The Diary of a Roman Soldier

The Diary of a Roman Soldier
Dear diary,
Today I felt exhausted and frightened because we were forced to walk a
long way, then we were told we had a big war coming up which made it
even worse! When we finally got to camp I was really tired, I missed my
family and there was still a lot of work to be done. I had to force myself
to put up a tent and there was a big ditch to be dug. It was about midday
when we finished digging the ditch and I felt awful because it took all
day! The ditch was about 10 metres tall. It is called the ankle breaker! I
think it is a great name. It is dug to keep the other army out of the camp.
But then came the hardest part of all the war. After a long war, setting
up camp and a sleepless night I couldn’t even imagine being in a war!
It was my first night in the Roman army and I was terrified. I heard the
other army coming; I think there must have been about 86,000 men. Our
small group of soldiers found it really difficult to win the battle but we
did! We won! The first battle I was ever in I won! I found it really
difficult to kill all those people I found it really gruesome. We lost quite a
lot of lives in the battle so it’s not even like we won it. We formed a
tortoise and because I was inside it was terrifying hearing all the bowmen
trying to break down our tortoise.
During the war I saw thousands of people die. Our army rolled big fire
balls down the hill knocking over their camp and killing about 7000men.
The balls of fire were about 20 metres wide and 17 metres tall! It was a
horrible sight looking at all their soldiers burning and shouting. I just
hope I don’t end up like them burning to death. Sadly, one of my best
friends call Rourke died. Me and my two other best friends Ethan and
Lewis were very disappointed.
Here comes my General, his name is General James. He has the loudest
voice in the world. Even if someone does something accidentally he says
AARRRGGHH!! And off goes their head!
I know I have another battle coming up tomorrow but I just hope
tomorrow won’t be the day that I die!!!
By Rhys Warner Y4EM