1 WELCOME FROM THE FOUNDER/ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything---Plato It is my sincere and earnest wish that being a member of the Brandon Conservatory Chorale will be a positive, rewarding, enjoyable and exhilarating musical experience for each of you. Our 33rd season was another resounding success with much musical growth being demonstrated by all choristers at their re-auditions. Special events included participating in the Twelfth Singers Helping Singers in October, the 33nd Annual Christmas with the Conservatory Chorale in December, Brandon Festival of the Arts in February with the Chamber Choir winning the top award, WSO Musicians in the Making in March, a joint concert with Bel Canto and the Neepawa and Area Community Choir in April and the 33rd Annual Spring Sing in May. We now will be offering three awards, the Atsede Hobbs Memorial [preferably an incoming chorister], the Margaret McCurdy Memorial Special Award [to someone already in the Chorale] and the Ellen Bateman Memorial Bursary [to a chorister graduating from grade 12 and entering any faculty at Brandon University]. Huge thanks to Kara Dixon for her ongoing expertise, love and support. We will miss Mindy Sondag as she has graduated with her Master’s degree and has moved onto other adventures. We can only function on such a large scale because of the dedicated volunteers who run the non-musical side of our organization. Heartfelt thanks are extended to all those who are working hard at their “jobs”. Please keep the Chorale healthy by volunteering in whatever capacity makes you comfortable. Musically yours, Elizabeth Grant [Mamma G/Liz.] 2 WELCOME FROM THE BCC Board Welcome to the Brandon Conservatory Chorale! The Handbook will only be available on the website. Please read this handbook carefully; and refer to it throughout the year. Most questions can be answered from reading the Handbook from cover to cover! We hope that you will find your experience with the Brandon Conservatory Chorale to be a positive and rewarding one. We need help from all adults if we are to provide the extras that make the Chorale special. We look forward to working with you. INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your acceptance into the Brandon Conservatory Chorale! We hope that all choristers will enjoy the benefit of the fine musical instruction that has been a tradition since the inception of the Chorale in 1981. We also hope that this will be the beginning of a lifetime of participation in, and enjoyment of, choral music. The sheer size of the Chorale makes it necessary for Dr. Grant to set out some rules of behaviour, and to request the assistance of the parents/adults in order to ensure the smooth operation of the choir. The purpose of this Handbook is to explain some of those rules and some of the organization that is required. It should be read both by choristers and parents/adults. HISTORY Elizabeth Grant began the Brandon Conservatory Chorale in 1981 for a project for her Master's degree in Music. The original Chorale was composed of 14 youngsters. Over the years it has grown to over 100 choristers, and it has been sub-divided into four [now five] choirs, while the overall Chorale has been maintained. The choirs are: The Apprentice Choir Girls (Grades K-3) The Boys Choir Boys (unchanged, changing, and changed voices) Not available this season (2014-2015) The Concert Choir Girls (Grades 4/5 & up). Grade 4’s are placed in either the Apprentice or Concert Choirs at the discretion of the director. The Chamber Choir (the most experienced choristers regardless of school grade] BEL CANTO FOR ADULTS [NON-AUDITIONED] 3 Criteria for Chamber Choir membership 1] highly motivated 2] good musicianship 3] good technical skills 4] good voice 5] good ear 6] good sensitivity to words 7] ability to sing in tune 8] disciplined in rehearsal 9] poise in performance 10] ability to blend 11] good social skills 12] self-reliance 13] sight reading ability 14] prioritizing attendance 15] needs of the ensemble [ie. More high sopranos] All children choristers are selected for membership through auditions held in the spring/summer. Any student from Brandon and the Westman area is eligible. Previous experience and/or vocal lessons are not necessary. The Chorale operates through the Brandon University Eckhardt Gramatte Conservatory of Music. The office of the Conservatory is located in the Queen Elizabeth II Music Building on the Brandon University Campus. Its hours are 8:30 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:30 Monday to Friday. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please mark on your family calendar items which affect your chorister(s). Tentative dates as of August, 2014: Please check website for updates. AUGUST late auditions ----call Dr. Grant at 728-9069 or email elizabethgrant2@gmail.com for an appointment. SEPTEMBER Monday, September 8: Regular rehearsals begin for Chamber Choir - 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Room 1-5 Tuesday, September 9: Apprentice, Concert Choir rehearsals begin in Room 1-57 Apprentice Choir Concert Choir 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. 6:00 – 7:45 p.m. 4 Wednesday, September 10: Bel Canto rehearsals begin in 1-57. OCTOBER Sunday, Oct 26 All Choirs. 3:00 PM 13th Annual Singers Helping Singers DECEMBER Monday, December 8: Chamber Choir rehearsal - First Presbyterian Church - Normal schedule Tuesday, December 9: Apprentice and Concert Choir rehearsal - First Presbyterian Church Normal schedule Wednesday, December 10: Bel Canto rehearsal, First Presbyterian Church. Saturday, December 13: 34th Annual Christmas Concert –all choirs-- First Presbyterian Church 3:00 P.M. (Doors Open 2:30 p.m.) We will break on Mondays, December 15, 22 and 29 and Tuesdays, December 16, 23 and 30 and Wednesdays, December 17, 24, and Dec 31 JANUARY Monday, January 5: Chamber Choir resume rehearsals Tuesday, January 6: Apprentice, Concert Choirs resume rehearsals Wednesday, January 7: Bel Canto resumes rehearsals FEBRUARY Tuesday, February 10? (to be confirmed) Brandon Festival of the Arts --all choirs Call 5:00 MARCH Monday, March 30, Tuesday, March 31 & Wednesday, April 1---no rehearsals- Spring Break Auditions for current under 19 choristers will take place during April at their usual rehearsal time!!!!!!!!!!!. No auditions required for Bel Canto choristers. APRIL/MAY Sunday, April 26: WSO Musicians in the Making Pre-concert performance for all youth. Monday, April 27: Chamber Choir –First Presbyterian-regular schedule Tuesday, April 28: Regular schedule for Apprentice and Concert Choirs @ First Presbyterian. Wednesday, April 29: Bel Canto rehearsal at First Presbyterian. Friday, May 1: 34th Annual Spring Sing - First Presbyterian Church @ 7:30 p.m. 5 Monday May 4: Music Monday. Details to follow End of term Tuesday, May 5: Auditions for new choristers begin for 2015-2016 season This list is by no means definitive – check memos and Website for special events FEES You will receive an invoice from Brandon University for tuition as well as a registration fee of $70.00 which is reduced to $50.00 if paid before Sept 1. We encourage you to register early. For more than 1 chorister in a family, it is possible to apply for a reduced registration fee. Email Mary Jo Carrabre @ CarrabreM@ Brandonu.ca Paid to Conservatory Registration fee Chamber Choir Concert and Apprentice Girls Bel Canto $50.00 $70.00 $350.00 $300.00 $250.00 if paid by Sept.1 if paid after Sept. 1 Please consult your registration form for payment details. These fees are used to cover the costs of salaries for the conductor, accompanists, rehearsal space and equipment. REHEARSALS When Chamber Choir practices fall on a recognized holiday, it is still held (e.g. Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Easter Monday). Practices are usually not held during the Christmas school break and the school "Spring break". Dr. Grant occasionally calls special rehearsals of the entire Chorale before concerts or special performances; you will be notified of these extra session in an email and on the website ABSENCES It is imperative that Dr. Grant be notified in advance of any absences due to illness, inclement weather, etc. It should be noted that the only acceptable excuses for being absent from practice are: severe illness, dangerous weather, exam schedules, and conflicts with other "acceptable" music activities (e.g. band concerts, school musical productions). Birthday parties and other social events are not considered to be reason for excused absences; the same holds true for slight illnesses such as colds. The chorister can still attend practice and listen to the instruction even if they are not able to sing. 6 Dr. Grant must be notified of absences at 728-9069, by email or Facebook. Choristers should exercise every possible precaution to stay healthy!! MUSIC Each chorister needs a sturdy black one-inch three-ring binder, marked clearly on the inside with her or his name, in which to keep the music that is issued to him or her by the Chorale. As well, the chorister needs to bring 3 pencils with erasers to each practice. Each chorister will be given a copy of each of the pieces of music that will be learned; the front of the music will be marked with his or her number. Choristers are also required to purchase a Brandon Conservatory Chorale music bag, to assist in keeping their music in one place and in good condition. These can be purchased from the Uniform Committee. The chorister’s name on their bag is essential. The music sheets are expensive and choristers are expected to take good care of their sets. Please make every effort to keep your music in good condition. Do not deface it with heavy pencil marks or "doodling", and repair any tears with clear tape. Music is expensive! Although it may look inexpensive at $3.00 US per copy, it adds up when multiple copies of each song are needed, and each choir needs 12 - 40 songs! Therefore, please handle your music carefully; it is difficult, timeconsuming and expensive to try to replace one or two lost copies of music. Chorister families are required to pay for lost music. This can be over $100.00 if the binder is lost. CONCERTS/PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITIES Dr. Grant usually chooses to enter the choirs in the Brandon Festival of the Arts. The choral competitions are usually held in late February or early March. All choirs are involved in the Festival. Additionally, other opportunities may arise for performances by the Chorale or one of the subchoirs. These may include performances in church services, at seniors' homes, or at other festivals/conferences and workshops. These vary from year to year, and depend upon the availability of the group, and whether or not Dr. Grant can schedule them without conflicting with her other obligations. Again, you will be notified of these events in your email and on the website. Here are some guidelines for performances: try to be well-rested, arrive in plenty of time, before "warm-ups", and avoid drinking milk or eating milk products such as cheese or yogurt for at least two hours before performances. Also, please maintain proper uniform dress at least until you are away from the performance location. 7 COMMUNICATION: EMAILS and WEBSITE The Brandon Conservatory Chorale relies on a system of communicating with choristers, parents, and families, via an email from the President. The email will go to the parent/adult address. Please ensure that we have your correct email address in September. Information will also be posted on our website @ www.brandonu.ca/bcc . Please check this site if you accidentally delete your email news or want to check the latest BCC information from your home or workplace computer! UNIFORMS In recent years, the dress code for concerts has become sloppy for some choristers. With respect for yourself, your director and your choir, please adhere to the exact requirements. Please ensure that the choristers have the complete uniform for performances and concerts. The complete uniform requirements for each choir is as follows: APPRENTICE Red flared skirt with waistband and side zipper Long-sleeved (boy's) white dress shirt Beige nylons Black low-heeled shoes Red bow scarf for Apprentice Choir (borrowed from BCC) CONCERT Black dress pants Long –sleeved white dress shirt Black tux vest (borrowed from BCC) Red bow tie (purchased from uniform committee) Black socks or knee-highs Black low-heeled shoes CHAMBER Long black crepe skirt White tuxedo shirt Red cummerbund [borrowed from BCC] Red bow tie Black pantyhose or knee-highs Black low-heeled shoes Bel Canto Men Black long sleeved shirt Black dress pants Black shoes Red tie [borrowed from BCC] Bel Canto Women Long sleeved black blouse Black dress pants or long black skirt Colourful scarves [borrowed from BCC] Choristers will be charged for missing parts. 8 During "travel" years, a travel uniform will also be required. This consists of a BCC wind jacket, angel T-shirts and black walking shorts/capris/ black pants. For performances, Chorale members are expected to look clean and neat and natural. If earrings are worn, they should be very small studs (never large or "dangly" ones). Hair must be kept off the face, and may be fastened with an unobtrusive fastener or elastic (never large ribbons, bows, or barrettes). No coloured nail polish! Choristers may participate in a uniform sale held on September 9. Outgrown outfits or clothing from choristers who are not returning to Chorale are offered for sale FUNDRAISING Fundraising activities are undertaken every year to assist with the costs of music, workshops, travel, and operating costs not covered by the Conservatory of Music. Activities vary from year to year, and may include: concerts, poinsettia sales, raffles and others. Any assistance with these projects is greatly appreciated. If you prefer for some reason not to be involved with these fundraising activities, we ask that you consider giving a cash donation to the Chorale in lieu of your work, so that contributions to the costs of operating the choirs will be equitably distributed among the families. You will receive an income tax receipt for your donations to the Chorale if cheques are made payable to the Brandon University Foundation with a designation to the Conservatory Chorale Information regarding any upcoming fundraising events will be found in the monthly newsletters. Please note any dates when orders or money must be turned in, or any pick-up dates for products. CHAMBER CHOIR INFORMATION The Chamber Choir is composed of the most experienced choristers. Being a member of this group requires more commitment, because the repertoire they sing is more difficult, and because they perform more frequently. The Chamber Choir year begins with a music camp, held at Camp Wannakumbac at Clear Lake, August 26-28, 2014. It is imperative that all members of the Chamber Choir attend this camp, as the progress made at these rehearsals is the equivalent of about two months of regular rehearsals! The cost is $80.00 per choristers About every second year, Mrs. Grant likes to accept one of the many invitations to tour with the Chamber Choir. Past tours have included participation at the ChoralFest Competition in Winnipeg, the MusicFest Competition in Toronto, Podium '90 in Calgary, the Kathaumixw International Choral Festival in Powell River, BC, the Bournemouth, England International Musicmakers Festival, and performing at Carnegie Hall in New York (twice). In 2000, the Choir toured the provinces of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island for eight days, performing six times. In 2003, the Chamber Choir 9 spent 9 days in France, where the highlight was singing a concert in Notre Dame de Paris. A Central Canada trip was successful in 2005. 2007 found the Chamber Choir in Italy where among other venues, they sang a mass at the Vatican and another in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice. There have also been invitations for the Chamber Choir to perform worldwide (Spain, Wales, Russia, Japan....). The acceptance of one of these invitations is based upon the musical experience, the competition, the value of the travel as a whole, and of course, on the willingness of the choristers and their parents to financially commit to the travel. Half of the proceeds from the fundraising activities undertaken by the Chorale go into the Travel Fund; all of the proceeds from any fundraising activities undertaken by the Chamber Choir go into the Travel Fund. In addition, any money raised by performances of the Chamber group goes into the Travel Fund. A small amount of money is obtained through grants and donations from groups and individuals. The chorister and family must pay the balance of the cost of the travel. We encourage all choristers to begin saving money from any jobs they might have. We endeavour to keep families informed of any travel possibilities so that there is plenty of notice when trips are planned. As well, we try to spread out the payments so that a large amount of money is not due at any one time. THE ROLE OF PARENTS/ADULTS Being a member of the Brandon Conservatory Chorale requires a high degree of commitment, dedication and discipline from both the chorister and the family. Chorale parents/Adults can assist the choir by: Completing and submitting all forms on the date requested Attending parent orientation and other meetings Participating in all fundraising programs Selling concert tickets and distributing concert promotion posters Serving as a volunteer or on a committee. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Each parent NEEDS to assist the Chorale in one chosen volunteer area. There are many events throughout the year that require a "one-time" commitment to volunteer. Some of the jobs include: Staying backstage with the younger choirs during performances by the older choristers at concerts Selling concert tickets at the door Moving and setting up the risers for performances Billeting out-of-town choristers when events are held two days in a row Driving choristers to venues for special performances In addition, there are some Executive positions and many Parent Committees on which to serve: 1. The Fundraising Committee organizes all forms of group fundraising. This may include meat 10 sales, poinsettia sales, raffles, tape sales, etc. 2. The Concert Committee consults with Dr. Grant and arranges for concert and performance needs such as booking locations, arranging for sound systems, advertising, printing/selling of tickets, arranging for the set-up of risers, etc. 3. The Music Library Committee receives, numbers, and distributes all copies of music, and collects it after use, logging its return. 4. The Uniform Committee ensures that all choristers are provided with the necessary information to obtain a uniform, maintaining an inventory of scarf-bows and bow ties. If any choir requires clothing for travel, this is coordinated by the Uniform Committee. 5. The Archivist collects and files pictures, videos, clippings, awards, etc. 6. The Treasurers (two positions) are responsible for the paying of bills, the collecting and banking of receipts, and the investing of any large amounts of money. Monthly reports are submitted to the Executive Committee. A second Travel Fund Treasurer is responsible for the accounts of choristers earning fundraised travel dollars. 7. The Secretary takes minutes at the Annual General Meeting, and at the monthly Executive meeting. These minutes are typed and distributed to all members of the Executive. In addition, the Secretary sends any correspondence from the Parent Executive or Chorale. 8. The Vice-President attends all Executive meetings, and assumes the role of President in his/her absence. 9 The President oversees the functioning of the Parent Council, and is in frequent contact with Dr. Grant regarding any issues, questions, or plans for the Chorale or any of the sub-choirs. 10. The Travel Coordinator oversees and plans the trips for the Chamber Choir. This person is expected to go on all trips. 11. The Public Relations Coordinator handles all the advertising for any Chorale events and also contacts the media when special awards or newsworthy events need to be brought to the public’s attention. 12. Website Manager updates to website. In past years, there have also been positions for Grant Applications Coordinator and Corporate Sponsorship Coordinator. These positions are vacant at the moment, and may be re-instituted if the need arises. Dr. Grant is an ex-officio member of each committee and should be informed of meetings and/or consulted regularly. Each Committee has a Coordinator/Chair who attends monthly Executive meetings, along with the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurers, and members-at-large for each choir. Executive meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month, starting at 6:00 P.M. and ending at about 7:30 P.M. These usually run year-round. The "summer" meetings are held to complete travel arrangements, to organize Chamber Choir camp, and to do forward planning for the Chorale.