Sequentiality versus Simultaneity: Interrelated Factor Demand Magne Krogstad Asphjell* Wilko Letterie** Øivind A. Nilsen*** Gerard A. Pfann**** May 2010 JEL Codes: D92, E22, E24, J23, L60 Key Words: Factor Demand, Interrelation, Nonconvex Adjustment Costs * Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economics, Hellevn. 30, NO-5045 Bergen, Norway; Email: ** Maastricht University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Organization and Strategy, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands, Email:; Tel: +31 43 3883645; Fax: +31 43 3884893. *** Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economics, Hellevn. 30, NO-5045 Bergen, Norway; Email: **** Maastricht University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Econometrics, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands, Email: Abstract: In this paper we investigate a firm that has to decide about the timing of factor demand adjustments. A structural model is developed to describe a firm’s demand for two production factors which is subject to the presence of nonconvex adjustment costs. In this model the two factor demand decisions are interrelated. That means that simultaneous adjustment of these two production factors may either increase or decrease the total costs incurred by the firm. In case simultaneous adjustment lowers the total costs, firms are more likely to conduct their input factor changes simultaneously. On the other hand if simultaneous adjustment increases the total costs incurred, firms are inclined to change the two input factors sequentially. One reason for the first case, i.e. synchronisation of the two types of adjustments, is when simultaneous adjustment reduces the time of disruption to the production process. On the other hand, one could also think of a case where it would be efficient to implement input changes subsequently. For instance, when introducing a new technology, it might be economically reasonable to hire and train new workers prior to investing, such that the new technology becomes productive as soon as possible after installation. Our model also shows that flexible production factors, not being subject to fixed costs, may still exhibit intermittent adjustment lumps, due to the cost of interrelation. Moreover, the importance of interrelation on the decision thresholds increases when fixed costs are smaller. This implies that when thresholds are being estimated for a single factor demand model alone, the model’s structural parameters will be biased, especially if the factor is rather flexible. We apply the model to investigate empirically the optimal timing of labour and capital demand changes. We develop a maximum likelihood routine to estimate the structural parameters of the model. Plant level data from Statistics Norway are used to estimate the cost or benefits of simultaneous adjustment. The data concern plants operating in manufacturing industries and cover the period 1993-2005. The estimates indicate that it is advantageous to adjust the stock of labour and capital simultaneously. The cost advantage of changing labour and capital simultaneously is small compared to the fixed adjustment cost of capital but is large compared to the fixed cost of adjusting labour. Moreover, fixed costs of changing labour are much smaller than the fixed costs of conducting investment. Our empirical results suggest that when estimating single factor demand models the bias of parameter estimates is likely to be most severe in case of labour demand. 2 1. Introduction Firms have been observed to adjust the stock of their most productive factors, such as capital and labour, in a lumpy fashion. Thus, they tend to concentrate big changes into short periods while inaction dominates between these spikes. Such a pattern suggests that the smooth adjustment of the important input factors is precluded by nonconvex, for instance linear or fixed, costs leading to partial irreversibility of factor input decisions. With a few exceptions, the existing literature on the irreversibility of production factors, has only considered separate adjustment of one quasi-fixed production factor alone.1 Abel and Eberly (1998) note that the observed lumpy employment pattern may not solely be due to a fixed cost component of labour adjustment. They show that lumpy investment behaviour causes simultaneous large employment adjustments in a model where labour demand is a fully flexible production factor. Bloom (2009) finds that ignoring labour adjustment costs, as is typical in the investment literature, is a reasonable approximation when modelling investment, while a model with labour adjustment costs only, as is typical in the dynamic labour demand literature, is problematic in the sense that the estimated parameters are far away from the true ones found in a model that included both investment and labour adjustment costs. These results indicate that controlling for investment dynamics is important when analysing the more flexible labour input decisions. Earlier research on multivariate factor input decisions suggests that the decisions about changing several input factors are mutually dependent. Interrelation was initially addressed using sector-level data in a linear setting by Nadiri and Rosen (1969). This study was not based on a structural model with adjustment costs but it inspired others to investigate the issue of interrelated factor demand decisions more deeply. Shapiro (1986) expands upon 1 For capital adjustment, see recent studies by Abel and Eberly (2002), Cooper and Haltiwanger (2006), Letterie and Pfann (2007) and Nilsen and Schiantarelli (2003). For labour adjustment, see the seminal contribution by Hamermesh (1989), and the more recent ones of Abowd and Kramarz (2003), Rota (2004), and Nilsen et al. (2007). 3 Nadiri and Rosen (1969) and estimates a structural dynamic model of factor demand with interrelation derived from the Euler equations. Galeotti and Schiantarelli (1991), and, more recently, Merz and Yashiv (2007), have studied the topic of interrelation in a framework without nonconvex costs of adjustment. Thus, from these findings it is hard to learn much about the source of the lumpiness often seen in micro data. There is a substantial amount of inaction observations for both labour and capital adjustments. This lumpiness may reflect the existence of nonconvexities in the adjustment costs of the input factors. Contreras (2006) investigates interrelation for a glass mould firm using simulated moments and calibration. He finds that it is more costly for the firm to adjust capital and employment at the same time rather than sequentially. Descriptive statistics from simultaneous analyses indicate positive correlation between hiring and investment decisions. Recent empirical studies based on micro data by Sakellaris (2004), Letterie et al. (2004), and Nilsen et al. (2009) have indeed revealed that in the context of lumpy adjustment the dynamics of labour and capital demand are interrelated. In particular, these papers have shown that at the micro level investment and labour spikes are synchronized to a large extent. This may indicate complementarities in the production process. Additionally, it may indicate that firms prefer synchronization, which may stem from reduced adjustment costs when adjusting input factors simultaneously. Of course, the described pattern may also reflect the nature of shocks to the shadow values of the input factors. Note however, the studies by Sakellaris, Letterie et al., and Nilsen et al. op. cit are all using non-structural and explorative approaches to analyse interrelateness. It is therefore hard to identify whether the synchronisation is due to the nature of the changes in the shadow values of the factors inputs, or whether it is caused by interrelated adjustment costs. One of the goals of this paper is to build a structural model that incorporates nonconvex adjustment costs together with interrelated adjustment costs that could either be negative or positive (i.e. reduced costs due to synchronisation) or positive (making 4 simultaneous adjustments more costly). The advantage of a more structural model is that one could potentially disentangle these two effects. It would also make it possible to identify whether lumpy investment behaviour for one input is the effect of fixed costs for this factor, or caused by interrelations in the adjustment cost function. In this paper we investigate the consequences of interrelation where adjustments of quasi-fixed input factors involve nonconvex costs. We refer to these factors as capital and labour but it can also describe the behaviour of a firm deciding about any two different input types (for instance R&D and natural resources). Our model deviates from work by Eberly and Van Mieghem (1997), Dixit (1997), Abel and Eberly (1998), and Bloom (2009) in the sense that we allow for the possibility that adjustment costs decrease or increase when the firm decides to adjust two factors simultaneously. The occurrence of simultaneous adjustment (synchronization) depends on the interrelation and especially on the question whether or not interrelation adds to the costs of changing inputs or lowers those costs. One reason for the latter case, i.e. synchronisation of the two types of adjustments, is when simultaneous adjustment reduces the time of disruption to the production process. On the other hand, one could also think of a case where it would be efficient to implement input changes subsequently. For instance, when introducing a new technology, it might be economically reasonable to hire and train new workers prior to investing, such that the new technology becomes productive as soon as possible after installation. We apply the model to investigate empirically the dynamics of joint labour and capital demand decisions. Using Norwegian plant level data covering the manufacturing sector from 1993-2005 we obtain estimates of the adjustment costs parameters of the model by employing a maximum likelihood routine and assess whether simultaneous adjustment of labour and capital is beneficial or not. The paper proceeds as follows. In section 2 we develop the theoretical model. In section 3 we discuss the role of fixed costs in relation with the cost of 5 interrelationship. Next, in section 4 we develop the econometric model. The data are described in section 5. The empirical results are presented in section 6. Finally, section 7 concludes. 2. The model Consider a firm that employs two production factors (capital Kt and labour Lt in year t) to produce a non-storable output. The firm’s management maximizes V(.) denoting the present discounted value of the cash flow resulting from its business operations. The objective function is given by the value of the firm represented by s V E F A , K , L w L C I , K , H , L t t t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s s 0 (1) The term Et indicates that expectations are taken with respect to information available at time t. The discount rate is given by with 0 1. The variable wt denotes the wage paid by the firm to a full time worker. Investment and hiring (or firing) are denoted by It and Ht respectively. Sales are given by the expression FAt ,Kt ,Lt where the term At represents a variable capturing randomness in technology or stochastic behaviour of the demand conditions the firm is facing. When adjusting the stock of capital or the number of workers the firm incurs adjustment costs defined as: 2 k I b I I K t It,K C , H , L p I I 0 p I I 0 I 0 K t t t t t t t t t t t 2 K t 2 L (2) H b H H L t p H H 0 p H H 0 H 0 L t t t t t t t L t 2 t KL It H 0 0 t 6 It,Kt,H In the adjustment cost function C t,L t the indicator function . assumes the value 1 if the condition in brackets is satisfied and equals zero otherwise. The purchase price of I capital is given by pt . In case the firm sells capital we assume that the price received for one I I I unit of capital equals pt . Due to irreversibility of investment decisions pt pt . This costly reversibility of factors arises when a firm faces firing costs or when there is lemon’s market for used capital such that the firm cannot sell its capital for the same price as when bought. Note that the actual investment costs are incorporated in the adjustment costs function in its linear part. Linear adjustment costs with respect to hiring and firing are H H denoted by pt when H t 0 and pt when H t 0 . The convex costs are represented by conventional quadratic functions in It Ht 2 and . The fixed costs associated with adjusting Kt Lt capital and labour are represented by K and L respectively and we assume that both parameters are nonnegative and do not depend on whether I t and H t are positive or negative. Fixed costs can be a result of the firm’s production processes being disrupted when adjustment of capital or labour takes place.3 Alternatively, the firm’s management may have to spend costly time guiding these organizational changes. We also assume that if the firm adjusts labour or capital, then the adjustment costs of the other factor demand component are affected. The term KL is positive if simultaneous adjustment of capital and labour forces the management to spend additional time and effort on the joint adjustment, or that the adjustment causes a more severe production interruption compared to when capital or labour 2 It is straightforward to extend this adjustment cost function with a term capturing convex costs of interrelation like IH K Lwhere 0 1 . We abstract from this possibility K L 1 to facilitate notation and hence enhance readability of the paper, but the extension is available upon request. We note that in the figures presented later in this paper the area where simultaneous adjustment (I≠0 and H≠0) takes place becomes defined by curved boundaries rather than straight lines if 0. 3 Fixed costs are used as a simple way of introducing non-convexities. 7 adjustments are undertaken at separate points in time. On the other hand, the expression KL is negative if the firm’s managers save time or if the firm can save on costs of disruption when adjusting the factors jointly.4 The firm decides upon the optimal size of the capital stock, K t , by setting K investment I t at the appropriate level. Since capital depreciates at rate , the stock of capital evolves according to the law of motion K K I 1 K i,t 1 i ,t i ,t (3) Simultaneously, the firm determines the optimal value for the number of workers Lt by choosing the desired and hence optimal level of hiring or firing denoted by H t . The amount of labour evolves according to L H 1LL i,t 1 i,t i,t (4) L where measures the autonomous quit rate of workers.5 To obtain the optimal values for I t and H t equation (1) can be optimized with respect to these decision variables subject to the laws of motion governing the dynamics of capital and labour as given by equations (3) and K L (4). Before proceeding we note that the variables t and t are the conventional shadow values of an additional unit of capital and labour, respectively. We provide a derivation of the shadow values in the appendix. It is easy to show that this is the expected present discounted value of the marginal product of capital or labour plus the reduced adjustment costs in future 4 Note that we will assume that K L K L m in ( , ). The economic meaning of such an assumption is that the cost of interrelation KL do not completely offset the fixed cost of adjustment K or L . If the assumption does not hold, for instance if KLL 0, ( KLK 0), this implies that the firm will always adjust labour (capital) when it invests (hires or fires). This regularity is unlikely to hold in reality. 5 We assume without any loss of generality that changes in capital and labour materialize with a lag. 8 periods. Using the Lagrangean provided in the appendix the first order conditions for investment and labour adjustment are I p I 0 p I 0 b 0 and K KI t t t I t t K t (5) t H p H 0 p H 0 b 0 L LH t t t H t t Lt t respectively. Similarly to Abel and Eberly (1994, 2002) the optimal amount of investment and hiring or firing are I t tK ptI Kt b K Ht tL ptH Lt b L (6) I I I p I 0 p I 0 In this latter set of equations we use the notation that p and t t t t t HH H p p H 0 p H 0 .6 Due to the presence of fixed costs of adjustment the t t t t t firm will not always follow the decision rules presented in equation (6). Sometimes it may be optimal to abstain from adjusting capital and or adjusting labour. The threshold values for the K L shadow values t and t can be derived by finding the value for which a change in I t and or H t generates non-negative profits. The equation determining whether to change the stock of capital and or to adjust labour is I H C I , K , H , L K t t L t t t t t (7) t The left hand side of (7) measures the expected benefits of changing capital and or labour, whereas the right hand side denotes the cost associated with the firm’s decisions. Note that tK and tL are the Lagrange multipliers (i.e. shadow values of capital and labour) employed in 6 We have made this as a notational simplification. It does not affect the qualitative findings in this paper. 9 our optimization problem subject to constraints given by equations (3) and (4) depicted in the appendix. Hence, they measure how the value of the firm changes if the constraints (3) and (4) are relaxed or, equivalently, if capital and labour are increased by one unit. Therefore, the K L expression t It t Ht represents an appropriate estimate of the benefits of input adjustments. In a continuous time framework with one production factor a similar expression holds exactly. Using equation (6) it can be shown that equation (7) holds if 2 1K I2 1L H p I 0 p H 0 t K t t t L t t Kt Lt 2 b 2 b I 0 H 0 I 0 H 0 K L t KL t t (8) t To solve the optimization problem of the firm we derive the conditions necessary for various adjustment decisions. 3. Factor input decisions The firm regards adjusting the stock of capital goods to be desirable if 1 K I2 K p . Hence, a necessary condition for changing the amount of capital is t K t K t 2 b 2 b p A KK K t I t K (9) K t A similar necessary condition for hiring or firing workers is 1 L H2 L p L implying t t L t 2 b 2 b p A LL L t H t L (10) L t Equations (9) and (10) show that if the net benefits of adjusting capital and labour do not exceed a certain minimum threshold, the firm decides to abstain adjusting. These two K L thresholds are caused by the existence of the fixed adjustment costs and . 10 Consider now the case where both necessary conditions to adjust capital and labour are satisfied as given in equations (9) and (10). Hence, the firm has an incentive to adjust at least one factor of production. However, due to the cost of interrelation the firm may need to select adjusting only one factor to maximise its objective function. It is optimal to adjust the number of workers rather than the stock of capital if 2 2 1 LH L1 KI K p p . This holds when t t L t t t K t L K 2 b 2 b K b 2 b p p L L L L 2 2 LH LK t KI t t t K t t t b (11) We can also rewrite this condition as: K 2 b b 2 b p p L L L 2 LH t t L L L 2 L I K t K t K t t t t b (11’) The first term on the RHS of this expression is positive given our assumptions about the adjustment costs parameters and the content in the squared bracket is also positive according to eq. (9). Thus, the sum of the two terms is positive. Hence it is optimal to adjust labour rather than capital if L L K 2 2 b L Hb LK t KI |t p | p t t K t L L b t t (12) Under certain conditions it is optimal to adjust only one input factor, because of the cost of interrelation. It is optimal to adjust an additional factor of production if the net benefits K L associated with that adjustment exceed the fixed costs of that second input ( or ) plus KL the cost of interrelation 0 . Hence, it is worth also adjusting the stock of capital (given that adjusting labour yields a higher value of the firm if only one input needs to be selected) as soon as 1 K I2 K KL p α t K t Kt 2 b (13a) 11 Similarly, labour will also be adjusted (given that changing capital yields a higher firm value if only one input is selected) as soon as 2 1L H L KL p L α t t L t 2 b (13b) Hence, the boundaries determining when the firm will adjust both factors of production are tK ptI 2bK K KL BK Kt tL ptH 2b Lt L L 3a. Adjustment decisions when (14) B KL KL L 0 The analysis of firm level capital and labour demand decisions is summarized in figure 1.7 Starting with the inaction area, we see that this area is bounded by AK and AL and -AK and -AL. As already noted, this inaction is caused by the presence of the fixed adjustment costs, K and L , meaning that the shadow value of a new unit of capital (labour) has to move beyond the thresholds defining area I. The firm only adjusts the two factors of production simultaneously in the area indicated by III. These areas move further away from the origin if KL increases decreasing the area where simultaneous adjustment occurs. In fact, higher KL interrelated adjustment costs, , increase the distance between AK and BK, and between AL and BL. This means that the net benefits of changes need to be significant before a firm chooses to change both input factors simultaneously. Demand for both factors is non-zero if K I L H the benefits of change (i.e. | t pt | and | t pt | ) are high. For instance, a high positive K L demand shock may increase the shadow values t and t simultaneously and hence provide 7 Our figures deviate from the ones by Dixit (1997), Eberly and van Mieghem (1997), and Bloom (2009) in the sense that we have the marginal value of an additional unit on the axes, while the authors op. cit. have productivity A normalized with K and L , respectively. 12 the firm an incentive to expand the scale of the firm by increasing both factors of production. On the other hand, a firm may be increasing one input and decreasing the other input at the same time if shadow values move in opposite directions. Such a situation may arise due to a policy change affecting the relative price of the two factors of production or due to a technology shock changing the optimal share of the inputs to produce a certain level of output. But whether the adjustments of the input factors are made simultaneously or sequentially depend on the size of the interrelated adjustment costs. [Insert Figure 1 about here] To see the importance of the interrelated costs, it might be helpful to see what happens when the interrelated costs would be nonexistent, i.e. where KL 0 .8 That means that AK BK , and AL BL . In this case the areas where only one type of change would take place, area II, would become much smaller. The do-both-changes area III would at the same time be larger. Thus, the presence of positive interrelated costs would increase the area where a firm would only involve in one type of investment activity at the time. The curved boundary in the upper right corner in figure 1 crosses the rectangular areas at AL AK and BL BK . This curve, corresponding to the right hand side of equation (12), K I L H is concave if K L in the area where t pt 0 and t pt 0. Hence in figure 1 we depict the case K L where the curved boundary crosses the horizontal axis (i.e. K K L 2 b ( ) where p 0) at x . If K L the right hand side of equation K K t L t H t K I (12) is convex and the curved boundary crosses the vertical axis (i.e. where t pt 0) at a 8 This is the case analysed by Dixit (1997). 13 L L K 2 b ( ) point defined as y . Note that if K L , the boundary determining L L t whether to invest or adjust labour becomes a straight line. The three other curves in the figure are analogous to the one just discussed. Here we illustrate the importance of αKL assuming that K L . It is straightforward i to show that the distance between the thresholds decreases as increases: i i 1 1 B A i KL i 2 2 0 i (15) i i lim B A 0for i {K, L}. This means that in figure 1 the area where the firm and that i completely abstains adjusting, area I, and the area where both factors are adjusted simultaneously, area III, tend to move closer to each other as the fixed costs become larger relative to the interrelated cost, αKL. Hence, large fixed costs will suppress the importance of interrelation.9 Omitting the interrelated costs when estimating a single factor demand model with adjustment costs may introduce a bias in the estimates of the fixed costs. Given a proxy for the shadow value of capital, when estimating a single factor q model, the threshold will be located between A K and B K for investment, since it is the presence of zeroes that identifies the threshold. For labour demand the threshold will lie between A L and B L in a model considering labour only. This indicates that when interrelation is important then a single factor model is likely to produce biased and imprecise estimates for the adjustment costs in i particular for a flexible production factor with a low adjustment cost . Our analysis also shows that a lumpy adjustment pattern may be caused by the existence of interrelated adjustment costs, and not by fixed adjustment costs for the factor KL i is small with large In addition, the relative importance of interrelation measured by fixed costs. In such a circumstance, interrelation will not play a major role in the dynamics of factor demand. 9 14 L K KL itself. Suppose for instance that 0 and that 0 and 0 . Note that L L given 0 , A 0 here. Though in this case labour is fully flexible, the firm will not K I K L H L K I always adjust labour when it invests (if | t p t |A ; | t p t |B and both | t pt | L H and | t pt | are located at point (i) and (ii) in figure 1 for instance). Hence, labour adjustment may appear intermittent with a large number of zero hiring / firing observations even if it does not involve the firm incurring fixed costs for labour itself. Abel and Eberly (1998) also argue that a flexible factor can be subject to lumpy dynamics due to large adjustments of a less flexible factor. Our model reveals that the cost of interrelation is an additional reason why flexible factors may exhibit intermittent patterns. 3b. Adjustment decisions when KL 0 (and still K L ). If KL 0 firms actually benefit from adjusting both input factors simultaneously. The above analysis can be applied to a large extent here as well. The main difference is that the choice between investment or labour adjustment as presented below equation (12) has become irrelevant in this case. This is due to the fact that the thresholds BL and BK are smaller than AL and AK respectively if KL 0 (also see equations 9, 10 and 14). [Insert Figure 2 about here] Figure 2 indicates that if the firm incurs lower adjustment costs because of simultaneous adjustment area III where this event occurs becomes larger. If KL decreases then area III representing the situation that the firm changes both labour and capital move in the direction of the origin of the figure. If LKL 0, the horizontal threshold at BL will lie at the horizontal axis of figure 2. This means if the firm invests it will also change its labour 15 force, i.e. the area I 0,H0disappears. If KKL 0 then the firm will always invest as soon as it alters its number of workers because the vertical threshold at BK will hit the vertical axis of the figure and the area I 0,H0 vanishes. If both conditions KKL 0 and LKL 0 hold then the firm will always change the two factors of production at the same time. Like in section 3a we find that the distance between the thresholds decreases for larger fixed costs: i i 1 1 A B i i KL 2 2 0 i (16) i i lim A B 0for i {K, L}. Again this implies that interrelation is less likely to and that i be a main determinant for factors that involve large fixed adjustment costs. But single factor demand models for flexible inputs may be misspecified when interrelation is important. 4. The econometric specification The investment decisions are dependent on the shadow values of investment and labour. These represent the present discounted value of the marginal product of capital plus the adjustment cost savings in future periods due to the higher level of capital, and correspondingly for labour, the present discounted value of the marginal product of labour plus the adjustment cost savings due to an increase in the stock of workers. See the appendix for a derivation of the shadow values. The econometrician will be able to observe firms’ L K investment decisions. However, marginal values it and it are not observable. Thus, in order to make the model estimable, we need to approximate these shadow values. For simplicity we assume these to be linear functions of some observables, ZK and ZL.10 In L K addition we add stochastic error terms it and it to the definition of the shadow values to 10 In the appendix a detailed discussion is provided on the variables included in ZK and ZL. 16 capture idiosyncratic factors not observable. It should be noted that this will also introduce error terms in the two demand equations, equations (6). p Z (17) p Z (18) K it L it I it H it K 0 L 0 KK 1 it LL 1 it K it L it K L We will assume that it and it are bivariate normally distributed with zero means, variance K and L , and correlation coefficient :11 K2 0 , ~ N ,| Z ,K , Z ,L 0 KL it it K it it L it it L2 (19) Thus, with the approximation described in equations (17) and (18), and the thresholds equations (9), (10) and (14), we have all the necessary information to build up a bivariate ordered probit model. That is, we simplify the problem by saying that every firm decides between three options per input factor in period t; no change, decrease, or increase. To illustrate the derivation of the likelihood function we can consider Figure 1 which KL assumes a positive interrelation cost, 0 . The firm has a set of nine possible choices concerning adjustment of capital and labour. In the area denoted I the firm will abstain from adjustment of any factor, in the four areas denoted II the firm will adjust one of the two factors separately, while in the four areas denoted III, the optimal decision is to adjust the levels of capital and labour simultaneously. The horizontal- and vertical-axis measure the marginal benefit of capital and labour respectively. The optimal investment decisions for K I L H each factor change as it pit and it pit move across their respective thresholds. We note that the value of the correlation coefficient has a clear economic interpretation. If this parameter is positive, shocks to marginal values of capital and labour are positively correlated as we would expect for demand shocks. If is negative, it would indicate a negative correlation in shocks to marginal values as we would expect to see for some types of technological shocks. 11 17 The fact that each observation is assigned to one of the regimes, based on the values of I/K and H/L makes identification of our parameters of interest possible. Specifically, we are able to estimate two different sets of threshold levels for separate and joint adjustments because we allow for different thresholds to apply conditional on the adjustments being made sequentially or simultaneously. Graphically, this means that we need observations such as that represented by point (i) in Figure 1. If we, as in figure 1, assume interrelation costs to be positive, we will in some cases see marginal values for both factors exceed the thresholds for sequential adjustment, but not for joint adjustment. That is, cases where marginal values exceed threshold level AK and AL, but not BK and BL. This situation can be represented by the point denoted (ii) in figure 1, and there will exist four different areas where similar situations can arise. According to equation (12) the firm will invest in labour rather than in capital if L L K 2 2 b L Hb KI LK it |it p | p it K it it L L b it it The values that give equality in the above expression are represented by curved lines in the K I L H figure. Substituting with approximations as given by (17) and (18) for it pit and it pit , we can rewrite the condition as follows K b 2 b ( Z ) ( Z ) b L L 2 LL K K K L KL L L i t K L i t 01 i t i t 0 1 i t K i t i t (20) L K Because the error terms it and it both enter in this inequality, the decision rule to be implemented in a likelihood function would introduce significant complexity. We therefore 18 simplify by assuming that the four curved lines in figure 1 can be approximated by straight lines.12 When the interrelated adjustment costs turn out to make synchronisation costKL efficient, i.e. 0 , the limits of the investment regimes become somewhat different. This is illustrated in Figure 2. Under the conditions in figure 2, we have no areas where the firm must decide between investments in two adjustments that are separately profitable but not jointly, and no approximation like the one discussed above needs to be made. Because of the difference between cases with positive and negative interrelation costs represented by Figure 1 and 2, it is not possible to apply the same likelihood function in both cases. This can be seen as the thresholds that limit the nine areas of the figure are not the same. This makes it KL necessary to specify slightly different likelihood functions conditional on the sign of . The main structure of the function though, is identical. The likelihood function to be used in the ML estimation follows a standard setup for discrete variables.13 It can be written as a sum of 9 different probability expressions for the nine different outcomes summarized over periods t and firms i. The probabilities are given by the standard cumulative bivariate normal distribution function. The expression below is an abbreviated version of the full log likelihood. 12 When we assign probabilities to observations, we calculate the integrals of the four areas where the decision rule should be applied, and due to the approximation by a straight line we divide the integrals by two. Each part is then assigned to the appropriate action space. Thus, it is possible to write the likelihood using only values of the univariate and bivariate cumulative normal distribution functions. 13 Admittedly, we could have developed a model to use more information from the data, as in a Tobit-type model. Our choice is based on reasons of computational simplicity. Regardless, our chosen model identifies our parameters of interest, so that there would only be efficiency gains from the alternative approach. 19 ˆ ˆ KK K L L Lˆ K L ˆ ˆ ˆ b 2 b 2 ˆ ˆ Kˆ K K Lˆ L L ˆ L o g L l o g Z Z , 2 0 1 i t, 0 1 i t , K L t 1 i i t i , t t T T T T l o g . l o g . . . . l o g . , 0 t 1 i t , t 1 i t , t 1 i t (21) 2 denotes the standard cumulative bivariate normal distribution function, where the , ,0 , , ..., subscript 2 indicates a bivariate function. denote the sets of firms that t , t , t , t in period t are allocated in the different investment regimes.14 A tilde above the parameters indicates that as in standard models of discrete outcomes, we estimate the ratio between the K L original parameter and standard deviations and . We will refer to these ratios as normalized parameters. K K L L The model allows us to recover normalized estimates of 0 , 1 , 0, 1 , pseudo- K K L L K L LL K L , b , b a n d b KK in addition to an estimated thresholds b correlation coefficient, .15 We are, in other words, not able to identify convex and nonconvex cost parameters directly. However, estimates of the normalized pseudo-thresholds enable us to identify ratios of fixed cost parameters. Say that we have recovered estimates of the parameters16 14 Superscripts -, 0 or + denote negative, zero and positive adjustments of capital and labor, , respectively. I.e. t is the set of observations with negative adjustment of both factors in period t, t ,0 is the set of observations with negative adjustment of capital and zero adjustment of labour, etc. 15 We call them pseudo thresholds, since the estimates do not include the terms 2 16 K K L L Lit , while the thresholds A , B , A , and B do. Asterisks in the superscripts denote that these values are pseudo thresholds. 20 2 K it and K K K L L L KL bKK ˆ*L bLL ˆ*K b B ˆ ˆ*L b A*K A B 2 2 and K 2, L 2, K L (22) Because of the differences between the thresholds for separate and joint adjustments, we can find the ratios between fixed cost parameters that are not normalized. * K* K K K L K L b b B A b K 2 K K K K * K K b b A 2 K KK L K KK * L* Lb L K L K L b B A b L 2 L L K L * L L b b A (23) 2 LL K L L L L * K * K * L L K L L BA A . L K * L * L * K K K B A A (24) (25) Since it is possible to derive these ratios after estimation of pseudo-thresholds, it is also possible to estimate cost parameters directly as parameters in the likelihood function by changing the parameterization. We chose to follow a step-wise procedure when carrying out estimations on simulated data. In the first step, we apply to different likelihood functions, and obtain two different sets of estimates. One conditional on a positive interrelation cost KL KL parameter , and one assuming that 0 . By reviewing the estimates of pseudo thresholds and comparing Aˆ * K with Bˆ * K and Aˆ * L with Bˆ * L , we get an indication of the sign KL of , and thus which is the appropriate likelihood function to apply. In the second step, after changing the parameterization, we use the applicable likelihood function to obtain direct estimates of parameter ratios in equations (23) – (25). 5. Data 21 5a. Sample construction The empirical evidence in this work is based on plant level information from Norway for plants in the manufacturing industry, covering the period 1993-2005. The data are collected by Statistics Norway. Focusing on manufacturing gives access to detailed information about production and production costs, together with detailed information about investment and employment. Investment is defined as purchases minus sales of fixed capital. Expenditures related to repairs of existing capital goods are excluded from the definition of investment. We focus on equipment which includes machinery, office furniture, fittings and fixtures, and other transport equipment, excluding cars and trucks. We have restricted our attention to plants with 10 or more employees. Some data might be available for also smaller plants. Note however, that these observations may be associated with measurement errors since some of the information from these types of plants often are imputed by Statistics Norway. For our purpose it should not be critical, rather on the contrary. For these smaller plants it would be very hard to disentangle the effects of indivisibility from the effects caused by nonconvex adjustment costs. We have excluded all auxiliary units which do not take part directly in production, such as separate storage and office units. Plants in which the central or local governments own more than 50% of the equity have also been excluded from the sample, as well as observations that are reported as “copied from previous year”. This actually means that a data entry is missing. The remaining data were trimmed to remove outliers.17 Capital stock was built up using the perpetual inventory formula, using information about initial capital stock and net investments (see the Data Appendix for details about the initial capital stock). Finally, we include only plants for which we have 6 or more consecutive observations. For the analysis we only use the fifth or higher usable observations for each plant, reserving the first periods for each plant for the initial stock of capital. Our final sample We excluded observations where the investment rate, I/K, the net workplace changes (L/L), and wage per employee, w, were outside “reasonable” limits. 17 22 used in the maximum likelihood estimations include 2460 plants with a total of 14759 observations from the period 1997-2005.18 5b. Descriptives Table 1 presents a number of summary statistics. The average firm in the sample employs approximately 75 individuals, L. In 1996 prices the average stock of capital, K, is about 60 million NOK or €7.5 million. This reflects that in manufacturing industries firms are relatively capital intensive. We observe that investment and hiring rates, I/K and ΔL/L, are significantly positively correlated to the capital and labour productivity respectively. Also the hiring rate is positively correlated to the wage rate, w, and this correlation is significantly different from zero. This finding is not so obvious at first sight. However, it may be the case that firms start hiring workers when the economy is booming and that hence higher wages reflect that expansion efforts are worthwhile. Wage rates are also positively related to labour productivity, Y/L which is what one would expect to happen if labour markets operate well. [Insert Table 1 about here] In table 2 we report the frequency distribution of the hiring and firing rates. We observe that hiring is zero in 11.2 percent of the cases, supporting the notion that non convex costs play a role in determining labour adjustments. A similar argument can be put forward for capital adjustment for which we report 15.1 percent zeroes. At least one adjustment is being made very often as both hiring and investment are zero at the same time in only 2.2 percent of the observations. We find that just one adjustment is made (hiring or investment is 18 The criterion that these plants are only included if they have at least six or more useable observations, might introduce some selection issues. Probably larger and more successful plants are more likely to be present in our data. 23 non zero) in 21.9 percent of the cases. For sequential adjustment a necessary condition is that in a period only one adjustment must take place. Hence, this finding is suggestive of the advantage of simultaneous adjustment. In fact in our data we find that 75.9 percent of the observations are cases where firms adjust labour and capital simultaneously. [Insert Table 2 about here] Table 3 reports the correlations between contemporaneous, lagged and forwarded investment and hiring rates. It appears that contemporaneous hiring rates and their lagged and forwarded counterparts are negatively correlated at -0.08 (-0.083 and -0.078 in the table). This indicates that labour adjustments in two consecutive years are less likely. For investment we find that contemporaneous investment is positively correlated with lagged and forwarded investment rates with a coefficient of 0.148 and 0.131 respectively. This means that large investments are spread over at least two consecutive years. We observe that the correlation coefficient between contemporaneous investment and hiring rates is about 0.116. In line with cost advantages of simultaneous adjustment of labour and capital the table indicates that the correlation of contemporaneous hiring (investment) with lagged or forwarded investment (hiring) is lower at 0.08 (ranging between 0.070 and 0.090). [Insert Table 3 about here] 6. Results The descriptive statistics so far indicate that firms in our sample tend to implement labour and capital adjustments simultaneously. To get a better understanding of what drives the synchronization of labour demand and investment the structural model is estimated to 24 identify whether interrelations in the adjustment cost function are causing this phenomenon. Table 4 presents the estimation results. It shows that the thresholds satisfy: AK BK and AL BL . This result is consistent with the notion that simultaneous adjustment yields cost KL advantages: 0 and that interrelation is far more important for labour than for capital. KL KL 0 . 27 In fact the results imply that and that K 0 . The fixed adjustment costs of L capital exceed those for labour a lot. The estimates indicate that L 0 . In section 3 we K observed that the cost of interrelation matters most when an input factor is flexible or, to put it differently, is associated with relatively small fixed adjustment costs. The estimates indicate that primarily the dynamics of the flexible input (i.e. labour demand) is affected by the cost of interrelation, whereas capital demand remains rather insensitive to it. This is in line with Bloom (2009) who states that ignoring labour demand when investigating investment is not very harmful. However, when estimating a demand model for labour, ignoring capital adjustment yields biased estimates. [Insert Table 4 about here] L K The shocks to the marginal value of labour and capital it and it have a positive correlation coefficient (ρε=0.17). This means that shocks to the fundamental variables driving labour and capital demand tend to move in the same direction. This may be due to demand shocks that induce a firm to adjust labour and capital in the same direction. A precise interpretation of the shocks is cumbersome as they are picking up misspecification of the model, technology shocks, or other shocks unaccounted for by the model. 25 We have also estimated the model using the maximum likelihood routine using the KL assumption that simultaneous adjustment is costly: 0 . The estimates of this analysis KL indicate that the assumption 0 does not hold. The results show that the estimated thresholds are consistent with cost advantages of simultaneous adjustment of labour and capital. We do not report the results to save some space.19 7. Conclusion If it is costly to adjust two factors of production at the same time a firm has an incentive to conduct a one at a time policy: adjust only one factor. The firm is inclined to adjust simultaneously if there are cost advantages of doing so. Recent empirical studies indicate that large adjustments tend to be synchronized in some data sets, but in others they are not. In this paper we show that this feature of the data may be consistent with the hypothesis that joint adjustment increases or reduces the overall costs of adjustment. We also find that when fixed costs of adjustment are large then the role played by the cost of interrelation may be minor. Hence, synchronization may occur because large fixed costs dampen the relative importance of interrelation. One prediction from our theoretical model is that when one factor is more flexible than the other, in a model neglecting interrelated costs serious omission bias will occur in the estimated adjustment costs for the most flexible production factor. We also show that a production factor may be subject to intermittent dynamics even though adjusting this factor does not raise a fixed cost. Lumpiness may just occur due to the presence of cost of interrelation. If costs of interrelation are high, at times the firm changes the least flexible production factor, it will leave the flexible factor unchanged. 19 Asphjell et al. (2010) investigate whether the maximum likelihood routine employed in this paper is capable of retrieving the true parameters from a simulated dataset. All simulations indicate the routine has satisfactory properties when the data set has the size of the data used for the estimations in this paper. 26 Using Norwegian plant level data concerning the manufacturing industry in the period 1993-2005 we obtain insight into the deep structural parameters of a labour and capital demand model. The maximum likelihood routine we employ reveals that simultaneous adjustment of the two production factors yields cost advantages. The estimates indicate that the fixed cost of capital is large compared to both the fixed cost of adjusting labour and the cost advantage of simultaneous adjustment. 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Using equation (1), The Lagrangean for this optimization problem is: K L L V E I 1 K K I 1 L L t t tt t K t t 1 t t L t t 1 s 0 To obtain the Lagrange multiplier for capital we solve L E F K , L , w L C I , K , H , L K K t t t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 E 1 0 t t K t 1 K K t 1 t 1 In the next, P refers to a probability of an event occurring. For this probability, the superscript K refers to the event of only capital adjustment, L refers to only labour adjustment, B refers to adjustment of both labour and capital and N indicates the event of no adjustment at all. Lt tK Et 1KtK1 Kt1 2 K It1 b K I K P p I K t1 t1 t1 t1 FK ,L , 2 K t1 t1 t1 t1 Kt1 Kt1 2 bL Ht1 L H L P p H Lt1 t1 t1 t1 2 Lt1 Et Kt1 2 2 K L I H b b B pI I K t1 K pH H L t1 L KL t1 t1 t1 P t1 t1 t1 t1 2 2 Kt1 Lt1 Kt1 30 2 K b Its1 K I K P I ts 1 p ts 1 K ts1 ts1 2 K FK ,L , ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 K K ts 1 ts 1 2 bL H L H L ts 1 P p H ts 1 L ts1 ts1 ts1 2 L ts1 K K s s 1 t Et 1 K s0 ts 1 2 K I b I K ts 1 p I ts 1 K K ts1 ts1 2 ts1 B P ts 1 2 L H b H L KL ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 L pts1H 2 ts 1 L K ts 1 Similarly we can show 2 K Its1 b K I K P p I K ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 2 K FK ,L , ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 w ts 1 L L ts 1 ts 1 2 bL H L H L ts 1 P p H L ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 ts 1 2L ts 1 L L s s 1 t Et 1 L s0 ts 1 2 bK Its1 K pI I K ts 1 ts1 ts1 2 K ts 1 B P ts 1 2 L H b H L KL ts 1 p H L t s 1 t s 1 t s 1 L 2 ts1 L ts 1 31 As shown in the above equations the shadow values of capital and labour are a function of the expected value of the future marginal productivity of capital and labour and the changes in the expected value of future adjustment costs. These features reflect that current decisions affect future properties of the firm’s optimization problem. Current factor demand affects the production scale and hence productivity of next periods and it determines the size of the adjustment costs and the probability of adjustment. Hence, our derivations indicate that to proxy the shadow values of labour and capital one needs to capture information on how current decisions affect the future marginal productivity of factor inputs, the future probability of adjustment and the change in the size of adjustment costs. The future marginal productivity of input, the probability of future adjustment and the change in the size of future adjustment costs in next periods t+s are a function of the state variables I H w , p , p ,t , K and L and future decisions concerning investment and hiring (It+s t s t s t s s t s t s and Ht+s). At the beginning of a period t when the investment and hiring decisions are set, K L information is available on w t,p t,p t, t, tand t. There are no other variables in the I H model that are relevant to the optimization problem of the firm. Of course future realizations of these quantities are relevant to the firm’s optimization problem, but these realizations are governed by either a stochastic process (i.e. w t s,p t s,p t s, t s) or the optimal decision of the I H Lts ). Hence, the firm derives expectations on these future firm in the future (i.e. Kts and realizations using information it has on the current realizations. The history of these variables is irrelevant as we assume that all past information on them is contained in their current K L realizations. Using the information set available to the firm (i.e. w t,p t,p t, t, tand t) its I H management will determine both the cost of the factor demand decisions and the proceeds K L K L given by t and t . Hence, we conjecture that t andt are a function of the state 32 K L variables w t,p t,p t, t, tand t. Hence, to obtain a proxy for the two shadow values I H tK andtL we need variables that capture information on these state variables. Suppose first that the revenue function is Cobb Douglas with constant returns to scale 1 YvK L then 1 YK YL v 1 Therefore, we suggest that the shadow values are proxied by Y Y H time dummies, sector dummies , w , , K L KK t t t t t t Y Y H time dummies , sector dummies, w , , K L L L t t t t t t We use time dummies to capture the dynamics of investment and hiring prices. In principle we have information on investment prices, but lack a proper variable to measure hiring prices. To capture both we employ time dummies. Note that due to multicollinearity we cannot use both the investment price and the time dummies. Together the latter two variables in these functions contain information on ε, K and L. The variables used to proxy the shadow values concern beginning of the period information. In the estimations we use lagged values of these variables. We assume that it is easier for the firm’s management to observe lagged rather than contemporaneous information. K Note that the shadow value of capital t is also a function of the marginal productivity of labour (Y/L) and the wage rate (w). In single factor models it is usually K assumed that this is not the case. However, from the expression above concerning t it can K be seen that t is affected by expectations on future realizations of the hiring rate. Hence, tK is a function of expectations on future outcomes of tL . As a consequence, also from this 33 K perspective it makes sense to include Y/L and w in t . A similar argument holds for why Y/K L is included in t . Real Replacement Value of Capital Stock at the end of period t (Kt): The replacement value is computed using the perpetual inventory method. This method requires a starting value for the capital stock. Our data do not provide information on insurance or book value of the capital stock. Therefore we estimate the starting value as follows. The real stock of capital at the end of year m=t0+n, where n is an integer larger than or equal to 1, is given by Km = Im+(1-)Im-1+...+(1-)nKt0 where is the rate of depreciation set equal to 0.06. If we assume that in year t the firm grows at a rate equal to gt then investment in the n periods should be approximately sufficient to ensure that Km = (1+gt0)...(1+gm)Kt0. Given the values gt it is possible to solve for the value of Kt0. We approximate gt by calculating the firm’s real production growth from time t-1 to t. The value of n is set equal to 5. The reason is that we need a sufficiently long period to estimate the starting value of capital, because firms tend to concentrate investment in a relatively short period of time. If n is very small the probability of underestimating the starting value of the capital would be considerable. This procedure requires an uninterrupted sequence of data on production and investment during at least five years. As our data start in 1993 and run until 2005, the starting year for the data needed to construct the capital stock for a plant can vary between 1993 and 2000. We drop observations for which we find a negative stock of capital as these are poorly estimated. Given the initial value the replacement value of the capital stock at the beginning of year t is calculated using the perpetual inventory formula Kt= It-1+(1-)Kt-1. 34 KL Figure 1: Investment Regimes, 0 35 KL Figure 2: Investment Regimes, 0 36 Table 1: Descriptive statistics Mean Correlations I/K L/L (Y/K)-1 (Y/L)-1 I/K L/L (Y/K)-1 0,134 0,004 7,389 0,251 0,175 8,646 1,000 0,116 0,263 1,000 0,061 1,000 (Y/L)-1 1362,2 1453,3 0,002 0,067 0,179 1,000 294,6 82,6 59127,5 436941,0 75,5 130,0 -0,028 -0,039 0,006 0,106 -0,011 0,030 0,031 -0,079 -0,042 0,341 0,107 0,129 w-1 K L Notes: Wages, w , are defined as total wage expenditure per employee, including pay-roll taxes Capital, K , is given in 1000 NOK (≈ € 125) in 1996 prices w-1 K L 1,000 0,075 0,159 1,000 0,216 1,000 Table 2: Distribution of I/K and L/L I/K <-0.667,-0.167] <-0.167,0.000> =0 <0.000,0.167] <0.167, +> L/L <-0.667,-0.167] <-0.167,0.000> =0 <0.000,0.167] <0.167, +> 0,2 0,8 1,6 5,0 1,2 0,2 1,5 3,9 23,3 6,6 0,1 0,5 2,2 9,0 3,3 0,1 0,8 2,4 19,6 8,4 0,1 0,2 1,0 4,6 3,3 0,7 3,8 11,2 61,5 22,8 8,8 35,5 15,1 31,3 9,2 100,0 38 Table 3: Correlation in timing (I/K)+1 (I/K)-1 I/K (I/K)+1 I/K (I/K)-1 1,000 0,131 0,071 1,000 0,148 1,000 L/L)+1 L/L L/L)-1 0,108 0,080 0,043 0,070 0,116 0,090 0,036 0,083 0,117 L/L)+1 1,000 -0,083 0,004 L/L L/L)-1 1,000 -0,078 1,000 39 Table 4: Estimation Results Investment Hiring 0.00757 0.00644 (0.00190) (0.00131) (Y/L)-1 0.00000530 -0.0000107 (0.0000123) (0.00000786) w-1 0.000540 0.00193 (0.000185) (0.000143) constant 1.457 -0.381 (0.0639) (0.0493) Threshold Estimates 327.2 AK (16.72) (Y/K)-1 AL 0.918 (0.0914) BK 327.2 (16.72) BL 0.675 (0.0286) Parameter Ratios L K KL K Other Parameter 0.000179 (0.0000200) -0.0000475 (0.0000188) 0.171 (0.0144) N 14759 Note: Standard errors are in parentheses. Year and sector ρε dummies are included in the estimation but not reported here to conserve space. 40