Labour Laws in Pakistan Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Ordinance, 1962 Apprenticeship Rules, 1966 Apprenticeship Rules, 1966 Apprenticeship Rules, 1966 Baluchistan Apprenticeship Rules, 1987 Banking Companies Banking Companies (Amendment) Act, 1997 Boilers Act Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance, 2002 Bonded Labour Abolition Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1992, Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Rules, 1995 Fund for the Rehabilitation, Education & Welfare of the Freed Bonded Labourers Children Employment Employment of Children Act, 1991 Employment of Children Rules, 1995 Sindh Employment of Children Rules, 1995 Punjab Employment of Children Rules, 1994 NWFP Employment of Children Rules, 1996 Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933 Punjab Employment of Children (Workshop) Rules, 1939 Companies Profits Companies Profits (workers' Participation) Act, 1968 Companies Profits (workers' Participation) Rules, 1971 Control of Employment Control of Employment Ordinance, 1965 Control of Employment Rules, 1965 Cost of Living Relief Employees' Cost of Living (Relief) Act, 1973 Federal COLA Notification Sindh Employees' Special Allowance (Payment) Act, 1968 Punjab Employees' Special Allowance (Payment) Act, 1988 Balochistan Employees' Special Allowance Act, 1992 North-West Frontier Province (Payment of Dearness Allowance to Certain Employees) Act, 1991 Disabled Persons Employment Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance, 1981 National Council for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (General) Rules, 1983 Sind Provincial Council for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons Rules, 1988 NWFP Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Rlules, 1991 Dock Workers Dock Labourers Act, 1934 Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, 1974 Emigration Emigration Ordinance, 1979 Employment Agencies Fee-Charging Employment Agencies (Regulation) Act, 1976 Essential Services & Personnel Pakistan Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, 1952 Pakistan Essential Services (maintenance) Rules, 1962 Essential Personnel (Registration) Ordinance, 1948 Punjab Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, 1958 Sindh Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, 1958 WP Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, 1958 WP Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, 1958 Pakistan National Service Ordinance, 1970 Compulsory Services (Armed Forces) Ordinance, 1971 Export Processing Zones Export Processing Zones Authority Ordinance, 1980 Export Processing Zone (Control of Employment) Rules, 1982 Factories Legislation Factories Act, 1934 Factories (Punjab Amendment) Act, 1940 Factories (NWFP Amendment) Act, 1946 Sind Factories Rules, 1978 Punjab Factories Rules, 1978 Baluchistqan Factories Rules, 1978 NWFP Factories Rules, 1975 Pakistan Ordinance Factories Board Ordinance, 1961 Karachi (Shelters in Factories) Rules, 1955 Sindh Factories (Adult Exemptions) Rules, 1989 Hazardous Occupation Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Lead) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Miscellaneous) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Aerated Waters) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Rubber) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Chromium) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Celluliose Solution Spraying) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Sand Blasting) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Sodium and Potassium Bichromates) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Hazardous Occupation (Petrol Gas Generationg Plant) Rules, 1963 West Pakistan Factories Canteens Rules, 1959 North-West Frontier Province Factories Canteens Rules, 1979 Punjab Fair Price Shops (Factories) Ordinance, 1971 Punjab Fair Proce Shops (Factories) Rule, 1971 North-West Frontier Province Fair Price Shops (Factories) Ordinance, 1983 Norht-West Frontier Province Fair Price Shops (Factories) Rules, 1985 Industrial Relations Industrial Relation Ordinance, 2002 Corporation Employees (Special Powers) Ordinance, 1978 Reservists (Reinstatement in Civil Employment) Ordinance, 1965 P I A Corporation Act, 1956 Civil Servants Act, 1973 Maternity Benefit West Pakistan Maternity Benefit Ordinance, 1958 West Pakistan Maternity Benefit Rules, 1961 Mines Maternity Benefit Act, 1941 Merchant Seamen Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 2001 Mines Mines Act, 1923 Exemptions from the Provisions of Mines Act, 1923 Mines Maternity Benefit Act, 1941 Coal Mines (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Ordinance, 1960 Excise Duty on Minerals (Labour Welfare) Act, 1967 Newspapers Employees News Papers Employees (Condition of Services) Act, 1973 Implementation Tribunal for Newspaper Employees (Procedure and Functions) Rules, 1977 Old-Age Benefits Employees' Old-Age Benefits Act, 1976 EOAB (Contribution) Rules 1976 EOAB (Registration of Employers and Insured Persons) Rules, 1976 EOAB (Determination of Wages for Copmputation of Contributions) Regulations, 1980 EOAB (Payment of Invalidity Allowance) Regulations, 1981 EOAB (General) Regulations, 1980 EOAB (Determination of Complaints, Questions & Disputes) Regulatons, 1980 EOAB (Board of Trustees) Rules, 1977 EOAB (Audit & Accounts) Rules, 1977 EOAB (Investment) Rules, 1979 Provident Funds Provident Funds Act, 1925 Recognised Provident Funds Part I: Recognised Provident Funds Part II: Approved Suprannuation Funds Part III: Approved Gratuity Funds Railways Railway Act, 1890 W. Pak. Railway Servants' Benevolent Fund Ordinance, 1969 W. Pak. Railway Servants' Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1969 Payment of Wages (Federal Railways) Rules, 1938 Road Transport Road Transport Workers Ordinance, 1961 West Pakistan Road Transport Workers Rules, 1962 Road Transport Corporation (Sindh) Removal of Undesirable Employees Ordinance, 1965 Road Transport Board (Punjab) Removal of Undesirable Employees Ordinance, 1965 Road Transport Corporation (West Pakistan) Removal of Undsirable Employees Ordinance, 1965 Baluchistan Road Transport Workers Rules, 1978 NWFP Road Transport Baord (Removal of Undesirable Employees) Ordinance, 1965 Motor Vehicles (Drivers) Ordinance, 1942 Service Records Employment (Record of Service) Act, 1951 West Pakistan Employment (Record of Service) Rules, 1960 Shops and Establishments West Pakistan Shops and Establishment Ordinance, 1969 West Pakistan Shops and Establishments Rules, 1969 Social Security Provincial Employees Social Security Ordinance, 1965 PESS (Contribution) Rules, 1966 PESS (Contribution) Regulations, 1967 PESS (Time Limit for Claiming Benefits) Rules, 1966 PESS (Benefits) Regulations, 1967 PESS (Employers' Return & Records) Regulation, 1967 PESS (Occupational Diseases) Regulations, 1967 PESS (Medical Advisor's Qulifications) Rules, 1966 PESS (Medical Practioners & Medical Baoards Appointment & Functions) Regulations, 1967 PESS (Institution Servants (Medical Attendane) Regulations, 1967 Punjab ESS (Determination of Manner and Time for Deciding Complaints and Disputes and Review of Decisions) Regulations, 1973 Sindh ESS (Procedure for Decidig Complaints and Review of Decisions) Regulations, 1983 NWFP ESS (Determination, Manner and Time for Deciding Complaints, Questions, Disputes and Review of Decisions) Regulations, 1992 Balochistan ESS (Procedure for Deciding Complaints and Review of Decisions) Regulation, 1994 PESS (Appointment of Members of Governing Body) Rules, 1966 PESS (Time and Places for Meetings of the Governing Body and Disqualification of Members of Governing Body owing Contribution to the Institution) Regulation, 1967 PESS (Financial and Accounting) Rules, 1966 PESS (Procurement of Supplies & Property) Regulations, 1967 PESS (Procurement of Supplies & Property) Regulations, 1967 PESS (Acturial Present Values) Regulations, 1967 Standing Orders West Pakistan Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968 Statistics Industrial Statistics Act, 1942 Labour Welfare Statistics (Wet Pakistan) Rules, 1963 Labour Welfare Statistics (W. Pakistan) Rules, 1963 General Statistics Act, 1975 Wages -- Minimum Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1961 Fair Wage Clause West Pakistan Minimum Wages Rules, 1962 West Pakistan Minuimum Wates for unskilled Workers Ordinance, 1969 Wages -- Payment of Payment of Wages Act, 1936 Payment of Wages (Procedure) Rules, 1937 West Pakistan payment of Wages Rules, 1960 Payment of Wages (Federal Railways) Rules, 1938 Workers' Children Education Cess Workers Children (Education) Ordinance, 1972 Sindh Workers' Education Cess (Collection) Rules, 1994 Sindh Workers' Education Cess (Utilizaion) Rules, 1994 Punjab Workers' Children Education Cess (Collection) Rules, 2002 Punjab Province Workers Children Education Cess (Utilization) Rules, 1978 Baluchistan Workers Children (Education) Cess Rlules, 1973 Baluchistan Workers Children Education Cess (Utilization) Rules, 1984 NWFP Workers Children (Education) Collection of Cess Rules, 1973 NWFP Workers Children Education Cess (Utilization) Rules, 1981 Islamabad Capital Territory Education, Cess Rules, 1981 Islamabad Capital Territory Workers Children Education Cess (Utilization) Rules, 1981 Workers' Welfare Fund Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971 Workers' Welfare Fund Rules, 1976 Punjab Province Workers' Housing Allotment Regulations, 1976 Punjab Province Workers' Plots Allotment Regulations, 1976 Baluchistan Provincial Workers Allotment of Residential Plots Regulations, 1977 Workmen's Compensation Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 West Pakistan Workmen's Compensation Rules, 1961 Workmen's Compensation (Transfer of Money) Rules, 1935 Employer's Liability Act, 1938 Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 War Injuries Ordinance, 1941 War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1943 Miscellaneous Labour Laws West Pakistan Labour Camps Rules, 1960 Tea Plantations Labour Ordinance, 1962