MLI E&P INTERMEDIATE TERM BOND FUND (POOLED FUND) AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2000 OBJECTIVE The Fund seeks to achieve a reasonably high return and constant income. The Fund invests mainly in Canadian government bonds. The Fund is actively managed by varying the average maturity of the bonds depending on the Fund Manager's outlook on the economy. The Fund's policy is to have a duration of between 3 and 10 years. MARKET VALUE OF ASSETS CURRENT QUARTER $CDN 119.7 MILLION MARKET VALUE OF ASSETS PREVIOUS QUARTER $CDN 124.2 MILLION ASSET ALLOCATION TOP 10 HOLDINGS Short Term 1.9% Federal 26.7% Provincial/State 34.3% Private Placements 0.6% Asset Backed Securities Corporate 0.5% Investment Grade 36.0% ISSUER COUPON MATURITY % OF FUND GOVERNMENT OF CANADA CANADA MORT& HSNG CORP GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INTERPROVINCIAL PIPELINE INC NEW BRUNSWICK MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ONTARIO BRITISH COLUMBIA NORWEST FIN CANADA INC 10.25 6.25 9.00 8.45 6.75 4.75 6.15 4.88 9.00 5.60 15-Mar-14 01-Dec-05 01-Dec-04 18-May-05 27-Jun-17 15-Jul-03 01-Sep-10 02-Jun-04 09-Jan-02 01-Jun-04 5.4 5.2 4.0 3.3 3.2 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.6 PORTFOLIO CHARACTERISTICS PERFORMANCE as of December 31, 2000 3 Mth YTD 1 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr MLI E&P Intermediate Term Bond Fund (%) 3.32 10.58 10.58 N/A N/A Scotia Capital Universe (%) 2.87 10.25 10.25 N/A N/A 6 33 33 N/A N/A PalTrak Cdn Bond Percentile ASSOCIATED CLIENTS PORTFOLIO MANAGER Modified Duration 5.72 yrs Average Coupon 6.87 % Average Credit Quality SRS/ Group Pension - Canadian Division Underlying Fund for the AA Funds FUND REFERENCES State Street ID Gary Stewart FRI COMPANY MAXIMIS NAME 01 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Corporate Bond Fund 19 AA 2H4I 2082A Legal ID 0001 Maximis ID M002 MLI E&P INTERMEDIATE TERM BOND FUND (POOLED FUND) AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2000 MANAGEMENT STYLE The management style employed is termed "structured active". This is a dynamic cross between a purely quantitative style of interest rate risk management, and a more traditional interest rate anticipation approach to fixed income portfolio management. Active credit, industry, and sector management combined with a dynamic approach to yield curve management and interest rate anticipation are the cornerstones of this approach. FUND MANAGER COMMENTARY The yield curve steepened during the fourth quarter as long term yields declined by 8 basis points, while ten-year yields dropped by 34 basis points. Fixed income investors believed that the U.S. Federal Reserve would drop interest rates in reaction to the slowing economy. U.S. housing, consumption and job growth have moderated notably from the rapid pace of the first half of the year. Despite the higher oil prices that have impacted the market for most of the year, inflation expectations remain fairly low. U.S. productivity growth continues to show impressive gains, which should help control inflationary pressures. The wealth effect of the stock market, which has contributed to strong demand in previous years, has been rapidly eroding, thus dampening final demand in the economy. The bond market continues to trade at the higher end of the recent trading range, as investors believe that an economic slowdown will lead to further rate declines in the market. There is a developing belief that the U.S. economy may slip into a recession, which would have a significant impact on the Canadian economy. The deterioration of the stock market, particularly in the technology sector, has contributed to the negative sentiment in the market. The Fund benefited from the declining interest rate environment as it held a duration slightly longer than the benchmark. Opportunities to extend the duration of the portfolio will be taken when market conditions are appropriate. The corporate and provincial sectors maintained an overweight position relative to the benchmark. Provincial bonds were the best performing sector during the quarter, while corporate bonds under-performed. FUNDS THAT BUY UNITS OF THE MLI E&P INTERMEDIATE TERM BOND FUND Fund Name Maximis Legal ID Cdn Div System Code State Street ID FRI Manulife Bond (MLI Bond) S056 2056 SBND NU3F 2056 Manulife Corporate Bond S082 2082 154 NU3J Manulife Canadian Bond E092 2092 126/SCBF NU4V Cdn Bonds/NAL Inv. Bond E093 2093 990 861 20