DATE: 12/2/05 TIME: 9:13 a.m. BUSINESS MINUTES United Students of the University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan Campus US-U-ASKC STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting started at 9:13 a.m. 2. MEMBERS PRESENT Rita Flagg - Student Government President Sherity Kelly - Student Government Vice President Marie Zellmer - Student Government Clerk Roberta Gutierrez - Student Representative 3. COMMENTS None 4. MINUTES/FINANCES 4.1. Minutes MOTION: Pass minutes from 11-18-05 Moved by Sherity, seconded by Roberta, passed 4.2. Finances Marie reported that on 11-15 an invoice from Subway concluded that they have indeed given a $96 deduction on the party subs from the welcome back feast, making the total cost $400, and they have been paid. Also the revenue from the vending machines has increased dramatically to over two hundred dollars per month, with special thanks given to Northern Sales for making a concerted effort to put items in the machines that students suggested, and keeping the machines full. A full up to date report will be sent to Rita and Sherity ASAP. 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS 5.1. Phi Theta Kappa Committee There was a lack of quorum for the Phi Theta Kappa Meeting. (Update as of 1:30) There will be an emergency financial meeting this coming Tuesday. DATE: 12/2/05 TIME: 9:13 a.m. 5.2. Food Service Committee Rita is going to call Northern Sales to talk to them about the vending machines and the current placement of them at the Robertson building, as well as a change machine, and possible coffee supplies. She will also visit the Robertson building today to talk to Jana and Mike about placement of the machines and other Student Government supplies. All members have been asked to check out prices for supplies (listed below). Sherity agreed to go to Safeway, Roberta agreed to go to Tatsuda’s and McDonalds, and Marie will go to Walmart. Basic Coffee Supply List Coffee (good brand) Packets of sugar/NutraSweet/Equal/creamer Cups plastic/Styrofoam/paper Napkins Plastic forks/spoons/knives Other beverages (hot chocolate, tea – kind everyone can like) 5.3. Discount Program Committee None 5.4. Advisory Council Committee None 5.5. Coalition of Student Leaders Rita has a meeting today at 11:00 5.6. Leadership Committee None 6. CONTINUING BUSINESS 6.1. Finals Feast MOTION: Approach Chico’s in conjunction with the Finals Feast towards tacos. Moved by Sherity, seconded by Marie, passed Discussion: Because Chico’s has supported our Student Discount Program, and because the reports of what student’s want for the Finals Feast were leaning towards tacos and vegetarian everyone felt that Chico’s was a good idea. Having the tacos be self made with separated beans and meat works well for what DATE: 12/2/05 TIME: 9:13 a.m. student’s wanted. Also Sherity suggested that if we get two large crock-pots we can buy large cans of cheese sauce and have nachos. Also Sherity will talk to Gail who will most likely know when the highest concentration of students will be on campus to enjoy the food. 6.2. Mission Statements There have not been many responses to the questionnaire Justin put out so it was decided that asking students at the Finals Feast would help get student ideas. Rita also mentioned that if we can’t get enough responses in time to add to the Universities’ mission statement we can use it as our campuses personal mission from our SG and students. 6.3. Parking at Robertson Building Marie will talk to Kathy about KFMJ 6.4. Student Fees for Campus (Charter Change) It was decided that having students vote on the charter changes during finals feast would be very proficient. 6.5. MOVING SG is scheduled to move everything to the Robertson building Tuesday. The coffee supplies will remain until the 16th, when they will be packed and moved after the final SG meeting. 6.6. New Ketchikan Campus Director Rita will contact the Student Body President of the Juneau campus to talk about. 7. NEW BUSNESS 7.1. Legislative Committee for Funding Rita presented the highlights of past campaigns (postcard, construction, puzzle piece) and both she and Sherity will be there on Feb 12th and 14th for the campaigning. 8. ADJOURN Meeting Ended at 10:15 a.m. NEXT MEETING FRIDAY 9th, 9:00 a.m. STUDENT RESOURCE CENTER, PAUL BUILDING