INTERN Dear Intern: Career Services is very happy that you're preparing yourself for a marketable future! This letter is designed to help you establish your credit-based internship. You need to both register for credit with a Special Course Approval/Registration Form and fill out a Learning Contract. Here are the steps that you are responsible to initiate for your internship: 1. Complete a Learning Contract with your Site-Supervisor before you begin your internship. Discuss with your work-site supervisor the learning objectives and the specific activities for which you will be supervised. 2. Meet with your faculty advisor to get a permission slip to register for credit. Make an appointment with the internship faculty advisor in your academic department (see page 2). Discuss the objectives and activities on the Learning Contract so your advisor will understand the structure of your learning experience. Your advisor will determine an appropriate assignment for you to complete, the number of credits to issue and will give you a signed permission slip to register. You cannot register for an internship through EagleNet! Upon approval, transfer your registration information onto the Learning Contract. Sign the Learning Contract and have your work-site supervisor and your internship faculty advisor sign as well before returning it to the Internship Office. 3. Participate in a midterm (4th week) and final (8th week) evaluation with your work-site supervisor. Make sure your supervisor completes the evaluations and returns them at the required time. (see below) 4. Fill out a site evaluation upon completion of your internship. Your feedback is valuable to insure students continue to have quality internship experiences. In addition to your faculty internship advisor, I am your main internship contact. If you are looking for general career advising, it is important to understand that each college has its own career advisor assigned to them, for specific career questions: Romeal Watson, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences & Social Work,, 359-4637 Shannon Turner, College of Business and Public Administration,, 359-6417 Ryan Weldon, College of Arts, Letters, and Education,, 359-2221 Deadlines for the 2015-2016 School Year * = Late Registration fees may apply after this date. Fall Quarter 2015 Learning Contract - 10-6-15* Midterm Evaluation - 10-23-15 Final Evaluation - 11-28-15 Site Evaluation - end of quarter Winter Quarter 2016 Learning Contract - 1-15-16* Midterm Evaluation - 2-5-16 Final Evaluation - 3-5-16 Site Evaluation - end of quarter Spring Quarter 2016 Learning Contract - 4-8-16* Midterm Evaluation - 4-25-16 Final Evaluation - 5-28-16 Site Evaluation - end of quarter Summer Quarter 2016 Learning Contract - 7-1-16* Midterm Evaluation - 7-22-16 Final Evaluation - 8-13-16 Site Evaluation - end of quarter 1 Romeal Watson | Internship Coordinator EWU Career Services 114 Showalter Hall Cheney, WA 99004-2444 509.359.4637, 509.359.6940 fax Faculty Internship Advisor List Department Accounting (ACCT) Anthropology (ANTH) Art (ART) Biology/Biotechnology (BIOL) Chemistry (CHEM) Children’s Studies Bellevue Campus Communication Studies (CMST) Computer Science/CIS (CSHE) Counseling, Ed, Dev. Psyc. (CEDP) Criminal Justice/Sociology Sociology Economics (ECON) Electronic Media and Film English, Creative Writing (ENGL) Tech Comm. (TCOM) Journalism (JRNM) Literature Exercise Science (EXSC 488) Management (MGMT) Operations Management (OPSM) Marketing (MKTG) Human Resources (HUMR) Finance (FINC) Bellevue Campus Geography (GEOG) Geology (GEOL) Government (GOVT) Health Education (HLED) Health Services Admin (HSAD) History (HIST) Honors (HNRS) Interdisciplinary Studies (ITDS) International Affairs (INST) Mgt. Info. Sys. (MISC) Philosophy Planning (PLAN) Psychology (PSYC) Undeclared Bellevue campus Social Work Technology (TECH) Electrical Engineering (TECH) Engineering Technology (TECH) Mechanical Engineering & ME Technology (MENG), (METC) Visual Communication Design (DESN) Women and Gender Studies Faculty Email Phone/Fax Address Susan Megaard Michael Zukosky Elisa Nappa Lisa Williams Ken Raymond Peter Bilous Robin McRae Deanna Trella Barbara Culler Jeff Stafford Stu Steiner Ginny Mehlert Dale Lindekugel Kerryn Bell John Goldman Scott Mathers Sean Chabot Nate Greene Chase Ogden Logan Greene Teena Carnegie Jamie Tobias Neely Chris Valeo Wendy Repovich Nathaniel Lawton Jeni McNeal Alan Coelho Larry Davis;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 828-1257---828-1275 359-6229---359-2474 359-7089---359-7810 359-7499---359-6867 359-6520---359-6973 359-7935---359-6973 359-2798---359-6973 359-4828---359-6583 (425) 564-5104 359.7929---359-2496 359-4296---359-2215 359-4844---359-4366 359-2489---359-6583 359-6921---359-6583 359-7876---359-6583 359-4560---359-6583 359-6239---359-6583 359-2332 359-6135---359-4841 359-2400---359-6206 359-2869---359-6206 359-7056---359-6206 3RPT 103 ISL 140 ART 258 SCI 226 SCI 226 SCI 226 SCI PAT 311T House 1 117 COM CEB 319F 135 MAR 311R PAT 311Q PAT 311P PAT 311O PAT 329 PAT 311E PAT 104 RTV 203P PAT 211C PAT 211F PAT 359-7960---359-4833 359-2508---359-4833 359-2872---359-4833 359-4328--828-1265---828-1275 200 PEB 200 PEB 200 PEB 251 PAT RPT 3 Dr. Tam Limpaphayom; (425) 564-5101 House 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Esteban Rodriguez-Marek; Don Richter; Jason Durfee; 359-2270---359-4632 359-7478---359-4386 359.2413 --- 359.6049 359-4308---359-4833 828-1254---828-1275 359-6079---359-4275 359-6305---359-2823 359-6524---359-2220 359-7460---359-6049 828-1254---828-1275 359-6503---359-2860 ---358-2267 359-2087---359-6325 (425) 564-5101 359-4538---359-6475 359-7016---359-6420 359.4774---359-6420 359-7004---359-6420 359-2880---359-6420 359.4885---359-6420 103 ISL 130 SCI 233N PAT 232 PEB 3 RPT 103I PAT 217 HAR 300 SNR 233D PAT 3 RPT 229 PAT 3 RPT 151 MAR House 1 208 SNR 319D CEB Mindy Breen Travis Masingale Sally Winkle Elizabeth Kissling Jessica Willis 359-7002---359-6420 359-2437---359-6420 359-2409—359-2860 359-7389—359-2860 359-4382—359-2860 333 CEB 319 CEB 207 MON 207 MON 207 MON Daniel Turbeville Jennifer Thomson Kevin Pirch Sarah Mount Vance Cooney Larry Cebula Dana Elder John Neace Kristen Edquist Vance Cooney Chris Kirby Gregg Dohrn Dennis Anderson Kayleen Islam-Zwart Kim Stansbury Jeffrey Donnerberg Terry Geyer;;;;; 319G CEB 319G CEB 329 CEB 2 6/11/15 EWU Career Services Internship Programs Guidelines for Interns Confidentiality As an intern, you may find that your supervisor and co-workers trust you to the extent that you will come in contact with “protected” information. The EWU Career Services Internship Program wants to equip you with tools so you will handle these situations in the most ethical manner. Familiarize yourself with the workplace policies and procedures involving protected information which include privacy and confidentiality: Privacy: The right of individuals and businesses to hold information about themselves in secret, free from the knowledge of others. Confidentiality: The assurance that protected information about business operations and products will not be disclosed without consent, except as allowed by law. Check with your employer for complete details on their policies and procedures regarding computer files, passwords, paper shredding and signature release of files. Tips for Success Learn to listen properly to those around you; take the time to comprehend fully and assimilate their requests or instructions. Ask questions or research answers if you’re not sure so as not to proceed in error. Be prompt in getting reports or assignments finished. Be professional in your interaction Be professional in your interaction with your co-workers and supervisor. Maintain a positive attitude with the less desirable tasks associated with your job. Avoid internal office politics. 3 OFFICIAL LEARNING CONTRACT Last name: Student Information First: Middle Initial: Local address: City: State: Zip: Phone: E-mail: Student ID#: Permanent address: Zip: Internship Site Phone: Registration Information State: Major/Minor: Year: Fr So Jr Sr Grad Grad. date: Agency name: Intern title: Supervisor name: Supervisor title: Address: City: Zip: Stipend amount: City: Phone: Compensation: Fax: Hourly wage Course #: Quarter receiving credit: Fall How did you find your internship? Winter Work-study Number of credits: Spring Summer Year: Department: Fax: Address: Start date: Career Advisor Training only Section #: Internship faculty advisor: E-Mail: E-mail: Stipend Course ID: Dept: Phone: State: EagleAXIS End date: Personal Resources Hours per week: Faculty Other______ Responsibilities: By signing the Learning Contract you assume the following responsibilities for your role: Work-Site Supervisor Help formulate the student’s learning objectives and activities. With supervision and direction, help the student achieve the learning objectives and specific activities. Complete the midterm and final evaluation reports and return them to the Internship Office on time. Intern Register for credit after obtaining approval and permission slip from your internship faculty advisor. Turn in your Learning Contract to the Internship Office before beginning your internship. If you are receiving a stipend, pick up a “Stipend Packet” and sign and return all materials before beginning your internship. Fulfill you learning Contract by successfully completing the tasks and assignments set forth by your work-site supervisor and internship faculty advisor. Consult with your internship faculty advisor and the Internship Office regarding changes or problems that arise during your internship experience. Internship Faculty Advisor Approve the student’s learning objectives and discuss applicability of academic theory to the internship experience. Formulate the student’s progress documentation. Assess the student’s learning based on predetermined objectives and evaluation criteria; issue academic credit. Provide telephone, mail, and site visit follow-up as needed throughout the internship to provide guidance and support. EWU Internship Program Act as a liaison for the university, work-site, internship faculty advisor and student to ensure the Learning Contract is fulfilled. If the student is paid through a Stipend Contract, disburse the check to the student at the end of the quarter. *Students not receiving compensation from their employer will be covered by basic volunteer insurance. The insurance is activated when your Learning Contract is on file with the Internship Office. If you have any questions concerning insurance, a brochure is available from the Internship Office.* 4 Business or Agency Description Provide a brief description of your work-site Learning Objectives List the broad learning objectives that you and your work-site supervisor expect you to achieve. Learning Activities List the specific Activities you will participate in to achieve your learning objectives. Progress Documentation List your internship faculty advisor’s expectations to evaluate your progress. Your signature confirms that you have read and agreed to both sides of this contract. Intern’s signature: Date signed: Employer’s signature: Date signed: Internship Faculty Advisor’s signature: Date signed: Intern Coordinator’s signature: Date signed: 5 WORK-SITE SUPERVISOR Dear Work-site Supervisor: Thank you for your participation in the EWU Career Services Internship Program. The information in this packet will help guide you through the different aspects of supervising an EWU intern. However, it is your expertise and involvement that will help ensure the intern’s successful experience. Please assist the intern in the following three areas: 1. Develop objectives and activities and record these on the Learning Contract. Discuss with your intern the learning objectives for the internship and specific activities, which you will oversee. We have provided the intern with a rough draft of the Learning Contract to record this information on. The intern will then discuss the structure of the internship with a faculty advisor to gain approval. Once the objectives and activities have been agreed upon, the intern will present you with an official Learning Contract for your signature. 2. Instruct and supervise the intern to achieve the learning objectives. Help the intern feel like a member of your team. This can be achieved by a comprehensive orientation. Tour the work-site with your intern to identify locations such as rest rooms, parking, meeting rooms, etc. Introduce the intern to co-workers and acquaint the intern with your policies and procedures. Furnish the intern with a work station and the necessary supplies. Be sure to provide the intern with a progression of assignments so the objectives stated on the Learning Contract can be achieved. 3. Evaluate the intern’s performance with a midterm (4th week) and final (8th week) evaluation. We have included in this packet the midterm (4th week) and final (8th week) evaluation forms with criteria based on the SCANS skills and competencies from the US Dept. of Labor. You have the option to use your own performance appraisals for these evaluations if you choose to. All evaluations will be forwarded to the intern’s faculty advisor. This may be the intern’s first exposure to a non-academic performance appraisal. Some guidelines follow: Midterm evaluation - By this point, you have had the opportunity to observe the intern’s potential. On this form, indicate the intern’s strengths and weaknesses. Meet with the intern to discuss your evaluation and mail or fax it to the Internship Office by the end of the fourth week. Final evaluation - During the eighth week, we ask you to rate the intern’s accomplishment of specific skills and competencies that are needed in workplaces dedicated to excellence. In filling out this form, evaluate all the criteria that apply to the learning objectives and activities the intern has achieved. Discuss the evaluation with the intern and mail or fax the form to the Internship Office by the end of the eighth week. We appreciate your commitment and dedication. Your involvement enables us to provide to our students a well-rounded educational experience. 6 EWU Career Services Internship Programs Internship Performance Midterm Evaluation 4th Week Student: Quarter: Work-site Supervisor: Company: Faculty Advisor: Department: This Midterm Evaluation is for the intern’s supervisor to discuss with the intern, complete, and return to the Internship Office. The purpose is to identify the intern’s strengths and any areas needing improvement. Both the midterm and final evaluation forms are based on the SCANS skills and competencies from the U.S. Department of Labor. Please rate the intern in the following areas and fax or mail the completed form to EWU Career Services Internship Programs by the end of the fourth week of the internship. Please use the following rating system: I. Workplace Competencies Resources: Interpersonal: Information: Systems: Technology: II. Manages time efficiently Works independently or within a team as needed Checks work for errors and produces quality work Contributes valid suggestions Applies technological skills Foundational Skills Basic Skills: Thinking Skills: Personal Qualities: II. 4 = very good 3 = satisfactory 2 = needs improvement 1 = not applicable Demonstrates reading, writing, mathematical operations, speaking and listening skills Achieves objectives defined in the Learning Contract Demonstrates responsibility, self-management, sociability and integrity Overall Job Performance Comment on the overall job performance and make any recommendations to better prepare the intern for his/her chosen career. I have discussed this evaluation with the intern. Supervisor’s Signature Intern’s Signature Return evaluation to the Internship Office - by fax (509) 359-6940 or mail to: 114 Showalter Cheney, WA 99004-2443 7 EWU Career Services Internship Programs Internship Performance Final Evaluation Student: Quarter: Work-site Supervisor: Company: Faculty Advisor: Department: The Final Evaluation is made up of twenty-one competencies and a three-part foundation of skills and personal qualities that are needed for solid job performance as identified by the U.S. Department of Labor. Please rate the intern in as many of the following areas that apply and fax or mail the completed form to EWU Career Services Internship Programs by the end of the eighth week of the internship. Please use the following rating system: 4=very good 3=satisfactory 2=needs improvement 1=not observed/not applicable I. Workplace Competencies Resources Allocates time Allocates money Allocates material and facility resources Allocates human resources Interpersonal Skills 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Participates as a team member Negotiates to arrive at a decision Works with diversity Exercises leadership Teaches others Serves customers 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Understands social, organization, and technological systems Monitors and corrects performance of systems Can design or improve systems 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Information Acquires and evaluates info Organizes and maintains info Interprets and communicates info Uses computers to process info Technology Selects equipment and tools Applies technology to specific tasks Maintains and troubleshoots equipment II. Foundational Skills Basic Skills Demonstrates competence in reading, writing, arithmetic, speaking and listening 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Systems III. Overall Job Performance Comment on the overall job performance. Mention any outstanding qualities. Make any recommendation to better prepare the intern for his/her chosen career (Use reverse side if needed). Thinking Skills Demonstrates ability to learn, to reason, to think creatively, to make decisions, and to solve problems. Personal Qualities Demonstrates individual responsibility, self-management, sociability, and integrity. I have discussed this evaluation with the intern. Supervisor’s Signature Please check any of the following that apply: Student is continuing internship next quarter. Request advertisement of this as an available position. Intern’s Signature A different internship opportunity is available. Request Internship Coordinator to contact me. Great news! This intern will be hired as an employee of our organization. 8 Return evaluation to the Internship Office - By fax (509) 359-6940 or mail to: 114 Showalter Cheney, WA 99004-2443 EWU Career Services Internship Programs Student Site Evaluation Student: Quarter: Work-site Supervisor: Company: Faculty Advisor: Department: Please use the following rating system to answer the following questions: 4 = agree 3 = neutral 2 =disagree 1 = not applicable I would rate the academic worth of my internship very highly. The goals and objectives of my internship were sufficiently defined before my placement began. The tasks I performed during my internship closely related to the activities I planned to undertake. I was satisfied with the direction and motivation provided by my supervisor at the internship site. The academic evaluation criteria established by my internship faculty advisor was fair and inclusive. My internship was an excellent learning experience which will enhance my confidence. We would appreciate your recommendations for improvement or enhancement of Career Services Internship Programs. Do you have any comments you would like to make regarding your internship experience and how it has helped in your career development? We would like to be able to publish your positive comments regarding your internship experience in brochures for employers and other students. Would you be willing to have your comments published? YES/NO Intern’s Signature Return evaluation to EWU Career Services Internship Programs – fax (509) 359-6940 or mail to: 114 Showalter Hall, Cheney, WA 99004-2443 9