POWER POINT Link here - Earth Sheltered Housing

Earthlog ® Equity Group, Inc. was Incorporated in 2012.
Earthlog Equity Group as a Private Company was formed in 1989
Mr. Robert E. Arms is Our Founder and Chairman/CEO
865 . 247 . 6164
How Our Earth Sheltered Homes are Constructed
Hot Tubs, Whirlpool, Saunas &
Swimming Pools can be installed
by your local Contractor …
Arches for Interiors between
sections of the home can be
rectangle or curved as shown to
the right …
1 – 865 - 247 - 6164
How Our Earth Sheltered Homes are Constructed
Interiors can be finished off in
tasteful ways …
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How Our Earth Sheltered Homes are Constructed
Interiors can be finished off in
tasteful ways …
1 – 865 - 247 - 6164
Exteriors Finished off in various tasteful ways
Types of Earth Sheltered Homes
Our Custom Designed Earth Sheltered Homes
Constructed solid using fiber-glass/mix concrete with rebar, with 10 ½ inch
walls ready to stand up to the flying debris of Tornado's and Hurricanes and
the devastating effects of Fires and Earthquakes.
Plus the Superior Energy Efficiency and Soundproofing Qualities of an
Earthlog ® Earth Sheltered Home means great comfort for your family year
All of the benefits of Concrete Home Building with Architectural Beauty.
Beautiful Earth Sheltered Homes in any style with all the added benefits like
Energy Efficiency, Safety and Peace & Quite.
Sunken Living Rooms, Bedrooms, Indoor swimming Pools, a Front like a
Castle, or you can even Incorporate a Green House in your overall Design.
Blends harmoniously into the landscape.
Extra protection against Storms, Tornados, Hurricanes, man made & Natural
Contact us today for a Free Price Quote : EarthlogEG@aol.com & go to Our
Earth Sheltered Homes Yahoo Group with over 1,100 Pictures & Plans.
Go to www.#EarthShelteredHousing.com to Download How Our Earth
Sheltered Homes are Constructed POWER Point Presentaion …