Intrusion Detection Methods and Resolutions James Logan jlogan

Intrusion Detection Methods and Resolutions
James Logan
Abstract—This document provides
The network setup rests on the
information in regards to network
shoulders of the network administrators.
intrusion detection techniques and
It is their responsibility to ensure that the
resolutions. It is recommended that
network is secure. Normally, the
the reader have a familiarity with
following actions are taken when
basic network technology and
installing and maintaining a network:
- Install the system
The responsibility of the a
- Configure the system
- Constantly check the configuration
network system’s architecture, hardware,
- Set correct permissions
software, security and the integrity of
- Bring the system online and monitor
those components falls in the hands of
any user or process that may be running
the system’s administrator or network
- Protect the system from unauthorized
operator. In terms of security it
and malicious users
necessary to protect these systems from
- Check data integrity
intrusions. An intrusion is defined as
- Repair the system if broken
actions that attempt to compromise the
integrity, confidentiality, or availability
The system administrator should also
of a particular resource [1]. In the
consider using the Least Privilege
following sections of this paper, the
Principle. This idea dictates that a user
focus will be on the techniques and
or program should only operate using the
resolutions for network intrusion
minimum set of privileges needed to
perform their/its job. In addition, it is
necessary for the administrators to be
informed about security bugs and issues
and hope they can be discovered and
resolved quickly.
- Compromise between security and
The fire wall is seen as the first
usability due to too much control or
line of defense when it comes to
- Is unable to prevent insider attacks
intrusion detection. It controls
- Could be a source of a bug or exploit if
connections and traffic leaving and
installed on a server
coming in to a network. However it
- If a port is not under the control of the
does have a downside. The first issue is
firewall, it can be used to hack the
that it can cause a substantial increase to
the load of the system which can cause a
decrease in performance and efficiency.
However, this would not be a problem if
the network device was only a firewall.
The implementation of an
The second reason is that no program is
intrusion detection system (IDS) can be
perfect. Eventually an attacker can find
considered a defense in depth approach
some kind flaw in the program and
to securing a network when a firewall
exploit it. Overall the firewall does have
has been already established. The
its pros and cons which are:
addition of an IDS adds security to a
network where the firewall cannot. This
includes protection from internal attacks
and network channels that are not
- Can filter connections before they are
monitored by the firewall.
An IDS implementation has a
- Can log, filter, redirect, discard, and
simple technique basis that it uses when
reject packets based on rule set.
it comes to controlling a system’s
- Can be modified in real time to adapt
security and reliability when working
to different situations even if it has to be
with a firewall:
done manually.
- Prevent Intrusions – System policies
should not be too restrictive nor should
they cause an overload to the system. If
will block the traffic, thereby effectively
the firewall is bypassed or a flaw allows
rendering the alarm a false one [2].
an attacker to exploit and penetrate the
Internal Deployments are
firewall the IDS will act as the back up
designed such that all links are
to the firewall.
monitored within the network which in
- Detect the Intruder – An IDS needs to
return adds additional security. The
be to trace the movements, actions, and
IDSs are placed at switching nodes in
the source IP of the intruder.
the local network and near the access
- Response to Intrusions – An IDS
routers at the network boundaries. The
needs to be able to respond to intrusions
advantage of this setup is that it will
by either blocking rogue traffic or
reduce the false alarms posed by Early
automatically or notifying an
Warning Mode setup since it does not
administrator to handle the issue [1].
have to monitor the traffic blocked by
With these three basic concepts comes
the firewalls. However the major
three basic network architectures when
drawback is that multiple instances of a
configuring and IDS system which are
IDS will require a greater effort in
Early Warning Mode, Internal
regards to maintenance. The Internal
Deployments, and Every Host.
Deployments of IDSs are popular in
Early Warning Mode applies an
ecommerce back end networks that
IDS to the outside perimeter of the
consist of web, mail, storage, and
network firewall. The major benefit of
database servers because it adds
this approach is that the IDS is able to
increased security to the local network.
see all network traffic on the high speed
In addition, it has the ability to keep an
links. In addition, management,
infected server to infect other servers on
signature updates, and configuration are
the network [2].
much easier for the network
The final basic IDS configuration
administrator. However, the major
is the Every Host configuration. This
drawback to this setup is that it cannot
setup basically states that every host on
detect internal attacks within the
the network will have IDS software
firewall. It is also possible that the IDS
and/or hardware running on the machine.
will raise an alarm while the firewall
However, there more drawbacks than
there are benefits. The only key benefit
matching or pattern matching with
is that that IDS is not integrated into the
regular expressions to determine the
operating system and that it can be
payloads content. The algorithm for the
remotely managed from a central
IP packet header parsing is based on the
location. In contrast, the first drawback
concept of Deterministic Finite
is that management of the IDS systems
Automaton (DFA) or Ternary Content
especially on a large network can be
Addressable Memories (TCAM) [2]
complex. It is also possible that the host
where as the payload parsing requires
itself will be unaware of network traffic
more over head due to the fact that the
going through other links which could
every byte in the payload must be
lead to Distributed Denial if Service
examined and compared to a string or
attacks. Another disadvantage is the
regex matching rule.
extensive use of access gateways that
One of the earliest algorithms for
dynamically assign IPs to local hosts.
IDS is the Aho-Corasick algorithm. It is
The limited scope of the IP addresses,
designed to be an efficient algorithm that
sometimes can make it difficult for the
can perform multiple string matches in a
host based IDS to effectively trace the
time linear to the size of the input. The
route of the packet which affects its
algorithm has two basic
detection mechanism and capability [2].
implementations. The first type is the
Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)
Packets inbound or circulating
which is straight forward. A set of
comparison strings is used to create a
around a network are normally scanned
state machine by which a character by
against a database of known malicious
character evaluation is performed against
signatures contained by the IDS. The
a packet’s content. The Non-
signatures contain information that is
Deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)
compared to a packet header and its
implementation of the algorithm has a
content. For the packet’s header, the
similar premise but has a little more
IDS inspects the source and destination
flexibility since it allows character
IPs as well as the ports. With the
comparisons to be done in multiple
packet’s content, an IDS will do string
stages. The idea is that on a failure to
transition to the next state a link is added
minimal impact to resources on the
to the current node to a failure point on
network. The hardware devices used
another path based on the longest prefix
would have two major characteristics:
of the node. This adds an additional
- limited amounts of on chip storage
amount of freedom in how the string is
require that an NFA be used to keep the
number of transition status used to a
The second type of Signature
Bases IDS is the regular expression.
- the hardware would exploit a high
Regular expressions seem to be the
degree of parallelism by encoding
preferred method when it comes to
automata in the parallel logic resources
examining a packet’s content. This is
because regular expressions are more
efficient and offer more flexibility than
other exact string matching algorithms.
As a contrast to signature based
The increase in flexibility comes from a
IDS methods, Anomaly Based IDS
high degree of expressiveness achieved
methods focus on pattern recognition,
by using character classes, union,
deviations in network traffic analysis,
operational elements, and closures [2].
and machine learning. With this notion,
The efficiency increase comes from the
comes three basic concepts:
effective schemes to perform string
- Statistically Based Detection
matching [2]. However there is a
- Machine Learning
performance issue when using the
- Data Mining Algorithms.
regular expressions on a network IDS.
Statistically anomaly based
The regular expressions use tremendous
detection focuses on deviations in
amounts memory and can drastically
network traffic based in terms of volume
slow down network with all of string
of number of bytes, packets, IP
matching operations be executed
addresses, and ports. This type of
simultaneously. Therefore individuals
mechanism is useful to detect significant
have proposed specialized hardware to
network traffic changes. One of the key
implement automata algorithms to
features of the statistically based
enable high parse rates while keeping a
detection is that it can be easily
augmented to a signature based detection
everyday operational uses. The
system. However, its major drawback is
characteristics are forms of benefits,
that it can produce many false positives.
limitations, and exploitations.
Machine learning is based on an
IDS benefits consist of being
application automatically learning
able to measure and analyze abnormal
through input and feedback from the
traffic patterns such as high volume
network. One of the key factors is that
flows, load imbalances, and changes in
the algorithms used are focused on
demands of certain ports being used.
improving the reductions in false
Other benefits include detection of
positives and increasing performance in
known worms, viruses, and security
network traffic analysis. One of the
holes. In addition advanced IDSs can
most used methods in the Bayesian
use pattern recognition as a means to
network model. It is a graphical model
detect security threats or false positives
that assigns a probabilistic relationship
before they occur. Overall, one of the
between variable of interests.
most important benefit of IDSs is their
The third basic anomaly based
IDS is Data Mining. The Data Mining
algorithms take input which is either real
ability to enforce security policies in a
However, IDSs do have
time or archived and performs analysis
limitations. It has been argued that IDSs
on the data set. The analysis usually
are just mere workarounds for security
consists of patter matching and deviation
flaws and weak or missing security
detect of network traffic. One of the
mechanisms [2]. IDSs tend to also
benefits of this approach is that it can
create false positives depending on
construct profiles of normal and
which kind of basic network architecture
anomaly based traffic patterns.
is being implemented. There are also
performance issues in regards to regex
IDS systems overall have their
own characteristics when it comes to
mechanisms that examine a packet’s
content. They can create bottlenecks in
the system and decrease throughput.
Another limitation that IDSs have is with
packets whose content is encrypted. The
IDSs’ signatures more or less become
these issues if properly implemented.
useless and the system does not know
However, there is a drawback. An IDS
how to handle the packet. In addition,
would have to be aware of what types
there is evidence that attackers can
programs are running on computers all
manipulate attacks in such way by
the time. This would create a bottle
varying the frequency that packets are
neck in the system which decrease
sent so that the IDS can not match
throughput of network traffic.
against a probability or statistical model.
Finally, IDSs do have the ability
to apply preventative maintenance to
SNORT is an open source IDS
systems on a network that have
that was developed by Martin Roesch
vulnerabilities . One of them is buffer
1998. Over there years through
overflow. Another is the Input
community involvement, SNORT has
Validation Error. This is where the
evolved into an enterprise like IDS. It
Computer does not check the packets
has the ability to perform real time
content for correctness or integrity
traffic analysis and packet logging on IP
which can lead to an unauthorized access
networks. In addition, it can perform
to system. There is also the Boundary
protocol analysis, content
Condition Error which is similar to a
matching/searching, and can be used to
Input Validation Error whereby the
detect attacks and probes such as stealth
system crosses over a security boundary
port scans and CGI attacks [4].
which results in a system crash. Some
SNORT uses a high performance
examples are divisions by zero and
multi-rule inspection engine for
malformed SQL statements. The other
detecting rule matches during packet
major concern is the Access Control
processing. The inspection of the
Vulnerability. The access control
packets in performed in three stages:
implemented by the computer may be
- Rule optimization to produce rule sets
faulty which could lead to unauthorized
for inspection
access by users and access to remote
- Set based inspection algorithms that
machines in other domains. A well
perform high speed multi-pattern content
equipped IDS has the ability to deal with
- Parameterized inspection techniques
Overall an IDS can improve the
which allow for complicated parameter
security of a network. However the
inspections [3]
network administrator must realize that
The preferred pattern matching
there is a potential cost for having an
algorithm that SNORT uses is the Wu-
IDS. The greatest potential cost is
Manber. The algorithm uses less
performance vs security. The tradeoff
memory than the Aho-Corasick but lacks
will dictate how secure or fast the
a little bit in performance by
network is (improved security for lower
comparison. It uses a hashing to create
performance and vice versa). In
sub-groups of rules, and set based Bad
addition, the network administrator must
Word Shifts to accelerate the search by
take into account the type of network
providing a byte skipping feature [3]. In
architecture to be used in order to obtain
addition the Bad Word Shift feature can
the capability of an IDS. On that note,
improve the algorithms performance
an IDS is not perfect. They are complex
when rule sets have a larger minimum
systems that use sophisticated algorithms
pattern size [3]. In general, when
to determine security risks to a network.
choosing the pattern matching algorithm
They can create false positives and be
the developers took into account the
totally useless when it comes to
following issues:
encrypted traffic depending on the
- Intrinsic Algorithmic Performance
algorithm used. However, IDSs can
Characteristics (Performance is rule
always be updated with new profiles and
driven or data driven)
performance features that give an extra
- CPU Architecture Performance
edge when dealing with a network’s
(Memory access costs, cache miss costs,
relative shift/add/compare/jump
operation costs)
- Compiler and Optimizations Used
- Application Memory Requirements and
Platform Limits [3].
Stefano Marinelli, Analysis of
Intrusion Detection Tools and
Tecjniques, December 12, 2002,
Sailesh Kumar, Survey of
Current Network Intrusion Detection
Techniques, Available:
Marc Norton and Daniel Roelker,
SNORT 2.0 Hi-performance Multi-rule
Inspection Engine, April 2004,
About SNORT,