TRAINING WITHIN THE CODY NETWORK 2008 Seminars at individual Nodes Conferences, Workshops and Schools Seminars available in the Nodes of the Network in 2008 Warwick 7th October 2008 Mark Pollicott (Warwick) Fluctuation theorems for hyperbolic diffeomorphisms 14th October 2008 Wael Bahsoun (Loughborough) Skew-product representation for position random maps Tuesday 21 Oct 08 1pm - 2pm Anne Thomas (Cornell): Lattices acting on Platonic polygonal complexes and Fuchsian buildings. [Joint with Algebra Seminar] 2pm - 3pm Jack Button (Cambridge): The Bowditch conjecture and the Markoff conjecture 3:00 - 3:30 TEA 3:30 - 4:30 Serge Cantat (Rennes), Lecture 1: Holomorphic dynamics and character varieties 4:30 - 5:30 Anthony Manning: Curves of fixed points of trace maps Wednesday 22 Oct 08 1:30 - 2:30 Serge Cantat (Rennes), Lecture 2: Holomorphic dynamics and character varieties 2:30 - 3:30 Brian Bowditch: Coarse models of hyperbolic three-manifolds 4pm - 5pm Jeroen Lamb (Imperial): On the dynamics of trace maps motivated by nonlinear Schrodinger equations on aperiodic chains Thursday 23 Oct 08 2pm - 3pm Ser Peow Tan (Singapore): Dynamics of the modular group action on the set of characters preserving a hyperbolic plane 4pm - 5pm Caroline Series: Pleating varieties and the discreteness problem 28th October 2008 Alex Clark (Leicester) Topology as a means to understanding rigidity and entropy of maps of compact abelian groups 4th November 2008 Ian Morris (Warwick) Generalised Berger-Wang formula for the spectral radius of semi-groups of operators 11th November 2008 Viviane Baladi (CNRS, ENS-Paris) Banach spaces for piecewise hyperbolic dynamical systems 19th November 2008 Stefano Marmi (Pisa) Interval exchange maps of Roth type 25th November 2008 Oliver Jenkinson (Queen Mary - University of London) Ergodic optimization for utility functions 2nd December 2008 Andrew Ferguson (Warwick) Hausdorff dimension and projection of Bedford McMullen sets 16th December 2008 Mike Todd (Porto) Smooth pressure and Lyapunov spectra for unimodal maps 13th January 2009 Charles Walkden (Manchester) Some remarks on random perturbations of invariant graphs 13th January 2009 Peter Hazard (Stony Brook) Renormalisable H\'enon-like Maps and Unbounded Geometry Cantor Sets 20th January 2009 Richard Sharp (Manchester) Length spectrum multiplicities for metric graphs Wednesday, 28th January One day ergodic theory meeting 3rd February 2009 Anish Ghosh (University of East Anglia) TBA 17th February 2009 Dalia Terhesiu (University of Surrey) TBA In addition, there are a large number of other seminar series which have some interest to the CODY researchers. See web page Warsaw Wiosenna Szkoła Układów Dynamicznych 2008 Będlewo 30.04-04.05.2008 Program: Środa 30.04 20.00-20.50 F. Przytycki Iteracje funkcji wymiernych, 1 godz Czwartek 01.05 8.00 9.00- 9.50 10.00-10.30 śniadanie G. Świątek 1 Teoria dystorsji w dynamice jednowymiarowej, 3 godz F. Falniowski Jak skonstruowac uklad dynamiczny o zadanych entropiach czesciowych, 30 min 10.30-11.30 przerwa na kawę 11.30-12.20 M. Wojtkowski 1 Geometria filtrów Kalmana, 3 godz 13.00 15.00-15.50 obiad H. Żołądek Grupa monodromii dla liniowych równań różniczkowych z wymiernymi współczynnikami, 1 godz 16.00-16.30 G. Harańczyk Entropia topologiczna tranzytywnych przekształceń w wymiarze 1, część 1, 30 min 16.30-17.20 przerwa na kawę 17.20-18.10 P. Grzegorek Epsylon niezależność dwóch procesów, 1 godz 18.30 kolacja 20.00 sesja otwarta Piątek 02.05 8.00 śniadanie 9.00-9.50 W. Marzantowicz 1 Metody topologiczne w teorii punktów okresowych, 4 godz 10.00-10.50 W. Marzantowicz 2 Metody topologiczne w teorii punktów okresowych, 4 godz 10.50-11.50 przerwa na kawę 11.50-12.40 G. Świątek 2 Teoria dystorsji w dynamice jednowymiarowej, 3 godz 13.00 obiad 15.00-15.50 A. Goetz 1 Quick of Piecewise Isometric Systems, 1 godz. 16.00-16.30 A. Gierzkiewicz Kiedy istnieją porządne bloki izolujące? 30 min 16.30-17.20 przerwa na kawę 17.20-18.10 J. Jaroszewska Układy dynamiczne o genezie biologicznej, 1 godz 18.30 kolacja Sobota 03.05 8.00 9.00-9.50 śniadanie D. Kwietniak Entropia topologiczna tranzytywnych przekształceń w wymiarze 1, część 2, 1 godz. 10.00-10.30 A. Siłuszyk O istnieniu i stabilności w sensie Lapunowa rozwiązań ograniczonego problemu ośmiu ciał, 30 min 10.30-11.30 przerwa na kawę 11.30-12.20 A. Goetz 2 The planar Cone Exchanges. Periodicity and recurrence despite lack of natural finite measure, 1 godz 13.00 obiad 15.00-15.50 W. Marzantowicz 3 Metody topologiczne w teorii punktów okresowych, 4 godz 16.00-16.50 W. Marzantowicz 4 Metody topologiczne w teorii punktów okresowych, 4 godz 16.50-17.50 przerwa na kawę 17.50-18.40 M. Wojtkowski 2 Geometria filtrów Kalmana, 3 godz 19.30 kolacja (ognisko) Niedziela 04.05 8.00 9.00-9.50 śniadanie T. Downarowicz Techniki budowania układów minimalnych z użyciem markerów, 1 godz 10.00-10.50 M. Wojtkowski 3 Geometria filtrów Kalmana, 3 godz 10.50-11.50 przerwa na kawę 11.50-12.40 G. Świątek 3 Teoria dystorsji w dynamice jednowymiarowej, 3 godz 13.00 obiad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TALKS 2007/08 02.06.2008 Neil Dobbs Some ergodic properties of simple meromorphic maps 07.01.2008 Neil Dobbs On non-existence of absolutely continuous invariant probability measures in real and holomorphic dynamics 22.10.2007 Neil Dobbs Phase transitions in unimodal dynamics 17.03.2008 Grzegorz Graff, Jerzy Jezierski On the growth of the number of periodic points for smooth self maps of a compact manifold 10.12.2007 Agnieszka Badeńska Real analyticity of Jacobian of invariant measures and its applications 05.05.2008 Magnus Aspenberg Mating non-renormalizable quadratic polynomials 31.03.2008 Magnus Aspenberg Collet-Eckmann maps and Misiurewicz maps 29.10.2007 Irene Inoquio Thermodynamic formalism for transcendental maps, symbolic dynamic outlook ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dynamical Systems Seminar at the Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw University 2008-11-14, godz. 10:15-12:00, s. 5840 Balazs Barany (Polish Academy of Sciences Absolute continuity and transversality for fractional linear IFS's 2008-01-11, godz. 10:15-12:00, s. 5840 Neil Dobbs (Polska Akademia Nauk) Ergodic properties of rational maps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helsinki Geometrisen analyysin seminaari, kevät -08 Kevään 2008 esitelmiä: Perjantai, 8.2.2008 Albert Clop: "Stability of Calderón's inverse conductivity problem in the plane" Perjantai, 15.2.2008 Pertti Mattila "Rectifiability in Heisenberg groups" Perjantai, 22.2.2008 Ei seminaaria Perjantai, 29.2.2008 Pablo Shmerkin: "Fractal percolation and visibility" Perjantai, 7.3.2008 Vasileios Chousionis: "Weak convergence of singular integrals" Perjantai, 14.3.2008 Aleksi Vähäkangas: "Dirichlet problem at infinity for A-harmonic functions" Perjantai, 21.3.2008 Ei seminaaria (Pitkäperjantai) Perjantai, 28.3.2008 Mikko Salo: "Ricci flow in two dimensions" Perjantai, 4.4.2008 Wolfgang Lusky: "Growth conditions for the differentiation operator between spaces of holomorphic functions" Perjantai, 11.4.2008 Raul Serapioni: "Intrinsic Lipschitz graphs and Rademacher theorem in Heisenberg groups" Perjantai, 18.4.2008 Ei seminaaria Perjantai, 25.4.2008 Hannes Luiro: "Continuous and discontinuous maximal operators" Analysis Seminars 2008 Martio and Vuorinen Mathematical Analysis seminar is held on Mondays at 10.15-12.00. Talks are intended for the interests of post graduate students and researchers of analysis. Analysis is understood here in its 'wide sense'. Possible themes are the following: bilipschitz and quasiconformal mappings potential theory and partial differential equations analysis on metric spaces Sobolev spaces complex analysis conformal invariants, special functions and their numerical methods other current topics of analysis Schedule of the spring term 2008 Mon 21.1.2008 Allu Vasudevarao (Madras, India): Region of variability of certain subclasses of univalent functions satisfying differential inequalities Mon 28.1.2008 Olli Martio (University of Helsinki): Reflexion principle Mon 4.2.2008 Petteri Harjulehto (University of Helsinki): Harnack's inequality for p(x)harmonic functions Mon 11.2.2008 Antti Rasila (Helsinki University of Technology): Stagnation zones Mon 18.2.2008 Juhani Riihentaus: Quasi-nearly subharmonicity and separately quasi-nearly subharmonic functions Mon 10.3.2008 Matti Vuorinen (University of Turku): On quasiconformal maps with identity boundary values Mon 31.3.2008 Jussi Väisälä (University of Helsinki): Kvasihyperbolinen geometria ja Voronoin kaaviot (in Finnish) Mon 7.4.2008 Jussi Väisälä (University of Helsinki): Kvasihyperbolisen kiekon konveksius (in Finnish) Mon 14.4.2008 Riku Klén (University of Turku): On hyperbolic type metrics Mon 28.4.2008 Antti Rasila (Helsinki University of Technology): On boundary behavior of harmonic functions Mon 5.5.2008 Veli-Matti Sivonen (University of Helsinki): Algorithms for unconstrained optimization with performance comparison and C# implementation Schedule of the fall term 2008 Mon 8.9.2008 Riku Klén (University of Turku): Hyperbolic metric Mon 15.9.2008 Mihai Cristea (University of Bucharest): Generalised quasiregular mappings Abstract Mon 22.9.2008 Antti Rasila (Helsinki University of Technology): Decomposition properties of uniform domains Mon 29.9.2008 Iwona Wrobel (Warsaw University of Technology): On power bounded operators, the numerical range and the Gauss-Lucas theorem - Abstract Mon 6.10.2008 István Prause (University of Helsinki): Harmonic measure and quasiconformal maps Mon 13.10.2008 Swadesh Sahoo (IIT Madras, India): Inequalities and geometry of the Apollonian and related metrics - I Mon 20.10.2008 Swadesh Sahoo (IIT Madras, India): Inequalities and geometry of the Apollonian and related metrics - II Mon 27.10.2008 Juhani Riihentaus: On an inequality related to the radial growth of subharmonic functions Mon 3.11.2008 Vesa Ala-Mattila (University of Helsinki): Kleinin ryhmien konformiset mitat (presentation in Finnish) Mon 10.11.2008 Vesa Ala-Mattila (University of Helsinki): Eräiden Pattersonin mittojen geometrinen karakterisaatio (presentation in Finnish) Mon 17.11.2008 Swadesh Sahoo (IIT Madras, India): Möbius invariant metrics bilipschitz equivalent to the hyperbolic metric Mon 1.12.2008 Swadesh Sahoo (IIT Madras, India): On uniform domains and uniform continuity CNRS ORLEANS - Seminars Arnaud Le Ny (Orsay) Marches aléatoires sur des réseaux aléatoirement orientés Jeudi 04 décembre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Frederic Matheus (Vannes) Un théorème central limite dans le groupe de tresses B_3 Mardi 18 novembre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Bianca di Blasio (Milan) Gelfand transforms of K-invariant Schwartz functions on the Heisenberg group Jeudi 13 novembre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Mathieu Colin (Bordeaux) Interaction laser-plasma et équations de Zakharov Jeudi 06 novembre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Cathy Maugis (Orsay) Sélection de variables pour la classification non supervisée par mélanges gaussiens Jeudi 23 octobre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Nalini Anantharaman (Palaiseau) Entropie et localisation des fonctions propres Jeudi 16 octobre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Talia Fernos An introduction to Property (T) and friends Mardi 14 octobre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos James Parkinson (Graz) Combinatorics and harmonic analysis on p-adic Lie groups Jeudi 09 octobre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Alain Valette Plongement dans les espaces de Hilbert et géométrie des groupes Mardi 07 octobre 2008 - 13h30 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Colin Guillarmou (Nice) Estimées de Strichartz sans perte pour des cas captifs hyperboliques Jeudi 25 septembre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Bruno Schapira (Orsay) Nombre de tours d'une marche aléatoire plane et fonction de Dehn moyennée Jeudi 11 septembre 2008 - 14h00 - Salle S204 (Bât Sciences) (Orléans) Infos L.Pareschi Kinetic modelling of wealth distributions and financial markets Jeudi 24 avril 2008 - 14h00 - Salle à préciser (Orléans) Infos Christophe Prieur Controlabilite et stabilisation (polynomiale ou exponentielle) d'une poutre. Jeudi 20 mars 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Noureddine Igbida Sur le problème d'évolution associé à l'équation de Monge-Kantorovich. Jeudi 13 mars 2008 - 15h15 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Didier Aussel Sur quelques résultats de stabilité des inéquations variationnelles et leurs motivations Jeudi 13 mars 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Jérome Le Rousseau Representation microlocale de solutions de systemes hyperboliques. Application a l'imagerie. Jeudi 06 mars 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Frédéric Haglund Actions de groupes sur des espaces à murs. Jeudi 28 février 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Philippe Briand EDSR quadratiques non bornées Jeudi 14 février 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Maria-Paula Gomez (Paris 7) Propriété T et conjecture de Baum-Connes Mardi 12 février 2008 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Thierry JECKO (Rennes) Retour sur la théorie du commutateur de Mourre Jeudi 08 février 2007 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Julien BARRAL (INRIA) Eléments d'analyse multifractale. Spectre de singularité de mesures de Gibbs auto-affines Mardi 30 janvier 2007 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Alfred DELVILLE (CNRS Orléans) A préciser Jeudi 25 janvier 2007 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos Stefaan VAES (Leuven (B)) Algèbres de von Neumann, groupes discrets et théorie ergodique Mardi 09 janvier 2007 - 14h00 - Salle de Séminaire (Orléans) Infos TOULOUSE Systèmes dynamiques Les organisateurs travaillent dans les systèmes dynamiques holomorphes. Le séminaire, bimensuel, porte sur les différents sujets connexes. Organisateur(s) : Jour et lieu habituels : Jeudi 09H30, salle 207, batiment 1R2, 2eme etage A. Chéritat Le 26/02/2009 Sylvain Crovisier : Vers une caracterisation des dynamiques hyperboliques La dynamique des diffeomorphismes hyperboliques d'une variete compacte est tres bien comprise. Dans cet expose, nous nous interessons a la classe des dynamiques non-hyperboliques. Cette classe comprend les diffeomorphismes que l'on peut perturber par bifurcation homocline et J. Palis a conjecture que ce sont les seuls. Nous presenterons des avancees recentes dans cette direction, obtenues avec Enrique Pujals. Le 12/03/2009 Boris Springborn : TBA Le 28/05/2009 Sébastien Gouezel : Titre à préciser Barcelona CDWS * Fall 2008 October 1. 2:00 H. Mihaljevic-Brandt (U. Liverpool) Rigidity of escaping dynamics for entire transcendental maps . October 8 2:00 J. Peter (U. Barcelona). Hausdorff measure of Julia sets of exponential maps I. October 15 2:00 J. Peter (U. Barcelona). Hausdorff measure of Julia sets of exponential maps II . October 22 12:00 J. Peter (U. Barcelona). Hausdorff measure of Julia sets of exponential maps III . October 29 12:00 T. Garijo Real (U. Rovira i Virgili). Work session Local Connectedness of Julia sets of entire functions I. ï December 3 15:00 Xavier Jarque (U. Rovira i Virgili). Work session Local Connectedness of Julia sets of entire functions II. December 10 15:00 Nuria Fagella (U. Barcelona). Work session Local Connectedness of Julia sets of entire functions III . December 17 9.30 Jorn Peter (U. Barcelona). Work session “Local Connectedness of Julia sets of entire functions IV MAIA - Jordi Campos: Visualitzacio de volum (dades mediques). Montse Navarro: Breu Introducció als SNA'S. Pau Rabassa: Conjunts invariants de l'aplicaciò logistica forçada quasiperiodicament. Sijbo Holtman: Resonances and bifurcation diagrams. Josep Maria Mondelo: La caixa d'eines d'un numèric sota Unix. (El material de la xerrada us el podeu descarregar fent: wget ''). Arturo Vieiro: Alguns aspectes relevants sobre les aplicacions simplèctiques (I) i estudi de l'efecte de pertorbacions dissipatives (II). UAB - 17/12/2007. 15:30. Maite Grau (Universitat de Lleida) Inverse integrating factor and cyclicity 10/12/2007. 15:30. Sergiy Kolyada (Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) Minimality in Topological Dynamics 03/12/2007. 15:30. Magdalena Caubergh (UAB) Alien limit cycles near Hamiltonian 2-saddle cycles 26/11/2007. 15:30. Adriana Buica (Babes Bolyai University) Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction for nonsmooth functions with applications to the bifucation of periodic solutions in ndimensional systems 19/11/2007. 15:30. Joan C. Artés (UAB) Presentation of Program P5 12/11/2007. 15:30. Radu Saghin (University of Toronto) Entropy conjecture for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional center 05/11/2007. 15:30. Eva Miranda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Simultaneous linearization of Hamiltonian vector fields 29/10/2007. 15:30. Claudio Buzzi (Universidade Estadual Paulista) Periodic orbits in reversible Hamiltonian systems 26/10/2007. 15:00. Dmitry Novikov (Weizmann Institute of Science) PseudoAbelian integrals: Exponential case 22/10/2007. 15:30. Armengol Gasull (UAB) Simple non-autonomous differential equations with many limit cycles 15/10/2007. 15:30. Joan Torregrosa (UAB) Bifurcation of limit cycles from a polynomial non-global center 08/10/2007. 15:30. Yulin Zhao (Sun Yat-sen University) On the number of zeros of Abelian integrals for a polynomial Hamiltonian irregular at infinity 01/10/2007. 15:30. Lluís Alsedà (UAB) Rotation sets for graph maps: The particular class of combed maps. 17/09/2007. 15:30. Jordi Taixés (UB) Connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental meromorphic maps and weakly repelling fixed points 12/09/2007. 15:30. Sebastian Walcher (RWTH Aachen University) Reduction and reconstruction of ordinary differential equations admitting a linear symmetry group 18/06/2007. 15:30. David Juher (UdG) Degree correlations in growing networks with deletion of nodes 11/06/2007. 15:30. Nicolae Vulpe (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Science of Moldova TBA 05/06/2007. 12:00. Gabriele Villari (Università di Firenze) Phase portrait of Liénard equation 28/05/2007. 15:30. Jerome Los (Université Aix-Marseille, France) Folding lines or how to move in Culler-Vogtmann's Outer space via a semi-flow 25/05/2007. 15:30. Sylvie Ruette (Université Paris-Sud XI) Li-Yorke pairs for continuous interval maps 07/05/2007. 15:30. Lluís Alsedà (UAB) Attractors for unimodal quasiperidically forced maps 23/04/2007. 15:30. Carme Olivé (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) Singularities in differential equations. Resurgence theory. 16/04/2007. 15:30. Luis Fernando Mello (Universidade Federal de Itajubá) Curves Defined by Implicit Differential Equations and Pugh conjecture holds for degree 4. 26/03/2007.15:30. Enrique Ponce (Universidad de Sevilla) Periodic orbits in stable saturated control systems 26/03/2007.17:00. Jaume Llibre (UAB) New criterium for the uniqueness of limit cycles for generalized Liénard differential systems. Application: The Lins, de Melo and Pugh conjecture holds for degree 4. 19/03/2007. 15:30. Regilene D.S. (Universidade de São Paulo) On pairs of planar polynomial foliations 05/03/2007. 15:30. Jiang Yu (Shangai Jiaotong University) On the critical periods of perturbed isochronous centers 26/02/2007. 15:30. Stefan Maubach (Universiteit (KatholiekeNijmegen) Locally finite polynomial maps 19/02/2007. 15:30. Adriana Buica (Babes Bolyai University) Periodic solutions for Lipschitz systems with a small parameter 13/02/2007. 12:00. Carmen Chicone (University of Missouri) Distortion Minimal Maps 22/01/2007. 15:30. Maria Zakinthinaky (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Stochastic optimization with application to heart rate response to exercise [Aula C1/015, Facultat de Ciències] 08/01/2007. 15:30. Magdalena Caubergh (Hasselt University) Hilbert′s 16th problem for classical Liénard equations of even degree -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kiel So. 03/02/2008 10.00 - 18.00 Sondervortragsveranstaltung, Neuere Arbeiten zum gewichteten Verzweigungsprozess Do. 14/02/2008 14.15 Dr. Lasse Rempe, University of Liverpool, Entkommende Punkte ganzer Funktionen Mo. 14/04/2008 8.30 - 9.15 Prof. Malte Braack, CAU, Finite Elemente mit lokaler Projektionsstabilisierung in der Strömungsmechanik Mo. 14/04/2008 10.30 - 11.15 Dr. Markus Bause, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Effiziente und zuverlässige Simulation von Fluid-Strömungen in Technik und Umwelt Mo. 14/04/2008 13.30 - 14.15 Dr. Jörn Behrens, Bremerhaven, Adaptive Gitterverfeinerungs-Techniken für zukünftige Finite-Elemente Tsunami Modelle Do. 08/05/2008 14.15 Prof. Mariusz Urbanski, University of North Texas, Global Properties of Conformal Iterated Function Systems Mi. 21/05/2008 14.15 Prof. Bernhard Hanke, LMU München, "Vergrößerbarkeit, Wesentlichkeit und positive Skalarkrümmung" Do. 05/06/2008 14.15 Prof. Koldobsky, University of Missouri, “Positive definite functions, stable random vectors and isometric embeddings of normed spaces in L_p " Do. 12/06/2008 14.15 Prof. Jian-Hua Zheng, University of Peking, Dynamics of hyperbolic meromorphic functions Mi. 25/06/2008 10:15 Prof. Anand Dessai, Schweiz, Niedrigdimensionale Mannigfaltigkeiten mit positiver Krümmung Do. 10/07/2008 14.15 Dr. Magnus Aspenberg, CAU, The Collet-Eckmann condition in complex dynamics Di. 22/07/2008 14.15 Prof. Isroil Ikromov, University Usbekistan, Estimates for oscilloratory integrals and ist applications to some problems of analysis Do. 24/07/2008 14.15 Prof. Isroil Ikromov, University Usbekistan" Estimates for oscilloratory integrals and ist applications to some problems of analysis Do. 30/10/2008 14:15 Prof. Igor Chyzhykov, University of Lviv, Ukraine, Logarithmic derivative estimates of analytic functions in the unit disc and their applications Do. 06/11/2008 14:15 Prof. Isroil Ikromov, University Usbekistan, Uniform estimates for oscillatory integrals and Fourier restriction theorems Do. 13/11/2008 14:15 Prof. Boguslawa Karpinska, Warsaw Univ., Hyperbolic dimension of the Julia stes for entire maps in clall B Mi. 26/11/2008 14.15 Prof. Joan Bagaria, University of Barcelona, Some applications of generic absoluteness in infinite Ramsey theory 04/12/2008 14.15 Prof. Peter Kosmol, CAU, Klassische Variationsaufgaben Do. 18/12/2008 14:15 "Frau Dr. Maria Vallarino, Université Orléans, On the H^1 - L^1 boundedness of operators Mo. 19/01/2009 11.00 Dr. Walter Gubler, Techn. Universität Dortmund, Tropische analytische Geometrie und die Bogomolow-Vermutung Fr. 23/01/2009 16.30 Dr. Elisa Gorla, Universität Zürich, Schweiz, Gorenstein Liaison Mo. 26/01/2009 11.00 Dr. Stefan Gille Zerlegung von Chow-Motiven Fr. 30/01/2009 16.30 Dr. Thorsten Holm, Universität Hannover, Bilinearformen und derivierte Invarianten von Algebren Fr. 08/02/2008 17:15 Prof. Martin Möhle, Universität Duisburg, Ancestral processes in population genetics - exchangeable coalescents Fr. 11/04/2008 9.00-16.00 Workshop CSC Fr 06/06/2008 17 ct. Prof. Dr. Mark Rudelson, Missouri, Invertibility and condition number of random matrices Fr 13/06/2008 17 ct. Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Jan Kallsen, CAU, Reich werden mit Mathematik Fr 27/06/2008 17 ct. Prof. Lohkamp, Universität Münster , Minimale Hyperflächen und Skalarkrümmungsgeometrie Fr 04/07/2008 17 ct. Prof. Küchler, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Über stochastische Differentialgleichungen mit Gedächtnis Fr 11/07/2008 15 ct. 17 ct. Prof. Yuri Kifer, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Old an new averaging Prof. Seeger, University Wisconsin-Madison, Radiale Fourier-Multiplikatoren und die Wellengleichung Fr 18/07/2008 17 ct. Kolloquium Gruppentheoric Fr. 31/10/2008 17 c.t. Prof. Andreas Prohl, Uni Tübingen, "Produktion von Aluminium: Mathematische Modellierung, Analysis und Numerik" Fr. 07/11/2008 17 ct. Dr. Mark Veraar, Universität Karlsruhe, "Gauss spaces, stochastic integration, Rboundedness and more" Fr. 28/11/2008 17 ct. Prof. Joan Bagaria, University of Barcelona, Reflection and absoluteness in Set Theory Fr. 12/12/2008 17 ct. Prof. Vatutin, Mathematical Institute Moscow, Branching processes in a random environment: bottlenecks and catastrophes Fr. 09/01/2009 17 ct. Prof. Bernhard Thalheim, CAU, Mathematische Probleme der Datenbanktheorie Fr. 16.01.2009 15 ct. Herr Dr. Michael Gnewuch, CAU "Diskrepanz und Entropie 17 ct. Frau Dr. Sandra Pott, University of Glasgow", "Hankeloperatoren, Kommutatoren und Paraprodukte in mehreren Parametern" RUC CODY research training activities around the RUC node. Joint Dynamics seminars of RUC and DTU Spring Program of 2008: 8.2 22.2 29.2-2.3 4.3 11.3 25.3 4.4 8.4 3.6 19.6 Anja Kabelka, Bicritical rational maps: Dynamical limits and ideal limit points of period m curves. Kealey Dias, Topological types of Polynomial vector fields on C Special session on Dynamical Systems at the Joint Mathematical Weekend of EMS and the Danish Mathematical Society. (Session organizers Carsten Lunde Petersen RUC and Jörg Schmeling LTH. For program listing see Kealey Dias, Counting the number of conjugacy classes of Polynomial vector fields on C as a function of the degree, statement of results Kealey Dias Counting the number of conjugacy classes of Polynomial vector fields on C as a function of the degree. Proof of theorems. Anja Kabelka, Bitransitive Quadratic rational maps, images and conjectures. Holomorphic day, organised by the Danish network on complex analysis, For program listing see Eva Uhre, Limits of hyperbolic components in Per1() for of modulus 1. Curtis T. McMullen, Thurstons theorem for post critically finite rational maps and applications to quadratic rational maps. Anja Kabelka, Outline of proof for Bounded hyperbolic components of bicritical ratioinal maps Autumn Program 2008: Workshop and ph.d. course “On the Escaping set in Complex Dynamics”. For separate program see Anja Kabelka, Bounded hyperbolic components of bicritical rational maps, Introduction and statement of results. Eva Uhre, Milnor coordinates on the Moduli space of quadratic rational maps and the holomorphic index. Carsten Lunde Petersen, Holomorphic depence on parameters of conformal invariants for rational maps. Eva Uhre, A model for the extended relatedness locus in the lines Per1() for a non trivial root of unity. Statement of the model and results. Eva Uhre, A model for the extended relatedness locus in the lines Per1() for a non trivial root of unity. Proof of theorems. 2-5.10 28.10 4.11 11.11 21.11 2.12 Geneva Graduate Colloquium, January 24-25, 2008 Thursday, January 24 2008 14.30 Vincent Emery Arithmetic covolume of the modular group 16.00 Jonas Budmiger An Example of an SL2-Hilbert Scheme Friday, January 25 2008 9.30 Clément Hongler Scaling limit of percolation 11.00 Imbo Sim Interaction between elastic body and acoustic wave 13.30 - Poster Session 14:00 Claudio Somaini Open orbits in the representation spaces of quivers 15.30 Luc Guyot The space of subgroups of a countable abelian group 16.45 - Awards Ceremony Best talk Best poster Séminaire de Mathématique Physique Lundi 15 décembre 2008 : Béatrice de Tilière (UNINE) Modele d’Ising et dimeres Lundi 24 novembre 2008 : Sacha Friedli (Belo Horizonte) Chaînes à longue portée et le mécanisme de Bramson-Kalikow Lundi 17 novembre 2008 : Istvan Prause (Helsinki) Harmonic measure and quasiconformal mappings Lundi 10 novembre 2008 : Yacine Ikhlef (Oxford) Observables holomorphes sur réseau et modèles de boucles intégrables Lundi 3 novembre 2008 : David Ridout (DESY theory group, Hamburg) Critical Percolation as a CFT (with a view to SLE) Jeudi 30 octobre 2008 Viviane Baladi (ENS Paris) (13h, salle 623) : Espaces de Banach adaptés aux dynamiques hyperboliques avec singularités et aux billards Lundi 20 octobre 2008 : Cédric Boutillier (Université Paris VI et UniNE) Scaling limits for random skew plane partitions with a piecewise periodic back wall Jeudi 16 octobre 2008: David Cimasoni (ETHZ) (13h, salle 623) The dimer model, discrete spin structures and discrete d-bar operators Lundi 6 octobre 2008 : Olivier Bernardi (Université Paris-Sud) Comptage des cartes coloriées Lundi 29 septembre 2008 : Bertrand Eynard (SPhT, CEA - Saclay) Plancherel measure on partitions, matrix models and Gromov-Witten theory Lundi 22 septembre 2008 : Gregory Miermont (Université Paris-Sud et ENS Paris) Propriétés géométriques des grandes cartes aléatoires CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS IN CODY NETWORK 2007-2008 Date 2007 8-12 January 2007 26 Febraury – 9 March 2007 5-11 June 2007 4-7 October 2007 5-9 November 2007 3-7 December 2007 Title Event Location Web page Multifractal dimension and low dimensional systems Algebraic Actions of Higher Rank Abelian Groups and Introduction to Rigidity Conformal Structures and Dynamics. The current state-of-the art and perspectives Symbolic Dynamics in Complex Dynamics Topics in Complex Dynamics Fractal Geometry and Dynamics II Small Graduate Course Katok Lectures Warwick, UK orkshop_UK_1.html Warsaw, Poland erences/07Katok.html Conference Warwick, UK Workshop School Seominestationen, Holbaek, ics/ Denmark Barcelona, Spain Workshop IMPAN, Warsaw 7DynSys.html 2008 14-18 January 2008 28 January – 1 February 2008 21-25 April 2008 26-30 May 2008 16-20 June 2008 23-27 June 2008 Complex Dynamics Workshop Liverpool 5th DANCE Winter School Dynamical systems and Topology Congress in memory of Adrien Douady Aspects of Transcendental Dynamics Towards higher dimension School Workshop Cullera, Valencia, Spain Spain Conference IHT, Paris Workshop Kiel, Germany School Bremen, Germany Conference Bedlewo, Poland Summer School Bedlewo, Poland Workshop Bedlewo, Poland Workshop Denmark Workshop Warwick 7-11 July 2008 International conference on Dynamical Systems in honour of Michal Misiurewics 14-18 July Dynamical systems 2008 – Geometric Structures and Rigidity 21-25 July Dynamical systems 2008 – Geometric Structures and Rigidity 2-5 October Holomorphic 2008 Dynamics 1-3 December Dynamical Systems 2008 1-6 December 2008 Fractals and Multifractal Structure Greece orkshops/liv_jan_08/ ml fic.html ol/ Bedlewo/ ol/ Bedlewo/ gset /maths/research/events/2008_2009 /workshops/rand60/ .html REPORT ON WORKSHOP ENTITLED: Multifractal dimension and low dimensional systems Dates: Location: Web Page: 08/01/2007 to 12/01/2007 The University of Warwick Details of speakers: Name David Preiss Talk Title Hausdorff and other dimensions Mark Pollicott Teichmuller flows Thomas Jordan Multifractal analysis and iterated function systems Sebastian van Strien Physical measures in low dimensional systems Richard Sharp Gwyneth Stallard One talk each. Details of the conference: The workshop consisted of four minicourses aimed at graduate students. These consisted of three one hour talks. The topics of the minicourses were on areas relating to low dimensional dynamical systems (paricularly Sebastian van Strien's talk) and multifractal analysis (Thomas Jordan andDavid Preiss). The fourth series, by Mark Pollicott, was on the Teichmuller flow which is a very popular research in dynamical systems. All the talks were introductory and tried to give an overview of the area rather than concentrating on new results. On the last day of the meeting there were a couple of one hour talks by Richard Sharp and Gwyneth Stallard. Manfred Denker also gave an overview of results in non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamics. There were also short talks given by the graduate students who attended the meeting. Those who gave talks are indicated in the list of people attending. All together there were 34 participants (including those who gave minicourses) 24 of whom were students. As well as receiving funding from CODY the meeting was part of a series of similar meetings referred to as UK graduate schools in dynamical systems. Details of people attending: (Please identify any ESR’s pr Oliver Butterley Freddie Exall Jun Jie Miao (talk) Anthony Samuel Arron Sloan Liniwen Lin Peter Mora Lukasz Pawelec Michal Szosiakiewkz Agnieszka Badenska Imperial College Liverpool St. Andrews St. Andrews St. Andrews St. Andrews Tech. University of Budapest Univ. of Warsaw IMPAN (Warsaw) Warsaw Univ. of Tech. Anthony Manning Warwick Mumtaz Hussain York Andrew Ferguson St. Andrews Nicolae Mihalache (talk) Neil Dobbs (talk) James Springham Samuel Lelievre Martial Hille (talk) Nina Snigireva (talk) Ferry Kwakkel Dan Thompson Bristol Warwick St. Andrews St. Andrews Warwick Warwick Tom Sharland Warwick Simon Lloyd Sohail Igbal Warwick Warwick Tom Kempton Warwick Helena MihaljevicLiverpool Brandt Ana Rodrigues (talk) Porto Manfred Denker Göttingen (talk) Univ. of Orsay Richard Sharp (talk) Manchester Univ. of Orsay Gwyneth Stallard (talk) Open University REPORT ON WORKSHOP ENTITLED ALGEBRAIC ACTIONS OF HIGHER RANK ABELIAN GROUPS AND INTRODUCTION TO RIGIDITY Dates: Location: Web Page: 26 February - 8 March 2007 Banach Center, Warszawa, Poland Speakers: Name Anatole Katok Talk Title PRELIMINARIES (approx. one lecture) PRINCIPAL CLASSES OF ALGEBRAIC ACTIONS (approx. three lectures) ELEMENTS OF RIGIDITY THEORY (approx. two lectures) Details of the conference (from the announcement): The first goal of this course is to describe the objects of extensive recent and on-going research in rigidity theory for group actions, including necessary background from Lie theory and algebraic number theory. After that we prove model results in differentiable rigidity and measure rigidity which illustrate some of the methods used in this area. Along the way we will introduce necessary background from ergodic theory and hyperbolic dynamics. The course will be accessible to students with a solid background in real analysis, advanced linear algebra and basic geometry/topology, including elementary properties of differentiable manifold. Basic acquaintance with ergodic theory will be helpful but not strictly necessary. No previous knowledge of Lie groups, algebraic number theory of hyperbolic dynamics is required. The following delegates attended: 1. Joanna Kulaga 2. F. H. Kwakkel (ESR) 3. Simon Lloyd 4. Mateusz Wasieczko 5. Joanna Wasieczko 6. Grzegorz Haranczyk 7. Jacek Brzykcy 8. Andrzej Bis 9. Tomasz Bielaczyc 10. Roland Gunesch 11. Ewa Falkiewicz 12 Galyna Kriukova 13. Ilona Gucwa 14. Dominik Kwietniak 15. Pawel Wilczynski and around 10-15 local participants. ALGEBRAIC ACTIONS OF HIGHER RANK ABELIAN GROUPS AND INTRODUCTION TO RIGIDITY Lectures of Anatole Katok SYLLABUS 1. PRELIMINARIES (approx. one lecture) 1.1. Differentiable, topological and measure-preserving group actions. Functorial constructions: restriction, Cartesian product, factor suspension, natural extension, skew product. 1.2. Linear actions of higher rank abelian groups. Roots, Lyapunov exponents and Weyl chambers, hyperbolic and partially hyperbolic actions. 1.3. Elements of Lie groups. Lie algebra, exponential map. Examples of linear Lie groups. Definitions and examples of lattices in Lie groups 2. PRINCIPAL CLASSES OF ALGEBRAIC ACTIONS (approx. three lectures) 2.1. Automorphisms, homogeneous and affine actions. Definitions and first examples 2.2. Automorphism of the torus. Equivalent forms of ergodicity and partial hyperbolicity conditions. Harmonic analysis method for studying dynamical and ergodic properties of automorphisms of the torus. 2.3 Algebraic centralizer of a toral automorphism. Connection with units in algebraic number fields. Dirichlet unit theorem. Linear algebra over the rationals and over the integers. 2.4. Commuting hyperbolic automorphisms of the torus. Genuine higher rank condition. Examples: Cartan actions, symplectic actions. 2.5. Partially hyperbolic actions by toral automorphisms. Examples of genuinely partially hyperbolic actions. Dimension restrictions. Peculiarity of dynamical behavior. 2.6. Background on nilpotent groups and nilpotent Lie groups. Compact nilmanifolds. Examples of hyperbolic actions by automorphisms of nilmanifolds. 2.7. First examples of homogeneous actions on factors of simple Lie groups. Classical geodesic and horocycle flows on surfaces of constant negative curvature as homogeneous flows on factors of SL(2,R). 2.8. The central example in the theory of higher rank abelian group actions: left translations by the diagonals on facts of SL(n,R) for n>2 - the Weyl chamber flow. 2.9. Contrast between dynamical properties of the geodesic flow (n=2) and Weyl chamber flow (n>2). 3. ELEMENTS OF RIGIDITY THEORY (approx. two lectures) 3.1. Structural stability and differentiable rigidity. Proof of structural stability of hyperbolic automorphisms of the torus. Infinitely many moduli for differentiable conjugacy. 3.2. Invariant measures for hyperbolic automorphisms and for higher-rank actions. Furstenberg times 2, times 3 problem. 3.3. Model problem in differentiable rigidity: local rigidity for Cartan action (two commuting hyperbolic automorphisms) on three-dimensional torus. 3.4. Model problem in measure rigidity: the only positive entropy ergodic measure for Cartan action on three-dimensional torus is Lebesgue. CONFORMAL STRUCTURES AND DYNAMICS. THE CURRENT STATE-OF-THE-ART AND PERSPECTIVES The Opening Conference of the CODY Network took place 11th – 15th June 2007. It was attended by 64 delegates representing all 9 nodes of the Network, together with representation from other affiliated institutions. Originally, 36 talks were planned but the programme was extended and 56 presentations were made throughout the five days of the conference. Almost all participants gave talks, some describing their thesis project, but most their recent results. This resulted in much more interaction between young participants than in most conferences. A trip to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre was arranged. 28 participants purchased tickets to see a performance of Macbeth at The Swan Theatre. The network organised the transport to Stratford, which cost £207.90. The accommodation costs, met by Warwick totalled £9640.86 and the hospitality for the conference cost £2563.54. The total cost of accommodation and hospitality was £12630.35. Conference travel costs were met by the node to which the participants were affiliated. Warwick funded travel expenses for 6 people at a cost of £218.05. Six other participants funded their own expenses. One non-EU participant, Professor Alexandre Eremento, was funded by the Network, after obtaining permission from the EU Project Officer for his participation. One CODY employed researcher, Ferry Kwakkel, ESR, attended the meeting. The conference was aimed to have talks and discuss the broad scientific aims of the network. Although there were minicourses on conformal analysis (Astala), multifractal analysis (Schmelling), and talks on conformal structures in mathematical physics (Astala, Levitz and others ...), for various reasons the meeting was attended disproportionally by those working in dynamics. The level of talks and discussions was high. An additional feature of this meeting was that all PhD students also gave talks (of 10 to 20 minutes) describing their research topic and their results. In conclusion, this meeting triggered many scientific discussions, hopefully new ideas, research links and certainly was also memorable in being intensive almost into the extreme (with talks on some days from 9am to 10pm). Name of Event: Dates: Location: Web Page: Workshop and Ph.d. course On Symbolic Dynamics in Complex Dynamics 4 – 7 October 2007 Søminestationen in Holbæk, Denmark Details of main speakers: Name Bodil Branner Adam Epstein Carsten Lunde Petersen Lasse Rempe Dierk Schlecicher Vladen Timorin Tan Lei Talk Title Lectures series of 3 lectures: I: Puzzles and para-puzzles, and the divergence property. II: Tableaus. III: Points are points. Topological Matings of Quadratic Polynomials The Yoccoz Combinatorial Analytic Invariant and the structure of M. Lecture series of 2 lectures: I: Combinatorics of bounded-type entire functions II: Combinatorics of bounded-type entire functions II Lectures series of 3 lectures: I: Topological models and combinatorial descriptions II: How to model Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set using symbolic dynamics III: From symbolic dynamics to Thurston's theorem Topological models for rational functions Unicritical Branner-Hubbard conjecture. “Workshop and ph.d. course on Symbolic Dynamics in Complex Dynamics”. This combined workshop and Ph.d. course took place at the conference facility of RUC, Søminestationen in Holbæk, Denmark during 4 – 7 October 2007. It was attended by 30 participants representing 4 CODY nodes, Warwick, CNRS, Warsaw and RUC. The participants were 13 senior and 17 junior researchers, one of which is a CODY ESR, Kuntal Banerjee from the team CNRS. There were 26 talks by 21 participants. For a full listing of lectures see the attached copy of the program (for abstracts please visit the conference webpage). The level of talks was high and it was particularly impressive to listen to the talks of the Ph.d. students, who generally gave very well prepared and clear lectures. The setting at Søminestationen with integrated accommodation, dining and lecture room facilities is very well suited for this type of conference, intended to promote collaboration and to simultaneously disseminate both background and new mathematics. There were no special social events as such, but the venue was one long feast of mathematics providing good promises for future collaborations. The conference was co-funded by CODY and the Danish Ph.d school Mathematics and applications. For participants from the CODY network, participating with at least one talk travel costs were met by the node to which the participant was affiliated, where as the RUC node paid for local costs. Other participants were either supported by the Ph.d school Mathematics or paid themselves. Carsten Lunde Petersen Principal organizer And head of the RUC node. Combinatorial Dynamics Program Thursday 19.00 – 19.30 – Arrival Arrival meal Friday 07.45 - 08.45 09.00 - 10.00 10.00 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.10 - 11.30 11.30 - 12.30 12.45 - 13.15 14.30 - 15.20 15.20 - 15.30 15.30 - 16.20 16.20 - 16.50 Breakfast Bodil Branner Coffee Break Dierk Schlecicher Legs stretching Vladen Timorin Lunch Bodil Branner Break Adam Epstein Tea Break 16.50 - 17.40 Dierk Schlecicher 17.40 - 17.50 Break 17.50 - 18.40 Christopher Penrose I: Puzzles and para-puzzles, and the divergence property. I: Topological models and combinatorial descriptions Topological models for rational functions II: Tableaus. Topological Matings of Quadratic Polynomials II: How to model Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set using symbolic dynamics The symbolic Mandelbrot set and its relation to the Mandelbrot set. 18.40 - 19.40 20.00 - 20.20 20.20 -20.40 20.40 - 21.00 21.00 - 21.20 21.20 - 21.40 Dinner Nekita Selinger Dominique Fleischmann Kuntal Banerjee** Carlos Cabrera Eva Uhre On Thurston's theorem. An entire function with a Baker domain Irrational Points on Devil's Staircase. Combinatorics of inverse limits of Julia sets. Why can combinatorial rotation numbers be ambigous? Saturday 07.45 - 08.45 09.00 - 10.00 10.00 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.10 - 11.30 11.30 - 12.30 12.45 - 13.15 15.00 - 15.50 15.50 - 16.20 16.20 - 17.10 17.10 - 17.20 Breakfast Dierk Schleicher Coffee Break Bodil Branner Legs stretching Lasse Rempe Lunch Tan Lei Tea Break Wolf Jung Coffee Break 17.20 - 18.10 Carsten Lunde Petersen 18.40 - 19.40 20.00 - 20.20 20.20 - 20.40 20.40 -.21.00 Dinner Freddy Exall Thomas Sharland Tania Garfias Macedo 21.00 - 21.20 Dzmitry Dudko 21.20 - 21.40 Yauhen Mikulich III: From symbolic dynamics to Thurston's theorem III: Points are points. Combinatorics of bounded-type entire functions I Unicritical Branner-Hubbard conjecture. Local similarity between the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets. The Yoccoz Combinatorial Analytic Invariant and the structure of M An introduction to equivalent matings Dimensions of Julia sets. Convergence of basins of attraction to Baker domains. Local connectivity of Julia sets for some infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomials. A Combinatorial Classification of Postcritically Fixed Newton Maps. Sunday 07.45 - 08.45 09.00 - 09.50 09.50 -10.00 Breakfast Sebastian Godillon Coffee Break From a Hubbard tree to a rational map with disconnected Julia set 10.00 -10.50 Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt A Landing Theorem for Dynamic Rays of Subhyperbolic Entire Functions. 10.50 -11.00 11.00 -12.00 12.00 -13.00 14.00 Legs stretching Lasse Rempe Lunch Departure Combinatorics of bounded-type entire functions II CODY FALL SCHOOL 07 – TOPICS IN COMPLEX DYNAMICS Dates: November 5-9, 2007 Location: Universitat de Barcelona Web Page: The school offered three main courses and several student presentations (see schedule attached). The three main speakers and courses (4.5hours each) were (see abstracts attached): K. Astala: Holomorphic motions W. Bergweiler: Complex analysis and transcendental dynamics B. Karpinska: Cantor bouquets in the iteration of entire functions and Hausdorff dimension The level of the courses was initially introductory, but they covered plenty of material, up to discussing important applications and new results. The quality was very high and the attendance complete. The student talks were of various nature: some explained their thesis topics, others some newly obtained results. There was plenty of interaction between senior and junior researchers. The level of satisfaction among participants was reported to be very good. In conclusion, the meeting offered very good background mathematics to participants and exposed many open problems and hopefully new ideas. Many new aquaintances and research links were made during the school. Expense report There were a total of 24 participants, 20 of which were associated to the CODY project. Participants from outside Barcelona were lodged at the “Residencia d'Investigadors”, a researchers residence associated to the university and close by. The only exception was Prof. Christian Henriksen (DTU) who stayed in a different residence (“Campus del Mar”) of similar characteristics. Main speakers stayed in individual rooms while the other participants stayed generally in double rooms (there were a couple of exceptions, for logistic reasons). The project payed directly to the residence, the lodging of the CODY associated participants. Participants stayed up to a maximum of 7 nights. Those staying 7 nights, did so in order to have a Saturday night stay, and save in air travel. The total hotel bill amounts to 4.361 euros. With the exception of the speakers who were given per diem allowances, the project paid directly to a restaurant close by, the lunch of the CODY associated participants (bill attached). This was more economic than a per diem allowance. We did not cover dinners. The total restaurant bill amounts to 1.365euros. The main speakers were given a per diem allowance of 91.34 euros per day of stay in Barcelona. The total amount for the three main speakers was of 1.187.55 euros. PARTICIPANTS The list of CODY participants, with the dates of stay is as follows: (*)Walter Bergweiler (4/11-10/11) (*)Boguslawa Karpinska (4/11-10/11) (*)Kari Astala (5/11-8/11) (**)Ferry Kwakkel (4/11-10/11) (**)Irene Inoquio (3/11-10/11) (***)Albert Clop (semi-local) Manjula Samarasinghe (3/11-10/11) Jorn Peter (4/11 – 10/11) Dominique Fleischmann (4/11-9/11) Tania Garfias (3/11-10/11) Agnieszka Badenska (4/11-10/11) Phil Rippon (4/11-7/11) Dzmitry Dudko (3/11-10/11) Yauhen Mikulich (3/11-10/11) Christian Henriksen (3/11-10/11) Antonio Garijo (local) Rubén Berenguel (local) Jordi Taixés (local) Núria Fagella (organizer + local) Xavier Jarque (organizer + local) REPORT ON WORKSHOP/SCHOOL ENTITLED Fractal Geometry and Dynamics II Dates: Location: Web Page: Details of speakers: December 3 - 7, 2007 Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, ul. Sniadeckich 8 Name Antonios Bisbas Mark Pollicott Karoly Simon Grzegorz Swiatek Christoph Bandt Kemal Ilgar Eroglu Katrin Gelfert Eugene Gutkin Esa Jarvenpaa Maarit Jarvenpaa Thomas Jordan Jacques Levy-Vehel Marc Kesseboehmer Peter Raith Pablo Shmerkin Maciej Wojtkowski Antti Kaenmaki Dominik Kwietniak Talk Title Fractal analysis and singular measures Thermodynamical Formalism and Dimension Dimension theory of non-conformal attractors On the problem of Furstenberg Fractal analysis on octagasket Quasisymmetric conjugacy between quadratic dynamics and iterated function systems On the Lyapunov spectrum of parabolic maps Dynamics and geometry for area-preserving twist maps Nontransversal families of projections Porosity in Euclidean and metric measure spaces Multifractal analysis for non-uniformly expanding map Multifractional Brownian motion Holder-differentiability of Gibbs distribution functions On the Hausdorff dimension of a two-dimensional skew product with a tent map in the base Resonance between Cantor sets and applications An abstract fluctuation theorem Self-affine maps of Kakeya type Chaos and entropy Details of the conference: The workshop/school consisted of four 3-4 hour minicourses by Bisbas, Pollicott, Simon and Swiatek and several 1 hour (or shorter) talks. Main topics on fractal analysis and geometry, use of thermodynamical formalism, geometric measure theory, Lyapunov exponents vs dimension and entropy, were presented and discussed. The following people also contributed to the conference: Vyatcheslav Koval Balazs Barany Jacek Brzykcy Michal Janiszewski **Nina Snigireva and around 10-15 local participants some senior researchers and some in the early stages of their career. (*) main speaker (**) Cody recruited ESR (***) Cody recruited ER REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: UK Dynamical Systems Graduate School in Complex Dynamics DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: 14 – 18 January 2008 University of Liverpool Details of speakers: Marco Abate An introduction to higher-dimensional complex dynamics Carsten Petersen Quasiconformal mappings and dynamics (4 lectures) Lasse Rempe An introduction to one-dimensional holomorphic dynamics (5 lectures) Mary Rees Kleinian groups and their relation to holomorphic dynamics (4 lectures) Phil Rippon Gwyneth Stallard The role of the escaping set in holomorphic dynamics (2 lectures) The role of the escaping set in holomorphic dynamics (2 lectures) Kuntal Banerjee Angles between bounding curves of Arnold Tongues Dominique Fleischmann Dynamical properties of a family of entire functions Laurent Marin Dynamical bound in quantum dynamics Manjula Samarasinghe Jörn Peter Chris Penrose Finer Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets of exponential maps (poster) A correspondence for circle rotations (poster) Details of the conference: This was a workshop aimed primarily at postgraduate students in holomorphic dynamics. There were four main lecture courses (see above), as well as some contributed talks and posters. The workshop ran smoothly and received positive feedback from participants. The conference took place in the access grid room at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, and a number of lectures were streamed live to remote audiences via the MAGIC network. Details of people attending: (Please identify any ER’s or ESR’s present) 25 People attended the workshop: Lasse Rempe, Dan Nicks, Alastair Fletcher, Jasmin Raissy, Isaia Nisoli, Irene Inoquio (ESR – Warsaw), Marco Abate, Tiziano Casavecchia, Mary Rees, Björn Winckler, Kealey Dias, Freddie Exall, Helena Mihalkevic-Brandt, Nicolae Mihalache, Matt Di Capite, Laurent Marin, Manjula Samarasinghe, Jörn Peter, Peter Hazard, Andrew Curtis, Carsten Petersen, Dominique Fleischmann, Phil Rippon, Gwyneth Stallard, Christopher Penrose. Budget: The contribution of the CODY Network was approximately £850. REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: 5th DANCE Winter School 28 Jan-01 Feb 2008 Cullera, Valencia, Spain (200 Km from Barcelona) Details of speakers: Name Mikhail Lyubich Rafael de la Llave Karl-Goswin GrosseErdmann Affiliation Stony Brook, USA Texas University at Austin Mons-Hainaut University Talk Title Introduction to Holomorphic Dynamics (10 h) Stability and diffusion in Hamiltonian systems (10 h) Chaotic infinite dimensional dynamics (10 h) Details of the conference: This was a dynamical systems winter school, aimed mainly at PhD students and young postdocs. There were 3 very interesting courses of 10 hours each, on different topics of dynamical systems. The course of Mikhail Lyubich was on the central topic of the CODY network, and it was givena at an introductory level (at least the first half), with the intention of motivating young students to get into the field. The school was 5 days long. Details of people attending: The attendants were mainly Spanish students with some exceptions. The detailed list can be found in the conference webpage. There were 4 members of the Spanish CODY node attending the conference (Ruben Berenguel, Jordi Taixes, Joan Carles Tatjer and Nuria Fagella) although none of them were funded by CODY funds. No ER’s or ESR’s were present. Only the expenses of the main speaker, Mikhail Lyubich, were covered by CODY funds). accommodation meals 91.35 x 6 travel transfers TOTAL 590 eur 548.10 eur 742.03 eur 70.50 eur --------------1950.63 EUR REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS AND TOPOLOGY 21-25 April 2008 Tossa de Mar, Catalunya, Spain Details of speakers: MONDAY M. Shishikura: X. Buff: J. Mayer : D. Look: H. Broer: J. Hawkins: TUESDAY P. Rippon: Misiurewicz: J. Llibre: A. Garijo: L. Rempe: J. Kennedy: Devaney hairs and hedgehogs Siegel Disks of Cubic Polynomials Any counterexample to the Makienko conjecture is an indecomposable continuum Cantor, Apollonius and Sierpinski: Julia Sets Generated from 3-Circle Inversion Maps On parametrized KAM Theory Julia Sets of elliptic functions: a parametrized family of lattices $\Lambda$ with $J(\wp_{\Lambda})=\mathbb C^\infty$ Wandering domains of meromorphic functions Tongues and cusps Singular Perturbations of $z^n$ with a Pole in the Unit Circle Devaney hairs and dreadlocks Inverse limits, economics and backward dynamics WEDNESDAY J. Franks: B. Branner: J. Yorke: N. Fagella: Global fixed points for centralizers and Morita's Theorem Characterizing polynomial vector fields of one complex variable Topological Horseshoes and Topological Symbolic Dynamics Quasiconformal deformations of entire functions THURSDAY L. de Marco: C. Simó: W. Bergweiler: M. Moreno-Rocha: K. Meyer: Escape combinatorics for polynomials Global behaviour of conservative low dimensional systems Devaney hairs in dimension three The story of two families Limit Periodic Functions, Adding Machines and Solenoids FRIDAY E. Bedford: S. Van Strien: L. Keen: M. Lyubich: Semi-parabolic Implosion in ${\bf C}^2$ Quasiconformal rigidity of complex polynomials Siegel disks for a family of entire functions Lee-Yang zeros and 2D rational dynamics Details of the conference: The conference was 5 days long, arriving on Sunday afternoon and leaving on Friday after lunch. There were a total number of 90 participants, 26 plenary talks of 50 minutes (see list attached), and a session on open problems. There was also a poster session where most of the PhD students attending presented a poster about their thesis work (see list attached). There was a chair person in charge of introducing the speaker and the talk, at each of the morning sessions and another one for the afternoon session. Each chair person introduced 2 talks. Attached you will find the schedule of the talks and of the chair persons. The talks were mostly on complex dynamics, with emphasis on the topological approach, by the top level researchers in the field. Many new interesting results and open problems were presented. A small number of talks where on real dynamical systems. The session of open problems (organized by Tan Lei and Carsten Petersen) was also very successful, with a long list of speakers and participants presenting a problem related to their work. Details of people attending: There were 31 CODY members, attending the conference, from which 27 were funded by the CODY project. There were 3 ER's and 2 ESR's. Every CODY funded participant either presented a talk, a poster, chaired a session or was in charge of the open problem session. ***ESR Badenska Agnieszka ***ESR Banerjee Kuntal Baranski Krzysztof Bergweiler Walter Branner Bodil Buff Xavier Bullet Shaun ***ER Clop Albert Dias Kealey Dudko Dzmitry Epstein Adam Flexor Margerite Garfias Tania ***ER Kabelka Anja Karpinska Boguslawa Kotus Janina Lei Tan Mihaljeviz Helena Mikulich Yauhen Penrose Christopher ***ER (to be) Peter Jörn Petersen Carsten Rempe Lasse Rippon Phil Samarasinghe Manjula Stallard Gwyneth Van Strien Sebastian (U. Warwick/ Warsaw U. PL) (U. Paul Sabatier FR) (U. of Warsaw PL) (U. of Kiel D) (Technical U. of Denmark FK) (U. de Toulouse FR) (Queen Mary, U of London, UK) (U. of Helsinki FI) (Technical U. of Denmark FK) (Bremen U.D) (U. Warwick UK) (U. Paris Sud Orsay, FR) (Univ. of Goettingen, D) (U. Roskilde DK) (Warsaw U. of Technology, PL) (Warsaw U. of Technology PL) (U. de Cergy-Pontoise FR) (U. of Liverpool, UK) (Jacobs U. Bremen, D) (Queen Mary U. of London, UK) (U. of Kiel, D) (Roskilde U., DK) (U. of Liverpool, UK) (Open U., UK) (Univ. of London, UK) (Open U., London, UK) (U. Warwick, UK) The remaining CODY participants (funded from other sources) were: Núria Fagella Xavier Jarque Jordi Taixés Antonio Garijo Lluís Alsedà Rubén Berenguel (U. Barcelona E) (U. Barcelona E) (U. Barcelona E) (U. Rovira i Virgili E) (U. Autònoma de Barcelona E) (U. Barcelona E) Economic Report: People funded by CODY received financial support for the registration fee (75 euros) and for 5 nights, and 5 days of full board (82 euros per person per day). A few of the attendants did not come for 5 days and they received the proportional amount. The total amount spent for the conference was 12.521 euros (2.025 + 10. 496). REPORT ON CONFERENCE ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: Congress in memory of Adrien Douady May 26th to May 30th 2008 Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris Details of speakers: 9:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:30 16:30 - 16:45 16:45 - 17:45 18:00 - 18:30 Tuesday 9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 20:00 John H. Hubbard Les travaux d'Adrien Douady en géométrie analytique et en dynamique holomorphe. Coffee break Mikhail Lyubich Dynamics of unicritical polynomials Welcoming buffet at IHP Nuria Fagella Surgery and the limbs of the Mandelbrot set Coffee break John Milnor Critically Periodic Cubic Polynomials Break Peter Haissinsky Random walks on hyperbolic groups François Tisseyre/EcoutezVoir Adam L. Epstein La thèse de Douady Coffee break Jean-Pierre Demailly Intrinsic metrics and solutions of MongeAmpère equations César Camacho The moduli of C*-actions on Stein 2dimensional analytic spaces Coffee break Alberto Verjovsky Hedlund´s theorem on minimality of horocycle flows for Riemann surface laminations Break Memories of Adrien Wednesday 9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:30 16:30 - 16:45 16:45 - 17:45 18:00 - 19:30 Jacob Palis Open questions leading to a global perspective in dynamics Coffee break Dennis Sullivan String configurations in dimensions 2,3,4,... Mitsuhiro Shishikura Parabolic implosion - from discontinuity to renormalization Coffee break Mary Rees Aeroplane Captures Break Vladimir Arnold Random and algebraic permutations' statistics Posters Thursday 9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:00 Soirée Mikhail Gromov Entropy and Linearized Isoperimetry Coffee break Bodil Branner Polynomial vector fields in one complex variable Sebastian van Strien On the interface of real and holomorphic dynamics Coffee break Curtis T. McMullen 1/7, 2/7, 4/7 Break Buffet + concert at the École Normale Supérieure Friday 9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:30 16:30 - 16:45 16:45 - 17:45 Genadi Levin Multipliers of periodic orbits for holomorphic maps Coffee break Michel Zinsmeister Branner-Hubbard Motion without Dynamics Charles Favre Birational classification of rational dynamical systems of ℙ2 Coffee break Carsten L. Petersen Impressions of the Mandelbrot set Break Arnaud Chéritat The quest for positive measure Julia sets Details of the conference: Adrien Douady was an extraordinarily inventive mathematician, and his work has had enormous influence on many fields of mathematics. In his thesis, he developed the theory of Banach analytic spaces. This was done under the direction of Henri Cartan and was published in 1966. During the same year, he was invited to speak at the ICM at the age of 31. About 10 years later, he proved the existence of a local moduli space for an arbitrary compact analytic space, solving an important open problem. He published the complete solution in 1974. Since 1980, his interests shifted to a vast domain called holomorphic dynamics: iterating holomorphic maps, studying their Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set. He is at the origin of the conjecture that the Mandelbrot set is locally connected. He developed the notions of polynomial-like maps, quasiconformal surgery, and parabolic implosion with his student John H. Hubbard. He is at the source of the proof by his students, Xavier Buff and Arnaud Chéritat, of the existence of polynomials having a Julia set of positive area. This conference is dedicated to those fields most strongly marked by Adrien's work: complex analytic geometry and holomorphic dynamics. Many of the talks focus on Adrien's influence on these subjects as well as some of the more recent results. Details of people attending : There were 154 registrated participants (see list below), of whom 5 were employed on the CODY RTN (highlighted in blue below), together with a group of French mathematicians who did not register: Name Zin Arai Vladimir Arnold Magnus Aspenberg Pavel Bachurin Ismail Bachy Viviane Baladi Kuntal Banerjee Claude Bardos Laurent Bartholdi Athanasios Batakis Eric Bedford Anna Benini Walter Bergweiler Gamaliel Blé Alexander Blokh Araceli Bonifant Abed Bounemoura Joshua Bowman Bodil Branner Xavier Buff Shaun Bullett Carlos Cabrera César Camacho Serge Cantatirmar Marc Chaperon Arnaud Chéritat Giovvani Citterio Pierre Collet Mark Comerford Sylvain Crovisier Andrew Curtis Acir Carlosda Silva Junior Jean-Pierre Demailly Alexandre Descotti Kealey Dias Philippe Didier Ilhem Djellit Annaba Dario Domingues Raphaël Douady Régine Douady Dimitry Dudko Romain Dujardin Diderot El HassanEl Kinanai Adam Epstein David Epstein Affiliation Kyoto University Steklov Mathematical Institute/Université Paris 9 Université Paris-Sud University of Toronto Cornell University/Université de Provence Ecole Normale Supérieure/CNRS CNRS Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions EPFL Université de Orléans Indiana University University of Toronto University of Kiel Universidad Juareza Uotnoma de Tabasco UAB University of Rhode Island Université Paris-Sud Cornell University Technical University of Denmark Université de Toulouse Queen Mary University of London University of Warwick IMPA, Rennes/College de France Université Paris 7 Université de Tolouse CNRS University of Rhode Island Clinton Curry University of Alabama at Birmingham Queen Mary University of London Hedi Daboussi Université de Picardie Institut Fourier, Universitéde Gronoble I Université Paul Sabatier Technical University of Denmark Universidade Nova de Lisboar Applied Mathematical Laboratory Riskdata/CNRS Université Paris 7 Jacobs University, Bremen Université Paris FST, Errachidia University of Warwick University of Warwick Alexandre Eremenko Freddie Exall Nuria Fagella Marie Farge Charles Favre Margeurite Flexor Antonio Garijo Veronique Gautheron Sébastian Godbillon Sapana Gupta Hasha H R Peter Haїssinsky William Harvey Guillaume Havard Cerlmon Ferrand Letizia Herault Aimo Hinkkanen Roman Hric John Hubbard Hiroyuki Inou Tobias Jaiger Ludwik Jaksztas Xavier Jarque Anja Kabelka Jeremy Kahn David Kalaj Tomoki Kawahira Steven Kerckhoff Jan Kiwi Victor Kepsyn Sarah Koch Ulrich Koschorke Aniket Krishna Vinod Kumar Ferry Kwakkel Michel Lapidus Francois Laudenback Aldo Lazar Genadi Levin Misha Lyubich Mariela Marin Jean-Francois Mattei John Mayer Curtis T McMullen Jean-Francois Méla Mohamed Menad Yauhen Mikulich John Milnor Anant Mohan Atyam Purdue Univeristy University of Liverpool Universitat de Barcelona ENS-Ulm Frederic Fauvet University Strasbourg 1 CNRS-IMJ Université Paris Sud Real Universitat Rovira I Virgili Université de Cergy-Pontoise Université de Cergy-Pontoise Pt Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur Indial Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Université de Provence King’s College London Université Balise Pascal Christian Henriksen Technical University of Denmark University of Illinios at urbana-Champaign Université Paris 13/Matej Bel University Cornell University and Université de Provence Université de Toulouse College de France Université of Orleans Universitat de Barcelona University of Roskilde SUNY Stony Brook University of Montenegro Nagoya University Stanford, ENS PUC, Chile IRMAR (Rennes 1), UMR 6625 CNRS Cornell University Universität Seigen Tata Institute of Fundamental Research RASET India University of Warwick Université of California Riverside (and IHES/IHP) Lab Math Jean Leray Univ, Nantes Tel Aviv University Hebrew University of Jerusalem Stony Brook University Carolos Matheus College de France Université de Toulouse University of Alabama at Birmingham Harvard University Université de Paris 13 Université de Chlef Jacobs University Bremen Stony Brook University Tata Institute for Fundamental Research Robert Moussu Shizuo Nakane Philibert Nang Lahcen Oukhtite Errachidia Lex Oversteegen Jacob Palis Jouni Parkkoen Frédéric Palin Christopher Penrose Rodrigo Perez Carsten Lunde Petersen Mario Ponce Istvan Prause Jean Philippe Préaux Piotr Przytycki Feliks Przytycki Weiyuan Qiu Miloud Rahmoune Moulay Jean Raimbault Mary Rees Lasse Rempe Roland Roeder Pascale Roesch Robert Roussarie Elaine Salem Manjula Samaringshe Andres Sambarino David Sauzin Dierk Schleicher Dana Schlomiuk Norbert Schlomiuk Nikita Selinger Mitsuhiro Shishikura Yannick Sire Stanislav Smirnov Daniel Sternheimer Dennis Sullivan Lei Tan Lahcen Taoufiq Errachidia Vladlen Timorin Francois Tisseyre Eva Uhre Shigehiro Ushiki Sebastian van Strien Alberto Verjovsky Jean-Pierre Vigue André Voros Aubrey Wolfson Juliana Xavier Université de Bourgogne Tokyo Polytechnic University Trieste Tarakanta Navak National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India FST University of Alabama at Birmingham IMPA University of Jyväskylä École Normale Supérieure Queen Mary, University of London UPU Roskilde University PUX, Chile Universite de Genève Université de Provence Polish Academy of Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences Fudan University Ismail University ENS Lyon University of Liverpool University of Liverpool University of Toronot Université deToulouse Université de Bourgogne Institut de Mathématiques Queen Mary University of London Université de Paris 13 IMCCE-CNRS Paris Jacobs University Bremen Université de Montrèal Université de Montrèal Jacobs University Bremen Kyoto University Université Paul Cezanne, Aix- Marseille 3 Université de Genéve Keio University CUNY/SUNY Stony Brook Université de Cergy-Pontoise FST Jacobs University Bremen Atelier Ecoutez Voir Roskilde University Kyoto University University of Warwick Universidad Nactional Autóma de México Université de Poitiers CEA University of Warwick Université de Paris 13 Yongzhi Xu Yongchen Yin Jean-Christoeher Yoccoz Michel Zinsmeister Budget: co-funded by CODY and CNRS University of Louisville Fudan University Collége de France Université d’Orléans REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: Aspects of Transcendental Dynamics June 16 – 20, 2008 Jacobs University Bremen Details of speakers: Name Talk Title Aspenberg, Magnus Bartholdi, Laurent Belov, Alexei Blokh, Alexander Dominguez Soto, Patricia Drasin, David Eremenko, Alexandre Fletcher, Alastair Inou, Hiroyuki Jarque, Xavier Karpińska, Bogusława Mayer, Volker Mihaljevic-Brandt, Helena Milnor, John Morosawa, Shunsuke Nicks, Daniel Okuyama, Yusuke Penrose, Christopher Rempe, Lasse Rippon, Philip Stallard, Gwyneth Stratmann, Bernd O. Sumi, Hiroki Urbański, Mariusz Zakeri, Saeed Zheng, Jian-Hua Critically non-recurrent dynamics Rabbits and spiders Symbolical dynamics of Interval exchange transformation On wandering continua for polynomials Residual Julia sets for meromorphic functions Regularity of growth and the class S Anharmonic oscillators an Nevanlinna theory Escaping sets for quasiregular mappings Discontinuity of straightening maps for renormalizable polynomials Dynamics hairs as external rays for some entire maps Hausdorff dimension of the Julia set and the growth rate of entire functions Thermodynamical formalism and fractal geometry for meromorphic functions Julia sets of subhyperbolic transcendental maps and orbifold theory Schwarzian derivative and circle maps Bifurcations of error functions with real coefficients Deficient functions and the class S Singularities of Schröder maps and unhyperbolicity of rational functions The symbolic Mandelbrot set and its relation to the Mandelbrot set Density of hyperbolicity in some spaces of real transcendental functions On slow escaping points of transcendental meromorphic functions On fast escaping points of transcendental entire functions Fractal analysis of Minkowski's function, and variations of the theme Random dynamics of polynomials and singular functions in the complex plane Ergodic properties of sub-hyperbolic functions with polynomial Schwarzian derivative Siegel disks in a family of entire maps Hyperbolic meromorphic functions Posters were presented by: Name Poster Title Dudko, Dzmitry Garfias-Macedo, Tania Mikulich, Yauhen Penrose, Christopher Peter, Jörn Samarasinghe, Manjula Taixés, Jordi Decorations conjecture Some properties of Julia sets of transcendental entire functions with multiplyconnected wandering domains Newton maps and matings of polynomials Parameter-dynamic resemblance for rotations Hausdorff measure of Julia sets of exponential maps Quasi-Fuchsian correspondences Connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental meromorphic maps and weakly repelling fixed points Details of the conference: The main topic of the conference was complex dynamics, with particular emphasis on the dynamics of transcendental entire and meromorphic functions. Topics from the general theory of entire and meromorphic functions which relate to complex dynamics were also part of the workshop. The conference began on Monday, June 16, in the morning and ended Friday, June 20, at lunch, with an excursion on Wednesday afternoon. The conference took place at Jacobs University, and participants were accommodated on campus. Details of people attending: ASPENBERG, MAGNUS, (ER from July 2008) CAU Kiel BADEŃSKA, AGNIESZKA, (ESR) University of Warwick BARTHOLDI, LAURENT, University of Geneva BEDNAREK, INGO, TU Dortmund BELOV, ALEXEI, Bar-Ilan University BENINI, ANNA MIRIAM, University of Toronto BERGWEILER, WALTER, CAU Kiel BLOKH, ALEXANDER, University of Alabama at Birmingham CLASSEN, CHRISTOPHER, TU Dortmund DOMÍNGUEZ SOTO, PATRICIA, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla DRASIN, DAVID, Purdue University DUDKO, DZMITRY, Jacobs University Bremen EREMENKO, ALEXANDRE, Purdue University FLETCHER, ALASTAIR, University of Nottingham GARFIAS-MACEDO, TANIA, Universität Göttingen HÜLSMANN, MARTIN, TU Dortmund INOU, HIROYUKI, Université de Toulouse JARQUE, XAVIER, Universitat de Barcelona KARPIŃSKA, BOGUSŁAWA, KISAKA, MASASHI, MAYER, VOLKER, Warsaw University of Technology Kyoto University Université de Lille MEERKAMP, PHILIPP, Cornell University / Jacobs University MIHALJEVIC-BRANDT, HELENA, University of Liverpool MIKULICH, YAUHEN, Jacobs University Bremen MILNOR, JOHN, SUNY at Stony Brook MOROSAWA, SHUNSUKE, Kochi University NICKS, DANIEL, Nottingham University OKUYAMA, YÛSUKE, Kyoto Institute of Technology PENROSE, CHRISTOPHER, Queen Mary, University of London PETER, JÖRN, (ER from September 2008) CAU Kiel REES, MARY, University of Liverpool REMPE, LASSE, University of Liverpool RIPPON, PHILIP, The Open University RUSCHEWEYH, STEPHAN, Universität Würzburg SAMARASINGHE, MANJULA, Queen Mary, University of London SCHLEICHER, DIERK, Jacobs University Bremen SELINGER, NIKITA, SINGH, ANAND PRAKASH, Jacobs University Bremen University of Jammu, Indien STADLBAUER, MANUEL, Jacobs University Bremen STALLARD, GWYNETH, Open University, Milton Keynes STEINMETZ, NORBERT, TU Dortmund STRATMANN, BERND O., University of St. Andrews SUMI, HIROKI, TAIXÉS, JORDI, TIMORIN, Vladlen, Osaka University Universitat de Barcelona Jacobs University Bremen URBAŃSKI, MARIUSZ, ZAKERI, SAEED, ZHENG, JIAN-HUA, University of North Texas The City University of New York Tsinghua University, Beijing Budget: co-funded by CODY and HCAA REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: TOWARDS HIGHER DIMENSION 22.6.-29.6.2008 Georg-August Universität Göttingen Details of speakers: Monday, June 23 Registration Opening of Workshop A. Zorich (Universit´e de Rennes 1): R. Miles (Stockholm): N. Snigireva (Bremen): Mario Roy (York University Toronto): Poster Session: H. Mihaljevic-Brandt (Liverpool): Geometry and dynamics of flat surfaces I Orbit counting for dynamical systems arising from nilpotent group actions. Divergence points of self-similarmeasures and packing dimension. Analytic families of holomorphic IFSs. Tuesday, June 24 E. Bedford (Indiana University): A. Zorich (Universit´e de Rennes 1): K. Gelfert (Northwestern University): C. Wolf (University of Wichita): M. Stadlbauer (Jacobs University Bremen): Dynamics of holomorphic surface maps I. Geometry and dynamics of flat surfaces II. On the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents. The thermodynamic formalism: periodic orbits and applications. Almost symmetric group extensions of topological Markov chains. Topological dynamics of entire functions. Wednesday, June 25 9:15–10:30 V. Kaimanovich (Jacobs Random graphs and equivalence relations I. University Bremen): 10:45–12:00 A. Zorich (Universit´e de Geometry and dynamics of flat surfaces III. Rennes 1): Thursday, June 26 E. Bedford (Indiana University): V. Kaimanovich (Jacobs University Bremen): K. Falk (Maynooth University): A. Benini (SUNY): H. Inou (Universit´e de Toulouse): Friday, June 27 E. Bedford (Indiana University): V. Kaimanovich (Jacobs University Bremen): Michal Szostakiewicz (Academy of Science Warsaw): Christian Bick (Göttingen): Keivan Mallahi Karai (Bremen): Dynamics of holomorphic surface maps II. Random graphs and equivalence relations II. Hyperbolic manifolds with dimension gap. AboutMisiurewicz parameters for the exponential family. Extending local analytic conjugacy. Dynamics of holomorphic surface maps II. Random graphs and equivalence relations III. Iteration of algebraic and analytic relations. Details of people attending: Richard Miles Hiroyuki Inou Martial Hille Anand P. Singh Ismael Bachy Christian Wolf Anna Benini Tilman J. Rothe Michal Szostakiewicz Sabrina Kombrink Manuel Stadlbauer Sachar Kablutschko Achim Wübker Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt Kathrin Gelfert Nina Snigireva Mario Roy Keivan Mallahi Karai Ghazaleh Arganoun Kurt Falk Christian Bick Eric Bedford Vadim Kaimanovich Anton Zorich Manfred Denker Hartje Kriete Stockholm, Cody Toulouse, Cody Berlin, formerly Cody Jammu, India Marseille, Cody Wichita, USA Stony Brook, USA Jena Warsaw, Cody Göttingen, Cody Bremen, Cody Göttingen, Cody Göttingen, Cody Liverpool, Cody Dresden Bremen, Cody York, Canada Bremen, Cody Leipzig Maynooth, Ireland Göttingen, Cody Bloomington, USA, Cody-Lecturer Bremen, Cody-Lecturer Rennes, Cody-Lecturer Göttingen, Cody Göttingen, Cody Budget: co-funded by CODY and Göttingen/SFB Two ERS’s cancelled their participation in this meeting at the last moment. Only CODY affiliated researchers were supported through CODY. REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: International Conference on Dynamical Systems (M.Misiurewicz's 60th birthday) June 30 – July 5, 2008 Bedlewo, Poland Details of invited speakers: Name Jon Aaronson Lluís Alsedà i Soler Michael Benedicks Vitaly Bergelson Alexander Blokh Jozef Bobok Henk Bruin Ethan M. Coven André Salles de Carvalho Manfred Denker Robert L. Devaney Tomasz Downarowicz William Geller Eli Moshe S. Glasner Paweł Góra L Jacek Graczyk Toby Hall Anatole Katok Svetlana Katok Michael Sylvester Keane Gerhard Keller Bruce Kitchens Sergii Koliada François Ledrappier Genadi Miron Levin Jaume Llibre Talk Title Limit properties for infinite transformations and return time stochastic processes Rotation sets for graph maps of degree 1 Convergence to equilibrium of forward images of Lebesgue measure by Hénon maps Ergodic theory and IP sets Does a billiard orbit determine its (polygonal) table? Li-Yorke chaos and Cantor attractors for maps on the interval Embedding odometers in cellular automata Riemann origami and convergence of pseudo-Anosov sequences Random countable Markov shifts Dynamic classification of escape time Sierpinski curve Julia sets Symbolic extentions of smooth interval maps Critical behavior for dynamics on graphs Invariant densities for expansions with deleted digits On the Misiurewicz condition Decoration invariants for horseshoe braids Is chaos compatible with uniform distribution (preliminary report) Reduction theory and coding of geodesics Percolation on lattices with large holes Rodrigo A. Perez Marc Pollicott Mary Rees Juan Rivera Letelier Systems of p.w.e. interval maps coupled by their mean field The dynamics of 2 by 2 games Minimal maps and sets Fluctuations of ergodic sums for some horocycle flows On spaces of rational maps Minimal sets of periods for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on orientable compact surfaces Curves of fixed points of trace maps Microdynamics Piecewise translations derived from an error diffusion algorithm. The case of the constant input. Homotopy pseudo-orbits and iterated monodromy groups Points of non-differentiability for conjugating maps Counting hyperbolic components and the mating construction Thermodynamics of smooth one-dimensional maps Ana Rodrigues Joerg Schmeling Klaus Schmidt Samuel Senti Weixiao Shen Károly Simon Ľubomír Snoha Jean-Marie Strelcyn Grzegorz Świątek Tongues and cusps A multifractal mass transfence principle and the structure of a typical sequence Sandpiles and Markov partitions Equilibrium measures for S-unimodal maps: the full negative spectrum Stochastic properties of backward-contracting interval maps Difference of random Cantor sets Topological entropy of piecewise bimonotone skew products On rational integrability of some Euler equations on Lie algebra so(4,C) Misiurewicz meromorphic maps Anthony Kevin Manning Michał Misiurewicz Tomasz J. Nowicki Jean-Paul Thouvenot Maciej Wojtkowski Anna Zdunik Piotr Zgliczyński Henryk Żołądek On the relative spectral theory for measure preserving transformations Some piecewise linear maps of the torus Hyperbolic sets and hyperbolic dimension in the dynamics of transcendental maps Some results on multidimensional perturbations of 1-dim maps The Poincare's center problem Details of other speakers: Name Salvador Addas-Zanata Magnus Per Anders Aspenberg (ER) Piotr Bartłomiejczyk Andrzej Biś Henri Comman Matúš Dirbák Neil Dobbs (ER) David Färm Bartosz Frej Katrin Gelfert Grzegorz Graff Dominik Kwietniak Peter Maličký Mykola Matviichuk Olena Vladlenivna Mul Piotr Oprocha Tomas Persson Peter Raith Ryszard Rudnicki Michael Heinrich Jacek Andrzej Serafin Vladimír Špitalský Krzysztof Stefański Marcin Styborski Fabio A. Tal Mike Todd Paulo César Varandas Talk Title On rotationless homeomorphisms of the annulus Misiurewicz maps in complex dynamics Differentials in spectral sequences for Morse decompositions Partial variational principle for groups of polynomial growth Entropy approximation and large deviations Estimates of the entropy via extensions of dynamical systems without increasing the entropy Ergodic properties of some maps from the exponential family Dimensions of sets defined by expanding reals in different integer bases Entropy for Markov operators Lyapunov exponents in nonuniformly hyperbolic dynamics Fixed point indices of iterated smooth maps A simple example generating complicated dynamics Relationship between lower and interior cycles for the Lotka-Volterra map On extensions of transitive maps and their topological entropy On development of optimal control methods for some complex dynamical systems On dense Mycielski chaotic sets in topological dynamics Asymptotics of dimension for interval maps with holes Continuity of the topol. entropy for piecewise monotone maps on the interval Invariant measures and chaos for the differentiation operator on H(C) Schraudner Large entropy Z^d shifts with highly restrictive subsystems and factors Z^2 actions, weak closure and partial mixing Entropy of transitive dendrite maps Finite-time Lyapunov exponents for maps from periodic windows Conley index and the Leray-Schauder degree The support of maximizing measures for homemorphism of Riemannian manifolds Multifractal analysis for multimodal maps Existence, uniqueness and stability of equilibrium states for non-uniformly expanding maps Details of the conference (including how the CODY funds were employed): There were 100 participants (plus some local not registered). There were 47 invited talks (40 minutes), most plenary, some in two parallel sessions 27 short communications (20 min each, in two parallel sessions) and two posters. There was one problem session. Topics were mainly low-dimensional dynamics, ergodic theory and holomorphic dynamics (CODY tasks III.1, V.1, V.2, ). Top specialists in the world participated, in particular M.Misiurewicz himself, members of the scientific committee: Alseda, Denker, Llibre, Keane, Katok, Kolyada, and many young mathematicians from Poland and abroad. There were people from over 25 countries (European Union and also Ukraine, China, Japan, Chile, Brasil, Canada, USA), many of them involved in CODY. This was one of best conferences in dynamical systems in recent years. This meeting of the mathematicians from many countries and generations will imply in future a lot of fruitful cooperation. We plan editing of a volume of Fundamenta Mathematicae, an international journal, with papers related to the meeting. The total cost of the conference was about 30 000 Euro, CODY's contribution about 2500 Euro (3 people payed by CODY E, 8 by CODY F). More complete information is available at Name of those presenting posters and the poster title: Takuma Akimoto J Guirao On the ergodic measure of the non-equilibrium state Topological analysis of the phase flow of Manev type systems in rotating reference frames (Please identify any CODY employed researchers present) Employed (CODY E): Ludwik Jaksztas (Orleans) Magnus Aspenberg (Kiel) Neil Dobbs (Warsaw) Other CODY supported speakers (CODY F): Henk Bruin (UK) Manfred Denker (Germany) Katrin Gelfert (Germany) Jacek Graczyk (France) Jaume Llibre (Spain) Anthony Manning (UK) Mike Todd (UK, Portugal) Wojtkowski Maciej (Poland) REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: Dynamical Systems: Geometric Structures and Rigidity, summer school and workshop 7 –26 July, 2008 Będlewo, Poland Details of invited speakers: School minicourses: Group representation methods in dynamics of homogeneous actions G. Forni, L. Flaminio (6 lectures) Differentiable rigidity of group actions M. Guysinsky, D. Damjanovic (6 lectures) Rigidity in holomorphic dynamics of one variable Weixiao Shen, S. van Strien (5 lectures) Rigidity in dynamics of several complex variables N.Sibony (3 lectures) Measure rigidity B. Kalinin, F. Rodriguez Hertz (6 lectures) Smooth conjugacy in hyperbolic dynamics A.Gogolev (4 lectures) Harmonic analysis, number theory and dynamics I. Laba (4 lectures) One hour speakers at the workshop: Danijela DAMJANOVIC: Bassam FAYAD: Livio FLAMINIO: Giovanni FORNI: Krzysztof FRACZEK: Boris KALININ: Anatole KATOK: Gerhard KNIEPER: Rafael KRIKORIAN: Izabella LABA: Genadi LEVIN: Mark POLLICOTT: Feliks PRZYTYCKI: Local rigidity for some parabolic abelian actions Existence of escaping orbits in the outer billiard around the semi-disc On the quantitative equidistribution of nilfows and Weyl sums Quantitative Unique Ergodicity for Rational Polygonal Billiards On self--similarity for ergodic flows Periodic data and rigidity for Anosov diffeomorphisms Cocycle rigidity for actions of higher rank abelian groups: various methods and flavors A commutator formula and geodesic flows on manifolds of nonpositive curvature KAM-Liouville Theory for quasi-periodic cocycles with values in SL(2,R) Arithmetic progressions in sets of fractional dimension Rigidity of some quadratic polynomials with unbounded combinatorics. with unbounded combinatorics. Fluctuation theorems and large deviations for hyperbolic maps Nice inducing schemes for iteration of holomorphic maps: analiticity of pressure and geometric conformal and equilibrium measures. Federico RODRIGUEZ HERTZ: Nessim SIBONY: Uniqueness of SRB measure for transitive surface diffeomorphisms Ergodic theory for Endomorphisms of complex projective spaces:Central limit and large deviation theorems Details of other speakers at the workshop: (30 minutes talks): Masayuki Asaoka Magnus Aspenberg (ER): David Constantine: Nikolay Dimitrov: Segrey Komech: Sun Peng: Remus Radu: Graham Smith: Thomas Zamojski: Flexibility of codimension-one locally free actions of the affine group On Misiurewicz maps in complex dynamics Frame Flow and Hyperbolic Rank Rigidity Rapid evolution of complex limit cycles Boundary distortion under expanding sequence of maps Invariant measures for some skew product diffeomorphisms Hausdorff dimension and biaccessibility for polynomial Julia sets Foliations of Hyperbolic Ends: Using a new notion of curvature, we show how constant curvature foliations may be used in the study of hyperbolic ends (in the sense of Kulkarni, Pinkall). Dynamical approach to counting lattice points Details of the conference (including how the CODY funds were employed): This was 3 weeks meeting: 2 weeks of school followed by 1 week workshop in which almost all participants (students and lecturers) of the school took part and some more invited speakers arrived. The school had 6 minicourses and some complementary seminars/exercises. They were on a very high scientific level, by top class mathematicians. Altogether there were about 60 participants (including about 32 PhD students), most of them staying the whole 3 weeks period. Nevertheless the number of PhD students was much smaller than expected, probably because of unsufficient advertising. Lecture Notes will be published, probably by AMS. Some notes are already available at the web page Name of those presenting posters and the poster title: There were no posters Details of people attending: Status: P = participant, L = lecturer, SC = Scientific Committee, OC = Organizing Committee Asaoka First & Middle Names Masayuki Kyoto University P Aspenberg Magnus Per Anders IMPAN, Warsaw P Badenska Agnieszka University of Warwick P Barany Balazs IMPAN P Bojarski Bogdan IMPAN P Brown Aaron W Tufts University P Climenhaga Vaughn Alan Penn State University P Constantine David Arthur Penn State University P Damjanovic Danijela Harvard L Das Tushar University of North Texas P Dimitrov Nikolay Cornell University P Duc-Manh Nguyen Universite Paris Sud P Fayad Bassam CNRS -- Universite Paris-Nord L Flaminio Livio Universite Lille 1 L Forni Giovanni University of Maryland L, SC Fraczek Krzysztof Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika, Torun OC, L Galazka Piotr Politechnika Warszawska P Gogolev Andriy Penn State University L Gornisiewicz Krzysztof Adam Mickiewicz University P Guysinsky Misha Penn State University L Harrap Stephen University of York P Jaksztas Ludwik University d'Orleans P Kalinin Boris University of South Alabama L, OC Katok Anatole Penn State University SC, OC, L Katok Svetlana Penn State University P Knieper Gerhard Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum L Komech Sergey RAS P Krikorian Rafael Ecole Polytechnique, Paris L Kulaga Joanna Aleksandra Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun P Laba Izabella University of British Columbia, Vancouver L Lemanczyk Mariusz Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun P Levin Genadi Hebrew University of Jerusalem L Maquera Apaza Carlos Alberto Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France P Munday Sara Ann St. Andrews University, Scotland P Naskrecki Bartosz Adam Mickiewicz University P Perez Rodrigo IUPUI P Pollicott Marc University of Warwick L Poznansky Tal P Przytycki Feliks Radu Remus Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio di Giorgi, Pisa Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences Cornell University Ramirez Felipe Alberto University of Michigan P Robatian Damoon Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv P Rodriguez-Hertz Romero I Sanchez Rzeszotko Federico IMERL, Montevideo L David Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Zuzanna Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce P Shen Weixiao University of Science and Technology of China, L Last Name Affiliation Status SC, OC, L P P Hefei Sibony Nessim Universite Paris Sud L Skwara Uniwersytet Slaski P Strelcyn Urszula Graham Andrew Craig Jean-Marie Universite Rouen, Universite Paris 13 P Sun Peng The Pennsylvania State University P Tanase Raluca Cornell University P van Strien Sebastian University of Warwick L Volk Denis MSU P Wang Zhenqi The Pennsylvania State University P Wasowicz Stefan Czestochowa University of Technology P Zamojski Thomas University of Chicago P Zdunik Anna Universitet Warszawski OC Smith MPIM Bonn (Please identify any CODY employed researchers present) Employed (CODY E): Magnus Aspenberg, (Germany) Ludwik Jaksztas (France) Agnieszka Badenska (Warwick) Other CODY supported speakers (CODY F) Sebastian van Strien (Warwick) Rafael Krikorian (France) Bassam Fayad (France) Mark Pollicott (Warwick) P REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: The escaping set in Complex Dynamics 2-5 October 2008 Søminestationen Holbæk, Denmark Details of main speakers: (numbers refers to ordering of lectures as a minicourse) Name Walter Bergweiler Janina Kotus Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt Phil Rippon Gwyneth Stallard Talk Title 1. The escaping set - introduction and examples. 2. Tracts and Wiman-Valiron theory. Hausdorff dimension of radial and escaping points for transcendental meromorphic functions. 6. Rigidity of escaping dynamics for transcendental entire functions. 7. Rigidity of escaping dynamics for transcendental entire functions. 4. Slow escaping points of transcendental meromorphic functions. 9. Slow escaping sets of transcendental meromorphic functions. 3. Fast escaping points of transcendental meromorphic functions. 5. Escaping sets and Cantor bouquets. 8. Escaping sets and spiders' webs. Details of the conference: Friday Walter Bergweiler Janina Kotus Christopher Penrose Walter Bergweiler Gwyneth Stallard Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt 1. The escaping set - introduction and examples. Hausdorff dimension of radial and escaping points for transcendental meromorphic functions Parameter-Dynamic Resemblance for Rotations of the Cylinder 2. Tracts and Wiman-Valiron theory. 3. Fast escaping points of transcendental meromorphic functions. Orbifolds of subhyperbolic transcendental maps Saturday Philip J. Rippon Gwyneth Stallard Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt Antonio Garijo Real Jordi Taixes 4. Slow escaping points of transcendental meromorphic functions. 5. Escaping sets and Cantor bouquets. 6. Rigidity of escaping dynamics for transcendental entire functions I 7. Rigidity of escaping dynamics for transcendental entire functions II Joining polynomial and exponential combinatorics for some entire maps On the connectivity of Julia sets of transcendental meromorphic functions Poster session Dzmitry Dudko Yauhen Mikulich Nikita Selinger Tania Garfias Macedo Fatiha Sahraoui Manjula Samarashinghe The decorations conjecture Newton maps of polynomials and matings On the boundary behaviour of Thurston's pullback map The Fatou family and friends The dynamics of holomorphic maps tangent to the identity near a curve of fixed points Introduction to matings Sunday Gwyneth Stallard Philip J. Rippon 8. Escaping sets and spiders' webs. 9. Slow escaping sets of transcendental meromorphic functions. Details of people attending: 32 participants, 14 Phd students and 18 senior PhD students: Kuntal Banerjee ESR, CNRS Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt Jan Cannizzo Alexandre Dezotti Kealey Dias Dzmitry Dudko Steffen Junge Tania Garfias Macedo Yauhen Mikulich Fatiha Sahraoui Manjula Samarasinghe Nekita Selinger Jordi Taixés Eva Uhre Seniors: Magnus Aspenberg ER Kiel Christian Berg Walter Bergweiler Bodil Branner Manuel Dominguez Christian Henriksen Anja Kabelka, ER RUC Janina Kotus Henrik Laurberg Pedersen Christopher Penrose Jörn Peter, ER, Barcelona Carsten Lunde Petersen Antonio Garijo Real Philip J. Rippon Monica Moreno-Rocha Dierk Schleicher Mirta Castro Smirnova Gwyneth M. Stallard Attending CODY ER’s and ESR’s were Kuntal Banerjee, ESR in Toulouse, Magnus Aspenberg, ER in Kiel, Anja Kabelka, ER in Roskilde, Budget: Co-funded by CODY, FUR, and the FNU Grant REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: Nonlinear Dynamics to Systems Biology: in celebration of David Rand’s 60th birthday 1-3 December 2008 Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick _2009/workshops/rand60/ Details of invited speakers: Name David Chillingworth, Southampton Ben Mestel, Open University Albert Pinto, Minho, Portugal Alan Kirkman, Marseille, France David Broomhead, Manchester Tomas Bohr, Lyngby, Denmark Phil Holmes, Princeton, USA Chris Bauch, Geulph, Canada Andrew Millar, Edinburgh Minus van Baalen, Paris, France Erik Mosekilde Lyngby, Denmark Talk Title Impact oscillators: singularity theory and dynamical systems Renormalization and nonlinear dynamics Fine structures of hyperbolic diffeomorphisms Born under a lucky star Reaction and diffusion on fractal sets Broken symmetries and sharp corners at interfaces in moving fluids From spike rates to simple decisions; stochastic ODEs as model for evidence accumulation in cortical circuits Application of game theory to voluntary vaccination policy System biology flowers Self-structuring in spatial evolutionary ecology The role of nonlinear dynamic phenomena in physiological control systems Details of the conference (including how the CODY funds were employed): Budget: Co-funded by CODY and the London Mathematical Society. This conference was collaboration between researchers in biomedicine and CODY (towards the applications of conformal structures in medicine). Name of those presenting posters and the poster title: None Details of people attending: surname Azadeh Baesens Barkley Bauch Berry forenames Khajeh Alijani Claude Dwight Chris Dan affiliation University of Warwick University of Warwick Univeristy of Warwick University of Guelph country United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Canada Bohr Bretschneider Tomas Till The Technical University of Denmark University of Warwick Denmark United Kingdom Broomhead Burroughs David Nigel University of Manchester University of Warwick Casdagli Martin Christopher John David Maria Jonathan Mirela David Joao Barbel Paul Mercator LLC United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America University of Keele University of Southampton University of Warwick University of Cambridge University of Warwick University of Warwick University of Warwick United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom University of Manchester United Kingdom Elaine Volker Matthias Xinyu University of Warwick Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel University of Warwick United Kingdom Chapman Chillingworth Costa Dawes Domijan Epstein Fialho Finkenstadt Glendinning Greaves Coelho Gundlach He Germany United Kingdom Holmes Ibrahim Jones Keeling Kiernan Kirman Kiyani Kwakkel (ESR) LEGAIE MacKay MacKay Manning Maynard Mestel Millar Mlnarik Moore Philip Mostafa Christopher Matt Brent Alan Khurom Princeton University University of Warwick University of Warwick University of Warwick United States of America United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Marseilles University of Warwick France United Kingdom Ferry Roxane Alex Robert S Anthony Anne Ben Andrew Hynek Jay University of Warwick University of Warwick United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Mosekilde Muldoon Oliveira Pinto Rand Rand Erik Mark Bruno Alberto Charlotte David University of Warwick University of Warwick Warwick Open University Edinburgh University University of Warwick University of Warwick The Technical University of Denmark University of Manchester FCNAUP Universidade do Minho University of Warwick Randall Richardson Solman Stuart Thornalley van Baalen Walters Wang Wild Zeeman John Magnus Alison Andrew Paul Minus Peter Yunjiao David Christopher Rutgers University University of Warwick University of Warwick University of Warwick United Kingdom United States of America United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom UPMC University of Warwick The University of Manchester France United Kingdom United Kingdom University of Warwick United Kingdom (Please identify any CODY employed researchers present) Ferry Kwakkel (ESR, Warwick) Denmark United Kingdom Portugal Portugal REPORT ON CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ENTITLED: DATE: LOCATION: WEB PAGE: Fractals and Multifractal Analysis, Topics in Turbulence December 2-5, 2008 Kozani Greece Details of invited speakers: Name Pertti Mattila (University of Helsinki) Michael Rams (IMPAN) Jörg Schmeling (University of Lunds) Janina Kotus Maarit Järvenpää Esa Järvenpää Talk Title Some interplay between geometric measure theory and Fourier analysis (3 hours) Multifractal formalism for topologically expanding maps (3 hours) Some applications of multifractal analysis to metric number theory (3 hours) Hausdorff dimension of radial and escaping points for transcendental meromorphic functions Visibility and fractal percolation The behaviour of dimension under smooth families of maps Details of other speakers: Name Atreas Nikos Barany Balazs (ESR) Bisbas Antonios Färm David Goldstein Pawel Käenmäki Antti Karanikas Costas Majchrowska G. Mouratidis Ch. Zatorska-Goldstein Anna Talk Title Μultiscale transforms generating generalized Riesz Products Absolute continuity and transversality for fractional linear iterated function systems Some applications of infinite convoloution measures to the estimation of the Hausdorff dimension of certain sets On numbers with nondense orbits under interval maps On polyharmonic maps into spheres in the critical dimension Upper conical density results for general measures Οn a very large class of non linear transforms and the fractal detection problem on time series. Some examples of wavelets in the Hardy space H_2(R) Universal Laurent series in finite connected domains Global integrability of upper gradients of psuperharmonic functions Details of the conference (including how the CODY funds were employed): The school was attended by 21 delegates representing 4 nodes of the Network. There were 22 lectures. Almost all participants gave talks, describing their recent results, but there were also minicourses by Prof. Pertti Mattila on geometric measure theory and Fourier analysis, by Prof. Michael Rams on Multifractal formalism for topologically expanding maps and by Jörg Schmeling on multifractal analysis to metric number theory. The funds supported by CODY are 4757,00 euros and employed to accommodation and hospitality. Conference travel costs were met by the node to which the participants were affiliated. There was a trip to visit the archeological Museum of Aiani which was organized and supported by TEI of WM