Professor Elahi’s Class Guidelines Classroom Etiquette: There will be no eating in class. You may drink sodas/coffee/water, but please discard waste in trash bins when you leave the classroom. Please turn off or silent (not vibrate) all electronic devices—no texting, no emailing, no ipods or ear phones and please refrain from too much talking. Laptops not allowed without approval from the instructor and approval may not be granted (depends on the situation). Please do not set your phones on top of your desk—they should not be visible. Please avoid too much walking in and out of class; be attentive, and show respect to the instructor and fellow classmates. Do not begin packing up until class is dismissed. We are all here to learn. No individual among us has the right to interfere with anyone else’s learning environment. A student who is behaving inappropriately will be asked to leave and may be dismissed from the class. Be the kind of student you would respect. Email Etiquette: Keep in mind that this is an English class, and if you do need to contact me through email, as your English instructor, I strongly advise you to put your best foot forward. In other words, you should adhere to correct spelling, grammar and usage—do not use text lingo! When you do email me, please list your class day/time in the subject line, and be sure to sign your email with your first and last name. Office Hours: I will be scheduling conference times throughout the semester. As a parttimer, I do not have an office, but conferences will be scheduled either before or after class time. Conferences Hours TBA. Attendance: Attend class. Students who miss nine (9) class hours may be dropped from the class. If you arrive late or leave early, you are considered tardy. According to college policy, three tardies count as one absence. Students who accumulate more than 9 hours of absence after the last date to drop will receive an “F” for Attendance and Participation, and may receive an “F” in the course. Students who miss the first or second day of class may be dropped. If you miss class, it is an inconvenience for the student not the instructor. All absences are unexcused unless a doctor’s note for the day missed can be shown. Other emergency type cases will be considered case by case. YOU are required to be responsible for any work you miss when you are absent or tardy. Do not email me when you are absent to find out what you missed in class. But when in doubt, follow the calendar of assignments. Also, I encourage you to exchange numbers/email addresses with at least 2 fellow classmates: 1._______________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________