1 - FlipKarma

1.1 Purpose:
This project is aimed at developing a Web application that depicts online Shopping of
products and purchasing using Payment Gateway.
1.2 Scope:
This project is aimed at how the companies can improve the efficiency of the services..
Online Sopping is one of the applications to improve the marketing of the company’s
products. This web application involves almost all the features of the online shopping; the
future implementation will be online help for the customers and chatting with website
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations:
The application consists of the following Keywords:
This feature deals with the customer registration.
This feature deals with the online shopping of products.
This feature deals with the addition of items to the cart, update of the quantity of items
and deletes the items from the cart.
Confirmation of order:
This feature deals with confirmation of the order made by the customer and generation
of bill.
Pay pal:
This feature deals with buying the products in the cart by specifying the debit card
number, back account number
--2-This feature deals with addition and deletion of items to the specific category of
products and the admin has the right to view the pending bills.
1.4 Overview
Online shopping is the process in which consumers go through to purchase of
products or services over the Internet. A Shopping application that typically runs on the
computer where your Web site is located (the Web server), and allows your customers to
do things such as viewing the product in your store catalog, adding a selected product to a
basket, and placing an order for it. Online shopping application advertises some of the
products for shopping .Here the customer will be able to purchase the products and the
purchased products will be added to the cart. After the shopping of the products the user
will confirm the purchase of the products in the cart. After confirmation the products are
purchased by specifying the debit card number to the pay pal website.
2. Overall description:
2.1 Product Perspective
The product will be developed completely independent and dynamic website. The
employees have to register for online shopping of products. Only the admin is allowed to
add or remove items from the specific group of items. Pay pal website handles the
purchase of products by debit card or credit card.
2.2Product Functions
The product functions will include the following steps;
Initially customer has to register to the website to access most of the features
of the application. The customer has to specify the details like emailid,
password, bank account number, debit card number…etc.
After registration, Online shopping application advertises some of the
products for shopping .Here the customer will be able to purchase the
products and the purchased products will be added to the cart.
After the confirmation of purchase of products, a bill will be generated to the
Customer purchases the products by specifying his/her debit card number. The
confirmation of debit card numbers will be handled by the Pay pal website.
After the purchase of products the paypal website will give the confirmation
to shopping website and admin will update the bills to pay.
Admin is able to add, update, and remove items in various categories of
Admin is also able to view and update the details of bills.
2.3 User Characteristics
The user of this product is supposed to be fairly educated about the usage of the
computers. He should understand how to open web pages and must be able to understand
all the features of the website. A person who has no knowledge of computers will find it
difficult to understand the system. But with a little knowledge it will be very easy to
handle the project.
2.3.1General Constraints
The constraints of this project are the system must support the runtime files of visual
studio 2005 and must be able to run all the web pages.
2.3.2Assumptions and Dependencies
The project depends on the users ability to understand the features of the online shopping
website and able to use to the best of his/her use. The employee has to be to access most
of the features of the website. The system which uses the product will have to be able to
install this component. It will be assumed that a LAN network is already in place.
3.Specific Requirements
3.1External Interface Requirements
3.1.1User Interfaces
The user interface is designed in Visual studio 2005 Professional version. The developer
will have to study the designing of the web application. The use of the controls which is
attached to the product from the add items feature of the ASP.Net. The user of the
product will get very user friendly forms which will be very easy to work with..
3.1.2Software Interfaces
The software is developed with all the basic controls and class provided in ASP.Net and
database support is SQL Server 2005.
3.2Functional Requirements
3.2.1Module 1
--4- Requirements 1.1
The problem under study is being divided into several modules/functions discussed
below to understand the approach to the solution in the broader way:
Main and Login Page: The main page, neatly designed page, here login option is
provided to login. Also new signup option is provided to for new user to signup.
Product Category Display page: This screen display all the main categories from this
point user can select any category and they can proceed to select the products in this
Product Selection Screen: This search screen. Option must be provide to select the
product based on name. Select product based on the category and based on the company.
Product search result screen: This screen shows all the products under the search
criteria. If there are no products under these search criteria then system will give the
message that there are no products found under this category. Also option is provided to
select the products.
View Cart Screen: View cart screen shows all the selected items, here quantity as to be
entered. And also option is provided to deselect the products.
Order Details Screen: This screen shows the final products in the view cart. This gives
product list, quantity, Total Amount etc., So user will get the clear information that how
much is the total amount of this selection.
Order Confirmation Screen: This is the final screen in buying process. Here customer
as confirm the order.
Customer registration:
This module deals with the registration of employee
Employee should enter all his/her details i.e. the details of the customer like name, email
address, password, etc.
Registration successful and customer is allowed to logged in the website .So that he/she
can access most of the features available in the website.
This module deals with selecting the products to be purchased and adding to the cart.
4.System architecture description:
4.1 System Design
Online shopping is the process consumers go through to purchase products or services
over the Internet. A Shopping application that typically runs on the computer where your
Web site is located (the Web server), and allows your customers to do things such as
viewing the product in your store catalog, adding a selected product to a basket, and
placing an order for it.
Online shoppers commonly use credit card or debit card to make payments, Here we are
using Paypal Payment Security For Customers
Features of Paypal:
Pay pal is an incredibly popular way of sending and receiving money over the Internet.
Thousands of people use the service to pay for items bought on shopping site and for a
variety of other goods over the Internet, making it one of the most convenient as well as
the most popular ways to send and receive money online
Most Secure
Free User Registration.
Product delivery:
Once a payment has been accepted the goods or services can be delivered in the
following ways.
Shipping: The product is shipped to the customer's address.
Shopping cart systems: A type of program that represents a virtual shopping cart,
similar to a real shopping cart. Shopping carts are an important component of ecommerce sites such as online shops or merchant storefronts. Program that runs on a
website to collect and record purchasing decisions of a visitor. The visitor adds items to
their cart for purchase until they are ready to “check out” and pay for those items. Here
we can Add the item, delete the item and also change the quantity of the item in cart.
Admin And Users:
This Shopping Site includes two components: the User screen which is what your
customers will see (the item name, price, category), and the administration area, which is
what you will use to manage the store
--6-Admin Module:
Admin having Login Screen for Security A way to easily set general store settings such
as the way products should be displayed, Adding, Deleting and Updating the Items
Admin manage orders effectively (pending, shipped).Admin can view the All the
information in such as User information and Transaction etc;
User Module: User having login screen for Security a store catalog that is easy to
browse and that presents product information is a way that is both useful and graphically
pleasing. Special pages where customers can easily find products that are on sale,
featured products, products that belong to the same brand, etc .Sophisticated shopping
cart systems like Product Cart include hundreds of other storefront features.
4.2 Data Flow Diagram
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through
an Information System. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of
Data Processing. It is common practice for a designer to draw a context-level DFD first
which shows the interaction between the system and outside entities. This context-level
DFD is then "exploded" to show more detail of the system being modeled.
A DFD represents flow of data through a system. Data flow diagrams are commonly used
during problem analysis. It views a system as a function that transforms the input into
desired output. A DFD shows movement of data through the different transformations or
processes in the system.
Dataflow diagrams can be used to provide the end user with a physical idea of where the
data they input ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole system from order
to dispatch to restock how any system is developed can be determined through a dataflow
diagram. The appropriate register saved in database and maintained by appropriate
Data Flow Diagram Notation
Fig 3.1 Data Flow Diagram of the Shopping Site
Level 0
Data Base
Out Put
User/ Admin
Level 1
In Valid
--8-Level 2:
User Module:
Add items
Update Qntity
Delete the items
--9-Level 3:
Admin Module:
Add View
Update Delete
the Items
4.2.1ER diagram
An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the
interrelationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to
represent three different types of information. Boxes are commonly used to represent
entities. Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to
represent attributes
An entity-relationship model (ERM) in software engineering is an abstract and
conceptual representation of data. Entity-relationship modeling is a relational schema
database modeling method, used to produce a type of conceptual schema or semantic data
model of a system, often a relational database, and its requirements in a top-down
- - 10 - An entity may be defined as a thing which is recognized as being capable of an
independent existence and which can be uniquely identified. An entity is an abstraction
from the complexities of some domain. When we speak of an entity we normally speak of
some aspect of the real world which can be distinguished from other aspects of the real
An entity may be a physical object such as a house or a car, an event such as a
house sale or a car service, or a concept such as a customer transaction or order. Although
the term entity is the one most commonly used, following Chen we should really
distinguish between an entity and an entity-type. An entity-type is a category. An entity,
strictly speaking, is an instance of a given entity-type. There are usually many instances
of an entity-type. Because the term entity-type is somewhat cumbersome, most people
tend to use the term entity as a synonym for this term.
Entities can be thought of as nouns. Examples: a computer, an employee, a song,
a mathematical theorem. Entities are represented as rectangles.
A relationship captures how two or more entities are related to one another.
Relationships can be thought of as verbs, linking two or more nouns. Examples: an owns
relationship between a company and a computer, a supervises relationship between an
employee and a department, a performs relationship between an artist and a song, a
proved relationship between a mathematician and a theorem. Relationships are
represented as diamonds, connected by lines to each of the entities in the relationship.
Entities and relationships can both have attributes. Examples: an employee entity
might have a Social Security Number (SSN) attribute; the proved relationship may have a
date attribute. Attributes are represented as ellipses connected to their owning entity sets
by a line.
Every entity (unless it is a weak entity) must have a minimal set of uniquely
identifying attributes, which is called the entity's primary key.
Entity-relationship diagrams don't show single entities or single instances of
relations. Rather, they show entity sets and relationship sets. Example: a particular song
is an entity. The collection of all songs in a database is an entity set. The eaten
relationship between a child and her lunch is a single relationship. The set of all such
child-lunch relationships in a database is a relationship set.
Lines are drawn between entity sets and the relationship sets they are involved in.
If all entities in an entity set must participate in the relationship set, a thick or double line
is drawn. This is called a participation constraint. If each entity of the entity set can
participate in at most one relationship in the relationship set, an arrow is drawn from the
entity set to the relationship set. This is called a key constraint. To indicate that each
entity in the entity set is involved in exactly one relationship, a thick arrow is drawn.
- - 11 - -
Email ID
Bill no
Has Items
Bill No
Invoice Details
- - 12 - -
4.3 Database:
User Table:
Email ID is Primary Key
The foreign key Email which links to Cart Uname
Admin Login Table:
Name is Primary Key
Item Table:
Code is Primary key
- - 13 - Cart Table:
Order Table:
Bill no is Primary Key
The foreign key Billno which links to Order Details Billno
Order Details:
5.Performance Requirements
The system is supposed to be having good memory space and a Bigger Ram above 256
MB preferably
6.Design Constraints
The product is designed by keeping in mind that employee has registered to access the
features of the website. The administrator has to login to access the admin features in the
Software Constraints:
Operating system Windows XP, 2003
Microsoft Visual Studio2005
MS SQL Server 2005
- - 14 - Hardware constraints:
Computer: INTEL compatible
RAM: 256 MB or higher
6.1 System Attributes
Computer: INTEL compatible
RAM: 256 MB or higher
Operating system Windows XP,2003
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
MS SQL Server 2005
6.2 Other Requirements
7. References: