Tallahassee Community College
MAT 1033 Syllabus
Semester: Summer 2014
Instructor: Lina Williams
Office Location: SM283
Office Phone: 201-8367
Office Hours: MTWR 12:15-1:15pm
E-mail: williaml@tcc.fl.edu
Days/Times of class: Ref # 133886 MTWRF 1:30-2:45pm SM130
Ref # 133885 MTWR 3:15-4:45pm SM126
This course has an online homework component which
requires the use of Course Compass/My Math Lab. It is
imperative you register for Course Compass/ My Math Lab
immediately. On the first day of class, your instructor will
give you very detailed instructions on how to register for
Course Compass/ My Math Lab. You will need a student
access kit which either came with the bundled purchase
from the bookstore, or you purchased the My Math Lab kit
separately. You can also purchase this online directly from
the www.coursecompass.com website using a credit card
or a Pay Pal account. Again, on the first day of your class
your instructor will give you explicit directions on how to
register for Course Compass/ My Math Lab. You will be
handed a step-by-step instruction sheet. In order to register
you will need this sheet, a student kit, your TCC e-mail
address written correctly, and a Course ID which your
instructor will give you on the first day of class. Please
write that ID here!
Course Compass ID is williams88991
This course ID varies from class to class; please ask your
instructor for your course ID!
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Major topics include linear equations, linear inequalities and their
graphs; systems of linear equations, inequalities and their graphs; introduction to relations and
functions; rational exponents; operations with rational expressions, complex fractions and
rational equations; operations with radical expressions and radical equations and quadratic
equations. A scientific calculator is required for this course, you are NOT required to have a
graphing calculator. Feel free to check with your instructor for the most appropriate calculator
for MAT 1033. This course carries ELECTIVE CREDIT ONLY and does NOT satisfy the TCC
math requirement. This course is intended to help students develop the algebraic skills needed
for success in college mathematics. If you desire to see a complete list of course objectives, you
may ask to see a copy of the Master Syllabus for MAT 1033 in the Science/Mathematics
Division office. This office would be happy to provide you with a specific list upon request.
TEXTBOOK: Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization, by Gary K.
Rockswold and Terry A. Krieger; Third Edition; Pearson /Addison Wesley, 2013.
MY MATH LAB: This section of MAT 1033 also REQUIRES the MY MATH LAB
software. If you purchased a ‘bundle’ from the bookstore, the MY MATH LAB student access
code is included within that bundle. If you did not purchase the bundle, you will need to
purchase a MY MATH LAB stand alone access code from the bookstore or online by using a
credit card or a Pay Pal account. You will need to go to www.coursecompass.com to complete
the purchase. On the first day of class, your instructor will give you instructions on how to
register for My Math Lab (MML) via Course Compass. The least expensive way to purchase
access to My Math Lab is using a credit card or PayPal account online from their site after you
have the course code!
PREREQUISITE: In order to remain in this course, you should have met one of the following
criterion listed below.
Scored 440-549 on the SAT
Scored 19-20 on ACT
Scored 72-87 on CPT
Correct score on the PERT
Passed the TCC course, MAT 0028 with a grade of A, B, or C
Taken a course equivalent to MAT 0028 at another college or university and passed with
a grade of A, B, or C.
GRADING POLICY: You must earn a grade of A, B, or C in this course in order to take your
next math course. The mathematics course you will take next after successful completion of this
course will depend on your program/major, please make sure you get good advice from your
instructor/advisor/counselor as to which mathematics course you should enroll in upon
successful completion of MAT 1033.
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
Test One
Test Two
Test Three
Online Homework using My Math Lab 15%
Quizzes 15%
Cumulative final examination
60-69 D others F
COURSE WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If you decide to withdraw from this course, the
deadline date for you to take this action by is Friday, July 25. The only way to be withdrawn
from this course is by withdrawing yourself.
TESTING POLICIES: You will be given a pacing/testing schedule for the semester. The
dates of the three tests are as follows depending on the class you are in.
MTWRF 1:30-2:45pm class has tests on July 7, 17, & 30
MTWR 3:15-4:45pm class has tests on July 3, 15, & 29
Write these dates down in your planner, do NOT miss a test. If you know ahead of time that
you are going to miss a test, please contact the instructor ahead of time and see if other
arrangements can be made to take the test earlier. If you miss a test for some reason, you must
contact the instructor PRIOR to the next class period during his/her office hours, via telephone,
or e-mail. There is NO guarantee that you will be given a make-up test, you need to contact the
instructor PRIOR to the next class meeting and discuss the situation with him/her. If an
instructor decides NOT to give you a make-up test, a non-removable ZERO will be put in place
of that test score, so it is BEST to not miss test dates. Please remember to bring a VALID TCC
ID, #2 pencils, and a scientific calculator to each of the three in class tests as well as to the final
If an instructor happens to be absent on a test day for some unavoidable reason and a substitute
needs to give the test, that proctor has every right to ask to see a photo ID from each student in
the room, so please make sure ALL of these materials are always with you during each test and
the cumulative final exam, thank you very much for your compliance.
QUIZZES: During the semester, you will be given a number of quizzes. These quizzes may
be in class, take home, ONLINE via Course Compass, or a combination of these types. Your
quiz average is 15 percent of your grade, so do not miss class, do not miss MY MATH LAB quiz
deadlines! If you are not in class and miss a quiz, it will count as a zero, if you fail to turn in a
take home quiz by the deadline, it will be a zero.
HOMEWORK: There are two types of homework which will be assigned in sections of MAT
 Online homework will be completed using MY MATH LAB
 Traditional pencil/paper homework will be assigned from the textbook, just like you are
used to from past courses, but the online computer homework has interactive help
 Remember that your online My Math Lab work will count as 15 percent of your grade, so
it is extremely important to complete it, ON TIME. Do not miss deadlines. Work on
homework everyday!
 The traditional textbook homework is assigned for additional practice to help you feel
more prepared for the tests and final exam.
CLASSROOM POLICIES: Disrespectful behavior toward anyone in the classroom such as
tardiness, disruptive talking, cell phone usage, smoking, etc. is not acceptable. Please place all
trash in the appropriate container.
traditional homework?
Where can you get help if you are stuck on online or
Go to your instructor’s posted office hours
Go to the Learning Commons, in the new LC building (adjoins the library)
Form a study group with some people in your class
Read the textbook, study your class notes
Click on the Helpful Videos button from your home screen of Course Compass. Click on
Section Videos to watch a video for any section of the book we cover.
MTWRF 1:30-2:45pm class: Thursday, August 7 in SM130 2:40-4:20pm
MTWR 3:15-4:45pm class: Thursday, August 7 in SM126 4:35-6:15pm
Bring your valid TCC photo ID, #2 pencils, and a scientific calculator. The exam counts as 25
percent of your course grade, study accordingly!
COMPUTER USAGE: If you have a computer at home you will be able to do all of your
ONLINE homework via your home computer. Once you register for COURSE COMPASS,
there is a link on the home page to run the BROWSER CHECK on your home computer. Inside
your student access code there is a technical support number for students to call if they are
having any trouble with COURSE COMPASS. The phone number is 1-800-677-6337. If you
are having trouble with running COURSE COMPASS, please call this number and ask for help.
In fact, this is a good number to keep on hand for any problems you are having with your home
computer when using COURSE COMPASS. It is not your instructor’s job to help you with your
home computer issues, please call the technical support number above.
COMPUTER ACCESS AT TCC: You are not required to have a home computer on which to
do your Course Compass / My Math Lab homework. There are several locations on the TCC
campus where you can go to use computers to do your online assignments. This list below is to
help you know where to find campus computers to use to complete your online homework.
The Learning Commons (LC building) is an excellent place to do your online homework, in fact,
if you are having trouble registering for Course Compass, their staff has been trained to help you
register! Their telephone number is 850-201-8193. You can access their information by using
this link: www.tcc.fl.edu/learningcommons. Their e-mail address is
learningcommons@tcc.fl.edu. Their hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday from 7:30
am to 9 pm. On Friday their hours of operation are from 7:30 am to 5 pm. On Saturday, their
operating hours are from 10am – 2pm. Bring a valid TCC ID to gain entrance to this facility.
There are a large number of computers available for your use in this facility!
There is also a computer lab on campus which is here for your usage.
AC 210: (850) 201-8268
If you want to find out the operating hours of this computer lab, please go to the TCC home
page at www.tcc.fl.edu , click on STUDENTS, and then click on the link
for Academic Computing Labs.
If you are trying to locate the Learning Commons building, it is the building which faces
Appleyard Drive, it’s got the tall columns, it’s a beautiful building on both the outside and
inside, we are very fortunate to have this type of student support here at Tallahassee
Community, please take advantage of your resources! It joins the second floor of the library as
well for access.
Tallahassee Community College is committed to making all programs, services, and facilities
accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities in order for students to obtain maximum
benefit from the educational experience and to effectively transition to our college environment.
Students with disabilities who identify themselves and provide appropriate documentation are
eligible for support services. To access these services, please contact the TCC Disability Support
Services (DSS) Office at 850-201-8430. If you want to present yourself as student requiring
these services, please call for an appointment and whenever appropriate, please bring
supporting documentation with you on your initial visit. Thank you!
Learning Outcomes for MAT 1033
1. The student should be able to graph linear and quadratic functions and analyze and
discuss the results in appropriate mathematical language.
2. The student should be able to know how to solve a wide variety of equation types and
when it is appropriate to check for extraneous solutions.
3. The student should be able to perform a variety of tasks with rational expressions.
4. The student should be able to recognize the difference between mathematical equations
and expressions and how to work with each type.
5. The student should be able to communicate mathematically using functional notation.
6. The student should understand the nuances of linear mathematical models and possess the
ability to use these models to make future predictions.