Trinity United Church Ministers: The Whole Congregation Rev. Dr

Trinity United Church
Ministers: The Whole Congregation
Rev. Dr. John Moses - Worship, Administration and Pastoral Care
Rev. Greg Davis - Christian Development, Community Building and
Pastoral Care
Mr. Donald Fraser - Organist and Choir Director
Web Page: E-mail:
Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 am - 3 pm 892-4114
Order of Service May 11, 2014 – 10:30 am
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Family Reunion Sunday
Christian Family Sunday
* denotes standing (please stand if able)
Nursery Service Available
Prelude: "With All My Heart's New Power" (Walther)
Words of Welcome
The Life and Work of the Church
*Introit: Hymn #178 (More Voices) “Who Is My Mother”
Entry of the Bible and Christ Candle: Grace & Alex Gauthier
Lighting of the Christ Candle
Call to Worship:
The family of faith has gathered for worship:
old and young, healthy and ill,
married, single, married again, single again,
living with others, living alone—
here together in this place of welcome and friendship.
We have come at Christ’s own invitation
to share life with each other,
to praise and worship, to grow in faith and love.
*Hymn #395 “Come In, Come In and Sit Down”
Prayer of Approach:
The psalmists sing of the shelter of your wings, God.
They sing of a safe place in a dangerous world.
They sing of your loving presence.
We come now to see if the song is true.
We come now to seek your shelter,
your presence, your safety.
Open your arms, God, and gather us in.
We pray in the name of Jesus
who showed us how wide is your embrace. Amen.
"Just Us" Vocal Quartet: "There’s A flag Flying High"
Joy Ikede, June Ives, Joan Smith, Heather Cameron
(Please join in singing the chorus.)
So let it fly in the sky
Let the whole world know,
Let the whole world know,
Let the whole world know,
So let it fly in the sky
Let the whole world know,
That the king is in residence here.
Some Memories of Trinity The Rev. Frederick Seller
Solo: "Wade in the Water" Melissa Lewis
Stories of the Early Church: Acts 2:42-47 Reader: Daniel Ross
Anthem: "Are You A Shepherd?"
Gospel: St. John 10:1-10 Reader: Michael Goodwin
Sermon: A Gated Community?
(Rev. Dr. John Moses)
*Hymn #145 (More Voices) “Draw the Circle Wide”
Prayers of the People: Barb Stewart, Oscar Cormier,
Josephine (Posey) Cormier
"Just Us" Vocal Quartet: “I Was There To hear Your Borning Cry”
The Sacrament of Baptism Emily Jane Boulter,
Ryan William Boulter
Stewardship Second: Stewards keep God's Word by sharing it
through acts of hospitality. Reach out and share your hospitality
Minute for Mission
Offertory: Piano-Flute Duet “Amazing Grace”
Keridwen Campbell and Kristin Thompson
Presentation of Offering: Hymn #191 (MV) “What Can I Do?”
What Can I Do? What can I bring?
What can I say? What can I sing?
I’ll sing with joy, I’ll say a prayer.
I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share. (2X)
Prayer of Dedication:
Gracious and Gift-Giving God,
we give you thanks and praise
for each of these gifts
and for the spirit in which they were given.
Bless them and multiply them
that they may bring your light
more fully into the lives of others
seeking their place in the one family of your love;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
*Hymn #664 “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
Commissioning and Benediction
Dismissal: "Let There be Peace on Earth"
Elliott, Ellen and Erin Fraser
Postlude: "Lord Christ, On Thee My Hope is Stayed" (Pachelbel)
Children will be at the exits giving carnations to the women of the
congregation at the end of the service.
Head Usher: Roger MacArthur
North Side: Alan Brady, Gayle Mills, Allan Forbes
South Side: Margaret MacArthur, Vans & Emily Bryant
Balcony: Linda & Harry Hibbs
Today’s bulletins are in loving memory of Neven Cameron,
presented by the family.
Today we welcome into the church by baptism Emily Jane
Boulter and Ryan William Boulter.
Happy Birthday to Joan Smith, Will Gibbon, and the Rev. Samuel
Shields (94 years) on May 13, to Noah Rogers (5 years) and John
Farquharson on May 14, to Margaret Keizer on May 15, to Evelyn
Wheatley who celebrates 90 years on May 16, and to Laurie Forsyth
on May 17.
Calling all High School Graduates: If you, or a family member,
are graduating from high school in June 2014, please contact Rev.
Greg no later than May 20.
This will be the best summer ever!!!!!!!!
You really don’t want to miss going to Camp Abby Summer Camp!
If you enjoy fun & games, music & drama, great food, outdoor fun,
making new friends, learning about God… then you will enjoy Camp
Abby! For more information, contact Greg Davis (892-4114) or
pick up an application from the bulletin board outside Greg’s
office. Scholarships are available.
Trinity Clifton 2014 - 150th Anniversary Celebration: Lunch,
celebrating this Family Reunion Sunday, will be held in the gym today
after the service. Please come and enjoy some sandwiches, sweets,
and fellowship. Please refer to the bulletin insert for a list of those
names provided to the 2014 Committee for recognition today. Please
note: Everyone is welcome to the lunch, not just those persons
being recognized.
Trinity Clifton Christmas Fair Craft Group: The final three craft
sessions for this season will be held on Thursdays May 15, 22, and
29, at 7 pm. These sessions are fun, and you do not need to be
"crafty" to join in, because we have a very good instructor in Vicki
AllenCook. So, won’t you please consider joining us? We will resume
the craft sessions in September.
Hearing assists are available at the back of the church.
Please note the deadline for announcements is Wed. at Noon
in writing or by email to
Trinity Events
Trinity Mens Club Annual Plant Sale will take place on Sat.,
May 24 starting at 8 am. Please check your flower beds for extra
plants and your garden shed for garden implements you no longer
use and can contribute to the sale. We appreciate your consideration
and help to make this sale a success.
Benefit for Lloyd Ross: On Nov. 21, 2013, Lloyd Ross, a member of
Trinity, became entangled in a power take-off shaft which resulted in
very severe life-changing injuries. He was immediately transferred by
air to Halifax and has had a series of operations. He is currently in
rehab and his recovery is very slow. On Sat., May 31, 5:30 pm, we
will host a buffet supper featuring chicken, ham, potatoes,
vegetables, rolls, dessert, entertainment, and a live auction of cakes
and baked good. Tickets will be by donation. Please contact Ellen in
our church office if you would like to donate.
Trinity Take-Out Lobster Supper: Our annual take-out lobster
supper is being held on Wed., Jun. 4, with pickup from 3:30 - 5:30
pm. Tickets are $17 each and are available from UCW members,
Trinity Men and our church office. They will be on sale today after
church at the Richmond Street entrance. Please get your tickets early
as we always sell out.
Charlottetown Tulip Festival "Promise of Spring" Musical
Concert will take place at Trinity on May 25, 7 pm. Free tickets are
available at the Richmond St. door today after service. Donations to
the Salvation Army will be collected the night of the concert.
Headliners are Joey Kitson, Catherine O'Brien, Caroline Bernard, and
Kendra MacGillivray. Producer is Don Fraser.
Noon Hour Bible Study is each Tuesday, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm.
Community Events
Park Royal Lobster Take-Out Supper: Tickets are now available
for the Park Royal Church Annual Take-out Lobster Supper being held
on Wed., May 21 with take out between 3:30 and 6:00 pm. Tickets
are $17 and are available from UCW Members or by calling Church
Office at 894-9656.
Farmers Helping Farmers Kenya 2015: Calling PEI youth aged
16-22: Are you interested in travelling? Do you have an interest in
global issues? In July 2015, 17 students and three adult chaperones
will be travelling to Kenya through the PEI based organization,
Farmers Helping Farmers. We will be volunteering at local schools,
the Muchui Women’s Group, and an orphanage, as well as
participating in educational and leadership sessions and going on
safari. Applications are now available to be part of this exciting
opportunity. Contact Tammy Craig 439-9187 or for more information.
Moderator's Letter
Friday, April 4, 2014
"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and
there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there
are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who
activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the
manifestation of the Spirit for the common good."
1Corinthians 12:4-7 (NRSV)
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
I am writing today as Moderator to say thank you to the
many thousands of volunteers who are part of our United
Church family.
Volunteers are the heart, soul, and backbone of The United
Church of Canada from coast to coast. It's impossible to
calculate the number of volunteer hours offered each day,
week, month, and year in congregations and communities
throughout Canada and around the world; the positive
impact of that work is equally immeasurable. But when you
stop to think about it, even within your own congregation, it
is truly impressive.
In my travels as Moderator, I have met many hundreds of
faithful volunteers, all of whom have offered countless hours
in service to others. And United Church people don't limit
their volunteering to church activities - you will find them
involved in projects that benefit the whole community,
assisting individuals in need, and contributing their time and
talents in ways that help to make this a better world.
Whether it's working at a food bank, being a volunteer
driver, organizing a fundraiser, or visiting a patient in
hospital, there is always much to do. And you do it, faithfully,
generously, and with a smile.
Thank you.
The Right Rev. Gary Patterson
The United Church of Canada
The following people have identified themselves as having been
Baptized and/or Married at Trinity-Clifton. Please note that
permission has been granted by each person for publication of
his/her name. (If your name has been omitted, we apologize.)
Alan & Gail (Lavers) Brady
Sidney & Leta (Lavers) Carter
Bill & Judy (Archer) Irwin
Joyce (Archer) Reeves
Lisa (MacDonald) Stewart
Mark & Sandra Richardson
Austin & Isabel (Mutch) Bowman
John & Martine (Mullaly) Bowman
Elaine (Hansen) Godkin
Jean (MacLean) & Keith Pickard
Barry & Ellen (Pickard) Cudmore
Blair & Barbara (Pickard) MacDonald
William & June (Dennis) Ives
Heather (Ives) & Brian Campbell
Blair & Florence (MacKinnon) Kelly
Donna (Kelly) & Eugene Gill
George & Kathy (Livingstone) Larter
Lew & Audrey Livingstone
David & Debbie Livingstone
Douglas & Judy Livingstone
Elise (Love) Hiscott
Kent & Heather (Jenkins) Shaw
Wayne (MacDonald) Storey
Robert & Gail (Storey) MacNutt
Ian & Wilma (Wood) MacLean
Janet (Wood) McMurtry
Deryck & Ann (Cameron) Mallett
Heather (Cox) Diamond
Donnie & Wanda Cudmore
Ewen & Margaret Stewart
Don & Melanie Fraser
Elliott Fraser
Ellen Fraser
Erin Fraser
Luke Doiron
Charley Doiron
Colin Doiron
Louise & Myron Bell
Karen (Bell) MacDonald
Susan Bell
David Bell
Gordon Rogers
Heather MacLeod
Hillary Campbell
Connor Campbell
Hannah Ives
Muriel Bennett
Harry Love
Scott & Pam Vessey
Barbara Stewart
William Lank
Michael Shaw
Sam & Debra MacLeod
William MacLeod
Isabel Scott
Onos Ikede
Phyllis Younker
Rogers Bell
Allison & Gail Swan
Ryan & Louise Reid
Edwin & Donna Aitken
Emily Reid
Joann (MacAusland) Smith
Kathy Birt
Dorothy & Gordon Bears
Janice Hopkirk
Wayne & Barbara (Bears) Carter
Kallie MacDonald
Michael Bears
Dalphene Toombs
Patricia (Bears) Lane
Bruce Norton
Jane Brewster
Peter Norton
Regan & Barbara (Brewster) Lewis
Reid Norton
Miriam (Wheatley) McGuire
Jennifer Norton
Lori (MacDonald) McKenna
Reigh McKenna
Kaiden McKenna
Margaret MacLennan
Sherwyn & Nancy MacArthur
David & Shirley Essery
Carman & Donna MacArthur
Chad Essery
Shelley (MacArthur) & Ian Gallant
Sarah Essery
Don Wonnacott
Bradford Wonnacott
Jean (Wonnacott) Peterson
Brian Wonnacott
Harvey & Mary (Wonnacott) Chandler
John Wonnacott
Stephen Wonnacott
Ruth Wonnacott
Eric Wonnacott
David Wonnacott
Deborah Wonnacott
Alex Matheson
Gordon Matheson & Mary Ann Burke Matheson
Laurie & Michael Sanderson
Frederick Sellar
Archie & Elaine (Walker) MacCulloch
Joan & Leith Thompson
Gary & Carol (Thompson) Gibson
Ron Gillespie
Norma (Armsworthy) Forbes
Dianne (Walker) Hatfield
Jennifer (Vandergaag) Petryshen
Evan Sherren
Reagh & Linda (Essery) Sherren
Jessica Sheehan
Raeanne (Sherren) Sheehan
Seth Sheehan
Douglas & Ruth Phillips
Anna Hughes
Kenny & Anita (Phillips) Conohan
Bradley Conohan
Jamie & Amy (Phillips) Hughes
Branson Conohan
Thomas Hughes
Emily Hughes