Short Bio-Sketch of Dr. Kun Sup Hyun Kun Sup Hyun is currently the President Emeritus and Senior Advisor of Polymer Processing Institute and Research Professor in the Otto H. York Dept. ofChemical Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey. He retired from The Dow Chemical Company after 35 years in 2001 as a Senior Scientist and Global Technical Leader of the Polymer Processing Technology. He was elected to a Fellow of Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) in 1996. Kun is a corecipient of the 1992, 1999 & 2000 Best Paper Award of the Extrusion Division and co-authored several of the Best Papers selected by the TRC Chairman. He received a Distinguished Achievement Award and a Bruce Maddock Award from the Extrusion Division in 2001 and 2002, respectively. He is a recipient of one of the 2007 SPE International Awards, Frank O. Conley Award un Engineering/Technology. Also, he was Editor of Progress in Polymer Processing Series in Polymer Processing Society (PPS) and serves in the Executive Committee of PPS last seven years. He received "Koreans Abroad Who Made Nation Proud" Award in 1995 and Presidential Medallion for Science and Technology from Republic of Korea in 2003. He is an Oversea Member of the National Academy of Engineering in Korea and a member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology. He was a member of Plastics Academy, AIChE, and is a member of SPE, PPS, ACS. and Korean Polymer Society He served as a President of Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association from 1992 to 1993. He was Technical Program Chair for UKC 2003. He holds a BS (1959) from Seoul National University and MS (1962) and Ph.D.(1966) degrees from the University of Missouri-Columbia, all in Chemical Engineering. Full Length Resume Name Birth Date Home Address Home Phone & e-mail Kun Sup Hyun February 25, 1937 100 Winston Drive – 2K(N), Cliffside Park, NJ 07010-3256 (201) 224-5184 Present Position President Emeritus and Senior Advisor of Polymer Processing Institute & Research Professor of Otto H. York Chemical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Polymer Processing Institute GITC Building Suite 3901 New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, NJ 07102-1982 Office Phone (973) 596-3267 Facsimile (973) 642-4594 or Chemical Engineering Polymer Processing (Extrusion, Injection Molding, Compounding, Fabrication), Polymer Engineering, Melt Rheology, Math Simulation, Mass Polymerization Process, Emulsion & Suspension Polymer Finishing Process Business Address Phones e-mails Major Expertise EDUCATION 1966.6 Ph. D. 1962.6 MS 1959.3 BS EXPERIENCES Academic 2001.2 – present 1999.6 1964.9-65.6 1960.9-66.6 1960.9-66.6 Consulting 2004.82003.1- 2004.12 2002.72001.2- 2002.12 2001.2 Research Institute 2007. 52001.2 – 2007. 4 2002.10 1998.31993.8 1988.9 Chem. Eng., University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Mo., USA Chem. Eng., University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Mo., USA Chem. Eng., College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Research Professor, Otto H. York Department of Chemical Engineering, NJIT Visiting Professor, Yenbin University, China 중국연변대학교 초빙교수 Instructor, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, U.S.A. Research Assistant, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, U.S.A. Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia MO, U.S.A. Chairman, Board of Directors, Bushitol Corporation Advisor, Korean SBC/SBIR Program Technical consultant, LG Chemical Technical consultant, Dow Chemical President, KSH Technologies, Inc., Cliffside Park, NJ, U.S.A. President Emeritus & Sr. Advisor, Polymer Processing Institute, Newark, NJ, U.S.A. President, Polymer Processing Institute, Newark, NJ, U.S.A. Visiting Professor, VBL Lab, Yamagata Unviersity, Yonezawa, YamagataKen, Japan Member of the Board of Trustees, PPI, Hoboken/Newark, NJ, U.S.A. Visiting Scientist, Korea Chemical Institute of Science and Technology Visiting Scientist, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Industrial 1966.6.12 to 2001.1.31(retired) -The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan, U.S.A. 1999.8.-2001.1.31 Senior Research Scientist & Director, Polymer Processing, ES/MD Capabilities, Corporate R&D 1996-1998 Lead Scientist for Dow in Dow-Cargill Joint Venture Evaluation, a member of the Leadership Team. Polylactic Acid Biodegradable Polymer Technology 1995.9.-99.8 Senior Scientist & Global Technical Director, Thermoplastic Processing & Fabrication Technology, Plastics R&D 1994-95.9 Research Scientist, Polymer Processing Technology, Plastics R&D 1992 (Jan.-Jun.) Visiting Scientist, Dow Europe STYRON/ETP R&D, Terneuzen, The Netherlands 1989-93 Senior Associate Scientist & Technical Leader, Polymer Processing Technology 1984-89 Associate Scientist, Barrier Resins & Fabrication Research 1976-84 RS II & Research Associate, Saran & Converted Products Research 1969-76 Res. Engr., Sr. Res. Engr. & Res. Specialist II, Styrene Molding Polymers Research 1966-69 Engineer & Res. Engineer, Plastics Fundamentals Research Laboratory 1962 Summer Engineer, American Potash & Chemical Corporation, Henderson, Nevada AWARDS & HONORS 2007 2007 SPE International Award (Frank O Conley) in Engineering/Technology 2002 Presidential Science & Technology Medallion, Republic of Korea (대한민국 대통령 훈장 - “도약장”) 2002 The Bruce Maddock’s Award, Extrusion Division, The Society of Plastics Engineers 2001 Distinguished Achievement Award, Extrusion Division, The Society of Plastics Engineers 2001 Inaugural Award of “Kun Sup Hyun Award” for Excellence in Polymer Processing at Dow 2000 Oversea Member, National Academy of Engineering of Korea (한국공학한림원 해외 회원) 2000 Best Paper Award, Extrusion Division, The Society of Plastic Engineers 1999 Best Paper Award, Extrusion Division, The Society of Plastic Engineers 1999 Distinguished Service Award, Extrusion Division, The Society of Plastics Engineers 1998 Special Achievement Award, The Dow Chemical Company 1997 "Genesis Award" (Most Outstanding People Developer) of The Dow Chemical Company 1996Member, Korean Academy of Science ad Technology (한국과학기술한림원 정회원) 1996 Elected Fellow of The Society, The Society of Plastics Engineers 1995 "Koreans Abroad Who Made Nation Proud" Award [광복절 50 주년 기념 “조국을 빛낸 해외동포상] & Honorary Citizenship of Seoul Metropolitan City 1994 Technology Center Award, The Dow Chemical Company 1994 Special Achievement Award, The Dow Chemical Company 1992 Best Paper Award, Extrusion Division, The Society of Plastic Engineers 1983 MAS&TL Scientists' Award for Excellence for Creative Contribution in the Field of Polymer Engineering, The Dow Chemical Company 1968Listed in American Men and Women of Science, Who's Who in Technology in Midwest, Who's Who Among Asian Americans, and others PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS & ACTIVITIES 1998Member of The Executive Committee, The Polymer Processing Society 1998Editor-in-Chief, Progress in Polymer Processing Series, The Polymer Processing Society 1996-99 Chair, Awards Committee, Extrusion Division, The Society of Plastics Engineers 1993-95 1992-93 1991-95, 96-99 1987-99 1958-60 Chair, Fellows Committee, Extrusion Division, The Society of Plastics Engineers President, Korean American Scientists & Engineers Association 재미과협 21 대 회장 Director, Extrusion Division Board, The Society of Plastics Engineers Member of Technical Paper Review Committee, SPE Extrusion Division Weather Officer, Republic of Korea Air Force Professional Societies The Society of Plastics Engineers (Fellow) American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Sr. Member – Inactive) American Chemical Society (Member) Polymer Processing Society (Member) The Polymer Society of Korea (Life Member) 한국고분자학회종신회원 Publications & Patents (See Appendix) 98 Publications 28 SCI Journals (Refereed) 2 Theses (MS, Ph.D.) 31 SPE ANTEC Proceedings (Technical Committee reviewed) 5 TAPPI PLC Proceedings (Invited) 12 PPS Abstracts & Proceedings 6 KOFST Symposium Proceedings 14 Misc. 3 Edited Books 3 Chapters in 3 Books 12 + Patents Numerous invited lectures & presentations 250+ Dow Internal reports (Dow internal use)