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Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., с.н.с.,
НИПКИ "Молния"
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya"
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine
An anthology of outstanding achievements in science
and technology. Part 22: Invention of electric energy
A brief essay on the history of inventing the main types of
accumulators that store and supply electric energy to consumers
is given.
Key words – history, invention, electric energy accumulators.
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Thermo-triboelectric potential to assess aging polymeric insulation.
Visnyk NTU "KhPІ" – Bulletin of NTU "KhPІ", 2009, no.27(948), pp.
16-24. 7. Bezprozvannych G.V., A.M. Boyko Sposіb viznachennia
starіnnia polіmernoї іzoliatsії ekranovanogo bagatozhil'nogo kabeliu
[Method of determining the aging of polymeric insulation shielded multicore cable]. Patent UA, no.83470, 2013.
Поступила (received) 21.07.2014
Беспрозванных Анна Викторовна1, д.т.н., проф.,
Бойко Антон Николаевич1, аспирант,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: bezprozvannych@kpi.kharkov.ua
A.V. Bezprozvannych1, A.N. Boyko1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Contact potential difference as a measure of power cable
polymer insulation aging.
The paper shows dynamics of changing contact potential difference in power cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation
in the initial state and after additional thermal-radiation aging.
The cable metal elements grounding is proposed to do before
measurements in order to reduce the degree of surface charges
action. It is experimentally revealed that the contact potential
difference is a sensitive indicator of polymer insulation aging
(oxidation) processes.
Key words – contact potential difference, power cables,
thermal-radiation aging, surface charges, polymer insulation
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Поступила (received) 14.07.2014
Беспрозванных Анна Викторовна1, д.т.н., проф.,
Кессаев Александр Геннадиевич1, аспирант,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: bezprozvannych@kpi.kharkov.ua
A.V. Bezprozvannych1, A.G. Kyessaeyv1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Computing experiments for calculation of electrostatic
axisymmetric field in piecewise-homogeneous insulation
with spherical inclusions.
Calculations of electrostatic axisymmetric field are made with
application of solution to Fredholm integral equation of the first
and the second kinds in a piecewise homogeneous isotropic
linear polymeric insulation. On the basis of numerical experiments via a Matlab-based program, influence of the number of
nodes on the numerical solution accuracy is analysed and the
order of the resolving system of linear algebraic equations within small distances between spherical inclusions is validated.
Key words – electrostatic axisymmetric field, computing
experiment, spherical inclusions, linear algebraic equations,
numerical solution accuracy.
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тел/phone +38 057 7076961
V.M. Boev
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Electromagnetic field of a cable with a two-layer shield.
The paper presents electromagnetic field calculations for a coaxial cable with a double-layer shield. To describe the conductivity
and permeability, discontinuous functions are applied, which
makes it possible to solve the problem regarding the whole
space containing the cable as a simply connected domain.
Key words – electromagnetic field, coaxial cable, discontinuous functions.
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Поступила (received) 15.05.2014
Болюх Владимир Федорович1, д.т.н, проф.,
Олексенко Сергей Владимирович1, аспирант,
Щукин Игорь Сергеевич1,2, к.т.н, доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427, e-mail: bolukh@kpi.kharkov.ua
2 ООО Фирма "ТЭТРА, Ltd",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427, e-mail: tech@tetra.kharkiv.com.ua
V.F. Bolyukh1, S.V. Oleksenko1, I.S. Schukin1,2
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Firm Tetra, LTD
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Experimental study of ferromagnetic core parameters
influence on electromechanical characteristics of a linear
induction-dynamic converter.
Experimental studies of ferromagnetic core parameters action on
electromechanical characteristics of a linear induction-dynamic
converter are conducted. An experimental installation is designed and built to determine the converter electromechanical
parameters during its operation. A ferromagnetic core with four
radial slots made allows regulating the height of the base and the
outer shell. The core geometric parameters providing the highest
speed of the armature are specified. Under certain parameters,
the ferromagnetic core increases the converter efficiency up to
50%. The experimental results confirm the analytical studies
within 6 % error.
Key words – linear induction-dynamic converter, core,
experimental studies, electromechanical characteristics.
1. Черняев В.И. Вибромолоты и вибропогружатели с
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6. Бондар Р.П., Голенков Г.М., Подольцев О.Д. Розрахунок
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Д. Моделювання енергетичних характеристик вібратора з
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vibrator with a linear electric drive. Electromechanichni i energozberigayuchi systemy – Electromechanical and energy saving systems, 2013,
no.2(22), pp. 66-74.
Надійшла (received) 07.03.2016
Бондар Роман Петрович, к.т.н., доц.,
Київський національний університет будівництва і
03680, Київ, пр. Повітрофлотський, 31,
тел/phone +38 044 2415510, e-mail: rpbondar@gmail.com
R.P. Bondar
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv-37, 03680 Ukraine
Power characteristics of a vibrator with a linear
nonsalient-pole armature motor drive.
A vibrator with a linear reciprocating motor drive is studied. On
the basis of the mathematical model developed, equations of
power characteristics of the vibrator with a linear nonsalientpole armature motor drive are obtained. Comparative calculations of the power characteristics by means of the analytical
model obtained and a Simulink-model with FEM-specified parameters are carried out.
Key words – linear motor drive, power characteristics, vibrator.
1. Бондаренко
преобразователь для контроля диаметра и удельного
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2. Себко В.П., Юданова Н.Н., Ноздрачева Е.Л., Жаркова
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2004. – 72 с.
3. Егоров А.В., Поляков В.В., Иваков С.В. Измерительновычислительный комплекс для определения удельной
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4. Беспрозванных А.В., Набока Б.Г. Математические
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Publ., 2012. 108 p.
Поступила (received) 16.05.2014
Костюков Иван Александрович, аспирант,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт"
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: Kostiukow.Ivan@yandex.ru
I.A. Kostiukov
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Research on added inductance and resistance during spiral
ferromagnetic wire scanning with magnetic field
of a parametric eddy-current sensor.
Criteria for estimation of added inductance and resistance during
spiral ferromagnetic wire scanning of single-core power cable
armour by means of a parametric electromagnetic converter are
proposed. Research into variation of the introduced criteria in
the frequency range from 100 Hz up to 100 kHz for different
wire spiral steps is done. Possibility of using coils as sensors for
determination armour step influence on power losses caused by
eddy-currents and circulating currents in power cable line is
Key words – power cable, spiral wire, armour, axial magnetic
permeability, eddy-current sensor.
1. Дмітрієва В.Ф. Фізика: Навчальний посібник. – К.:
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Надійшла (received) 15.02.2014
Кутковецький Валентин Якович, д.т.н., проф.,
Чорноморський державний університет їм. Петра Могили,
54003, Миколаїв, вул. 68 Десантників, 10,
тел/phone +38 0512 366578, e-mail: kb@kma.mk.ua
V.J. Kutkovetskyy
Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
10, 68-Desantnykiv Street, Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine
The phenomenon of instant potential energy transmission
between electrical circuits and networks.
Transmission of accumulated potential electromagnetic energy
between closed circuits can be performed instantly without both
its value variation and the equivalent work execution. As a result, a closed circuit or a separated system can obtain free energy from other circuits or systems.
Key words – phenomenon, potential electromagnetic energy
transmission, Faraday, Maxwell, Kirchhoff.
1. Ходасевич А.Г, Ходасевич Т.И. Справочник по
устройству и ремонту электронных приборов автомобилей.
– М: Антелком, 2004. – 244 с.
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М.: Солон-пресс, 2012. – 128 с.
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электротехники. В 2-х т. – Л.: Энергоиздат, 1981. – 536 с.
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Поступила (received) 28.05.2014
Лавриненко Ольга Валериевна, преподаватель-стажер,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076961, e-mail: lavrinenko_olya@mail.ru
O.V. Lavrinenko
National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Research on transients and choice of optimum parameters
of switching elements for an electromagnetic valve control
for combustion engine exhaust sampling.
The article introduces a classical-method-based analysis procedure for transients in the control cascade of an electromagnetic
valve for combustion engine exhaust sampling. Analytical expressions for currents and voltage on the cascade basic elements
are obtained to allow specifying the optimal parameters of these
elements in terms of speed and reliability.
Key words – combustion engine exhaust, electromagnetic
valve, oscillatory transitional process.
1. Петрушин В.С., Рябинин С.В., Якимец А.М.
автоматизированного привода. Вестник Харьковск. гос.
политехн. ун-та. – 1999. – Вып. 61. – С. 196-197.
2. Петрушин В.С. Приведенные затраты асинхронных
двигателей в частотном электроприводе при различных
законах управления // Електромашинобудування та
електрообладнання: Респ. міжвід. наук.-техн. зб. – 2001. –
Вип. 56. – С. 51-54.
3. Петрушин В.С. Асинхронные двигатели в регулируемом
электроприводе: Учебное пособие. – Одесса: Наука и
техника, 2006. – 303 с.
4. Петрушин В.С. Оптимизация обмоточных данных
частотно-регулируемых асинхронных двигателей // Вiсник
НТУ "ХПI". – 2002. – Вип. 12. – Том 1. – С. 242-245.
5. Петрушин В.С. Диапазонные критерии оптимальности
двигателей // Труды Одесск. политехн. ун-та. – 2001. –
Вып.1(13). – С. 81-86.
6. Петрушин В.С., Рябинин С.В., Якимец А.М.
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8. Park T.S., Kim S.H, Yoo J.Y. Speed-sensorless vector control of an induction motor using recursive least square algorithm
// Trans. KIEE. – 1999. – vol. 48B. – №3. – pp. 139-143.
9. GOST IEC/TS 60034-25 Ed. 1.0 Rotating electrical machines Part 25: Guide for the design and performance of cage
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REFERENCES: 1. Petrushin V.S., Rjabinin S.V., Jakimec A.M. Design modifications asynchronous cage motors for electric semiconductor
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Electrical machine-building and electrical equipment: Republican interdepartmental scientific-technical collection, 2001, no.56, pp. 51-54. 3.
Petrushin V.S. Asinhronnye dvigateli v reguliruemom elektroprivode:
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Odessa, Nauka i tehnika Publ., 2006. 320 p. 4. Petrushin V.S. Optimization of winding data of variable frequency induction motors. Visnyk
NTU "KhPІ" – Bulletin of NTU "KhPІ", 2002, no.12, pp. 196-197. 5.
Petrushin V.S. Range of optimality criteria for the design of controlled
asynchronous motors. Trudy Odesskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta
– Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University, 2001, no.1(13), pp. 8186. 6. Petrushin V.S., Rjabinin S.V., Jakimec A.M. Programmnyj
produkt "DIMASDrive". Programma analiza raboty, vybora i proektirovanija asinhronnyh korotkozamknutyh dvigatelej sistem reguliruemogo
jelektroprivoda [Program performance analysis, selection and design of
asynchronous cage motors controlled drive systems]. Patent UA,
no.4065. 7. Schroder P. Ekektrische Antribe. Regelung von
Antriebssystemen [Electric Actuators. Control of Drive Systems]. Berlin,
Springer Publ., 2001, 1172 p. 8. Park T.S., Kim S.H, Yoo J.Y. Speedsensorless vector control of an induction motor using recursive least
square algorithm. Trans. KIEE, 1999, vol.48B, no.3, pp. 139-143. 9.
GOST IEC/TS 60034-25 Ed. 1.0 Rotating electrical machines Part 25:
Guide for the design and performance of cage induction motors specifically designed for converter supply.
Поступила (received) 06.07.2014
Петрушин Виктор Сергеевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Еноктаев Ростислав Николаевич1, магистрант,
1 Одесский национальный политехнический университет,
65044, Одесса, пр. Шевченко, 1,
тел/phone +380 048 7058494,
e-mail: victor_petrushin@ukr.net, rostik-enok@inbox.ru
V.S. Petrushin1, R.N. Jenoktajev1
Оdessa National Polytechnic University
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine
Design range criteria in designing of controlled
asynchronous motors.
The paper presents automated optimization designing of regulated induction motors accomplished for a variety of design problems under two range criteria. Design tasks involve consideration of both static and dynamic modes. Dependence of change in
the motors variable parameters on the criterion chosen and the
designing objectives is determined.
Key words – controlled induction motor, design range
criteria, automated optimization designing.
1. Батыгин Ю.В., Лавинский В.И., Хименко Л.Т.
Импульсные магнитные поля для прогрессивных
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Поступила (received) 14.04.2014
Батыгин Юрий Викторович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Чаплыгин Евгений Александрович1, к.т.н., доцент,
Шиндерук Светлана Александровна1, аспирант,
1 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 057 7073653, e-mail: batygin48@mail.ru; chaplygin_e_a@mail.ru; svetlana11177@rambler.ru
Yu.V. Batygin1, E.A. Chaplygin1, S.A. Shinderuk1
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine
Experimental study of processes in an attractive-screen inductor system under additional coil insertion.
The article is devoted to experimental investigations of action of
an additional coil inserted inside an inductor system with an
attractive screen on induced current distribution in the workpiece and to determination of the coefficient of the solenoid
winding current transformation.
Key words – inductor system, additional coil, attractive
screen, inductor, electromagnetic process.
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Поступила (received) 30.05.2014
Ставинский Андрей Андреевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Пальчиков Олег Олегович1, аспирант,
1 Национальный университет кораблестроения
имени адмирала Макарова,
54025, Николаев, пр. Героев Cталинграда, 9,
тел/phone +38 0512 399453, e-mail: ole2013hulk@yandex.ua
National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov
9, Ave. Geroyev Stalingrada, Mykolaiv, 54025, Ukraine
Application of a relative technical level index method
to induction motor optimization problems.
On the basis of a method of relative technical level indices with
relative geometric controlled variables, analytical expressions
are derived to determine the optimum geometric dimensions of
the squirrel-cage induction motor active part under criteria of the
weight and the cost minimums. Comparative analysis of the
mentioned indices for the conventional and the inverted stator
and rotor designs is performed.
Key words – technical level indices, optimum geometric
dimensions, conventional and inverted rotors.
1. Short T.A. Electric power distribution equipment and system. – Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press, 2006. – 318 p.
2. Smart Grids. Opportunities, Developments and Trends [Edited by A. Shawkat Ali]. – London: Springer-Verlag, 2013. –
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8. Жемеров Г.Г., Ильина О.В., Ковальчук О.И. КПД систем
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Поступила (received) 14.07.2014
Жемеров Георгий Георгиевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Лобач Игорь Олегович1,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076312,
e-mail: zhemerov@gmail.com, i.o.lobach@yandex.ua
G.G. Zhemerov1, I.O. Lobach1
National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Energy loss reduction in Smart Grid utilities for account
of transition from single-phase to three-phase power
distribution systems.
Analytical dependences of such efficiency indices as energy loss
power and copper consumption under transition from singlephase power distribution systems to three-phase ones are obtained.
Key words – energy loss, copper consumption, power
distribution system, Smart Grid.
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Поступила (received) 10.04.2014
Байда Евгений Иванович, к.т.н., доц.,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076976, e-mail: baida_kpi@i.ua
E.I. Baida
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Calculations of electromagnetic forces acting on a thin
ferromagnetic plate during magnetic-pulse treatment.
The article describes forces acting on a thin ferromagnetic plate
under magnetic-pulse treatment. Qualitative and quantitative
characteristics are given.
Key words – ferromagnetic plate, Lorentz force, magnetic
pulse treatment.
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Поступила (received) 31.08.2012
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., с.н.с.,
НИПКИ "Молния" НТУ "ХПИ",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya"
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine
An anthology of outstanding achievements in science
and technology. Part 21: Artificial intelligence and robotics.
A brief essay on the history of invention of various-application
robots and development of state-of-the-art robotics is given.
Key words – history, artificial intelligence, invention of
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15. Баранов М.И. Основные характеристики вероятностного
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16. Баранов М.И. Квантовомеханический подход при
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током проводимости // Технічна електродинаміка. − 2007. −
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Поступила (received) 05.02.2014
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., с.н.с.,
НИПКИ "Молния" НТУ "ХПИ",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya"
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine
Quantum-wave nature of electric current in a metallic
conductor and some of its electrophysical macrophenomena.
The paper presents results of theoretical and experimental research on wave longitudinal and radial distribution of drifting
free electrons in a round homogeneous metallic conductor with a
pulse axial current. The studies reveal quantum-wave character
of electric conduction current flow in the conductor examined,
which results in a phenomenon of quantized periodic macrolocalization of free electrons in the conductor inner structure.
Key words – metallic conductor, electric current, drifting
free electrons, electronic half-waves, phenomenon of
macro-localization of electrons.
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Поступила (received) 16.04.2014
Чаплыгин Евгений Александрович1, к.т.н., доц.,
Барбашова Марина Викторовна1, аспирант,
Сабокарь Олег Сергеевич1, студент,
1 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 057 7073727, e-mail: barbashova1987@gmail.ru
E.A. Chaplygin1, M.V. Barbashova1, O.S. Sabokar1
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine
Experimental approbation of sheet metal magnetic
permeability measurement systems.
The article presents results of practical testing of measurement
techniques and characterization of thin sheet metallic ferromagnets under real pulsed magnetic attraction of their sections specified by manufacturing operation conditions. It is shown that the
relative magnetic permeability of the processed metals is different from one, which corresponds to full saturation.
Key words – thin sheet metal ferromagnets, magnetic
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Поступила (received) 11.04.2014
Бедерак Ярослав Семенович, инженер,
Публичное акционерное общество "АЗОТ",
18014, Черкассы, ул. Первомайская, 72,
тел/phone +38 047 2392979, e-mail: ei@uch.net
Ya.S. Bederak
72, Pervomayskaya Str., Cherkassy, 18014, Ukraine
An exponential smoothing method application to restoring
lost data on electric power technical record-keeping
in industrial enterprises.
The paper studies in detail a problem of restoring single data of
electric power technical record-keeping systems by means of
exponential smoothing. A hypothesis of efficient finding the
optimal value of smoothing constant α in the range of 0 < α < 2
is tested. Variation ranges for the mean absolute percentage
error of the forecast are specified versus values of the time series
variation coefficient for specific electricity consumption processes with different data spread.
Key words – exponential smoothing, lost data restore, mean
absolute percentage error, variation.
1. Nozaki T., Muto N., Kado S., Okazaki K. Dissociation of
vibrationally excited methane on Ni catalyst. Part 1. Application
to methane steam reforming. Catalysis Today, 2004, Vol.89, pp.
2. Бойко Н.И., Евдошенко Л.С., Зароченцев А.И., Иванов
В.М., Коняга С.Ф. Высоковольтный комплекс с двумя
регулирующими режимы коронного и барьерного разрядов
при обработке газообразных углеводородов // Технічна
електродинаміка. – 2012. – №2. – С. 105-106.
3. Высоковольтные электротехнологии / Под ред. И.П.
Верещагина. – М.: изд-во МЭИ, 2000. – 204 с.
4. Бойко Н.И., Борцов А.В., Евдошенко Л.С., Иванов В.М.
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следования до 50000 импульсов в секунду // Приборы и
техника эксперимента. – 2011. – №4. – С. 92-101.
5. Бойко Н.И., Евдошенко Л.С., Иванов В.М., Христенко
О.А. Компактный ёмкостный делитель напряжения на 70 кВ
с экранированным промежуточным электродом //
Електротехніка і електромеханіка. – 2012. – №6. – С. 41-46.
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to methane steam reforming. Catalysis Today, 2004, Vol.89, pp. 57-65.
2. Boyko M.I., Yevdoshenko L.S., Zarochentsev A.I., Ivanov V.M.,
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Vysokovol'tnye elektrotekhnologii [High-voltage electro technologies].
Edited by I.P. Vereshchagin. Moscow, Publishing House of MEI, 2000.
204 p. 4. Boyko M.I., Bortsov А.V., Yevdoshenko L.S., Ivanov V.M.
Generators of high-voltage pulses with a repetition rate of up to 50,000
pulses per second. Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta – Instruments and
experimental techniques, 2011, no.4, pp. 92-101. 5. Boyko M.I., Yevdoshenko L.S., Ivanov V.M., Khrystenko O.A. The compact capacitive
divider of voltage up to 70 kV with shielded intermediate electrode.
Elektrotekhnika i elektromekhanika – Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2012, no.6. pp. 41-46.
Поступила (received) 09.02.2014
Бойко Николай Иванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Евдошенко Леонид Свиридович1, к.т.н.,
Иванов Владимир Михайлович2,
Коняга Станислав Федорович1,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076245, тел/phone, факс/fax 7076183,
e-mail: qnaboy@mail.ru
2 Научно-исследовательский и проектно-конструкторский
институт "Молния", Национальный технический
университет "Харьковский политехнический институт",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone, факс/fax +38 057 7076183,
e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Boyko1, L.S. Yevdoshenko1, V.M. Ivanov2, S.F. Koniaga1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya"
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine
Synthesis gas regeneration electrotechnology using volume
high-voltage pulsed discharges: corona and barrier ones.
Factory testing of a created high-voltage complex (plant) has
been conducted. The complex consists of two pulse generators
with the repetition rate of up to 50,000 pulses per second and
load reactors with pulsed discharges – corona and barrier ones.
Transistor (IGBT) keys are used as energy switches. The efficient mode of coke gas methane conversion (steam reforming)
to syngas has been obtained with application of the complex
created. A unidirectional action of the pulsed discharges, the gas
mixture temperature, and a nickel catalyst has reduced the specific energy consumption for synthesis gas regeneration during
the conversion. A feasible mechanism of this conversion is described.
Key words – high-voltage complex, pulse generator, corona
discharge, barrier discharge, reactor, electrotechnology.
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Поступила (received) 19.11.2013
Иванов Виталий Геннадьевич, к.т.н.,
Институт химических технологий
Восточноукраинского национального университета
им. Владимира Даля,
93009, Луганская обл., Рубежное, ул. Ленина, 31,
тел/phone +38 06453 50156, e-mail: vetgen@e-mail.ua
V.G. Ivanov
Chemical Technology Institute of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian
National University
31, Lenin Str., Rubizhne, Lugansk region, 93009, Ukraine
Analysis of mutual capacitance and inductance of printed
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printed circuit and introduces an evaluation technique for conductor-to-conductor capacitance under electrical connections
tracing, the technique based on a multi-layer channel model.
Key words – mutual capacitance and mutual inductance,
multi-channel model.
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Надійшла 25.01.2014
Кутковецький Валентин Якович, д.т.н., проф.,
Чорноморський державний університет їм. Петра Могили,
кафедра інформаційних технологій та програмних систем,
54003, Миколаїв, вул. 68 Десантників, 10,
тел/phone +38 0512 366578, e-mail: kb@kma.mk.ua
V.J. Kutkovetskyy
Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
10, 68-Desantnykiv Street, Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine
The law of electromagnetic induction.
Mathematical models of the electromagnetic induction law
which do not take into account Faraday’s restrictions are not in
full accordance with the physical phenomenon and so they are
not laws. Their incomplete correspondence with real devices
results in such "paradoxes" as unlimited magnetic field of unipolar generators, infinite sizes of inductors for DC and AC machines modeled, and so on.
Key words – the laws of electromagnetic induction, Faraday,
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Поступила (received) 26.03.2014
Милых Владимир Иванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Полякова Наталия Владимировна1, ассистент,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076514, e-mail: mvikpi@kpi.kharkov.ua
V.I. Milykh1, N.V. Polyakova1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Numerical field estimation of turbogenerator stator winding
shortening efficiency.
On the basis of numerical calculations of rotating magnetic
field, a turbogenerator is evaluated for cases of a shortened stator winding and a diametric one. The parameters compared are
the shape and harmonic composition of the winding EMF, the
alternating component of the magnetic field on the rotor surface,
and the electromagnetic torque ripple.
Key words – numerical-field method, turbogenerator, stator
winding, shortening, time functions, electromotive force,
alternating magnetic field on the rotor surface, electromagnetic torque ripple.
1. Правила устройства электроустановок / Мин-во топлива
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2. СТО 56947007-29.240.044-2010. Методические указания
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Enterprise Technologies, 2008, no.3/4 (33), pp. 54-57.
Поступила (received) 12.04.2014
Нижевский Илья Викторович1, инженер,
Нижевский Виктор Ильич1, доц., к.т.н.,
Шишигин Сергей Леонидович2, проф., д.т.н.,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076977, e-mail: nivich1@mail.ru,
2 Вологодский государственный университет,
160000, Россия, Вологда, ул. Галкинская, 3,
тел/phone +7 8172 725093
I.V. Nizhevskyi1, V.I. Nizhevskyi1, S.L. Shishigin2
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Vologda State University
3, Galkinskaya Str., Vologda, 160000, Russia
Research on electric potentials alignment on the ground
surface within the grounding conductor territory.
Results of research on distribution of electric potentials on the
earth surface in the territory with a grounding conductor are
analyzed. It is shown that potential over the center of a square
grounding conductor can be higher than that over the electrode.
It is suggested to estimate the limit size of the cell of a complex
net grounding conductor depending on the depth of its laying. It
is found that a two-level design of the grounding conductor reduces touch voltage. Novelty of the results consists in application of a mathematical model to investigating electric characteristics of a two-level grounding conductor versus its laying depth.
Key words – research, grounding device, square grounding
conductor, complex net grounding conductor, touch voltage,
1. Рудаков
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4. Гребенников И.Ю., Гунько В.И., Дмитришин А.Я.,
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5. Гребенников И.Ю., Гунько В.И., Дмитришин А.Я.,
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REFERENCES: 1. Rudakov V.V. Condition and development tendencies of high-voltage pulse capacitors. Visnyk NTU "KhPІ" – Bulletin of
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I.G., Onishchenko L.I., Feshchuk T.A. Research resource dependencies
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Elektrotekhnika – Electrical Engineering, 2006, no.6, pp. 36-41.
Поступила (received) 12.12.2013
Гунько Виктор Иванович1, зав. сектором,
Дмитришин Алексей Ярославович1, м.н.с.,
Онищенко Лидия Ивановна1, зав. сектором,
Перекупка Инна Андреевна1, инж.-констр. I кат.,
Топоров Сергей Олегович1, вед. инженер,
1 Институт импульсных процессов и технологий
НАН Украины,
54018, Николаев, пр. Октябрьский, 43-А,
тел/phone +38 0512 587136, e-mail: dphc@iipt.com.ua
V.I. Gun’ko1, A.Ya. Dmitrishin1, L.I. Onishchenko1,
I.A. Perekupka1, S.O. Toporov1
Institute of pulse processes and technologies of NAS of Ukraine
43-A, Zhovtnevy Avenue, Mykolayiv, 54018, Ukraine
Creation of high-voltage pulse capacitors on the basis
of a composite film dielectric.
Research into feasibility of designing high-voltage pulse capacitors based on composite film dielectric systems is presented.
Key words – high-voltage pulse capacitor, film dielectric
system, design elements.
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Поступила (received) 02.06.2014
Колиушко Георгий Михайлович1, к.т.н., с.н.с.,
Колиушко Денис Георгиевич1, к.т.н., с.н.с.,
Руденко Сергей Сергеевич1, аспирант, м.н.c.,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
e-mail: nio5_molniya@ukr.net
G.M. Koliushko1, D.G. Koliushko1, S.S. Rudenko1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
On the problem of increasing computation accuracy for rated parameters of active electrical installation ground grids.
In the paper, factors having effect on computation accuracy of
ground grid rated parameters are analyzed. Directions and techniques for increasing the rated parameter computation accuracy
are suggested. The techniques consist in improvement of both
experimental and computational stages of electromagnetic diagnostics of the ground system condition.
Key words – ground grid, mathematical model, three-layer
geoelectric structure.
1. Бажинов А.В., Батыгин Ю.В., Чаплыгин Е.А.
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2. Батыгин Ю.В., Лавинский В.И., Хименко Л.Т.
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3. Батыгин Ю.В., Лавинский В.И., Хименко Л.Т.
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[Experimental researches of mechanical processes formation and removal of hole in a steel sheet simulates the car body]. Avtomobil i elektronika. Sovremennye tehnologii. – Vehicle and Electronics. Innovative Technologies, 2013, no.4, pp. 129-134. Available at:
http://www.khadi.kharkov.ua/index.php?id=2118 (Accessed 27 March
Поступила (received) 27.03.2014
Бондаренко Александр Юрьевич1, к.т.н., доц.,
Финкельштейн Владимир Борисович2, д.т.н., проф.,
Степанов Александр Александрович3, к.ф-м.н., доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076052, e-mail: kafedraIEF@gmail.com,
2 Харьковский национальный университет
городского хозяйства им. А.Н. Бекетова,
61002, Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17,
тел/phone +38 057 7073316,
e-mail: barbashova1987@gmail.com,
3 Харьковский
национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 057 7073727, e-mail: aas_1945@mail.ru
A.Yu. Bondarenko1, V.B. Finkelshtein2, A.A. Stepanov3
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy
17, Marshala Bazhanova Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Experimental approbation of an electrodynamic direct
electric system for external automobile body repair.
The article presents results of experimental research on an electrodynamic system with direct current flow for external automobile body repair. A possibility of specifying the direction of
increasing magnetic pulse attraction force action efficiency is
shown. Operability of the external magnetic pulse flattening tool
introduced is shown.
Key words – external automobile body repair straightening,
direct current flow, magnetic pulse attraction.
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power filters. IEEE, Chile, 1994, no.5/94, pp. 894-900.
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7. Домнин И.Ф. Полупроводниковые компенсаторы
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M., Luis Morаn T. Analysis and evaluation of different modulation
techniques for active power filters. IEEE, Chile, 1994, no.5/94, pp. 894900. 5. Volkov A.V., Skalko Yu.S. Power losses in system "voltage
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O.V., Volkov V.O., Antonov M.L. Sposob vektornogo regulirovaniia
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Abstracts dr. techn. sci. diss.]. Kharkiv, 2008. 36 p.
Надійшла (received) 05.12.2013
Власенко Руслан Володимирович1, аспірант,
Бялобржеський Олексій Володимирович1, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Кременчуцький національний університет
ім. Михайла Остроградського,
39600, Полтавська обл., Кременчук, вул. Першотравнева,
тел/phone +38 066 7588712,
е-mail: vla-ruslan@yandex.ru, seemAl@kdu.edu.ua
R.V. Vlasenko1, O.V. Bialobrzeski1
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, 39600, Ukraine
A predictive control algorithm for an active three-phase
power filter.
The paper deals with grid connection circuits for active filters,
structures of active power filter control systems, and methods
based on full capacity components determination. The existing
structures of active power filter control and control algorithm
adjustment for valve commutation loss reduction are analyzed.
A predictive control algorithm for an active three-phase power
filter is introduced.
Key words – active power filter, predictive control, P-Q theory, reactive power compensation, modulation techniques.
1. http://www.electrolibrary.info/history/histroryakkumul.html.
2. Большой иллюстрированный словарь иностранных слов.
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4. Баранов М.И. Избранные вопросы электрофизики:
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5. Баранов М.И. Избранные вопросы электрофизики:
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Antologiia vydaiushchikhsia dostizhenii v nauke i tekhnike: Monografiia
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and tasks]. Kharkov, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2009. 384 p. 6. Available at:
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Zakony i formuly fiziki [Laws and formulas of physics]. Kiev, Naukova
http://www.rusactive.ru/history/oneinvention/accumulator (accessed 08
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August 2012). 10. Available at: http://ledbattery.blogspot.com/2011/08/
blog-post.html (accessed 11 August 2012). 11. Available at:
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Поступила (received) 31.08.2012
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., с.н.с.,
НИПКИ "Молния"
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya"
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine
An anthology of outstanding achievements in science
and technology. Part 22: Invention of electric energy
A brief essay on the history of inventing the main types of
accumulators that store and supply electric energy to consumers
is given.
Key words – history, invention, electric energy accumulators.
1. Bhushan B. Introduction to Tribology. Second Edition. John
Wiley & Sons, 2013. − 711 p.
2. Безпрозванних Г.В. Бойко А.М. Електростатичні
процеси в силових кабелях // Електротехніка і
електромеханіка. – 2013. − №4. − С. 27-31.
3. Безпрозванних Г.В., Бойко А.М. Експериментальне
визначення трибоелектричного потенціалу в неекранованих
та екранованих кабелях // Електротехніка і електромеханіка.
– 2012. − №3. – С. 56-60.
4. Безпрозванних Г.В. Бойко А.М. Трибоелектричний
ефект в електроізоляційних конструкціях // Тези доповідей
ХХ міжн.-практ. конф., Ч.2. 15-17 травня 2012 р., Харків,
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5. Бойко А.Н. Дрейф во времени емкости и тангенса угла
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Вестник НТУ "ХПИ". – 2009. – №27. – С. 16-24.
7. Безпрозванних Г.В., Бойко А.М. Патент України на
корисну модель №83470. Спосіб визначення старіння
полімерної ізоляції екранованого багатожильного кабелю
UA MПК (2013.01) G01B 1/00 H01B 9/00 H01B 11/00. Публ.
10.09.2013, бюл. №17.
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G.V., Boyko A.M. Electrostatic processes in power cables. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2013, no.4, pp. 27-31. 3. Bezprozvannych G.V., Boyko A.M.
Experimental determination of triboelectric potential in unshielded and
shielded network cables. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2012, no.3, pp. 56-60. 4. Bezprozvannych G.V. Boyko A.M. Triboelectric effect in electrical design.
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Boyko A.N. Drift in time capacity and dielectric loss tangent of unshielded and shielded network cables. Visnyk NTU "KhPІ" – Bulletin of
NTU "KhPІ", 2013, no.42(948), pp. 65-68. 6. Besprozvannykh A.V.
Thermo-triboelectric potential to assess aging polymeric insulation.
Visnyk NTU "KhPІ" – Bulletin of NTU "KhPІ", 2009, no.27(948), pp.
16-24. 7. Bezprozvannych G.V., A.M. Boyko Sposіb viznachennia
starіnnia polіmernoї іzoliatsії ekranovanogo bagatozhil'nogo kabeliu
[Method of determining the aging of polymeric insulation shielded multicore cable]. Patent UA, no.83470, 2013.
Поступила (received) 21.07.2014
Беспрозванных Анна Викторовна1, д.т.н., проф.,
Бойко Антон Николаевич1, аспирант,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: bezprozvannych@kpi.kharkov.ua
A.V. Bezprozvannych1, A.N. Boyko1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Contact potential difference as a measure of power cable
polymer insulation aging.
The paper shows dynamics of changing contact potential difference
in power cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation in the
initial state and after additional thermal-radiation aging. The cable
metal elements grounding is proposed to do before measurements
in order to reduce the degree of surface charges action. It is experimentally revealed that the contact potential difference is a sensitive indicator of polymer insulation aging (oxidation) processes.
Key words – contact potential difference, power cables,
thermal-radiation aging, surface charges, polymer insulation
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Поступила (received) 14.07.2014
Беспрозванных Анна Викторовна1, д.т.н., проф.,
Кессаев Александр Геннадиевич1, аспирант,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: bezprozvannych@kpi.kharkov.ua
A.V. Bezprozvannych1, A.G. Kyessaeyv1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Computing experiments for calculation of electrostatic
axisymmetric field in piecewise-homogeneous insulation
with spherical inclusions.
Calculations of electrostatic axisymmetric field are made with
application of solution to Fredholm integral equation of the first
and the second kinds in a piecewise homogeneous isotropic
linear polymeric insulation. On the basis of numerical experiments via a Matlab-based program, influence of the number of
nodes on the numerical solution accuracy is analysed and the
order of the resolving system of linear algebraic equations within small distances between spherical inclusions is validated.
Key words – electrostatic axisymmetric field, computing
experiment, spherical inclusions, linear algebraic equations,
numerical solution accuracy.
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Боев Вячеслав Михайлович, д.т.н., проф.,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076961
V.M. Boev
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Electromagnetic field of a cable with a two-layer shield.
The paper presents electromagnetic field calculations for a coaxial
cable with a double-layer shield. To describe the conductivity and
permeability, discontinuous functions are applied, which makes it
possible to solve the problem regarding the whole space containing the cable as a simply connected domain.
Key words – electromagnetic field, coaxial cable, discontinuous
1. Walls W.A., Weldon W.F., Pratap S.P. et al. Application of
electromagnetic guns to future naval platforms // IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. – 1999. – Vol.35. – №1. – pp. 262-267.
2. Chemerys V.T., Bolyukh V.F., Mashtalir V.V. The project
analysis of induction thruster parameters for the field mortaring
// Сучасні інформаційні технології у сфері безпеки та
оборони. – 2010. – №1(7). – С. 22-28.
3. Туманов И.Е. Параметрический электромагнитный
возбудитель низкочастотных механических колебаний для
систем контроля, измерения и дозирования массы
многофракционных жидких продуктов // Электротехника. –
2013. – №8. – С. 48-52.
4. Bolyukh, V.F., Vinnichenko A.I. Concept of an inductiondynamic catapult for a ballistic laser gravimeter // Measurement
Techniques. – Vol.56. – Issue 10. – pp. 1098-1104.
5. Болюх В.Ф., Марков А.М., Лучук В.Ф., Щукин И.С.
Устройство защиты компьютерной информации от
несанкционированного доступа на основе индукционнодинамического
електромеханіка. – 2008. – №2. – С. 5-10.
6. Bissal A., Magnusson J., Engdahl G. Comparison of two
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– 2012. – Vol.48. – №11. – pp. 3315-3318.
7. Bissal A., Magnusson J., Salinas E. et al. On the design of
ultra-fast electromechanical actuators: a comprehensive multiphysical simulation model // 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF). – 19-21
June 2012. – pp. 1-4.
8. Косцов Э.Г. Микроэлектромеханический ускоритель
твердотельных объектов // Автометрия. – 2012. – Т.48. –
№4. – С. 93-103.
9. Reck B. First design study of an electrical catapult for unmanned air vehicles in the several hundred kilogram range // IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics. – 2003. – Vol.39. – №1. – pp. 310-313.
10. Bolyukh V.F., Luchuk V.F., Rassokha M.A., Shchukin I.S.
High-efficiency impact electromechanical converter // Russian
electrical engineering. – 2011. – Vol.82. – №2. – pp. 104 -110.
11. Чемерис
ускоритель макротел: поиск технических решений //
Артиллерийское и стрелковое вооружение. – 2011. – № 3(40).
– С. 45-56.
12. Болюх В.Ф., Олексенко С.В., Щукин И.С. Влияние
параметров ферромагнитного сердечника на эффективность
индукционно-динамического двигателя // Електротехніка і
електромеханіка. – 2012. – №6. – С. 20-27.
13. Bolyukh V.F., Oleksenko S.V., Katkov I.I. The use of fast
cryogenic cooling and ferromagnetic core greatly increases efficiency of a linear induction-dynamic converter // Proceedings of
the 13th cryogenics 2014 IIR international conference. – Praha,
Czech Republic. – 7-11 April, 2014. – Paper ID: 012. – pp. 268-
REFERENCES: 1. Walls W.A., Weldon W.F., Pratap S.P. et al. Application of electromagnetic guns to future naval platforms. IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics, 1999, vol.35, no.1, pp. 262-267. 2. Chemerys V.T., Bolyukh
V.F., Mashtalir V.V. The project analysis of induction thruster parameters
for the field mortaring. Suchasni informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi u sferi bezpeky
ta oborony – Modern information technologies in the field of security and
defense, 2010, no.1(7), pp. 22-28. 3. Tumanov I.E. Parametric electromagnetic exciter low frequency mechanical vibrations for monitoring, measuring and dispensing multifractional liquid products mass. Electrical engineering, 2013, no.8, pp. 48-52. 4. Bolyukh V.F., Vinnichenko A.I. Concept of an induction-dynamic catapult for a ballistic laser gravimeter.
Measurement Techniques, 2014, vol.56, no.10, pp. 1098-1104. 5. Bolyukh
V.F., Markov A.M., Luchuk V. F., Shchukin I.S. Device for computer
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Luchuk V.F., Rassokha M.A., Shchukin I.S. High-efficiency impact electromechanical converter. Russian electrical engineering, 2011, vol.82,
no.2, pp. 104-110. 11. Chemeris V.T. Multistage induction accelerator
macrobodies: technical solutions. Artilleriiskoe i strelkovoe vooruzhenie –
Artillery and small arms, 2011, no.3(40), pp. 45-56. 12. Bolyukh V.F.,
Oleksenko S.V., Shchukin I.S. Influence of ferromagnetic core parameters
on induction-type dynamic motor efficiency. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2012, no.6,
pp. 20-27. 13. Bolyukh V.F., Oleksenko S.V., Katkov I.I. The use of fast
cryogenic cooling and ferromagnetic core greatly increases efficiency of a
linear induction-dynamic converter. Proceedings of the 13th cryogenics
2014 IIR int. conf. Praha, Czech Republic, 7-11 April, 2014, Paper ID:
012, pp. 268-275.
Поступила (received) 15.05.2014
Болюх Владимир Федорович1, д.т.н, проф.,
Олексенко Сергей Владимирович1, аспирант,
Щукин Игорь Сергеевич1,2, к.т.н, доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427, e-mail: bolukh@kpi.kharkov.ua
2 ООО Фирма "ТЭТРА, Ltd",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427, e-mail: tech@tetra.kharkiv.com.ua
V.F. Bolyukh1, S.V. Oleksenko1, I.S. Schukin1,2
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Firm Tetra, LTD
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Experimental study of ferromagnetic core parameters
influence on electromechanical characteristics of a linear
induction-dynamic converter.
Experimental studies of ferromagnetic core parameters action on
electromechanical characteristics of a linear induction-dynamic
converter are conducted. An experimental installation is designed and built to determine the converter electromechanical
parameters during its operation. A ferromagnetic core with four
radial slots made allows regulating the height of the base and the
outer shell. The core geometric parameters providing the highest
speed of the armature are specified. Under certain parameters,
the ferromagnetic core increases the converter efficiency up to
50%. The experimental results confirm the analytical studies
within 6 % error.
Key words – linear induction-dynamic converter, core,
experimental studies, electromechanical characteristics.
1. Черняев В.И. Вибромолоты и вибропогружатели с
виброударостойкими электродвигателями // Исследование
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статей. Под ред. Головачева А.С. – М.: Транспорт, 1968. –
С. 5-15.
2. Голенков Г.М., Бондар Р.П., Макогон С.А., Богаєнко
М.В., Попков В.С. Моделювання роботи електричного
вібратора з коаксіально-лінійним індукційним двигуном
електродинаміка. – 2007. – №2. – С. 54-59.
3. A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto. Synthesis of a tubular
linear IPM motor. COMPEL, Int. J. Comput. Math. Elect. Electron. Eng., 2001, vol.20, no.3, pp. 777-795.
4. N. Bianchi, S. Bolognani, D. Corte, F. Tonel. Tubular Linear
Permanent Magnet Motors: An Overall Comparison. IEEE Trans.
on Ind. Applicat., March/April 2003, vol.39, no.2, pp. 466-475.
5. Бондар
коаксіально-лінійного синхронного вібратора установки для
безтраншейної проходки горизонтальних свердловин //
Технічна електродинаміка. – 2008. – №2. – С. 31-35.
6. Бондар Р.П., Голенков Г.М., Подольцев О.Д. Розрахунок
робочих характеристик лінійного двигуна зворотнопоступального руху в пакеті Matlab/Simulink //
Електротехніка і електромеханіка. – 2010. – №4. – С. 13-17.
7. Бондар Р.П., Голенков Г.М., Литвин О.Ю., Подольцев О.
Д. Моделювання енергетичних характеристик вібратора з
лінійним електричним приводом // Електромеханічні і
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G.M., Bondar R.P., Makogon S.A., Bogaenko M.V., Popkov V.S. Modeling of work of the electric vibrator with tubular linear induction motor at
various laws of regulation. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika – Technical electrodynamics, 2007, no.2, pp. 54-59. 3. A. Canova, G. Gruosso, M. Repetto.
Synthesis of a tubular linear IPM motor. COMPEL-Int. J. Comput. Math.
Elect. Electron. Eng., 2001, vol.20, no.3, pp. 777-795. 4. N. Bianchi, S.
Bolognani, D. Corte, F. Tonel. Tubular Linear Permanent Magnet Motors:
An Overall Comparison. IEEE Trans. on Ind. Applicat., March/April 2003,
vol.39, no.2, , pp. 466-475. 5. Bondar R.P. Electromechanical characteristics of tubular linear synchronous vibrator of trenchless pipelayer.
Tekhnichna elektrodynamika – Technical electrodynamics, 2008, no.2, pp.
31-35. 6. Bondar R.P., Golenkov G.M., Podoltsev A.D. Modeling of characteristics of alternating motion linear motor in Simulink/Matlab software
package. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering &
electromechanics, 2010, no.4, pp. 13-17. 7. Bondar R.P., Golenkov G.M.,
Lytvyn A.Yu., Podoltsev A.D. Modelling of power characteristics of the
vibrator with a linear electric drive. Electromechanichni i energozberigayuchi systemy – Electromechanical and energy saving systems, 2013,
no.2(22), pp. 66-74.
Надійшла (received) 07.03.2016
Бондар Роман Петрович, к.т.н., доц.,
Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури,
03680, Київ, пр. Повітрофлотський, 31,
тел/phone +38 044 2415510, e-mail: rpbondar@gmail.com
R.P. Bondar
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv-37, 03680 Ukraine
Power characteristics of a vibrator with a linear
nonsalient-pole armature motor drive.
A vibrator with a linear reciprocating motor drive is studied. On
the basis of the mathematical model developed, equations of
power characteristics of the vibrator with a linear nonsalientpole armature motor drive are obtained. Comparative calculations of the power characteristics by means of the analytical
model obtained and a Simulink-model with FEM-specified parameters are carried out.
Key words – linear motor drive, power characteristics, vibrator.
1. Бондаренко
преобразователь для контроля диаметра и удельного
цилиндрических изделий в полях различной ориентации //
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2. Себко В.П., Юданова Н.Н., Ноздрачева Е.Л., Жаркова О.С.
электромагнитных преобразователей. – Х.: НТУ "ХПИ", 2004.
– 72 с.
3. Егоров А.В., Поляков В.В., Иваков С.В. Измерительновычислительный комплекс для определения удельной
электропроводности и магнитной проницаемости методом
вихревых токов // Ползуновский вестник. – 2010. – №2. – С.
4. Беспрозванных А.В., Набока Б.Г. Математические
конструкций. – Х.: НТУ "ХПИ", 2012. – 108 c.
REFERENCES: 1. Bondarenko V.E. Beskontaktnyj vihretokovyj
preobrazovatel' dlja kontrolja diametra i udel'nogo elektricheskogo
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Judanova N.N., Nozdracheva E.L., Zharkova O.S. Raschet parametricheskogo i transformatornogo elektromagnitnyh preobrazovatelej [Calculation of parametric and transformer electromagnetic converters]. Kharkov, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2004. 72 p. 3. Egorov A.V.,
Poljakov V.V., Ivakov S.V. Izmeritel'no-vychislitel'nyj kompleks dlja
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metodom vihrevyh tokov [Metrical and calculative complex for determination specific conductivity and magnetic permeability by eddycurrent method]. Polzunovskij vestnik – The Polzunov Bulletin, 2010,
no.2. pp. 129-132. 4. Besprozvannyh A.V., Naboka B.G. Matematicheskie modeli i metody rascheta jelektroizoljacionnyh konstrukcij
[Mathematical models and methods of calculation electrical insulation
constructions]. Kharkov, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2012. 108 p.
Поступила (received) 16.05.2014
Костюков Иван Александрович, аспирант,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт"
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: Kostiukow.Ivan@yandex.ru
I.A. Kostiukov
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Research on added inductance and resistance during spiral
ferromagnetic wire scanning with magnetic field
of a parametric eddy-current sensor.
Criteria for estimation of added inductance and resistance during
spiral ferromagnetic wire scanning of single-core power cable
armour by means of a parametric electromagnetic converter are
proposed. Research into variation of the introduced criteria in the
frequency range from 100 Hz up to 100 kHz for different wire
spiral steps is done. Possibility of using coils as sensors for determination armour step influence on power losses caused by eddycurrents and circulating currents in power cable line is shown.
Key words – power cable, spiral wire, armour, axial magnetic
permeability, eddy-current sensor.
1. Дмітрієва В.Ф. Фізика: Навчальний посібник. – К.:
Техніка, 2008. – 648 с.
2. Козлов С.В.. Может ли КПД быть больше единицы?
Електронний ресурс http://www.ecoteplo.ru/mozhet-li-kpd/.
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– М.-Л.: Изд. АН СССР, 1946. – 258 с.
4. Парсел Э. Электричество и магнетизм. – М.: Наука,
1975. – 440 с.
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[Physics: Tutorial]. Kyiv, Tehnika Publ., 2008. 648 p. 2. Kozlov S.V.
Mozhet li KPD byt' bol'she edinitsy? (Can efficiency be greater than
one?) Available at: http://www.ecoteplo.ru/mozhet-li-kpd/ (accessed 13
January 2014). 3. Mitkevich V.F. Magnitniy potok i ego preobrazovaniya [Magnetic flux and its conversion]. Moscow-Leningrad, Acad. of Sci.
USSR Publ., 1946. 258 p. 4. Parcel E. Electrichestvo i magnetism [Electricity and Magnetism]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1975. 440 p.
Надійшла (received) 15.02.2014
Кутковецький Валентин Якович, д.т.н., проф.,
Чорноморський державний університет їм. Петра Могили,
54003, Миколаїв, вул. 68 Десантників, 10,
тел/phone +38 0512 366578, e-mail: kb@kma.mk.ua
V.J. Kutkovetskyy
Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
10, 68-Desantnykiv Street, Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine
The phenomenon of instant potential energy transmission
between electrical circuits and networks.
Transmission of accumulated potential electromagnetic energy
between closed circuits can be performed instantly without both
its value variation and the equivalent work execution. As a result, a closed circuit or a separated system can obtain free energy from other circuits or systems.
Key words – phenomenon, potential electromagnetic energy
transmission, Faraday, Maxwell, Kirchhoff.
1. Ходасевич А.Г, Ходасевич Т.И. Справочник по
устройству и ремонту электронных приборов автомобилей.
– М: Антелком, 2004. – 244 с.
2. Тюнин Н.А., Родин А.В. Электроника в автомобиле. –
М.: Солон-пресс, 2012. – 128 с.
3. Нейман Л.Р., Демирчян К.С. Теоретические основы
электротехники. В 2-х т. – Л.: Энергоиздат, 1981. – 536 с.
REFERENCES: 1. Khodasevich A.G., Khodasevich T.I. Spravochnik
po ustroistvu i remontu elektronnykh priborov avtomobilei [Reference
book on the device and repair of electronic devices of cars]. Moscow,
Antelcom Publ., 2004. 244 p. 2. Tyunin N.A., Rodin A.V. Elektronika
v avtomobile [Electronics in the car]. Moscow, Solon-press Publ., 2012.
– 128 p. 3. Neumann L.R., Demirchyan K.S. Teoreticheskie osnovy
elektrotekhniki. V 2-kh t. [Theoretical bases of electrical engineering. In
2 vols.]. Leningrad, Energoizdat Publ., 1981. 536 p.
Поступила (received) 28.05.2014
Лавриненко Ольга Валериевна, преподаватель-стажер,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076961, e-mail: lavrinenko_olya@mail.ru
O.V. Lavrinenko
National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Research on transients and choice of optimum parameters
of switching elements for an electromagnetic valve control
for combustion engine exhaust sampling.
The article introduces a classical-method-based analysis procedure for transients in the control cascade of an electromagnetic
valve for combustion engine exhaust sampling. Analytical expressions for currents and voltage on the cascade basic elements
are obtained to allow specifying the optimal parameters of these
elements in terms of speed and reliability.
Key words – combustion engine exhaust, electromagnetic
valve, oscillatory transitional process.
1. Петрушин В.С., Рябинин С.В., Якимец А.М.
автоматизированного привода. Вестник Харьковск. гос.
политехн. ун-та. – 1999. – Вып. 61. – С. 196-197.
2. Петрушин В.С. Приведенные затраты асинхронных
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Guide for the design and performance of cage induction motors specifically designed for converter supply.
Поступила (received) 06.07.2014
Петрушин Виктор Сергеевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Еноктаев Ростислав Николаевич1, магистрант,
1 Одесский национальный политехнический университет,
65044, Одесса, пр. Шевченко, 1,
тел/phone +380 048 7058494,
e-mail: victor_petrushin@ukr.net, rostik-enok@inbox.ru
V.S. Petrushin1, R.N. Jenoktajev1
Оdessa National Polytechnic University
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine
Design range criteria in designing of controlled
asynchronous motors.
The paper presents automated optimization designing of regulated induction motors accomplished for a variety of design problems under two range criteria. Design tasks involve consideration of both static and dynamic modes. Dependence of change in
the motors variable parameters on the criterion chosen and the
designing objectives is determined.
Key words – controlled induction motor, design range
criteria, automated optimization designing.
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Поступила (received) 14.04.2014
Батыгин Юрий Викторович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Чаплыгин Евгений Александрович1, к.т.н., доцент,
Шиндерук Светлана Александровна1, аспирант,
1 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 057 7073653, e-mail: batygin48@mail.ru; chaplygin_e_a@mail.ru; svetlana11177@rambler.ru
Yu.V. Batygin1, E.A. Chaplygin1, S.A. Shinderuk1
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine
Experimental study of processes in an attractive-screen inductor system under additional coil insertion.
The article is devoted to experimental investigations of action of
an additional coil inserted inside an inductor system with an
attractive screen on induced current distribution in the workpiece and to determination of the coefficient of the solenoid
winding current transformation.
Key words – inductor system, additional coil, attractive
screen, inductor, electromagnetic process.
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Поступила (received) 30.05.2014
Ставинский Андрей Андреевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Пальчиков Олег Олегович1, аспирант,
1 Национальный университет кораблестроения
имени адмирала Макарова,
54025, Николаев, пр. Героев Cталинграда, 9,
тел/phone +38 0512 399453, e-mail: ole2013hulk@yandex.ua
National University of Shipbuilding named after admiral Makarov
9, Ave. Geroyev Stalingrada, Mykolaiv, 54025, Ukraine
Application of a relative technical level index method
to induction motor optimization problems.
On the basis of a method of relative technical level indices with
relative geometric controlled variables, analytical expressions
are derived to determine the optimum geometric dimensions of
the squirrel-cage induction motor active part under criteria of the
weight and the cost minimums. Comparative analysis of the
mentioned indices for the conventional and the inverted stator
and rotor designs is performed.
Key words – technical level indices, optimum geometric
dimensions, conventional and inverted rotors.
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Поступила (received) 14.07.2014
Жемеров Георгий Георгиевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Лобач Игорь Олегович1,
1 Национальный
технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076312,
e-mail: zhemerov@gmail.com, i.o.lobach@yandex.ua
G.G. Zhemerov1, I.O. Lobach1
National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Energy loss reduction in Smart Grid utilities for account
of transition from single-phase to three-phase power
distribution systems.
Analytical dependences of such efficiency indices as energy loss
power and copper consumption under transition from single-phase
power distribution systems to three-phase ones are obtained.
Key words – energy loss, copper consumption, power
distribution system, Smart Grid.
1. Бауман В.А., Быховский И.И. Вибрационные машины и
процессы в строительстве. Учебное пособие для студентов
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Строительные машины и монтажное оборудование:
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Поступила (received) 20.10.2014
Голенков Геннадий Михайлович1, к.т.н., доц.,
Аббасян Мохсен Алиакбарович1, аспирант,
1 Киевский национальный университет
строительства и архитектуры,
03680, Киев, Воздухофлотский проспект, 31,
тел/phone +38 044 2415565,
e-mail: bohdant@gmail.com, mohsen12849@yahoo.com
G.M. Golenkov1, M.A. Abbasian1
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv-037, 03680 Ukraine
Modeling of operation of coaxial-linear motors with axial
and radial directions of magnetization of permanent magnets in dynamic mode.
Theoretical and experimental investigations of the amplitude,
phase and inertia-power frequency characteristics of two types of
coaxial-linear electric motors of back-and-forth motion with permanent magnets, which magnetization vector is directed axially
and radially relative to the axis of the runner are carried out. The
comparative analysis of characteristics of these motors is presented.
Key words – coaxial-linear motor, permanent magnets, modeling, experimental investigations, amplitude, phase and
inertia-power frequency characteristics.
1. Бондар Р.П., Чеботарун І.С., Подольцев О.Д.
Моделювання динамічних характеристик нелінійної
коливальної системи із магнітною пружиною. Частина 1 //
Електротехніка і електромеханіка. – 2014. – №2. – С. 18-20.
REFERENCES: 1. Bondar R.P., Chebotarun I.S., Podoltsev A.D.
Modeling of dynamic characteristics of a nonlinear oscillatory system
with a magnetic spring. Part 1. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka –
Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2014, no.2, pp. 18-20.
Поступила (received) 08.09.2014.
Байда Евгений Иванович, к.т.н., доц.,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076976, e-mail: baida_kpi@mail.ru
E.I. Baida
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Some features of dynamic characteristics of bumpers
with permanent magnets.
This article describes the features of the dynamics of the bumper
with permanent magnets. Pictures of the magnetic field in 3D
are presented, transients are calculated. It is shown that operation of this system depends on the parameters of the magnets,
body weight, amplitude, shape and frequency of oscillations. It
is shown that operation of the system mainly depends on the
damping force, which must be considerable. It is shown that the
bumpers, built on the basis of permanent magnets with radial
magnetization, require forced stabilization in the radial direction
regardless of their number and spatial distribution.
Key words – dynamics of the bumper with permanent
magnets, magnets with radial magnetization.
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Поступила (received) 31.08.2012
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., с.н.с.,
НИПКИ "Молния"
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya"
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine
An anthology of the distinguished achievements in a science
and technique. Part 23: Invention of microscope and study
of microscopic world.
A short essay is resulted from world history of invention of microscopes. The basic types of microscopes are described; directions and some results of their application are indicated at the
study of microscopic world.
Key words – history, invention of microscope.
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2. Безпрозванних Г.В., Бойко А.М. Електростатичні
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processes in power cables. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2013, no.4, pp. 27-31. 3. Besprozvannykh A.V. Thermo-triboelectric potential to assess aging polymeric insulation. Visnyk NTU "KhPІ" – Bulletin of NTU "KhPІ", 2009,
no.27, pp. 16-24. 4. Bezprozvannych G.V., Boyko A.M. Experimental
determination of triboelectric potential in unshielded and shielded network cables. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2012, no.3, pp. 56-60. 5. Boyko A.N. Drift in
time capacity and dielectric loss tangent of unshielded and shielded
network cables. Visnyk NTU "KhPІ" – Bulletin of NTU "KhPІ", 2013,
no.42, pp. 65-68. 6. Bezprozvannych G.V., Boyko A.M. Sposіb
viznachennia starіnnia polіmernoї іzoliatsії ekranovanogo bagatozhil'nogo kabeliu [Method of determining the aging of polymeric insulation shielded multicore cable]. Patent UA, no.83470, 2013. 7. Bezprozvannych A.V., Boyko A.N. Contact potential difference as a measure
of power cable polymer insulation aging. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2014, no.5, pp. 6266. 8. Avila S.M., Horvath D.A. Microscopic void detection as a prelude
to predicting remaining life in electric cable insulation. International
Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human-Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2000). Washington, DC, November, 2000. p. 8. 9. Johnson J. Thermal agitation of electricity in conductors. Physics Review, 1928, vol.32, p. 97.
Поступила (received) 21.10.2014
Беспрозванных Анна Викторовна1, д.т.н., проф.,
Бойко Антон Николаевич1, аспирант,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: bezprozvannych@kpi.kharkov.ua
A.V. Bezprozvannych1, A.N. Boyko1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Substantiation and guaranteeing of technological
parameters of triboelectrical method of monitoring
of cables with polymer insulation.
The results of measurements of the contact potential difference
of not shielded and shielded samples of cables with twisted pair
without shielded chamber, inside a shielded non-grounded and
grounded camera are presented. Inspections carrying out in a
grounded chamber are more effective in the case of shielded
cables. It is shown that utilization of an electrostatic voltmeter
with higher sensitivity in comparison with digital voltmeter
leads to registration as individual own internal noises of the
cable as external ones. The coefficients of correlation between
the results of measurements of the contact potential difference of
the power cable by electrostatic voltmeter and by digital
multimeter are determined.
Key words – contact potential difference, triboelectrical
method, cables, polymer insulation, shielded test chamber,
electrostatic voltmeter, digital voltmeter.
1. Техніка і електрофізика високих напруг / за ред. В.О.
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електродинаміка. – 2011. – №4. – С. 12-19.
3. Беспрозванных А.В. Сильное электрическое поле и
частичные разряды в многожильных кабелях // Технічна
електродинаміка. – 2010. – №1. – С. 23-29.
4. Колечицкий
Электричество. - 1972. - №7. – С. 57-61.
5. Тозони О.В. Метод вторичных источников в
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6. Набока Б.Г. Расчеты электростатических полей в
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7. Беспрозванных А.В., Кессаев А.Г. Вычислительные
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A.V. High electric field and partial discharges in bundled cables.
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Kyessaeyv A.G. Computing experiments for calculation of electrostatic
axisymmetric field in piecewise-homogeneous insulation with spherical
inclusions. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering
& electromechanics, 2014, no.5, pp. 67-72.
Поступила (received) 20.10.2014
Беспрозванных Анна Викторовна1, д.т.н., проф.,
Кессаев Александр Геннадиевич1, аспирант,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: bezprozvannych@kpi.kharkov.ua
A.V. Bezprozvannych1, A.G. Kyessaeyv1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Analysis of field structure and justification of voltages of
diagnostics by partial discharges of shielded twisted pairs
An analysis of the electrostatic field of a cable twisted shielded
pair for various types of test voltage: symmetric bipolar, unipolar and asymmetric is carried out. Voltage selection affects the
location of the most probable place of arising of the partial discharges, phase characteristics of which are used for technical
diagnostics of insulation.
Key words – partial discharge, electrostatic field, twisted
shielded pair, test voltage, symmetric bipolar, unipolar and
asymmetric, selective diagnostics.
1. Данько В.Г., Полянська І.С., Гончаров Є.В.
Використання високотемпературної надпровідності в
електроенергетичному обладнанні: монографія. – Х.:
НТМТ, 2011. – 248 с.
2. Данько В.Г., Гончаров Е.В. Расчет параметров
индуктивного ограничителя тока короткого замыкания со
сверхпроводящим экраном // Электротехника. – 2013. – №9. –
C. 10-13.
3. Janowski T., Kozak S., Kondratowicz-Kucewicz B. Analysis of transformer type superconducting fault current limiters //
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity. – 2004. –
vol.17. – №2. – pp. 1778-1780.
REFERENCES: 1. Dan'ko V.G., Polyanska I.S., Goncharov E.V. Vykorystannia vysokotemperaturnoi nadprovidnosti v elektroenerhetychnomu
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in electric power equipment: monograph]. Kharkiv, NTMT Publ., 2011.
248 p. 2. Dan'ko V.G., Goncharov E.V. Calculating of parameters of an
inductive short-circuit current limiter with a superconducting shield. Elektrotekhnіka – Electrical engineering, 2013, no.9, pp. 10-13. 3. Janowski
T., Kozak S., Kondratowicz-Kucewicz B. Analysis of transformer type
superconducting fault current limiters. IEEE Transactions on Applied
Superconductivity, 2004, vol.17, no.2, pp. 1778-1780.
Поступила (received) 10.09.2014
Данько Володимир Григорович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Гончаров Євген Вікторович1, м.н.с.,
1 Національний технічний університет
"Харківський політехнічний інститут",
61002, Харків, вул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427,
e-mail: vdankog@gmail.com, jay1981@rambler.ru
V.G. Dan'ko1, E.V. Goncharov1
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Features of operation of a superconducting current limiter
at the sudden short circuit.
In the article the fault current limiter of inductive type with hightemperature superconducting coil and screen is considered. Main
features of transient at occurrence of short circuit are analyzed.
Key words – coil, high-temperature superconducting,
magnetic permeability.
1. Holbach J., Rodriguez J., Wester C., Baigent D., Frisk L.,
Kunsman S., Hossenlopp L. Status on the first IEC61850 based
protection and control, multi-vendor project in the United States.
Power systems conference: advanced metering, protection, control, communication, and distributed resources. Clemson, South
Carolina, USA, 13-16 March 2007, pp. 254-277. Available at:
df (accessed 11 September 2009).
2. Dogger G., Tennese G., Kakoske D., MacDonald E. Designing a new IEC 61850 substation architecture. Available at:
61850_substation_architecture.pdf (accessed 20 May 2010).
3. Caetano C., Pernes M. Introducing IEC61850 in distribution
substations. Substation automation systems. Power-Grid Europe,
transmission and distribution industry conference and exhibition. Madrid, Spain, 26-28 June 2007. Available at:
0in%20portugal.pdf (accessed 20 July 2008).
4. Bautista Flores J., Garcia-Colon V.R., Melendez Roman
C.G., Robles Ramirez E., Rasgado Casique J.P. First multivendor 400 kV transmission line protection scheme using an IEC
61850-9-2 digital network for optical CT's and protection relays.
CIGRE Session. Paris, France, 26-31 August, 2012. Available
at: http://www.cigre.org/content/download/16982/680406/ version/2/file/B3_111_2012.pdf (accessed 20 March 2013).
5. Орнатский П.П. Автоматические измерения и приборы
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контроля и учёта электроэнергии и мощности. Основные
нормируемые метрологические характеристики. Общие
требования. Москва, ОАО АО ВНИИЭ, 1997. – 15 с.
7. Черемисин М.М., Зубко В.М. Автоматизация объектов
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8. Гриб О.Г, Праховник А.В., Тесик Ю.Ф., Жаркін А.Ф.,
Новський В.О., Калінчик В.П., Карасінський О.Л.,
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REFERENCES: 1. Holbach J., Rodriguez J., Wester C., Baigent D., Frisk
L., Kunsman S., Hossenlopp L. Status on the first IEC61850 based protection and control, multi-vendor project in the United States. Power systems
conference: advanced metering, protection, control, communication, and
distributed resources. Clemson, South Carolina, USA, 13-16 March 2007,
pp. 254-277. Available at: https://www.gedigitalenergy.com/ smartgrid/Aug07/ EIC61850.pdf (accessed 11 September 2009). 2. Dogger G.,
Tennese G., Kakoske D., MacDonald E. Designing a new IEC 61850
substation architecture. Available at: http://www.cooperindustries.com/
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May 2010). 3. Caetano C., Pernes M. Introducing IEC61850 in distribution
substations. Substation automation systems. Power-Grid Europe, transmission and distribution industry conference and exhibition. Madrid, Spain,
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A.V., Tesik Y.F., Zharkin A.F., Novskiy V.O., Kalinchik V.P., Karasinskiy O.L., Dovgalyuk O.M., Lazurenko O.P., Hodakivskiy A.M., Vasilchenko V.I., Svetelik O.D. Avtomatyzovani systemy obliku ta jakosti
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2012. 516 p.
Надійшла (received) 11.11.2014
Васильченко Володимир Іванович1, начальник Управління
технічних засобів керування,
Гриб Олег Герасимович2, д.т.н., проф.,
Лелека Олексій Вікторович1, провідний інженер сектору
розвитку автоматизованих систем,
Гапон Дмитро Анатолійович2, к.т.н.,
Ієрусалімова Тетяна Сергіївна2, асистент,
ДП "НЕК "Укренерго",
01032, Київ, вул. С. Петлюри, 25,
тел/phone +38 044 2383015, е-mail: kanc@nec.energy.gov.ua
2 Національний технічний університет
"Харківський політехнічний інститут",
61002, Харків, вул. Фрунзе, 21,
e-mail: ierusalimovat@mail.ru
V.I. Vasilchenko1, O.G. Gryb2, O.V. Leleka1, D.A. Gapon2,
T.S. Ierusalimova2
NPC "Ukrenergo"
25, Symona Petliury Str, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Digital substation component system "Smart Grid".
New production technologies of modern control systems have
moved from the stage of research and experimentation into the stage
of practical use. Modern communication standards for the exchange
of information are developed and introduced. Digital devices, protectors and automation are widely used. There has been substantial
development of hardware and software of control systems.
Key words – digital substation system, electricity, Smart
Grid, automation.
1. Кристофидес Н. Теория графов. Алгоритмический
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Поступила (received) 25.09.2014
Иванов Виталий Геннадьевич, к.т.н.,
Институт химических технологий
Восточноукраинского национального университета
им. Владимира Даля,
93009, Луганская обл., Рубежное, ул. Ленина, 31,
тел/phone +38 06453 50156, e-mail: vetgen@e-mail.ua
V.G. Ivanov
Chemical Technology Institute of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian
National University
31, Lenin Str., Rubizhne, Lugansk region, 93009, Ukraine
Planar schemes tracing in the single-layer channel.
An algorithm for planar circuits tracing in a single layer channel,
allowing more effective design solutions is proposed.
Key words – tracing algorithm, planar circuit in a single layer channel.
1. Barrett J.S., Anders G.J. Circulating current and hysteresis
losses in screens, sheaths and armour of electric power cables –
mathematical models and comparison with IEC Standard 287.
IEEE, vol.144, no.3, May 1997, pp. 101-110.
2. Palmgren D., Karlstrand J., Henning J. Armour loss in threecore submarine XLPE cables. Int. conf. on insulated power cables. 19-23 June 2011. Conference publications.
3. Гурин А.Г., Щебенюк Л.А. Визначення навантажувальної
здатності силових кабелів. – X.: НТУ "ХПИ", 2013. – 136 с.
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5. Карпушенко В.П., Щебенюк Л.А., Антонець Ю.О.,
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6. Себко В.П., Юданова Н.Н., Ноздрачева Е.Л., Жаркова О.С.
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2000. 376 p. 6. Sebko V.P., Yudanova N.N., Nozdracheva E.L., Zharkova O.S. Raschet parametricheskogo i transformatornogo elektromagnitnyh preobrazovatelej [Calculation of parametric and transformer electromagnetic converters]. Kharkov, NTU "KhPI" Publ., 2004. 72 p. 7.
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2005. 304 p.
Поступила (received) 10.07.2014
Костюков Иван Александрович, аспирант,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: Kostiukow.Ivan@yandex.ru
I.A. Kostiukov
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Experimental determination of longitudinal component
of magnetic flux in ferromagnetic wire of single-core power
cable armour.
A problem of determination of effective longitudinal magnetic
permeability of single core power cable armour is defined.
A technique for experimental determination of longitudinal
component of magnetic flux in armour spiral ferromagnetic wire
is proposed.
Key words – eddy current, mutual inductance, longitudinal
magnetic flux, power cable armour.
1. Родькин Д.И. Комментарий к теории энергопроцессов с
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2. Жемеров Г.Г., Ильина О.В. Теория мощности Фризе и
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Надійшла (received) 30.06.2014
Ковальова Юлія Вікторівна, аспірантка,
Харківський національний університет міського
господарства ім. О.М. Бекетова,
61002, Харків, вул. Революції, 12,
тел/phone: +38 066 2220558, e-mail: kvn.kharkov@mail.ru
J.V. Kovalova
O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy
12, Revolution Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Reactive current of an induction electric drives
with thyristor voltage regulator.
A model for a separation of reactive constituent from current of
idling of an induction motor at its feed from a thyristor voltage regulator in the dependences on the control angle of thyristors is developed. As a result of modeling, dependence of relative reactive current which is approximated by formula for calculation of effective
current of reactive constituent of nonsinusoidal current is obtained.
Key words – thyristor regulator, induction motor, heating
nonsinusoidal current.
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Надійшла (received) 25.09.2014
Лущик В’ячеслав Данилович, д.т.н., проф.,
Національний університет біоресурсів
і природокористування України,
03041, Київ, вул. Героїв Оборони, 12, корпус 8,
тел/phone +38 099 7654495, e-mail: V.D.Luschik@yandex.ua
V.D. Lushchik
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
12, Heroyiv Oborony Str., Build 8, Kiev, 03041, Ukraine
Valve induction generators of radial excitation
with combined windings.
The design and principle of operation of inductor generators
with combined windings are described. The theoretical substantiation of advantages of considered generators is presented. The
data of experimental investigations of generators with combined
windings and, for comparison, generators, which are made in
series are presented.
Key words – type of generators, combined winding, magnetic
circuit, experimental research.
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Надійшла (received) 26.06.2014
Лущик В’ячеслав Данилович, д.т.н., проф.,
Національний університет біоресурсів
і природокористування України,
03041, Київ, вул. Героїв Оборони, 12, корпус 8,
тел/phone +38 099 7654495, e-mail: V.D.Luschik@yandex.ua
V.D. Lushchik
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
12, Heroyiv Oborony Str., Build 8, Kiev, 03041, Ukraine
Magnetic field in a gap of electromechanical disintegrators.
The magnetic field created in an air gap of electromechanical
disintegrators as a result of actions of two opposite running
magnetic fields is considered. It is shown that motionless pulsing fields are as a result formed, which can be formed in much
simpler and more effective way.
Key words – air gap, magnetic field, winding, electromechanical disintegrator.
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Поступила (received) 22.09.2014
Загірняк Михайло Васильович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Ромашихіна Жанна Іванівна1, здобувач,
Калінов Андрій Петрович1, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Кременчуцький національний університет
ім. Михайла Остроградського,
39600, Полтавська обл., Кременчук, вул. Першотравнева, 20,
тел/phone +38 098 2645258,
e-mail: mzagirn@kdu.edu.ua, romashihina_zhanna@mail.ru,
M.V. Zagirnyak1, Zh.I. Romashykhina1, A.P. Kalinov1
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, 39600, Ukraine
The diagnostics of induction motors rotor bar breaks based
on the analysis of electromotive force in the stator windings.
A method for diagnostics of the induction motor rotor bar
breaks, based on the wavelet-analysis of the electromotive force
induced in the stator windings in the rundown mode is developed. A method for decomposition of the electromotive force of
the stator winding phase to the electromotive force signals of the
active sides of winding coils using Z-transformation theory is
developed. The effectiveness of the proposed diagnostic method
was experimentally confirmed.
Кey words – induction motor, broken rotor bars, disconnecting the motor from the network electromotive force, Ztransformation.
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Афанасов Андрей Михайлович, д.т.н., доц.,
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железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна,
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Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport
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Increase of energy efficiency of testing of traction electric
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The results of the analysis of the effect of the load current of
traction electric machines when tested for heating on the total
electricity consumption for the test are presented. It is shown
that increase of load current at the heating test permits to significantly reduce the consumption of electrical energy, and reduce
the testing time without reducing its quality. References 4, tables
4, figures 3.
Key words: electric traction machine, test for heat, energy
efficiency, load current, electric energy consumption.
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Поступила (received) 31.08.2012
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., с.н.с.,
НИПКИ "Молния"
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya"
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
An anthology of the distinguished achievements in a science
and technique. Part 24: Subjugation of earthly dry land and
world ocean.
A short essay of world history of subjugation and study by humanity of earthly continental dry land and enormous marine
spaces of Earth is presented. References 15, figures 11.
Key words: history, subjugation, earthly dry land, world
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Поступила (received) 21.11.2014
Баранов Михаил Иванович1, д.т.н., с.н.с.,
Колиушко Георгий Михайлович1, к.т.н., с.н.с.,
Кравченко Владимир Иванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Рудаков Сергей Валерьевич2, к.т.н., доц.,
1 НИПКИ "Молния",
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
2 Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины,
61023, Харьков, ул. Чернышевского, 94,
тел/phone +38 057 7073438, e-mail: serg_73@i.ua
M.I. Baranov1, G.M. Koliushko1, V.I. Kravchenko1, S.V. Rudakov2
1 Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya",
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
2 National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine,
94, Chernyshevska Str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine.
A powerful high-voltage generator of aperiodic impulses
of current of artificial lightning with the peak-temporal
parameters rated on an International Standard
IEC 62305-1-2010.
Created in accordance with the requirements of international
standard of IEC 62305-1-2010 powerful high-voltage generator,
forming on the low-resistance actively-inductive loading the
aperiodic impulses of current of artificial lightning of the rationed temporal form 10 μs/350 μs and amplitudes of
±(100−200) кА with a foregoing standard by admittances set is
presented and described. The results of practical approbation in
the laboratory terms of this generator at the in-use electric loading with active resistance of 0.1 Ohm and inductance of 1,5 μH
are presented. References 14, figures 8.
Key words: generator of aperiodic impulses of current of
artificial lightning, powerful capacity store of energy,
low-resistance electric loading.
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5. Bolyukh V.F., Dovbnya A.M., Stakhovsky O.V., Kosoy
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Elektrotekhnika i elektromekhanika – Electrical engineering &
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Надійшла (received) 30.10.2014
Сакун Олександр Валерійович1, к.б.н., с.н.с.,
Болюх Володимир Федорович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Месенко Олександр Петрович2,
Коритченко Костянтин Володимирович1, д.т.н., с.н.с.
1 Національний технічний університет
"Харківський політехнічний інститут",
61002, Харків, вул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076816, e-mail: bolukh@kpi.kharkov.ua,
2 Управління державної охорони України,
01024, Київ, вул. Богомольця, 8,
тел/phone +38 044 2536659, e-mail: info@do.gov.ua
O.V. Sakun1, V.F. Bolyukh1, О.P. Mesenko2, K.V. Korytchenko1
1 National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 State Guard Department of Ukraine,
8, Bohomoltsia Str., Kyiv, 01024, Ukraine.
Сonditions investigations of induction of the "steady" plasma ring in the electrodynamic accelerator.
The numerical investigation of conditions of the "steady"
plasma ring induction in the electrodynamic accelerator was
made. The influence of a ring resistance on transition of the
ring to "steady" state was determined. The dependence of the
coefficient of electrical energy conversion into magnetic field
energy on the number of inductor turns and the initial velocity
of the ring was found out. The technical requirements to the
electrodynamic accelerator by which possible the formation of
"steady" plasma ring was obtained. References 8, figures 9.
Key words: fireball, electrodynamic accelerator, plasma ring.
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Поступила (received) 09.10.2014.
Хлопенко Николай Яковлевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Гаврилов Сергей Алексеевич1, к.т.н.,
Хлопенко Иван Николаевич1, студент,
1 Национальный университет кораблестроения
имени адмирала Макарова,
54021, Николаев, просп. Ленина, 3,
тел/phone +38 0512 709100,
e-mail: iv_n@mksat.net, sergey.gavrilov81@gmail.com
N.J. Khlopenko1, S.A. Gavrilov1, I.N. Khlopenko1
1 Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding,
3, Lenina Ave., Nikolaev, 54021, Ukraine.
Stabilization of parameters of asynchronous electric drive
with vector control.
A problem of stabilization of parameters of the asynchronous
electric drive vector control system is considered. Usually such
systems have two control channels. The synthesis of stabilizing
controllers is made for every control channel. The evaluation of
variables of system status is made by observer. The problem of
stabilizing controllers and observer synthesis consists in calculation of state feedback intensification. Its solution is based on
existing approaches form vector control theories, matrix inequalities and Lyapunov stability. Several synthesis methods of
stabilizing controllers have been proposed. Structural scheme
of vector control system and observer has been built. The simulation of transient processes in the vector control system is
carried out with MATLAB computing environment. The most
important property of obtained solution is Lyapunov stability of
control loops closed-looped by state vectors. Transient processes have been investigated on the particular example.
Graphs confirming stability of such processes that flow in the
vector control system in minimal period of time have been plotted down. References 11, figures 2.
Кey words: electric drive, vector control, stabilizing controller.
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15. Mykolay Kostin. Statistics and probability analysis of voltage on the pantograph of DC electric locomotive in the recuperation mode. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2013, no.2a, pp. 273275.
Поступила (received) 02.12.2014
Костин Николай Александрович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Шейкина Ольга Григорьевна1, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Днепропетровский национальный университет
железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна,
49010, Днепропетровск, ул. Лазаряна, 2,
тел/phone +38 056 3731537, e-mail: shog73@mail.ru
N.A. Kostin1, O.G. Sheikina1
1 Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport
named after academician V. Lazaryan,
2, Lazaryan Str., Dnipropetrovsk, 49010, Ukraine.
Non-canonical spectral decomposition of random functions
of the traction voltage and current in electric transportation
The paper proposes the non-canonical spectral decomposition
of random functions of the traction voltages and currents. This
decomposition is adapted for the electric transportation systems.
The numerical representation is carried out for the random
function of voltage on the pantograph of electric locomotives
VL8 and DE1. References 15, table 1, figures 3.
Key words: current, voltage, random, electric transportation
systems, decomposition of value.
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Надійшла (received) 25.09.2014
Кутковецький Валентин Якович, д.т.н., проф.,
Чорноморський державний університет ім. Петра Могили,
54003, Миколаїв, вул. 68 Десантників, 10,
тел/phone +38 0512 366578, e-mail: kb@kma.mk.ua
V.J. Kutkovetskyy
Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University,
10, 68-Desantnykiv Street, Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine.
Physic basis of electromagnetic induction low.
The statement on the macro level of EMF dependence on change
in magnetic flux in time wrong reflects the physical phenomenon
of electromagnetic induction low by Faraday, because EMF can
be inducted if the magnetic flux of the circuit does not change.
Changing magnetic flux of the circuit when the electromotive
force arises is only a result of crossing the magnetic field lines
by conductor and is an exception, which applies only to certain
classes of electric machines. References 11, figures 11.
Key words: electromagnetic induction low, Faraday,
Maxwell, phenomenon.
1. Радимов И.Н., Рымша В.В., Чан Тхи Тху Хыонг,
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2. Мальований О.Є., Радимов І.М., Римша В.В.,
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3. Available at: https://www.jmag-international.com (accessed
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4. Krishnan R. Permanent magnet synchronous and brushless
DC motor drives, CRC Press, 2010. 611 p. doi:
Поступила (received) 14.10.2014
Матющенко Александр Владимирович, аспирант,
Одесский национальный политехнический университет,
65044, Одесса, пр. Шевченко, 1,
тел/phone +38 097 3730502, e-mail: sparkam@rambler.ru
A.V. Matyuschenko
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Str., Odessa, 65044, Ukraine.
Mathematical field models of brushless DC motors
with permanent magnets and their comparative analysis.
By means of JMAG-Designer 12 the author performed a comparative analysis of the calculation of the EMF, cogging torque
and electromagnetic torque of brushless motor with permanent
magnets in two-dimensional and three-dimensional formulation
of the problem. References 4, table 1, figures 13.
Key words: brushless DC motor, cogging torque, slot skew,
FEM, magnetic field, electric circuit, EMF.
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3. Vladimirov I.G., Kurdjukov A.R, Semyonov A.V. Statespace solution to anisotropy-based stochastic H–optimization
problem // Proc. 13th IFAC World Congress. San-Francisco
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4. Semyonov A.V., Vladimirov I.G., Kurdjukov A.P. Stochastic approach to H–optimization // Proc. 33rd IEEE Conf. on
Decision and Control. Florida (USA). – 1994. – pp 2249-2250.
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11. Gazi V., Passino K.M. Swarm Stability and Optimization.
Springer, 2011. 318 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-18041-5.
Поступила (received) 20.11.2014
Никитина Татьяна Борисовна, д.т.н., проф.,
Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 050 5766900, е-mail: tatjana55555@gmail.com
T.B. Nikitina
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Multiobjective synthesis of robust control by multimass
electromechanical systems based on stochastic multi-agent
A method for solving the problem of multiobjective optimization of
multimass electromechanical systems is developed, based on multi-agent stochastic particle swarm optimization, which can significantly reduce the time for solving the problem and meet the diverse requirements that apply to the operation of multimass electromechanical servo systems in different modes. The results of
comparisons of the dynamic characteristics of the electromechanical servo system synthesized with anisotropic regulators and
types of regulators are presented. References 11, figures 2.
Key words: multimass electromechanical system, robust
control, multiobjective synthesis, stochastic multiagent
1. Никитина Т.Б. Многокритериальный синтез робастного
управления многомассовыми системами. – Харьков:
ХНАДУ, 2013. – 432 с.
2. Semyonov A.V., Vladimirov I.G., Kurdjukov A.P. Stochastic approach to H–optimization // Proc. 33rd IEEE Conf. on
Decision and Control. Florida (USA). – 1994. – pp 2249-2250.
3. Diamond P., Vladimirov I.G., Kurdjukov A.P., Semyonov
A.V. Anisotropy-based performance analysis of linear discrete
time invariant control systems // International Journal of Control. – 2001. – vol. 74. – iss. 1. – pp. 28-42.
4. Vladimirov I.G., Kurdjukov A.R, Semyonov A.V. Statespace solution to anisotropy-based stochastic H–optimization
problem // Proc. 13th IFAC World Congress. San-Francisco
(USA). – 1996. – pp. 427-432.
5. Воронин
динамических систем. – К.: Наукова думка, 1992. – 160 с.
6. Clerc M. Particle Swarm Optimization. – London: ISTE Ltd,
2006. – 244 p.
7. Gazi V., Passino K.M. Swarm Stability and Optimization. –
Springer, 2011. – 318 p.
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Поступила (received) 20.11.2014
Никитина Татьяна Борисовна, д.т.н., проф.,
Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 050 5766900, е-mail: tatjana55555@gmail.com
T.B. Nikitina
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Multiobjective synthesis of robust control by multimass
electromechanical systems based on Pareto-optimal solution.
A multiobjective method of synthesis of robust control of multi-
mass electromechanical systems based on the construction of the
Pareto-optimal solution is improved. A Pareto-optimal solution
based on a stochastic multi-agent particles swarm optimization,
which can significantly reduce the time for solving the problem
and meet the diverse requirements that apply to the work of multimass electromechanical servo systems in different modes is
founded. The results of comparisons of the dynamic characteristics of the electromechanical servo system with synthesized robust
regulators are presented. References 12, figures 4.
Key words: multimass electromechanical system, robust
control, multiobjective synthesis, Pareto-optimal solution.
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Поступила (received) 23.10.2014
Плюгин Владислав Евгеньевич, к.т.н., доц.,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 099 2130748, e-mail: vlad.plyugin@gmail.com
V.E. Pliugin
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
An object-oriented field model of electromechanical
transformers of energy.
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table 1, figures 3.
Key words: object-oriented analysis, class, structure,
Maxwell equations, electric machine, mathematical
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Levin Michael I.1, P. Engineer,
Пентегов Игорь Владимирович2, д.т.н., проф., в.н.с.,
Рымар Сергей Владимирович2, д.т.н., с.н.с., в.н.с.,
Lavreniuk Andrii V.3, Ph. D., R&D Engineer,
1 67, Sunnycrest Rd., Toronto, Canada, M2R 1V4,
тел/phone +1 (416) 6677061,
e-mail: michael@mirusinternational.com
2 Институт электросварки им. Е.О. Патона НАН Украины,
03680, Киев-150, ул. Боженко, 11,
тел/phone +38 044 2061388,
e-mail: i.v.pentegov@gmail.com, elmag@paton.kiev.ua
3 MIRUS International Inc.,
31, Sun Pac Blvd., Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6S 5P6,
тел/phone +1 (905) 4941120,
e-mail: andrii@mirusinternational.com
M.I. Levin1, I.V. Pentegov2, S.V. Rymar2, A.V. Lavreniuk3
1 67, Sunnycrest Rd., Toronto, Canada, M2R 1V4.
2 Paton Electric Welding Institute of National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine,
11, Bozhenko Str., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine.
3 Mirus
International Inc.,
31, Sun Pac Blvd., Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6S 5P6.
New approaches at construction of magnetic conductors
for mains transformers.
It is carried out exploration and the assaying of new approaches
at construction of stacked laminated cores of mains transformers which consists in simultaneous application in a magnetic
conductor of the anisotropic and isotropic electric grade sheet,
allowing constructing transformers with the heightened efficiency and with smaller cost. References 3, tables 2, figures 7.
Key words: mains transformer, new laminated cores,
anisotropic steel, isotropic steel, losses in a magnetic
conductor, efficiency.
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Поступила (received) 05.12.2014
Батыгин Юрий Викторович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Чаплыгин Евгений Александрович1, к.т.н., доцент,
Шиндерук Светлана Александровна1, аспирант,
1 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 057 7073653, e-mail: batygin48@mail.ru; chaplygin_e_a@mail.ru; svetlana11177@rambler.ru
Yu.V. Batygin1, E.A. Chaplygin1, S.A. Shinderuk1
1 Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Calculation of fields and currents in the induction system
with the attractive screen and the additional coil as a tool for
the straightening.
In the idealization of the "limiting low" frequencies of acting
fields the calculated dependences for the density of the induced
currents and distributed force of the attractive in the induction
system with attractive screen and the external additional coil
which allow to evaluate the characteristics of flowing electrodynamics processes and make recommendations for the design of
the real tools for magnetic-pulse attractive of nonmagnetic thinwalled sheet metals are obtained. References 16, figure 1.
Key words: induction system, electromagnetic process, inductor, attractive screen, additional coil.
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Ставинский Андрей Андреевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
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1 Национальный университет кораблестроения
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Поступила (received) 20.12.2014
Байда Евгений Иванович, к.т.н., доц.,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076976, e-mail: baida_kpi@mail.ru
E.I. Baida
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
A refined mathematical model of multiphysics processes
for magnetic pulse treatment of materials.
Introduction. The complexity of the theoretical description of the
magnetic pulse treatment of the material is in the mutual coupled
processes of electromagnetic and thermal fields with plastic deformation of the material and processes in an electrical circuit.
The paper deals with the combined transient mathematical model
of the system of equations of the electromagnetic field, theory of
elasticity, thermal conductivity and electrical circuit. Purpose.
Research and testing of the developed mathematical model and
assess the impact of various parameters on the process of deformation of the work piece. Methodology. Investigation of nonlinear
mathematical model is carried out by the finite element method
using a special software package. Results. The resulting solution of
the transient mathematical model allows studying the influence of
parameters of the circuit, the speed and the characteristics of the
material to plastic deformation and heating of the work piece,
which allows to select the optimum process parameters. Originality. This is an integrated approach to the development of a mathematical model, which includes the electromagnetic field equations,
the theory of elasticity, thermal conductivity and electrical circuit
equations with a storage capacitor. Conclusions. A comprehensive
mathematical model and its solution are obtained. It is established
a small effect of heating temperature on the amount of strain. Currents caused by movement of the work piece must be taken into
account in the calculations. Inertial forces significantly affect the
nature of the deformation. During the deformation it is necessary
to consider the nonlinearity of elasticity modulus. Thermal deformation of the work piece is much less mechanical strain and opposite in sign to them, but the surface temperature stresses due to the
high temperature gradient equal to 20 % of the yield strength of the
work piece. References 10, figures 19.
Key words: magnetic pulse treatment, electromagnetic field,
mathematical model.
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Поступила (received) 05.10.2012
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., гл.н.с.,
НИПКИ "Молния"
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya"
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
An anthology of the distinguished achievements in science
and technique. Part 25: Openings in biology and genetics
of living organisms.
Purpose. Formulation in the compressed type of basic scientifically-historical information, touching the topics for all of humanity and biological science − geneticists taking into account
the known for today scientific achievements on the way of its
evolutional development is presented. Methodology. Scientific
methods of receipt and systematization of knowledges. Methods
of historical method at becoming and development of biological
science and genetics. Results. Short history of origin and becoming of classic genetics is described. The portraits of row of
domestic and foreign scientists, bringing in a prominent contribution to development of genetics as sciences are presented.
Short general biological bases of heredity are given for living
organisms. Information is resulted about basic modern fundamental achievements and scientific openings of humanity in area
of biology and genetics of living organisms. Originality. First by
a scientist-electro-physicist for the wide circle of readers the
simple and clear appearance is expound short basic scientific
information about genes, genome and difficult mechanisms of
transmission in the animal (vegetable) kingdom of the inherited
information. Practical value. System built scientific popularization of existent knowledges of humanity in area of such section
of biological science as genetics and expansion for the large
number of people of scientific range of interests about outward
us things and flowings in its difficult biological processes. References 14, figures 17.
Key words: history, scientific openings, biology, genetics.
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Поступила (received) 15.12.2014
Баранов Михаил Иванович1, д.т.н., гл.н.с.,
Рудаков Сергей Валерьевич2, к.т.н., доц.,
Цехмистро Валентин Леонтьевич1, техник,
1 НИПКИ «Молния»,
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
2 Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины,
61023, Харьков, ул. Чернышевского, 94,
тел/phone +38 057 7073438, e-mail: serg_73@i.ua
M.I. Baranov1, S.V. Rudakov2, V.L. Cekhmistro1
1 Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute "Molniya",
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
2 National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine,
94, Chernyshevska Str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine.
Three-electrode air switchboard with the graphite electrodes
of KATG-50 on voltage to ±50 kV and impulse current by
amplitude to ±220 kA.
Purpose. Development and creation of the simplified construction of a high-voltage heavy-current air three-electrode switchboard with graphite electrodes, intended for operation in composition the powerful generator of large impulsive current of
artificial of linear lightning. Methodology. Electrophysics bases
of technique of high-voltage and scientific and technical bases
of planning of devices of high-voltage impulsive technique. Results. Developed and made a new construction of a high-voltage
heavy-current air three-electrode switchboard with the graphite
electrodes of KATG-50 on nominal voltage ±50 kV. This construction of switchboard KATG-50 has been passed experimental approbation in composition the heavy-current bit chain
of powerful high-voltage generator of the аperiodic impulses of
current of artificial linear lightning rationed on operating foreign standards with amplitude of Im=±(200±20) кА at their duration τP=(350±35) μs at level 0,5∙Im. Originality. First in domestic practice of development and creation of high-voltage
heavy-current switchboards for the generators of large impulse
currents of artificial lightning the ground of necessity of the use
for their basic and managing electrodes of electrical engineering graphite is carried out. Practical value. The developed and
made high-voltage heavy-current switchboard of cascade-tray
KATG-50 from application in its composition of graphite electrodes possesses an enhanceable working resource and enhanceable stability of wearing-out at the use of similar switchboard in the bit chain of powerful pulsed current of the imitated
linear lightning. References 13, figures 3.
Key words: high-voltage heavy-current air three-electrode
switchboard, graphite basic and manager electrodes, generator of microsecond pulsed current of artificial of linear
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Поступила (received) 26.01.2015
Бржезицький Володимир Олександрович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Десятов Олег Михайлович1, асистент,
Козюра Володимир Володимирович1, здобувач,
1 Національний технічний університет України
«Київський політехнічний інститут»,
03056, Київ, пр. Перемоги, 37,
тел/phone +38 044 4068235,
e-mail: brzhezitsky@mail.ru; oleg_desyatov@ukr.net
V.O. Brzhezitsky1, O.M. Desjatov1, V.V. Kozyura1
1 National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic
37, Prospect Peremohy, Kyiv-56, 03056, Ukraine.
Limit solutions of equations of a DC high-voltage cascade
In the paper the issue of calculating the high voltage cascade
mode oscillator with a nonlinear load using the analytical method under different conditions of selection values of its components is presented. The peculiarity of the method of the study is
that during multivariate calculations output parameters load
generator remain unchanged. For high-voltage cascade direct
current power found conditions under which can be significantly
reduced high capacity capacitors cascade generator. The calculations show that acceptable for practical applications of highvoltage characteristics of cascade generators can be achieved
with substantial reduction of the volume of their constituents,
and thus substantial decline in their value. References 8, table 2,
figures 5.
Key words: cascade high-voltage source, an analytical method, amplitude of voltage pulsation, nonlinear loading,
thresholds container.
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Поступила (received) 13.01.2015
Гнатов Андрей Викторович, д.т.н., доц.,
1 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 057 7003852, e-mail: kalifus@yandex.ru
A.V. Gnatov
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
The excited loads of attraction in a symmetrical inductor
system for the magnetic pulse removing of the body car.
Recently, repair and recovery of vehicle body operations become more and more popular. A special place here is taken by
equipment that provides performance of given repair operations. The most interesting are methods for recovery of car body
panels that allow the straightening without disassembling of car
body panels and damaging of existing protective coating. Now,
there are several technologies for repair and recovery of car
body panels without their disassembly and dismantling. The
most perspective is magnetic-pulse technology of external noncontact straightening. Results. The calculation of excited loads
attractions in a symmetrical inductor system in the universal
tool of magnetic-pulse straightening is provided. According to
the obtained analytical dependence of the numerical evaluation
of volumetric construction diagrams, phase and amplitude of the
radial dependence of the spatial distribution of the excited efforts of attraction is obtained. The influence of the magnetic
properties of the blank screen and manifested in the appearance
of powerful magnetic attraction forces is determined. Originality. A new trend of research of magnetic-pulse working of thinwalled metals has been formulated and received further development, which allows to create not only new equipment, but
principally new technological processes of external non-contact
repair and recovery of vehicle body panels. Scientific basis of
electrodynamic and magnetic attraction of thin-walled sheet
metals with using the energy of high-power pulsed fields was
created for the first time and proved theoretically and experimentally. Scientific and technical solutions in design of effective
tools based on single-turn inductor systems of cylindrical geometry for straightening and recovery of car body panels were
formulated and proved theoretically, as well as experimentally.
Practical value. Using the results of the calculations we can
create effective tools for an external magnetic pulse straightening of car body panels. References 16, figures 5.
Key words: magnetic pulse straightening, excited loads,
magnetic attraction.
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generated by a circular arc current. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics, 2010, vol.4, no.6, pp. 275-282.
11. Comsol Multiphysics Modeling Guide. Version: COMSOL
3.5a. November, 2008.
Поступила (received) 09.12.2014
Гринченко Владимир Сергеевич1, к.т.н.,
Чунихин Константин Вадимович1,
1 Государственное учреждение «Институт технических
проблем магнетизма Национальной Академии Наук Украины»,
61106, Харьков, ул. Индустриальная, 19,
тел/phone: +38 066 489 44 99, e-mail: vsgrinchenko@gmail.com
V.S. Grinchenko1, K.V. Chunikhin1
1 State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems
of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine»,
19, Industrialna Str., Kharkiv, 61106, Ukraine.
Shielding of a uniform alternating magnetic field using
a circular passive loop.
The magnetic and electromagnetic shields are used to reduce
the magnetic field in local spaces. Usually these shields are
implemented in the form of a box or a cylinder. At the same time
the magnetic field reduction in local spaces by means of passive
loops is not considered in detail yet. So, the present study considers shielding capabilities of a circular passive loop. The authors have performed an analytical and numerical modeling of a
process of a uniform harmonic magnetic field shielding. The
simulated results permit to find out the spatial distribution of the
shielded magnetic field. Dependencies of shielding effectiveness
on the passive loop radius and cross-section are determined.
Moreover, the non-monotonic behavior of the loop radius dependence is shown. We have substantiated that the shielded
volume of a circular passive loop is advisable to limit by the
sphere with a half loop radius. Presented results give parameters of the circular passive loop that reduces the rms value of
the magnetic flux density by 30 %. References 11, figures 5.
Key words: circular passive loop, electromagnetic shielding,
analytical modeling, Comsol Multiphysics.
1. Active
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Поступила (received) 20.11.2014
Кузнецов Борис Иванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Никитина Татьяна Борисовна2, д.т.н., проф.,
Бовдуй Игорь Валентинович1, к.т.н., н.с.,
Волошко Александр Валерьевич1, к.т.н., н.с.,
Виниченко Елена Владимировна1, м.н.с.,
Котляров Денис Александрович1, аспирант,
1 Государственное учреждение «Институт технических
проблем магнетизма Национальной Академии Наук Украины»,
61106, Харьков, ул. Индустриальная, 19,
тел/phone +38 050 5766900, e-mail: bikuznetsov@mail.ru
2 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
е-mail: tatjana55555@gmail.com
B.I. Kuznetsov1, T.B. Nikitina2, I.V. Bovdyj1, A.V. Voloshko1,
E.V. Vinichenko1, D.A. Kotliarov1
1 State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems
of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine»,
19, Industrialna Str., Kharkiv, 61106, Ukraine.
2 Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Experimental research of the power frequency technogenic
magnetic field active screening in system with different
control algorithms and with a single coil.
Purpose. Development of methodology and experimental studies
of the layout of the active screening of technogenic power frequency magnetic fields with different control algorithms with a
single coil magnetic executive body. Methodology. In the course
of mathematical modeling to determine geometrical size of the
magnetic coil executive body based on the size of the protected
area, and the configuration of the coil magnetic executive body
is determined based on the required uniformity of the magnetic
field distribution in the protected area. Results. Experimental
studies of open, closed and combined systems of active screening of technogenic power frequency magnetic fields with a single coil magnetic executive body. Originality. For the first time
experimentally confirmed the possibility of reducing the level of
induction of man-made power frequency magnetic fields in a
given area 3-5 times with a single coil magnetic executive body..
The possibility of reducing the level of the magnetic field in a
limited area of the space by 15-20 times Practical value. On the
basis of the calculations the layout of active screening of technogenic power frequency magnetic fields with different control
algorithms with a single coil magnetic executive body has been
made. References 12, figures 10.
Key words: power frequency technogenic magnetic field,
active screening in system, single coil, control algorithms,
experimental investigations.
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Надійшла (received) 23.12.2014
Маляр Василь Сафронович1, д.т.н., професор,
Мадай Володимир Степанович1, к.т.н., доцент,
Добушовська Ірина Андріївна1,
1 Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»,
79013, Львів, вул. С. Бандери, 12,
тел/phone +38 032 2582119, e-mail: maday@polynet.lviv.ua
V.S. Malyar1, V.S. Maday1, I.A. Dobushovska1
1 Lviv Polytechnic National University,
12, S. Bandera Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine.
Dynamic regimes of asynchronous motors with concatenated
Purpose. Development of mathematical model for calculation of
starting modes of asynchronous motor connected in series with
capacitors. Method. Mathematical modeling of dynamic modes
of asynchronous motors with lateral capacitor compensation of
reactive power. Results. The calculation algorithm and results
of mathematic modeling of processes during starting modes of
asynchronous motor feeding from the network through capacitors connected in series are presented. It is shown that for some
values of capacitance the self-excitation processes and subharmonic oscillations can appear. Scientific novelty. Mathematic
modeling and research of processes in asynchronous motor
under its feeding through capacitors is carried out for the first
time. The calculation algorithm is based on the mathematical
model of asynchronous motor with high level of adequacy,
which takes into account the magnetic core saturation and the
current displacement in limbs of the rotor. Practical implication. Developed mathematical model makes it possible to investigate the possibility of self-excitation modes appearing in condition of their feeding from line with lateral compensation of
reactance in order to avoid the negative effects typical for them.
References 4, figure 1.
Key words: asynchronous motor, compensation of reactive
power, starting characteristics, resonance, capacitors,
subharmonіc oscillations.
1. Правила улаштування електроустановок. Розділ 1.
Загальні правила. Глава 1.7. Заземлення і захисні заходи від
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Поступила (received) 27.12.2014
Нижевский Илья Викторович1, инженер,
Нижевский Виктор Ильич1, доц., к.т.н.,
Иноятов Бехруз1, студент,
Насриддини Саид1, студент,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076977, e-mail: nivich1@mail.ru
I.V. Nizhevskyi1, V.I. Nizhevskyi1, B. Ynoyatov1, S. Nasryddyny1
1 National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Investigation and calculation of valleys of outgoing from
substation grounding conductors for short-circuit
in single-phase short of electrical grid.
Introduction. Earthing device electrical substation in modern conditions must meet both the requirements of electrical safety of people and animals, as well as electromagnetic compatibility requirements established her electrical equipment. These requirements are
intended to address issues of protection against surges and interference caused by lightning impulse currents and switching. Aim.
To investigate the distribution of single-phase short-circuit current
in the substation grounding devices. Task. On the basis of the proposed design scheme of substitution substation grounding device,
consisting of a substation earthing system and «cable-supported»
an algorithm for calculating the resistance of the grounding device
substation and distribution of single-phase short-circuit current on
the circuit elements. Method. Mathematical modeling and calculation engine. Results. On the basis of calculations and studies analyzed the current distribution of single-phase short-circuit between
the substation earthing system and earthing «rope-reliance». Studies carried out for the actual range of variation of the circuit parameters, showed that the earthing resistance substation substantially affects the current distribution in the one-phase short circuit
fault. For example, using the graph shows that with increasing
resistance grounding system of "rope-supported" the proportion of
single-phase short-circuit current flowing from the substation
earthing increases, while the proportion of single-phase shortcircuit current flowing from the grounding device supports decreases and vice versa. In addition, when rationing grounding
systems at substations for the touch voltage is necessary to analyze
all the possible modes of operation of the network, which is substationed. Conclusion. The results obtained are recommended to take
into account in the design of grounding systems at substations.
References 3, tables 1, figures 3.
Key words: substation, electrical safety, electromagnetic
compatibility, grounding device, equivalent circuit, singlephase short-circuit current, distribution, algorithm,
calculation, analysis, design.
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Поступила (received) 16.12.2014
Петков Александр Александрович, д.т.н., с.н.с.,
Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
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A.A. Petkov
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Forming capabilities of a pulse magnetic field generator.
Purpose. Determination of areas ratio of the parameters of
the discharge circuit elements of the generator, which ensure
the formation of magnetic field pulses of different shapes.
Methodology. Numerical simulation using dimensionless
variables that determine the nature of the transition process
in the discharge circuit of the generator, and use the procedure for determining the pulse points of meeting the conditions of extremum and the transition through zero. Results.
Obtained a description of the formation of the three specific
areas of waveforms: oscillatory weakly damped oscillatory
strongly damped and unipolar pulse with a monotonic rise
and fall values. A relation to the choice of parameters of elements of the discharge circuit of the generator, which formed
unipolar pulses with a monotonic rise and fall values. Originality. A completed and extended database that implements
the mapping of the formal description of the pulse shape with
a description of areas ratio parameters for high-voltage pulse
discharge circuit test units, with respect to the pulses of current flowing in the formation of the magnetic field. Practical
value. The relations obtained allow to select the parameters
of the discharge circuit elements of the generator designed to
generate test pulses of magnetic field. References 7, tables 1,
figures 3.
Key words: pulses generator, magnetic field, pulse form,
element parameters.
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Поступила (received) 21.01.2015
Петрушин Виктор Сергеевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Якимец Андрей Миронович1, к.т.н., доц.,
Еноктаев Ростислав Николаевич1, магистр,
1 Одесский национальный политехнический университет,
65044, Одесса, пр. Шевченко, 1,
тел/phone +38 048 7058494,
e-mail: victor_petrushin@ukr.net,
V.S. Petrushin1, A.M. Yakimets1, R.N. Jenoktajev1
1 Оdessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine.
Modeling controlled asynchronous electric drives with
matching reducers and transformers.
Purpose. Working out of mathematical models of the speedcontrolled induction electric drives ensuring joint consideration
of transformers, motors and loadings, and also matching reducers and transformers, both in static, and in dynamic regimes for
the analysis of their operating characteristics. Methodology. At
mathematical modelling are considered functional, mass, dimensional and cost indexes of reducers and transformers that
allows observing engineering and economic aspects of speedcontrolled induction electric drives. The mathematical models
used for examination of the transitive electromagnetic and electromechanical processes, are grounded on systems of nonlinear
differential equations with nonlinear coefficients (parameters of
equivalent circuits of motors), varying in each operating point,
including owing to appearances of saturation of magnetic system and current displacement in a winding of a rotor of an induction motor. For the purpose of raise of level of adequacy of
models a magnetic circuit iron, additional and mechanical losses are considered. Results. Modelling of the several speedcontrolled induction electric drives, different by components, but
working on a loading equal on character, magnitude and a demanded control range is executed. At use of characteristic families including mechanical, at various parameters of regulating
on which performances of the load mechanism are superimposed, the adjusting characteristics representing dependences of
a modification of electrical, energy and thermal magnitudes
from an angular speed of motors are gained. Originality. The
offered complex models of speed-controlled induction electric
drives with matching reducers and transformers, give the
chance to realize well-founded sampling of components of
drives. They also can be used as the design models by working
out of speed-controlled induction motors. Practical value. Operating characteristics of various speed-controlled induction
electric drives are observed and depending on the chosen measure including measure of cost of losses of active energy, sampling of the best alternative of the drive is realized. References
12, tables 2, figures 10.
Key words: induction electric drive, reducer, transformer, an
speed-controlled induction motor, adjusting characteristics,
dynamic models, thermal state, band measure, cost of losses,
well-founded sampling.
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Поступила (received) 10.03.2015
Розов Владимир Юрьевич1, д.т.н., чл.-корр. НАН Украины,
Завальный Александр Вячеславович2, к.т.н., доц.,
Золотов Сергей Михайлович2, к.т.н., доц.,
Грецких Светлана Владимировна1, м.н.с.,
1 Государственное учреждение «Институт технических
проблем магнетизма Национальной Академии Наук Украины»,
61106, Харьков, ул. Индустриальная, 19, а/с 72,
e-mail: gretskyh@gmail.com
2 Харьковский национальный университет городского
хозяйства им. А.Н. Бекетова,
61002, Харьков, ул. Революции, 12,
e-mail: Azavalniy@i.ua
V.Yu. Rozov1, A.V. Zavalnyi2, S.M. Zolotov2, S.V. Gretskikh1
1 State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems
of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine»,
19, Industrialna Str., Kharkiv, 61106, Ukraine.
2 O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Municipal
12, Revolution Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
The normalization methods of the static geomagnetic field
inside houses.
In the paper, we show the necessity of normalization of the static
geomagnetic field (GMF) inside high-rise frame-monolithic
houses to safe values (90% of the natural rate at least). Massive
ferromagnetic construction of these buildings significantly (up
to 50 %) weakens the natural GMF. The normalization methods
are based on mathematical modeling of GMF in a residential
area. Simplified physical models of reinforced concrete building
structures are developed and used. The results of experimental
studies are also used in the framework of the development of the
methods. The following methods of normalization of GMF are
presented and justified: 1) the use of special steel with a relative
permeability less than 70 in housing construction; 2) restrictions on the use of long steel elements with the elongation
coefficient in the critical range of 4<b<28; 3) demagnetization
of steel reinforcement before installing; 4) preventing the magnetization of steel reinforcement in the construction process.
Practical recommendations for the design of «magnetic clean»
houses with comfortable living conditions in connection to the
GMF are proposed. References 15, figures 8.
Key words: static magnetic field, reinforced concrete structures, normalization of the geomagnetic field in the premises.
1. Шевченко
совершенствования энергетической системы Украины //
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турбогенераторостроения // Енергетика та електрифікація. –
2012. – №10. – С. 33-39.
3. Кузьмин В.В., Шевченко В.В., Минко А.Н.
Оптимизация массогабаритных параметров неактивных
частей турбогенераторов. – Х.: Монограф, 2012. – 246 с.
4. Шевченко В.В., Минко А.Н. Развитие систем
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монография. – Х.: Изд-во Иванченко, 2013. – 242 с.
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6. William G. Moore. Inspection, repair and rewind experience
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conference on large high voltage electric systems, CIGRE. –
2010. – pp. 1-13.
1. Shevchenko V.V. Projections of improving the energy system
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2. Shevchenko V.V. The main objectives, challenges and directions of development of the domestic creation of turbogenerators. Enerhetyka ta elektryfikatsiia – Energetic and electrification, 2012, no.10, pp. 33-39. (Rus).
3. Kuzmin V.V., Shevchenko V.V., Minko A.N. Optimizacija
massogabaritnyh parametrov neaktivnyh chastej turbogeneratorov [Optimizing of weight and size parameters inactive parts of
turbogenerators]. Kharkov, Monograf Publ., 2012. 246 p. (Rus).
4. Shevchenko V.V., Minko A.N. Razvitie sistem ohlazhdenija i
optimizacija konstrukcij turbogeneratorov: monografija [Development of cooling systems and optimization of turbogenerators: a
monograph]. Kharkov, Ivanchenko Publ., 2013. 242 p. (Rus).
5. Available at: http://www.proatom.ru/modules.php?name=
News& file=article&sid=3701 (accessed 15 April 2014).
6. William G. Moore. Inspection, repair and rewind experience on
large, air-cooled, high voltage generators. International conference
on large high voltage electric systems, CIGRE, 2010, pp. 1-13.
Поступила (received) 01.12.2014
Шевченко Валентина Владимировна1, к.т.н., доц.,
Лизан Игорь Ярославович2, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
"Харьковский политехнический институт",
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076844, e-mail: zurbagan_@mail.ru,
2 Учебно-научный профессионально-педагогический
институт украинской инженерно-педагогической академии,
84500, Донецкая обл., Артемовск, ул. Артема, 5,
тел/phone +38 099 7649734, e-mail: mail-korpus1@yandex.ru
V.V. Shevchenko1, I.Y. Lizan2
1 National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 Educational-scientific professional pedagogics institute
of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
5, Artema Str., Artemovsk, Donetsk region, 84500, Ukraine.
A technical condition of turbogenerators for establishing
the necessary rehabilitation or replacement.
Purpose. Determine the parameters that allow the assessment of
electrical equipment (EE) with an increase the volume of aging
equipment in power plants to determine of his rehabilitation or
replacement. Determination is made the provided with the maximum operational reliability, high strength structural elements,
allowable temperature indicators, the introduction of possible
cooling systems and taking into account the modes of turbine
generators (TG) to maintain power system parameters. The
possibility of air-cooled turbine generators was determined in
the capacity of 200-300 MW. Methodology. The statistical dates
used about the technical condition of TG power plants of
Ukraine, cases of damage and its repair and maintenance. The
operational reliability, performance reliability, maintainability
and durability analyzed. Developed recommendations to reduce
the accident rate and increase the residual life of TG. The developed methods should provide the objective quantitative assessment of the residual life of electrical installations and provide the necessary frequency. It is necessary the sufficient number and volume of the repairs to establish, and the list of works
to reduce the degree of deterioration to determine. Results. The
modern trend of creating turbogenerators is under intensive
introduction of innovations. They are determined the developments in the industry create electric machines and the corresponding development of related industries. The opportunities
and challenges of increasing the unit power turbine generators
were considered. The assessment of the use technical diagnostics state of the most intense nodes and elements was proposed
in on-line modes. The positive aspects assessment of each area
was conducted. The disadvantages and limitations of the said
directions application the structures turbogenerators that must
be considered were indicated. It is noted that the maintaining
the voltage and frequency normative values in the electrical
grids, the balance of reactive and active energy, reactive current
compensation excesses having problems. The relation between
the turbogenerators modes and energy parameters of the power
system contains. It is noted that the change of modes power
systems affects directly to the stability of the turbine generator.
It is shown that the main problems in operating turbine generators include the development of forecasting indicators longevity
methods by using the continuous monitoring and the possibility
of further trouble-free operation evaluation. Originality. A comprehensive study of the residual life of the aging electrical
equipment, improve reliability by developing methods for predicting the durability performance of TG, continuous monitoring
and evaluation of the possibility of further trouble-free operation performed at first. The general trends in the development
creation of turbogenerators were defines: increasing unit capacity turbine generators, as the real direction of energy saving;
reducing the unit costs of materials, capital investment in the
construction of stations and reduce the cost of electricity. Invited the transition the hydrogen cooling to the air one to determine with increasing power turbine generators installed in size.
Practical value. The evaluation of the direction the creation of
TG for the changes in modes of power systems, the requirements
of the stability of the TG, ensuring a balance of active and reactive energy in a system carried out. Evaluation of operating
mode under excitation TG, TG proposed transfer of low power
mode synchronous condensers, replacement type installed generators (asynchronized TG) is made. It is noted that the change
of the operating mode leads to accelerated wear of serial TG,
which are not designed for such use. The methods of evaluation
of its technical condition, forecasting parameters of durability,
estimated residual life offered. References 6.
Key words: turbogenerator, electrical equipment, rehabilitation, operational reliability, durability, residual life, rehabilitation of equipment.
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Поступила (received) 10.12.2014
Батыгин Юрий Викторович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Чаплыгин Евгений Александрович1, к.т.н., доцент,
Шиндерук Светлана Александровна1, аспирант,
1 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 057 7073653, e-mail: batygin48@mail.ru; chaplygin_e_a@mail.ru; svetlana11177@rambler.ru
Yu.V. Batygin1, E.A. Chaplygin1, S.A. Shinderuk1
1 Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
An analysis of the electromagnetic processes in the inductor
system – tool of the straightening of car bodies.
Introduction. One of the promising directions of electromagnetic forming (EMF) is a contactless magnetic-pulse straightening
of the automobile bodies. The efficiency and the quality of the
straightening depend on design and operating principle of the
straightening tool. In the modern technique of EMF a large
number of the tools - inductor systems (IS) is used in different
configurations with uneven distribution forces on the treatment
object that in turn does not meet the needs of the effective process of straightening. There appears the urgent necessity to
create IS with high uniformity of the induced field and a high
concentration of attracting forces in the working area of the
tool. The most effective IS are the Inductor Systems with an At-
tracting Screen (ISAS). One of the most important considerations when choosing a particular design ISAS is the study of the
electrodynamics processes with definition of excited loads. The
nature and the course of the electrodynamics processes in accordance with design features determine the effectiveness and
the efficiency of the ISAS. Therefore, in ISAS an additional coil
for the concentration of the attracting forces in the working area
should be entered. Purpose. The numerical analysis of the induced fields and the currents in the experimental models of ISAS
with an additional coil was made. Methodology. In the idealization of the «extremely low» frequencies of existing fields, there
were received rated dependences for density of the induced currents and distributed attracting force in ISAS and the external
additional coil, through the use of the calculated model in the
cylindrical coordinate system. Results. Insertion of the additional coil placed over the accessory screen allows to concentrate and increase the amplitude of the attracting forces in the
central part of the working area of the inductor system. Practical value. 1. Numerical analysis of fields and currents in experimental models of Induction Systems with Attracting Screen
(ISAS) and additional coil, designed to align the metal coatings
of vehicles was made. 2. It is shown that if in ISAS they insert
additional coil placed over the accessory screen significantly
increases the amplitude of excited forces of attraction. 3. It is
shown that the parallel connection of the primary and additional
coils in ISAS allows to concentrate the forces of attraction in the
centre of the working area of the tool for straightening automobile bodies. References 10, table 1, figures 5
Key words: electromagnetic process, inductor, attracting
screen, additional coil, attracting forces.
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Надійшла (received) 27.01.2015
Слободенюк Дмитро Володимирович1, аспірант,
Бялобржеський Олексій Володимирович1,к.т.н., доц.,
1 Кременчуцький національний університет
ім. Михайла Остроградського,
39600, Полтавська обл., Кременчук, вул. Першотравнева, 20,
тел/phone +38 05366 30050,
e-mail: dv2907@mail.ru, seemal@kdu.edu.ua
D.V. Slobodeniuk1, O.V. Bialobrzeski1
1 Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University,
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, 39600,
The capacitive storage device in the circuit of synchronous
motor excitation for the field forcing and discharge.
Purpose. Development of circuitry and control system with capacitive storage device in the exciting circuit of the synchronous
motor for forcing and blacking out the field. Methodology.
Mathematical modeling of transient process in dynamic modes
in exciting coil of the synchronous motor with taking into consideration the flux linkage in the exciting circuit and analysis of
the received results, possible future researches in this field.
Results. This paper analyzes the existing loading patterns of
regulating exciting current of the synchronous motors. The authors study the issues of applying the storage device in the circuit coil and suggest the structure of the system of controlling
dynamic modes of exciting synchronous motor which allows
maintaining the specified synchronous motor exciting circuit
during a certain period of time due to the capacitor energy introduced into the exciting circuit by a transistor converter. A
mathematical model of the suggested device has been developed.
There have been received diagrams of the transient process by
modeling dynamic modes. Originality. The authors suggest the
system of exciting with the storage condenser to apply effectively
the compensative ability and enhance stability of the synchronous engine by regulating the exciting circuit in the dynamic
modes. Practical value. On the basis of the conducted investigations the device ensures two-way transmission of energy between the exciting coil and capacitor with high characteristics
of the circuit change speed which can provide sufficient characteristics for enhancing the automatic control system performance of exciting the synchronous motor is developed. References 8, figures 5.
Key words: synchronous motor, automatic control of exciting, relay control, transistor converter, storage condenser,
mathematical model.
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Поступила (received) 05.02.2015
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«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya»
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
An anthology of the distinguished achievements in science
and technique. Part 26: Three portraits of worldwide known
mathematicians of Kharkov region.
Purpose. Short description basic confessedly in the world of scientific achievements and vital fascinations of three prominent
mathematicians of modern Kharkov region − Academicians of
Pogorelov A.V., Marchenko V.A. and Sadovnichiy V.A. Methodology. Scientific methods of receipt, treatment and systematization
of mathematical knowledges. Methods of historical investigations
of development in human society of different sections of modern
mathematics. Results. Short information is resulted about basic
fundamental scientific achievements in the period of 20-21 centu-
ries of the mentioned worldwide known domestic scientistsmathematicians in area of geometry, mathematical physics, theory
of partial differential equations, operators, numerical mathematics, mathematical building of complicated processes and mathematical methods of treatment of information. These achievements
are considered as a background of past and modern development
of mathematical science state in Kharkov. Originality. For the
first time in the form of a short scientifically-historical essay by a
scientist-electrophysicist using accessible for the wide circle of
readers language is present important for a world association
scientific achievements in the complicated area of row of modern
sections of mathematics, being in basis of practically all of the
sciences known us. Practical value. Scientific popularization of
modern topical knowledges of humanity in the area of special
sections of mathematics, opening of role of personality in development of mathematical science and expansion for the large number of people of the scientific mathematical range of interests.
References 30, figures 14.
Key words: history, mathematics, Kharkov region,
distinguished scientific achievements.
1. IEC 62305-1: 2010 «Protection against lightning.− Part 1:
General principles».
2. IEC 62305-2: 2010 «Protection against lightning.− Part 2:
Risk management».
3. IEC 62305-3: 2010 «Protection against lightning.− Part 3:
Physical damage to structures and life hazard».
4. IEC 62305-4: 2010 «Protection against lightning.− Part 4:
Electrical and electronic systems within structures».
5. Национальный стандарт Российской Федерации ГОСТ Р
МЭК 62305-1-2010. «Менеджмент риска. Защита от молнии.
Часть 1: Общие принципы». − М.: Стандартинформ, 2011. −
46 с.
6. Deutsche Norm DIN EN 50164-1: 2008 (VDE 0185-2001).
Verbindungsbauteile. − 16 p.
7. Баранов М.И., Колиушко Г.М., Кравченко В.И., Рудаков
С.В. Мощный высоковольтный генератор апериодических
импульсов тока искусственной молнии с нормированными
по международному стандарту
IEC 62305-1-2010
амплитудно-временными параметрами // Електротехніка і
електромеханіка. − 2015. − №1. − С. 51-56.
8. Электротехнический справочник. Производство и
распределение электрической энергии. Том 3, кн. 1 / Под
ред. И.Н. Орлова и др. − М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1988. − 880 с.
9. Баранов М.И. Термическая стойкость неизолированных
проводов при прямом ударе молнии // Технічна
електродинаміка. − 1997. − №6. − С. 9-15.
10. Баранов М.И., Колиушко Г.М., Кравченко В.И.,
Недзельский О.С., Дныщенко В.Н. Генератор тока
искусственной молнии для натурных испытаний технических
объектов // Приборы и техника эксперимента. − 2008. − №3.−
С. 81-85.
11. MIL-STD-464A.
«Электромагнитные и экологические эффекты воздействия
молнии. Требования интерфейса и критерии проверки
систем». − Изд-во Минобороны, 2002. − С. 1-162.
12. Баранов М.И., Кравченко В.И. Электротермическая
стойкость металлической обшивки летательного аппарата к
прямому воздействию импульсного тока молнии //
Электричество. − 2012. − №12. − С. 18-26.
1. IEC 62305-1: 2010 «Protection against lightning. Part 1:
General principles».
2. IEC 62305-2: 2010 «Protection against lightning. Part 2:
Risk management».
3. IEC 62305-3: 2010 «Protection against lightning. Part 3:
Physical damage to structures and life hazard».
4. IEC 62305-4: 2010 «Protection against lightning. Part 4:
Electrical and electronic systems within structures».
5. GOST R MEK 62305-1-2010. Nacional'nyj standart Rossijskoj Federacii «Menedzhment riska. Zashhita ot molnii.
Chast' 1: Obshhie principy» [GOST R IEC 62305-1-2010. National Standard of the Russian Federation. Risk management.
Protection from lightning. Part 1: General principles]. Moscow,
Standartinform Publ., 2011, 46 p. (Rus).
6. Deutsche Norm DIN EN 50164-1: 2008 (VDE 0185-2001).
Verbindungsbauteile [German Norms DIN EN 50164-1: 2008
(VDE 0185-2001). Protecting from Lightning of Buildings and
their Parts. Part 1: Requirements on Parts Buildings and of Connection]. 16 p. (Ger).
7. Baranov M.I., Koliushko G.M., Kravchenko V.I., Rudakov
S.V. A powerful high-voltage generator of aperiodic impulses of
current of artificial lightning with the peak-temporal parameters
rated on an International Standard IEC 62305-1-2010. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering &
electromechanics, 2015, no.1, pp. 51-56. (Rus).
8. Orlov I.N. Elektrotehnicheskij spravochnik. Proizvodstvo i
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Engineering Handbook. Production and distribution of electric
energy. Vol. 3, book 1]. Moscow, Energoatomizdat Publ., 1988,
880 p. (Rus).
9. Baranov M.I. Thermal stability bare wires for direct lightning strikes. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika – Technical electrodynamics, 1997, no.6, pp. 9-15. (Rus).
10. Baranov M.I., Koliushko G.M., Kravchenko V.I., Nedzelskyi
O.S., Dnyschenko V.N. A current generator of the artificial lightning for full-scale tests of technical objects. Pribory i tekhnika
eksperimenta – Instruments and experimental techniques, 2008,
no.3, pp. 81-85. (Rus).
11. MIL-STD-464A. Voennyj standart USA. «Elektromagnitnye i
ekologicheskie effekty vozdejstvija molnii. Trebovanija interfejsa
i kriterii proverki system» [USA military standard. Electromagnetic and ecological effects of lightning. Requirements interface
and testing criteria systems]. Ministry of Defense Publ., 2002,
pp. 1-162. (Rus).
12. Baranov M.I., Kravchenko V.I. Electrothermal resistance of
the metal skin of an aircraft to the direct effects of lightning
impulse current. Elektrichestvo − Electricity, 2012, no.12, pp.
18-26. (Rus).
Поступила (received) 23.02.2015
Баранов Михаил Иванович1, д.т.н., гл.н.с.,
Колиушко Георгий Михайлович1, к.т.н., с.н.с.,
Кузьминский Евгений Викторович2, коммерческий директор,
Мысюк Юрий Игорьевич3, директор,
Рудаков Сергей Валерьевич4, к.т.н., доц.,
1 НИПКИ «Молния»
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
02660, Киев, ул. Магнитогорская, 1, оф. 316,
тел/phone +38 050 9167205, e-mail: e.kuzminskiy@gmail.com
79066, Львов, ул. Кавалеридзе, 17, кв. 9,
тел/phone +38 067 9234645, e-mail: gromovyklviv@gmail.com
4 Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины,
61023, Харьков, ул. Чернышевского, 94,
тел/phone +38 057 7073438, e-mail: serg_73@i.ua
M.I. Baranov1, G.M. Koliushko1, E.V. Kuzminskiy2,
Yu.I. Mysyuk3, S.V. Rudakov4
1 Scientific-&-Research
Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya»,
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
2 Company Limited Liability «EF-EP-TI-GRUP»,
1, Magnitogorskaya Str., office 316, Kiev, 02660, Ukraine.
3 Company Limited Liability «GROMOVIK»,
17, Kavaleridze Str., ap. 9, Lviv, 79066, Ukraine.
4 National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine,
94, Chernyshevska Str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine.
Results of tests of lightning-rods with universal clamps by the
aperiodic impulses of current of artificial lightning with
the peak-temporal parameters rationed on foreign standards.
Purpose. Test in obedience to the requirements of row of operating foreign standards of round metallic lightning-rods with the
flat metallic universal clamps of the special type on firmness to
direct action of аperiodic impulses of current of temporal form
10/350 μs by amplitude of 50 кА (N− class) and 100 кА (H−
class). Methodology. The order of leadthrough of these tests is
certain the followings normative documents: International IEC
62305-1: 2010, Russian national GOST R IEC 62305-1-2010
and German national DIN EN 50164-1:2008 Standards. Results. Conducted on a powerful high-voltage pulsed current of
artificial linear lightning with the peak-temporal parameters
and admittances of test rationed on the indicated foreign standards rationed that all of the lightning-rods tested in collection
with universal clamps, isolating holders and ceramic elements
of roof of technical building were survive electrodynamics and
electrothermal action of in-use single short blow of an artificial
storm digit. Originality. First in domestic practice the similar
model tests of lightning-rods are conducted with universal
clamps, executed from different explorer materials, on firmness
to flowing to on by it the indicated large impulsive currents of
artificial lightning. Practical value. Real firmness to lightning of
round copper and zincked steel lightning-rods is certain with the
flat copper, zincked steel and non-rusting steel universal clamps
of the special execution. References 12, table 1, figures 12.
Key words: metallic lightning-rods with metallic universal
clamps, generator of aperiodic impulses of current of
artificial lightning, test on firmness to lightning.
1. Батыгин Ю.В., Лавинский В.И., Бажинов А.В.,
Магнитно-импульсные методы и системы для притяжения
тонкостенных листовых металлов. // Труды межд. научн.техн. конф. «Магнитно-импульсная обработка металлов.
Пути совершенствования и развития». Самара, 18-19
сентября 2007. – С. 3-13.
2. US Patent no.3,998,081, Hansen et al. (The Boeing Company, 1976).
3. US Patent no.4,986,102, Hendrickson et al. (The Boeing
Company, 1991).
4. Батыгин Ю.В., Лавинский В.И., Хименко Л.Т.,
Импульсные магнитные поля для прогрессивных
технологий. Том 1. Издание второе, переработанное и
дополненное. Под общей ред. д.т.н., проф. Батыгина Ю. В. –
Х.: МОСТ-Торнадо, 2003. – 284 с.
5. Туренко А.Н., Батыгин Ю.В., Гнатов А.В. Импульсные
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Теория и эксперимент притяжения тонкостенных металлов
импульсными магнитными полями. Под ред. проф. Ю.В.
Батыгина. – Х.: Изд. ХНАДУ, 2009. – 249 с.
6. Г. Корн, Т. Корн, Справочник по математике. М.: Наука,
1973. – 831 с.
1. Batygin Yu.V., Lavinskiy V.I., Bazhinov A.V. Magnetic
pulsed methods and systems for attraction of thin sheet metal.
Trudy mezhd. nauchn.-tekhn. konf. «Magnitno-impul'snaya
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ceedings of Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. «Magnetic pulsed treatment of
metals. Ways to improve and develop»]. Samara (Russia), 18-19
September, 2007, pp. 3-13. (Rus).
2. Hansen et al. (The Boeing Company). Patent US,
no.3.998.081, 1976.
3. Hendrickson et al. (The Boeing Company). Patent US,
no.4.986.102, 1991.
4. Batygin Yu.V., Lavinskiy V.I., Khimenko L.T. Impul'snyye
magnitnyye polya dlya progressivnykh tekhnologiy. Tom 1. Izdaniye vtoroye, pererabotannoye i dopolnennoye. [Pulsed magnetic fields for advanced technologies. Vol.1. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged.] Kharkov, MOST-Tornado Publ., 2003. 284
p. (Rus).
5. Turenko A.N., Batygin Yu.V., Gnatov A.V. Impul'snyye
magnitnyye polya dlya progressivnykh tekhnologiy. Tom 3: Teoriya i eksperiment prityazheniya tonkostennykh metallov impul'snymi magnitnymi polyami. [Pulsed magnetic fields for advanced technologies. Vol.3: Theory and experiment attraction of
thin-walled metal pulsed magnetic fields]. Kharkov, KHNADU
Publ., 2009. 249 p. (Rus).
6. Korn G., Korn T., Spravochnik po matematike
[Mathematical Handbook]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1973. 831 p.
Поступила (received) 20.04.2015
Волонцевич Дмитрий Олегович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Барбашова Марина Викторовна2, ассистент,
Радченко Евгения Сергеевна2, студент,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21, e-mail: vdo@kpi.kharkov.ua
2 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
e-mail: barbashova1987@gmail.com
D.O. Voloncevich1, M.V.Barbashova2, E.S. Radchenko2
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Calculation of fields in a combined inductor system as
a tools of straightening of metal coating of car body.
In the paper construction of combined inductor system realizing
the principle of superposition of circular and plane-parallel magnetic fields is proposed. This inductor system is the instrument of
external straightening of dents in the metal coating of car body.
The use of low-frequency plane-parallel magnetic field instead of
a high-frequency magnetic field to create conditions for the transformation of the natural repulsion to attraction of sheet conductor
is suggested. The low-frequency field is generated by inductor
system by dint of flat circular turn. The plane-parallel magnetic
field is generated by a rectangular turn. The low-frequency field
penetrates the sheet workpiece in the construct. The theory and
experiment indicate that plane-parallel magnetic field doesn’t
diffuse almost. Conclusion calculated ratios to analyze the processes of magnetic pulse attraction in the system based on the
solution of Maxwell's equations for non-zero intensity components
of the electromagnetic field. The Maxwell's equations are transformed by Laplace zero initial conditions. In this case the integral
sinus-transformation Fourier are applied. The problem is solved
in the plane-wave approximation. Valid for plane waves directly
proportional relationship between the tangent vector components
of the electromagnetic field on the surface of conductor. For the
analysis of processes in combined inductor system for a magneticpulsed «pulling» a predetermined part of the metal sheet were
obtained the population of calculated expressions. The magnetic
pressure on the metal sheet is caused by force action on the part
of the excited fields. It is determined solely amplitude of penetrate
field and is directed towards the working surface of the inductor.
Finally, there is a predetermined part of the attraction of the sheet
metal. The operating frequency of the plane-parallel field can be
quite small. This choice doesn’t influence the diffusion processes
in the system, but allows for the most efficient mode of implementation of a given production operation. References 6, figures 2.
Key words: combined inductor system, external
straightening, low-frequency magnetic field.
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Поступила (received) 26.02.2015
Болюх Владимир Федорович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Олексенко Сергей Владимирович1, аспирант,
Щукин Игорь Сергеевич1,2, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427,
e-mail: bolukh@kpi.kharkov.ua, oleksenko_sergii@mail.ru
2 ООО Фирма «ТЭТРА, Ltd»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427, e-mail: tech@tetra.kharkiv.com.ua
V.F. Bolyukh1, S.V. Oleksenko1, I.S. Schukin1,2
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 Firm Tetra, LTD,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Efficiency of linear pulse electromechanical converters
designed to create impact loads and high speeds.
Considered linear impulse electromechanical converters (LIEC)
are used to create a significant impact and high-acceleration
actuators on a short active site. The most effective types of LIEC
are induction-dynamic (IDC), electro-dynamic (EDC) and electro-magnetic (EMC) converters. In all these types of short-term
excitement LIEC carried briefly of the inductor from a pulsed
source. This occurs when the magnetic field of the inductor causes
the electro-dynamic or electromagnetic forces, leading to a linear
movement of the armature. However, the issue at evaluating the
effects of IDC, EDC and EMC, for creating a shock simultaneously with high speed to the specified criteria in the presence of ferromagnetic core virtually unexplored. The paper presents the
simulated computer-WIDE 2D model of LIEC of coaxial configuration with ferromagnetic core by using software package
COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4, taking into account the related electro-magnetic, thermal, and magnetic fields. In addition a synthesis
of high-performance IDC, EDC and EMC to ensure maximum
impact and speed of the operating element, whereby the comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the IDC, EDC and EMC via an
integral index, taking into account the maximum value and momentum of electro-dynamic or electromagnetic force acting on the
armature, maximum and average speed armature, efficiency, mass
and dimensions performance transducer stray field, the maximum
current density in the inductor is carried out. On the basis of the
eight selection policies set the most efficient types of power and
speed LIEC. It is shown that any one of the strategies IDC selection is not the best. To ensure maximum impact force is the most
effective EMC and to ensure the greatest speed – EDC.
References 26, tables 3, figures 9.
Key words: linear impulse of electromechanical converter,
converters, the synthesis parameters, the integral efficiency
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Поступила (received) 09.02.2015
Доманский Илья Валерьевич, к.т.н., доц.,
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 067 9621995, e-mail: dvt_nord@mail.ru
I.V. Domanskyi
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Modes of operation of the system of traction power AC using
reactive power compensation devices.
The paper presents a systematic analysis of existing methods of
reactive power compensation. The study of operating modes of the
systems external and traction power supply is carried out. The
methodology for selecting promising compensation schemes and
energy-saving in the traction networks AC electrified railway lines
is offered. The comparative evaluation of prospective controlled
compensation devices shows that use of seamlessly adjustable
devices with unregulated condensing the battery and with parallel
translator regulated with thyristor unit and with filters to reduce
harmonics bond to the large capital investments. For traction
networks of domestic railways payback period is more than 10-15
years. The most promising for traction power supply today is a
stepwise adjustable devices of reactive power compensation. For
the efficient allocation of investments in programs and projects of
modernization of system traction power supply developed by the
methodology of selecting parameters and places placement devices transverse compensation in the system traction power supply,
which is based on the use of software systems with imitation of
interconnected instant circuits moving loads of electric rolling
stock. Based on the results of multiple calculations full factor
experiment when simulating work of the systems traction power
supply during the day marked the most influencing factors on
energy-saving in process freight on electric traction and established the extent of their influence. These include the overflows of
power, the resistance of traction network, reactive power compensation, power supply circuits and the organization of trains. Innovative technologies energy-saving railways from positions of consideration their close connection with the systems external power
supply are proposed. References 15, tables 2, figures 4.
Key words: reactive power compensation, energy saving,
system traction power supply, regimes work, influencing
factors, energy security.
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Поступила (received) 20.11.2014
Кузнецов Борис Иванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Никитина Татьяна Борисовна2, д.т.н., проф.,
Волошко Александр Валерьевич1, к.т.н., н.с.,
1 Государственное учреждение «Институт технических
проблем магнетизма Национальной Академии Наук Украины»,
61106, Харьков, ул. Индустриальная, 19,
тел/phone +38 050 5766900, e-mail: bikuznetsov@mail.ru
2 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
е-mail: tatjana55555@gmail.com
B.I. Kuznetsov1, T.B. Nikitina2, A.V. Voloshko1
1 State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems
of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine»,
19, Industrialna Str., Kharkiv, 61106, Ukraine.
2 Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Power frequency technogenic magnetic field reduction by
active screening in system synthesis in area based on
stochastic multi-agent optimization.
Purpose. Development of a method of synthesis of systems of
active screening of technogenic power frequency magnetic fields
within a given region of space, as well as the synthesis and performance evaluation systems synthesized active shielding magnetic field. Methodology. A mathematical model for calculating
the components of the magnetic field created by current distributors power line generator or electrical conductors power
and control windings magnetic executive bodies on the basis of
the law of Biot - Savart - Laplace. Conductors are taken as a set
of elementary sections conductors, which allows to calculate the
magnetic field conductors of any shape that is different from the
ideal straight lines or rectangles, and in particular, to consider
the slack conductors power line power lines. Results. Synthesis
of active shielding systems for technogenic power frequency
magnetic fields is reduced to the solution of a nonlinear programming problem with constraints, which computation of the
objective function and constraints is performed based on the
Biot - Savart - Laplace law. Formulated nonlinear programming
problem is solved by using the multiextremal and stochastic
multi-agent method based on particle swarm optimization, in
which the particle swarm move in a multidimensional search
space. Originality. First developed a method for the synthesis of
active shielding systems for technogenic power frequency magnetic fields using controlled source of the magnetic field by solving a nonlinear programming problem with constraints based
on stochastic particle swarm optimization of multi-agent.
Practical value. Examples of synthesis of systems of active
shielding technogenic power frequency magnetic fields and high
efficiency of the synthesized systems. References15, figures 4.
Key words: technogenic magnetic field of power frequency,
the system of active screening, synthesis, stochastic
multi-agent optimization.
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Надійшла (received) 30.01.2015
Сьомка Олександр Олександрович1, аспірант,
Прус В'ячеслав В'ячеславович1, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Кременчуцький національний університет
імені Михайла Остроградського,
39600, Кременчук, вул. Першотравнева, 20,
тел/phone +38 0536 743245, e-mail: oleksandrsmk@gmail.com
O.О. Somka1, V.V. Prus1
1 Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University,
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, 39600, Ukraine.
A computerized diagnostic complex for reliability testing
of electric machines.
Purpose. To develop a diagnostic complex meeting the criteria
and requirements for carrying out accelerated reliability test and
realizing the basic modes of electric machines operation and performance of the posed problems necessary in the process of such
test. Methodology. To determine and forecast the indices of electric machines reliability in accordance with the statistic data of
repair plants we have conditionally divided them into structural
parts that are most likely to fail. We have preliminarily assessed
the state of each of these parts, which includes revelation of faults
and deviations of technical and geometric parameters. We have
determined the analyzed electric machine controlled parameters
used for assessment of quantitative characteristics of reliability of
these parts and electric machines on the whole. Results. As a
result of the research, we have substantiated the structure of a
computerized complex for electric machines reliability test. It
allows us to change thermal and vibration actions without violation of the physics of the processes of aging and wearing of the
basic structural parts and elements material. The above mentioned makes it possible to considerably reduce time spent on
carrying out electric machines reliability tests and improve trustworthiness of the data obtained as a result of their performance.
Originality. A special feature of determination of the controlled
parameters consists in removal of vibration components in the
idle mode and after disconnection of the analyzed electric machine from the power supply with the aim of singling out the vibration electromagnetic component, fixing the degree of sparking
and bend of the shaft by means of phototechnique and local determination of structural parts temperature provided by corresponding location of thermal sensors. Practical value. We have
offered a scheme of location of thermal and vibration sensors,
which allows improvement of parameters measuring accuracy due
to determination of the spatial vector of vibration and local temperatures of structural parts. References 6, figures 5.
Key words: electric machine, reliability, temperature,
vibration parameters.
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Поступила (received) 12.02.2015
Колиушко Денис Георгиевич1, к.т.н., с.н.с.,
Руденко Сергей Сергеевич1, аспирант, м.н.c.,
Колиушко Георгий Михайлович1, к.т.н., в.н.с.,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
e-mail: nio5_molniya@ukr.net
D.G. Koliushko1, S.S. Rudenko1, G.M. Koliushko1
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Analysis of electrophysical characteristics of grounds
in the vicinity electrical substation of Ukraine.
Purpose. Definition of the direction for further research to improve accuracy of the calculation of rated parameters of ground
grids based on the analysis of statistical databases of electrophysical characteristics of the soil. Methodology. To solve this
problem we compiled the statistical base of soil of Ukraine in the
location of electrical substation, we performed the statistical
analysis for the number of layers of geoelectric structure, and
electrical characteristics. In the experiments implemented the
comparing of accuracy calculation of the most typical three-layer
soil in the Ukraine, by the new three-layer model of ground grids
and the equivalent two-layer model, which used previously.
Results. On the results of analysis the ranges of the electrical
resistivity and statistical distribution for electro-physical characteristics of the soil are determined. The resulting distributions
allow to develop criteria for instruments, installations and means
of interpretation during the sounding of soil, as well as the requirements for mathematical models of ground grids. It was found
that the most typical for places of locations the electrical substations in Ukraine are three-layer geoelectric structures. In the
paper the statistical distribution for three-layer soil by type (Q, K,
H, A) are described. The results of numerical experiments show
that the use of methods to simplify of the multilayers soil does not
allow the calculation of grounding grids with high accuracy. In
the work recommendations for applicability the method equivalenting depending on the type of geoelectric structure are devel-
oped. Originality. For the first time, we obtained the statistical
distribution of stratification of the soil in the location of power
plant in Ukraine, determined the accuracy of the method to simplify a multi-layer soil in determining the rated parameters of
grounding grids. In the paper the necessity to develop a mathematical model of the grounding device located in the three-layer
soil is shown, as well as a new installation of soil sounding, which
allows to increase the depth of sounding and new means of interpreting the results of sounding Wenner installing a four-layers
geoelectric structure. Practical value The resulting recommendations for the applicability of equivalenting of multilayer soil, as
well as research in specific work areas would help to reduce costs
on materials and labours during the modernization and upgrade
of grounding devices, moreover it will increase the electrical safety and reliable operation of electrical substation. Reference 5,
tables 4, figures 7.
Key words: three-layer geoelectric structure, vertical
electrical sounding, ground grids, soil, substation.
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Надійшла (received) 17.02.2015
Середа Олександр Григорович1, к.т.н., доц.,
Варшамова Ірина Сергіївна1, асистент,
1 Національний технічний університет
«Харківський політехнічний інститут»,
61002, Харків, вул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076864,
e-mail: lexus_suba@mail.ru, varshamova_i@rambler.ru
O.G. Sereda1, I.S. Varshamova1
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Protection of household appliances induction motors against
overcurrent taking into account nonlinear distortion of
phase current.
Purpose. Theoretical justification and engineering of induction
motors heat protection method from overload currents taking
into account nonlinear distortion of the phase current and implementation as a microprocessor device functioning algorithm.
Methodology. To solve the problem used the theory of the representing complex harmonic oscillations analog signals expansion
into the oscillation spectrum forming elementary harmonic
components in order to compare their properties by applying the
theory of discrete signals and systems, as well as methods of
spectral analysis and discrete signals filtering. The harmonic
analysis versatility is that any periodic signal may be synthesized from harmonic oscillation of certain amplitude, frequency
and initial phase. A mathematical model for determining the
phase current harmonic content of power supply networks with
isolated neutral and non-linear loads types and, as a consequence, the distortion of sinusoidal phase current change is
developed by multiplying the analog current in time dependency
on the grate delta-function with different sampling intervals, in
which the use of simple and widely used in relay protection
units, in particular electronic overcurrent relays, mathematical
operations of integration squares instantaneous current allows
the most in harmony with the mathematical tools to build other
network protection types. Findings. The necessity to increase
the sensitivity of the induction motors heat protection from overload currents taking into account nonlinear distortion of the
phase currents is proved. By nonlinear distortion harmonic
analysis of the phase currents the motor protection reliability
increasing provided by taking into account the higher harmonic
components of the phase currents, which causes to additional
losses and heating of the stator winding. It uses the simplest and
widely used in protective relaying mathematical apparatus determining of most significant higher harmonics currents RMS.
Originality. A possibility of extending the implemented protection list of electronic overcurrent relays based on the digital
processing of signals from the current sensors is theoretical
research by the harmonious analysis of phase current spectrum
with the nonlinear distortions presence. A new technical solution is proposed that allows in online sliding monitoring mode
to form response time of electronic overcurrent relays for reliable protection of induction motors from overload currents taking
into account nonlinear distortion of the phase current. Practical
value. A microprocessor protection functioning algorithm of
induction motors is designed against impermissible heating coils
with overload currents taking into account nonlinear distortion
of the phase current. References 10, figures 4.
Key words: induction motors, microprocessor protection,
electronic overcurrent relay.
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Поступила (received) 21.01.2015
Ставинский Андрей Андреевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Пальчиков Олег Олегович1, аспирант,
1 Национальный университет кораблестроения
имени адмирала Макарова,
54025, Николаев, пр. Героев Cталинграда, 9,
тел/phone +38 0512 399453, e-mail: ole2013hulk@yandex.ua
А.А. Stavinskii1, О.О. Palchykov1
1 Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding,
9, Geroyev Stalingrada Ave., Mykolaiv, 54025, Ukraine.
Comparative analysis of weight and cost indications
of induction motors with cylindrical and axial air gaps.
Purpose. To find the analytical expressions of determining the
optimum geometric dimensions by criteria of the weight minimum
and the cost minimum of axial field squirrel-cage induction motors
and to compare traditional and axial field motors. Methodology.
We have applied the adapted method of the relative indications of
the technical level with relative controlled variables. We have used
the approximation of the experimental dependence of the distribution of the induction in the air gap and the integral averaging of
the electromagnetic characteristics. Results. We have developed
the mathematical model for determining the optimum geometric
dimensions by criteria of the weight minimum and the cost minimum of the active part of axial field squirrel-cage induction motors
taking into account the radial distribution of the induction in the
air gap and teeth. We have considered the comparative analysis of
the indications of the weight and the cost of traditional and axial
designs of electromagnetic equivalent motors. Originality. For the
first time we have created the relative units mathematical model of
the weight and the cost of the active part of axial field squirrelcage induction motors with the uneven distribution of the magnetic
flux in the core and investigated the effect of the geometric relationships on the materials consumption and cost of axial field motors. Practical value. Based on the superior parametric compatibility and the high material savings of axial motors the expediency
of replacing traditional induction motors to axial field induction
motors has been proved in the special transport drives. Also obtained by simulation optimal geometric relationships of the magnetic circuit can be used in the manufacture and design of axial
motors by criteria of the weight minimum and the cost minimum.
References 16, tables 2, figures 6.
Key words: indications of the technical level, optimum
geometric dimensions, traditional and axial field motors.
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illustrated dictionary of foreign words]. Moscow, Russkie slovari Publ., 2004. 957 p. (Rus).
Поступила (received) 09.04.2015
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., гл.н.с.,
НИПКИ «Молния»
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya»
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
An anthology of the distinguished achievements in science
and technique. Part 27: Portrait of the Kharkov
mathematician Naum Il'ich Akhiezer.
Purpose. Description in brief of basic scientific achievements,
features of personality and way of life of the known Kharkov
mathematician Akhiezer N.I. Methodology. Existent scientific
approaches for treatment and systematization of mathematical
knowledges. Methods of historical method at research of development in society of such sections of mathematics as a theory of functions, functional analysis and integral equations.
Results. Short information is presented about the basic creative and vital stages, and also fundamental scientific achievements indicated prominent mathematicians of the 20-th century. Some personal qualities of this remarkable Kharkov mathematician, leaving about itself kind memory for thankful descendants are described. Originality. First a scientistelectrophysicist for the wide circle of readers imagined a short
scientifically-historical essay on the known mathematician of
contemporaneity, being based on his scientific labours and
published materials about him. Practical value. Scientific
popularization of the known Kharkov mathematician and his
achievements in the area of theory of functions and mathematical physics. Next philosophical reminder a wide reader on the
example of life and prominent scientific results of labour of
one known human personality about incessant in society connection of times and generations. References 19, figures 1.
Key words: history, mathematics, Kharkov region,
distinguished scientific achievements.
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3. Yuriy V. Batygin, Sergey F. Golovashchenko, Andrey V.
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Поступила (received) 28.04.2015
Волонцевич Дмитрий Олегович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Барбашова Марина Викторовна2, ассистент,
Cабокарь Олег Сергеевич 2, студент,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21, e-mail: vdo@kpi.kharkov.ua
2 Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
e-mail: barbashova1987@gmail.com
D.O. Voloncevich1, M.V.Barbashova2, O. S. Sabokar2
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Analysis of electromagnetic process in combined inductor
systems, as tools for straightening of modern car.
The field in combined inductor systems exists only over workpiece, it occurs at only a low-frequency circular magnetic field.
In this paper electromagnetic processes in tools of the magnetic
pulse attraction (the combined inductor systems) are analyzed.
Investigation based on numerical estimations, using previously
obtained analytical relations for the excited fields and forces.
Calculations are necessary for the successful implementation of
straightening metal coatings bodies car. A distribution of relative intensity of magnetic fields to surfaces of sheet workpiece in
the centre of a working zone is obtained. The distribution of
amplitude tangential component intensity of resulting magnetic
field of the surface of sheet metal along the centre of a rectangular coil is received. Feature of the combined induction system is
non-uniformly distributed forces of attraction in the work area.
The results showed that the calculated working area on the outer surface of sheet workpiece magnetic field strength will be less
than 5% of the field strength of a circular low-frequency source.
Calculations have shown the effectiveness of the proposed instrument magnetic pulse straightening metal coating bodies car.
The actual amplitude of distributed attraction forces are ~ 7.7
MPa. References 6, figures 5.
Key words: combined inductor system, external straightening,
low-frequency magnetic field.
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electrical engineering, 2011, vol.82, no.2, pp. 104-110. doi:
Поступила (received) 05.02.2015
Болюх Владимир Федорович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Олексенко Сергей Владимирович1, аспирант,
Щукин Игорь Сергеевич1,2, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427,
e-mail: bolukh@kpi.kharkov.ua, oleksenko_sergii@mail.ru
ООО Фирма «ТЭТРА, Ltd»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427, e-mail: tech@tetra.kharkiv.com.ua
V.F. Bolyukh1, S.V. Oleksenko1, I.S. Schukin1,2
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 Firm Tetra, LTD,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
A comparative analysis of constructive schemes of linear
impactor electromechanical converters combined type.
The concept of linear impactor electromechanical converter
combined type with a single inductor excited by capacitive energy storage aperiodic pulse is proposed. The concept combines
induction and electromagnetic converters. For the synthesis of
the converter parameters the Monte Carlo method is used. As
the objective function is selected the maximum value of the total
pulse the electrodynamic and electromagnetic force acting on
the combined anchor. The features and characteristics of electro-magnetic field converters are identified. Considered several
of selection policies and by means of integral index identified
the most and least efficient design of the converter circuit. References 16, tables 2, figures 8.
Key words: linear impactor electromechanical converters,
induction converter, electromagnetic converter, synthesis of
the converter parameters, magnetic field, efficient des
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Поступила (received) 26.03.2015
Доманский Илья Валерьевич, к.т.н., доц.,
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 067 9621995, e-mail: dvt_nord@mail.ru
I.V. Domanskyi
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Development of methods of calculation of traction power
supply systems and energy systems feeding them.
Currently, the cause deterioration of quality rating of electricity
on tire traction substations AC can be either how mode of operation of power systems, industrial loads so and the impact of
electric traction. The experience of energy surveys show that the
loss from flow potential equalization currents in each the third
plot between traction substations AC is amount to not less than
250 thousand kW∙h per year. To select the optimum power and
places location of the device longitudinal capacitive of compensation and decision other tasks it is necessary methodology of
systems of calculation that takes into account the complex nature of the mutual influence of the quality of the electricity coming from the energy system of and the transportation process. In
the paper proposed three options for calculation algorithms
modes work of existing and perspective systems, traction power
supply AC jointly with power supply their by energy systems,
including the algorithm for calculating networks of different
nominal voltages using the transformations; decomposition and
synthesis of networks with different voltage levels; the iterations
and probabilistic assessment of the impact of power mains. Developed the schemes formalization of graphs and the matrices of
portions of the outer and traction power supply and method of
selecting parameters and places location of the devices longitudinal capacitive of compensation, which are based on direct
methods solving systems of linear algebraic equations with a
dense banded and profile-sparse the matrix. Are generalized
ways of formation and transformation of graphs of schemes
traction power supply and feeding them energy systems and
proposed the method of calculation the complex the moment of
schemes, which increases the accuracy of calculating of flows
power on traction networks to 1-2 % and allows you to select
the optimal parameters and places location of the devices longitudinal capacitive of compensation. Analysis of the results of
modeling and real modes of traction network shows that the
efficiency of use longitudinal capacitive compensation is high on
traction substations for which the resistance external electric
power supply system of the is greater than 0.5 ohms, and the
degree of compensation is within the allowable K = 0.7.
References 20, figures 4.
Key words: traction power supply systems, energy systems,
power, modes of traction, operation of power systems,
external electric power supply system, longitudinal
capacitive of compensation.
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Technical electrodynamics, 2009, no.4, pp. 23-28. (Rus).
Поступила (received) 26.06.2015
Финкельштейн Владимир Борисович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Егоров Алексей Борисович2, к.т.н., доц.,
Малеев Алексей Михайлович3
1 Харьковский национальный университет
городского хозяйства им. А.Н. Бекетова,
61002, Харьков, ул. Революции, 12,
тел/phone +38 057 7319528, e-mail: finalvb@gmail.com
2 Украинская инженерно-педагогическая академия,
61003, Харьков, ул. Университетская, 16,
тел/phone +38 066 7228206, e-mail: diaskk@yandex.ru
61082, Харьков, Стадионный проезд 14/3, а/я 911,
тел/phone +38 057 3920045, e-mail: elta@elta.kharkov.ua
V.B. Finkelshtein1, A.B. Yegorov2, A.M. Maleev3
1 O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Municipal
12, Revolution Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
16, Universitetskaya Str., Kharkiv, 61003, Ukraine.
14/3, Stadionny Drive, p.o. box 911, Kharkiv, 61082, Ukraine.
Comparison of characteristics of the converter-fed motor at
supply from the single-phase network and from the source of
the direct current.
Purpose. Now even more often in various cars and mechanisms
converter-fed motors are used. Their comparative characteristics with motors which are supplied from a network of a direct
current are necessary for definition of the specific moment of
motors which are supplied from the single-phase alternating
current main. Methodology. For the converter-fed motor with a
ratio of teeth of the stator and a rotor 8/6 at supply from a single-phase network via the rectifier two groups of numerical
experiments were carried out. Motor capacity with a constant
frequency of rotation at various capacity of the capacitor at the
exit of the rectifier and motor capacity at the current providing
the most admissible excess of temperature of a winding are determined. Dependences of useful power on capacity size at the
rectifier exit are received with a constant frequency of rotation,
and also at invariable current. Results. On the basis of the made
numerical experiment it is possible to conclude that due to fluctuation of tension (from 0 to 100 %) at the rectifier exit at power
supply of the converter-fed motor from the single-phase alternating current main in comparison with the corresponding sizes
at supply from a source of a direct current:  motor capacity at
preservation of capacity of the capacitor at the exit of the rectifier and frequency of rotation decreases on 60 – 63 %;  at almost acceptable increase in capacity of the capacitor (approximately twice) power should be reduced by 50 %;  power deceleration at preservation of that size of current of the motor what
took place at its food from a source of a direct current makes 40
% at preservation of size of capacity of the capacitor at the exit
of the rectifier and 32 % at its doubling, the frequency of rotation decreases approximately on 13 – 15 %. Practical value.
The specific moment can be determined by power sizes at singlephase supply, frequency of rotation and to the volume of a rotor,
with an invariable frequency of rotation it decreases in comparison with the specific moment at power supply of the motor from
a source of a direct current by 50 – 63 %. References 5, tables
4, figures 5.
Key words: converter-fed motor, magnetic flux, single-phase
network of supply, capacity, power, source of direct current,
rotation frequency.
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Надійшла (received) 14.05.2015
Хрєстін Роман Миколайович, аспірант,
Нікопольський технікум Національної металургійної
академії України,
53200, Дніпропетровська обл., Нікополь, пр. Трубників, 18,
тел/phone +38 066 6400610, e-mail: serebro0@yandex.ua
R.N. Khrestin
Nikopol College of National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine,
18, Trubnikov Ave., Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region, 53200,
Modeling parameters of arc of electric arc furnace.
Purpose. The aim is to build a mathematical model of the electric arc of arc furnace (EAF). The model should clearly show
the relationship between the main parameters of the arc. These
parameters determine the properties of the arc and the possibility of optimization of melting mode. Methodology. We have built
a fairly simple model of the arc, which satisfies the above requirements. The model is designed for the analysis of electromagnetic processes arc of varying length. We have compared
the results obtained when testing the model with the results obtained on actual furnaces. Results. During melting in real chipboard under the influence of changes in temperature changes its
properties arc plasma. The proposed model takes into account
these changes. Adjusting the length of the arc is the main way to
regulate the mode of smelting chipboard. The arc length is controlled by the movement of the drive electrode. The model reflects the dynamic changes in the parameters of the arc when
changing her length. We got the dynamic current-voltage characteristics (CVC) of the arc for the different stages of melting.
We got the arc voltage waveform and identified criteria by
which possible identified stage of smelting. Originality. In contrast to the previously known models, this model clearly shows
the relationship between the main parameters of the arc EAF:
arc voltage Ud, amperage arc id and length arc d. Comparison
of the simulation results and experimental data obtained from
real particleboard showed the adequacy of the constructed
model. It was found that character of change of magnitude Md,
helps determine the stage of melting. Practical value. It turned
out that the model can be used to simulate smelting in EAF any
capacity. Thus, when designing the system of control mechanism
for moving the electrode, the model takes into account changes
in the parameters of the arc and it can significantly reduce electrode material consumption and energy consumption during
smelting. References 13, figures 4.
Key words: electric arc furnace, parameters of the arc
control, arc of varying length, empirically determined
coefficients, mathematical model of the arc, current-voltage
characteristic of the arc.
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Поступила (received) 20.05.2015
Лобов Вячеслав Иосифович1, к.т.н.,
Лобова Карина Витальевна1, студентка,
1 Государственное высшее учебное заведение
«Криворожский Национальный университет»,
50027, Кривой Рог, ул. ХХІІ Партсъезда, 11,
тел/phone +38 0564 4090635, e-mail: lobov.vjcheslav@yandex.ru
V.I. Lobov1, K.V. Lobova1
SIHE «Kryvyi Rih National University»,
11, ХХІІ Partz’izdu Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Ukraine.
Method of determining the start time of induction motors
in the control of resistor-thyristor modules.
Purpose. An electric general-purpose drive with asynchronous
motor is proposed. For motor control in stator and rotor, circuits
used resistors and thyristors. These elements included together in
various ways. This allows to get a variety of power converter circuit
with resistor-thyristor modules. Methodology. Taking into account
the technical requirements for industrial machinery developed an
analytical method for determining the run-up controlled induction
motor. Formed starting modes by changing the value of the equivalent resistor-thyristor modules. Using logic synthesis and function of
thyristors switching to determine the equivalent value of resistorthyristor modules. Scientific novelty. It lies in the fact that the proposed method of calculation to determine the run-up in the limited
amount of transient current and torque of the motor. The total moment of inertia and the static moment of the drive do not have a
significant impact on the maximum value of the transient electromagnetic torque. Most of these options affect the transition process,
the oscillation frequency of the electromagnetic torque and the motor speed. Practical value. The method used for calculating allows
to select the simplest laws of launch control actuator and apply
open-loop control system without increasing the cost of the power
converter, so it is of practical importance. References 17, figures 2.
Key words: induction motor, resistor-thyristor module, start,
regulation opening angle of thyristor, moment of inertia,
static moment.
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Поступила (received) 20.04.2015
Милых Владимир Иванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Полякова Наталия Владимировна1, инженер,
1 Национальный технический университет
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V.I. Milykh1, N.V. Polyakova1
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Automated formation of calculation models of turbogenerators
for software environment FEMM.
Attention is paid to the popular FEMM (Finite Element Method
Magnetics) program which is effective in the numerical calculations
of the magnetic fields of electrical machines. The main problem of
its using - high costs in time on the formation of a graphical model
representing the design and on the formation of the physical model
representing the materials properties and the winding currents of
machines – is solved. For this purpose, principles of the automated
formation of such models are developed and presented on the turbogenerator example. The task is performed by a program written
in an algorithmic language Lua integrated into the package FEMM.
The program is universal in terms of varying the geometry and
dimensions of the designed turbogenerators. It uses a minimum of
input information in a digital form representing the design of the
whole turbogenerator and its fragments. A general structure of the
Lua script is provided, significant parts of its text, the graphic results of work's phases, as well as explanations of the program and
instructions for its use are given. Performance capabilities of the
compiled Lua script are shown on the example of the real 340 MW
turbogenerator. References 4, figures 15.
Key words: program FEMM, Finite Element Method, turbogenerator, graphical and physical models, automated formation, Lua script.
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120 p. (Rus).
Поступила (received) 27.04.2015
Пелевин Дмитрий Евгеньевич, к.т.н.,
Государственное учреждение «Институт технических
проблем магнетизма Национальной Академии Наук Украины»,
61106, Харьков, ул. Индустриальная, 19,
тел/phone +38 0572 992162, е-mail: pelevindmitro@ukr.net
D.Ye. Pelevin
State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems
of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine»,
19, Industrialna Str., Kharkiv, 61106, Ukraine.
Screening magnetic fields of the power frequency by the
walls of houses.
Purpose. To investigate the effectiveness of the screening of the
magnetic field at 50 Hz by the walls of house. Methodology. To
study the effectiveness of the screening we used the measurements of the magnetic field 1) in the area of the shielding screen
2) in the same area without the shielding screen 3) the calculation of the shielding effectiveness by measuring. Results. We
have carried out experimental investigations of the effectiveness
of screening of the magnetic field at 50 Hz by the building materials, concrete walls and paneled houses. Originality. First it is
experimentally established that the magnetic field with frequency of 50 Hz penetrates through walls of buildings including reinforced concrete buildings practically without any decrease.
Practical value. The results obtained should be considered when
assessing the hygienic level of the magnetic field in a residential
area, located near air and cable lines. References 10, tables 3,
figures 3.
Key words: power frequency, magnetic field, screening, walls
of houses, experimental investigations.
1. Правила
Видання 3-тє, перероб. і доп. – К.: Мінпаливенерго України,
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3. Дмитриев М.В., Евдокунин Г.А. Заземление экранов
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8. ДСТУ ІЕС 60287-1-1:2009 Кабелі електричні.
Обчислення номінальної сили струму. Частина 1-1.
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11. Силовые кабели среднего и высокого напряжения с
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5. Riba Ruiz J.R., Alabern Morera X. Effects of the circulating
sheath currents in the magnetic field generated by an underground power line. Int. conf. on renewable energies and power
quality, 5-7 April, 2006, Palma de Mallorca, 2006. Paper 217.
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13 May 2013). (Rus).
Поступила (received) 20.05.2015
Розов Владимир Юрьевич1, д.т.н., чл.-корр. НАН Украины,
Квицинский Анатолий Александрович2, к.т.н.,
Добродеев Павел Николаевич, к.т.н.1,
Гринченко Владимир Сергеевич, к.т.н.1,
Ерисов Анатолий Васильевич, инженер1,
Ткаченко Александр Олегович, аспирант1,
1 Государственное учреждение «Институт технических
проблем магнетизма Национальной Академии Наук Украины»,
61106, Харьков, ул. Индустриальная, 19, а/я 72,
тел/phone +38 0572 992162, е-mail: office.ntcmto@nas.gov.ua
2 НТЦ Электроэнергетики ГП «НЭК «Укрэнерго»,
04112, Киев, ул. Дорогожицкая, 11/8,
тел/phone +38 044 2067390, е-mail: vp_ntce@i.ua
V.Yu. Rozov1, A.A. Kvytsynskyi2, P.N. Dobrodeyev1,
V.S. Grinchenko1, A.V. Erisov1, A.O. Tkachenko1
1 State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems
of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine»,
19, Industrialna Str., Kharkiv, 61106, Ukraine.
2 Scientific Technical Center of Power Industry of State
Enterprise «National Power Company «Ukrenergo»,
11/8, Dorogozhizkaya Str., Kyiv, 04112, Ukraine.
Study of the magnetic field of three phase lines of single core
power cables with two-end bonding of their shields.
The study tested the process of the magnetic field (MF) mitigation in the HV three-phase power cable lines (CL) made of single core cables in two-ends bonding of their shields. Developed
the technique of numerical simulation and calculation of the MF
of CL based on its axisymmetric calculation model using the
finite element method that allowed to describe the condition of
closing the cable shields at the both ends of the CL and solve the
problem in two-dimensional formulation. The authors show the
possibility of MF mitigation of the three-phase CL by increasing
the cross-section of closed cable shields, which in some cases
may be an alternative to external electromagnetic shields. Obtained and experimentally validated in laboratory and field conditions with an accuracy of no more than 5 % the value of mitigation coefficients of MF of three-phase three-wire CL in twoends bonding of their shields depending on the technical parameters of the cables and the geometry of their installation, which
is important for the design of new cable power lines. Their values are in the range from 0.99 to 0.32 when the cross sections of
cable shields are from 25 mm2 to 200 mm2 and the distance
between the axes of the cables are from 0.1 to 0.5 m. The results
show the ability to execute design of cable power lines in residential areas, taking into account both the sanitary standards of
the MF, as well as to energy efficiency. References 11, figures 5,
tables 2.
Key words: magnetic field, three-phase cable power lines,
two-ends bonding of shields.
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10. Khomchenko V.S., Kryshtab T.G., Savin A.K., Zavyalova
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Надійшла (received) 16.04.2015
Шевченко Сергій Юрійович, к.т.н., проф.,
Національний технічний університет
«Харківський політехнічний інститут»,
61002, Харків, вул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076977, e-mail: syurik42@rambler.ru
S.Yu. Shevchenko
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
A method of determining the ability of the arrester to absorb
energy without breaking the heat balance.
Purpose.The aim of this study is to obtain a method for determining the capacity surge arrester nonlinear absorb energy
without breaking the heat balance in modes of long-term application of operating voltage, which allows for analysis of their
work in terms of violations as electricity. Methodology. For
values of the energy passing through the arrester must be able
to determine the current value for the voltage value in the area
of leakage current-voltage characteristics. We have carried out
calculations of the energy passing everywhere arrester for certain periods of time based on the current-voltage characteristics
obtained experimentally. Analysis of the experimental currentvoltage characteristics of resistors and literature led to the important conclusion that the dielectric properties of the ceramic
varistor affect the value of active power losses in the arrester
only when the active component of the leakage current is very
small. This is confirmed by the characteristics of different classes of varistor voltage. This property of varistors and surge
arresters shows the need to consider how the dielectric and
conductive properties of the varistor ceramics in the analysis of
work in the area of the arrester leakage current-voltage characteristic. These results demonstrate the need to clarify the mathematical model and the method for determining the energy dissipates in the area of the arrester leakage current CVC with
their account. Results. The study, an improved mathematical
model for calculating energy affects surge arrester during its
working life. The study obtained the method, of evaluation capacity surge arrester, maintains heat balance throughout working life. Based on experimentally obtained current-voltage
characteristic of the varistors is defined voltage at which surge
arrester starts conducting active current. This allowed to receive specified mathematical model for calculating energy affects surge arrester and develop a method of evaluation capacity
surge arrester maintain heat balance throughout working life.
References 18, figures 5.
Key words: varistor, surge arrester, method, mathematical
model, voltage, current-voltage characteristics, heat balance.
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Надійшла (received) 10.05.2015
Кузнєцов Борис Іванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Василець Тетяна Юхимівна2, к.т.н., доц.,
Варфоломієв Олексій Олексійович3, к.т.н.,
1 Державна установа «Інститут технічних проблем
магнетизму Національної академії наук України»,
61106, Харків, вул. Індустріальна, 19,
e-mail: bikuznetsov@mail.ru
2 Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія,
61003, Харків, вул. Університетська, 16,
тел/phone +38 057 7337959,
e-mail: tatyana.vasilets@gmail.com
3 Технологічний інститут Нью Джерсі (США),
University Heights, Newark, NJ, USA, 07102-1982,
тел/phone +1609 7874172,
e-mail: alexey.varfolomeyev@gmail.com
B.I. Kuznetsov1, T.E. Vasilets2, О.O. Varfolomiyev3
1 State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems
of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine»,
19, Industrialna Str., Kharkiv, 61106, Ukraine.
2 Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
16, Universitetskaya Str., Kharkiv, 61003, Ukraine.
3 New Jersey Institute of Technology,
University Heights Newark, New Jersey, USA, 07102.
Neuro-system of aiming and stabilizing with a regulator on
the basis of standard model Model Reference Controller.
The aim of this work is the synthesis of neural network aiming
and stabilization system for the special equipment of moving
objects with neuro-controller on the basis of standard model
and performance comparison of the neural network system with
the neural network predictive control. Build a block diagram of
the neural network aiming and stabilization system, based on
the subject control principle with PD-regulator in the position
loop and with neuro-controller on the basis of standard model
in the in the velocity loop. The neuro-controller on the basis of
standard model Model Reference Controller is synthesized in
the MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox and system simulation is
performed. The studies show that the transient state variables of
the system are oscillatory. Therefore, the neuro-controller with
the prediction NN Predictive Controller should be used for aiming and stabilizing system to provide high dynamic characteristics achieved at the cost of higher complexity and computational
cost. References 6, figures 5.
Key words: neural network control, aiming and stabilization
system, nonlinear dynamic object, neuro-controller on the
basis of standard model, Model Reference Controller.
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Поступила (received) 10.05.2015
Жемеров Георгий Георгиевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Тугай Дмитрий Васильевич2, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076312, e-mail: zhemerov@gmail.com
2 Харьковский национальный университет
городского хозяйства им. А.Н. Бекетова,
61002, Харьков, ул. Революции, 12,
тел/phone +38 057 7073111, e-mail: tugaydv@yandex.ru
G.G. Zhemerov1, D.V. Tugay2
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Municipal
12, Revolution Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Components of the total power losses in three-phase energy
supply systems with symmetric sinusoidal voltage source.
Purpose. Three-phase energy supply system with a symmetrical
resistive load operates in mode with the highest possible efficiency
in a case of zero instantaneous reactive power and the absence of
pulsations instantaneous active power. When load parameters are
changed, three-phase energy supply system starts to operate in a
mode with additional energy losses. The goal of the paper is to
determinate the relations between the components of additional
losses and their rezone. Methodology. We have applied the mod-
ern theory of instantaneous active and reactive power, the graphical filling complex branched energy supply system of simplified
design scheme, the theory of electrical circuits, computer Matlabsimulation. Results. We have developed an universal relation to
determine the components of total power loss in the three-phase
supply systems with symmetrical three-phase sinusoidal voltage
source and any possible load. Further verification of this relation
in the Matlab-model of three-phase energy supply system shows
its high accuracy. Originality. For the first time, we have carried
out relation between RMS reactive and RMS active power instantaneous pulsation and the corresponding components of additional losses. Consequently it becomes possible to offer a unique
method of weighting evaluation. Practical value. We have developed position for detecting the causes of additional losses in
three-phase supply systems with symmetrical sinusoidal voltage
source, as well as to substantiate the correctness of the choice of
filter-compensating device. We have developed a Matlab-model
which allows to investigate the energy efficiency of three-phase
energy supply system and to calculate the components of additional power losses of any possible reasons for their occurrence.
References 10, tables 6, figures 3.
Кey words: energy supply system, power additional losses,
the minimum possible losses, Matlab-model of three-phase
energy supply system.
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Поступила (received) 29.04.2015
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., гл.н.с.,
НИПКИ «Молния»
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya»
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
An anthology of the distinguished achievements in science
and technique. Part 28: Portraits of legendary physicists
of «high-voltage brigade» of UPhTI.
Purpose. Description of the basic distinguished scientific
achievements of members of «high-voltage brigade» of the
Ukrainian Physical-Technical Institute (UPhTI) and future
Academicians in area of nuclear physics − Valter A.C., Sinelnikov C.D., Leypunskiy A.I. and Latyshev G.D. Methodology.
Scientific approaches at treatment and systematization of physical knowledges. Historical method at research of development
in Ukraine and Russia of nuclear physics and mastering of intranuclear energy for military and peaceful aims. Results. The
basic creative and vital stages, and also prominent scientific
results, obtained by the indicated scientists in the area of nuclear physics, physics of high energies and nuclear energy, are
resulted in the compressed and systematized way. Some technical descriptions created by these Kharkov physicists of powerful high-voltage electrostatic and linear dynamitrons and protons, and also nuclear reactors fast-neutron are indicated. Originality. Firstly in the area of history of scientific-technological
authoritative enough scientist-electro-physicist, which is engaged not alone ten of years by creation of powerful generators
of very high voltage and large currents, and also presents a
theoretical electrophysics a wide reader a scientificallyhistorical essay with not popular details about the first in the
USSR breaking up the physicists of UPhTI of atomic kernel of
lithium by artificially speed-up protons. Firstly the basic distinguished scientific achievements of the considered physicistsnuclear engineers are resulted in the concentrated way. Practical value. Scientific popularization of physical knowledges and
achievements of the known compatriots, bringing in a big contribution to development of nuclear physics, physicists of high
energies and nuclear energy. References 46, figures 15.
Key words: history, nuclear physics, physics of high energies,
nuclear energy, Kharkov physicists-nuclear engineers,
distinguished scientific achievements.
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Поступила (received) 20.05.2015
Байда Евгений Иванович, к.т.н., доц.,
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076976, e-mail: baida_kpi@mail.ru
E.I. Baida
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Peculiarities of calculation of magnetic systems with shortcircuited secondary windings in in-plane formulation.
Introduction. A feature of quasi-static calculation of plane electromagnetic fields is unlimited volume occupied by the current.
This condition imposes certain requirements on the choice of
boundary conditions for solving such problems (the vanishing of
the algebraic sum of the currents flowing through the cross section of all wires), failure of which leads to incorrect results.
Purpose. The mathematical formulation of the boundary conditions corresponding to real physical processes in solving problems of plane quasi-static field by Kelvin transformation and
development of a technique for calculating the induced currents
in closed circuits in the calculation of AC electromagnet in the
quasi-static mode. Methods. Investigation of nonlinear model of
the current transformer in in-plane electromagnetic field calculation and the AC electromagnet is carried by the finite element
method using a specific software package. Results. A possible
error in the boundary conditions and summarizes the estimated
model corresponds to the physics of the process using the Kelvin
transform, proposed method of calculating currents in closed
loop AC electromagnet in the calculation of plane problems of
the field. Conclusions. The specificity of the problem of calculating the electromagnetic field in in-plane formulation requires
a special approach to the assignment of boundary conditions
and calculation of the currents induced in a closed loop.
References 3, figures 11.
Key words: in-plane magnetic field, boundary conditions.
1. Шакарян
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3. Савельев Ю.Е., Быков С.В., Зозулин Ю.В., Козлов Ю.А.
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4. Галиновский А.М., Ленская Е.А., Эрхард Айхофер.
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5. Галиновский А.М. Исследование электромашинновентильных преобразователей бесконтактных синхронных и
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7. Ленская Е.А. Преобразователи частоты с искусственной
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2012. – №1. – С. 40-45.
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10. Галиновский А.М., Бобер В.А., Дубчак Е.М.
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Поступила (received) 30.03.2015.
Галиновский Александр Михайлович1, к.т.н., доц.,
Ленская Елена Александровна2, начальник отдела,
Мельник Николай Петрович3, председатель,
1 Национальный технический университет Украины
«Киевский политехнический институт»,
03056, Киев, просп. Победы, 37,
тел/phone: +38 044 2580154, e-mail: alga40@mail.ru
2 Государственное агентство по энергоэффективности и
энергосбережению Украины,
02094, Киев, ул. Краковская, д. 17, к. 207,
тел/phone: +38 044 5585835, e-mail: A_Lenskay@ukr.net
3 ФХ «Свитанок»,
03056, Киев, пр. Победы, 89/1,
тел/phone: +38 044 5229439, e-mail: svitrad2004@mail.ru
А.М. Galynovskiy1, E.А. Lenskaya2, N.P. Melnik3
1 National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic
37, Prospect Peremohy, Kyiv-56, 03056, Ukraine.
2 State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of
17, Krakovskaya Str., apt. 207, Kyiv, 02094, Ukraine.
3 FH «Svitanok»,
89/1, Prospect Peremohy, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine.
Direct frequency converter with artificial and natural
commutation for brushless asynchronized machines.
The comparative analysis of direct frequency converters with
artificial and natural- switching term of the cyclical control
algorithm is presented; the recommendations for their using in
brushless asynchronized machines with three-phase winding are
developed. Converters with a limited number of full-controlled
valves have large losses in safety circuits of gates, they can be
used in system of automatic excitation control. The best quality
of voltage and current load are provided by converters with
natural commutation using modulated input voltage, the combined potential compounds windings supply and the combined
method of thyristor controlling. When the load is divided into
two three-phase groups, an even number of phases of the power
supply for single phase of the load are applied the bridge converter circuit. Regulation of the load current is carried out by
the excitation current of field exciters and by the control angle
of thyristor. Converters can be used in high-power asynchronized motors and generators. In asynchronized compensators it
is possible to use diode-thyristor converters without transmitting
the control signals to the rotating part. The frequency converters without modulation of input voltage have the smallest increase in rated capacity of power supply. However, they have a
low quality form of the output voltage at high power factor of
load. References 10, table 1, figures 6.
Key words: brushless asynchronized machine, inverter,
diode, transistor, thyristor.
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Поступила (received) 24.02.2015
Ставинский Андрей Андреевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Пальчиков Олег Олегович1, аспирант,
1 Национальный университет кораблестроения
имени адмирала Макарова,
54025, Николаев, пр. Героев Cталинграда, 9,
тел/phone +38 0512 399453, e-mail: ole2013hulk@yandex.ua
А.А. Stavinskii1, О.О. Palchykov1
1 Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding,
9, Geroyev Stalingrada Ave., Mykolaiv, 54025, Ukraine.
Comparative analysis of active power losses of induction
motors with cylindrical and axial air gaps.
Purpose. To find the analytical expressions of determining the
optimum geometric dimensions by criteria of the losses minimum
of axial field squirrel-cage induction motors and to compare traditional and axial field motors. Methodology. We have applied the
method of the relative indications of the technical level with relative controlled variables. We have used the approximation of the
experimental dependence of the distribution of the induction in the
air gap and the integral averaging of the magnetic flux. Results.
We have developed the mathematical model for determining the
optimum geometric dimensions by criteria of the losses minimum
of the active part of axial field squirrel-cage induction motors
taking into account the radial distribution of the induction in the
air gap and teeth. We have considered the comparative analysis of
the indications of active power losses of traditional and axial
designs of electromagnetic equivalent motors. Originality. For the
first time we have created the mathematical model of the active
power losses of the active part of axial field squirrel-cage induction motors with the uneven distribution of the magnetic flux in the
core and investigated the effect of the geometric relationships on
the energy efficiency of axial field motors. Practical value. Based
on the superior parametric compatibility and the high energy
efficiency of axial motors the expediency of replacing traditional
induction motors to axial field induction motors has been proved
in the special drives, which operates in continuous duty. Also
obtained by simulation optimal geometric relationships of the
magnetic circuit can be used in the manufacture and design of
axial motors by criteria of the losses minimum. References 14,
tables 2, figures 3.
Key words: losses indication, optimum geometric dimensions,
traditional and axial field motors.
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Поступила (received) 06.07.2015
Болюх Владимир Федорович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Щукин Игорь Сергеевич2, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427, e-mail: bolukh@kpi.kharkov.ua
2 ООО Фирма «ТЭТРА, Ltd»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076427, e-mail: tech@tetra.kharkiv.com.ua
V.F. Bolyukh1, I.S. Schukin2
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 Firm Tetra, LTD,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
High-performance electromechanical and electromagnetic
pulse devices for destruction of information on digital drives.
It is shown that the most promising way to mechanical destruction of digital information storage is using a pulsed electromechanical and magnetic device and method. The highly efficient
autonomous electromechanical and electromagnetic pulse devices destruction of information on digital storage devices are
designed. The aim of the paper is the development of designs
and advanced technical solutions for highly efficient pulsed
electromechanical and magnetic systems of information protection. The excitation source of the inductor is using a capacitive
energy storage. This may be implemented by running or the
computer turned off for a very short period of time when the
signal of unauthorized access. Implement the task can only be
provided using mathematical modeling of electromagnetic and
mechanical processes, experimental research and development
of new technical solutions. These devices with limited weight
and overall dimensions excite powerful mechanical or magnetic
pulses. Considered electromechanical devices of inductiondynamic type, with accumulation of mechanical energy and the
combined action of the device, using an induction-dynamic electrodynamic and electromagnetic forces. Proposed design of
devices is intended to destroy information on USB flash drives
and solid state drives SSD. The design of pulsed magneticmechanical device in which the destruction of information is
carried out by mechanical and magnetic pulses simultaneously.
Based on the performed works classification of destruction of
information devices digital drives is proposed. References 22,
table 1, figures 21.
Key words: electromechanical and electromagnetic pulse
devices, destruction of information on digital drives,
design of devices, mechanical and magnetic pulses.
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Надійшла (received) 19.05.2015
Кузнєцов Борис Іванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Василець Тетяна Юхимівна2, к.т.н., доц.,
Варфоломієв Олексій Олексійович3, к.т.н.,
1 Державна установа «Інститут технічних проблем
магнетизму Національної академії наук України»,
61106, Харків, вул. Індустріальна, 19,
e-mail: bikuznetsov@mail.ru
2 Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія,
61003, Харків, вул. Університетська, 16,
тел/phone +38 057 7337959,
e-mail: tatyana.vasilets@gmail.com
3 Технологічний інститут Нью Джерсі (США),
University Heights, Newark, NJ, USA, 07102-1982,
тел/phone +1609 7874172,
e-mail: alexey.varfolomeyev@gmail.com
B.I. Kuznetsov1, T.E. Vasilets2, О.O. Varfolomiyev3
1 State Institution «Institute of Technical Problems
of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine»,
19, Industrialna Str., Kharkiv, 61106, Ukraine.
2 Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,
16, Universitetskaya Str., Kharkiv, 61003, Ukraine.
3 New Jersey Institute of Technology,
University Heights Newark, New Jersey, USA, 07102.
Synthesis of neural network Model Reference Controller
for aiming and stabilizing system.
The aim of this work is the synthesis of neural network reference
model controller. The synthesis is performed in MATLAB for the
problem of control of the aiming and stabilization system for the
special equipment of moving objects. This paper presents the
synthesis of the neural network reference model controller to
meet the given performance characteristics of operation for the
aiming and stabilization system for the special equipment of
moving objects. Simulink tool in MATLAB is used to build the
block diagram of double-loop neural network system of aiming
and stabilization, where the reference model controller is put in
the velocity loop and P-regulator is put in the position loop,
with feedforward velocity control. Presented the method of synthesis of the neural network reference model controller that is
implemented in the Neural Network Toolbox in MATLAB. System tests with the broad range of parameter values determined
the key parameters defining the control quality. Optimal values
of the key parameters were found to provide the highest control
performance. System simulation and analysis of the obtained
results is given. References 7, figures 16.
Key words: neural network control, aiming and stabilization
system, nonlinear dynamic object, neuro-controller on the
basis of standard model, Model Reference Controller.
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Поступила (received) 21.01.2015
Левицький Сергій Михайлович, к.т.н., доц.,
Вінницький національний технічний університет,
21000, Вінниця, вул. Воїнів-Інтернаціоналістів, 9,
тел/phone +38 043 2598167, e-mail: levitskiy@vntu.edu.ua
S.M. Levitskiy
Vinnitsa National Technical University,
9, Voinov-Internatsionalistov Str., Vinnitsa, 21000, Ukraine.
Control system for multilevel invertor of solar power station.
Purpose. The development of control law for network multilevel
invertor of solar power station and design device for control law
realization. Methodology. At synthesis of control law theory of
automatic control, power network engineering and circuit technique are considered. The control law for distributive control
over the direct-axis and quadrature-axis currents of invertor
after abc-dq transform of three phase current’s momentary value is used. Results. The improved model of regulator of directaxis invertor’s current is developed and provides the voltage
optimization of invertor’s operating both from solar module and
from network by means of calculation the reactive power consumption from network, voltage on network and voltage on solar
module. The improved model of regulator of quadrature-axis
invertor’s current is developed and provides the power and
frequency optimization of invertor’s operating by means of calculation ratio of active power consumption and power from
solar module. Originality. The offered control law and device,
which realize it, is working out on secondary loop from power
network smart grid with active and reactive power consumption
monitoring. That provides the optimal operation of solar station
both from solar module and from power network. Practical value. The proposed control law and structure of the network multilevel invertor for solar power station provide the operate mode
of solar module in maximum power point and increasing the
solar module’s productivity. References 8, figures 3.
Key words: invertor, control, solar module.
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Надійшла (received) 21.07.2015
Поднебенна Світлана Костянтинівна, к.т.н., доц.,
ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»,
87500, Маріуполь, вул. Університетська, 7,
тел/phone +38 098 4831073, e-mail: podsvet@gmail.com
S.K. Podnebennaya
Pryazovskyi State Technical University,
7, Universitetska Str, Mariupol, 87500, Ukraine.
An improved control algorithm for «Dynamic Capacitor»
VAR compensator.
Purpose. Modern approaches of VAR compensation are: using
compensators with stepped regulation, STATCOMs, active power filters. Recently, more attention is paid to VAR compensator’s
design based on the direct AC / AC converters, which are called
dynamic capacitors. Methodology. The dynamic capacitor (DCAP) is the capacitor bank, which is connected to the mains
through direct AC / AC buck converter. By varying the duty
cycle of bidirectional switches, smooth control of reactive power
can be achieved. However, in case of distorted mains voltage,
D-CAP mains current will have a high THD. This is due to the
fact that the D-CAP affects the frequency response of electric
grid thus leading to the appearance of resonances. With nonsinusoidal mains voltage, capacitors are affected by harmonics.
This reduces the reliability of the D-CAP, increasing the probability of their failure. To eliminate these drawbacks it is suggested to improve the D-CAP control system so that the input current of the dynamic capacitor is forced to be close to sinusoidal.
This can be achieved if the duty cycle of the switching bidirectional switches is changed according to the proposed expression. Results. The research is done on a single-phase DCAP with the proposed control system, its input current diagrams are shown. In contrast to the D-CAP with a constant duty
cycle control, the resulting THD of its input current is much
lower. Thus, the control system provides a form of the input
current that is close to a sine wave. This reduces the influence of
mains voltage harmonics on the D-CAP operation, increases its
reliability and improves power quality. Originality. The proposed D-CAP control system ensures reliable operation with
non-sinusoidal mains voltage. Practical value. Application of DCAPs with the proposed control system allows for improved
energy efficiency of electrical mains by providing VAR compensation and improving power quality. References 4, figures 6.
Key words: VAR compensation, dynamic capacitor, control
system, thin AC/AC converter, bidirectional switch.
1. Канискин В.А., Коцур С.А., Привалов И.Н. Кабели 10
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Поступила (received) 10.07.2015
Беспрозванных Анна Викторовна1, д.т.н., проф.,
Москвитин Евгений Сергеевич1, к.т.н.,
Кессаев Александр Геннадиевич1, аспирант,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076010,
e-mail: bezprozvannych@kpi.kharkov.ua
G.V. Bezprozvannych1, E.S. Moskvitin1, A.G. Kyessaeyv1
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
The absorption characteristics of the phase and zone paperimpregnated insulation of power cable at direct voltage.
Introduction. The moral and physical deterioration of medium
voltage power cables with phase and zone paper-impregnated
insulation requires implementation of quality systems and reliable nondestructive electric diagnostic. Informative indicator of
the insulation is the time decay curve of the charging current. It
reflects the processes of accumulation of space charges (absorption). The measurements are carried out the 15th since the second direct voltage supply, then – on the 30th and the second on
the 60th second. The ratio of the parameters measured in these
times gives the dimensionless criteria – absorption coefficients.
Three measurements are made at different times, provide a more
complete picture of the state of insulation than the measurement
of the value of steady leakage (conduction-through), adopted in
conventional prevention trials. Purpose. Research and testing
methods of diagnostics of power cables with paper-impregnated
insulation by absorption and phase characteristics of the belt
insulation based on the total measurements. Methodology. A
procedure for determining the individual characteristics of
phase and zone paper-impregnated insulation based realized on
the use of the equivalent circuit of a three-core cable in the metal shell and solved of an over determined system of linear algebraic equations by least squares. Results. The proposed method
allows determining the absorption characteristics of the individual phase and zone insulation medium voltage power cables in
the overall metal shell at a direct voltage. Individual characteristics reflect the characteristics of cables and allow a greater
degree to assess the degree of aging of each of the components
of paper-impregnated insulation. Originality. Regardless of the
cable connection diagrams probing electric field grabs as the
phase, and zone insulation. The cumulative nature of the measurement leads to the fact that the differences in the properties of
insulation components are smoothed: the aggregate results of
the measurements do not differ for the different schemes of the
same type. The individual characteristics of isolation, defined on
the basis of the proposed method are more differences than total, indicating that non-symmetrical modes of operation of the
cable. Practical value. The values of individual characteristics
power cables 6 kV are 3 times more total, because of what their
direct measurement may be a problem. The total resistance of
several insulation spaces connected in parallel, behind the individual. Smaller values of insulation resistance are measured
more easily, especially on short samples cables. References 8,
tables 4, figures 5.
Key words: phase and zone paper-impregnated insulation,
absorption characteristics, polarization index, insulation
resistance, equivalent circuit, the system of linear algebraic
equations, stability of the solution.
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Received 03.07.2015
Vladimir I. Gurevich, Ph.D, Senior specialist,
Central Electric Laboratory of Israel Electric Corp.
31000, Israel, Haifa, POB 10,
e-mail: vladimir.gurevich@gmx.net
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Поступила (received) 10.06.2015
Баранов Михаил Иванович, д.т.н., гл.н.с.,
НИПКИ «Молния»
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
M.I. Baranov
Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya»
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
An anthology of the distinguished achievements in science
and technique. Part 29: Discoverers of secrets of global natural light phenomena.
Purpose. Scientifically-historical description of features of
opening by scientists-discoverers of the world of electrophysics
and electrochemical secrets of such natural light phenomena as
Aurora Borealis, rainbow and photosynthesis, carrying global
planetary character for the habitants of planet Earth. Methodology. Scientific approaches at treatment and systematization of
physical knowledges about «solar wind» and sun radiation,
causing flowing in the atmosphere of Earth of the indicated light
phenomena. Methods of historical method at research of progressive development in the world of basic scientific knowledges
about the examined natural light phenomena. Results. Basic
information, touching forming of scientific bases of electrophysics and electrochemical processes, flows at a display in the
earthly atmosphere of aurora north (south) polaris, primary
(second) rainbow and photosynthesis domestic and foreign scientists in the leaves of higher (lower) plants, is resulted. Originality. First in area of history of scientific and technological
bases of electrophysics and electrochemical processes, characteristic for aurora polaris, rainbow and photosynthesis in an
earthly magnetic sphere and air atmosphere are presented in the
short systematized form and historical development. Practical
value. Scientific popularization of electrophysics and electrochemical knowledges and distinguished scientific achievements
in area of such global for a planet Earth of the natural atmospheric light phenomena as aurora Borealis, rainbow and photosynthesis. References 31, figures 15.
Key words: history, planet Earth, Aurora Borealis, rainbow,
photosynthesis, distinguished scientific achievements.
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and FACTS devices // International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. – 2013. – vol.23. – no.1. – pp. 109-121. Available at:
(accessed 21 September 2015). doi: 10.1002/etep.1619.
3. Очеретяный Ю.А., Живица В.И., Белый В.Н., Онищенко
О.А., Вайнфельд Э.И. Концепция системы компьютерного
мониторинга и технической диагностики рефрижераторной
установки судна // Судовые энергетические установки. –
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4. Будашко В.В., Онищенко О.А. Удосконалення системи
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№38(1081). – С. 45-51.
5. Будашко В.В., Онищенко О.А. Математические основы
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энергетической установкой бурового судна // Вестник
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6. Le Luo, Lan Gao, Hehe Fu. The control and modeling of
diesel generator set in electric propulsion ship // International
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2011. – vol.3. – no.2. – pp. 31-37. Available at: http://www.mecspress.org/ijitcs/ijitcs-v3-n2/IJITCS-V3-N2-5.pdf (accessed 21
September 2015). doi: 10.5815/ijitcs.2011.02.05.
7. Будашко В.В., Онищенко О.А., Юшков Е.А. Физическое
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and FACTS devices. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2013, vol.23, no.1, pp. 109-121. Available at:
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3. Ocheretianyi Yu.A., Zhivitsa V.I., Belyi V.N., Onishchenko
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6. Le Luo, Lan Gao, Hehe Fu. The control and modeling of
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Поступила (received) 23.09.2015
Будашко Виталий Витальевич, к.т.н., доц.,
Одесская национальная морская академия,
65029, Одесса, ул. Дидрихсона, 8,
тел/phone +38 048 7332367, e-mail: bvv@te.net.ua
V.V. Budashko
Оdessa National Maritime Academy,
8, Didrikhson Str., Odessa, 65029.
Implementation approaches during simulation of energy
processes for a dynamically positioned ship.
Purpose. Creation of a mathematical model of the ship's power
plant (SPP) combined propulsion complexes (CPC) that takes
into account the behavior of all objects, including the ship itself,
the transfer of power from the medium speed diesel generators
on the propellers, which will allow to take into account the hydrodynamic properties of the vessel and their impact on the
energy processes in SPP CPC. Methodology. The analysis of
energy processes in the SPP CPC in different operating conditions resulted in creation of a strategy for constructing mathematical models of SPP CPC. This strategy is based on the implementation on the vector plane resulting power characteristics
of SPP vectors disturbances, leading to the deviation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the ship during operation dynamic positioning. The result allowed to consider not only the features of setting PID-governors of frequency converters of electric thrusters but the automatic voltage regulators of medium
speed diesel generators as well. Results. Within the research
work a software package Ships_CPC in MatLab/Simulink was
developed under the state budget project «Concepts, technologies and ways of improving ship power plants combined propulsion complexes» at the Department of Electromechanics and
Electrical Engineering of Odessa National Maritime Academy.
Originality. This complex represents a set of functional blocks
of the components SPP CPC, built on the principle of «inputoutput». The simulation results demonstrate the ability to use
software package Ships_CPC to study the effect of various settings on the energy regulators of processes SPP CPC, which can
develop and integrate the different strategies of automatic voltage regulators. Practical value. Since software complex
Ships_CPC was developed under Open system technology, it
can reorganize, re-tune and integrate in processes of any difficulties with further completion in the form of a universal structure. References 10, figures 7.
Key words: ship power plants, combined propulsion complex,
dynamic positioning, mathematical modeling, transfer of
power, efficiency, regulation.
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Поступила (received) 02.09.2015
Голенков Геннадий Михайлович1, к.т.н., доц.,
Пархоменко Дмитрий Игоревич1, инженер,
1 Киевский национальный университет строительства
и архитектуры,
03680, Киев, Воздухофлотский проспект, 31,
тел/phone +38 044 2415580,
e-mail: gennadiymikhaylovich@mail.ua, parkhomenkodm@gmail.com
G.M. Golenkov1, D.I. Parkhomenko1
1 Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture,
31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv-037, 03680 Ukraine.
Modeling of equivalent stiffness of a magnetic spring
of vibration exciter based on coaxial-linear motor.
Purpose. The research of the influence of value and direction of
current on the equivalent spring magnetic force based on coaxiallinear motor (CLM – MS). Methodology. We carried out investigation of the equivalent harshness of magnetic spring with determination of electromechanical propulsion performance characteristics by the methods of computer modeling and experimental
research of physical model of CLM – MS. The modeling of magnetic spring of CLM – MS is carried out by the finite-element
method. The challenge is met as an axisymmetric challenge in
cylindrical co-ordinates in magnetostatic approach. The experimental investigattion of the propulsion performance characteristics of magnetic spring is carried out on the test bench. Results.
After the computer modeling and the experimental investigation of
the electromechanical propulsion performance characteristics of
magnetic spring the expressions of equivalent stiffness coefficient
depending on the current in winding are obtained. The results of
computer modeling are confirmed experimentally. Originality.
The determination of equivalent stiffness coefficient of magnetic
spring of vibration exciter based on coaxial-linear motor. Practical value. The obtained determination of equivalent stiffness coefficient of magnetic spring may be used in process of designing of
vibration machines with devices for change of natural oscillation
frequency. References 7, tables 1, figures 6.
Key words: stiffness coefficient, magnetic spring, vibration
exciter, coaxial-linear motor.
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4. Milykh V.I., Polyakova N.V. Dynamics of force action in
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9. Milykh V.I., Polyakova N.V. Organization of numerical
calculation of turbogenerator magnetic field under load with
specified output parameters control. Elektrotekhnіka і elektromekhanіka – Electrical engineering & electromechanics,
2012, no.1, pp. 36-41. (Rus).
Поступила (received) 13.07.2015
Милых Владимир Иванович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Полякова Наталия Владимировна1, инженер,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076514, e-mail: mvikemkpi@gmail.com
V.I. Milykh1, N.V. Polyakova1
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Automated calculations of the dynamics of turbogenerator
electromagnetic processes in software environment FEMM.
Attention is paid to the popular FEMM (Finite Element Method
Magnetics) program which is effective in the numerical calculations of the magnetic fields of electrical machines. The principles of the automated calculations providing the analysis of the
dynamics of electromagnetic processes in turbo-generators are
presented. This is realized in the form of a script on the algorithmic language Lua integrated with FEMM. The temporal
functions of electromagnetic quantities are obtained by multiposition calculations of the magnetic field with ensuring its rotation together with the turbo-generator rotor. The developed
program is universal in terms of the geometry and dimensions of
turbo-generators, as well as the modes of their work with a minimum of input data in numerical form. This paper shows "extraction" of discrete temporal functions: the magnetic flux linkage of the phase stator winding; forces acting on the currentcarrying and ferromagnetic elements of the structure; the magnetic induction at the fixed points; electromagnetic moment.
This list can be expanded as part of the created program, as
well as the use of the program can be extended to other types of
electrical machines. The obtaining of a change period of any
functions is provided by rotating the rotor to 60°. References 9,
figures 5.
Key words: program FEMM, turbogenerator, magnetic field,
electromagnetic processes, dynamics of changes, automated
calculations, Lua script.
1. Levin M.I., Пентегов И.В., Рымар С.В., Lavreniuk A.V.
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2015. – №1. – С. 20-24.
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Date 16.09.2010; Publ. Date 01.04.2014.
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8. Пентегов И.В. Возможности использования ВКБ-метода
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1. Levin M.I., Pentegov I.V., Rymar S.V., Lavreniuk A.V.
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2. Levin M.I., Pentegov I.V., Rymar S.V., Lavreniuk A.V.
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3. Levin M., Lavreniuk A.V. Economical core design for electromagnetic devices. Patent US, no.8686824, 2014.
4. Pentegov I.V., Rymar S.V. Method of determination of
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electrodynamics, 1996, no.1, pp. 39-45. (Rus).
Поступила (received) 30.09.2015
Пентегов Игорь Владимирович1, д.т.н., проф., в.н.с.,
Рымар Сергей Владимирович1, д.т.н., с.н.с., в.н.с.,
Levin Michael I.2, P. Engineer,
Lavreniuk Andrii V.3, PhD., R&D Engineer,
1 Институт электросварки им. Е.О. Патона НАН Украины,
03680, Киев-150, ул. Боженко, 11,
тел/phone +38 044 2061388, 2052533
e-mail: magn@i.com.ua, elmag@paton.kiev.ua
2 67, Sunnycrest Rd., Toronto, Canada, M2R 1V4,
тел/phone +1 (416) 6677061,
e-mail: michael@mirusinternational.com
3 MIRUS International Inc.,
31, Sun Pac Blvd., Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6S 5P6,
тел/phone +1 (905) 4941120,
e-mail: andrii@mirusinternational.com
I.V. Pentegov1, S.V. Rymar1, M.I. Levin2, A.V. Lavreniuk3
1 Paton Electric Welding Institute of National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine,
11, Bozhenko Str., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine.
2 67, Sunnycrest Rd., Toronto, Canada, M2R 1V4.
3 Mirus International Inc.,
31, Sun Pac Blvd., Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6S 5P6.
A determination of the flux density in core of distribution
transformers, what built with the common using of grain
and non grain oriented magnetic steels.
Purpose. The development of calculation method to determinate
the flux densities in different parts of the magnetic cores of distribution transformers, what built from different types magnetic steel
(mixed core). Methodology. The method is based on the scientific
positions of Theoretical Electrical Engineering – the theory of the
electromagnetic field in nonlinear mediums to determine the distribution of magnetic flux in mixed core of transformer, what are
using different types of steel what have the different magnetic
properties. Results. The developed method gives possible to make
calculation of the flux density and influence of skin effect in different parts of the magnetic cores of distribution transformer, where
are used mix of grain oriented (GO) and non grain oriented
(NGO) steels. Was determinate the general basic conditions for
the calculation of flux density in the laminations from grain and
non grain oriented steels of the magnetic core: the strength of
magnetic field for the laminations of particular part of mixed core
is the same; the sum of the magnetic fluxes in GO and NGO steels
in particular part of mixed core is equal with the designed magnetic flux in this part of mixed core. Discover, the magnetic flux in
mixed core of the transformer has specific distribution between
magnetic steels. The flux density is higher in laminations from GO
steel and smaller in laminations from the NGO steel. That is happened because for magnetic flux is easier pass through laminations from GO steel, what has better magnetic conductance than
laminations from NGO steel. Originality. The common using of
different types of magnetic steels in cores for distribution transformers gives possibility to make design of transformer with low
level of no load losses, high efficiency and with optimal cost.
Practical value. The determination of the flux density in different
parts of magnetic core with GO and NGO steels gives possibility
make accurate calculation of no load losses and magnetizing
current of the transformer. References 10, tables 1, figures 3.
Key words: distribution transformer, magnetic core, grain
oriented steel (GO), non grain oriented steel (NGO), flux
density, no load losses, high efficiency.
1. Lyon W.V. Reactive power and unbalanced circuits // Electrical world. – June, 1920. – vol.75. – no.25. – рр. 1417-1420.
2. Budeanu C.I. Puissances réactives et fictives // Ins. Romaine
de l’Energe. – 1927. – no.2.
3. Fryze S. Active and Apparent power in non-sinusoidal systems // Przeglad Elektrot. – 1931. – no.7. – pp. 193-203.
4. Fryze S. Wirk-, Blind- und Scheinleistung in Elektrischen
Stromkreisen mit Nichtsinusoidalem Verlauf von Strom und
Spannung // Elect. Zeitschrift. – 1932. – vol.53. – no.25. –
pp. 596-599.
5. Маевский О.А. Энергетические показатели вентильных
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6. Akagi H., Kanazawa Y., Nabae A. Generalized theory of the
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7. Домнин И.Ф., Жемеров Г.Г., Ильина О.В., Тугай Д.В.
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Тем. випуск «Проблеми сучасної електротехніки». – 2006. –
Ч. 6. – С. 36-41.
8. Жемеров Г.Г., Колесник В.Ю., Ильина О.В.
Соотношения для преобразования координат обобщенных
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9. Жемеров Г.Г., Ильина Н.А., Ильина О.В., Ковальчук
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10. Жемеров Г.Г., Тугай Д.В. Мощность потерь и
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напряжениях источника // Энергосбережение. Энергетика.
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1. Lyon W.V. Reactive power and unbalanced circuits. Electrical world, June 1920, vol.75, no.25, рр. 1417-1420.
2. Budeanu C.I. Puissances réactives et fictives. Ins. Romaine
de l’Energe, Bucharest, 1927, no.2.
3. Fryze S. Active and Apparent power in non-sinusoidal systems. Przeglad Elektrot., 1931, no.7, pp. 193-203.
4. Fryze S. Wirk-, Blind- und Scheinleistung in Elektrischen
Stromkreisen mit Nichtsinusoidalem Verlauf von Strom und
Spannung. Elect. Zeitschrift., 1932, vol.53, no.25, pp. 596-599.
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preobrazovateley [Energy indicators of semiconductor converters]. Moscow, Energiya Publ., 1978. 320 p. (Rus).
6. Akagi H., Kanazawa Y., Nabae A. Generalized theory of the
instantaneous power in three phase circuits. Int. Power Electronics Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 1983, pp.1375-1386.
7. Domnin I.F., Zhemerov G.G., Il'ina O.V., Tugay D.V. Compensation of instantaneous power pulsations in electric circuits
with a resistive load. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika. Tem. vypusk
«Problemy suchasnoyi elektrotekhniky» – Technical electrodynamics. Thematic issue «Problems of modern electrical engineering». 2006, chapter 6, pp. 36-41. (Rus).
8. Zhemerov G.G., Kolesnik V.Yu., Il'ina O.V. Sootnosheniya
dlya preobrazovaniya koordinat obobschennyih vektorov
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9. Zhemerov G.G., Il'ina N.A., Il'ina O.V., Koval'chuk O.I.,
Sokol E.I. Efficiency three-phase four-wire power supply system with an asymmetric load. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika.
Tem. vypusk «Silova elektronіka i energoefektivnіst» – Technical electrodynamics. Thematic issue «Power electronics &
energy efficiency», 2010, vol.1, pp. 22-31. (Rus).
10. Zhemerov G.G., Tugay D.V. Power losses and reactive
power in three-phase power supply systems with symmetrical
sinusoidal voltage source. Energosberezhenie. Energetika. Energoaudit – Energy saving. Power engineering. Energy audit,
2014, no.9(127), pp. 12-23. (Rus).
Поступила (received) 01.09.2015
Жемеров Георгий Георгиевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Тугай Дмитрий Васильевич2, к.т.н., доц.,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
тел/phone +38 057 7076312, e-mail: zhemerov@gmail.com
2 Харьковский национальный университет
городского хозяйства им. А.Н. Бекетова,
61002, Харьков, ул. Революции, 12,
тел/phone +38 057 7073111, e-mail: tugaydv@yandex.ru
G.G. Zhemerov1, D.V. Tugay2
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
2 O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy
in Kharkiv,
12, Revolution Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Physical meaning of the «reactive power» concept applied to
three-phase energy supply systems with non-linear load.
Purpose. The contradictions in the use of the term «reactive
power» require justification by clarifying its physical meaning.
The aim of the paper is to reveal the physical meaning of the
term «reactive power» applied to three-phase three-wire and
four-wire energy supply systems. Methodology. We have applied
the modern theory of instantaneous active and reactive power,
the graphical filling complex branched energy supply system of
simplified design scheme, the theory of electrical circuits, computer Matlab-simulation. Results. We have provided answers to
six basic questions that reveal the physical meaning and definition of the concept of «reactive power». We have justified the
assumptions suggesting a universal calculation formula to determine the relative total power loss in the three-phase energy
supply system as the sum of four components caused by: a minimal losses, reactive power, active power pulsations and instantaneous current flow in the neutral wire. Originality. We have
developed the definition that reveals the physical meaning of the
term «reactive power» for three-phase energy supply systems
corresponding to modern theories of instantaneous active and
reactive power. Practical value. We have proposed energy efficiency method ideas of energy supply systems with non-linear
load based on the additional components of the power losses
calculation. The further development of the method will allow to
amend the design, selection and operation of the power active
filters practices. References 10, tables 3, figures 5.
Кey words: energy supply system, reactive power, power of
additional losses, the minimum possible losses, Matlabmodel of three-phase energy supply system.
1. Карпушенко В.П., Щебенюк Л.А., Антонець Ю.О.,
Науменко О.А. Силові кабелі низької та середньої напруги.
Конструювання, технологія, якість. X.: Регіон-інформ, 2000.
– 376 c.
2. IEC 60287-1-1: 2001. Electric cables. Calculation of the
current rating. Part 1-1: Current rating equations (100% load
factor) and calculation of losses – General. – 65 p.
3. СИГРЭ № 303 «Revision of qualification procedures for
high voltage and extra high voltage AC extruded underground
cable systems», 2006.
4. IEC 60287-2-1: 2001. Electric cables. Calculation of the
current rating. Part 2-1: Thermal resistance – Calculation of
thermal resistance. – 84 p.
5. IEC 62067: Ed. 1.1b: 2006. Power cables with extruded
insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 150 kV
(Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) – Test methods and
requirements. – 90 p.
6. HD 632 S1: 1998. Power cables with extruded insulation
and their accessories for rated voltages above 36 kV (Um = 42
kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) Part 2: Additional test methods.
7. Щебенюк Л.А., Антонець Т.Ю. До визначення
пропускної спроможності високовольтних силових кабелів з
пластмасовою ізоляцією // Вісник НТУ «ХПІ». – 2011. –
№3. – С. 152-157.
1. Karpushenko V.P., Shchebeniuk L.A., Antonets Yu.O.,
Naumenko O.A. Sylovi kabeli nyz'koyi ta seredn'oyi napruhy.
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and medium voltage. Designing, technology, quality]. Kharkiv,
Region-inform Publ., 2000. 376 p. (Ukr).
2. IEC 60287-1-1: 2001. Electric cables. Calculation of the
current rating. Part 1-1: Current rating equations (100% load
factor) and calculation of losses – General. – 65 p.
3. SIGRE № 303 «Revision of qualification procedures for
high voltage and extra high voltage AC extruded underground
cable systems», 2006.
4. IEC 60287-2-1: 2001. Electric cables. Calculation of the
current rating. Part 2-1: Thermal resistance – Calculation of
thermal resistance. – 84 p.
5. IEC 62067: Ed. 1.1b: 2006. Power cables with extruded
insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 150 kV
(Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um = 550 kV) – Test methods and
requirements. – 90 p.
6. HD 632 S1: 1998. Power cables with extruded insulation
and their accessories for rated voltages above 36 kV (Um = 42
kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) Part 2: Additional test methods.
7. Shchebeniuk L.A., Antonets T.Yu. To determine the capacity of high-voltage power cables with plastic insulation. Visnyk
NTU «KhPІ» – Bulletin of NTU «KhPІ», 2011, no.3,
pp. 152-157. (Ukr).
Надійшла (received) 26.10.2015
Антонець Тарас Юрійович1, аспірант,
Веприк Юрій Миколайович1, д.т.н., проф.,
Щебенюк Леся Артемівна1, к.т.н., проф.,
Національний технічний університет
«Харківський політехнічний інститут»,
61002, Харків, вул. Фрунзе, 21,
e-mail: veprik@email.ua
T.Yu. Antonets1, Yu.M. Vepryk1, L.A. Shchebeniuk1
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Heat tests of power cables with XLPE insulation at direct
voltages up to 110 kV.
In this paper, experiment for determining the temperature difference between the elements of cable and in the open air is
considered. The formation of a three cables laid in a plane with
different spacing between adjacent cables. Tests to heat of cables for XLPE-polyethylene are used as a solid dielectric insulation. The line to XLPE-cables in group running horizontally,
provided that the cables are of equal diameter and emit equal
losses. It is limited to the following: the air flow around the
cables may be necessary restricted by proximity to next cables.
When single-core cables are installed in parallel the load current may not share equally between the parallel cables. This is
because a significant proportion of the impedance of large
conductors is due to self reactance and mutual reactance.
Hence the spacing and relative location of each cable will have
an effect on the current sharing. Calculation for each cable
configuration is necessary. Possibility of using for determining
the thermal properties of XLPE-cables a sheath applied over
the cable surface with coefficient convection heat transfer between cable surface and the air region about it of equal zero.
The work is devoted to creation of a method for calculation of
the current rating of high-voltage cables in conditions function.
References 7, figures 3.
Key words: power cable, XLPE-cables, heat test.
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Поступила (received) 29.07.2015
Баранов Михаил Иванович1, д.т.н., гл.н.с.,
Рудаков Сергей Валерьевич2, к.т.н., доц.,
1 НИПКИ «Молния»
Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61013, Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 47,
тел/phone +38 057 7076841, e-mail: eft@kpi.kharkov.ua
4 Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины,
61023, Харьков, ул. Чернышевского, 94,
тел/phone +38 057 7073438, e-mail: serg_73@i.ua
M.I. Baranov1, S.V. Rudakov2
1 Scientific-&-Research Planning-&-Design Institute «Molniya»,
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
47, Shevchenko Str., Kharkiv, 61013, Ukraine.
2 National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine,
94, Chernyshevska Str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine.
Development of new charts of capacitance-resistance defense
of high-voltage capacitors of powerful capacity stores of
energy from emergency currents.
Purpose. Development of new charts of capacitance-resistance
defense of high-voltage capacitors of powerful capacity stores of
energy (CSE) from emergency large impulsive currents (LIC) at
the electric hasp of one of condensers of such CSE on the stage
of their charge or discharge. Methodology. Electrophysics bases of the technique of high-voltage and large pulsed currents,
and also scientific and technical bases of planning of devices of
high-voltage impulse technique. Results. Two new charts of
capacitance-resistance defense of high-voltage impulsive capacitors are offered for powerful CSE of one- and multimodule
execution from emergency LIC, being based on the use of highvoltage permanent graphite-ceramic resistors of type of TVO-60
a face value from 24 to 100 Ohm, set on the high-voltage conclusions of all of condensers of CSE. One of the developed capacitance-resistance charts of defense of condensers for powerful one-module CSE passed practical approbation. Originality.
It is shown that application of the developed charts of capacitance-resistance defense of high-voltage condensers of powerful
CSE is provided by frequent limitation of amplitude of emergency LIC, flowing through broken through an electric discharge
condenser of CSE on the stage of his charge or discharge. Such
limitation emergency LIC is prevented by explosion destruction
of the damaged condenser of high-voltage CSE. Practical value.
The use of the developed charts of capacitance-resistance defense of high-voltage capacitors from emergency LIC allows
substantially to promote functional safety of powerful CSE of
one- and multi-module execution and provide the safe terms of
labour for a scientific and technical personnel, attendant similar
CSE. References 14, figures 3.
Key words: powerful capacity store of energy, emergency
current, capacitance-resistance chart of defense of highvoltage capacitors, high-voltage permanent graphite-ceramic
1. Welcome to BETAG Innovation [Электронный ресурс]. –
Режим доступа: www.betaginnovation.com.
2. Лаборатория
3. Пат. 77579 Україна, В21 Д 26/14. Спосіб магнітноімпульсного притягання металевих заготівок одновитковим
круговим індуктором, розташованим над допоміжним
екраном / Батигін Ю.В., Гнатов А.В., Чаплигін Є.О.,
Трунова І.С., Гопко А.В., Сабокар О.С.; заявник та
патентовласник Харківський нац. автом.-дорожн. ун-т. – №
u2012 07542 заявл. 22.06.2012; опубл. 25.02.2013, Бюл. № 4.
4. Батыгин Ю.В., Чаплыгин Е.А., Шиндерук С.А. Расчет
полей и токов в индукторной системе с притягивающим
экраном и дополнительным витком как инструмента
рихтовки // Електротехніка і електромеханіка. – 2015. – № 1.
– С. 57-62.
5. Yuriy V. Batygin, Sergey F. Golovashchenko, Andrey V.
Gnatov. Pulsed electromagnetic attraction of sheet metals – fundamentals and perspective applications // Journal of Materials
Processing Technology. – 2013. – vol.213. – no.3. – pp. 444-452.
6. Батыгин Ю.В., Гнатов А.В. Магнитно-импульсное
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7. Batygin Yuri V., Sergey F. Golovashchenko, Andrey V.
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8. Батыгин Ю.В., Головащенко С.Ф., Чаплыгин Е.А.
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Электричество. – 2014. – №2. – C. 40-52.
9. Batygin Yu.V. Experimental test of the tool for the external
EMF removing dents on a car body // International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering. – 2014. – vol.3. – no.4. – pp. 204-208.
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2. Laboratoriia elektromagnitnykh tekhnologii (Laboratory of
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3. Batygіn Yu.V., Gnatov A.V., Chaplygіn E.O., Trunova І.S.,
Gopko A.V., Sabokar O.S. Sposіb magnіtno-іmpul'snogo
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5. Yuriy V. Batygin, Sergey F. Golovashchenko, Andrey V.
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6. Batygin Yu.V., Gnatov A.V. Magnetic-pulse attraction and
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7. Batygin Yuri V., Sergey F. Golovashchenko, Andrey V. Gnatov. Pulsed electromagnetic attraction of nonmagnetic sheet metals. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, vol.214,
iss.2, pp. 390-401. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2013.09.018.
8. Batygin Yu.V., Golovashhenko S.F., Chaplygin E.A. Magnetic-pulse attraction of nonmagnetic metals. Electrichestvo –
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9. Batygin Yu.V. Experimental test of the tool for the external
EMF removing dents on a car body. International Journal of
Energy and Power Engineering, 2014, vol.3, no.4, pp. 204-208.
doi: 10.11648/j.ijepe.20140304.14.
Поступила (received) 28.05.2015
Чаплыгин Евгений Александрович, к.т.н., доц.,
Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный
61002, Харьков, ул. Петровского, 25,
тел/phone +38 057 7073727, e-mail: chaplygin_e_a@mail.ru
E.A. Chaplygin
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University,
25, Petrovskogo Str., Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine.
Analysis of the processes in an inductor system with an
attracting screen excited by the external circular solenoid.
Introduction. Developments in the field of magnetic-pulse
treatment of metals (MPTM) are increasingly used in the modern technologies of production and repair of the aviation, automotive and other machinery, as they are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient in comparison with classical approaches.
One of the main components of the device MPTM is a tool –
inductor or the inductor system with an attractive screen (ISAS).
The calculated dependences to calculate the inductor system
with an attractive screen were taken from previous works. The
ratios were obtained for the low-frequency mode of the excited
fields, when is place their significant penetration through a thinwalled metal screen and a deformed workpiece. As it was shown
earlier this mode is the most efficient from point of view of a
force action on the object of a processing. Purpose. The theoretical analysis of the spatial-temporal distributions of the induced
currents and forces of an attraction in the inductor system with
an attractive screen excited by a flat circular solenoid located
on the outside of the auxiliary screen. Methodology. The calculations are shown that the induced currents both in the screen
and the workpiece are unidirectional and their interaction, in
accordance with the law of Ampere determines the amplitudes of
excited forces of attraction. Let’s note the effective validity of
the considered inductor system excited by an external circular
solenoid. With sufficient simplicity of the design take place rather high values of the developed forces of attraction and their
averages. Results. Physically, a higher power efficiency of the
system with an «external» coil in comparison with a system
where coil is located in the internal cavity, can be accounted for
lade of «failure» in the radial distribution of the excited forces.
This «failure» in the design with a coil between the sheet metal
is caused by its screening action against the forces of attraction
between the induced currents. Practical value. It is shown that
the inductor system with an attractive screen when it is excited
by outer circular solenoid with a current of 50 kA ~ provides
attractive power rates to about 1400 N on an area of sheet metal
~ 0.004 m2. The sufficiently high efficiency of the proposed options of an inductor system allows us to recommend it as a tool
of the external straightening dents in the bodycar surfaces of
vehicles. References 9, table 1, figure 1.
Key words: magnetic pulse treatment, attractive of metals,
inductor system, the circular solenoid, attractive screen.
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Поступила (received) 07.10.2015
Веприк Юрий Николаевич1, д.т.н., проф.,
Небера Ольга Алексеевна1, аспирант,
1 Национальный технический университет
«Харьковский политехнический институт»,
61002, Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21,
e-mail: neberaolga@gmail.com
Yu.N. Vepryk1, O.A. Nebera1
1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
Unified models of elements of power supply systems based
on equations in phase coordinates.
Purpose. The models of electrical machines in the phase coordinates, the universal algorithm for the simulation of separate
elements in a d-q coordinates system and in a phase-coordinates
system are proposed. Methodology. Computer methods of investigation of transients in electrical systems are based on a compilation of systems of differential equations and their numerical
integration solution methods. To solve differential equations an
implicit method of numerical integration was chosen. Because it
provides to complete structural simulation possibility: firstly
developing models of separate elements and then forming a
model of the complex system. For the mathematical simulation
of electromagnetic transients in the elements of the electrical
systems has been accepted the implicit Euler-Cauchy method,
because it provides a higher precision and stability of the computing processes. Results. In developing the model elements
identified two groups of elements: - Static elements and electrical machines in the d-q coordinates; - Rotating electrical machines in phase coordinates. As an example, the paper provides
a model of synchronous and asynchronous electric machines in
the d-q coordinates system and the phase coordinate system.
The generalization algorithm and the unified notation form of
equations of elements of an electrical system are obtained. It
provides the possibility of using structural methods to develop a
mathematical model of power systems under transient conditions. Practical value. In addition, the using of a computer model allows to implement multivariant calculations for research
and study of factors affecting the quantitative characteristics of
the transients. References 7.
Key words: power system, transients, mathematical model,
electrical machines, synchronous generator, induction
motor, phase coordinates.
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