spoke Model Sheltered Service, an appraisal of Sheltered
Housing Stock across the County Borough and input into the wider
Local Housing Strategy.
Extra Care Housing
The development of Plas Telford, Wrexham’s first Extra Care Housing
Scheme completed September 2011 with occupants moving in from
the end of October 2011.
The scheme, developed in partnership between WCBC and Pennaf
Housing Group, has been funded by Extra Care Social Housing Grant
(Welsh Government) and private funding raised by Pennaf at a total
cost of £8.5 million. It hosts 54 apartments (42 two bedroom and 12
one bedroom) to rent or purchase (up to 90%) for people aged 55+ with
care and/or support needs and has been carefully designed to
maximise accessibility to enable people to live independently for longer
including a fully telecare enabled, hardwired call system which is linked
to WCBC Telecare Service Provider (ChesterCare).
Other design aspects include level access shower rooms in every
apartment and kitchens designed and fitted to be easily adapted to
manage a person’s changing needs. Communal facilities include an
onsite restaurant, therapy room and IT suite as well as public facilities,
including a community café and hairdresser.
Qualifying criteria for the scheme have been set to encourage a vibrant
mix of people and abilities. All occupants will have a need for housing
related support (telecare alarm service and Housing Support Assistant
intervention as a minimum) and 50% of these will have varying degrees
of social care needs. Priority will be given to people from the Wrexham
area and a partnership allocations panel is set up to manage and
monitor all allocations.
Occupants will be required to engage with Reablement Services before
any ongoing care package is agreed. Ongoing care will be available
during the day through a dedicated provider contracted by Adult Social
Care, with over night care needs being met by Night Support and
Mobile Response services in partnership with WCBC Telecare Service
Provider (ChesterCare).
Housing Related Support will be provided by a team of part time
Housing Support Assistants by means of a contract between
Supporting People and Clwyd Alyn Housing Association. Housing
Management support will be provided by a full time Scheme Manager
provided by Clwyd Alyn Housing Association.
Sheltered Hub and Spoke
A roll out of a new model of Sheltered Housing Services was approved
by Executive Board on 19th July, 2011 (PAW/27/11) following a
successful pilot of the model and presentation of the findings to the
Social Affairs, Health and Housing Committee on 29th June, 2011
A Hub and Spoke model will introduce a needs led service to existing
Sheltered Housing Tenants in replacement of the current universal,
one size fits all, service and enable the service to be extended to
people living outside of Sheltered Housing, in their own homes. The
model will be rolled out as a phased area based programme covering
the whole of the County Borough over the next 2 years. This will see a
25% increase in the number of people supported within the current
capacity of the Warden Team, extended to a further 25% through
increased charging and Supporting People revenue.
The service will offer a tiered level of warden support based on the
findings of an outcome focussed needs and risk assessment (where
applicable) of either one visit a week, 2/3 times a week or 7 days a
week. Support is targeted at people 60 plus with a basic telecare
package (or willing to have one installed), who have low level support
needs and are not currently in receipt of home care. This service
contributes to the prevention agenda of preventing unnecessary or
early access to social care and health services and WCBCs priority of
assisting older people to live independently.
Evaluation of Specialist Housing Stock
Work is ongoing to evaluate the existing specialist older person’s
housing stock (Council, RSL’s and Abbeyfield) across the County
Borough as committed in the Future Older Person’s Housing Needs
Report (CHPPO/86/10s). The report and related research paper
highlight a WCBC aspiration to achieve a 50% 1 bedroom and 50% 2
bedroom specialist housing stock meeting Lifetime Homes Standard,
focussing on local housing solutions within people’s own communities
with good access to local services.
It is acknowledged that Sheltered Housing, provided by WCBC and
partner Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) continues to play an
important role in the future of older person’s housing but that some of
this stock will not be able to meet WCBC aspirations or the changing
expectations of older people.
Work has been undertaken to scope the extent of these shortcomings
across the County Borough. A survey has been developed, in
consultation with a number of officers, which aims to measure the
performance of existing Sheltered stock against key aspirations around
Lifetime Homes Standard, the aspiration for 1 and 2 bedroom
accommodation, local access to services, energy efficiency,
accessibility, home ownership and equality.
The comprehensive questionnaire has been issued to all RSLs and
WCBCs Sheltered Housing Team in respect of all 39 sheltered
schemes across the County Borough. Providers were initially given 8
weeks to complete this work with support available from Housing
Strategy Services although a request for an extension has been
The responses will be analysed and a full evaluation report, presenting
the capital cost of upgrading schemes (where analysis demonstrates
cost effectiveness) will be included along with evidence of any
schemes or parts of schemes which may not be financially viable to
upgrade along with options to appraise in terms of next steps.
This work is being monitored by the Older Person’s Improvement
Priority Group; survey responses are due to be collated by the end of
quarter three 2011/12 and analysis completed in quarter four. A full
report of the findings will be presented to the Social Affairs, Health and
Housing Committee on April 11th, 2012.
Consideration will be given during the compilation of the evaluation
report to the extension of the survey to the private sector and to nonsheltered, older person’s stock.
Local Housing Strategy
Consultation has been ongoing to inform the development of the Local
Housing Strategy to ensure the future housing needs of older people
are accounted for. This will replace the Accommodation and Housing
Support Strategy for Older People with the view to having an holistic
housing strategy which encompasses policy for addressing the future
housing needs of all Wrexham citizens.
To ensure the needs of older people are accounted for within the
strategy, the Housing Strategy department have been consulting with
numerous internal and external older people’s representatives and
groups. This work continues with a draft strategy progressing. Progress
on this work is due to be reported to the Social Affairs, Health and
Housing Committee on December 14th, 2011