Mastery Test KEY

PSYC 200 – Introduction to Professional Practices
APA Style Mastery Test
Paper Form
This test is worth 50 points. There are 52 points available (i.e., you can miss 2 points and still get a
100%). Please answer all questions thoughtfully after carefully reading the instructions and the
prompt. Unlike the practice tests, your score WILL impact your grade.
Short Answer:
1. Discuss abstracts in APA-formatted papers. What is the purpose of the abstract? What is its typical
length? What should be contained in an abstract (2 points)?
Quickly summarize the contents / findings of an article
Should cover all major parts of the article
150 – 200 words
2. Name and briefly describe the four main sections of an empirical research paper. Be sure to discuss
the purpose of each section and provide a clear explanation of the necessary content of each
section. (6 points)
Introduction: Identify previous work in the field relating to your topic / study.
Method: To relate the empirical procedures undertaken by you to investigate the scientific
question / problem you set out to solve / answer.
Results: To relate the findings of you research—report results of hypothesis testing
Discussion: To summarize findings and discuss supported and unsupported hypotheses. Place
your article’s findings in the larger context of the field
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 Multiple Choice (2 points each)
Select one answer for every question.
Present tense is usually appropriate for
describing previous experiments.
conclusions or discussion.
reporting a procedure.
all of the above
Edit the following:
The participants were undergraduate students from the psychology department at UB.
a. leave as is
b. The participants were undergraduate students from the Psychology department at UB.
c. The participants were undergraduate students from the psychology department at the
University of Baltimore.
d. The participants were undergraduate students from the psychology department at the U. of
Choose the correct format for the use of two levels of headings:
Page 2 of 6
Edit the following:
Accumulating evidence suggests that a teacher will be more effective if she allows her
students to participate during class.
leave as is
Accumulating evidence suggests that a teacher will be more effective if he or she allows
students to participate in during class.
Accumulating evidence suggests that a teacher who allows his/her students to participate
during class will be more effective.
Both b and c are correct.
Edit the following:
The participants were introduced to each of the trainers, but were not allowed to choose their
own trainer.
leave as is
The participants were introduced to each of the trainers but they were not allowed to
choose their own trainer.
The participants were introduced to each of the trainers; but they were not allowed to
choose their own trainer.
The participants were introduced to each of the trainers but were not allowed to
choose their own trainer.
Edit the following:
Masters and Johnson (1966) found a similarity in the phases of the sexual response of men
and women.
leave as is
In 1966, Masters and Johnson found a similarity in the phases of the sexual response
of men and women.
Masters and Johnson, 1966, found a similarity in the phases of the sexual response of
men and women.
Masters & Johnson (1966) found a similarity in the phases of the sexual response of
men and women.
Edit the following:
K. Vroom and L. Yetton (1973) took a more practical approach to decision making.
a. leave as is
b. Vroom/Yetton (1973) took a more practical approach to decision making.
c. Vroom, K. and Yetton, L. (1973) took a more practical approach to decision making.
d. Vroom and Yetton (1973) took a more practical approach to decision making.
Page 3 of 6
10. Edit the following:
Of the companies that participated, twenty-four were service companies, eleven were hightechnology companies, and eight were heavy-industry companies.
leave as is
Of the companies that participated, 24 were service companies, eleven were hightechnology companies, and eight were heavy-industry companies.
Of the companies that participated, 24 were service companies, 11 were high-technology
companies, and eight were heavy-industry companies.
Of the companies that participated, 24 were service companies, 11 were high-technology
companies, and 8 were heavy-industry companies.
11. Edit the following:
The sixth and 12th graders in each of the treatment conditions returned for a 5th session in
which the performance measures were taken.
leave as is
The 6th and 12th graders in each of the treatment conditions returned for a 5th session in
which the performance measures were taken.
The sixth and twelfth graders in each of the treatment conditions returned for a fifth
session in which the performance measures were taken.
The 6th and 12th graders in each of the treatment conditions returned for a fifth session
in which the performance measures were taken.
12. Which of the following is correctly expressed?
a. 13 in
b. four cm
c. 31 cm
d. 313 cm.
Order the citations of two or more works within the same parentheses in order of their
appearance in the reference list.
dates of publication.
None of the above is correct.
14. Edit the following for ordering of references in a reference list. Choose the sequence of numbers
that indicates the correct order of the four references. (Note: The numbers are not part of APA
style but are used here for brevity.)
1. Tulving, E., & Pearlstone, Z. (1966). Availability versus accessibility of information in memory for
words. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 381-391.
2. Tulving , E., & Thomson, D. M. (1973). Encoding specificity and retrieval processes in episodic
memory. Psychological Review, 80, 352-373.
3. Craik, F. I. M., & Tulving, E. (1975). Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic
memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 104, 268-294.
Tulving, E. (1983). Elements of episodic memory. New York: Oxford University Press.
Page 4 of 6
a. leave as is
b. 1, 3, 4, 2
c. 3, 4, 1, 2
d. 4, 3, 1, 2
15. Edit the following for the application of APA reference style:
Atwater, L. E., Ostroff, C., Yammarino, F. J., & Fleenor, J. W. (1998). Self-other agreement:
Does it really matter? Personnel Psychology, 51, 577-598.
leave as is
L.E. Atwater, C. Ostroff, F. J. Yammarino, & J. W. Fleenor. (1998). Self-other agreement:
Does it really matter? Personnel Psychology, 51, 577-598.
Atwater, L. E., Ostroff, C., Yammarino, F. J., & Fleenor, J. W. Self-other agreement: Does it
really matter? Personnel Psychology (1998), 51, 577-598.
Atwater, L. E., Ostroff, C., Yammarino, F. J., & Fleenor, J. W. Self-Other Agreement: Does it
Really Matter? Personnel Psychology (1998), 51, 577-598.
16. Edit the following:
The students who were assigned to the Delay Condition were asked to return at the same time in
3 days.
leave as is
The students who were assigned to the delay condition were asked to return at the same
time in 3 days.
The students who were assigned to the Delay condition were asked to return at the same
time in 3 days.
The students who were assigned to the delay condition were asked to return at the same
time in 3 days.
Indentation at paragraphs
is not necessary if there is triple-spaced typing between paragraphs.
should be at least 10 spaces.
is not necessary in the abstract.
is not required in the body of the manuscript.
Page 5 of 6
Edit the following:
For each activity in the diary, a participant reported the starting time and ending time, the
location, other persons present, and wrote any other simultaneous activities.
a. leave as is
b. For each activity in the diary, a participant reported the starting time and ending time,
reported the location, reported other persons present, and reported any other
simultaneous activities.
c. For each activity in the diary, a participant reported the starting time and ending time, the
location, other persons present; and any other simultaneous activities.
d. For each activity in the diary, a participant reports the starting time and ending time, the
location, other persons present, and any other simultaneous activities.
Correct / Incorrect (2 points each):
Write C if the statement is written correctly. Write I if the statement is written incorrectly and circle
the error. (Do not look for spelling errors.)
__I__ 19. Since Freud’s theories remain largely disproven, there is some disagreement among
psychologists as to their application to clinical practice.
___I_ 20. The data was relatively simple; all participants responded the same way.
__I__ 21. Participants were really put to the test by our block-building procedure.
___I_ 22. The participants went inside the room. Then he or she chose a desk and sat down.
___I_ 23. The results proved that our hypothesis was true.
__I__ 24. The treatment effected the participants in unexpected ways. Its affects included nausea,
laughing, and involuntary levitation.
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