Transition Bibliography Print Resources Amwake, L. & Woodall, C. ( ). Kindergarten transitions: How pre-K teachers can help. Program Services Paper, ED 473 697, North Carolina Partnership for Children: Raleigh, NC. 1-9. Bohan-Baker, M. & Little,P. (2004). The transition to kindergarten: A review of current research and promising practices to involve families. Harvard Family Research Project: Cambridge, MA. Brody, J. & McGarry, K. (September, 2005). Using social stories to ease children’s transitions. Young Children, 60 (5), 38–42. Clifford, R. M. (1999). Personnel preparation and the transition to kindergarten. In R. C. Pianta & M. J. Cox (Eds.), The transition to kindergarten (pp.317-324). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Copple, C. & S. Bredekamp, Eds. (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Washington, DC: NAEYC. Dail, A. R. & McGee, L. M. (2008). Transition to kindergarten: reaching back to preschoolers and parents through shared summer school. Childhood Education 84(8), 305. Deyell-Gingold, P. Successful transition to Kindergarten: The role of teachers and parents. Early Childhood News. Dockett, S. & B. Perry. Starting school: Effective Transitions. Retrieved from Early, D., Pianta, R. C., & Cox, M. J. (1999). Kindergarten teachers and classrooms: A transition context. Early Education and Development, 10(1), 25-46. Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center. (1999, Winter). Early developments: Kindergarten transition. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Gallagher, J. J. (1999). Policy and the transition process. In R. C. Pianta & M. J. Cox (Eds.), The transition to kindergarten (pp. 351-362). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Goode, T.D. (2005). 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(2003) Preschool to kindergarten transition activities: Involvement and satisfaction of families and teachers. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 17(2), 147 – 158. LaParo, K.M., Pianta, R.C., & Cox, M.J. (2000). Kindergarten teachers' reported use of kindergarten to first grade transition practices. Elementary School Journal, 101(1). Little, L. (Ed.).(Winter, 1999). Conference Synthesis. Early Developments, 3(1), 3–15. Liu, Karen. (Spring 2008).Bridging a successful school transition. Childhood Education, 84 (3), 158. LoCasale-Crouch, J., Mashburn, A., Downer, J. & Pianta, R. (2007). Pre-kindergarten teachers’ use of transition practices and children’s adjustment to kindergarten. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23 (2008), 124-139. Love, J. M., Logue, M. E., Trudeau, J. V., & Thayer, K. (1992). Transitions to kindergarten in American schools (Contract No. LC 88089001). Portsmouth, NH: US Department of Education. McGann, J. F. & Clark, P. (2007). 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The transition to school for “at-risk” children. In R. C. Pianta & M. J. Cox, (Eds.), The transition to kindergarten, (pp. 217-251). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes. Reynolds, A. (2006). PK-3 education: Programs and practices that work in children’s first decade. Foundation for Child Development Working Paper Rimm-Kaufman, S. E., & Pianta, R. C. (1999). Patterns of family-school contact in preschool and kindergarten. School Psychology Review, 28(3), 426-438. Rous, B. (2008). Recommended transition practices for young children and families: Results from a national validation survey. (Technical Report #3). Lexington: University of Kentucky, Human Development Institute, National Early Childhood Transition Center. Available at The SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (2005). Terrific transitions: Ensuring continuity of service for child and their families. Greensboro: NC: SERVE: Seitzinger, K.H. (2005). Building culturally and linguistically competent services to support young children, their families and school readiness. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation. Sink, C. A., Edwards, C. E., & Weir, S. J. (2007). Helping children transition from kindergarten to first grade. Professional School Counseling: ASCA Shulting, A.B. Malone, and K.A.P.S and Dodge. (2005). The effect of kindergarten transition policies and practice on child academic outcomes. Developmental Psychology 41, (6): 860-71. 12/9/2009 Schulting, A. (2008). Promoting parent school relationships during the transition to Kindergarten. Harvard Family Research Project. The Evaluation Exchange, (15), 1&2 Wesley, P. W. (2001). Smooth moves to kindergarten. Chapel Hill, NC: Chapel Hill Training Outreach Project, Inc. Weblinks General Transition/Readiness Links Child Trends research brief: School readiness: Helping communities get ready for school and schools ready for children Education Commission of the States: Florida Center for Parent Involvement: Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida, Transition Tips: National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies: National Association for the Education of Young Children: National Child Care Information Center: National Center for Early Development and Learning National Early Childhood Transition Center National Early Childhood Transition Center's link to a searchable database of transition publications and articles National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education: National PTA and National Head Start Association. (1999). Continuity for success: Transition planning guide Paving the Way to Kindergarten Guide: Pennsylvania Department of Education: Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network: Ready Schools Report 12/9/2009 ReadyWeb's Virtual Library houses a searchable electronic collection of resources on school readiness SERVE. (1999). Terrific transitions: Ensuring continuity of services for children and their families Smart Start's National Technical Assistance Center is available to assist communities and states in the development, implementation, and integration of comprehensive community-based early childhood initiatives. Teaching Strategies for Early Childhood Educators Involving Families Links Family and Community Involvement links from NCREL National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education National Parent Information Network National PTA North Central Regional Educational Laboratory Family Support America Families and Advocates Partnerships for Education The Hard to Reach Parent Reaching All Families--Creating Family-Friendly Schools Together we can: A guide for crafting a pro-family system of education and human services Cultural Diversity Links 12/9/2009 Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) Family Diversity in Urban Schools Increasing the School Involvement of Hispanic Parents National PTA Board sensitivity training session Actions for Diversity Understanding diversity: Ideas, activities, and best practices Children With Special Needs Links Family and child transitions into least restrictive enviornments National Center for Learning Disabilities. Get Ready to Read! program National Center for Learning Disabilities National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center National Early Childhood Transition Center Other Resources to Support Transition Ready Set Go! Your Go-To Guide to Kindergarten Transition, Indigo Productions, Inc. Learning is Everywhere Parent Activity Guide free at Kindergarten, Here I Come Parent Activity Guide free at Kindergarten, Here I Am Parent Activity Guide free at 12/9/2009