SOIL ORDER : ULTISOLS (Latin : ultimus means last, highly leached, clay accumulation in B horizon) Soil Properties Ultisols predominantly covered 5.6% of world land area (730.106 ha) or 10.6% of tropical area (520.106 ha) (Lal, 1997). This soil have low in basic cation saturation, strongly weathered but less than Oxisols, well-drained, highly leached and acidic, and contain an argilic or kandic horizon (Lal, 1997). But, according to Miller, 1990 that Ultisols often have an umbric epipedon (dark-colored A and strongly acidic). However, the common feature of Ultisols is the existing of argilic horizon. Argilic horizon has a high clay accumulation (Bt), which is moderate to strongly acidic, often a surface horizon dark with humus (A), and typically a leached layer (E). The high clay content in this soil may be due to (1) sedimentation; (2) illuviation; and (3) lithological discontinuities. Intensive weathering forms the clayey B and often reddish in color. Reddish color is caused by iron in the soil as sesquioxide in oxidation status. Basic cation saturation must have less than 35%. Soil has low pH (less than 5.5) and in nutrients, although the nutrients content is higher than in Oxisols. Furthermore, Landon (1984) explained that the following possibilities will be happened when pH value less than 5.5: (i) phosphate ions combine with iron and Al to form compounds which are not readily available for plants, (ii) All nutrients except Molybdenum (Mo) become more available with increasing acidity, deficiencies are therefore rare (iii) Al ions are released from clay lattices and become established on the clay complex. Soils with low pH should be tested for exchangeable Al as a measure of potential Al toxicity, (iv) Bacterial activity is reduced and nitrification of organic matter is significantly retarded. The mineralogy indicates strong weathering where kaolinite clays is more dominant than the other clays (montmorillonite, illite, vermiculllite). Ultisols have generally good physical properties (well-drained, moderate permeability), but have severe problems in nutrient balance. Soil Taxonomy Order : Ultisols Suborders : Aquults (Latin, aqua = water) : seasonally saturated with water Humults (Latin, humus =earth) : high-humus surface accumulation Udults (Latin, udus = humid) : adequate water most of year Ustults (Latin, ustus = burnt) : dry many months Xerults (Latin, xeros =dry) 1 Character of soil in those suborders explained in detail as follows: 1. AQUULTS Saturated water in several times during a year can lead to many features: mottling, iron-manganese’s concretion with diameter more than 2 mm; Chroma in moist is less than 2 or less at Ap horizon. 1.1. Plinthaquults (plinthite) 1.2. Fragiaquults (fragipan) 1.3. Albaquults (albic horizon) 1.4. Paleaquults (paleos, old = excessive development, usually very old) 1.5. Ochraquults (ochric epipedon) 1.6. Umbraquults (umbric or molic epipedon) 2. HUMULTS 1.1. Sombrihumults (sombric horizon) 1.2. Palehumults (paleos, old = excessive development, usually very old. Argilic horizon contains weatherable mineral less than 10% in 20 to 200 micron of fraction at 50 cm soil depth) 1.3. Haplohumult (other humults) 3. UDULTS 1.1. Fragiudults (fragipan on or under argilic horizon) 1.2. Plinthaudults (plinthite) 1.3. Paleudults 1.4. Rhodudults (value in epipedon is less than 4; argilic horizon with value is less than 5) 1.5. Hapludults (other udults) 4. USTULTS 1.1. Plinthustults (phlinthite) 1.2. Paleustults 1.3. Rhodustults (value in epipedon is less than 4; argilic horizon with value is less than 5) 1.4. Haplustult (other ustults) 5. XERULTS 5.1. Palexerult 5.2. Haploxerults (other xerults) 2 Soil-Plant Relationship in Plantation Forestry Some general soil-related constraints to intensive use of soils in the tropics based on soil characteristics, moisture regime and interaction with predominant climatic factors are identified in the following table. Soil-related constraints for plantation forestry in the tropics (Stewards, 1991 cit. Lal, 1997). Soil Order Inherent P Erosion Compaction/Crusting Trafficability soil availability fertility Oxisol 3 3 2 2 1 Ultisols 3 3 2 2 1 Inceptisols 1 1 3 2 2 Entisols 1 1 3 2 2 Alfisols 2 1 3 3 3 Aridisols 2 1 3 3 1 Vertisols 2 2 3 3 3 Note: 3 represents severe constraint; 2 moderate constraint; and 1 slight constraint Sanchez and Salinaz (1981), Stewards (1991) and others have shown that Oxisols and Ultisols have generally favorable soil physical properties, but are highly acidic (pH range of 4.5 to 5.5), may contain toxic concentration of Al and Mn, are low in available P, and are low in major plant nutrients (e.g. N, P, K, Ca, Mg). Thus, tree growth in these soils is often correlated with the nutrient availability. Improper land use and soil mismanagement can cause fertility depletion and structural degradation. For example, severe erosion in many plots of teak plantation in Java and areas in outside Java is happened which caused lost of organic matter layer. With proper land use and judicious soil and management, afforestation and rehabilitation of degraded land as well as plantation building, can restore soil quality and enhanced productivity. Significant soil physical properties which influence seedling establishment and tree growth are : (i) soil structure, (ii) soil water, (iii) soil temperature, (iv) aeration. As mentioned above, soil physical properties in Ultisol, favor the tree growth. Soil mismanagement such as continues cultivation and operating of logger in harvesting can lead to structural degradation, compaction, low rate of permeability, increasing erosion. 3