Approval Of Minutes - East Lansing Public Schools

Minutes of the Work Session and Regular Meeting
of the
East Lansing Board of Education
February 10, 2003
Hannah Community Center
East Lansing, MI 48823
6:00 p.m.
Opening of Meeting
Board President Barb McMillan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call
William Donohue, Charles Hackney, Barbara McMillan, Daphne
O’Regan, Susan Schmidt, Rodney Stokes, George Wyatt, student
representative Marissa Terry, Superintendent Thomas Giblin
Approval of Agenda
Motion 02/03-115 Moved by Ms. Schmidt, supported by Dr. Donohue, and
carried unanimously that the agenda of the work session and regular meeting
of February 10, 2003 be approved as submitted.
Approval Of Minutes
Motion 02/03-116 Moved by Ms. Schmidt, supported by Mr. Hackney, and
carried unanimously that the minutes of the Work Session of January 27, 2003
be approved as submitted.
Public Comment On Matters Not On the Agenda
Ms. Libby Keenan read a statement on behalf of the East Lansing social
workers and counselors. She requested that the Board make budget decisions
on the 2003-2004 budget as soon as possible, thereby allowing students,
parents and staff to make plans for the upcoming year, making any necessary
transitions proceed as well as possible.
Amy Huntington, 1211 Daisy Lane, suggested that keeping elementary children
in a K-6 atmosphere is much better than a K-4 school and a 5/6 school
Garth Cooper, 1025 Shelter Lane, noted that the district needs to maintain
choices for middle school students. In his opinion, a six period day should be
maintained at the middle school.
East Lansing Public Schools Board of Education
February 10, 2003
Chuck Anderson, 1253 Hillwood, MEA Executive Director, reported that in long
term analysis there is no compelling evidence that privatizing transportation
produces savings.
Richard Long, 1423 Stanlake, would like to see the numbers, (expenses,
students, class sizes, transportation costs, amount saved) of all of the
reconfiguration plans that were discussed. In addition, he suggested that the
IISD offer a countywide special education millage, to help all of the county
school districts with special education funding. Finally, Mr. Long suggested that
the district offer an early retirement incentive plan for employees.
David Zumberg, 940 Trowbridge, and president of the Spartan Village Parent
Council requested that the Board look at the Budget Information Committee’s
recommendations carefully prior to making any decisions. He also requested
that the Board hold a meeting to discuss only the proposed Spartan Village
David Reitzell, 229 Bessemaur, requested that the Board adopt a policy against
bullying and harassment based on the MASB’s policies.
Ms. Schmidt noted that work along these lines is continuing. She also reported
that this is a community problem and not only a school problem. Through the
city and the schools joint work must be done to change the way people think
throughout the community.
Karen Dunckel, spoke to the Board relating to her concern of the possibility of
the district privatizing transportation.
Paul Homeniuk, 222 Ridge, asked the Board to provide documentation to show
other schools that have been considered for closure. He expressed his opinion
that the idea of having one principal for two buildings should be discarded, and
that cuts should be intensified at the central office rather than the building level.
Dr. Donohue presented an alternative elementary reconfiguration. In his plan
Spartan Village would remain open and become a science/technology magnet
school and a grade 5/6 school. Whitehills could become a fine arts magnet, as
well as housing the 5/6 grades. Early childhood programs at ½ of the Pinecrest
building, the other half of the building housing grades 1-4. Gelncairn would
house the IBP program when established.
Ms. Schmidt expressed her views that Dr. Donohue’s plan would incorporate
too many changes at one time for the community. She noted that the change
to 5/6 schools, and at the same time adding magnet schools which in a budget
crisis was too much to take on. In addition, she noted that it would nearly
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February 10, 2003
impossible to have a curriculum in place for magnet schools for the next school
Dr. O’Regan noted that she sees the plan as presenting three distinct features.
The plan will keep Spartan Village School open, begin magnet schools in the
district, and maintain all day kindergarten and the young 5’s program. She
noted that she feels the elementary grades are too young to begin a magnet
program. However, she is adamant that an enhanced curriculum be offered at
the 5th and 6th grades should the Board choose to go with the K-4, 5/6
reconfiguration. She would like to see the Board look at a half-day kindergarten
with an enrichment program on a tuition basis for the other half of the day.
At this point a break was taken, and the work session of the Board ended.
Ms. McMillan convened the regular business meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Public Comment
Dr. Jan Sbalchierr-Hornbach, 951 Whittier Drive, reported that her husband
attended Glencairn Elementary School and she and her husband moved back
to East Lansing specifically to allow their children to attend Glencairn School.
She noted that on the block where they now reside there are ten children under
the age of two.
Anne Lewis, 1237 Daisy Lane, reported to the Board that she is very much
opposed to having one principal for two buildings. She reported that our
principals do much more than paperwork in a building and that the principals in
school where her children attend or have attended are very involved with the
children in the school.
Tom Bartley, 1527 River Terrace, one of our school bus drivers noted that he is
opposed to privatization of transportation services. He reported that
transportation accounts for less than 2% of the budget for East Lansing
Schools, while transportation is 3% or 4% of the budget for many neighboring
Garth Cooper, 1025 Shelter Lane, asked why the alternative program could not
be moved to the Timberlane Campus. He also suggested that the Board look
at scheduling kindergarten on alternative days. In other words the students
would attend all day Monday and Thursday or all day Tuesday and Friday, with
a ½ day schedule on Friday.
Mark Luebker, 539 Durand, a parent of a Spartan Village student. He asked
that the Board take a good look at the future so we are not back in meetings
like this every year. He noted that the parents and staff made an excellent
case for the preservation of Spartan Village School last year, and that all of the
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February 10, 2003
reasons to have the school remain open last year are still in effect this year. He
noted that due to the all day kindergarten program Spartan Village generates
revenue, and because MSU owns the building and pay for the utilities it is the
cheapest to operate.
Catherine Hornback, 727 Audubon, reported that she has lived in East Lansing
for 26 years and her children attended Glencairn Elementary School. A little
over a year ago her son and daughter-in-law moved to East Lansing to allow
their children to attend Glencairn. She noted that Glencairn is a vulnerable
neighborhood, and the school should not be closed. It is her fear that should
the building be closed the number of rental homes in the area would expand.
Pam Miklavcic, April Callis, Jenifer Rosa and Lisa Pascoe spoke to the Board
about a plan allowing for students to attend school for four days per week, and
the days would be longer. They noted that there are other school districts in
the United States currently on this plan, and it seems to work well. Currently
there is legislation being introduced that would allow teachers to gain a full year
of retirement under this plan, and also lower the requirement for the number of
days of school that the students must attend to 136, while maintaining the
number of clock hours. They also noted that as far as the day requirement is
concerned, all that would be needed would be a waiver from the Michigan
Department of Education. They suggested that this plan would save the district
money on building utilities, and that all teacher inservices and professional
development could be held on Fridays when the students are not attending
school, thereby saving funds on substitute teachers. They also noted that on
Fridays children could be involved in enrichment activities through programs
offered by the city or other private programs. They suggested that a district
wide survey be conducted to determine if this would be a viable option for
district parents.
Kris Ostrom, 529 Southlawn, suggested that the Timberlane Building should be
brought up to K-12 codes and the alternative program be moved into that
Jim Bitzer, Bricklayers – Local No. 9, reported to the Board that a contract will
be coming before them for masonry on the high school project. He noted that
there are two bidders who are very close in price on this project, one being a
local union firm, and the other an out-of-town non-union firm. He urged the
Board to award the contract to the local firm, with the owner and many of the
employees residing in the district.
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February 10, 2003
Other Information Items
Dr. Stephen Kagan from Michigan State University spoke to the Board about
the vision of an elementary International Baccalaureate Program. He noted
that the IBP program is known for the outstanding outcomes for students. He
sees the program offering world languages, social science, math, science,
technology, arts, and physical education.
The purpose of this presentation is to determine if the Board may be interested
in partnering with MSU on the development of such a program. It is estimated
that it would take a minimum of two years to develop the program. The cost to
the district would be a ½ time coordinator and approximately $10,000 for
teacher training. Dr. Kagan noted that they would be able to adjust to any
reconfiguration that the district would use.
It was suggested that by beginning the program in the early elementary grades
it could then be stretched as those children grow into high grades. It would also
be possible to make the IBP program a magnet school or to house it in one of
the neighborhood schools. Research shows that all children achieve higher in
a IBP program.
Local Telephone System
Mr. Shannon Degan reported to the Board that the district has recently changed
our telephone service for local and long distance service. An excellent
proposal from TDS was received and it will save the district approximately
Summary Action Items
Motion 02-03/117 Moved by Ms. Schmidt, supported by Dr. Donohue, carried
unanimously that the following items be approved as summary action.
VIII. A. 1.
That the Board accept the resignation of Felicia Berryman,
20% secondary computer teacher effective at the end of the first
VIII. A. 2
That the Board approve the personal unpaid leave of absence of
Dawn Hull, secondary speech & language teacher for the
remainder of the school year.
VIII. A. 3
That the Board grant tenure to Claire Floyd, Carole Leonard, and
Liana Longato-Foster
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February 10, 2003
Action Items
New Hires
Motion 02-03/118 Moved by Mr. Hackney, supported by Mr. Stokes, and
carried unanimously that the Board approve the hiring of Michelle Miller-Hogan,
40% secondary social worker at MA Step 3.
It was explained that Ms. Miller-Hogan replaces a social worker at MacDonald
Middle School who took a partial leave of absence.
Motion 02-03/119 Moved by Mr. Hackney, supported by Ms. Schmidt, and
carried unanimously that the following bid packages for the high school project
be approved.
Bid Package #4 – Concrete Foundations
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $989,000 to E.L.S.
Construction, Inc., Orion Twp. MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #6 – Interior Concrete
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $1,540,000 to Steel Supply
& Engineering, Grand Rapids, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #7 – Structural & Misc. Steel
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $1,540,000 to Steel Supply
& Engineering, Grand Rapids, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #9 – Architectural Pre-Cast Panels
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $2,047,000 to
Kerkstra/Spancrete Great Lakes, Jenison, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #10 – Pre-Cast Plank
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $154,630. to
Krekstra/Spancrete Great Lakes, Jenison, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #11 – Membrane Roofing
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $1,836,500 to CEI Roofing,
Howell, MI the low bidder.
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Bid Package #12 – Aluminum Glass & Glazing
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $610,000 to Battle Creek
Glassworks, Battle Creek, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #13 – Carpentry & Selective Demolition
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $997,000 to Irish
Construction Co. Inc., Howell, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #14 – Drywall & Acoustical
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $1,113,000 to
Cook/Jackson, Battle Creek, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #16 – Painting
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $542,103 to E.L.
Commercial Interiors, Livonia, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #18 – Carpet, Tile & Sheet Flooring
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $1,217,000 to Bouma
Interiors, Lansing, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #21 – Hollow Metal Doors & Hardware
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $440,000 to Metal Frames,
Inc., Lansing, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #25 – Fire Protection
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $489,875 to McDaniel Fire
Systems, Elkhart, IN the low bidder.
Bid Package # 26 – Electrical
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $3,488,000 to Quality
Electric, Inc., Lansing, MI the low bidder.
Bid Package #39 – Telescoping Bleachers
That the Board award the contract in the amount of $99,987.00 to Interkal, Inc.,
Midland, MI the low bidder.
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February 10, 2003
Reports from Standing Board Committees
Mr. Hackney reported that the Finance Committee is meeting every two weeks
at 5:00 p.m. prior to the Board meeting. He noted that this year is very difficult
because of the reduction of the foundation allowance in the middle of the year.
Mr. Wyatt reported that he had been contacted by Jack Bamford relating to the
policy that pertains to opportunities of students on suspension to be able to
make up work. Mr. Bamford will discuss this with Ms. Steele and they will
report back to the Policy Committee.
Intergovernmental Relations
Ms. Schmidt reported that at the joint meeting with City Council it was agreed
that the city and school district will continue to collaborate on projects of joint
Reports from Special Committees
Revenue Enhancement
Dr. Donohue reported that the Foundation is meeting to look at future revenue
enhancement opportunities. It is anticipated that a person may be hired for a
number of months that would be able to work on advertising on behalf of the
school district. Advertising could be done over the web site, or athletic facilities.
In addition, that person could help in marketing the district. It is anticipated that
the Foundation Board will vote on this position in March.
Budget Information Committee
Mr. Hackney reported that the BIC has begun the work of phase 2. They are
discussing programming at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
They have scheduled a meeting on February 18 and on March 11 th.
It was noted that the presentation by Ms. Melody Glick on the proposed
reconfiguration was excellent. The BIC was recorded and is currently being
Reports from Liaisons
Mr. Hackney reported that he met with the parents of the students in the
alternative high school. The numbers on the cost of the renovations to Bailey
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February 10, 2003
Community Center, should the alternative program use that facility, have been
received from the architect. The size and the location of the facility look
promising, but there is a concern over parking.
Dr. Donohue reported that he attended a parent council meeting at Whitehills.
At that meeting there was a suggestion that Donley become the 5/6 building
and Whitehills remain a K-4 building. In addition he announced the 50th
birthday of Donley School would be celebrated on February 28th, with a dinner
and sock hop, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Ms. McMillan reported that she attended the mentor concert at the high school.
She noted that it was an excellent concert with the Lansing Symphony Big
Band and the high school jazz band, and the middle school jazz band.
Mr. Hackney noted that the 50th birthday of Marble School will be celebrated on
February 21st and the 50th birthday of Glencairn School will be celebrated on
May 2nd.
Meetings to discuss the budget will be held on February 19th, February 24th,
March 3rd and it has been suggested that a vote be taken on March 10 th on the
critical areas of the budget. The Board meetings will now be held at the
Timberlane Campus in the auditorium.
Mr. Stokes suggested that a formal invitation be presented to those involved
with the suggestion of the 4-day school week to appear at the next meeting.
Motion 02-03/120 Moved by Ms. Schmidt, supported by Dr. Donohue, and
carried unanimously that the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
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