Ruddington Parish Council

May 2010
Issue No. 4
Ruddington Parish Council
Photo by Gordon Kirkman
Article by Parish Councillor Allen Wood
This is a matter that is regularly raised at
meetings and at the Saturday Parish
Council Surgery with residents becoming
increasingly frustrated at the apparent lack
of progress.
In the past, studies have been undertaken
and discussions have taken place with
County Council representatives and elected
members including the handing over of a
2,136 name petition in the summer of 2008.
Flawforth Lane has a 7.5 tonne weight
restriction but despite raising concerns with
those responsible for enforcement, we still
have problems.
Continued on Page 2
Children at James Peacock Infant &
Nursery School have been lucky
enough to have an incubator with 11
eggs ready to hatch. Nursery children
waited excitedly for the chicks to
appear and despite being told that
possibly only 50% would hatch, 10 out
of the 11 eggs produced a chick.
In addition to the pleasure of watching
and handling the chicks, they used
them as part of their numeracy work,
measuring and counting them, and enjoyed watching the chicks in different
environments particularly searching for worms in the Nursery Garden. The chicks will
be returned to a free range farm once they are fully formed.
Staff and children would also like to say thank you to parents, carers and Friends of
James Peacock for raising funds to purchase a giant Caterpillar for the children to
play on. For more information about the school, please ring 0115 914 4225.
Article and photograph by Sally Bashford-Squires
Ruddington Parish Council,
Nottingham NG11 6HA.
St. Peter’s Rooms, Church Street,
Tel: 0115 914 6660
Fax: 0115 914 6646
It is a fact that some large vehicles do
have a legitimate reason for passing
through the centre of the village and
may even be visiting business
premises at either end of our village,
either collecting or delivering. In
addition to HGV’s there is a bus
service every 6 minutes on weekdays
passing along the High Street. As in
any village, parking in the central area
is at a premium and those with
disabled badges are quite correctly
able to park on yellow line sections of
the road. It does therefore only need
one large vehicle plus a bus for
congestion to happen.
You may have read or heard earlier
this year, about action proposed by
the County Council to deal with “Rat
Runs”. Sadly this does not apply to
the B680 which runs right through the
village. Why? Authority for this road in
so far as restrictions are concerned,
lies with national authorities.
In the past, we have contacted the
owners of vehicles that residents
thought were using the village as a
shortcut and this has had some effect
but from the other side it has to be
remembered that diesel fuel is
expensive and if a haulier can reduce
consumption legally, whether we like it
or not, he will do so.
The Parish Council will continue to
lobby for action and any comments
that can possibly be taken forward
would be appreciated.
Deirdre McGowan has asked us to let
you know that her skydive in aid of the
Mayoral Charity, the Notts Neonatal
Trust at the Queens & City Hospitals,
has raised £3,100 to date. Thanks to
all who supported her. Rushcliffe
Mayor Peter McGowan says that
nearly £15,000 has been raised for his
charity during his year in office.
The 8th Ruddington Beer Festival will
be held from Thursday 3rd to Sunday
6th June 2010 and, for the first time,
will involve four of the village’s seven
pubs. More details of the event in
June’s Newsletter.
At the meeting of the Environment &
Community Committee on 20th April,
the Parish Council voted to once
again enter Ruddington in the Best
Kept Village Competition for 2010.
Last year we managed a very
creditable 3rd PLACE and with effort
we are sure we can beat that result.
The Parish Council would also like to
remind gardeners that the Garden
Competition will be judged in July
2010 and that you can either enter
your front garden or your window
boxes / planters / hanging baskets.
Entry forms will soon be available for
We will make every effort to include
bereavement notices in the Village
Newsletter. Forms are available from
the Parish Council office or from
Lymn’s (Olivers), Easthorpe Street.
you – so get digging and planting as
your efforts might be rewarded with a
cheque from the Parish Council.
Our Beat Manager Ann Gill has
reported that as a result of the 3
monthly Priority Setting Meeting, dog
fouling has been selected as the No. 1
priority issue for attention, followed by
Ann says “We will be liaising with the
Dog Warden and other agencies to try
to improve the situation in the village.”
Police contact numbers are:
0300 300 9999 (non emergency)
Our Beat Manager is PC Ann Gill –
tel: 07702 141 724
Our PCSO is Jenny Buggy –
tel: 07702 141 722
Ruddington Dentist Nicola Sorrell
says the former Wright’s butcher’s
shop is the perfect new location for
our village dental practice.
twenty years in High Street the
completely refurbished and extended
building at 98 Wilford Road will
become the dentists’ new home from
Tuesday 4th May.
Nicola says she has had an eye open
for better premises for a number of
years and this new building is ideal single storey and with its own parking
available. It also has extra space for
waiting and much improved facilities
to enable the dental nurses to
maintain the cleanest of environments
for patients. She is grateful to her new
neighbours and clients for giving such
a positive response to the proposed
move during the planning application
process. There have been a few
delays – one caused by the
unexpected re-siting of the bus stop!
But for the past six months Nicola and
her team, including new fellow dentist
Amar Patel, have been working
around the clock with local architect
John Hallett to create the best design
and most stylish look for the relocated
practice. She is also proud to have
used local builders and tradesmen to
carry out all the work.
Nicola is reassuring her patients that
Ruddington Dental Practice will
remain as a small family practice
focusing on the quality of care they
provide. An official opening ceremony
for the new building is planned upon
completion of all external building
work in June.
This year we are aiming to have
activities in the village for our children
and young people. Discussions are
currently taking place with various
organisations to identify activities and
full details will be produced at the
beginning of July. If you have any
suggestions of what you would like to
see happening during the summer in
our village, please email the Parish
Council office (details on page 1) and
we will see what we can do.
We are a youth group who teach
young people the Duke of Edinburgh
Award Scheme, adventure training,
bugle & drums, and how to live
outdoors which will lead to BTEC
qualifications. Contact Russ Jones
0773 956 3588 for information. If you
are older than 18 years and you can
spare the time – become an Adult
Instructor. Details as before.
Researched and written Graham Wright
Saturday 1st May
Safer Neighbourhoods - An opportunity to
meet with your local officers to discuss issues
in your local area - at the High Street
shops between 1.00pm and 1.30pm.
Sunday 2nd May
Charity Football Match in aid of Help for
Heroes. BBQ, music, bouncy castle, raffle
and loads more at the Red Lion, Easthorpe
Street. Teams meet at 11am departing from
Red Lion for kick off 1pm Elms Park playing
fields. All welcome.
The Friends of Rushcliffe Country Park
invite you to enjoy tea, coffee and cakes from
10.00am to 3.00pm in the Education Room
(by the lake) at Rushcliffe Country Park.
Footpath Walk - Old Dalby to Grimston
Circular including Old Dalby Wood in search
of bluebells! Meet 2.30pm on The Green.
Ruddington Village Ladies FC - Please
come and support us in the LEAGUE CUP
FINAL! Kick off at 3.30pm - Eagle Valley,
Monday 3rd May
Ruddington Village Museum (opp Co-op) is
open today from 2.30 to 5.00pm.
Tuesday 4th May
Saturday 15th May
Spring Diesel Gala on Saturday 15th &
Sunday 16th at the Great Central Railway,
Mere Way.
Harpz and Henry. At 7.00pm the Derbyshire
Harp Ensemble including Junior Harpz at the
Methodist Church, Church Street.Tickets are
£6.50 incl. refreshments. Contact Ruddington
Framework Knitters Museum 0115 984 6914.
Sunday 16th May
Ruddington Bowls Club invites you to come
along to our Open Day between 2.00 and
4.00pm. Your chance to try one of the finest
sports and social facilities in Ruddington. For
more details ring 07840 240 370.
Friday 21st May
Safer Neighbourhoods - An opportunity to
meet with your local officers to discuss issues
in your local area - outside James
Peacock School, Manor Park between 3.30pm
and 4.00pm.
Tuesday 25th May
Amenities Committee Meeting at St. Peter's
Rooms, Church Street at 7.30pm
Saturday 29th May
Wildlife Trust Sale at St. Peter's Rooms,
Church Street (details to follow)
Safer Neighbourhoods - An opportunity to
meet with your local officers to discuss issues
in your local area - outside the Co-op store,
Church Street between 1.00pm and 1.30pm.
Exhibition and Sale of Paintings and
Creative Textiles. From Saturday 29th to
Wednesday 31st May, 11.00am to 4.00pm at
the Framework Knitters' Museum. Free entry
to this event & to the museum this event only.
June 2010
Sunday 6th June
The Friends of Rushcliffe Country Park
invite you to enjoy tea, coffee and cakes from
10.00am to 3.00pm in the Education Room
(by the lake) at Rushcliffe Country Park.
Footpath Walk - Colston Bassett including
the ruins of St. Mary's Church. Meet 2.30pm
on The Green.
Annual Parish Meeting at St. Peter's
Rooms, Church Street at 7.30pm – all
registered electors within the Parish
are welcome to come along.
Thursday 6th May
Election Day - Polling at both St.
Peter's Rooms and the Village Hall
Saturday 8th May
Parish Council Surgery at St. Peter's Rooms,
Church Street, from 10.00am to 12 noon
Sunday 9th May
Spring Vehicle Rally, featuring the
Ruddington Road Transport Collection at the
Great Central Railway, Mere Way.
Tuesday 11th May
Annual Parish Council at St. Peter's
Rooms, Church Street at 7.30pm
WANTED in Ruddington – volunteers in Policing are required to help with taking
part in community events, providing crime prevention advice, victim care, help desk
support, telephone answering, public reception support and much more. Be part of
the solution. For more information ring Daveen Brown 0300 300 999 ext 811 6609.