Country Walks. February Walk. 17 walkers and a very fit dog enjoyed a 9 mile walk in the countryside around the pretty village of Ingham. The weather was crisp and clear, ideal for walking, although a couple of fields we crossed were very muddy adding several inches to everyone’s height. The highlight for me was the visit to St. Edith’s Church in Coates. A relatively small building little changed since medieval times.The church has the only intact 15th century road screen and loft in Lincolnshire. Next walk is Saturday 7th March. Weather permitting we shall do the 7 mile “ Babbling Becks and Brooks” walk from Binbrook in the Wolds passing through Kirmond le Mire. If the weather is unsuitable for the Wolds, we shall do a local walk. Walkers should meet at the village hall at 9-30am and are advised to take a waterproof coat, wear suitable footwear, take a snack and a drink. If you wish to walk and need a lift, please turn up at the village hall. The walking group meets on the first Saturday of every month at 9-30am at the village hall. Everyone is welcome to join in this free and healthy activity. Mike Halliday Tel 01522 754686