Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Progranimate User Manual For Prototype Version 3.5 ©2005- 2008 Andrew Scott Faculty of Advanced Technology University of Glamorgan Page 1 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Contents 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Document Scope ...................................................................................................... 4 What is Progranimate? ............................................................................................. 4 Progranimate Overview ....................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Feature Overview ..................................................................................................... 5 2.2 User Interface Overview .......................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Flowchart View ................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 Code View ........................................................................................................ 7 2.2.3 Variable Inspector ............................................................................................ 8 2.2.4 Palette ............................................................................................................... 8 2.2.5 Toolbar ............................................................................................................. 8 2.2.6 Console ............................................................................................................. 8 2.2.7 Menus ............................................................................................................... 9 3.0 Creating Programs With Progranimate ........................................................................................... 10 3.1 Variables................................................................................................................. 11 3.1.1 Adding Variables,........................................................................................... 11 3.1.2 Default Variable Values ................................................................................ 12 3.1.3 Deleting Variables .......................................................................................... 12 3.1.4 Editing Variables ............................................................................................ 13 3.2 Arrays ..................................................................................................................... 13 3.2.1 Adding Arrays ................................................................................................ 14 3.2.2 Default Array Values ..................................................................................... 15 3.2.3 Deleting Arrays .............................................................................................. 15 3.2.4 Editing Arrays ................................................................................................ 15 3.3 Adding Components or Structures ......................................................................... 16 3.4 Nesting Structures .................................................................................................. 17 3.5 Defining Components and Structures .................................................................... 18 3.6 Deleting Components and Structures ..................................................................... 18 3.7 Editing Component and Structures ........................................................................ 19 3.8 Copying, Cutting and Pasting Components and Structures. .................................. 19 3.8.1 Copying and Cutting ...................................................................................... 19 3.8.2 Pasting ............................................................................................................ 20 3.9 The Components and Structures in Detail.............................................................. 21 3.9.1 The Print Component. .................................................................................... 21 3.9.2 The Read Component ..................................................................................... 23 3.9.3 The Assign Component .................................................................................. 23 3.9.4 Control Structures. ......................................................................................... 26 The If Structure .......................................................................................... 26 The If_Else Structure ................................................................................. 27 The While Structure ................................................................................... 29 3.9.5 Constructing Logical Expressions .................................................................. 35 Comparison Operators................................................................................ 36 Entering Simple Boolean Expressions ....................................................... 36 Using AND, OR and XOR ......................................................................... 37 Complex Boolean Expressions................................................................... 38 3.9.6 Expression Analysis and Evaluation .............................................................. 39 Syntax Analysis .......................................................................................... 39 Operator Precedence .................................................................................. 40 4.0 Animating a Program ......................................................................................................................... 41 Page 2 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott The Animation Controls ......................................................................................... 42 The Console............................................................................................................ 43 Skipping through links ........................................................................................... 43 Loading and Saving a Program ......................................................................................................... 44 5.1 Saving a Program ................................................................................................... 44 5.2 Loading a Program ................................................................................................. 44 5.3 Auto Loading...................................................................................................... 45 6.0 Language Selection Code Generation and Translation ................................................................... 45 6.1 The Languages Available ....................................................................................... 45 6.2 Language Translation ............................................................................................. 45 6.3 The Code Generation Menu ................................................................................... 46 6.3.1 Language Selection ........................................................................................ 46 6.3.2 Code Commenting Level ............................................................................... 47 6.3.3 Font Size ......................................................................................................... 49 6.3.4 Font Style ....................................................................................................... 49 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 9.0 10.0 Visual Settings and Adjustments ....................................................................................................... 50 The View Menu ...................................................................................................... 51 Resizing Parts of the User Interface Using Split Dividers ..................................... 52 Changing the Visual Representation of the Inspectors .......................................... 53 Adjusting the Font Size of the Variable and Array Inspectors .............................. 54 Advanced Settings Menu .................................................................................................................... 55 Variables................................................................................................................. 55 Animation ............................................................................................................... 56 Programming .......................................................................................................... 57 Error Handling ................................................................................................................................... 58 Deploying Progranimate .................................................................................................................... 59 10.1 Web Server Installation .......................................................................................... 59 10.2 Java Web Start Deployment ................................................................................... 59 10.2.1 Creating a Basic Launch File ......................................................................... 59 10.2.2 Launching Progranimate Via Java Web Start ................................................ 61 10.2.3 Passing Parameters Via WJS.......................................................................... 62 10.2.4 Troubleshooting Java Web Start Deployment ............................................... 64 10.3 Applet Deployment ................................................................................................ 69 10.3.1 Creating a Basic Web Page To Contain Progranimate. ................................. 69 10.3.2 Launching an Applet ...................................................................................... 71 10.3.3 Passing Parameters to the Applet ................................................................... 73 10.3.4 Troubleshooting Applet Launching ............................................................... 74 10.4 A Complete List of Parameters .............................................................................. 79 Page 3 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 1.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Introduction 1.1 Document Scope This document is intended as a user guide for Progranimate. It is aimed at instructors and system administrators rather than the complete novice programmer. Detailed in this document are Progranimate’s (Version 3.0) range of features and instructions on their use, as well as information regarding the deployment of Progranimate. Details regarding the technical implementation of Progranimate are not covered in this document. 1.2 What is Progranimate? Progranimate is an interactive and dynamic web enabled visual problem solving tool and code generator aimed at novice programmers. The application of the tool aims to increase student comprehension and maintain student motivation when engaging in the introductory levels of programming. It removes the focus from syntax and focuses on the logic skills needed to solve introductory programming problems. The use of the tool focuses on using flowcharts to develop visual solutions to basic programming problems from which syntactically correct program code is generated. Progranimate provides the ability to generate program code in a variety of languages that currently includes Java, Visual Basic.Net and Visual Basic 6.0. Progranimate allows user or pre-created programs to be animated, where each step of a program’s execution is highlighted in both the flowchart and code representations. A variable inspector is provided to allow users to see the effect each instruction has on any variables and arrays used within a program. The animation features and the synchronised interaction between the visual and code representations aim to reinforce student understanding of both the visual solution and program statement flow. Progranimate integrates with the World Wide Web and is deployable via Java Web Start or as an applet within a web page. This makes Progranimate an ideal centrepiece or valuable accompaniment to an online tutorial covering the basics of imperatives (non object oriented) programming. Progranimate can also be installed locally as an executable Java JAR file on computers without Internet access. Page 4 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 2.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Progranimate Overview 2.1 Feature Overview Progranimate provides a wide array of features to support the novice programmer. These features are outlined below. Program Creation Progranimate is a programming tool that focuses on the algorithmic problem solving skills of programming. So that the user is not bogged down with the complexities of syntax, lines of code are not directly entered into Progranimate. The code is generated automatically and in a variety of selectable languages. As is the structure of the flowchart as the creation of this its self could prove a distraction. The user simply needs to decide where a component or structure will go (by interacting with the flowchart or code), define any associated parameters and the rest is taken care of, allowing the user to focus purely on problem solving and algorithm design. Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo features are also provided to make the process easier and quicker. Program Visualisation The basic concept behind the tool is to visualise the programming task via flowcharts and automatically generated computer code. The flowchart and code representations are synchronised graphically. Highlighting a component in the flowchart causes the relevant component in the code to also be highlighted and vice versa. This allows the user to see the relationship between a flowchart and textual code structure that subsequent design would likely produce. Auto Code Generation in Multiple Languages An aim of Progranimate is to prevent users from being bogged down with the complexities of programming language syntax. Therefore programs are constructed from automatically generated code rather than direct text input. Progranimate provides the capability to generate code in one of three languages; these are Java, VisualBasic.Net and VisualBasic6.0, Language Translation Progranimate enables users to translate a program across all its available languages. This allows the user to see how an algorithmic solution may be represented in multiple languages. Animation Progranimate allows programs to be animated so that each step of execution is visualised synchronously in both the flowchart and code representations of a computer program. The animation features reinforce student understanding of program statement flow in both the flowchart and code representations of a program. Page 5 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Variable / Array Inspection A variable and array inspector is provided so that Progranimate may visualise the effect that each program statement has on the data of a program. This is very important for communicating programming concepts and ideas to students. It also emphasises debugging skills from an early stage, something that many novice environments forget. Saving and Loading of Programs Any programming environment would not be complete without the ability to save user programs and load user created programs. Printing of Flowcharts and Code Progranimate provides the ability to print out both the generated code and flowcharts, enabling the users to communicate their ideas. Saving Flowchart Graphics and Generated Code It is possible to save the flowchart graphics in a variety of formats allowing users to easily add their flowcharts to various documents. Also the code generated by Progranimate can be exported to an external text file. Visual Customisation Progranimate provides a wide rage of settings for visually customising the way Progranimate appears to the user. These features are very useful when Progranimate is used as an applet or when certain features need to be emphasised. WWW Integration Progranimate can be integrated via the World Wide Web. It can easily be deployed as a Java Web Start or Applet application, making it ideal as a centrepiece to an online learning environment or tutorial covering the imperatives of programming. Page 6 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 2.2 ©2008 Andrew Scott User Interface Overview In this section an overview of Progranimate’s user interface and it’s features is given. Palette Menu Flowchart view Code view Console Toolbar Figure 1. Progranimate’s User-Interface 2.2.1 Variable/ array inspector Flowchart View The flowchart view presents the user with a flowchart representation of the stored program. The user can interact with the flowchart to add, edit or remove components and structures from a program. As a component or structure is added to the flowchart view the code view updates by generating and displaying associated program code. The flowchart view animates a program in synchronisation with the code view by highlighting each relevant flowchart component in turn until the terminate component is reached. 2.2.2 Code View The code view presents a code-based representation of the stored program in the selected language. The code view can be interacted with to add, edit or remove components or structures. As a component or structure is added to the code view the flowchart view updates by adding the relevant flowchart Page 7 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott components and structures. Declarations for variables and arrays are also displayed in the code view. During animation the code view animates a program in synchronisation with the flowchart view highlighting each relevant line of code in turn until the end of the program is reached. 2.2.3 Variable Inspector The variable inspector displays the variables and arrays used by the programs of Progranimate. The inspector is used to add, edit, and delete the variables and arrays of a program. During animation cycles, the variable inspector visualises the effect that each program statement has on the variables and arrays used. The data types used by the inspector are dependent on the programming language selected. However, the data types commonly include: Integer, Double, String, Character and Boolean types. 2.2.4 Palette The palette provides options for adding program variables, arrays statements and structures to a program. These include assignment, print and read statements and If, If_Else and While structures. The palette also provides edit and delete options. These can be used to edit or remove program statements and structures, as well as variables and arrays. To add a component to a program, the user selects the relevant option from the palette, then selects the relevant part of the flowchart or code . To edit or delete a program component, structure, variable or array, the user selects the edit/delete option from the palette then clicks on the relevant component, structure, variable or array in the flowchart, code or variable inspector (or visa versa if settings allow). 2.2.5 Toolbar The toolbar contains the options for saving, loading and clearing programs. It also contains controls to run, pause, step and stop animations. The two sliders control the speed of animation and the scale at which the flowchart is drawn. 2.2.6 Console The console handles the input and output of data; it is invoked during animation. When a print statement is reached, it is called to output information and data to the screen. It is also called when a read statement is reached to take input from the user and place it in a variable or array element. Page 8 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 2.2.7 ©2008 Andrew Scott Menus The menus control many major and minor functions. File The File menu allows for saving, loading, program clearing and closing Progranimate. Options are also provided to printing or saving the flowchart graphics or generated code. It also provides access to the advanced menu where Progranimate can be customised in many ways. Edit The Edit menu allows the user to undo the previous command, and perform copy, cut and paste operations on a selected component or structure. View The View menu is used to select which of Progranimate’s GUI elements are visible and enabled. For example the user may wish turn off the flowchart view, the code view, variable, palette, or toolbar etcetera. Code Generation The Code Generation menu is used to select the language implemented by Progranimate. It also provides options for setting the size and font of text in the code view. This menu also allows users to adjust the level of detail used in the automatically generated commenting. Help Finally, the Help menu allows the user to access the manual, and program information. In the future it will contain other help based features to assist the users of Progranimate. Page 9 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Creating Programs With Progranimate In Progranimate, a program may be constructed by interacting either with the flowchart or code views. Unlike in regular programming environments, users do not enter code directly. Programs are constructed from a palette of programming components and structures that the user can select from. Once selected, these component and structures are placed within the program and any associated parameters are defined. Once a component’s or structure’s parameters are defined, the flowchart is redrawn and the code is automatically generated to show the newly added component or structure. Progranimate can create programs in a variety of languages. However, in the examples in this section, we will use the Java and VisualBasic.Net programming languages. For a list of the languages supported by Progranimate, see section 6.1 entitled ‘The Languages Available’. Clicking the toolbar (or file menu) option marked ‘New’ clears the current program to present the user with a fresh canvas with which to create a program. The user is then prompted to name the new program via a dialogue box that pops up. Figure 2. Naming a Program When creating a new program, Progranimate starts by displaying the default starter and termination icons and code. There should also be no data displayed in the variable inspector. Figure 3. The Default Components and Java Code. Any components added to the program will be placed between the starter and terminator components. Any variables or arrays declared will be displayed in the code view only, as variable declarations play no part in visualising the logical flow of a program. Progranimate minimises the work performed by the user by automatically managing the layout of flowcharts and code indentation as components are added. This means the user can focus purely on algorithm development rather than wasting valuable learning time fiddling with the intricacies of the visual representation. Page 10 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 3.1 ©2008 Andrew Scott Variables Before any meaningful components can be defined, some variables need to be added for the programs to work with. Progranimate allows for the Integer, Double, Char, String and Boolean data types to be used within programs. Some languages may not support all these data types. For example, Visual Basic 6 does not support the Char data type. However, most languages such Java and Visual Basic.Net support all of Progranimate’s data types. Any defined variables are held and displayed in the variable inspector. This allows variables to be referenced for error checking Figure 4. The Variable Inspector. purposes when defining component or structure parameters. It also displays the changing state of variable data during animation by visualising the effect that program statements can have on the data it contains. Figure 4 shows the variable inspector when Progranimate is set to work with the Java programming language. 3.1.1 Adding Variables, To add a variable to the inspector, click on the variable button of the palette. This will cause the variable definition window to pop up where the variable can be defined. Figure 5 shows an example of the variable definition window. Figure 5. The variable definition window Firstly, the variable’s name must be entered. The name must begin with a lowercase letter and contain only letters, numbers or the underscore character. Next, the variable’s data type must be selected. A drop down list allows the data type to be selected i.e. Int, Double, Char, String and Boolean in the case of Java. If direct value entry is permitted in the advanced settings, an initial value can be entered for the variable. If direct value entry is not permitted, the value field will not be shown and the variable will be set to its Page 11 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott default value. See section 3.1.2 for the information on Progranimate’s default values. See section 8.1 for more information on enabling or disabling direct value entry. Once all the needed information has been entered, the ok button should be clicked (or enter key pressed). At this point, the name, data type and value will be validated. If there are problems, an error message will be displayed beneath the relevant field and the user can edit their entry. If all is ok, the definition window will close and the variable will appear in the inspector. Clicking cancel or pressing the escape key will close the definition window without adding a variable. If desired, quotation marks can be placed around string and char data during entry (double quotes for stings, single quotes for chars). However, this is not mandatory. Whether or not quotes are added, the inspector will display the appropriate quotes around String and Char data in the value field of the inspector. By default the maximum number of variables allowed is fifty. If a user attempts to add another variable once fifty variables have been defined, they will be presented with an error message. It is possible to increase the maximum number of variables permitted in the advanced settings; see section 8.1 for more information. 3.1.2 Default Variable Values When no data is entered in the value field of the variable definition window, or direct value entry is turned off in the advanced settings, the value of a variable will be set to its default. The default values for the differing data types are as follows. Data Type Default Value Integer 0 Double 0.0 Char Char will contain ASCII char 0 String String will contain ASCII char 0 Boolean False Table1. The default data types for variables 3.1.3 Deleting Variables Removing variables from a program is easy; this can be achieved in a multitude of ways, depending on what program settings have been enabled. The main way of deleting a variable is to click the delete button on the palette and then select the variable to be removed either in the code or the inspector. Another way (settings permitting) is to select the variable in the code or inspector and then click the delete button of the palette. It is also possible to achieve this by right clicking the variables declaration in the code view Page 12 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott (settings permitting). Doing so makes a popup menu appear where the user can select delete. If a variable is in use within a program, the use is unable to remove it and presented with an appropriate method. Do delete a variable the user must first remove all uses of it. This helps prevent mistakes that may lead to a program error and unnecessary confusion. Depending on the advanced settings, some of the deletion methods described on this section may be inhibited. See section 8.3 for more details on adjusting the selection methods. If a variable has been removed in error, the undo option of the edit menu will bring it back providing no other command has been performed in Progranimate. 3.1.4 Editing Variables A user may want to edit a variable to change its initial value or data type. Editing variables of a program is simple. Like the deletion of variables, it can be achieved in various ways (advanced settings permitting). The simplest way to edit a variable is to double click it either in the code or in the inspector. Another way is to select the edit button from the palette and then the variable in the code or variable inspector. This can also be achieved the other way round by clicking the variable in the code or variable inspector and then the edit option from the palette (settings permitting). All of these methods will cause a pre-filled variable definition window to pop up where the user can edit the variable’s value and data type. When a variable is renamed all instances of the variable in the program (flowchart and code) are also updated. Depending on the advanced settings, some of the editing methods described in this section may be inhibited. See section 8.3 for more details on adjusting the selection methods. 3.2 Arrays It is possible to include arrays into user programs. The data types permitted by Progranimate’s arrays match those of the variables. All arrays in Progranimate are zero based, even when using languages such as Visual Basic 6, where zero based arrays are not mandatory. Allowing nonstandard array element indexing may lead to unnecessary confusion when graduating to other languages. Any defined arrays will be held and displayed in the array inspector. This allows array elements to be used by component parameters. It also displays the Page 13 Figure 6. The array inspector Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott changing state of an array’s elements during animation, showing the effect that a program statement can have on the data it contains. Figure six shows the array inspector with Progranimate set to work in the Java programming language. When no arrays have been defined, the array inspector will remain invisible; the variable inspector will then take up the entire right side portion of the screen. This means Progranimate is free of unnecessary complication for users who has yet to learn arrays. When one or more arrays have been defined the array inspector will appear, the right side will be split equally between the variable and array inspectors. By placing the mouse pointer between the two inspectors and performing a click and drag, it is possible to change the proportions of the screen devoted to each inspector. 3.2.1 Adding Arrays To add an array to the array inspector, simply click the button marked array on the component palette. Doing so will cause an array definition window to pop up where an array can be defined and added to the array inspector. Firstly, the user must enter a name to be used by the array. This must begin with a lowercase letter and contain only alphanumeric characters or the underscore character. It must also be unique, a name not used by other arrays or variables. Secondly, the data type to be used must be selected. This is achieved via the drop down menu. If direct input has been enabled in the settings, the initial values must be entered for the array. Commas must separate values; this allows the size of the array to be automatically calculated. If direct input has been disabled, the value field will not be shown and the user must enter the size of the array instead. In this instance, the array elements are filled with the default values for the selected data type. Once all the data is entered, the ok button can be clicked or the enter key pressed. This causes the data to be validated. If the data is found to be valid, the definition window will close, and the array will appear in the inspector. Any errors found are presented via a dialog window in plain English; technical jargon has been limited where possible. It is possible to cancel the adding of an array at any time by pressing the cancel button or the escape key. Figure 7 shows the array definition window. Page 14 Figure 7. The array definition window. Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 3.2.2 Default Array Values When no data is entered in the values field of the array definition window, or direct value entry is turned off in the advance settings, the value of an array’s elements will be set to the selected data type’s default. The default values for the differing data types are as follows. Data Type Default Value Integer 0 Double 0.0 Char Char will contain ASCII char 0 String String will contain ASCII char 0 Boolean False Table 2. The default data types for Arrays 3.2.3 Deleting Arrays There are multiple ways a user can delete an array in Progranimate. One way of deleting an array is to select the delete option in the palette and then select the array to be removed, either in the code or on the array inspector. Another way is to select the array first (either in the code or the array inspector) and then to select the delete option from the palette. A third and final way of doing this is to right click the array’s code in the code view. This will cause a small pop up menu to appear, where a delete option is provided. Depending on the advanced settings, some of these deletion methods may be inhibited. See section 8.3 for more details on adjusting the selection methods for deleting. If an array has been removed in error, an undo option is available in the edit menu. 3.2.4 Editing Arrays As with variables, there are multiple ways you can edit an array. The first way is to double click it. Another way is to select the edit button from the palette and then click on the array in the code view or the array inspector. A third way is to select the array in the code or the array inspector and then select the edit button from the palette. The final way is to right click edit the array’s declaration in the code view. This should cause a small popup menu to appear where the edit option is provided. When an array is renamed any references to it in the program are also updated. Depending on the advanced settings, some of these editing methods may be inhibited. See section 8.3 for more details on adjusting the selection methods for editing. Page 15 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 3.3 ©2008 Andrew Scott Adding Components or Structures To add a component to the program, the user must first select a component from the palette. To select the intended location of the new component, mouse click on an existing flowchart component, a valid vertical line of flow, or a line of code in the code view. A definition window then pops up; this is where the expression to be used with the component is defined. See section 3.4 for more information on defining component and structures. Once defined, the component is automatically inserted into the flowchart and code below the selected component or code line, or on the selected vertical line of flow. The code and the flowchart views are synchronised; adding a component to the flowchart view will cause the code view to update appropriately and visa versa. Figure 4 below demonstrates a program being constructed from the default components of a blank program. The highlighted components show where the mouse clicks were made. Figure 8. Adding Components Below is a description of how a user may transition from the initial to the final state of figure 8. This process was achieved in three simple steps described below. Stage 1: An integer called x with the value 1 is added to the inspector. The Print option is then selected in the palette. The start component is selected, causing a definition window to pop up. In the definition window, the value x is entered. This will cause the value of variable x to be printed at run time. The OK button is clicked, Page 16 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott and the Print component is then added to the program in both the code and flowchart views. Stage 2: The If option of the palette is selected; then the print component is clicked on in either the code or flowchart view. The Boolean expression to be associated with the IF structure is then defined, in this case X > 1. Once ‘OK’ is clicked on, the definition window disappears, and the IF structure is added to the program in both code and flowchart views. Stage 3: The assign option is selected in the palette. The If component is then clicked on in either the code or flowchart views. This causes the definition window to pop up, where the expression to be associated with an assign statement is entered. In this case, the assignment expression X = 1 is entered. Once ‘OK’ is clicked, the assignment statement is added to the code, and an assignment component is added to the flowchart. The final state of the program is shown in image 4 of figure eight. For more information on defining components, see sections 3.5 ‘Defining Structures and Components’ and 3.9 ‘The Components and Structures in Detail’. 3.4 Nesting Structures In Progranimate it is possible to nest the If, If_Else, While and For control structures to infinitesimal levels, in any valid combination. The method for adding structures within structures is no different from the method for adding a standard component within a structure. It is also possible to cut an entire structure, including its components and sub-structures for pasting within another structure. This ability makes Progranimate capable of handling a very large number of programming problems, increasing the complexity of the programs it can model and thus its educational scope. Figure 9 demonstrates the structure nesting abilities of Progranimate using the VisualBasic.Net language. Figure 9. An example of the nesting possibilities. Page 17 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 3.5 ©2008 Andrew Scott Defining Components and Structures When a component or structure is selected from the palette and its location is selected within the flowchart or code views, a component definition window pops up. This definition window is where the expression to be associated with the component or structure to be added is defined. Each component has its own dedicated definition window. All definition windows look similar, except for subtle differences in the descriptive text contained within them. Figure 10. The assignment definition window. Figure 10 shows the definition window associated with the assignment component. In this example an incremental statement has been entered. If the user is defining a structure such as an If or While loop then they only need enter the argument to be associated with that structure i.e. x <= 100. Once ok is clicked the rest is taken care of. Once definition window that does vary on the standard is the definition window for a For loop, this will be discussed further in section 3.9. The syntax of parameters entered into the definition window depends on the language selected. For information relating to the definition of each component or structure, see section 3.9 ‘The Components and Structures in Detail’, where this is discussed in detail. If an error is encountered during the definition of a component the an error message will appear in read beneath the textbox where the error exists. Each definition window comes with two short cut buttons for adding variables and arrays. These perform the same function as the Variable and Array buttons of the palette. They allow variables or arrays to be added without the need to close the definition window. 3.6 Deleting Components and Structures There are multiple ways to remove a component or structure from a program. One way is to select ‘delete’ from the palette and then select the component or structure to be removed in either the code or flowchart view. Another way is to do this in reverse by first selecting the component or structure and then the delete option of the palette (advance settings permitting). A component or structure can also be removed by right clicking it in either of the two program views. A popup menu will appear, and the delete option can be selected from it. This will remove the component that clicked upon. Depending on the advanced setting, some of these methods may be disabled. For more information on setting the selection methods, see section 8.3. Page 18 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott When a component is removed, both the flowchart and the code representations of a program are updated in a tidy manner with no adjustment needed by the user. When a structure such as an If, If_Else or While is removed, all internal components and sub structures are also removed. The diagram and code is then redrawn tidily with no adjustment needed by the user. If a component or structure has been removed in error, an undo option is available in the edit menu. 3.7 Editing Component and Structures Occasionally, it may be required to edit the expressions associated with a component or structure. This can be achieved in multiple ways. The simplest way is to double click the component. Other ways are to select edit from the palette and then the component or structure to be edited. This can also be achieved in reverse (advanced settings permitting), where the component or structure is first selected and then the edit option from the palette is selected. A final way to edit a component is to right click it. If the popup menu has been enabled in the advanced settings, the user should be able to select the option edit. Depending on the advanced settings, some of these editing methods may be inhibited. For information on adjusting the selection methods in the advanced settings, see section 8.3. All of these methods cause a pre-filled definition window to appear. Via this window, the expression belonging to the selected component can be edited. If desired, the name of the program can be changed. This is achieved by editing the starter component of the flowchart or the program delectation in the code view. In Java, program declaration is also known as class declaration. 3.8 Copying, Cutting and Pasting Components and Structures. Progranimate provides features for copying, cutting and pasting components or structures. This is achieved via a right click popup menu or by using Progranimate’s edit menu. 3.8.1 Copying and Cutting To copy or cut a component or structure, right click it in the flowchart or code views. A popup menu will then appear where the user can select from the options Copy or Cut (see figure 11). Selecting the component and clicking copy from Progranimate’s edit menu will have the same result. When the copy option is selected, a copy of the component or structure selected is stored in the computers memory, leaving the copied Page 19 Figure 11. The popup menu Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott component remaining. When copying a structure such as an If, If_Else or While, all of its internal components and sub structures will also be copied. When the cut option is selected, a copy of the component or structure selected is stored in the computer memory as with copy. However, this time the component selected is cut (removed) from the flowchart. When cutting a structure such as an If, If_Else, While or For all of its internal components and sub structures are also cut. 3.8.2 Pasting Pasting a component or structure that has been copied or cut is achieved very easily. This can be done in two different ways, depending on what settings have been enabled in the advanced settings. The first way is to right click the intended location of the component in the flowchart or code views. This will cause the popup menu to appear where the paste option is available. The other way is to select the intended location with a left click. This will highlight the component. The paste option can then be selected from the edit menu. If a component or a line of code is selected, the pasted component or structure will be inserted below it. If a valid vertical link is selected, the pasted component or structure will be inserted by replacing the link. There will be no need for the user to tidy up the flowchart or code once a component has been pasted; the code and flowchart will be adjusted and tidied automatically. Figure 12 below shows an example of a cut and paste operation in Progranimate. Figure 12. Cutting and pasting a structure. Page 20 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 3.9 ©2008 Andrew Scott The Components and Structures in Detail This section discusses each programming component or structure available to Progranimate. It provides information on the usage and possibilities of each component or structure. The syntax used within the components and structures of Progranimate depend on the language selected. In this section we will discuss the syntax in relation to Java and VisualBasic.Net. For more information on the language selection possibilities of Progranimate, see section 6.1. 3.9.1 The Print Component. At run time, the print component will evaluate an expression and display the result in the console as it is animated. Entering Data to be Printed To define a print component, the user enters the expression they wish to be printed at run time. This could be a singular variable such as X. It could also be a mathematical expression involving more than one variable such as X + Y * Z. Complex expressions using brackets and array elements are also permitted. Where any variable may be used, an array Figure 13. The Print definition window element may also be referenced. Logical expressions such as x > = y are also allowed in the Print component. In this case, the true or false result is output to the console. It is not permitted to use the assignment operator in the expressions used by the print component. In the Java and VisualBasic programming languages, the assignment operator is an equals ‘=’ symbol. Concatenating Strings Page 21 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott In Java, String items are concatenated together using the plus ‘+’ operator. (In VisualBasic.Net it is an ampersand ‘&’.) Therefore, the print definition window will allow us to enter the parameters: A + B + C when Progranimate is setup for the Java Language. Given that A, B and C are String variables, at run time the values of variables A,B and C will be concatenated together and printed in the console window as the print component is animated. Entering Literal Strings and Characters Directly Users may enter a literal string directly; in this case they would encase the string in double quotes i.e. “Please enter your name”. They may also combine litteral strings with other variables and array elements, i.e. “Your name is” + name or “Your name is “ + n[3]. Characters may also be entered directly, in this case they are encased in single, i.e ‘ stringValue + ‘s’. Mixing Data Types. If the expression to be printed contains a mixture Strings and other data types all data types will be handled as if they were strings inline with the semantics of the languages implimented. For example: Variable X is an integer type containing the value 1, Variable Y is a Double type containing the value 3.5, Variable S is a String data type containing the value “ + ”. In this example X + S + Y would point out 1 + 3.5. As another example, one may enter the following expression with the intention of performing a calculation. We could enter the following: X + S + Y + “ = ” + X + Y. This would print out: 1 + 3.5 = 13.5. However, the result of the calculation appears wrong. This is because no calculation is taking place; all the values are being concatenated as strings because they are of mixed data types. To overcome this problem, encase the section to be calculated in parenthesise, i.e. X + S + Y + “ = “ + ( X + Y). This will ensure the correct calculation is displayed on screen i.e. X + Y = 4.1. Page 22 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Another way to overcome this problem is to perform the calculation X + Y individually, assign the result to another variable, and then construct the expression to be printed. To do this you will need to use the assign component; see section 3.9.3 for more details. 3.9.2 The Read Component At run time, the read component is used to take input from the keyboard and place it in a variable or array element. As the read component is animated, the console window pops up, and there, the user enters a value to be stored. If valid, this value is then placed in the variable or array element referenced in the read component’s parameters. At this time, animation is halted until the information is entered into the console and either the enter key or the on screen enter button is pressed. Entering A Variable or Array Element to Read In To The read component can only take one variable or array element. Expressions are not permitted in a read component unless the expression is used to reference the index of an array element. For example: anArray[x+(2*y)] Runtime Validation of User Input At run time, the user input is validated against the data type of the variable. For example, an error would be generated if the user were to enter Hello when the read component was referencing an integer. The user would then have to re-enter the information where it would then be re-validated. 3.9.3 The Assign Component The assign component is used to assign a value to a variable or the value of one variable into another. It is also used to assign the result of an expression into a variable, providing the expression result matches the data type of the variable to be assigned to. When the assign component is animated at run time, the assignment expression is Page 23 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott evaluated and calculated. The changes to program data are displayed in the variable or array inspector. In this section, we will refer to the variable being assigned to as the assignee. Assigning a value to a Variable or Array Element The most primary function of the assignment component is to directly assign a value to a variable. For example, we may want to assign the value 1 to an integer variable called X. In this case, we would enter: X = 1. The same can also be performed by an array’s element, for example: anArray[4] = 1. This would assign the value ‘one’ to the fifth element of an array (fifth because arrays are zero based). The assignment of literal stings and characters is also possible. A few examples are shown below. name = “Mike” sex = ‘M’ months[0] = “Jan” When assigning a value to a variable or array, the assignee and value to be assigned must be compatible. This compatibility may vary depending on the language selected. Assigning The Value of one Variable or Array Element to another. Assigning one variable to another is simple. For example, to assign the value of integer Y to integer X, the following expression could be entered: X = Y. To assign the value of an array element to a variable, the following expression could be entered. X = anArray[3]. To assign the value of a variable to an array element, an expression like the following example could be entered. anArray[3] = X. To assign the value of one array element to another, the following expression could be entered. anArray[2] = anotherArray[4]. When assigning one variable or array to another. you must ensure that the data type of the assignee is compatible with that of the value to be assigned. This compatibility may vary depending on the language selected. Assigning an Entire Array to Another Entire Array Page 24 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott In Progranimate it is not possible to assign one array directly to another. To achieve this you must assign each array element individually. This can be achieved by using an assignment statement within a looping structure. Assigning the Result of an Expression to a Variable or Array. It is possible to assign the result of an expression to an array, providing the evaluated result of the data type is compatible with that of the assignee. An example of a simple expression is shown below. In this example, the expression is used to increment the integer variable x: X=X+1 Progranimate does not understand the Java short cuts for incrementing and decrementing such as X ++ or X --. These shortcuts were not included, as they hide the logical process behind such an assignment operation. The assign component also allows for the results of Boolean expressions to be assigned to a Boolean type variable, for example: bool1 = X >= Y The logical operators used will be in line with the operators of the selected programming language being used by Progranimate. More complex logical expressions can be used using the AND, OR and XOR operators native to the selected language. For example, when the Java language is selected, the following expression is permitted: bool1 = X >= 1 && X <= 10 If VisualBasic.Net is selected the following expression would be permitted: bool1 = X >= 1 AND X <=10 Progranimate allows for complex expressions to be entered, involving many parenthesise to multiple levels. The following is an example of a more complex calculation permissible by Progranimate: X = X + ( na[5]* 2 ) * (X*2 +(na[3*Y]) /2) - 1 Once the expression has been entered into the assign definition window and the ok button (or enter key) is pressed, then the expression undergoes evaluation. Any errors are fed back to the user using plain English. For more on expression analysis and evaluation, see section 3.9.6. Page 25 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 3.9.4 ©2008 Andrew Scott Control Structures. The If, If_Else, While and For structures are the three control structures used by Progranimate. The If and If_Else form decisional structures. The While, and For structures form the looping structures implemented by Progranimate. Each of these structures utilises a Boolean expression. Boolean expressions are expressions that evaluate to a true or false result. These three structures are discussed in the following sections. This section also contains further reading on creating logical expressions. For more information on constructing logical expressions, see section 3.9.5 “Constructing Logical Expressions”. The If Structure Progranimate’s If structure allows decisions to be made within a program. Like all of Progranimate’s control structures, it must contain a Boolean expression. This Boolean expression is entered during its definition. At run time, the If component directs the flow of execution down one of Figure 14. The If Structure two paths, based on the evaluated result of the expression it contains. If the argument evaluates to true, the flow of code is directed inside the If’s structure. If the argument evaluates to false, the flow of execution is directed to skip over the If’s structure. As the expression is evaluated, the If _Else’s diamond will highlight two of its edges, pointing either left or Page 26 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott downward. This is to indicate the direction in which the flow of control will move. Components and sub structures that reside within the If’s structure are placed on the true path between an If and its end component. When interacting with the flowchart, attempting to add component to the false path of a standard If will cause a placement error to be generated and displayed. Table 3 below shows an example of the code generated for an If structure with one internal component. The blue arrows show how the flowchart component relates to the lines of code. Flowchart Java Visual Basic if ( x >= 5) { If x >= 5 Console.Writeline(“Hello”); System.out.println (“Hello”); End If } Table 3. How code relates to the flowchart. For more information on constructing the logical conditions needed by the If structure, see section 3.9.5. The If_Else Structure The If_Else structure differs from the standard If structure, as it has two possible paths of execution. As well as having a slightly different visual appearance, components can be placed on both the true or false paths of Page 27 Figure 15. The If Else Structure Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott this structure, as shown in figure 15.b Like the other control structures of Progranimate, the If_Else takes a Boolean expression during its definition. At run time, the flow of execution is determined by evaluating the expression it contains. If the result is true, control is passed down the true left side path of the If structure. If the result is false, control is passed down the left side of the If_Else’s structure. In code, the IF and the Else parts of the structure represent the true and false paths of the flowchart. As the Boolean expression is evaluated, it will highlight either the left or right edges of the If _Else structure’s diamond to indicate the direction in which the flow of control will move. Table 4 below demonstrates this. The blue and red lines and arrows demonstrate how the flowchart relates to the generated code. Flowchart Java Visual Basic if ( age >= 18) { If Age >= 18 System.out.println (“Adult”); Console.Writeline(“Adult”) } else { Else System.out.println (“Child”); Console.Writeline (“Child”) End Else } Table 4. How the code relates to the flowchart. For information on constructing the logical conditions needed by the If structure, see section 3.9.5. *NOTE*:Synchronised Highlighting With the IF_Else Structure. The IF_Else structure has some minor enhancements to its visual components that make it easier to relate its flowchart representation to its code representation. Clicking on the left side of the If structure’s diamond in the flowchart view will cause the code associated with its If to highlight. Clicking on the right side of the If’s diamond will cause the code relative to the structure’s Else to highlight. When the left side of the End_If is clicked in the flowchart, the relevant closing bracket or End_If statement will be highlighted in the code view. When the right side of the End_If is clicked the relevant closing curly bracket or End Else statement will be highlighted in the code view. The same is true in reverse; clicking a line of code relating to the If_Else structure will cause the relevant side of the relevant component in the flowchart view to highlight. Page 28 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott The While Loop Structure The While control structure allows for looping within programs. Its role is to continually re-direct the flow of control though a set of components or sub structures, until the expression it contains evaluates to false. Figure 16 shows the flowchart representation of a While loop with and without internal components. Like the If and If_Else structures, the While structure is associated with a Boolean expression during its definition. During animation, when the While is reached, its expression is evaluated. If its expression evaluates to true, then the flow of execution is directed downwards within the While’s structure. The components and sub Figure 16. The While Looping Structure structures inside the While loop are then executed in order until the End_While is reached. The flow of execution is then redirected to the top of the loop, where its expression is re-evaluated and the flow is directed appropriately. Looping continues until the expression evaluates to false. If and when the expression evaluates to false, the flow of execution is directed down the exit path, past the While loop, and on to the next component or structure below. To add the first component within a While’s structure the user must click on its decisional diamond in the flowchart, or on the While line of text in the code. This will add a component inside its structure inbetween the While and End_While in both the flowchart and code. Other components or structures can then be added inside a While’s structure by interacting with the code and flowchart in the standard way. Components cannot be added to the loop return or exit paths of a While loop. Doing so causes a placement error to be generated and displayed. Table 5 demonstrates the relationship between the visual flowchart structure and the code generated for a While structure. For information on constructing the logical conditions needed by the While structure, see section 3.9.5 Page 29 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 Flowchart ©2008 Andrew Scott Java Visual Basic while (x < 10) { x = x + 1; While x < 10 }//End While End While x=x+1 Table 5. How the code relates to the flowchart 3.9.5 The For Loop Structure The For loop provides an additional looping structure. The for loop behaves like a while loop except it increments a variable without the need for an additional assignment statement. Depending on the language chosen the format and semantics of the For loop differs. Visual Basic For Loop Visual Basic (.Net and 6.0) utilizes a traditional style for loop with start , end and step values as follows. For controlVariable = start TO end STEP stepValue ‘Code to be looped goes here. Next ‘(the end of the loop) The control variable can be a integer or double type variable or array element. Its value will change with each loop. Page 30 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott When the loop begins the control variable is assigned a starting value: controlVariable = start The loop will terminate when the controlVariable equals the end value. With each loop the value of the control variable is incremented by the amount specified by the step value. If no step value is specified this value is assumed to be one. Table 6 demonstrates the relationship between the visual flowchart structure and the code generated for a While structure The code shown below will loop 100 times during which the value of variable i will be printed. This will result in the values 1 to 100 being printed. Flowchart Visual Basic For i = 0 TO 100 Console.WriteLine (i) Next'End For Table6. The For Loop in VB Using the Step Value If you modify the above to add a step the control variable will increment by a different amount with each loop. In the example below we supply a step value of 2. The program should loop 50 times printing 1,3,5,7,9 and so on until the control variable exceeds 100. For i = 0 TO 100 STEP 2 Console.WriteLine(i) Next Negative Increments (Looping Backwards) It is also possible to loop backwards in this case the start value needs to be higher than the end value and the step needs to be negative for example: For I = 100 TO 1 STEP -1 Console.WriteLine(i) Next Page 31 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott In this example the loop will loop 100 times from 100 down to 1 whilst printing the value of variable i. This will result in the numbers 100 down to 1 being printed to the screen. Looping in Decimals It is also possible to loop in decimal increments providing the control variable and step value are of the double data type. For this example imagine the variable d is a double. For d = 1.0 to 5.5 STEP 0.1 Console.WriteLine(d) Next In this example 55 values will be printed out from 0 to 5.5 i.e. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6……and so on until 5.5. Complex For Loops The for loops can handle the same level of complexity that VB allows. For example all of the following examples are value. Example A. For x = y+2 TO z -2 Next Example B For values[1] = anArray[0] TO anotherArray[x] STEP otherArray[0] Next Example C. For values[i] = 1+ x TO y 2 STEP z/2 + (2 * z ) Next The Definition Panel a Visual Basic For Loop The definition panel For a Visual Basic for loop is the most complex of all the definition panels. However, it is still very simple and intuitive to use. Figure 17 The Visual Basic For Loop Definition Panel All fields of this panel are mandatory except step which is optional. When no specified the step will not show in the code but will cause a default increment of 1. Page 32 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott The control variable must be an integer or decimal variable or array element. In all other fields literal values, variables and expressions may be entered as long as they result in an integer or a double data type. Any user errors will appear below the relevant field where the error has been detected. Java Style For Loops In the Java language the format of the For loop is significantly different than with Visual Basic. The for loop in this language relates more closely to a while loop where it relies in the use of a Boolean condition. Like the for loop it also manages the initialization and incrementation of a control variable. In Java the for loop takes the following form: for ( initialization; boolean expression; increment ) { //Code goes here } The initialisation section is used to initialize the control variable with an initial value as the loop begins. The Boolean expression is evaluated with each loop and while true looping continues. When false looping stops and the flow of execution is diverted past the for loop and onto the next instruction. It is common practice to have a Boolean expression which tests the value of variable initialized in the initialization section, though any valid Boolean expression may go here. With each loop the value of the expression contained in the increment is evaluated. It is common practice to include in here an expression to increment the a control variable specified in the initialization and Boolean expression of this component. However any valid assignment expression may go here. Flowchart Page 33 Java Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott For ( i = 0; i <= 100 ; i = i + 1) { System.out.println (i) } Table7. The For Loop in Java The expressions contained within the Java for loop may include anything that is permitted by the Java language. Some examples are shown below. Basic Looping Printing numbers 1 to 100 in increments of two For ( i = 0 ; i <= 100; i= i + 2) { System.out.println (i); } Negative Increments (Looping Backwards) Printing number from 100 down to 1. For ( i = 10; i > 0; i= i – 1) { System.out.println(i); } Decimal Increments Outputting 55 numbers between 1.0 to 5.5. in increments of 0.1 For ( d = 0.1; d <= 5.5; d = d + 0.1) { System.out.println(i); } Complex Examples: Any valid expression permitted in the for loops of the Java language are also facilitated in Progranimate this means complex loops can be constructed if needed. Example A: For (x = y +2; x => y+(z*3); x = x * y) { //Code here Page 34 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott } Example B: For (anArray[i] = 0 ; anArray[1] <= anotherArray[5]; anArray[i] = anArray[i] + 1 { //Code here } For loop Definition The definition panel for a Java For loop consist of three parameters, the control variable, the condition and the increment. Inline with the rules of the Java language all these parameters are optional. Should the user entry any syntactically incorrect expressions, or non existent variables an error will be presented below the relevant field. Figure 18 The JavaFor Loop Definition Panel 3.9.6 Constructing Logical Boolean Expressions All of the control structures of Progranimate rely on the use of a Boolean expression as a necessity. Boolean expressions are expressions that produce a true or false result when evaluated. Other components such as Print and Assign can also make use of Boolean expressions. This section aims to highlight the possibilities relating to the creation of Boolean expressions in Progranimate. In Progranimate the syntax of any entered expression is native to the programming language selected. In this section, we will look at the creation of expressions in relation to the Java and VisualBasic.Net programming languages. However, this section will be of use to those wishing to use other languages, as there are many similarities between third generation programming languages. The rules regarding the formation of Boolean expressions conform to that of the programming language selected. The main rule that tends to be uniform amongst most third generation programming languages is that the data being compared must be of the same data type. Some languages such as Java and VisualBasic allow for mixed data type comparison. For example, it is okay to compare an Integer with a Double, and visa versa. This ability has also been Page 35 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott facilitated in Progranimate (when these languages have been selected). Java permits the comparison of an Integer with a character, via its ASCII code. This feature is not available in Progranimate; it was seen as an unessential feature that it introduced a level of complexity not needed by the novice. Comparison Operators The comparison operators available to Progranimate are in line with the basic operators provided by the selected language. These are shown below in table 8. Java > < >= <= == != Visual Basic.Net > < >= <= = <> Meaning Greater Less Greater or Equal Less or Equal Equal Not Equal Table 8. Comparison operators Entering Simple Boolean Expressions Creating simple Boolean expressions in Progranimate is very easy. They are entered when defining or editing one of Progranimate’s control structures (see figure 19). Figure 19. Condition definition Below are some examples of simple logical expressions in the Java and VisualBasic.Net programming languages. Page 36 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Java Visual Basic.Net X >= 5 X >= 5 X < 2.5 X < 2.5 name != “Bob” name <> “Bob” chr == ‘C’ chr = ‘C’ answer == True ansert = True array[ 1 ] >= anotherArray[ 4 ] array( 1 ) >= anotherArray( 4 ) Table 9. Example Boolean expressions For information relating to more complex Boolean expressions, see section ‘Using AND, OR and XOR’ and ‘Complex Boolean expressions.’ Using AND, OR and XOR Progranimate allows the use of three basic logical operators these are AND, OR and XOR. The form these operators take is dependant on the language selected. Below table 10 shows the logical operators in relation to the Java and VisualBasic.Net programming languages. Java Visual Basic.Net && AND || OR ^ XOR Meaning And Or Exclusive or Table 10. The logical operators The logical operator NOT is not included in the logical operators used by Progranimate. It is felt more educationally beneficial to for the users to learn how to negate their logic statements, rather than using the NOT operator. Using the thee logical operators the user can construct a very diverse range of Boolean expressions. The examples shown in table 11 below demonstrate some of the possibilities. Page 37 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Table 11. Examples of Boolean expressions with logical operators Complex Boolean Expressions It is possible to use complex Boolean expressions if required. It is permissible to use multiple levels of parenthesise and mathematical sub expressions to build up complex Boolean expressions. However, with n Java Visual Basic.Net o x >= x >= 1 AND X <= 10 v 1 && X <= 10 i x < 2 . 5 || y < 2 . 5 x < 2 . 5 OR y < 2 . 5 c e != “Bob” && age == 58 name name <> “Bob” AND age = 58 s chr, == ‘C’ || chr = ‘c’ chr = ‘C’ OR chr = ‘c’ answer == True ^ fail == False t h 1 && x <= 5 && check == true x >= e answer = True XOR fail = false chr == ‘C’ || chr = ‘c’ && x >= n[ 5 ] chr = ‘C’ OR chr = ‘c’ AND x >= n( 6 ) x >= 1 AND x <= 5 AND check = true u s e of complex expressions should be minimised or eliminated, if at all possible. Some examples of what is possible are shown in table 12 below. Page 38 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Java x + ( 3 *y) >= y * 3 + (x - -1) x + nA[ 5 ] <= 2 | | y + (2*x) <= d name = = “Bob Coomber” && duration <= (hours / 24) + days nA[ 5 + (2*x) ] >= bA[ y ] Visual Basic x + ( 3 *y) >= y * 3 + (x - -1) x + nA( 5 ) <= 2 OR y + (2*x) <= d name = = “Bob Coomber” AND duration <= (hours / 24) + days nA( 5+(2*x) ) >= bA( y ) Table 12. Examples of complex Boolean expressions 3.9.7 Expression Analysis and Evaluation Once an expression is entered into a component, it undergoes evaluation to check for errors. The aim of Progranimate is to inform the user of the error in plain English and to limit the use of technical jargon where possible. Syntax Analysis Once entered, an expression is evaluated for syntactical errors. The following ten checks are carried out to validate the expression’s syntax. 1. Ensure the count of opening parenthesise matches the count the closing parenthesise. 2. Ensure the count of opening array index brackets matches the number of closing array index brackets. 3. Ignoring brackets, ensure the syntax is in the form Value Operator Value Operator Value etc. 4. Ensure all named variables or arrays exist in the inspector. 5. Ensure the data types of all values to be calculated or compared are compatible with each other. 6. Ensure all operators are valid. 7. Ensure the operators used are compatible with the values and sub values of the expression. 8. Ensure one assignment operator is used for all assign components and no assignment operator is used for all others. Page 39 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 9. Ensure the assignment operator is the second item of an assignment expression. 10. Where assignment takes place, ensure the result of the expression is compatible with the variable or array element being assigned to. There is a very wide rage of syntax errors generated by Progranimate. With respect to syntax error handling, Progranimate aims to be more contextual than most standard development environments. Furthermore, all of the errors generated by Progranimate are in plain English; technical Jargon has been limited where at all possible. Four examples of Progranimate’s syntax errors are shown below. Example 1: A user may attempt to reference a non-existent variable or array when defining a component or structure. In this case, Progranimate should display the following syntax error: The variable X does not exist. Example 2: An error will be generated when a user attempts to enter an unrecognised operator or symbol. For example, using Java’s not equal operator != when is selected causes the following error message to appear: != is invalid. Ensure you have typed the expression correctly. Example 3: Look at the following erroneous Java expression. Can you see what is wrong with it? x=x++2 Example 4: The user has entered two pluses. This is either because they entered a plus one to many times or because a value is missing between the two plus operators. In any case, the following error message is generated. The symbol + is in an invalid location within the expression. Operator Precedence Each expression entered into Progranimate is evaluated using the normal order of precedence pertaining to the selected Language. When it comes to the order of mathematical expressions, most languages Page 40 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott conform to normal mathematical rules of precedence. However, when it comes to the precedence of logical and other operators, the order of precedence may differ very subtlety. Table 13 demonstrates the subtle differences in operator precedence between the Java and VisualBasic.Net languages. During both entry and run time, Progranimate evaluates and calculates its expressions in accordance with the rules of precedence. During entry the expressions are evaluated for validation purposes. During run time, expressions are evaluated so that the variable and array inspectors can be appropriately updated. Precedence Java Visual Basic 1 Array Brackets: [ ] Array Brackets: ( ) 2 Parenthesise: ( ) Parenthesise: ( ) 3 Multiplicative: * and / Multiplicative: * and / 4 Additive: + and – Additive: + and - String concatenation: + 5 Comparison: String concatenation: & >, < , >= and <= 6 Comparison: Comparison: != and = = >, <, >=, <=, = and <> 7 Logic AND: && Logic AND: And 8 Logic OR: | | Logic OR: Or 9 Logic XOR: ^ Logic XOR: Xor Table 13. Operator precedence For precedence relating to the operators of other languages implemented by Progranimate, see the technical documentation relating to that language. It may be worthwhile to take a look on the Internet. For most popular programming languages, the Internet is a great resource for finding information about operator precedence. 4.0 Animating a Program The animation of user or pre created programs is one of Progranimate’s main features. The animation of the flowchart and code representation of a program is synchronised. The animation features of Progranimate aim to reinforce students’ understanding of program flow and execution in both the flowchart and code representations. These features also help Page 41 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott students to learn effective debugging techniques, a transferable skill that should stay with the student once their abilities have graduated past the scope of Progranimate. The animation works by stepping through a program, highlighting the flow of execution one component and line of code at a time. As each component or line of code is highlighted, Progranimate performs a relevant action relating to that component. As changes are made to a program data, it is shown as it happens via the variable and array inspectors. A console is also utilised to handle input and output from the print and read components. For example, when a print is reached, the expression it contains is evaluated; the result is then printed to screen via the console. When a read is reached, the animation halts while the user enters data from the keyboard into the console. The variable referenced by the read component is then updated; the changes are shown in the variable inspector and animation recommences . When an assignment statement is reached, its expression is evaluated; the variable inspector is then updated appropriately. If, If_Else and While structures contain decisional components that alter the flow of execution down one of two possible paths. This is dependant on the result of the Boolean expression they contain. 4.1 The Animation Controls The animation controls are situated on the tool bar above the workspace. They allow the user to run an animation from start to end, step though an animation one component at a time and pause or stop an animation. The animation controls are shown below in figure 20. Figure 20. The animation controls. Run Select this option to run an animation from start to end. Step This option steps through a program one component and line of code at a time. If an animation is running when this option is pressed, Progranimate will pause. When paused, the step function can be used to step through the remainder of a program’s execution manually. Progranimate begins a new animation if an animation is not already running when this option is selected. At any time during step mode, the user may click run to begin automatic animation from the current point onwards. Pause At any time during an animation the user can click pause to halt the animation. When it is paused, the user can click pause again to resume animation. The step feature can also be used to manually step through the remainder of the program’s execution. Stop Page 42 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott During animation, the stop button will stop the animation. Once stop button is clicked, the current animation cannot be resumed. Once the last component (the terminator) is reached, the stop button will be automatically engaged. Once the animation has stopped, the inspector’s values will remain in the post animation state until the user performs the next mouse click. Once the next mouse click has been detected the inspectors will reset to the state they were in prior to animation. This allows for observation of the changes made by the executed program. Speed Slider The speed slider is used to control the speed of animation where one is slow and ten is fast. The speed slider is useful for speeding through programs that have loops with many iterations. 4.2 The Console The console is activated during animation to perform input and output tasks for the print and read components. An example of the console is shown below in figure 21. When a print component is reached, the expression it contains is evaluated. If not currently active, the console is displayed, and the result of the analysed expression is then printed within it. When a read component is reached, the console pops up to take keyboard input Figure 21. The input output console. from the user. At this point the program pauses until valid data has been entered. The entry is then validated to make sure it is compatible with the data type of the variable or array element referenced by the read component. Once data is entered, the on screen enter button is clicked. If the input is valid, then animation resumes, and the relevant variable or array is updated in the inspectors. If the input is invalid, an appropriate error is displayed. In this case, data must be re-entered and revalidated. 4.3 Skipping through links In the animation tab of the advanced settings, an option is provided to skip through links at high speed. This option benefits the flowchart view only. It causes the animation to momentarily speed up through paths of flow that do not contain Page 43 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott components. The advanced settings panel can be found on Progranimate’s file menu. For more information on the advanced settings, see section 8.0. 5.0 Loading and Saving a Program At any time except during animation, Progranimate allows programs to be loaded and saved. The load and save options are located on the tool bar and on the file menu of Progranimate. 5.1 Saving a Program When a program is saved, all of Progranimate’s settings, including the selection of language, advanced options and its visual appearance are saved alongside program data. This means that the visual state of Progranimate at the time of saving will be retained in a file. When a file is loaded this visual state is reinstated by Progranimate, as are all of Progranimate’s other settings including language selection and advanced options. The save feature uses the file selection method native to the operating system used. It is recommended that when a file is saved in Progranimate, the file extension .prg is used. In the Microsoft Windows operating system, Progranimate can save and load a file with no extension, but this is not recommended. 5.2 Loading a Program A Progranimate file should end in the .prg extension. When a file is loaded the settings of Progranimate may change. This is because a file retains all of Progranimate’s settings when saved and re-instates them when loaded. The load feature uses the file selection method native to the operating system used. Page 44 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 5.3 ©2008 Andrew Scott Auto Loading When Progranimate is launched via Java Web Start of Applet deployments the launching JNLP file or HTML page can specify a program file stored locally or on a web server. This program file will then be loaded automatically as Progranimate starts up. This is ideal for demonstrating concepts to users via an online tutorial. It can also be used for providing partially completed problems to solve. This makes Progranimate an ideal accompaniment to an online tutorial involving the basic imperatives of programming. If Progranimate is launched via the Java Web Start or Applet deployments, the parameters specified in the JNLP file or Applet calling code will override the settings of any file being launched automatically at start up. Section 1.0, entitled ‘Deploying Progranimate’, will provide more information on pre-specifying a file to load in at start-up. It also explains how to externally configure almost all of Progranimate’s settings externally via parameters. 6.0 Language Selection Code Generation and Translation So that the user is not bogged down with the complexities of syntax, lines of code are not directly entered into Progranimate. Programming components and structures are defined individually and added to a program by interacting with either the flowchart or code views. The flowchart and code views update synchronously and tidily. When a component or structure is added to the flowchart view, corresponding components or structures will appear in the code view, and vice versa. The code generation features of Progranimate automatically generate code as components are added to a program. 6.1 The Languages Available Progranimate has the ability to generate code in a variety of languages. The current range of implemented languages is as follows: Java, VisualBasic.Net VisualBasic6.0. When a language is selected in Progranimate, any entered expression must conform to the rules governing the selected language. For information on selecting the language, see section 6.3.1, which discusses the code generation menu options. 6.2 Language Translation Progranimate provides the unique ability to translate a program between languages. This is because Progranimate utilises a subset of the primary programming Page 45 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott components and structures that are common to most third generation languages. This makes it possible to analyse and translate a program and its data between languages. To translate from the current language to another, a different language must be selected from the code generation menu. This can be done at any time other than during animation. Once the selection has been made, the current program is automatically analysed and translated to the new language. The flowchart, code and variable inspectors are then immediately updated to reflect the syntax of the new language. Occasionally, there may be an inconsistency between the current language and the selected language. For this reason, the translated program is checked for syntax errors immediately after translation. For example, VisualBasic6.0 does not have an implementation of the character data type, but Java and VisualBasic.Net do. Therefore, it is not possible to translate programs containing characters to VisualBasic6.0; this causes an error. However, a simple way to overcome this limitation is to manually convert all character data types to string data types. 6.3 The Code Generation Menu Progranimate has a dedicated menu for customising the code generation features of Progranimate. The code generation menu is shown below in figure 22. Its options are discussed further in the following three sections. Figure 22. The code generation menu. 6.3.1 Language Selection The Code Generation menu allows the user to select from a range of different languages. Progranimate can generate computer code in a range of languages. Currently, this includes: Java, VisualBasic.Net Visual Basic6. Page 46 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Selecting a language will cause the current program to be translated to the newly selected language. See section 6.2 for more details on language translation. 6.3.2 Code Commenting Level The program code can also contain commenting in the form of grey coloured text. The commenting is automatically generated and signifies the purpose ofclosing brackets in Java or End statements in Visual Basic. For example, in Java the commenting can signify: end of class, end of method, end While or end If, The commenting features are also used by other languages such as VisualBasic.Net and Visual Basic 6.0 to comment the end statements belonging to While, If and If_Else structures, as well as the end statements belonging to sub procedures and modules. The table below shows how commenting is used in the Java and VisualBasic.Net languages. Java Visual Basic.Net public class Untitled { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 1; String name = ""; while (x < 10) { x = x + 1; }//End While (x < 10) if (x > 2) { System.out.println("Hello"); }//End If (x > 2) Module Untitled Sub Main Dim x as Integer = 1 Dim name as String = "" While x < 10 x=x+1 End While'(x < 10) If x > 2 Console.WriteLine ("Hello") End If'(x > 2) End Sub'End of Main sub End Module'End of Modlule Untitled }//End Main }//End Class Table 14. Examples of Commenting Three levels of commenting are available. These are: none, basic and advanced. Selecting none will mean no commenting is generated at all. Selecting basic means that basic commenting will be generated, for example: Java Page 47 Visual Basic.Net Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 If ( x > 1) { System.out.println(msg1); }//end If ©2008 Andrew Scott Module Untitled Sub Main Dim x as Integer = 1 If x > 1 Console.WriteLine ("hello") End If End Sub'Main End Module'Untitled Table 15. Examples of basic commenting The syntax of VisualBasic.Net and VisualBasic6.0 has a tendency to be more intuitive in respect to its structure ending syntax. Therefore, when basic commenting is selected for these languages, much of the commenting is redundant. For this reason, in VisualBasic.Net and VisualBasic6.0 basic, commenting only appears on End Sub and End Module statements. A third advanced commenting option is also available; this provides a more detailed level of commenting. By adding arguments to the commenting of structure ends, it becomes easier to spot which structure the end bracket or end statement belongs to. The need for this becomes apparent with more complex programs, when multiple Ifs or Wiles are nested within each other. Table 13 below demonstrates this: Java VisualBasic.Net public class Untitled { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 1; if (x > 1) { System.out.println("hello"); if (x > 2) { while (x < 1) { x = x + 1; }//End While (x < 1 ) }//End If (x > 2 ) else { if (x > 3) { System.out.println(x); }//End If (x > 3 ) }//End Else (x > 2 ) }//End If (x > 1) Module Untitled Sub Main Dim x as Integer = 1 If x > 1 Console.WriteLine ("hello") If x > 2 While x < 1 x=x+1 End While'(x < 1) End If '(x > 2 ) Else If x > 3 Console.WriteLine (x) End If '(x > 3) End Else'(x > 2 ) End I f'(x > 1) End Sub'End of Main sub End Module'End of Modlule Untitled }//End Main }//End Class Page 48 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Table 16. Complex nesting and advanced commenting. 6.3.3 Font Size It is possible to change the size of the font used in the generated code. There are five options available in the code generation menu. These are: Largest Large Medium Small Smallest 6.3.4 Font Style The font style options of the code generation menu make it possible to change the font type of the generated code. There are three options available. These are: Sans_Serif, Serif , Monospaced. Page 49 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 7.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Visual Settings and Adjustments Progranimate can be visually adjusted in many ways. Via the view menu, the various visual features of Progranimate can be turned on or off. Advanced settings enable the user to change the representation of the variable inspectors from a table to a tree based representation. This section discusses the many options for visually adjusting Progranimate. Figure 23 below highlights how Progranimate’s user interface is visually composed. Page 50 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Figure 23. Progranimate’s Visual Composure. 7.1 The View Menu The view menu is the third menu of Progranimate’s menu bar. It allows the user to show or hide the various visual features of Progranimate’s user interface. The view menu provides six options, which are discussed below. Figure 24. The view menu. Flowchart The flowchart menu item toggles the flowchart view on or off. The program workspace area is normally split equally between the flowchart and code Page 51 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott views. However, when the flowchart view is deactivated, the code view expands, taking up the entirety of the workspace area. Code The code menu item toggles the flowchart view on or off. The program workspace area is normally split equally between the flowchart and code views. However, when the code view is deactivated, the flowchart view expands, taking up the entirety of the workspace area. Palette This option toggles the palette on or off. When the palette is deactivated, the area available to the workspace is increased. Toolbar This option toggles to tool bar on or off. When the tool bar is deactivated, the area available to the workspace is increased. Variable Inspector This option toggles both the variable and array inspectors on or off. When the variable inspectors are inactive, the remaining space is taken up by the workspace. This increases the screen space available to display the flowchart and code views. Component Info This menu item toggles the component info panel on or off. The component info panel resides below the workspace. When inactive, the workspace expands to take up the remaining space. This increases the screen space available to display the flowchart and code views. 7.2 Resizing Parts of the User Interface Using Split Dividers Progranimate’s user interface contains three split panes. These split panes divide the screen space between two visual features. The dividers of these split panes can be dragged by the mouse. This allows the user to adjust the amount of screen space allocated to each feature. Figure 25 below demonstrates the three split pane dividers by highlighting them in blue. Page 52 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Figure 25. The spit pane dividers. Flowchart / Code Split There is a vertical divider between the flowchart and code views. Dragging this left or right changes the proportion of the screen devoted to each program view. Workspace/ Inspector Split Another vertical divider resides between the workspace and the inspectors. Dragging it left or right will change the proportion of the screen devoted to the workspace and inspector. Variable / Array Inspectors Split A divider is located between the variable and array inspectors. This divider is vertical; when it is dragged up or down, the proportion devoted to the variable and array inspectors changes. 7.3 Changing the Visual Representation of the Inspectors Page 53 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott By default the variable and array inspectors are represented as tables. It is possible to change this representation so that its variables and arrays are represented by a tree structure. The option for changing the inspector’s representation is in the advanced settings panel. This can be found by going to the File menu and clicking the option, Advanced Settings. If a variable representation is not already visible, click the tab marked variables. Via the option marked ‘Variable Visual Representation’ it is possible to select from either a table or tree representation. Select tree and then click ok. The variable and array inspector should now be presented as a tree structure. Figure 26 shows the two representation types, table and tree. Figure 26. Inspector representations. 7.4 Adjusting the Font Size of the Variable and Array Inspectors There may be times when the inspector’s default text size is too small or too large. Their font size can be adjusted easily via the advanced settings panel. To open the advanced settings panel, click on the file Figure 27. Font size options menu and then on the Advanced Settings option. The advanced settings panel should then pop into view. If not already visible, click on the tab marked Variables. The bottom most setting should have six radio buttons as shown in figure 27. The function of the first five buttons sets the text size of the inspector. The option marked ‘auto’ makes the font size of the inspector match that of the code view. In this case, the font size of the inspector is adjusted when the font of the code view is changed. Page 54 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 8.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Advanced Settings Menu If a novice user is exposed to a vast array of features and options, they may quickly become overwhelmed. For this reason, the more technical features of Progranimate have been neatly tucked away in the advanced setting panel, keeping them out of view of the novice. The settings panel can be accessed from the File menu by clicking the option Advanced Settings. The advanced settings panel is shown in figure 28. This panel consists of three tabbed panes that contain settings for Variables, Animation and Programming. These are discussed further in the following sub sections 8.1 to 8.3. Figure 28. The settings Panel. Once the chosen settings have been altered, they will not be applied until the ok button is clicked (or enter key pressed). Once OK is clicked, the new settings will be applied; the interface will then update relevantly. When a file is saved, the advanced settings will be saved with it. When the file is loaded, the advanced settings will be retained and reinstated. If the settings are not to be applied, the cancel button or escape key will cause the panel to close without applying any changes. 8.1 Variables The variable tab (shown in figure 26) has five settings relating to the use of variables and arrays within Progranimate. These are discussed below. Max Number of Variables This option is used to set the maximum number of variables allowed in Progranimate. The default value of this option is fifty. If an attempt is made to exceed this number of variables, an error message will be displayed. If the number of variables already in use exceeds that of the selected maximum value, an error message is generated. The user will then be asked to reselect another value no less than the number of variable in use. This option can be useful for placing constraints on a programmer; for example, a user could be given a problem to solve using five or less variables. Page 55 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Max Number of Arrays This option is used to specify the maximum number of arrays permissible in Progranimate. The default value for this option is twenty. If an attempt is made to exceed this figure, an error message will be displayed. If the number of arrays already in use exceeds that of the selected maximum value, an error message is generated. The user will be asked to reselect another value no less than the number of arrays in use. This option for can be useful for placing constraints on a programmer; for example, a user could be given a problem to solve using a maximum of two arrays. Inspector Visual Representation This option allows the user to choose the visual representation of the variable and array inspectors. The choices are table based or tree based representations. For more information, see section 7.3, entitled “Changing the Visual Representation of the Inspectors”. Direct Value Entry This option enables or disables the ability to give variables and arrays initial values during definition. When this feature is disabled, the user is unable to specify an initial value or values. In this case, variable and array elements are initialised with the default value pertaining to their data type. Values are then set using the assignment component only. When direct value entry is disabled, the value field of the variable and array definition windows will not be present. Usually, the number of elements is worked out by the number of comma-delimited values entered into the value field. However, no values will be entered, therefore the size must be defined manually. See section 3.0 for more information on defining variables and arrays. Font Size of Inspector This final option is used to adjust the font size of the variable and array inspectors. There are five sizes, ranging from smallest to largest. There is also an auto option that synchronises the font size of the code view and inspectors. For more information on this option, see section 7.4 entitled, ‘Adjusting the Font Size of the Variable and Array Inspectors’. 8.2 Animation The animation tab currently contains only one option, the option to skip through flowchart links. During animation, this option momentarily speeds up animation through the links that have no components, such as loop return and exit paths. For more information on this option,b see section 4.3, entitled “Skipping Through Links”. Page 56 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 8.3 ©2008 Andrew Scott Programming The final tab of the advanced settings panel contains options relating to programming. Allow Blank Parameters When this feature is enabled, components and structures can be added to a program with no parameters. This allows the users to focus on the design of a solution before constructing the expressions needed to make the program function. This is also handy for creating partially completed solutions, where users must fill in the blanks. Right Click Popup Menu This option enables or disables the right click popup menu that allows the user to Edit, Delete, Cut, Copy or Paste components and structures in the code and flowchart views. Double Click Edit When this feature is enabled, the user can then double click on a component, structure variable or array to edit its attributes. Edit / Delete Selection Methods This final option sets the selection methods for editing or deleting components, structures, arrays and variables (collectively referred to as items). There are three options available. These are discussed below: Select then Option When this option is enabled, an edit or delete is performed by clicking the item and then the option in the palette. Option then Select (default) When this option is enabled, an edit or delete is performed by clicking the option in the palette and then the item. Both When this option is enabled, both of the above methods will work for editing and deleting items within Progranimate. Page 57 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 9.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Error Handling Progranimate handles a very large number of errors. All of the errors generated by Progranimate aim to be in plain English; technical Jargon has been limited where at all possible. The full range of errors generated by Progranimate is too large to list. The errors can be categorised into six error types; these are given below. Syntax Errors Syntax errors are most commonly encountered when the user is defining expressions to be associated with components or structures. They can also be encountered when translating incompatible features between languages. See section 3.9.6 for more information on syntax errors and 6.2 for more information on language translation. Run Time Program Errors Run time programming errors are due to poor program design. For example, they are generated when the user exceeds the maximum value that can be stored in an integer variable, or when the user exceeds the bounds of an array with an arbitrary value, as shown below. X = anArray[Y] As with the two previous examples, this type of error message is due to errors in the programs design and cannot be detected until run time. When run time errors occur, the user animation is halted and the user is informed appropriately. Non-existent Variable or Array Errors This type of error is generated when a user attempts to reference a non-existent variable or array from within an expression. Variable or Array Definition Errors This category of error is generated when a variable or array is defined. This could be an error with the name entered or a mismatch between the selected data type and the entered initial value. Component or Structure Placement Errors Where the user attempts to add a component or structure in an invalid location within the code or flowchart representations of a program. Progranimate System Errors These Errors are due to the incorrect use or operation of Progranimate. System errors and bugs can also cause this type or errors. They usually indicate partial program failure of Progranimate such as failure to load a file. These errors are very uncommon when Progranimate is used correctly. They should not be encountered under normal usage conditions. Page 58 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 10.0 Deploying Progranimate This final section explains how to deploy Progranimate on a standard web server and launch it via the Java Web Start (JWS) and Applet deployment methods. Also discussed in this chapter is the full range of parameters for externally customising Progranimate. These parameters allow the web master to pre-specify how Progranimate will look, what file to load, and many other settings. This section assumes users have a basic understanding of HTML and web page creation via the World Wide Web. Knowledge of Java Web Start and JNLP is beneficial but not essential. For information on these technologies, see [REF]. 10.1 Web Server Installation All that is needed to deploy Progranimate over the World Wide Web or intranet is a single Jar file Called ProgranimateV3.Jar. Place this file in a convenient and logical location on your web server. That’s it! This Jar file cannot be reliably launched directly. To launch Progranimate via this file, you will use either the Java Web Start or Java Applet deployment methods. For information, please see sections 10.2 Java Web Start Deployment and 10.3 Applet Deployment. Please note the ProgranimateV3.Jar file is not currently publicly available. If you would like a copy, please get in touch with the author at the following email address: 10.2 Java Web Start Deployment Once you have placed a copy of Progranimate’s Jar file on your web server, it can be launched via the Java Web Start (referred to as JWS from here in) deployment method. JWS is program delivery mechanism that works via a standard web server. It allows server-stored Java programs to be launched as stand alone applications on client computers. With JWS, programs are initiated by a JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) file. This file is usually called from a hyper link contained within a standard web page. The following section explains how to create a basic JNLP file and link it to a web page in order to launch Progranimate. The following sections contain information on passing parameters to Progranimate, as well as trouble shooting tips. 10.2.1 Creating a Basic Launch File JNLP is the underlying delivery and security protocol that allows JWS to function. To launch Progranimate via JWS, a JNLP file will need to be constructed. This section explains how to create a basic JNLP so that Progranimate can be launched from a web server to a client computer. Page 59 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 1. Open a text editor such as notepad. 2. Copy the following XML template into the text editor. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jnlp codebase="" href="progranimate.jnlp"> <information> <title>Progranimate 1.5</title> <vendor>Andrew Scott - University of Glamorgan</vendor> <description>Graphical programming for novices</description> </information> <security> <all-permissions/> </security> <application-desc> <argument>ApplicationType=</argument> <argument>web</argument> </application-desc> <resources> <j2se version="1.5+"/> <jar href="progranimateV3.jar"/> </resources> <application-desc main-class="GPTool.Standard_Interface"/> </jnlp> 3. Edit the code base parameter to contain the URL of Progranimate’s jar file, excluding the file name itself (shown in blue). 4. Save the created text file as Progranimate.jnlp to somewhere convenient. * Note the href attribute in red must point to the location and name of this JNLP file relative to its code base attribute. 5. Copy the recently created file to the web server, and place it in the same directory as Progranimate’s Jar file. 6. Create a HTML web page with hyperlink to the JNLP file, for example: <html> <head> Progranimate Launch Page. </head> <body> <a href=””> Launch Progranimate. </a> </body> </html> 7. Save this HTML document to a convenient location on the web server. Now that the JWS deployment of Progranimate is complete, it can be launched. The following section covers the launching process. Page 60 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 10.2.2 Launching Progranimate Via Java Web Start Once all files are in place, starting Progranimate via Java Web Start is simple. Via a Java Plugin enabled web browser, go to the URL of the web page created in the last section. Now click on the link ‘Launch Progranimate’; this will initiate the launching process. You should then see the standard Java splash screen, followed by a download progress window. These are shown in figure 29 below. Figure29. The default splash screen and download progress window. The speed of the Internet connection will greatly effect the time Progranimate takes to download. A high-speed Internet connection above 2mbps should download Progranimate for the first time in less than a minute. If the client and web server share the same network, then the download should in normal circumstances complete in under twenty seconds (depending on network traffic). Subsequent downloads will be quicker, as the Jar file is cached on the client’s computer. Only when the server side program file changes will the client need to download the program file again. Because of the size of Progranimate’s program file (approximately 2mb), this method of deployment may not be suitable for traditional dialup connections or connections with speeds under 256kbps. Figure 30. Security Warning. Once the file is downloaded for the first time, the computer will display a security warning, as in figure 30. Click the box marked “Always trust content from this publisher”. This will ensure that this window is not displayed the next time Progranimate launches. Finally, click OK, and Progranimate will begin shortly afterwards. Page 61 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 10.2.3 Passing Parameters Via WJS It is possible to pass parameters to Progranimate via the JNLP launch file. An inconsistency between the web start and applet deployment methods is that in JNLP, parameters are known as arguments. However, these arguments provide the same function as an applet’s parameters. The arguments can be used to load program files or change the appearance and functionality of Progranimate. Any number of JNLP files may reside on the web server, each providing a unique set of customised options and settings. The location of the arguments is governed by the syntax rules relating to JNLP file. See [1] for more information on JNLP syntax. The arguments reside within the <application-desc> elements of the JNLP file. In the code below, these arguments are shown in red. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jnlp codebase="" href="progranimate1.jnlp"> <information> <title>Progranimate 1.5</title> <vendor>Andrew Scott - University of Glamorgan</vendor> <description>Graphical programming for novices</description> <icon href="splash1.jpg" kind="splash"/> </information> <security> <all-permissions/> </security> <application-desc> <argument>ApplicationType=</argument> <argument>web</argument> <argument>FileURL=</argument> <argument></argument> </application-desc> <resources> <j2se version="1.2+"/> <jar href="proganimate1.jar" download="eager"/> </resources> <application-desc main-class="GPTool.Standard_Interface"/> </jnlp> For each of Progranimate’s settings, two argument elements are required. The first argument is used to specify the argument name. The second is for specifying the argument value. The argument name must be followed by an equals symbol to signify it as an argument name. <argument>Argument Name=</argument> <argument>Argument Value</argument> For example: To specify a file to be loaded at start-up, the following parameters would be used: <argument>FileURL=</argument> <argument></argument> Page 62 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Some arguments contain composite values. These values are enclosed in square brackets and delimited with commas. One example of this is the settings used to specify the view options; this is shown below. <argument>Visual=</argument> <argument>[code, flowchart ,toolbar,]</argument> This example will make only the code, flowchart and toolbar components visible when Progranimate starts up. The other non-referenced components then remain inactive and invisible until turned on via the menu settings. However, in this example the menu was not specified, therefore, it is not visible. This means the user cannot change its settings. This is a simple way to prevent the user from changing these settings if need be. When the previous two sets of arguments are used in the JNLP file, Progranimate will launch as shown below in figure 29. Figure 31. Web Start Example. When deploying Progranimate via JWS, it is necessary to include the following arguments. <argument>ApplicationType=</argument> <argument>web</argument> These inform Progranimate of the deployment method in use, thus allowing it to refine its look and feel appropriately. For more information on the full range of available arguments and their function, see section 10.4. Page 63 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 10.2.4 Troubleshooting Java Web Start Deployment If problems or error messages were encountered when launching the Progranimate via JWS, read on. This section provides tips that may help identify the cause of the problem. A list of common errors and their solutions is provided below. The Page Cannot Be Displayed or HTTP 404 Error Problem: When using an HTML hyper link to reference the JNLP file, the browser displays a HTTP 404 Error or says that The page cannot be displayed. Possible Solutions: Check that the URL of the HTML file is supplying the link. Has it been typed correctly? Check the location and file name of the JNLP file on the server. Has it been typed correctly, and is it in the right folder? The Link Does Not Work and Seems To Do Nothing. Problem: Clicking the hyperlink ‘Launch Progranimate’ appears to do nothing. Possible Solutions: Check the syntax of the HTML file. Have the anchor <a> elements been used properly? Have the attributes (i.e. href=“”) been entered correctly? Check that the HTML within the file is not malformed, invalid or erroneous in any way. Page 64 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Unable To Launch Progranimate or Unable to Launch The Application Problem A splash screen is displayed, followed by an error saying ‘unable to launch Progranimate’ or ‘unable to launch the application’, as shown in figure 32 below. Figure 32. Two Unable to Launch Messages. Cause: This error usually indicates that Progranimate’s Program file (ProgranimateV3.jar) cannot be found on the server. This could be caused by a number of faults. Possible Solutions: Firstly, check that the URL of the Jar element is located in the JNLP file; this is show below. The href= attribute should point to Progranimate’s Jar archive file on the server, either directly or relatively. Check this carefully for typing errors or misspellings. <jar href="webserver.comprogranimate/proganimateV3.jar" download="eager"/> Check the Jar file on the server- has it been placed in the correct folder, and is its file name correct? It should be called ProgranimateV3.Jar Check which version of Java is installed on the client’s computer. It should be running J2SE 1.5 or greater. If the version installed is below V1.5, the above error dialog will be generated. Page 65 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott The File Specified Will Not Load Problem: The file specified in the JNLP file’s arguments does not load, and the following error message is displayed on screen. Figure 33. Error Loading File. Cause: This type of error means that Progranimate cannot locate the file at the URL or directory specified. Check that you have typed the URL and file name correctly in the arguments of the JNLP file. Possible Solutions: It may be worth checking that the file exists on the server and that it has not been placed in the wrong directory. If the previous checks have been done and this error appears, then there may be a problem with the MIME types of the server. Ask the server administrator to enable the .prg file extension in the web server’s MIME types. If you don’t know what MIME types are, do not worry; your web server administrator should know. I Cannot See All Of The Flowchart Problem: The entire flowchart is not visible when loaded. Cause: Large flowcharts may not fit on a single screen when drawn at normal scale. However, the flowchart window has scroll bars that allow navigation though large programs. Using the zoom slider, a flowchart can be scaled down so that it fits on screen. Possible solution Upon loading, it may be desirable to fit the flowchart within a single screen. This can be achieved by using the zoom= argument. For use on the zoom arguments, see section 10.4. Page 66 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott I Cannot See All Of The Program Code Problem: The program code does not fit on a single page; some of it is out of view. Cause: Large programs may require more than a single page of code. For this reason, the code view is scrollable both vertically and horizontally, allowing the user to view all of the code. Possible Solutions: It may be desired to fit the code within a single page without the need for scrolling. This can be done manually, using the font size settings in the code generation menu. However, it may be required to have the code fit on screen upon loading. To achieve this, the text size can be adjusted using the FontSize= argument. For more information on using this argument, see section 10.4. Progranimate Did Not Appear As Expected Problems: Progranimate did not appear as intended. Some of the visual features specified in the parameters are not shown. All of the visual features were shown when only a few were specified in the parameters. Possible Solutions The visual= arguments may be at fault. If not all expected components appeared, check the associated value element for the following problems. Page 67 Have you miss-typed the argument name ‘Visual=’? Have you miss-typed the names of the features to be displayed? Is one of the opening or closing square brackets missing from the values? Are all of the values separated by a comma? Have the opening <argument>and closing </argument> elements been typed correctly- are there any missing angled brackets or typing errors? Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott If all of Progranimate’s visual features appeared when only a few were specified, check for typing errors in the Visual= argument element and associated value element. If these arguments are syntactically incorrect, they may not be passed to Progranimate. When no Visual= arguments have been detected, Progranimate turns all of its visual features on by default. The Flowchart, Code or Inspector is Displayed Disproportionately. Problem: All intended components are visible but displayed to incorrect or unaesthetic proportions. For example, the variable inspector may take up most of the applet when it should only occupy about twenty percent of its right side. Cause: The split dividers’ locations are set wrong, causing visual features to be displayed disproportionately. Possible Solution: The location of the split dividers can be changed manually by dragging them with the mouse. However, a more elegant solution is to pre-specify their location via the parameters WorkspaceDivider= and VarinspecDivider= . The WorkspaceDivider= divides the workspace area between the flowchart and code views. The VarinspecDivider= divides screen space between the workspace and variable/array inspector. The value attribute of these parameters sets the location of the divider. The locations are specified in percentage terms; 0 is far left, 100 is far right and 50 is in the middle. For more information on the split dividers, see section 7.2, entitled ‘Resizing Parts of the User Interface Using Split Dividers’. Page 68 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 10.3 ©2008 Andrew Scott Applet Deployment The applet deployment allows Progranimate to be contained within a web page. Progranimate provides a diverse range of options and settings for the web master to utilise. This allows Progranimate’s applet deployment to be customised in many ways, making it an ideal focus point of an online tutorial involving imperative (non object oriented) programming. Shown below are four examples of what is possible with Progranimate’s web start deployment. Figure 34. Four examples of applet deployment. Once Progranimate’s application file (ProgranimateV3.jar) has been placed on a web, it can be used to applet deployment. The following section explains how to use the applet deployment method to integrate Progranimate into a web page. For more information on applets, see: 10.3.1 Creating a Basic Web Page To Contain Progranimate. In order to deploy Progranimate as an applet, a web page must be constructed to contain it. The following eight steps demonstrate the relative simplicity of deploying Progranimate as an applet. Page 69 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 1. Open a text editor such as note pad. 2. Copy the following HTML template into the text editor. <html> <head> </head> <body> <center><h1>Progranimate Applet Example</h1></center> <table width="100%"> <tr><td> <center> <applet code="GPTool.Applet_Container.class" codebase=" " archive="progranimateV3.jar" width="90%" height="800"> <param name="ApplicationType=" value="Applet"></param> <param name="Zoom=" value="100"></param> <param name="Speed=" value="6"></param> <param name="ToolBarType=" value="Normal"></param> <param name="FontSize=" value="Medium"></param> <param name="FontType=" value="Serif"></param> <param name="WorkspaceDivider=" value="35"></param> <param name="VarInspecDivider=" value="70"></param> <param name="Visual=" value="[flowchart,code,ToolBar,componentInfo,variables,Palette]"></param> <param name="ApplicationType=" value="Applet"></param> <param name="Zoom=" value="100"></param> <param name="Speed=" value="6"></param> <param name="ToolBarType=" value="Normal"></param> <param name="FontSize=" value="Medium"></param> <param name="FontType=" value="Serif"></param> <param name="WorkspaceDivider=" value="35"></param> <param name="VarInspecDivider=" value="70"></param> <param name="FileURL=" value=""> </param> </applet> </center> </td></tr> <table> </body> </html> 3. Save the newly created text file as a HTML document. Name it something memorable such as “Applet.html”. Do not close the file, as you will continue to edit it. 4. Edit the code base parameter so that it matches the directory of ProgranimateV3.Jar on your web server. The code base parameter has been coloured blue in the text above. 5. Create a small test program file using Progranimate. To do this, use a local copy of PrograimateV3.Jar. When the file is double clicked, it should run as a local application. Name the created “file1.prg”. Save this program file alongside the HTML file created in the last step. Page 70 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 6. Arguments are passed to Progranimate using <Param> elements containing ‘name=’ and ‘value=’ attributes. These are coloured red and shown in the text above. The name attribute is used to name the argument. The value attribute is used to pass the argument value. 7. Take a look at the green text in the example above. This parameter tells Progranimate to load a file from the URL specified in the value attribute. Edit this URL to that which the program file will have once uploaded to the server. Resave the HTML file and close the text editor. 8. Upload the Applet.HTML and file1.prg to the web server. For this example, ensure they are placed in the same directory as ProgranimateV3.jar. The applet deployment is complete. The following sections show how to launch the applet via the uploaded web page created in this section. 10.3.2 Launching an Applet Point your web browser to the URL of the recently uploaded file ‘Applet.HTML’. Because this will be the first time you have loaded the Progranimate applet, it may take time to load. The loading times depend on the speed of the Internet connection available. A high-speed connection such a broadband connection above 1MB should take between 30 seconds to a minute to load. If the server and client computer share the same network, this time will be significantly reduced. *Please note traditional dialup connections or connections under 256Kbps may take a while to load. These speeds of connection are considered impractical for accessing Progranimate online. Depending on what version of Java is installed on the client computer (J2SE 1.5 or greater required), you will get one of two loading screens. These are shown below. Page 71 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Figure 35. The two varieties of Java’s of applet loading screens As Progranimate’s program file is stored in the client computer’s cache, subsequent loading times should be much quicker, if not almost instantaneous. Once Progranimate has loaded, the following security warning will be displayed on screen. Figure 36. Applet Security Warning As Progranimate is currently a prototype, a self-signed security certificate has been used to reduce costs. As a result, the security warning states that the publisher cannot be verified, but do not worry about this. Click the check box, ‘Always trust content from this publisher’. This will ensure that this security warning does not appear again. Now click the continue button, and the applet should start and look something like the example below. Figure 37. A Web Applet Example. Successive launches should work instantly with no dialog boxes and only momentary loading screens. If problems or error messages are encountered, read the following chapter for trouble shooting advice. Page 72 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 10.3.3 Passing Parameters to the Applet In the example shown in section 10.3.1, a large selection of parameters were passed to Progranimate via the HTML page used to contain the applet. Unlike the web start deployment, each parameter only requires one set of elements called <param>. These perform the same functionality as the JNLP files <argument> elements. However, the <param> elements are formatted differently. The opening element contains two attributes, name= and value=. The name attribute contains the name of the parameter, for example: <param name=”FileURL=” value=””> As with all parameter names, the name must end in an equals ‘=’ symbol. The value attribute contains the value of the parameter, for example: <param name=”FileURL=” value=””> These <param> elements are then placed inside the <Applet> </Applet> elements of the HTML file, as shown below. <applet code="GPTool.Applet_Container.class" codebase=" " archive="progranimateV3.jar" width="90%" height="800"> <param name="ApplicationType=" value="Applet"></param> <param name=”FileURL=” value=”> <./applet> When deploying Progranimate via an applet, it is necessary to contain the following argument. <param name="ApplicationType=" value="Applet"></param> This tells Progranimate what deployment method is in use, allowing Progranimate to refine its look and feel appropriately. For more information on the full range of available parameters, see section 10.4. Page 73 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott 10.3.4 Troubleshooting Applet Launching If problems or error messages are encountered when launching the applet, this section aims to help. Browser Error -Page Cannot Be Found Problem: The web browser gives a ‘Page cannot be found’ or 404 or error when the user is trying to view the HTML page containing the applet. Possible Solutions: Check that you have typed the URL correctly and that the HTML file is in the correct location on the server. Some web (Unix and Linux) servers are case sensitive. Check that the case of the URL is correct. Check the name of the HTML file. Does it have the file extension .HTML or .HTM? I Got a Red X in the Top Left Corner & Progranimate Does Not Start Problem: Progranimate does not start, and there is a red X in the top left of the applet area of the web page, as in figure 36. Figure 36. The Red X Possible Solutions: This error can be caused by a number of problems. The most common error is that the CodeBase=or the Archive= attributes do not point to Progranimate’s application file (ProgranimateV3.jar). This may be caused by something as simple as a typing error. Another cause of this error is that the code= attribute does not point to a valid or correct class file. Ensure that the Code= attribute points to the correct class file of Progranimate’s Jar file. It should point to ‘GPTool.Applet_Container.class’. For the more technically minded, the red X icon can be right clicked. The subsequent popup menu gives the option for viewing the Java console. This will allow the error stack to be viewed. This may give a more precise indication of the cause of the fault. Page 74 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott The File Specified Will Not Load Problem: The file specified in the Program parameters does not load. Progranimate displays following error message. Figure 37.. Error Loading File. Possible Solutions: This type of error means that Progranimate cannot locate a program file at the URL specified. Check that you have typed the URL and File name of the file correctly in the parameters of the HTML file. Some web servers are case sensitive. Ensure that the URL has been typed to the correct case. It may be worth checking that the file exists on the server and that it has not been placed in the wrong directory. If the previous checks have been done, and this error appears, then there may be a problem with the MIME types of the server. Ask the server administrator to enable the .prg file extension in the web servers MIME types. If you don’t know what MIME types are, do not worry; your web server administrator should know. I Cannot See All Of The Flowchart Problem: The entire flowchart is not visible when the applet is loaded. Possible Solutions Large programs may not fit on a single screen when drawn, especially when the size of the applet is relatively small. However, the flowchart window has scroll bars to allow navigation though large programs. However, if it is desired, the flowchart can be fit onto the screen by drawing it at a lower scale. This can be achieved manually by adjusting the zoom control. Page 75 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott However, a more elegant solution is to modify the value of the Zoom= parameter in the applet’s HTML file. The value is a percentage can be set between 10%-300%. Another way is to increase the size of the applet within the web page. This will provide more space with which to contain the flowchart. To increase the size of the applet, modify the width and height attributes of the <applet> element in the applets HTML file. Be careful to keep the applet smaller than the screen size of the client, otherwise the user will have to constantly scroll when using Progranimate. In this case, it may be wise to scale the flowchart down or consider using JWS deployment. I Cannot See All Of The Program Code Problem: The program code does not fit within the applet’s available screen space. Possible Solutions: Large programs may not fit within the screen space available to an applet. However, the code view is scrollable both vertically and horizontally, allowing the user to view all of the code. It may be desired to fit the code within a single page without the need for scrolling. To achieve this, the text size can be adjusted (larger or smaller) via the code generation menu. However, a far more elegant solution is to have the text fit without user interaction. To do this, change the value attribute of the parameter FontSize= from medium to small or smallest. This will allow more code to be displayed within the applet. Some fonts are drawn smaller by design, allowing more text on a single page. Therefore, it may be desirable to set the font type. To achieve this, change the value of FontType= parameter to another font. For more information about these and more parameters, see section 10.4. Another way is to increase the size of the applet within the web page. This will provide more space with which to contain the code. To increase the size of the applet, modify the width and height attributes of the <applet> element in the applets HTML file. Be careful keep the applet smaller than the screen size of the client, otherwise the user will have to constantly scroll when using Progranimate. In this case, it may be wise to scale the flowchart down or consider using JWS deployment. Page 76 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Progranimate’s Applet Did Not Appear As Expected Problems: Progranimate’s applet did not appear as intended. Some of the visual features specified in the parameters are not shown. or All of the visual features were shown when only a few were specified in the parameters. Possible Solutions: If some visual components were not shown once the application has loaded, check the values filed of the Visual= parameter for the following problems. o o o o o Have you referred to the correct visual elements? Have you miss-typed the names of the visual elements? Is one of the opening or closing square brackets missing? Are all of the values separated by a comma? Have the opening and closing <param> elements been typed correctly, or are there any missing brackets? o Are any attribute names missing or misspelled? If all of Progranimate’s visual features appeared when only a few were specified, check for the typing errors in the Visual= argument element and associated value element. If these arguments are syntactically incorrect, they may not be passed to Progranimate. When no Visual= arguments have been detected, Progranimate turns all of its visual features on by default. The Flowchart, Code or Inspector is Displayed Disproportionately. Problem: All intended components are visible but displayed to incorrect or unaesthetic proportions. For example, the variable inspector takes up most of the applet, when it should only occupy about twenty percent of its right side. Cause: The split dividers’ locations are set wrong, causing visual features to be displayed disproportionately. Page 77 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Possible Solutions: The location of the split dividers can be changed manually by dragging them with the mouse. However, a more elegant solution is to pre-specify their location via the parameters WorkspaceDivider= and VarinspecDivider= . The WorkspaceDivider= divides the workspace area between the flowchart and code views. The VarinspecDivider= divides screen space between the workspace and variable/array inspector. The value attribute of these parameters sets the location of the divider. The locations are specified in percentage terms; 0 is far left, 100 is far right and 50 is in the middle. For more information on the split dividers, see section 7.2, entitled ‘Resizing Parts of the User Interface Using Split Dividers’. Page 78 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 10.4 ©2008 Andrew Scott A Complete List of Parameters This section contains a complete list of the parameters available to Progranimate. It also contains an explanation of each parameter’s function and syntax. For information on passing parameters to Progranimate, see section 10.2.3, ‘Passing Parameters Via WJS’ and 10.3.3,‘Passing Parameters to the Applet’. Application Type This ensures that Progranimate knows the deployment method in use, allowing it to refine its UI appropriately. Parameter Name: ApplicationType= Value Parameters StandAlone (default) Signifies that the program is being started locally as a standalone tool . WebStart Signifies that the program is being launched via Java Web Start Over the Internet or over a local network, Applet Signifies that the program is being deployed as an applet within a web page, Auto loading a File Contained on the Client This parameter enables Progranimate to load a file contained on the client computer as it is launched. This feature is available for both the applet and JWS deployment methods. This File= parameter cannot be used with URLs; use the FileURL= parameter for this purpose. If the File and FileURL parameters are unused, Progranimate will launch with a blank canvas. Parameter name: File= Value Parameters This parameter should contain the location of a file stored on the client computer, for example: D:\Program_Files\program1.prg Auto Loading a File Contained on a Web Server Page 79 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott This parameter enables Progranimate to load a file contained on a web server as it starts. This feature is available for both the applet and JWS deployment methods. The FileURL= parameter cannot be used to load files contained on the client. For this, the File= parameter is needed. If the File and FileURL parameters are unused, Progranimate will launch with a blank canvas. Parameter name: FileURL= Value Parameters Enter the URL of the file to be loaded, for example: Http://\progranimate\program1.prg Visual Settings This parameter selects which of Progranimate’s visual features will be displayed at start up. If no visual= parameter is specified, then all visual features are turned on by default. Parameter name: Visual= Value Parameters Each visual feature to be displayed must be referenced within the value parameter. The list of features to be displayed is contained in square brackets. A comma is then used to separate each feature name, for example: [Flowchart,ToolBar,VarInspec] These settings will launch Progranimate with only the flowchart, tool bar and variable inspector visible. A complete list of the permitted features is given below. Menu When specified in the parameters, the menu will be displayed on start up. Disabling the menu will mean that users cannot change any visual, language or advanced settings once the tool has started. ToolBar When specified in the parameters, the toolbar will be displayed on start up. ToolBarSmall Page 80 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott When specified, the small toolbar will be displayed instead of the standard tool bar. The small toolbar does not contain load, save and new buttons and has smaller zoom and speed controls. ComponentInfo When specified, the component information panel will be displayed underneath the workspace on start up. Palette When specified, the palette will be displayed on start up. Disabling the palette with the menu will mean that users cannot add components or variables to a program. However, depending on the other settings, users may still be able to edit and delete via the menu or right click popup, or by a double click method. To inhibit editing and deleting, the double click, popup and menu features have been disabled. Code When specified, the generated computer code will be displayed at start up. Flowchart When specified, the flowchart visualisation will be enabled at start up. Variables When specified, the variable and array inspectors will be visualised at start up. The array inspector will only be visible when one or more variables exist within a program. Zoom Level or Flowchart Scale This parameter affects the scale at which the flowchart is drawn. This parameter is useful for ensuring that an entire flowchart is displayed on screen at start-up. The parameter is used to scale the drawing size of the flowchart in percentage terms. Permitted values are between 0 and 300 percent. Parameter name: Zoom= Value Parameters This must be a number between 0 and 300. Entering < 0 will result in 0 and > 300 will result in 300. Speed of Animation Page 81 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott This parameter controls the animation speed of Progranimate. When Progranimate starts up, the speed control will reflect the value specified in this parameter. Parameter name: Speed= Value Parameters A number between 1 and 10, where 10 is fastest and 1 is slowest. Entering a value greater than 10 will result in 10 being selected. Entering a value lower than 1 will result in 1 being selected. Font Style This parameter controls the font style of the code view. Parameter name: Font= Value Parameters The following list of fonts may be specified in the parameters of font style. If anything else is entered, Progranimate will use the default setting (SansSerif). SansSerif, **Default** Serif, Monospaced. Font Size This parameter sets the font size of the code view. Parmeter name: FontSize= 11.0 Value Parameters The following list of font sizes may be used. Anything else entered will cause Progranimate to use its default setting (medium). Largest, Large, Medium, **Default** Small, Smallest. Commenting Page 82 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott This parameter controls the commenting level of the code generation features at start up. For more information on commenting, see section 6.3.2. Paramiter name: Commenting= Value Parameters The following list of commenting levels may be specified. If anything else is entered, Progranimate will revert to its default (Basic). None, Basic, Advanced. Language Selection This setting controls the language of the code generation features at start up. If a file is specified in the File= or FileURL= parameters, it is loaded in the language specified by the Lang= parameter, regardless of what language it was saved in. Parameter name: Lang= Value Parameters The following languages can be chosen. If anything else is entered, Progranimate will use the default Java language. Java_Code VisualBasic.Net VisualBasic-6.0 ToolBar Type When the tool bar is used this parameter can be utilised to select from a range of tool bar types. Parameter name: ToolbarType= Value Parameters Normal: A normal tool bar with all the options, Mini: A smaller tool bar missing the load save and new options Micro: Page 83 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott The smallest tool bar available. It is missing load, save and new options. Has a JSspinner instead of a slider for speed selection. This enables it to be more compact. Allow Blank Parameters This parameter allows the Programming components to be created without expressions. This facilitates the creation of partially completed solutions for others to solve. Paramiter name: BlankParam= Value Parameters True - allow Blank parameters False - do not allow blank parameters **Default** Setting The Divider Between the Flowchart and Code Views This parameter sets the location of the workspace divider so that space can be arbitrarily divided between the flowchart and code views. See section 7.2 for more information on Progranimate’s dividers. Parameter name: WorkspaceDivider= Value Parameters The divider location is specified as a percentage. A value of 100 places the divider as far right as possible. A value of 0 places the divider as far left as possible. Therefore, a value of 50 will divide the area of the workspace equally between the flowchart and code views. If the value entered is over 100, the value will be set to 100. If the value specified is under 0, the value will be set to 0. Page 84 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Setting the Divider Between the Workspace and the Variable Inspector This parameter sets the location of the workspace / variable inspector divider so that space can be arbitrarily divided between the flowchart and code views. See section 7.2 for more information on Progranimate’s dividers. Parameter name: VarInspecDivider= Value Parameters The divider location is specified as a percentage. A value of 100 places the divider as far right as possible. A value of 0 places the divider as far left as possible. Therefore, a value of 50 will divide the area of the workspace equally between the flowchart and code views. If the value entered is over 100, the value will be set to 100. If the value specified is under 0, the value will be set to 0. Selection Methods This parameter is used to adjust the selection method for editing and deleting components, variables and arrays. There are two parameters to adjust the selection method for editing and deleting components, variables and arrays. It is possible to have one or the other or both selection methods enabled. These settings can also be found in the advanced setting panel of Progranimate. See section 8.3 for more information. The first of these methods allows a component, variable or array to be edited by selecting the component, variable or array, and then selecting the option from the palette. Parameter name: SelectClick= The second of these methods allows a component, variable or array to be edited/delete by first selecting the option from the palette, and then selecting the component, variable or array. Parameter name: ClickSelect= Value Parameters The values associated with these parameters take the values True (on) and False (off). If anything else is used, the default setting will be enabled. The default setting for SelectClick= is True, The default setting for ClickSelec= is False. Page 85 Progranimate User Manual for Prototype V3.0 ©2008 Andrew Scott Double Click to Edit This parameter is used to enable or disable double click editing or components, structures and variables. The default setting for this component is on. When this parameter is not specified, double click editing will be enabled. This setting can also be found in the advanced setting panel of Progranimate. See section 8.3 for more information. Parameter name: DoubleClickEdit= Value Parameters This parameter can take the values True (on) or False (off). If anything else is typed, the default setting (on) will be activated. Popup Menu This parameter controls the setting that enables the popup menu. The popup menu contains options for Edit, Delete, Copy, Cut and Paste. When enabled, this menu is activated by right clicking a component, variable or array in the flowchart or code views. Paramiter name: PopupMenu= Value Parameters This parameter can take the values True (on) or False (off). If anything else is typed, the default setting (on) will be activated. Page 86